Masters of Kaos Productions

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Bogotá
Country Colombia
Phone Number +57 314 2518425
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Death Metal
Founding Date 2021
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

YouTube #2


Name Country Genre Status
A.C.T.S Colombia black Current
Abused Majesty Poland black, symphonic Current
Afasia Brazil black, symphonic Current
Amock International black, raw Current
Awicha Thailand black Current
Bestial Stench ov War Germany black, death Current
Blasfema Estigia Colombia death Current
Day to Day Life of the Nazgûl Canada black, dungeon-synth Current
Desolacion Nocturna Colombia black Current
Fangs of Erebus Thailand black, death Current
Freyr Brazil black Current
Gølgaborg United States black, depressive Current
Hrafnsmerki Cuba black, pagan Current
I.N.R.I. Mexico black Current
Immortal Sun Egypt black, death, melodic Current
Korkvak Colombia black Current
Legi​ó​n Wicca Colombia black Current
Mahsyar Indonesia black Current
Náströnd Cuba black, pagan Current
Ormabol Norway black, melodic Current
Osy Mainty Madagascar black, doom, experimental Current
Pale Italy black Current
Perventor Colombia black Current
Pestferd Italy black Current
Primordial Serpent Canada black Current
Ruinous Antipathy Canada black Current
Sapientia ov Atlantis Sri Lanka black Current
Sarga Thailand atmospheric, black Current
Semjaza Mexico black Current
The Witch Colombia black, doom Current
Thirwërod Brazil black Current
Udręka Poland black Current
Unholy Dart Colombia black, thrash Current
Uralt Bosnia and Herzegovina black, raw Current
Vanwa Germany black Current
Varkt Canada black Current
Void Colombia black Current
War Machine Colombia black, death Current
Abominablood Argentina black, death Past
Andracca United Kingdom black Past
Angrbodas Curse Puerto Rico black Past
Apocalyptic Leaders Greece black Past
Arrogant Destruktor United Kingdom black Past
Asgard Switzerland black Past
Ashes of Old United States black Past
Astarium Russia ambient, black, symphonic Past
Atrocious Indonesia black Past
Bál Hungary atmospheric, black, post-metal Past
Baphomet's Violence Mexico death, thrash Past
Beastcraft Norway black Past
Belzec Peru black Past
Black Altar Poland black Past
Black Hate Mexico death, black Past
Black Winged Goat Messiah Cuba black Past
Blackwaters Thailand black, melodic Past
Bloodrust Falkland Islands death Past
Brengsek Indonesia thrash Past
Cabra Infernal Ecuador black, raw Past
Caligula Paraguay black, thrash Past
Calvarium Indonesia black, death Past
Chovu Kenya black, post-metal Past
Codex Nero Poland black, death Past
Companions of Hellfire Singapore black, melodic Past
Cursed Forest Thailand black Past
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult Germany black Past
Death Pneuma Chile black Past
Dei Tetra Thailand black Past
Deidad Mexico black, death Past
Demondragon Indonesia black Past
Devilpriest Poland black, death Past
Doomnivorous Russia black, death Past
Dragojiniak Brazil black Past
Dragsholm United States black Past
Eiza Germany black, raw Past
Espectrum Colombia black Past
Fallen to Pieces Indonesia hardcore Past
Fini Maldives black Past
Forense Colombia death, grind, hardcore Past
Frafallen Indonesia black Past
Frostwork United Kingdom ambient, black Past
Goatkrieg Germany black, death Past
Grimtone Sweden black Past
Heathen Deity United Kingdom black Past
Helgrind Cuba pagan, viking Past
Hell-Born Poland black, death, thrash Past
Helvetestromb Sweden black, crust, punk, thrash Past
Hísemtuks Hími•n United States black, melodic Past
Hollow Whisper Ecuador black, melodic Past
Hordagaard Norway black Past
Húrin Bosnia and Herzegovina black Past
Hyl International black Past
Ihllus Thailand atmospheric, black Past
Imšar Belarus black Past
Infernal Diatribe India black Past
Internment United States black, death Past
Istidraj Singapore black Past
Kirkebrann Norway black Past
Kortirion Ireland black Past
Krsnī Uzbekistan atmospheric, black Past
Liminalanimal United Kingdom black, doom Past
Lord Frimost Ecuador black Past
Mait Sar Thailand black Past
Makam Indonesia black, pagan Past
Malefic Horde Paraguay black Past
Maleficarum Mexico black Past
Mercythrone Chile black Past
Mitza Colombia black, death, folk Past
Moor Norway black Past
Morbosatan Peru black, death, thrash Past
Mustex Germany black Past
MX Germany black Past
Mysteriis Colombia black Past
Namtaru United States black Past
Nåströnd Colombia black Past
Necronomic Puerto Rico black Past
Niflungar Serbia black Past
Niohoggr United States black Past
Nulla Ratio Chile black Past
Ofermod Sweden black, death Past
Oreb Zarak Colombia black, death Past
Orve Italy black Past
Overthrust Botswana death Past
Plague God Czechia black Past
Primordial Black Tunisia black, groove, heavy Past
Ravenblast Indonesia black, symphonic Past
Remorseless Winter United States black Past
Ritos de Muerte Colombia black Past
Rituael Singapore black Past
Ritual Orchestra Indonesia black Past
Rotlaust Ireland ambient, post-metal, death, hardcore Past
Sardonic Witchery Portugal black Past
Sarkom Norway black Past
Satanic of Phuphan Thailand black Past
Scream Darkness Indonesia black Past
SEAD Germany black, raw Past
Secrets of Silence India black, thrash Past
Sepulchral Moon Colombia black Past
Shavalyoth Greece black Past
Shijjar Malaysia black, doom Past
Shoggoth Russia black, punk Past
Skrott Indonesia black, depressive Past
Skyggja Italy black, raw Past
Sonneillon Portugal black Past
Sottish Indonesia black Past
Stimmung Russia atmospheric, black Past
Syndrom Einsamkeit Germany ambient, black, depressive, noise, raw Past
Tapias de Pilatos Colombia black Past
Thoryvodis Indonesia black, death Past
Thy Dying Star Brazil black, doom Past
Tigguo Cobauc United Kingdom sludge Past
Trikora Indonesia black, raw Past
Tzelmoth International black, raw Past
Urluk Italy black, doom Past
Vae Mortis Mexico black, raw Past
Valadier Italy black, melodic Past
Valturn Puerto Rico black, raw Past
Verletzen United Kingdom black Past
Voha Croatia black, symphonic Past
Vomit of Doom Argentina black, thrash Past
Vörst United States black Past
Vulture Lord Norway black, thrash Past
Waliche Brazil black Past
Winter ov Thanatoz Canada ambient, black Past
Winter's Breath Austria atmospheric, black Past
Withdraw Austria black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
A.C.T.S Demo 1 Demo CD 2023
A.C.T.S Demo 1 Demo Digital 2023
A.C.T.S Christianis Mortem EP CD 2023
A.C.T.S Christianis Mortem EP Digital 2023
Abominablood The Rotten Smell of the Entities That Murmur Full-length CD 2023
Abused Majesty Gods Are with Us Demo CD 2022
Abused Majesty Gods Are with Us Demo Digital 2022
Abused Majesty Live Warsaw 8​/​27​/​04 Live album Digital 2022
Abused Majesty Live Warsaw 8​/​27​/​04 Live album CD 2022
Abused Majesty Proxima Inferni Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Abused Majesty Proxima Inferni Full-length Cassette 2023
Abused Majesty Gods Are with Us Demo 10" vinyl 2024
Afasia Far from Existence, Close to the Essence Full-length CD 2023
Afasia Far from Existence, Close to the Essence Full-length Digital 2023
Amock Unlocking the Gates of Hell Split Digital 2022
Atrocious Unlocking the Gates of Hell Split Digital 2022
The Witch Unlocking the Gates of Hell Split Digital 2022
Shijjar Unlocking the Gates of Hell Split Digital 2022
Amock Slutten Full-length Digital 2022
Amock Slutten Full-length CD 2022
Amock Mork Rensing EP CD 2023
Amock Mork Rensing EP Digital 2023
Amock Mork Rensing EP Cassette 2023
Amock Dyster forløsning Split CD 2023
Necronomic Dyster forløsning Split CD 2023
Amock Dyster forløsning Split 12" vinyl 2023
Necronomic Dyster forløsning Split 12" vinyl 2023
Amock Dyster forløsning Split Digital 2023
Necronomic Dyster forløsning Split Digital 2023
Amock Infernal Agape Single CD 2023
Amock Infernal Agape Single Digital 2023
Andracca A Sermon in the Universal Language of Suffering EP 10" vinyl 2023
Andracca A Sermon in the Universal Language of Suffering EP 10" vinyl 2024
Angrbodas Curse Necromantic Grimoire EP CD 2022
Angrbodas Curse Necromantic Grimoire EP Digital 2022
Angrbodas Curse Necromantic Grimoire EP 12" vinyl 2023
Apocalyptic Leaders Illusionary Specter Split CD 2023
Ashes of Old Illusionary Specter Split CD 2023
Apocalyptic Leaders Illusionary Specter Split Cassette 2023
Ashes of Old Illusionary Specter Split Cassette 2023
Apocalyptic Leaders Illusionary Specter Split 12" vinyl 2023
Ashes of Old Illusionary Specter Split 12" vinyl 2023
Apocalyptic Leaders Destructive Rage of the Enemies EP 12" vinyl 2023
Apocalyptic Leaders Destructive Rage of the Enemies EP CD 2023
Apocalyptic Leaders Destructive Rage of the Enemies EP 12" vinyl 2023
Arrogant Destruktor Written in Blood from the Blade Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Arrogant Destruktor Written in Blood from the Blade Full-length Cassette 2024
Arrogant Destruktor Disease and the Terminal Breath Single Digital 2024
Asgard Leuchtenstadt Full-length Digital 2022
Asgard Leuchtenstadt Full-length Cassette 2022
Ashes of Old Ashes Demo MMXX Demo Digital 2023
Ashes of Old Ashes Demo MMXX Demo CD 2023
Astarium Monolith of Abysses Demo CD 2022
Astarium Monolith of Abysses Demo Digital 2022
Astarium On the Edge of Chasm Full-length CD 2022
Astarium On the Edge of Chasm Full-length Digital 2022
Astarium Furies Single CD 2022
Astarium Furies Single Digital 2022
Astarium Decayed Visions Split 7" vinyl 2022
Sarga Decayed Visions Split 7" vinyl 2022
Astarium Decayed Visions Split Digital 2022
Sarga Decayed Visions Split Digital 2022
Astarium Forgotten Lands of Burial and Pain Split CD 2024
Perventor Forgotten Lands of Burial and Pain Split CD 2024
Astarium Forgotten Lands of Burial and Pain Split Digital 2024
Perventor Forgotten Lands of Burial and Pain Split Digital 2024
Atrocious Demonic Dead EP CD 2022
Atrocious Demonic Dead EP Digital 2022
Awicha 13 Years of Terror Compilation 2CD 2021
Awicha Blood Fire Magick Collaboration CD 2021
The Witch Blood Fire Magick Collaboration CD 2021
Awicha Cleanse Your Sins with Blood Full-length CD 2021
Awicha The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Split CD 2022
Satanic of Phuphan The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Split CD 2022
The Witch The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Split CD 2022
Oreb Zarak The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Split CD 2022
Awicha The Unholy Trinity Split Digital 2022
Mait Sar The Unholy Trinity Split Digital 2022
The Witch The Unholy Trinity Split Digital 2022
Awicha 13 Years of Terror Compilation Digital 2022
Awicha Cleanse Your Sins with Blood Full-length Digital 2021
Awicha A Pact Between Demons Collaboration CD 2022
The Witch A Pact Between Demons Collaboration CD 2022
Awicha Blood Fire Magick Collaboration Digital 2022
The Witch Blood Fire Magick Collaboration Digital 2022
Awicha The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Split Digital 2022
Satanic of Phuphan The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Split Digital 2022
The Witch The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Split Digital 2022
Oreb Zarak The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Split Digital 2022
Awicha Drag Them Down from the Sky EP CD 2023
Awicha Drag Them Down from the Sky EP 12" vinyl 2023
Awicha Drag Them Down from the Sky EP 12" vinyl 2023
Awicha Drag Them Down from the Sky EP Digital 2023
Awicha A Pact Between Demons Collaboration Digital 2022
The Witch A Pact Between Demons Collaboration Digital 2022
Bál Two Worlds Split CD 2022
Winter's Breath Two Worlds Split CD 2022
Bál Dark Realms Split 7" vinyl 2022
Atrocious Dark Realms Split 7" vinyl 2022
Bál Dark Realms Split Digital 2022
Atrocious Dark Realms Split Digital 2022
Bál I Am, the Fallen Demo Digital 2022
Bál I Am, the Fallen Demo CD 2022
Bál Krampusz Full-length CD 2022
Bál Krampusz Full-length Digital 2022
Bál Two Worlds Split Digital 2022
Winter's Breath Two Worlds Split Digital 2022
Baphomet's Violence Demo 2022 Demo CD 2022
Baphomet's Violence Black Violence EP CD 2022
Beastcraft Himni ad Impios Split 12" vinyl 2023
Hyl Himni ad Impios Split 12" vinyl 2023
Beastcraft The Nechronology of Ungodly Beastial Craft 2004 - 2017 Compilation 12" vinyl 2023
Belzec The Art of Holocaust Full-length CD 2024
Belzec The Art of Holocaust Full-length Digital 2024
Bestial Stench ov War Bestial Fucking War Demo CD 2022
Bestial Stench ov War Bestial Fucking War Demo Digital 2022
Black Altar Arcana of the Higher Principles Compilation CD 2022
Black Altar Maledictus Altare Invocatus Umbra Mortis Split Digital 2022
Tzelmoth Maledictus Altare Invocatus Umbra Mortis Split Digital 2022
Black Altar Maledictus Altare Invocatus Umbra Mortis Split 7" vinyl 2023
Tzelmoth Maledictus Altare Invocatus Umbra Mortis Split 7" vinyl 2023
Black Altar Occult Ceremonial Rites / Winds ov Decay Split 2CD 2022
Beastcraft Occult Ceremonial Rites / Winds ov Decay Split 2CD 2022
Black Altar Occult Ceremonial Rites / Winds ov Decay Split Cassette 2022
Beastcraft Occult Ceremonial Rites / Winds ov Decay Split Cassette 2022
Black Altar Occult Ceremonial Rites / Winds ov Decay Split 2 cassettes 2022
Beastcraft Occult Ceremonial Rites / Winds ov Decay Split 2 cassettes 2022
Black Altar Deus Inversus Split CD 2023
Kirkebrann Deus Inversus Split CD 2023
Black Altar Deus Inversus Split 12" vinyl 2023
Kirkebrann Deus Inversus Split 12" vinyl 2023
Black Hate Los tres mundos Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Black Winged Goat Messiah Satanic Morbid Lust Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Black Winged Goat Messiah Satanic Morbid Lust Full-length CD 2023
Black Winged Goat Messiah Satanic Morbid Lust Full-length Digital 2023
Blackwaters Inspiritual Inferno Full-length CD 2022
Blackwaters Inspiritual Inferno Full-length Digital 2022
Blasfema Estigia Blasphemous Sickness of Lust Demo CD 2023
Blasfema Estigia Blasphemous Sickness of Lust Demo CD 2023
Blasfema Estigia Blasphemous Sickness of Lust Demo Digital 2023
Bloodrust Burning of Aeons Full-length Digital 2021
Bloodrust Burning of Aeons Full-length CD 2021
Bloodrust A Legacy of Vengeance Full-length Digital 2022
Bloodrust A Legacy of Vengeance Full-length CD 2022
Bloodrust Hades' Fire Single 7" vinyl 2023
Bloodrust Burning of Aeons Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Cabra Infernal Eterna devoci​ó​n por la cabra infernal EP CD 2023
Cabra Infernal Eterna devoci​ó​n por la cabra infernal EP Digital 2023
Caligula Malignant Congregation Split Digital 2022
Shijjar Malignant Congregation Split Digital 2022
Caligula Grimoire of Black Pact and Luciferian Invocation Full-length Digital 2022
Caligula Grimoire of Black Pact and Luciferian Invocation Full-length CD 2022
Caligula Malignant Congregation Split 7" vinyl 2022
Shijjar Malignant Congregation Split 7" vinyl 2022
Caligula Cristo clavado en el madero del tormento Demo Digital 2022
Caligula Cristo clavado en el madero del tormento Demo 10" vinyl 2022
Calvarium Unholy Prophecy Split Digital 2021
The Witch Unholy Prophecy Split Digital 2021
Calvarium Unholy Prophecy Split CD 2021
The Witch Unholy Prophecy Split CD 2021
Chovu Uchawi Split CD 2021
The Witch Uchawi Split CD 2021
Chovu Uchawi Split CD 2022
The Witch Uchawi Split CD 2022
Chovu Uchawi Split Digital 2022
The Witch Uchawi Split Digital 2022
Chovu Moran Demo 2022 Demo CD 2022
Chovu Moran Demo 2022 Demo Digital 2022
Chovu What Sorcery Is This? EP CD 2022
Chovu What Sorcery Is This? EP Digital 2022
Chovu In the Name of the Unholy Black Goat (Part 1) Collaboration CD 2023
Osy Mainty In the Name of the Unholy Black Goat (Part 1) Collaboration CD 2023
Chovu In the Name of the Unholy Black Goat (Part 1) Collaboration Cassette 2023
Osy Mainty In the Name of the Unholy Black Goat (Part 1) Collaboration Cassette 2023
Chovu In the Name of the Unholy Black Goat (Part 1) Collaboration Digital 2023
Osy Mainty In the Name of the Unholy Black Goat (Part 1) Collaboration Digital 2023
Chovu Oh Father, Oh Satan Collaboration Digital 2023
Osy Mainty Oh Father, Oh Satan Collaboration Digital 2023
Chovu Oh Father, Oh Satan Collaboration 7" vinyl 2023
Osy Mainty Oh Father, Oh Satan Collaboration 7" vinyl 2023
Chovu What Sorcery Is This? EP 12" vinyl 2023
Codex Nero The Great Harvest of Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Companions of Hellfire Codex Antichristus Demo CD 2022
Companions of Hellfire Codex Antichristus Demo Digital 2022
Companions of Hellfire Codex Antichristus Demo Digital 2022
Cursed Forest Corpse in the Deep Forest Demo CD 2022
Cursed Forest Corpse in the Deep Forest Demo Digital 2022
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult Hora Nocturna Full-length Cassette 2022
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult The Pest Called Humanity Demo Digital 2022
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult The Pest Called Humanity Demo Cassette 2022
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult Follow the Calls for Battle Full-length Cassette 2023
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult Follow the Calls for Battle Full-length Digital 2023
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult Nocturnal March Full-length Cassette 2023
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult Nocturnal March Full-length Digital 2023
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult The Pest Called Humanity Demo Cassette 2022
Day to Day Life of the Nazgûl Nul Full-length CD 2023
Day to Day Life of the Nazgûl Ledges Full-length CD 2024
Death Pneuma An Exhalation of Pure Darkness EP Digital 2023
Dei Tetra ...and Darkness Prevails Split CD 2021
The Witch ...and Darkness Prevails Split CD 2021
Dei Tetra ...and Darkness Prevails Split Digital 2021
The Witch ...and Darkness Prevails Split Digital 2021
Dei Tetra Live and Unleashed from Hell Bangkok 2010 Live album CD 2022
Dei Tetra Live and Unleashed from Hell Bangkok 2010 Live album Digital 2022
Dei Tetra 13 Years of Blasphemy and Desecration (The Unspeakable Anthology Part I) Compilation CD 2022
Dei Tetra 13 Years of Blasphemy and Desecration (The Unspeakable Anthology Part I) Compilation Digital 2022
Dei Tetra 13 Years of Blasphemy and Desecration (The Unspeakable Anthology Part II) Compilation CD 2022
Dei Tetra 13 Years of Blasphemy and Desecration (The Unspeakable Anthology Part III) Compilation CD 2022
Dei Tetra 13 Years of Blasphemy and Desecration (The Unspeakable Anthology Part III) Compilation Digital 2022
Deidad Deidad Full-length Digital 2022
Deidad Deidad Full-length CD 2022
Demondragon Curse of the Black Legion Split Digital 2022
Angrbodas Curse Curse of the Black Legion Split Digital 2022
Demondragon Bengkulu Inferno Full-length Digital 2022
Demondragon Bengkulu Inferno Full-length CD 2022
Desolacion Nocturna Sendero siniestro Full-length CD 2022
Desolacion Nocturna Sendero siniestro Full-length Digital 2022
Doomnivorous Demo Demo CD 2024
Doomnivorous Doomnivorous EP Digital 2024
Doomnivorous Doomnivorous EP CD 2024
Doomnivorous Doomnivorous EP Cassette 2024
Dragojiniak Dann Mettergem Delang Demo CD 2023
Dragsholm Vampirism in the Halls of Worship EP CD 2022
Dragsholm Vampirism in the Halls of Worship EP CD 2022
Dragsholm Vampirism in the Halls of Worship EP Digital 2022
Eiza Gefangen in Mauern Demo Digital 2022
Eiza Gefangen in Mauern Demo CD 2022
Eiza Demo II Demo Digital 2022
Eiza Demo II Demo CD 2022
Espectrum The Left Hand Path Split Digital 2022
Moor The Left Hand Path Split Digital 2022
Espectrum The Left Hand Path Split 7" vinyl 2023
Moor The Left Hand Path Split 7" vinyl 2023
Espectrum From the Devil's Hand Compilation Digital 2022
Espectrum From the Devil's Hand Compilation CD 2022
Espectrum The Black Dragon Rises Split CD 2022
Companions of Hellfire The Black Dragon Rises Split CD 2022
Primordial Serpent The Black Dragon Rises Split CD 2022
Sarga The Black Dragon Rises Split CD 2022
Espectrum The Black Dragon Rises Split Digital 2022
Companions of Hellfire The Black Dragon Rises Split Digital 2022
Primordial Serpent The Black Dragon Rises Split Digital 2022
Sarga The Black Dragon Rises Split Digital 2022
Espectrum Yo, mi propio dios EP Digital 2022
Fallen to Pieces Arctic Ocean Warmer Split CD 2022
Fallen to Pieces Arctic Ocean Warmer Split Digital 2022
Fangs of Erebus Demo 2024 Demo CD 2024
Fangs of Erebus Demo 2024 Demo Digital 2024
Fini Cold in Our Hearts EP Digital 2022
Forense Pútrida extracción visceral / Destripando a Bogota en vivo 2021 Full-length 2CD 2022
Forense Rotten Union of Two Worlds Split Digital 2022
Brengsek Rotten Union of Two Worlds Split Digital 2022
Forense Pútrida extracción visceral / Destripando a Bogota Full-length Digital 2022
Forense Pútrida extracción visceral Full-length 10" vinyl 2023
Forense Pútrida extracción visceral Full-length Digital 2023
Frafallen The Beginning a Fallen Angel EP Digital 2022
Frafallen The Beginning a Fallen Angel EP CD 2022
Freyr Ancient Pagan Flame Full-length CD 2023
Frostwork In Winter's Cold Embrace Split Digital 2022
Void In Winter's Cold Embrace Split Digital 2022
Frostwork In Winter's Cold Embrace Split CD 2022
Void In Winter's Cold Embrace Split CD 2022
Frostwork Cold Heart of Winter Split 7" vinyl 2023
Void Cold Heart of Winter Split 7" vinyl 2023
Frostwork Cold Heart of Winter Split Digital 2022
Void Cold Heart of Winter Split Digital 2022
Frostwork In Winter's Cold Embrace Split 12" vinyl 2023
Void In Winter's Cold Embrace Split 12" vinyl 2023
Frostwork The Rites of Winter: The First Storm Demo 12" vinyl 2023
Goatkrieg Satan's Legion Marches EP CD 2024
Gølgaborg Dejected Single CD 2024
Grimtone Hymner till döden Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Heathen Deity True English Black Metal Single 7" vinyl 2023
Heathen Deity Gut the Church 25 Years of Heathenry Single 12" vinyl 2023
Heathen Deity 25 Years of Heathenry - Alive 1998 - 2023 Live album Cassette 2024
Helgrind The Pagan Trinity Split CD 2023
Hrafnsmerki The Pagan Trinity Split CD 2023
Náströnd The Pagan Trinity Split CD 2023
Helgrind The Pagan Trinity Split Digital 2023
Hrafnsmerki The Pagan Trinity Split Digital 2023
Náströnd The Pagan Trinity Split Digital 2023
Helgrind Rusalka EP Digital 2023
Helgrind Rusalka EP 7" vinyl 2023
Helgrind Return to Motherland Full-length CD 2023
Helgrind Songs for the Winter Solstice Split 12" vinyl 2023
Freyr Songs for the Winter Solstice Split 12" vinyl 2023
Helgrind Songs for the Winter Solstice Split CD 2023
Freyr Songs for the Winter Solstice Split CD 2023
Helgrind Songs for the Winter Solstice Split Digital 2023
Freyr Songs for the Winter Solstice Split Digital 2023
Hell-Born The Works of Sin Split 12" vinyl 2024
Devilpriest The Works of Sin Split 12" vinyl 2024
Hell-Born The Works of Sin Split Digital 2024
Devilpriest The Works of Sin Split Digital 2024
Helvetestromb Promo EP 2024 EP CD 2024
Helvetestromb Promo EP 2024 EP CD 2024
Helvetestromb Promo EP 2024 EP Digital 2024
Hísemtuks Hími•n The Healing EP 12" vinyl 2023
Hollow Whisper Bullets Single CD 2022
Hollow Whisper Bullets Single Digital 2022
Hordagaard Djeveldyrkar Full-length Digital 2023
Hordagaard Djeveldyrkar Full-length CD 2023
Hordagaard Djeveldyrkar Full-length Cassette 2023
Hrafnsmerki Hrafnsmerki Full-length CD 2023
Hrafnsmerki Hrafnsmerki Full-length Cassette 2023
Hrafnsmerki Die with Honour for the Way of Wotan EP Digital 2023
Hrafnsmerki Die with Honour for the Way of Wotan EP 7" vinyl 2023
Hrafnsmerki Blod og Frost Split CD 2023
Ormabol Blod og Frost Split CD 2023
Hrafnsmerki Blod og Frost Split 12" vinyl 2023
Hrafnsmerki Blod og Frost Split Digital 2023
Hrafnsmerki Hrafnsmerki Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Húrin The Night of the Futile Demo Digital 2023
Húrin The Night of the Futile Demo CD 2023
I.N.R.I. Necrosophical Kult Metal EP Digital 2024
I.N.R.I. Necrosophical Kult Metal EP CD 2024
Ihllus Sanctuary in Solitude Split CD 2022
Ihllus Sanctuary in Solitude Split Digital 2022
Ihllus Et on Edicius EP CD 2022
Ihllus Et on Edicius EP Digital 2022
Immortal Sun Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi Single CD 2022
Immortal Sun Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi Single Digital 2022
Immortal Sun Freezing Moon Single CD 2023
Immortal Sun Freezing Moon Single 7" vinyl 2023
Immortal Sun Freezing Moon Single Digital 2023
Immortal Sun The Black Goddess Rises Single Digital 2023
Immortal Sun The Last Words from the Great Sphinx Single Digital 2023
Immortal Sun Egyptian Spells Full-length CD 2024
Immortal Sun Egyptian Spells Full-length Digital 2024
Imšar Abudžeńnie Full-length CD 2022
Imšar Abudžeńnie Full-length Digital 2022
Imšar Apo​š​ni palot Single CD 2022
Imšar Apo​š​ni palot Single Digital 2022
Imšar Karani Full-length CD 2022
Imšar Karani Full-length Digital 2022
Infernal Diatribe Videha Mukti EP Digital 2022
Infernal Diatribe The Fallen Ones Split Digital 2023
Moor The Fallen Ones Split Digital 2023
Infernal Diatribe The Fallen Ones Split CD 2023
Moor The Fallen Ones Split CD 2023
Infernal Diatribe Videha Mukti EP CD 2022
Infernal Diatribe Videha Mukti EP 12" vinyl 2023
Internment Demo MMXVIII Demo CD 2024
Internment Chained to the Moon Full-length CD 2024
Internment Chained to the Moon Full-length Cassette 2024
Istidraj Metafizika Full-length CD 2022
Istidraj Metafizika Full-length Digital 2022
Istidraj Lux Noir Single Digital 2023
Istidraj Lux Noir EP Vinyl 2023
Korkvak Angeli Descencus EP CD 2024
Korkvak Angeli Descencus EP Digital 2024
Korkvak Musicam Diaboli Split CD 2024
Moor Musicam Diaboli Split CD 2024
Korkvak Musicam Diaboli Split Digital 2024
Moor Musicam Diaboli Split Digital 2024
Kortirion In the Territory of Witches Full-length CD 2022
Kortirion In the Territory of Witches Full-length Cassette 2022
Kortirion Winter 1847 EP Digital 2023
Kortirion Winter 1847 EP 7" vinyl 2023
Krsnī Groza Full-length CD 2023
Krsnī Groza Full-length Cassette 2023
Krsnī Svoboda Full-length CD 2024
Legi​ó​n Wicca Bella dama del fuego sagrado Full-length CD 2023
Legi​ó​n Wicca Bella dama del fuego sagrado Full-length Cassette 2023
Legi​ó​n Wicca Bella dama del fuego sagrado Full-length Digital 2023
Legi​ó​n Wicca Doble moral católica EP CD 2023
Legi​ó​n Wicca Doble moral católica EP Digital 2023
Liminalanimal Punished for Existing Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Liminalanimal Punished for Existing Full-length Cassette 2023
Liminalanimal The Furies and Futility Full-length CD 2024
Lord Frimost Among the Silence Burning Chaos EP CD 2023
Lord Frimost Among the Silence Burning Chaos EP Digital 2023
Mait Sar Samsara Full-length CD 2022
Mait Sar Samsara Full-length Digital 2022
Makam Blasphemiam per musicam Split Digital 2022
Perventor Blasphemiam per musicam Split Digital 2022
Makam Blasphemiam per musicam Split 7" vinyl 2022
Perventor Blasphemiam per musicam Split 7" vinyl 2022
Malefic Horde Souls of Spectral Darkness EP 12" vinyl 2023
Maleficarum The Blackest Magick Split CD 2022
The Witch The Blackest Magick Split CD 2022
Maleficarum The Blackest Magick Split Cassette 2023
The Witch The Blackest Magick Split Cassette 2023
Mercythrone Threshold of Perdition Single CD 2022
Mercythrone Threshold of Perdition Single Digital 2022
Mercythrone Trinitatis Full-length CD 2022
Mitza En el infierno verde EP Digital 2022
Mitza En el infierno verde EP CD 2022
Moor Beneath the Graven Totem Demo CD 2022
Moor Worthless Abomination Demo CD 2022
Moor Worthless Abomination Demo Digital 2022
Moor Viper Kingdom Full-length CD 2022
Morbosatan Morbosatan Demo CD 2022
Morbosatan Morbosatan Demo Digital 2022
Mustex Pest / Inquisitor / Hexenverbrennung Full-length Digital 2022
Mustex Pest / Inquisitor / Hexenverbrennung Full-length CD 2022
MX Hass schürt Krieg EP CD 2022
MX Hass schürt Krieg EP Digital 2022
MX Im Traum der Wirklichkeit Demo Digital 2022
MX Im Traum der Wirklichkeit Demo CD 2022
MX Demo I Demo Digital 2022
MX Demo I Demo CD 2022
Mysteriis Southern Storm EP 7" vinyl 2023
Namtaru Strange Tales of Uptown R'leyh Anthology 1 Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2023
Namtaru Strange Tales of Uptown R'leyh Anthology 1 Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2023
Nåströnd Apparitia - Spells of Black Magic EP 7" vinyl 2024
Náströnd Lindisfarne EP Digital 2023
Náströnd Náströnd Full-length CD 2023
Náströnd Náströnd Full-length Cassette 2023
Náströnd Náströnd Full-length Digital 2023
Necronomic Idol of Destruction EP CD 2022
Necronomic Idol of Destruction EP Digital 2022
Necronomic Coldest Moon EP CD 2023
Necronomic Coldest Moon EP Digital 2023
Necronomic Idol of Destruction / Coldest Moon Compilation 12" vinyl 2023
Necronomic Idol of Destruction / Coldest Moon Compilation Digital 2023
Necronomic The Death of Vlad Tepes Demo CD 2023
Necronomic The Death of Vlad Tepes Demo Digital 2023
Necronomic Necronomic Full-length CD 2023
Necronomic Necronomic Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Necronomic Necronomic Full-length Digital 2023
Necronomic Magnificent Adoration of Obscurity Full-length CD 2023
Necronomic Magnificent Adoration of Obscurity Full-length Digital 2023
Niflungar Into Macabre Transparency / My Sweet Melankolia Split Digital 2022
Voha Into Macabre Transparency / My Sweet Melankolia Split Digital 2022
Niflungar Zavjera noćnih zvjeri Split CD 2023
Voha Zavjera noćnih zvjeri Split CD 2023
Niflungar Zavjera noćnih zvjeri Split Digital 2023
Voha Zavjera noćnih zvjeri Split Digital 2023
Niohoggr Born ov Fire Split CD 2022
The Witch Born ov Fire Split CD 2022
Niohoggr Born ov Fire Split Digital 2022
The Witch Born ov Fire Split Digital 2022
Niohoggr The Reckoning of Thy Elders Full-length Digital 2022
Niohoggr The Reckoning of Thy Elders Full-length CD 2022
Niohoggr Demon de sânge Split CD 2022
Necronomic Demon de sânge Split CD 2022
Niohoggr Demon de sânge Split Digital 2022
Necronomic Demon de sânge Split Digital 2022
Niohoggr Demon de sânge Part II Split CD 2022
Valturn Demon de sânge Part II Split CD 2022
Niohoggr Wrath of thy Seidmar Full-length Digital 2022
Niohoggr Wrath of thy Seidmar Full-length CD 2022
Niohoggr Heathen Arcana Full-length CD 2022
Niohoggr Heathen Arcana Full-length Digital 2022
Niohoggr Ulvekriger Full-length CD 2023
Niohoggr In a Dark Misanthropic Devotion Full-length Digital 2023
Niohoggr In a Dark Misanthropic Devotion Full-length CD 2023
Niohoggr In a Dark Misanthropic Devotion Full-length CD 2023
Niohoggr Ulvekriger Full-length Cassette 2023
Niohoggr ...Awakening Thee Full-length CD 2024
Niohoggr ...Awakening Thee Full-length Digital 2024
Nulla Ratio Phases Full-length Cassette 2023
Ofermod Mystérion Tés Anomias EP CD 2022
Ofermod Mystérion Tés Anomias EP Digital 2022
Ofermod Mystérion Tés Anomias EP CD 2023
Ofermod Mystérion Tés Anomias EP 2 7" vinyls 2024
Oreb Zarak Reina necromantia EP 7" vinyl 2022
Orve Venari fera EP CD 2023
Orve Venari fera EP Digital 2023
Osy Mainty Born Within Disgrace Full-length Digital 2022
Osy Mainty Born Within Disgrace Full-length CD 2022
Osy Mainty Krato's War Single CD 2022
Osy Mainty Krato's War Single Digital 2022
Osy Mainty Abomination's Nest Full-length CD 2022
Osy Mainty Abomination's Nest Full-length Digital 2022
Osy Mainty Euthanasia Full-length Digital 2023
Osy Mainty Euthanasia Full-length CD 2023
Osy Mainty Euthanasia Full-length Cassette 2023
Osy Mainty Your Sweet Madness Single CD 2024
Osy Mainty Your Sweet Madness Single Digital 2024
Overthrust Live in Hamburg 2016 Live album Digital 2022
Overthrust Desecrated Deeds to Decease Full-length CD 2022
Overthrust Desecrated Deeds to Decease Full-length Digital 2022
Overthrust African Warriors Split CD 2022
Chovu African Warriors Split CD 2022
Overthrust African Warriors Split Digital 2022
Chovu African Warriors Split Digital 2022
Pale Demo 2023 Demo Digital 2023
Pale Demo 2023 Demo CD 2023
Perventor The Mirror Gate EP Digital 2022
Perventor The Mirror Gate EP 10" vinyl 2022
Perventor From the Darkest Depths of Hell... Split Digital 2022
Angrbodas Curse From the Darkest Depths of Hell... Split Digital 2022
Perventor From the Darkest Depths of Hell... Split CD 2022
Angrbodas Curse From the Darkest Depths of Hell... Split CD 2022
Perventor In Abhorrence of Light Full-length Digital 2022
Perventor Void Remixed by Perventor Collaboration Digital 2022
Void Void Remixed by Perventor Collaboration Digital 2022
Perventor Into Darkness We Are Born Split CD 2022
Moor Into Darkness We Are Born Split CD 2022
Perventor Into Darkness We Are Born Split Digital 2022
Moor Into Darkness We Are Born Split Digital 2022
Perventor The Satanic Verses Compilation Digital 2022
Perventor The Satanic Verses Compilation 2CD 2022
Perventor ...from Where Demons Are Spawned Compilation CD 2022
Perventor ...from Where Demons Are Spawned Compilation Digital 2022
Perventor In Abhorrence of Light Full-length CD 2022
Pestferd Demo 2021 Demo CD 2023
Pestferd Demo 2021 Demo Digital 2023
Plague God Bloodbath Single Digital 2023
Plague God Bloodbath Single 7" vinyl 2023
Primordial Black Monas Hieroglyphica EP CD 2024
Primordial Serpent Ascension of the Dark Age Full-length CD 2022
Primordial Serpent Ascension of the Dark Age Full-length Digital 2022
Primordial Serpent Ancient Myths and Legends Full-length Digital 2022
Primordial Serpent The Winter Warrior Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Primordial Serpent Ancient Myths and Legends Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Primordial Serpent Hail the Serpent EP 2 7" vinyls 2023
Primordial Serpent Spawn of Eternal Hellfire Full-length CD 2023
Primordial Serpent Spawn of Eternal Hellfire Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Primordial Serpent Spawn of Eternal Hellfire Full-length Cassette 2023
Primordial Serpent Father of the Abyss EP CD 2023
Primordial Serpent Father of the Abyss EP Digital 2023
Primordial Serpent The Funereal Winter EP CD 2023
Primordial Serpent From Dark and Ancient Pagan Forests Split CD 2023
Náströnd From Dark and Ancient Pagan Forests Split CD 2023
Primordial Serpent From Dark and Ancient Pagan Forests Split 12" vinyl 2023
Náströnd From Dark and Ancient Pagan Forests Split 12" vinyl 2023
Primordial Serpent From Dark and Ancient Pagan Forests Split Digital 2023
Náströnd From Dark and Ancient Pagan Forests Split Digital 2023
Primordial Serpent Allegiance to the Infernal Lord EP CD 2023
Primordial Serpent Allegiance to the Infernal Lord EP 12" vinyl 2023
Primordial Serpent Hail the Serpent EP CD 2023
Primordial Serpent Conjuration of Destruction Single Digital 2023
Primordial Serpent Conjuration of Destruction Single CD 2023
Primordial Serpent Enlightenment Through Impurity Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Primordial Serpent Cleansing Through Fire Single CD 2023
Primordial Serpent Cleansing Through Fire Single Digital 2023
Primordial Serpent Enlightenment Through Impurity Full-length Cassette 2023
Primordial Serpent Basking in Unholy Light Single CD 2024
Primordial Serpent Basking in Unholy Light Single Digital 2024
Primordial Serpent Canadian Black Metal - Volume I Split CD 2024
Winter ov Thanatoz Canadian Black Metal - Volume I Split CD 2024
Ruinous Antipathy Canadian Black Metal - Volume I Split CD 2024
Day to Day Life of the Nazgûl Canadian Black Metal - Volume I Split CD 2024
Varkt Canadian Black Metal - Volume I Split CD 2024
Primordial Serpent Canadian Black Metal - Volume I Split Digital 2024
Winter ov Thanatoz Canadian Black Metal - Volume I Split Digital 2024
Ruinous Antipathy Canadian Black Metal - Volume I Split Digital 2024
Day to Day Life of the Nazgûl Canadian Black Metal - Volume I Split Digital 2024
Varkt Canadian Black Metal - Volume I Split Digital 2024
Primordial Serpent Triumphant Son of Darkness Full-length Cassette 2024
Primordial Serpent Triumphant Son of Darkness Full-length CD 2024
Primordial Serpent Triumphant Son of Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Ravenblast Khaotic Age Full-length CD 2023
Ravenblast Khaotic Age Full-length Digital 2023
Remorseless Winter A Tale of Two Winters Split 7" vinyl 2022
Winter's Breath A Tale of Two Winters Split 7" vinyl 2022
Remorseless Winter Kronika of a Frozen Land Full-length CD 2022
Remorseless Winter Kronika of a Frozen Land Full-length Digital 2022
Remorseless Winter A Tale of Two Winters Split Digital 2022
Winter's Breath A Tale of Two Winters Split Digital 2022
Ritos de Muerte Rencor a la cruz EP Digital 2022
Ritos de Muerte Rencor a la cruz EP CD 2022
Rituael Black Possession / Codex Antichristus Split 2CD 2022
Companions of Hellfire Black Possession / Codex Antichristus Split 2CD 2022
Rituael Black Possession Demo Digital 2022
Ritual Orchestra Spirit of the Black Hearts EP Digital 2022
Ritual Orchestra Spirit of the Black Hearts EP 7" vinyl 2022
Rotlaust The Dirge Full-length CD 2022
Rotlaust The Dirge Full-length Digital 2022
Ruinous Antipathy Frail EP CD 2023
Ruinous Antipathy The Usher's Quartet EP CD 2023
Sapientia ov Atlantis The Nebula of Baphomet Full-length CD 2023
Sapientia ov Atlantis The Nebula of Baphomet Full-length Digital 2023
Sardonic Witchery Wrath in Blasphemy Demo CD 2023
Sardonic Witchery Wrath in Blasphemy Demo Digital 2023
Sarga Unrest EP CD 2022
Sarga Unrest EP Digital 2022
Sarga Within the Forest of the Ice Cold Empire Full-length CD 2023
Sarga Within the Forest of the Ice Cold Empire Full-length Digital 2023
Sarga MeSaZus EP 12" vinyl 2023
Sarga The Two Worlds Collide Split 12" vinyl 2023
Hrafnsmerki The Two Worlds Collide Split 12" vinyl 2023
Sarga The Two Worlds Collide Split CD 2023
Hrafnsmerki The Two Worlds Collide Split CD 2023
Sarga The Two Worlds Collide Split Digital 2023
Hrafnsmerki The Two Worlds Collide Split Digital 2023
Sarga Demo 2023 Demo CD 2023
Sarga Demo 2023 Demo Digital 2023
Sarga Frozen Echoes of Solitude Full-length CD 2024
Sarkom Aggravation of Mind Full-length Cassette 2022
SEAD Reise in eine mystische Welt Full-length CD 2022
SEAD Reise in eine mystische Welt Full-length Digital 2022
Secrets of Silence Satan's Arrival EP Digital 2022
Secrets of Silence Satan's Arrival EP CD 2022
Secrets of Silence Ave Daemonium Split Digital 2022
Primordial Serpent Ave Daemonium Split Digital 2022
Secrets of Silence Ave Daemonium Split 7" vinyl 2023
Primordial Serpent Ave Daemonium Split 7" vinyl 2023
Semjaza The Fire That Burns Within EP Digital 2024
Semjaza The Fire That Burns Within EP CD 2024
Sepulchral Moon En el subrepticio reino de las sombras Full-length Cassette 2023
Shavalyoth Μαρχωσιάς EP CD 2023
Shavalyoth Enter the Acheron Gate / Cult of the Moon Compilation CD 2024
Shavalyoth Enter the Acheron Gate / Cult of the Moon Compilation Digital 2024
Shoggoth No Remorse, the Moon Will Die Full-length CD 2024
Skrott M​ø​rk sjel foleser EP CD 2022
Skrott M​ø​rk sjel foleser EP 7" vinyl 2023
Skyggja Skyggja Demo CD 2023
Sonneillon Tribulations of Total Demonic War Split CD 2022
Infernal Diatribe Tribulations of Total Demonic War Split CD 2022
Sonneillon Tribulations of Total Demonic War Split Digital 2022
Infernal Diatribe Tribulations of Total Demonic War Split Digital 2022
Sonneillon The Demon of Hate Full-length CD 2023
Sonneillon Spells in the Bones of Traitors Single Digital 2022
Sonneillon The Demon of Hate Full-length Digital 2023
Sottish Armageddon Split CD 2022
Caligula Armageddon Split CD 2022
Morbosatan Armageddon Split CD 2022
Scream Darkness Armageddon Split CD 2022
Sottish Armageddon Split Digital 2022
Caligula Armageddon Split Digital 2022
Morbosatan Armageddon Split Digital 2022
Scream Darkness Armageddon Split Digital 2022
Stimmung Gravkulden til begravelsessalmer Demo CD 2024
Syndrom Einsamkeit Gottesvernichtung EP EP Digital 2022
Syndrom Einsamkeit Gottesvernichtung EP EP CD 2024
Syndrom Einsamkeit Gottesvernichtung EP EP Cassette 2024
Syndrom Einsamkeit Gottesvernichtung EP EP Digital 2024
Tapias de Pilatos The Death of Faith Split CD 2022
Amock The Death of Faith Split CD 2022
Tapias de Pilatos The Death of Faith Split Digital 2022
Amock The Death of Faith Split Digital 2022
Tapias de Pilatos Semillas del mal Compilation 12" vinyl 2023
Tapias de Pilatos Blasphemy and the Beast Split CD 2024
The Witch Blasphemy and the Beast Split CD 2024
Tapias de Pilatos Blasphemy and the Beast Split Digital 2024
The Witch Blasphemy and the Beast Split Digital 2024
The Witch The Work of the Devil Demo CD 2021
The Witch A Sick Foetus Torn from the Rotten Womb of History EP CD 2021
The Witch Tortured Tales & Psychotic Symphonies EP 12" vinyl 2021
The Witch A Darker Shade of Black Full-length Digital 2022
The Witch Blasphemic Doctrine Full-length Digital 2022
The Witch Blasphemic Doctrine Full-length CD 2022
The Witch Spellbound Single 7" vinyl 2022
The Witch Spellbound Single Digital 2022
The Witch Tortured Tales & Psychotic Symphonies EP Digital 2022
The Witch Demons Unleashed Split Digital 2022
Mahsyar Demons Unleashed Split Digital 2022
The Witch Desires After Dark EP CD 2022
The Witch The Demo Recordings Compilation CD 2022
The Witch Tortured Tales & Psychotic Symphonies EP CD 2022
The Witch Satanic Panic EP CD 2022
The Witch Satanic Panic EP Digital 2022
The Witch A Sick Foetus Torn from the Rotten Womb of History Full-length Digital 2022
The Witch A Sick Foetus Torn from the Rotten Womb of History Full-length CD 2022
The Witch Awakenings I: Vampyre Single Digital 2023
The Witch Awakenings II: Ouija Single 7" vinyl 2023
The Witch Tortured Tales & Psychotic Symphonies EP 12" vinyl 2023
The Witch Desires After Dark EP 12" vinyl 2023
The Witch Heretic Testimony Compilation 12" vinyl 2023
The Witch Heretic Testimony Compilation Digital 2023
The Witch Premonitions Single Digital 2023
The Witch A Darker Shade of Black Full-length CD 2022
Thirwërod The Great Black Dragon Single 7" vinyl 2023
Thirwërod The Great Black Dragon Single Digital 2023
Thirwërod The Land of Eternal Winter Full-length CD 2023
Thoryvodis Barisan Tempur Full-length Digital 2022
Thy Dying Star Ad Finem Omnia Full-length CD 2022
Thy Dying Star Ad Finem Omnia Full-length Digital 2022
Tigguo Cobauc Ancient Tales from the Eternal Caverns EP CD 2023
Tigguo Cobauc Ancient Tales from the Eternal Caverns EP Digital 2023
Trikora The Commander Demo CD 2022
Trikora The Commander Demo Digital 2022
Udręka Zgnij EP CD 2023
Udręka Zgnij EP Cassette 2023
Unholy Dart Almas en pena Demo CD 2022
Unholy Dart Almas en pena Demo Digital 2022
Uralt Winterflame EP Digital 2024
Uralt Winterflame EP Digital 2024
Uralt The Harvester of Winter Full-length Digital 2024
Uralt The Harvester of Winter Full-length CD 2024
Uralt Winterflame EP CD 2024
Urluk Loss EP CD 2022
Urluk Loss EP Digital 2022
Vae Mortis Every Sigh Is Just a Dram of Life That Goes in the Past Full-length CD 2023
Valadier Stronghold of the Everlasting Pyre EP Digital 2022
Valadier Stronghold of the Everlasting Pyre EP CD 2022
Valturn Brumal Moon Vampirism Full-length CD 2022
Valturn Brumal Moon Vampirism Full-length Digital 2022
Valturn Brumal Moon Vampirism Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Vanwa Vanwa Full-length Digital 2024
Vanwa Vanwa Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Varkt Within the Thralls of Sacrificial Impunity Full-length CD 2023
Varkt For the Undone Full-length CD 2024
Verletzen Evil Will Triumph EP CD 2023
Verletzen Evil Will Triumph EP Cassette 2023
Verletzen Evil Will Triumph EP Digital 2023
Void A Cold Night on the Mountain Demo CD 2022
Void No Sun Shall Shine Demo CD 2022
Void No Sun Shall Shine Demo Digital 2022
Void The Dark Forest Beckons Me Split CD 2022
Sarga The Dark Forest Beckons Me Split CD 2022
Void The Dark Forest Beckons Me Split Digital 2022
Sarga The Dark Forest Beckons Me Split Digital 2022
Void Freezing Fog Demo CD 2022
Void Freezing Fog Demo Digital 2022
Void Hurt Single Digital 2022
Void Hurt Single CD 2022
Void Devoid of Light EP CD 2022
Void Devoid of Light EP Digital 2022
Void The Dark Forest Beckons Me Split 12" vinyl 2023
Sarga The Dark Forest Beckons Me Split 12" vinyl 2023
Void A Cold Night on the Mountain Demo Digital 2022
Vomit of Doom Obey the Darkness Full-length CD 2023
Vomit of Doom Obey the Darkness Full-length Digital 2023
Vörst From the Roots of a Frostbitten Land EP Digital 2022
Vörst From the Roots of a Frostbitten Land EP CD 2022
Vulture Lord Total Blasphemic Desecration EP 2 7" vinyls 2023
Waliche Waliche Y​ü​t Full-length CD 2023
Waliche Waliche Y​ü​t Full-length Cassette 2023
War Machine Total War Demo CD 2023
War Machine Total War Demo Digital 2023
Winter ov Thanatoz Winter ov Thanatoz Full-length CD 2023
Winter ov Thanatoz Kybalion Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Winter ov Thanatoz Kybalion Full-length Digital 2023
Winter ov Thanatoz The Wrath ov Amun-Ra EP CD 2024
Winter ov Thanatoz The Wrath ov Amun-Ra EP Digital 2024
Winter's Breath Rising Storm Full-length CD 2022
Winter's Breath Zwei Stimmen Split CD 2022
Withdraw Zwei Stimmen Split CD 2022
Winter's Breath Zwei Stimmen Split Digital 2022
Withdraw Zwei Stimmen Split Digital 2022
Winter's Breath Rising Storm EP Digital 2022
Withdraw Stimmung300322 EP CD 2022
Withdraw Histriogram Full-length CD 2022
Withdraw Histriogram Full-length Digital 2022
Withdraw Stimmung300322 EP Digital 2022
Withdraw Beneath the Moonlight Split CD 2022
Desolacion Nocturna Beneath the Moonlight Split CD 2022
Withdraw Beneath the Moonlight Split Digital 2022
Desolacion Nocturna Beneath the Moonlight Split Digital 2022