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⛧ 2024-04-11 ⛧
Band Release Label
Arrebol Four Leagues Away
Artes Negras Sons of Condemnation Sons of Hell Prod.
Arð Name Bestowed Prophecy Productions
Astro Bong A Trippers Guide
Battlecreek Maze of the Mind MDD Records
Bele Lunar Rape
Beyond Life The Absence of Doubt
Bocc Split God's Funeral i Bocc
Celesterre Terrestrial Uncovering
Celestial Burial Gut You like a Fish
Cerebral Desolation Filth
Conifère L'impôt du sang
Cosmic Mockery Despair and Divinity
Darkthrone Black Dawn Affiliation Peaceville Records
Doodskist In the Flickering Candle's Light
Edenkaiser Armageddon Overlord WP and RO Productions
Evergrey Falling from the Sun Napalm Records
Ghül Alqualondë
God's Funeral Split God's Funeral i Bocc
Hexen Sabbat Dramatic Dreams Eclipsys Lunarys Productions
High on Fire Cometh the Storm MNRK Heavy
Hollowmind Under the Influence
I.N.R.I. Necrosophical Kult Metal Masters of Kaos Productions
Ice Exiled Civilization Zero Inverse Records
Injecting Death Psychiatric Hospitals
Judgment Fire Kingdom of Skyscrapers
K.L.L.K. La Voie: Atlantis Nostrum Solar Asceticists Productions
Kamara Syke
Lightning Strikes Across the Sky Morbid Nights
Nanowar of Steel Das rote Pferd Napalm Records
Nothing Is Real Acts of Despair and Faith
Nödtveidt From Shadow to Dark Light Little Norway Production
Oblivion Gate Hold Your Lover Close Inverse Records
Pain Push the Pusher Nuclear Blast
Paul Wardingham Mindwarped
Paula Teles Desencanto
Pestilence Sinster Agonia Records
Saidan Desecration of a Lustful Illusion
Sectarian Join, or Die
Skrekkblod Cryptic Arcane Rituals
Skrekkblod Luciferian Hymns
Skrekkblod Bestial Spirit Possession
Sonja Discretion for the Generous Century Media Records
Swamp King Paranormal Devitalization
The Great Kat Violin Lover TPR Music
Tyrantti Lihaa mattoon!
Ulcerate To Flow Through Ashen Hearts
Veriteras The Dark Horizon
Vortican Atmosphere of the Low
Wehmut II: Winter
WhoeYeB Harvest of Human Hate
Wyrmvold Vengeance Eclipsing Red Antichriconoclast Productions
X-Cops Light 'Em Up
Year Zer0 The Ice Lord
Year Zer0 Year Zer0
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