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⛧ 2024-03-16 ⛧
Band Release Label
10-50 Nightmare 10-50 Nightmare
Amaddon Rehearsals 15.03
Assylum Far Beyond Madness
Bergfried Romantik I & II Stormspell Records
Blodig Graveyard Decay
Blood Rot Demo '24
Brudywr Shadowscape
Cachot d'Effroi Dans le cimeti​è​re abandonné
Closed Casket Survival Tactics
Convulsion Live at the Light House Arts Centre (Battle of the Bands Winning Set)
Corpse Carving Debauchery Manifest
Drape The Choir Above and the Symphony Below
Enforcer Rumors of My Demise Stormspell Records
Flamestrike Where Glory Awaits
Gestation Sentient Tumor
Helsreach Live at Radstorm
Hushed Snakes Tits and Pentagrams
Instant Death Metallurgical Deathgore
Insulator Order to Destroy
Invicta Axeman's Altar Stormspell Records
Loopholes First Travel
Metallosis Draw Blood or Bleed
Mourning Souls Wall
OakMonolith Elegy of a Dying World
Peste Negra Parasita
Sithlord Jettison the Dead Barbarian Wrath
Skin Eruption Play It Loud!!!
The Great Kat Debussy's Beau Soir TPR Music
Three Dead Fingers 9 Apes
Tomblurker Path II
Vestal Cuntvomit Barbaric Supremacy Unpure Records
Vipsul Phersu The book of signes
Warhorde Warhorde / Lord Alfred Barbarian Wrath
Wick Candlelight
Zatrebil Casting Spells
Концлагерь Eternal Black Sorrow