Inverse Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Asemakatu 11A / 2 Row, 40100 Jyväskylä, Keski-Suomi
Country Finland
Phone Number 358443501511
Status active
Styles And Specialties Heavy, Thrash, Doom, Black, Melodic Death, Alternative, Gothic Metal, Hard Rock
Founding Date 2011
Online Shopping Yes
Sublabels Concorde Music Company, Secret Entertainment

Online Presence

Webstore (New)
Official store


Name Country Genre Status
A Lie Nation Finland black, melodic Current
Abandon All Finland heavy Current
Abstrakt Finland black, death, symphonic Current
Adamantra Finland power, progressive Current
Admire the Grim Finland death, melodic Current
Amanita Virosa Finland death, melodic Current
Among the Prey Finland death, hardcore, melodic Current
Amongst the Ashes Iran death, melodic, thrash Current
An Ocean of Void France post-metal Current
Anger Cell Finland death, melodic Current
Angertea Hungary progressive Current
Antagonist Zero Finland death, doom Current
Asterise International power Current
Autere Finland death, groove, melodic Current
Autumn's Grief Finland symphonic Current
Badgered Finland heavy, thrash Current
Beating Dead Meat Finland death Current
Before We Fall Hungary groove, melodic Current
Beyond the Hate Finland death, melodic Current
BigHate Italy death, groove Current
Blåådpalt Finland death Current
Black .44 Finland stoner Current
Black Lotus Spain doom Current
Black Widows Portugal gothic Current
Blackment Finland heavy, melodic Current
Blind Secrecy Finland progressive Current
Blind Stare Finland death, melodic Current
Blood Region Finland heavy Current
Bloodbeat Germany death, thrash Current
Bloodlash Mexico death, progressive Current
Cardiant Finland power Current
Carnal Demise Finland death, thrash Current
Carnalation Finland death, grind, hardcore Current
Chaska Peru death, folk Current
Circenses Finland death, progressive Current
Ciryam Poland gothic, progressive, rock Current
Clamoris Finland death, melodic, symphonic Current
Cobra 1981 Finland heavy Current
Code for Silence Finland death, melodic Current
Coredust Finland groove, thrash Current
Coventhrall Finland power Current
Creinium Finland death, melodic, progressive, technical Current
Crest Finland groove Current
Crowen Finland death, folk, melodic Current
Cut Wide Open Finland groove, hardcore Current
Dark Archive Finland black, death Current
Dark Days Ahead Finland groove Current
Dark the Suns Finland death, gothic, melodic Current
Dawn of Tears Spain death, melodic Current
De Lirium's Order Finland death, technical Current
Dead End Finland Finland death, melodic Current
Dead Serenity Finland death, melodic Current
Death's-Head and the Space Allusion Finland hard-rock, progressive Current
Deathing Finland death Current
Delayhead Finland groove, heavy Current
Denigrate Finland gothic, melodic, progressive, rock Current
Depressed Mode Finland death, doom, symphonic Current
Dimman Finland death, melodic Current
Discipline X Finland crossover, thrash Current
Disease of the Nation Finland death, groove, melodic Current
DOL Finland gothic, rock Current
Dreamferno Finland , symphonic Current
Earthblood Finland sludge, thrash Current
Eilera France rock, symphonic Current
Elvenscroll Finland folk Current
Emptybrook Finland doom, sludge Current
Enchantya Portugal gothic, heavy Current
Endless Exam Finland heavy, melodic Current
Endless Forms Most Gruesome Finland doom, groove, sludge Current
Ephemerald Finland black, death, folk, melodic Current
Everture Finland heavy, melodic Current
Fearrage Finland groove, thrash Current
Final Void Finland gothic Current
Forest of Shadows Sweden death, doom, gothic Current
Frostland Darkness Finland black Current
Funeral for Two Finland doom Current
Funeralglade Finland death, melodic Current
Garden of Stone Finland death, heavy, melodic Current
Gates Open Finland death, melodic, thrash Current
Godhead Machinery Sweden black Current
Gomorran Finland black, death Current
Gothony Finland death, melodic Current
Hagalas Finland death, melodic Current
Hate Unbound United States death, groove, thrash Current
Hautajaisyö Finland death, thrash Current
Heartkiller Hungary death, melodic, thrash Current
Hedonihil Finland black, death Current
Heroes of Vallentor Sweden heavy Current
Hiidenhauta Finland black, melodic Current
I Helvete Finland black, death, melodic Current
I Will Kill You Italy death, thrash Current
Iamsin Finland hardcore Current
Ice Exiled Finland heavy, power, progressive Current
Iliac Thorns Finland death, melodic Current
Imperial Domain Sweden death, melodic Current
Indoctrine Finland death, melodic, thrash Current
Inferitvm Spain black Current
Infirmum Finland death, doom Current
Inner Missing Russia death, doom, gothic Current
Ironchain Finland heavy Current
Justice Theory Finland thrash Current
Kaamos Warriors Finland black Current
Kamala Finland heavy, thrash Current
Khiral Finland death, thrash Current
Killhall International groove Current
Kouzin Bedlam Finland heavy, power, progressive Current
Kuoleman Galleria Finland black, black'n'roll Current
Light Beneath Finland post-metal Current
Loath Finland crust, doom, grind, hardcore Current
Lunar Path Finland gothic Current
Mad Hatter's Den Finland heavy Current
Marraskuun Lapset Finland death, gothic, melodic Current
Mastord Finland progressive Current
Miara Italy death, melodic Current
Miasmic Theory Sweden death, groove, thrash Current
Midnight Bullet Finland groove, heavy Current
Miehala Finland thrash Current
Mirzadeh Finland black, gothic, melodic Current
Misaligned Finland death, melodic Current
Mortyfear Finland death, melodic, thrash Current
My Funeral Finland death, thrash Current
Narthraal Iceland death Current
Nefariym Australia death Current
Negative Voice Russia death, doom, melodic Current
Nemecic Finland death, thrash Current
Nibiru Ordeal Finland power Current
Nicumo Finland gothic, melodic, rock Current
Norđ Denmark groove, progressive, rock Current
Norseman Finland heavy Current
Northern Genocide Finland death, industrial, melodic Current
Notio Finland melodic, progressive Current
Noutaja Finland death Current
Obscure Fate Finland death, melodic Current
Of Spite Finland death, melodic Current
Phallosopher Finland black Current
Phoenix Titan Finland heavy, power Current
Plaguebreeder Finland black, death Current
Pohjoinen Finland doom, stoner Current
Pohjoisen Soturit Finland death, groove Current
Process Pain Finland groove, hardcore Current
Progeny of Sun Finland death, melodic Current
Psychema Finland progressive Current
Pyroxene Slovenia heavy Current
Re-Armed Finland thrash, melodic, symphonic, death Current
Rekoma Finland gothic, heavy, melodic Current
Remains of Destruction Finland heavy, power Current
Retrogression Finland groove, thrash Current
Return to Void Finland heavy, progressive Current
Rifftera Finland alternative, death, melodic, thrash Current
Sailor Hunter Sweden hardcore Current
Samuli Federley Finland progressive, shred Current
Sarpedon Norway progressive Current
Sarvas Finland groove, sludge Current
Sata Kaskelottia Finland sludge, stoner Current
Scars of Solitude Finland heavy, melodic Current
Scythe for Sore Eyes Finland heavy, melodic, progressive Current
Se, josta ei puhuta Finland death, melodic, thrash Current
Served Dead Finland black Current
Silver Grime Sweden doom Current
Sinners Moon Slovakia power, symphonic Current
Sintax Israel groove, thrash Current
Somberaeon Finland black, death, doom Current
Sombria International doom, gothic Current
Soulwound Finland thrash Current
Standing Ovation Finland progressive Current
Star Insight Finland death, melodic, symphonic Current
Stellar Void Russia extreme, symphonic Current
Stud Finland heavy Current
Sulfuris Finland groove, heavy Current
Superdeathflame Finland death, melodic, thrash Current
The Addication Finland melodic, thrash Current
The Hirvi Finland thrash Current
The Undivine Finland death, hardcore Current
Tyrant Disciple Finland thrash Current
Ulterror Finland death, technical Current
Ulthima Finland death, melodic Current
Unborn Generation Finland death, grind, hardcore Current
Vanguardian Finland progressive, sludge Current
Verilehto Finland black Current
Vetten Äpärät Finland folk Current
Volucrine Finland death, melodic, progressive Current
Walking Dead Suicide Finland death, progressive Current
Wasara Finland groove, hard-rock Current
Wizards of Hazards Finland doom, heavy Current
Wolfhorde Finland black, folk Current
Wolftopia Finland death, melodic Current
Wooden Shadow Finland black, melodic Current
Wrestling Finland heavy Current
Wyrmwoods Finland atmospheric, avant-garde, black Current
XIII Finland groove, thrash Current
Zombie Rodeo Finland doom, rock, stoner Current
2 Wolves Finland death, doom, gothic, melodic Past
Ablaze in Hatred Finland death, doom, melodic Past
Ahma Finland heavy Past
Albinö Rhino Finland doom, stoner Past
Alfa Pentatonik Finland industrial, thrash Past
Amoth Finland heavy, progressive Past
AOV Finland groove, thrash Past
Apocryphal Voice Finland avant-garde, black Past
Arkadia Finland heavy, death, hardcore, melodic Past
Asylum 8 Finland electronic, groove, melodic Past
Atretic Intestine Finland death Past
Autopsy Night Russia brutal, death Past
Babylonfall Finland death, groove, melodic Past
Barrows Canada brutal, death Past
Black Blood Finland southern, stoner Past
BloodRedSky Finland sludge, southern Past
Bloodride Finland thrash Past
Bloody Falls Finland death, groove, melodic Past
Burweed Finland atmospheric, post-hardcore, sludge Past
Caelestia Greece death, gothic, melodic, symphonic Past
Callidice Finland death, melodic Past
Cauldron of Hate Finland death Past
Centipede Finland stoner Past
Cerebral Mist Finland death, melodic, symphonic Past
Chaos Finland groove, melodic Past
Charm Designer Colombia doom, gothic Past
Child of Caesar Germany gothic, rock Past
Clock Paradox Finland groove Past
Coughdust Finland death, stoner Past
Crowned with Black Finland black, gothic, melodic Past
Curimus Finland death, thrash Past
Curse upon a Prayer Finland black Past
Damnation Plan Finland groove, melodic, progressive Past
Dauntless Finland death, thrash Past
Dead Shape Figure Finland death, melodic, thrash Past
Demonic Death Judge Finland sludge, stoner Past
Denominate Finland death, progressive Past
Descend Sweden death, melodic, progressive Past
Desecrate Italy melodic, death Past
Drawn Awake Finland death, melodic Past
Dyecrest Finland heavy, power Past
Einvigi Finland folk, post-metal Past
Embassy of Silence Finland progressive, symphonic Past
Endless Chain Finland gothic, progressive Past
Enragement Finland death Past
Epicrenel Finland power Past
Erase This Earth Finland death Past
Evemaster Finland black, gothic, melodic Past
External Finland progressive Past
Extinction in Progress Finland death, hardcore, melodic, technical Past
Falling from Grace Finland death, groove, melodic, thrash Past
Fear of Domination Finland electronic, groove, hardcore, melodic Past
Folkrim Finland folk Past
Fractured Spine Finland death, doom, gothic Past
Ghorot United States black, doom Past
Gian Finland death, melodic, thrash Past
Gloria Morti Finland black, death, melodic Past
Godless Angel United States death, groove Past
Goresoerd Estonia grind, hardcore, groove, death Past
Grave Siesta Finland doom, sludge Past
Graveyard Shifters Finland crossover, thrash Past
Grendel Finland death, gothic, groove, melodic Past
Guitar Force Poland heavy Past
Hate World Hero Finland hardcore Past
Herem Finland doom, sludge, stoner Past
Hidden Capacity Finland death, melodic, thrash Past
HMS Keelhaul Finland heavy Past
Hundred Headless Horsemen Finland death, psychedelic, sludge Past
I, Cursed Finland death, grind, hardcore Past
ID: Exorcist Finland hardcore Past
Inborn Tendency Finland death, groove, melodic Past
InSomnius Dei Australia ambient, death, doom Past
Joviac Finland progressive, rock Past
Kaksonen Finland death, progressive, sludge, thrash Past
Kill the Romance Finland death, melodic Past
Kratos Romania gothic Past
Kreyskull Finland doom, hard-rock, heavy, psychedelic Past
Lazy Bonez Finland hard-rock, heavy, melodic Past
Light Denied Serbia death Past
Limos Finland death, melodic Past
Lucidity Finland death, melodic Past
Lykaion Italy alternative-rock, groove, heavy Past
Magenta Harvest Finland death Past
Maniac Abductor Finland thrash Past
Manitou Finland heavy, progressive Past
Manufacturer's Pride Finland death, groove, melodic Past
Marianas Rest Finland death, doom, melodic Past
Masteroid Finland stoner Past
Memoira Finland melodic, symphonic Past
Mesetiah Finland death Past
Minotauri Finland doom Past
Misery Inc. Finland groove, melodic Past
MMD Finland black, death Past
Mormânt de Snagov Finland black Past
Mors Subita Finland death, melodic, thrash Past
Mustan Kuun Lapset Finland gothic, black, melodic Past
Mustasuo Finland black, crust Past
My Darkest Time North Macedonia death, doom, gothic Past
My Grimace Finland death, hardcore, melodic Past
My Shameful Finland funeral, death, doom Past
Myrah Sweden gothic Past
Mysterizer Finland heavy Past
Mythological Cold Towers Brazil black, death, doom, epic Past
Nailed Coil Finland death, hardcore Past
Necare United States death, doom Past
Nihil Mortum Finland black, melodic Past
Northern Discipline Finland groove, thrash Past
Nosdrama Finland gothic, rock Past
Noumena Finland death, melodic Past
Nox Ultima Finland black Past
Numento Finland extreme, progressive Past
Oblivion Gate Finland black, doom, funeral, gothic, industrial, rock Past
Omnivortex Finland death, technical Past
OvDeth Finland black, death Past
Párodos Italy avant-garde, black Past
Perpetual Rage Finland heavy Past
Rage My Bitch Finland death, groove, hardcore, melodic Past
Rajalla Finland thrash Past
Raster Density Finland brutal, death, progressive Past
Ratbreed Finland heavy Past
Rebellix Finland thrash Past
Red Moon Architect Finland death, doom, melodic Past
Redeye Finland death, thrash Past
Renegade Angel Finland heavy Past
Revolted Masses Greece death, progressive, thrash Past
Revolutio Italy groove Past
Ruindom Finland death Past
Saasta Finland death, doom Past
SadDolls Greece gothic, rock Past
Saint of Disgrace Finland death, melodic Past
Sapata Finland doom, heavy Past
Sargassus Finland post-metal, progressive Past
Scarm Finland death, melodic, hardcore Past
Scent of Flesh Finland death Past
Shade of Sorrow Finland death, melodic Past
Shadecrown Finland death, doom, melodic Past
Shadow Cut Finland black, death Past
Simulacrum Finland progressive Past
Skeletal Finland death Past
Skyglow Russia death, progressive Past
Slow Fall Finland death, melodic, progressive Past
Sonus Corona Finland progressive Past
Sorrowed Finland death, heavy, melodic Past
Soulfallen Finland black, death, melodic Past
SoulHealer Finland heavy, melodic Past
Spirit Disease Finland death, grind, hardcore, thrash Past
Splendidula Belgium doom, sludge, stoner Past
Subliminal Fear Italy death, melodic Past
Symmetry of the Void Hungary death, melodic Past
Tasteful Turmoil Finland thrash Past
Terhen Finland atmospheric, death, doom Past
Terrific Verdict Finland thrash Past
Terror Visit Finland heavy, melodic, thrash Past
The Eternal Australia gothic Past
The Harbinger Finland death, doom, melodic Past
The Howl Finland death, thrash Past
The Hypothesis Finland death, melodic Past
The Republic of Desire Finland death, industrial, thrash Past
Torture Wheel United States doom, funeral Past
Treatment Finland heavy, thrash Past
Tyranny Finland doom, funeral Past
Uhriristi Finland black Past
Ultra Mayhem Finland groove, heavy, power Past
Umbra Nihil Finland doom, progressive Past
V Finland death, melodic, progressive Past
Vansidian Finland death, melodic, power Past
Verikalpa Finland folk Past
Vhod Canada death, doom, stoner Past
Vinide Finland heavy, symphonic Past
Voidfallen Finland death, melodic Past
Vorna Finland black, folk, pagan Past
Weightless World Finland hardcore, progressive Past
Where's My Bible Finland death, death'n'roll, hardcore Past
Whorion Finland death, symphonic, technical Past
Withering Finland death, melodic Past
Wömit Angel Finland black, punk, thrash Past
Woods of Belial Finland black, doom, industrial Past
Wrathrone Finland death Past
Wreck-Defy Canada thrash Past
Zephyra Sweden groove, hardcore, melodic Past
Мужчины в Металле Russia heavy, power Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
2 Wolves Gentlemen, Please Full-length CD 2011
2 Wolves Men of Honour Full-length CD 2012
2 Wolves Shelter Full-length CD 2014
2 Wolves ...Our Fault Full-length CD 2019
2 Wolves Unwritten Names Single Digital 2019
2 Wolves Towards Nothing Single Digital 2020
A Lie Nation Sociopathology Full-length Digital 2022
A Lie Nation Scum Single Digital 2022
A Lie Nation Sociopathology Full-length CD 2022
Abandon All Forever Yours Single Digital 2023
Abandon All Far Away Full-length CD 2023
Abandon All The Wolf and the Owl Single Digital 2023
Abandon All Strong EP Digital 2024
Ablaze in Hatred Deceptive Awareness Full-length Digital 2022
Ablaze in Hatred The Quietude Plains Full-length Digital 2022
Abstrakt Uncreation Full-length Digital 2021
Abstrakt Uncreation Full-length CD 2021
Adamantra An Unfinished Tale Single Digital 2024
Adamantra Treacherous Valour Single Digital 2024
Admire the Grim Storm the Barricade Single Digital 2022
Admire the Grim Rogue Five EP Digital 2023
Admire the Grim Rogue Five EP CD 2023
Ahma Crooked Issue Full-length CD 2012
Albinö Rhino Albinö Rhino Full-length CD 2014
Albinö Rhino Albinö Rhino Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Alfa Pentatonik Korjattu totuus Single Digital 2023
Amanita Virosa Asystole Full-length CD 2015
Amanita Virosa Asystole Full-length Digital 2015
Amanita Virosa Original Plague Full-length CD 2019
Among the Prey Only for the Blinded Eyes Full-length CD 2016
Amongst the Ashes The Fabricated Monolith EP Digital 2022
Amongst the Ashes Exalted Traitors Single Digital 2022
Amongst the Ashes Breaking Decency EP Digital 2023
Amoth Crossing Over Full-length CD 2011
Amoth Revenge Full-length CD 2016
Amoth Crossing Over Full-length Digital 2011
An Ocean of Void The Great Escape Full-length CD 2015
Anger Cell A Fear Formidable Full-length CD 2012
Angertea Snakes in Blossom Full-length CD 2016
Angertea Snakes in Blossom Full-length Digital 2016
Angertea Sidetrack (An Acoustic Act to Eradicate Torture) Full-length CD 2018
Angertea Sidetrack (An Acoustic Act to Eradicate Torture) Full-length Digital 2018
Antagonist Zero No Tears EP CD 2015
AOV Act of Violence Full-length Digital 2014
AOV Act of Violence Full-length CD 2014
Apocryphal Voice Pain and Pleasure Full-length CD 2014
Arkadia Unrelenting Full-length CD 2014
Arkadia Aspirations & Reality Full-length Digital 2016
Arkadia Aspirations & Reality Full-length CD 2016
Asterise Two Worlds Full-length Digital 2022
Asterise Two Worlds Full-length CD 2022
Asylum 8 Repressed Full-length CD 2017
Atretic Intestine Encased Full-length CD 2012
Autere Amal'l Full-length CD 2014
Autopsy Night Born to Kill Full-length CD 2012
Autumn's Grief The Tide Single Digital 2022
Autumn's Grief Dead by the Dawn Full-length CD 2022
Autumn's Grief Dead by the Dawn Single Digital 2022
Autumn's Grief Dead by the Dawn Full-length Digital 2022
Autumn's Grief Dead Among the Living Single Digital 2024
Babylonfall Collapse Full-length CD 2020
Badgered Planet Absurdic Full-length CD 2020
Badgered Planet Absurdic Full-length Digital 2023
Barrows Swine Race Full-length CD 2015
Beating Dead Meat A Rude Awakening Full-length Digital 2016
Beating Dead Meat No Compromise Single Digital 2016
Beating Dead Meat With Full Force Full-length CD 2016
Before We Fall Leaves EP Digital 2023
Beyond the Hate Darkest Times Full-length CD 2024
Beyond the Hate Darkest Times Full-length Digital 2024
Beyond the Hate Alone I Die Single Digital 2023
Beyond the Hate Black Within Single Digital 2024
BigHate Hybrid Single Digital 2018
Blåådpalt Sliced tå Perfectiån Full-length Digital 2020
Blåådpalt Caedite Eos EP Digital 2023
Black .44 No Blanks Full-length CD 2015
Black .44 No Blanks Full-length Digital 2023
Black Blood Black Blood Full-length Digital 2015
Black Blood Black Blood Full-length CD 2016
Black Lotus Sons of Saturn Full-length CD 2018
Black Lotus Sons of Saturn Full-length Digital 2018
Black Widows Black Orchid Single Digital 2022
Black Widows Among the Brave Ones Full-length CD 2022
Black Widows Among the Brave Ones Single Digital 2022
Black Widows Schizo Single Digital 2022
Black Widows Among the Brave Ones Full-length Digital 2022
Blackment Maw of the Dread Single Digital 2022
Blackment Clouds Single Digital 2022
Blackment Northern Lights Single Digital 2022
Blackment Plains of Oblivion Full-length CD 2022
Blackment Plains of Oblivion Full-length Digital 2022
Blind Secrecy The Edge EP Digital 2013
Blind Secrecy The Edge EP CD 2015
Blind Secrecy The Edge EP CD 2015
Blind Stare The Dividing Line Full-length CD 2012
Blood Region Tales of the Backwoods Full-length CD 2018
Blood Region Warrior Heart Single Digital 2019
Blood Region Valo Pohjolasta Single Digital 2020
Blood Region Keski​-​Suomen kotiseutulaulu Single Digital 2023
Bloodbeat Process of Extinction Full-length Digital 2021
Bloodbeat Process of Extinction Full-length CD 2021
Bloodlash Drowning Amidst the Nebulae EP Digital 2014
Bloodlash Rain EP Digital 2015
BloodRedSky A Cross to Bear & Hell to Harness Full-length CD 2012
Bloodride Planet Alcatraz Full-length CD 2016
Bloody Falls Thanatos Full-length CD 2018
Burweed Hide Full-length CD 2015
Caelestia Beneath Abyss Full-length CD 2015
Caelestia Beneath Abyss Full-length Digital 2015
Callidice Anthem for Resistance Full-length CD 2018
Callidice Happiest Country Single Digital 2021
Callidice Emperor's New Clothes Single Digital 2021
Callidice Shades Among Us EP Digital 2021
Cardiant Verge Full-length CD 2013
Cardiant Mirrors Full-length CD 2017
Carnal Demise Carnal Demise Full-length CD 2012
Carnalation Ghosts EP CD 2015
Carnalation Dance of Disorder Single Digital 2017
Cauldron of Hate Emperor EP CD 2014
Centipede Sarnath Full-length CD 2016
Cerebral Mist Age of Mist EP Digital 2022
Cerebral Mist Age of Mist (Demos) EP Digital 2022
Chaos Mortality Makes the Humanity Full-length CD 2015
Charm Designer Everlasting Full-length CD 2016
Chaska Nymph of the Lake Single Digital 2024
Chaska Rites of June EP Digital 2024
Chaska Winter Night Heights Single Digital 2023
Child of Caesar Love in Black Full-length CD 2015
Circenses Tightrope Walk on the Ground Full-length Digital 2018
Ciryam Desires Full-length CD 2015
Clamoris Rage, Rain Down on Them Single Digital 2022
Clamoris Opus Limbonica Full-length Digital 2022
Clamoris A Window to My Dreams Single Digital 2022
Clamoris The Bite of the Cosmic Snake Single Digital 2022
Clock Paradox Egotheism Full-length CD 2012
Cobra 1981 Yön salamat Single Digital 2024
Cobra 1981 Vanha kuoma Single Digital 2023
Cobra 1981 Vol. 1 Full-length CD 2024
Cobra 1981 Vol. 1 Full-length Digital 2024
Code for Silence Eyes World Shut Full-length CD 2012
Code for Silence Eyes World Shut Full-length Digital 2022
Code for Silence D.ecaying M.atter - O.rganic N.emesis Full-length Digital 2022
Coredust Decent Death Full-length CD 2012
Coventhrall Nova Burst Single Digital 2023
Coventhrall Episode IV - Avatar Single Digital 2023
Coventhrall Victory Single Digital 2023
Coventhrall Legacy of Morfuidra Full-length CD 2024
Coventhrall Legacy of Morfuidra Full-length Digital 2024
Creinium Project Utopia EP CD 2014
Creinium Divested Liberty Single Digital 2015
Creinium Hallucinosis Full-length CD 2016
Crest Riptide EP Digital 2022
Crest Onyx Single Digital 2024
Crowen Prophecy EP Digital 2021
Crowned with Black The Dragon Age EP Digital 2023
Curimus Garden of Eden Full-length CD 2020
Curimus Realization Full-length CD 2012
Curse upon a Prayer Rotten Tongues Full-length CD 2015
Curse upon a Prayer The Worship: Orthoprax Satanism Full-length CD 2024
Cut Wide Open Illusions of Dreams Single Digital 2024
Damnation Plan Reality Illusion Full-length CD 2017
Damnation Plan Reality Illusion Full-length Digital 2023
Damnation Plan The New Horizon Full-length Digital 2023
Damnation Plan Under the Veil of Sea Single Digital 2023
Damnation Plan Don't Talk to Strangers Single Digital 2017
Damnation Plan Reality Illusion Single Digital 2017
Damnation Plan The New Horizon Single Digital 2023
Damnation Plan The Wakening Full-length CD 2023
Damnation Plan The New Horizon Full-length CD 2023
Damnation Plan Dreamdead Single Digital 2023
Dark Archive Cultivate Our Blood in Aeon EP Digital 2018
Dark Archive Reunite the Darkness Full-length Digital 2022
Dark Archive Son of Blight Single Digital 2022
Dark Days Ahead The Long Road South Full-length CD 2012
Dark Days Ahead North Star Blues Full-length CD 2014
Dark the Suns Life Eternal Compilation Digital 2015
Dark the Suns Suru raivosi sydämeni pimeydessä Single Digital 2020
Dark the Suns Seeker Single Digital 2020
Dark the Suns Everywhere Single Digital 2020
Dark the Suns Suru raivosi sydämeni pimeydessä Full-length Digital 2021
Dark the Suns The Secrets of Time Single Digital 2021
Dark the Suns Kun Allot Kallioihin Murtuu Single Digital 2022
Dark the Suns Aurora Single Digital 2022
Dark the Suns Phoenix Single Digital 2023
Dark the Suns Don't Fear the Sleep Single Digital 2023
Dark the Suns Raven Single Digital 2023
Dark the Suns Swans of the Frozen Waters Single Digital 2023
Dark the Suns Raven and the Nightsky Full-length CD 2023
Dark the Suns Raven and the Nightsky Full-length Digital 2023
Dauntless Execute the Fact Full-length Digital 2022
Dawn of Tears Act III: The Dying Eve Full-length CD 2013
De Lirium's Order Singularity Full-length CD 2019
De Lirium's Order Singularity Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
De Lirium's Order Singularity Single Digital 2019
De Lirium's Order Orion's Cry Single Digital 2019
Dead End Finland Season of Withering Full-length CD 2013
Dead End Finland Slaves to the Greed Full-length CD 2016
Dead End Finland Lifelong Tragedy Single Digital 2018
Dead End Finland Closer to Extinction Single Digital 2018
Dead End Finland War Forevermore Single Digital 2018
Dead End Finland Inter Vivos Full-length CD 2020
Dead End Finland Wounded & Bleeding Single Digital 2020
Dead End Finland Northern Winds Single Digital 2022
Dead End Finland Heavy Rain Single Digital 2022
Dead End Finland Victory Full-length CD 2023
Dead End Finland Up So High, Down So Low Single Digital 2023
Dead End Finland Victory Full-length Digital 2023
Dead Serenity The World That Never Was Single Digital 2022
Dead Serenity When Worlds Turn to Gray Full-length Digital 2023
Dead Serenity When Worlds Turn to Gray Full-length CD 2023
Dead Shape Figure Cacoëthes Full-length CD 2018
Dead Shape Figure Composition X Single Digital 2020
Dead Shape Figure Cacoëthes Full-length Digital 2018
Dead Shape Figure Quatuor Post Nihil EP Digital 2020
Dead Shape Figure Stupidity Breeds False Idols Single Digital 2021
Death's-Head and the Space Allusion The Counterbalance Full-length CD 2019
Death's-Head and the Space Allusion The Son of Shahar Single Digital 2023
Death's-Head and the Space Allusion Beyond the Sun Single Digital 2023
Death's-Head and the Space Allusion Luc-II-Farul Full-length Digital 2023
Death's-Head and the Space Allusion Luc-II-Farul Full-length CD 2023
Death's-Head and the Space Allusion The Year of the Sacred Single Digital 2023
Deathing All Hail the Decay EP Digital 2020
Delayhead Vol. 80% Full-length CD 2014
Delayhead Vol. 40% Full-length CD 2011
Demonic Death Judge The Descent Full-length CD 2011
Demonic Death Judge Skygods Full-length CD 2012
Demonic Death Judge Demonic Death Judge / Coughdust Split CD 2015
Coughdust Demonic Death Judge / Coughdust Split CD 2015
Demonic Death Judge The Descent Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2015
Demonic Death Judge Skygods Full-length Digital 2012
Denigrate Perfida Single Digital 2021
Denigrate Sonata del Diavlo Single Digital 2022
Denigrate Blackguard Full-length Digital 2022
Denigrate Blackguard Full-length CD 2022
Denominate Those Who Beheld the End Full-length CD 2016
Depressed Mode Ghosts of Devotion Full-length Digital 2021
Depressed Mode ..for Death.. Full-length Digital 2021
Depressed Mode Endless November Single Digital 2021
Depressed Mode Decade of Silence Full-length CD 2022
Depressed Mode Death Walks Among Us Single Digital 2022
Depressed Mode Decade of Silence Full-length Digital 2022
Depressed Mode Dissociation of the Extinguished Mind Single Digital 2022
Depressed Mode Eternal Darkness Single Digital 2022
Depressed Mode Suffer in Darkness Single Digital 2022
Descend Wither Full-length CD 2014
Descend Wither Full-length CD 2014
Desecrate XIII, The Death Full-length CD 2012
Dimman Guide My Fury EP CD 2017
Dimman Pitch-Black Morning Single Digital 2017
Dimman 152 EP Digital 2019
Dimman Capsized Reverie Single DVD 2019
Dimman Capsized Reverie Single Digital 2019
Dimman Paroxysm Single Digital 2021
Dimman Songs and Tales of Grievance Full-length Digital 2021
Dimman Songs and Tales of Grievance Full-length CD 2021
Discipline X Wasted in Hollywood Full-length CD 2014
Disease of the Nation The Rudum Full-length CD 2011
DOL Amor brutale EP Digital 2023
DOL Dead Note Single Digital 2024
Drawn Awake Reflection EP CD 2013
Dreamferno Hagne Single Digital 2022
Dreamferno Obsolete Certes Single Digital 2022
Dyecrest Are You Not Entertained? Full-length Digital 2018
Dyecrest Are You Not Entertained? Full-length CD 2018
Dyecrest The Stage Is Set EP Digital 2019
Earthblood Primal Fury EP Digital 2023
Earthblood Witchburner EP Digital 2024
Eilera Waves Full-length CD 2020
Eilera Aquarius Single Digital 2020
Eilera Sea Widow Single Digital 2019
Einvigi Sielulintu Full-length CD 2020
Elvenscroll Never to Be Mourned EP CD 2020
Elvenscroll Never to Be Mourned EP Digital 2020
Elvenscroll Wayfarer's Mourning Single Digital 2020
Embassy of Silence Verisimilitude Full-length CD 2015
Emptybrook Emptybrook EP Cassette 2017
Enchantya On Light and Wrath Full-length CD 2019
Enchantya On Light and Wrath Full-length Digital 2019
Enchantya The Beginning Single Digital 2019
Enchantya Mother Hope Single Digital 2020
Enchantya Cerberus Full-length CD 2023
Enchantya Existence Single Digital 2023
Enchantya All Down in Flames Single Digital 2023
Enchantya Collective Souls Single Digital 2023
Enchantya Cerberus Full-length Digital 2023
Enchantya Rising Star (Orchestral version) Single Digital 2024
Enchantya Symphony of Cerberus Full-length CD 2024
Enchantya Symphony of Cerberus Full-length Digital 2024
Enchantya Alone (Orchestral version) Single Digital 2024
Endless Chain Until No One Comes Single Digital 2023
Endless Chain Blind Kings Single Digital 2023
Endless Exam Dream of Fairytale Single Digital 2023
Endless Exam Voice of Passion and Agony Full-length CD 2023
Endless Forms Most Gruesome Endless Forms Most Gruesome Full-length CD 2020
Endless Forms Most Gruesome Endless Forms Most Gruesome Full-length Digital 2020
Enragement Blood for the Sun God Single Digital 2017
Enragement Burned, Barren, Bloodstained Full-length CD 2017
Enragement Burned, Barren, Bloodstained Full-length Digital 2017
Ephemerald Servant Single Digital 2020
Ephemerald No Fall Is Too Deep Single Digital 2020
Ephemerald All There Is Single Digital 2021
Ephemerald Between the Glimpses of Hope Full-length Digital 2021
Ephemerald Between the Glimpses of Hope Full-length CD 2021
Epicrenel The Crystal Throne Full-length CD 2013
Erase This Earth King of Lies Single Digital 2023
Evemaster III Full-length CD 2012
Everture Emerge Full-length Digital 2021
Everture Undersky Single Digital 2020
Everture Closure Single Digital 2021
Everture In Between Single Digital 2020
Everture Emerge Full-length CD 2021
External Anhedonia Single Digital 2019
Extinction in Progress The Wedding Single Digital 2021
Extinction in Progress Feasting upon a False God Single Digital 2021
Extinction in Progress Cold, Part 2: Mårran Single Digital 2022
Extinction in Progress Shades of Pale Full-length Digital 2022
Falling from Grace Shattered EP Digital 2021
Falling from Grace The Abyss Single Digital 2023
Falling from Grace Shadow Single Digital 2023
Falling from Grace Final Hour Single Digital 2023
Fear of Domination Distorted Delusions Full-length CD 2014
Fear of Domination Atlas Full-length CD 2016
Fear of Domination Adrenaline Single Digital 2016
Fear of Domination El Toro Single Digital 2015
Fearrage Songs from the Sorrow EP Digital 2018
Fearrage Dead on Arrival Single Digital 2020
Final Void Visions of Fear Full-length Digital 2021
Final Void Visions of Fear Full-length CD 2021
Folkrim On Foaming Waves Full-length CD 2022
Folkrim Crack a Cold One Single Digital 2022
Folkrim On Foaming Waves Full-length Digital 2022
Folkrim Entwined! Single Digital 2022
Folkrim Midsummer Mead Single Digital 2022
Folkrim Liar's Dice Single Digital 2023
Forest of Shadows Among the Dormant Watchers Full-length CD 2018
Forest of Shadows Drowned by Guilt Single Digital 2018
Fractured Spine Songs of Slumber Full-length CD 2013
Fractured Spine Memoirs of a Shattered Mind Full-length CD 2014
Frostland Darkness Ad Moriendum Dei Gratia Full-length CD 2013
Funeral for Two II EP Digital 2021
Funeralglade May the Funeral Begin EP CD 2017
Gates Open The Awakening Single Digital 2023
Gates Open Let the Night Become Your Guide Single Digital 2023
Ghorot Loss of Light Full-length CD 2021
Gian All Life Erased Full-length CD 2015
Gloria Morti Lifestream Corrosion Full-length Digital 2022
Godhead Machinery Ouroboros Full-length CD 2017
Godhead Machinery Praise the Flesh Single Digital 2017
Godhead Machinery Council of Nicaea Single Digital 2017
Godhead Machinery Aligned to the Grid Full-length Digital 2019
Godhead Machinery Aligned to the Grid Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Godhead Machinery Aligned to the Grid Full-length Cassette 2019
Godhead Machinery Aligned to the Grid Full-length CD 2019
Godless Angel Harvester of Shadows Full-length Digital 2015
Gomorran Excerpts from the Dark Age EP CD 2021
Goresoerd Nõiaring Single Digital 2020
Gothony Patient 2442 Single Digital 2023
Gothony In the Shadow of the Moon Single Digital 2023
Gothony Gothony Full-length Digital 2024
Gothony Gothony Full-length CD 2024
Grave Siesta Grave Siesta Full-length CD 2011
Graveyard Shifters Brainwashed by Moonshine EP 10" vinyl 2014
Grendel Lost Beyond Retrieval Full-length CD 2022
Grendel Lost Beyond Retrieval Full-length Digital 2022
Grendel Corrupt to the Core Full-length Digital 2022
Grendel A Change Through Destruction Full-length Digital 2022
Guitar Force Different Universe Full-length CD 2016
Hagalas Destination​:​Genocide Single Digital 2022
Hagalas As a Unit EP CD 2022
Hagalas Mentes Reae Full-length CD 2024
Hagalas Domesticated Violence Single Digital 2024
Hagalas Remembrance Fades Single Digital 2024
Hagalas Hope Is a Lie Single Digital 2024
Hate Unbound Plague Full-length CD 2017
Hate Unbound Plague Full-length Digital 2017
Hate World Hero The Beast Has Awoken Single Digital 2022
Hate World Hero Crimson Kiss Single Digital 2022
Hautajaisyö Hautajaisyö Full-length Digital 2015
Hautajaisyö Unohdetut Single Digital 2017
Hautajaisyö Vain tuhkasi sinusta muistuttaa Single Digital 2017
Hautajaisyö Matkalla kohti hautaa Full-length CD 2018
Hautajaisyö Sinä olet helvetti Single Digital 2018
Hautajaisyö Ennen kuolemaa Single Digital 2019
Hautajaisyö Uhraus Single Digital 2020
Hautajaisyö On vain pimeys Full-length Digital 2020
Hautajaisyö On vain pimeys Full-length CD 2020
Hautajaisyö Kuuleeko kukaan Single Digital 2022
Hautajaisyö Ei hauta kysy lupaa Full-length CD 2022
Hautajaisyö Ei hauta kysy lupaa Full-length Digital 2022
Hautajaisyö Harhaluulo Single Digital 2022
Heartkiller Ekmo EP Digital 2023
Hedonihil The Hedonist Anthem Single Digital 2019
Hedonihil Anti-Human Agenda Single Digital 2019
Hedonihil I Full-length CD 2019
Hedonihil I Full-length Digital 2019
Hedonihil Shattered Mindscapes Single Digital 2021
Hedonihil Self​-​harm Meditation Single Digital 2021
Hedonihil II - Symptomatic Full-length CD 2021
Hedonihil II - Symptomatic Full-length Digital 2021
Hedonihil The Grey Walls Single Digital 2021
Herem II Full-length CD 2011
Herem III Full-length CD 2016
Heroes of Vallentor Warriors Path, Part 1 Full-length CD 2014
Hidden Capacity On the Verge of Chaos Single Digital 2024
Hiidenhauta Noitia on minun sukuni Full-length CD 2014
Hiidenhauta 1695 Full-length CD 2018
Hiidenhauta Riivin Full-length CD 2020
Hiidenhauta Riidenlieko Single Digital 2020
HMS Keelhaul Anchord Full-length Digital 2016
HMS Keelhaul Anchord Full-length CD 2016
Hundred Headless Horsemen Cataclysm Single Digital 2021
Hundred Headless Horsemen Apokalepsia Full-length CD 2021
Hundred Headless Horsemen Apokalepsia Full-length Digital 2021
I Helvete Uuden ajan ABC Single Digital 2023
I Helvete Yksi yhteinen yhteiskunta Full-length Digital 2023
I Helvete Yksi yhteinen yhteiskunta Full-length CD 2023
I Helvete Suuri puhdistus Single Digital 2023
I Helvete Paratiisi Single Digital 2023
I Will Kill You Extrema Putrefactio Full-length CD 2014
I, Cursed Blades Single Digital 2024
Iamsin Kings & Queens Full-length CD 2017
Ice Exiled Civilization Zero EP Digital 2024
ID: Exorcist Paths to Exile Full-length CD 2013
Iliac Thorns It Full-length CD 2013
Imperial Domain The Deluge Full-length CD 2018
Imperial Domain In the Ashes of the Fallen Full-length Digital 2024
Imperial Domain The Deluge Full-length Digital 2024
Inborn Tendency Heritage Single Digital 2023
Indoctrine Unto the Fall EP 2013
Inferitvm The Grimoires Full-length CD 2019
Infirmum Walls of Sorrow Full-length CD 2020
Infirmum Silence Single Digital 2020
Infirmum Cause of Sorrow Single Digital 2020
Inner Missing The Age of Silence Full-length Digital 2010
Inner Missing Ghostwriter Full-length Digital 2020
Inner Missing The Ineffable Full-length Digital 2020
Inner Missing The Sentinel and the Murderer Full-length Digital 2020
Inner Missing Defeat Full-length Digital 2020
Inner Missing Escapism Full-length Digital 2020
Inner Missing Perjury Full-length Digital 2020
Inner Missing Deluge Single Digital 2020
Inner Missing Deluge Full-length Digital 2020
Inner Missing Dead Language Full-length CD 2022
Inner Missing The Diary Full-length Digital 2024
InSomnius Dei Illusions of Silence Full-length Digital 2022
Joviac Here and Now Full-length CD 2020
Joviac Misplaced Single Digital 2020
Joviac The Fine Line Single Digital 2021
Joviac Dissemination Single Digital 2022
Justice Theory Fade into the Night Single Digital 2020
Justice Theory Welcome to the Family Single Digital 2017
Justice Theory Unbroken Single Digital 2016
Justice Theory Necessary Evil Single Digital 2016
Justice Theory Beaten Will Rise EP Digital 2022
Justice Theory Let It Die Tonight Single Digital 2024
Kaamos Warriors Ikuisen talven sarastus Full-length Digital 2019
Kaamos Warriors Shadows of Northern Chaos Full-length CD 2019
Kaamos Warriors Kuura & horros Single Digital 2019
Kaamos Warriors Tuonentuoja Single Digital 2020
Kaamos Warriors Kuilu Single Digital 2020
Kaamos Warriors Shadows of Northern Chaos Full-length Digital 2019
Kaamos Warriors In Blood and Spirit Single Digital 2021
Kaamos Warriors Vapaus Single Digital 2021
Kaamos Warriors Spirit from the Void Full-length Digital 2022
Kaamos Warriors Varjojen vaeltaja Single Digital 2022
Kaksonen Vihasta tehty Single Digital 2023
Kaksonen Universumin kuningas Full-length CD 2023
Kaksonen Sielunsyöjät Single Digital 2023
Kaksonen Universumin kuningas Full-length Digital 2023
Kamala Kamala akka Full-length CD 2013
Khiral Chained Full-length CD 2018
Kill the Romance For Rome and the Throne Full-length CD 2011
Kouzin Bedlam Longing for the Incomplete Full-length CD 2014
Kouzin Bedlam Longing for the Incomplete Full-length Digital 2022
Kratos Arlechino Full-length CD 2016
Kreyskull Year of the Octopus Full-length CD 2012
Kreyskull Tower Witch Full-length CD 2014
Kuoleman Galleria Kärsimys kunniaan Full-length CD 2016
Kuoleman Galleria Kärsimys kunniaan Full-length Digital 2018
Kuoleman Galleria Pimeys saapuu pohjoiseen Full-length CD 2017
Kuoleman Galleria Pimeys saapuu pohjoiseen Full-length Digital 2017
Kuoleman Galleria Toivomuskaivo Single Digital 2021
Kuoleman Galleria Pystyyn kuollut Single Digital 2021
Kuoleman Galleria Armon loppu Full-length CD 2022
Kuoleman Galleria Armon loppu Full-length Digital 2022
Kuoleman Galleria Pedon synty Full-length Digital 2023
Kuoleman Galleria Pedon synty Full-length CD 2023
Kuoleman Galleria Taudinkantaja Single Digital 2023
Kuoleman Galleria Sieluvaras Single Digital 2023
Lazy Bonez Vol. 1 Full-length CD 2013
Light Beneath Light Beneath Full-length Digital 2022
Light Denied Light Denied EP Digital 2023
Limos Tales of the White Eye EP Digital 2020
Limos Child of the White Eye Single Digital 2020
Loath Total Peace Full-length CD 2013
Lucidity The Oblivion Circle Full-length Digital 2015
Lucidity The Oblivion Circle Full-length CD 2015
Lucidity Oceanum Full-length CD 2019
Lucidity Night with No Morning Single Digital 2023
Lucidity Threads to Follow Single Digital 2024
Lucidity Escherian Full-length CD 2024
Lucidity Escherian Full-length Digital 2024
Lunar Path Memento Mori Full-length CD 2012
Lunar Path White Light Single Digital 2013
Lunar Path Memento Mori Full-length Digital 2012
Lykaion Heavy Lullabies Full-length CD 2015
Mad Hatter's Den Welcome to the Den Full-length CD 2013
Mad Hatter's Den Excelsior Full-length CD 2016
Mad Hatter's Den Welcome to the Den Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Magenta Harvest Volatile Waters Full-length CD 2014
Magenta Harvest Volatile Waters Full-length Digital 2014
Maniac Abductor Casualties of Causality Full-length CD 2019
Maniac Abductor Casualties of Causality Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Manitou Deadlock Full-length Digital 2022
Manitou The Mad Moon Rising Full-length Digital 2022
Manitou Fools in Control Single Digital 2022
Manufacturer's Pride Sound of God's Absence Full-length Digital 2023
Manufacturer's Pride Faustian Evangelion Full-length Digital 2023
Marianas Rest Ruins Full-length CD 2019
Marraskuun Lapset Laatupoikkeama Single Digital 2021
Marraskuun Lapset Lauluja elämässä eksyneille EP Digital 2022
Masteroid MMXIII Full-length CD 2013
Mastord To Whom Bow Even the Trees Full-length CD 2021
Mastord To Whom Bow Even the Trees Full-length Digital 2021
Memoira Carnival of Creation Full-length CD 2020
Memoira Carnival of Creation Single Digital 2020
Memoira Shooting Star Single Digital 2020
Mesetiah A Force to Recognize Full-length CD 2011
Miara Hungering Inside Full-length Digital 2023
Miasmic Theory Miasmic Theory Full-length Digital 2014
Miasmic Theory Sound of Desperation Full-length CD 2013
Miasmic Theory Sound of Desperation Full-length Digital 2013
Midnight Bullet Faraday Cage Full-length CD 2012
Midnight Bullet Into the Fire Full-length CD 2019
Midnight Bullet Quiet Whisper Single Digital 2019
Midnight Bullet Morning Star Single Digital 2019
Midnight Bullet One by One Single Digital 2019
Midnight Bullet One Man War Single Digital 2019
Midnight Bullet Into the Fire Single Digital 2019
Midnight Bullet Hostile Resistance Single Digital 2021
Midnight Bullet Angel of Babylon Single Digital 2021
Midnight Bullet Hostile Resistance Full-length Digital 2022
Midnight Bullet Hostile Resistance Full-length CD 2022
Miehala War Single Digital 2023
Miehala Sons of Alaheim EP Digital 2024
Minotauri II Full-length Digital 2022
Mirzadeh Desired Mythic Pride Full-length CD 2014
Mirzadeh Sauna EP Digital 2021
Misaligned Colours Full-length CD 2022
Misery Inc. Yesterday's Grave Full-length Digital 2022
Misery Inc. Random End Full-length Digital 2022
MMD Seeds of Evil Single Digital 2020
Mormânt de Snagov Rise from the Void Full-length CD 2023
Mormânt de Snagov Rise from the Void Full-length Digital 2023
Mors Subita Into the Pitch Black Full-length CD 2018
Mors Subita I, God Single Digital 2018
Mortyfear Delete Single Digital 2020
Mortyfear Plastic World Single Digital 2020
Mortyfear Misfortunate Phoenix Single Digital 2021
Mortyfear My Dystopia Full-length Digital 2021
Mortyfear My Dystopia Full-length CD 2021
Mortyfear Kaunankantaja Single Digital 2023
Mortyfear My Dystopia Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Mustan Kuun Lapset Kuolemanvirta EP Digital 2016
Mustan Kuun Lapset Saatto Full-length CD 2017
Mustan Kuun Lapset Saatto + Kuolemanvirta EP Full-length CD + cassette 2017
Mustan Kuun Lapset Ikaros Single 7" vinyl 2018
Mustan Kuun Lapset Talvenranta Full-length Cassette 2018
Mustan Kuun Lapset Valo Full-length CD 2019
Mustan Kuun Lapset Matkalainen Single Digital 2021
Mustan Kuun Lapset Kruunu Full-length Digital 2021
Mustan Kuun Lapset Kruunu Full-length CD 2021
Mustan Kuun Lapset Ei sävyjä pimeässä - The Complete 90s Collection Compilation CD 2021
Mustan Kuun Lapset Ei sävyjä pimeässä - The Complete 90s Collection Compilation Digital 2021
Mustan Kuun Lapset Saatto Full-length Digital 2017
Mustan Kuun Lapset Suruntuoja Full-length CD 2002
Mustan Kuun Lapset Suruntuoja Full-length CD 2022
Mustan Kuun Lapset Suruntuoja Full-length Digital 2022
Mustan Kuun Lapset Toisten laskettua seppeleet (Suruntuoja 20th Anniversary Edition) Single Digital 2022
Mustan Kuun Lapset Talvenranta Full-length Digital 2022
Mustan Kuun Lapset Valo Full-length Digital 2019
Mustan Kuun Lapset Suruaika EP CD 2023
Mustan Kuun Lapset Muistoa kunnioittaen Single Digital 2023
Mustan Kuun Lapset Suruaika EP Digital 2023
Mustasuo Hiljaisuus Full-length Digital 2022
My Darkest Time The Last Full-length CD 2016
My Funeral Primitive Evil Single Digital 2022
My Funeral Nirvana of Negative Single Digital 2022
My Funeral Funeral Manifesto Full-length CD 2022
My Grimace Grim Serenades Full-length Digital 2015
My Shameful Descend Full-length Digital 2022
My Shameful The Return to Nothing Full-length CD 2022
My Shameful The Return to Nothing Full-length Digital 2022
My Shameful ...of Dust Full-length Digital 2022
My Shameful Of All the Wrong Things Full-length Digital 2022
Myrah My Deliverance Full-length CD 2012
Mysterizer Invisible Enemy Full-length CD 2019
Mysterizer Alea Iacta Est Single Digital 2020
Mythological Cold Towers The Vanished Pantheon Full-length Digital 2022
Nailed Coil The Outcome of Anxiety Full-length CD 2012
Narthraal Screaming from the Grave Full-length CD 2017
Narthraal Baptized in Blood Single Digital 2018
Necare Ruin Full-length Digital 2022
Nefariym Morbid Delusions Full-length CD 2021
Nefariym Morbid Delusions Full-length Digital 2021
Negative Voice Infinite Dissonance Full-length CD 2014
Nemecic The Deathcantation Full-length CD 2017
Nemecic The Deathcantation Full-length Digital 2017
Nemecic The Last Magic in Practice Full-length CD 2021
Nemecic The Last Magic in Practice Full-length Digital 2021
Nibiru Ordeal Demons & Angels Single Digital 2019
Nibiru Ordeal Solar Eclipse Full-length Digital 2019
Nibiru Ordeal Solar Eclipse Full-length CD 2019
Nicumo The End of Silence Full-length CD 2013
Nicumo Storms Arise Full-length CD 2017
Nicumo Inertia Full-length CD 2020
Nicumo Time Won't Heal Single Digital 2020
Nicumo Same Blood Single Digital 2020
Nicumo The End of Silence Full-length Digital 2023
Nicumo Storms Arise Full-length Digital 2020
Nihil Mortum Aletheia Full-length CD 2012
Norđ Machine Blood Full-length Digital 2022
Northern Discipline Harvester of Hate Full-length CD 2011
Northern Genocide Ikiruoste Single Digital 2019
Northern Genocide Genesis Vol. 666 Full-length CD 2019
Northern Genocide Harbingers of Genocide Single Digital 2023
Northern Genocide The Point of No Return Full-length Digital 2024
Northern Genocide The Point of No Return Full-length CD 2024
Nosdrama Gravity Full-length CD 2013
Notio Worldview Full-length Digital 2024
Notio Worldview Full-length CD 2024
Noumena Murtuneet Single Digital 2020
Noutaja Born unto Hawthorns Single Digital 2021
Noutaja Deicidal Tendencies Single Digital 2021
Noutaja Never Meant to Save Us EP CD 2021
Nox Ultima From Delirium to Catharsis Full-length CD 2013
Numento The Vile Entity Full-length CD 2022
Numento The Vile Entity Full-length Digital 2022
Oblivion Gate Hold Your Lover Close Single Digital 2024
Obscure Fate Black Moon Single Digital 2021
Obscure Fate Raven's Call EP Digital 2021
Of Spite Riddle Redemption Full-length Digital 2023
Of Spite Riddle Redemption Full-length CD 2023
Omnivortex Circulate Full-length CD 2023
OvDeth Mortal Burden EP Digital 2022
OvDeth Saturn Devoured Single Digital 2022
Párodos Catharsis Full-length CD 2017
Perpetual Rage Empress of the Cold Stars Full-length CD 2017
Phallosopher (I) Full-length Digital 2021
Phallosopher I-Phallo-O-Sopher Single Digital 2021
Phallosopher Death Is the King and the King Has Returned Single Digital 2021
Phallosopher (I) Full-length CD 2021
Phoenix Titan Avatar of Fire Full-length CD 2019
Plaguebreeder Annihilation EP Digital 2020
Pohjoinen Pohjoinen Full-length CD 2015
Pohjoisen Soturit Oksat pois... ja osa latvuksista Full-length CD 2016
Pohjoisen Soturit Oksat pois... ja osa latvuksista Full-length Digital 2021
Process Pain Outcast of Society Full-length CD 2014
Process Pain Outcast of Society Full-length Digital 2014
Progeny of Sun Progeny of Sun EP Digital 2019
Progeny of Sun Futile Conversion Single Digital 2019
Progeny of Sun Dark Wanderer EP Digital 2021
Progeny of Sun Worthless Single Digital 2022
Progeny of Sun Anguish Single Digital 2022
Progeny of Sun Damsel Single Digital 2023
Progeny of Sun Throne of Desolation Full-length Digital 2023
Psychema The Entry Point Full-length CD 2012
Psychema Dust of Bygones EP Digital 2013
Pyroxene Pyroxene EP EP CD 2017
Rage My Bitch Fell on Black Season Full-length CD 2011
Rajalla Diktaattori Full-length CD 2016
Raster Density Bear with Me Single Digital 2022
Raster Density Death Measured in Milligrams Single Digital 2022
Raster Density Can't Get Higher than Space Single Digital 2022
Raster Density Eyewitness (Salt part II) Single Digital 2021
Raster Density Apothecary's Tome ov Depravity and Filth Full-length CD 2022
Raster Density Apothecary's Tome ov Depravity and Filth Full-length Digital 2022
Ratbreed Evoke the Blaze Full-length Digital 2018
Ratbreed Evoke the Blaze Full-length CD 2018
Re-Armed As the Stars Align Single Digital 2021
Re-Armed Monoeyes Single Digital 2021
Re-Armed XX EP CD 2022
Re-Armed Beyond the Horizon (Acoustic Version) Single Digital 2021
Re-Armed Lost and Cast Off Single Digital 2024
Rebellix Serpent's Kiss EP Digital 2021
Red Moon Architect Concealed Silence Full-length CD 2012
Red Moon Architect Return of the Black Butterflies Full-length CD 2017
Red Moon Architect Tormented Single Digital 2017
Red Moon Architect Rising Tide Single Digital 2017
Redeye Follow Your Demons Compilation Digital 2021
Rekoma Circle of Hate EP CD 2016
Rekoma Eadem Errata Full-length CD 2017
Remains of Destruction New Dawn Full-length CD 2022
Renegade Angel Damnation EP Digital 2021
Renegade Angel Jokesters Single Digital 2023
Retrogression Retrogression Full-length CD 2012
Return to Void Return to Void Full-length Digital 2017
Return to Void Infinite Silence Full-length Digital 2020
Revolted Masses Age of Descent Full-length CD 2015
Revolutio Vagrant Full-length CD 2018
Rifftera Pitch Black Full-length CD 2015
Rifftera Across the Acheron Full-length CD 2019
Rifftera Eye of the Storm Single Digital 2018
Rifftera Cutthroat Game Single Digital 2018
Rifftera Across the Acheron Full-length Digital 2023
Rifftera Pitch Black Full-length Digital 2023
Ruindom In the Eye of Death Full-length CD 2013
Saasta Black | Death | Doom EP Digital 2023
SadDolls Grave Party Full-length CD 2014
Sailor Hunter Sailor Hunter EP Digital 2022
Sailor Hunter Evolution EP Digital 2024
Saint of Disgrace For My Pain Single Digital 2012
Saint of Disgrace Gears of Time Single 2013
Samuli Federley Lifestream EP CD 2018
Sapata Satanibator Full-length CD 2017
Sargassus King of the Sun EP Digital 2023
Sarpedon Anomic Nation Full-length CD 2014
Sarvas The Throne EP CD 2016
Scarm Fragile Full-length CD 2012
Scars of Solitude Deformation Full-length CD 2017
Scars of Solitude Deformation Full-length Digital 2017
Scars of Solitude If These Walls Could Talk EP CD 2021
Scars of Solitude If These Walls Could Talk EP 12" vinyl 2022
Scars of Solitude Under Disheartening Skies Full-length CD 2024
Scent of Flesh Deform in Torture Full-length Digital 2023
Scent of Flesh Valor in Hatred Full-length Digital 2023
Scent of Flesh Valor in Hatred Full-length CD 2023
Scent of Flesh Become Malignity EP Digital 2023
Scythe for Sore Eyes Nothing Full-length CD 2019
Scythe for Sore Eyes Dawn of a Darker Horizon Full-length CD 2015
Se, josta ei puhuta Gehenna Single Digital 2021
Se, josta ei puhuta Gehenna Full-length CD 2022
Served Dead Servants Arise Full-length CD 2012
Shade of Sorrow Meteor Single Digital 2022
Shadecrown Agonia Full-length CD 2016
Shadecrown Rain's Edge Single Digital 2019
Shadecrown Riven Full-length CD 2019
Shadecrown The Awakening Single Digital 2021
Shadecrown The Loss Single Digital 2021
Shadecrown Solitarian Full-length CD 2021
Shadecrown Solitarian Full-length Digital 2021
Shadow Cut Pictures of Death Full-length Digital 2023
Silver Grime Healed by the Dark Full-length CD 2018
Simulacrum The Master and the Simulacrum Full-length CD 2012
Simulacrum Sky Divided Full-length CD 2015
Sinners Moon Atlantis Full-length CD 2015
Skeletal Dreadful Life Full-length CD 2017
Skyglow Sacred Self-Deceit Single Digital 2018
Slow Fall Exile the Day Single Digital 2020
Slow Fall Beneath the Endless Rains Full-length Digital 2020
Slow Fall Under This Corroded Sky Single Digital 2020
Slow Fall Beneath the Endless Rains Full-length CD 2020
Somberaeon Broken Full-length CD 2011
Sombria Tired Single Digital 2021
Sombria Chirographon Dei Full-length CD 2021
Sonus Corona Time Is Not on Your Side Full-length CD 2019
Sorrowed At the Ruins Full-length CD 2012
Soulfallen The Promise of Hell Full-length CD 2012
Soulfallen World Expiration Full-length Digital 2020
SoulHealer The Kings of Bullet Alley Full-length CD 2012
Soulwound No Peace Full-length CD 2016
Soulwound The Suffering Full-length CD 2020
Soulwound The Suffering Full-length Digital 2020
Spirit Disease Retaliation Full-length CD 2011
Splendidula Post Mortem Full-length CD 2018
Standing Ovation The Antikythera Mechanism Full-length CD 2012
Standing Ovation Gravity Beats Nuclear Full-length Digital 2015
Standing Ovation Gravity Beats Nuclear Full-length CD 2015
Star Insight My Time Is Out Single CD 2012
Star Insight Messera Full-length CD 2014
Star Insight Reaching for the Sky Above Single Digital 2020
Star Insight Across the Galaxy Full-length Digital 2020
Stellar Void Chrysalis EP CD 2021
Stud War of Power Single Digital 2020
Stud War of Power Full-length Digital 2020
Stud War of Power Full-length CD 2021
Subliminal Fear Escape from Leviathan Full-length CD 2016
Sulfuris Shatterpoint Single Digital 2024
Superdeathflame The Last Wave Full-length CD 2011
Superdeathflame The Final Truth Single Digital 2016
Superdeathflame Dead Is Dead Single Digital 2018
Superdeathflame Falling in Shades Single Digital 2019
Superdeathflame Untold Burden Single Digital 2019
Superdeathflame Dying Embers Single Digital 2020
Superdeathflame Dead Is Dead Full-length Digital 2022
Superdeathflame Dead Is Dead Full-length CD 2022
Superdeathflame Circle of the Weak Single Digital 2023
Superdeathflame A Tale of Disclosure Single Digital 2023
Superdeathflame The Last Wave Full-length Digital 2021
Superdeathflame A Tale of Disclosure EP Digital 2024
Symmetry of the Void The Unworthy Single Digital 2019
Tasteful Turmoil The Phantom Fear Full-length CD 2019
Terhen Eyes Unfolded Full-length Digital 2023
Terrific Verdict Wheel of Fortune Full-length CD 2019
Terror Visit Planet Hell Full-length CD 2012
The Addication My Testament Single 2012
The Addication The Addication Full-length CD 2012
The Eternal Waiting for the Endless Dawn Full-length CD 2018
The Harbinger Hollow Single Digital 2024
The Hirvi Old School Killspree Full-length CD 2018
The Hirvi Violence Stays in Fashion Full-length Digital 2022
The Hirvi Violence Stays in Fashion Full-length CD 2022
The Hirvi Old School Killspree Full-length Digital 2018
The Hirvi Dying Time Single Digital 2017
The Hirvi Don't Fuck with the Runners Single Digital 2017
The Howl Loose Ends Full-length CD 2012
The Hypothesis Origin Full-length CD 2016
The Hypothesis Origin Full-length Digital 2016
The Republic of Desire Tower Full-length CD 2011
The Undivine Delusional Noise Full-length CD 2012
Torture Wheel Crushed Under... EP Digital 2023
Treatment Sagacity Full-length Digital 2020
Treatment Sagacity Full-length CD 2020
Tyranny Tides of Awakening Full-length Digital 2023
Tyranny Bleak Vistae EP Digital 2023
Tyrant Disciple Weight of Oblivion Full-length CD 2018
Tyrant Disciple The Great Dead One Single Digital 2018
Uhriristi Petetty Demo Digital 2023
Uhriristi Haudankylmä Full-length Digital 2023
Uhriristi Maailma palaa Full-length Digital 2023
Ulterror Greater Sublimations of Cosmic Panic Single Digital 2023
Ulterror Transcendent Origins Full-length CD 2024
Ulterror Transcendent Origins Full-length Digital 2024
Ulthima Symphony of the Night Full-length CD 2021
Ulthima Symphony of the Night Full-length Digital 2021
Ultra Mayhem Jeremiad Full-length Digital 2023
Umbra Nihil Gnoia Full-length CD 2023
Umbra Nihil Gnoia Full-length Digital 2023
Unborn Generation Vøid Full-length CD 2018
Unborn Generation Kivun kuilu Single Digital 2024
Unborn Generation .​.​.​and All We Forget Full-length Digital 2024
Unborn Generation .​.​.​and All We Forget Full-length CD 2024
V The Year of Relinquishment Full-length CD 2011
Vanguardian The Collider Single Digital 2022
Vanguardian Back to Stone Age Single Digital 2022
Vanguardian Pantheon Single Digital 2022
Vansidian Cycle Single Digital 2023
Vansidian Reflecting the Shadows Full-length Digital 2023
Verikalpa Taistelutahto Full-length CD 2018
Verilehto Kuoleman siipien havina Full-length Digital 2023
Verilehto Alla tähtitaivaan Single Digital 2023
Vetten Äpärät Sydäntalven viha Single CD 2015
Vetten Äpärät Sydäntalven viha Single Digital 2015
Vetten Äpärät Syntyi talven kyynelistä Full-length Digital 2016
Vetten Äpärät Syntyi talven kyynelistä Full-length CD 2016
Vhod Dreamcleaver Full-length CD 2015
Vinide Reveal Full-length CD 2018
Voidfallen The Atlas of Spiritual Apocalypse Full-length CD 2021
Volucrine Etna Full-length CD 2024
Volucrine Etna Full-length Digital 2024
Volucrine Riptide Single Digital 2024
Vorna Ajastaika Full-length CD 2013
Vorna Ei valo minua seuraa Full-length CD 2015
Walking Dead Suicide Rise of Resistance Full-length CD 2012
Wasara Hehku Full-length CD 2011
Weightless World Hopeless Dreams Single Digital 2022
Weightless World Ragdoll Single Digital 2022
Weightless World Initiate Restart Single Digital 2023
Where's My Bible M 'n' R Full-length CD 2018
Where's My Bible Werewolves of Ghost Town Single Digital 2020
Where's My Bible Chapter I: Escape Single Digital 2022
Where's My Bible Circle EP Digital 2022
Where's My Bible Chapter II: Void Single Digital 2022
Where's My Bible Chapter III: Nest Single Digital 2022
Where's My Bible King of the Hill Single Digital 2019
Whorion The Reign of the 7th Sector Full-length CD 2015
Withering Gospel of Madness Full-length CD 2023
Withering Gospel of Madness Full-length Digital 2023
Wizards of Hazards End of Time Full-length Digital 2020
Wizards of Hazards End of Time Full-length CD 2020
Wizards of Hazards Black Wizard EP Digital 2021
Wizards of Hazards Moonpowers Single Digital 2022
Wizards of Hazards Supernatural Full-length Digital 2023
Wizards of Hazards Supernatural Full-length CD 2023
Wolfhorde Towards the Gates of North Full-length CD 2016
Wolfhorde The Great Old Ones EP Digital 2017
Wolfhorde Doctor of the Plague Single Digital 2018
Wolfhorde Hounds of Perdition Full-length CD 2019
Wolfhorde Bloodmoon Symphonies Full-length Digital 2024
Wolftopia Hound of War Single Digital 2021
Wolftopia Ways of the Pack Full-length CD 2021
Wömit Angel Sodomatik Rites of I.N.R.I Full-length CD 2012
Wömit Angel Holy Goatse Full-length CD 2014
Wooden Shadow Eternal Land of Wrath and Mourn Full-length Digital 2023
Woods of Belial Deimos XIII Full-length Digital 2023
Wrathrone Born Beneath Full-length CD 2016
Wrathrone Eternal Salvation Single Digital 2015
Wreck-Defy Remnants of Pain Full-length CD 2019
Wrestling Ride on Freaks Full-length CD 2018
Wyrmwoods Earth Made Flesh Full-length CD 2018
Wyrmwoods Subterrane Single Digital 2020
Wyrmwoods Gamma Full-length CD 2020
XIII Helltongue Full-length CD 2013
Zephyra As the World Collapses Full-length CD 2016
Zephyra As the World Collapses Full-length Digital 2016
Zombie Rodeo Cult Leader EP CD 2016
Zombie Rodeo The Eyes Are Set upon You EP Digital 2022
Мужчины в Металле Пусть душа расправит крылья Full-length Digital 2018