Antichriconoclast Productions

JSON | Metal Archives


Country United States
Status active
Founding Date July 25th, 2020


Name Country Genre Status
Wyrmvold United States black, death Current
Ydrus Trine United States black, death Current
Churchacide United States black, death Past
Exocatharsis United States death, heavy Past
Lure of Kenopsia United States death, doom Past
Plague Swarm United States black, death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Churchacide Abhorrent Others EP CD 2020
Churchacide Eschatological Retaliation Split CD 2021
Plague Swarm Eschatological Retaliation Split CD 2021
Exocatharsis A Triumphant Stillbirth Demo CD 2021
Wyrmvold Vengeance Eclipsing Red EP CD 2024
Ydrus Trine The Sidereal Warpath Demo Cassette 2021