Sons of Hell Prod.

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Buenos Aires
Country Argentina
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal
Founding Date 2014

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Baxaxa Argentina black Current
Christ Agony Poland black, melodic Current
Dead Whore Argentina death Current
Espiritismo Argentina black Current
Faraon Argentina black Current
Genuflexión Argentina black Current
Hermon Argentina black Current
Horda Profana Argentina black, death Current
Hored Argentina black Current
Khorumi Poland black Current
Lunar Brazil black, doom Current
Windfall Argentina black Current
Artes Negras Argentina black, thrash Past
Atomicide Chile death, thrash Past
Beleth's Curse Argentina black, thrash Past
Black Vul Destruktor Argentina black Past
Blood Germany death, grind, hardcore Past
Deathly Scythe Chile death, thrash Past
Dieseldörf Brazil black Past
Force of Darkness Chile black, death, thrash Past
Goat Semen Peru black, death Past
Graveland Poland black, pagan, viking Past
Grima Morstua Argentina black Past
Hellavenger Chile black Past
Hellige Argentina black, doom, sludge Past
Ieschure Ukraine black Past
Invehertex Chile black Past
Kalmankantaja Finland depressive, atmospheric, black Past
Krolok Slovakia atmospheric, black Past
Lucifer's Hammer Chile heavy Past
Lycaon Rex Chile black, doom Past
Maledictum Chile black Past
Malokarpatan Slovakia black, heavy Past
Morbosus Argentina black, death Past
Najash Argentina black, death Past
Nuclear Death United States death, grind, hardcore, experimental, rock Past
Profane Creation Brazil black Past
Psicosfera Argentina avant-garde, black Past
Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle Brazil death, thrash, rock-against-communism, black Past
Semihazah Argentina black Past
Stake Impalement Argentina black, death Past
Summum Heredis Brazil black Past
Templo Negro Argentina black, raw Past
Toteslaut Argentina black Past
Uttertomb Chile death Past
Vil Argentina black Past
Wallachia Norway black, symphonic Past
Wolves' Winter Argentina black Past
Αχέροντας Greece black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Artes Negras Sons of Condemnation Full-length CD 2024
Atomicide Spreading the Cult of Death Full-length Cassette 2020
Atomicide Chaos Abomination Full-length Cassette 2020
Atomicide Atomic Genocide Full-length Cassette 2020
Baxaxa Heavy Metal Hades Full-length CD 2020
Baxaxa Masters of Metal EP Cassette 2021
Beleth's Curse Beleth's Curse III Full-length Cassette 2020
Black Vul Destruktor The Inner Vul Full-length CD 2017
Blood Impulse to Destroy Full-length Cassette 2023
Christ Agony Daemoonseth - Act II Full-length CD 2021
Christ Agony Epitaph of Christ Demo Cassette 2022
Dead Whore Silence of the Grave EP CD 2023
Dead Whore Silence of the Grave EP Cassette 2023
Deathly Scythe Celestial Darkness EP Cassette 2021
Dieseldörf Transylvanian Spells of the Catacombs Compilation Cassette 2021
Espiritismo Al responder de los muertos Full-length Cassette 2018
Espiritismo Al responder de los muertos Full-length CD 2017
Espiritismo Al responder de los muertos Full-length Cassette 2019
Espiritismo El legado Compilation Cassette 2019
Espiritismo Ceremonia de invocación Full-length Cassette 2019
Espiritismo Creencias inversas de leyes contrarias EP 7" vinyl 2019
Espiritismo Creencias inversas de leyes contrarias EP Cassette 2019
Espiritismo El legado Compilation CD 2020
Espiritismo Fragmentos de mundos paralelos Full-length Cassette 2020
Espiritismo Fragmentos de mundos paralelos Full-length CD 2021
Espiritismo Regresiones dentro de otros planos Full-length Cassette 2022
Espiritismo Regresiones dentro de otros planos Full-length CD 2022
Faraon Testimonios de esferas superiores e inferiores al Sol... Demo CD 2017
Force of Darkness Darkness Revelation Full-length Cassette 2020
Genuflexión Animal religioso Full-length CD 2016
Genuflexión Apoteosis fallida Full-length Cassette 2018
Genuflexión Apoteosis fallida Full-length Cassette 2019
Genuflexión Apoteosis fallida Full-length CD 2019
Genuflexión Padre de todos los abismos Full-length CD 2021
Goat Semen Live Die Hard - Lahti - Finland Live album CD 2021
Graveland Impaler's Wolves EP Cassette 2022
Graveland 1050 Years of Pagan Cult Full-length Cassette 2022
Grima Morstua ...El testimonio de las almas que se pudren en su gracia... Boxed set 4 cassettes 2020
Grima Morstua Exaltatio Compilation CD 2020
Hellavenger Lord of the Burning Abyss Demo Cassette 2019
Hellavenger Lord of the Burning Abyss Demo CD 2020
Hellige Demo Demo Cassette 2020
Hermon Blackest Night Full-length CD 2019
Hermon Blackest Night Full-length Cassette 2019
Hermon Mystical Fullmoon Night EP CD 2023
Horda Profana Fornicators of Jesus Christ Full-length CD 2016
Horda Profana Beyond the Boundaries of Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Horda Profana Beyond the Boundaries of Death Full-length CD 2019
Horda Profana Beyond the Boundaries of Death Full-length Cassette 2019
Hored Desolado y Frío Demo Cassette 2020
Ieschure Phantoms of God EP Cassette 2022
Invehertex El capricho de la creación y el origen de la tragedia EP Cassette 2020
Invehertex El capricho de la creación y el origen de la tragedia EP CD 2020
Kalmankantaja Viimeinen virsi II: Sairaan sielun sanat Full-length CD 2021
Khorumi Demonicon Full-length CD 2022
Krolok Flying Above Ancient Ruins Full-length Cassette 2022
Lucifer's Hammer The Trip Full-length Cassette 2022
Lunar Functus Morte EP Cassette 2019
Lycaon Rex El arcano arquetipo y el eterno retorno Full-length CD 2022
Maledictum Overtaking the Logical Scum EP Cassette 2020
Maledictum Sempiterno Full-length Cassette 2022
Malokarpatan Stridžie dni Full-length Cassette 2021
Morbosus Black Death Commando EP CD 2014
Najash Ara sacrificial Full-length Cassette 2021
Nuclear Death Carrion for Worm Full-length Cassette 2023
Profane Creation Supremacy Demo Cassette 2020
Profane Creation Nema Full-length Cassette 2020
Psicosfera Beta Full-length Cassette 2020
Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle La contingencia sobre valores negativos Split Cassette 2020
Espiritismo La contingencia sobre valores negativos Split Cassette 2020
Semihazah Totelefta​í​okl​á​ma EP CD 2024
Stake Impalement The Curse Is Already Running EP Cassette 2020
Summum Heredis Summum Heredis Full-length Cassette 2019
Templo Negro Eclipsando la última luz Full-length Cassette 2020
Toteslaut Funeral Rite in a Night of Evil Full-length Cassette 2020
Uttertomb Necrocentrism: The Necrocentrist EP Cassette 2019
Vil Vil EP Cassette 2020
Wallachia Wallachia Demo CD 2023
Windfall Spiritual Famine Full-length CD 2019
Windfall Spiritual Famine Full-length Cassette 2019
Windfall The Burning Microcosm Full-length Digital 2023
Windfall The Burning Microcosm Full-length CD 2023
Wolves' Winter Necrosophic Illumination EP Cassette 2018
Αχέροντας Tat Tvam Asi (Universal Omniscience) Full-length CD 2024
Αχέροντας Theosis Full-length CD 2024
Αχέροντας Malocchio ​-​ The Seven Tongues of Δαημων Full-length CD 2024