Unpure Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Country Poland
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death, Black, Thrash Metal
Founding Date 2017
Online Shopping Yes
Parent Label Kampf Records

Online Presence

SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/user-530265372/tracks
Bandcamp https://unpurerecords.bandcamp.com/
Discogs https://www.discogs.com/seller/UnpureRecords/profile
Storenvy https://unpurerec.storenvy.com/


Name Country Genre Status
Clavis Inferni Brazil black Current
Imperium United States black, death Current
Nekrograal Canada black, death Current
Sadomortuary Italy black, death Current
Savage Necromancy United States black, death Current
Wehgeifetir Switzerland black Current
Abhorrency United States black, death Past
Abominablood Argentina black, death Past
Abraxas Black Canada black, noise Past
Abysmal Winds Sweden death Past
Aliicide Mexico black Past
Bestial Goat Attack Ecuador black, death Past
Bestial Raids Poland black, death Past
Black Abyss Canada black, death Past
Black Rock Finland black, heavy, speed Past
Blasphemous Division Peru black, death Past
Burning Winds United States black Past
Corpsehammer Chile black, death, thrash Past
Cosmic Hearse United States grind, hardcore Past
Crucifixion Vomit Malaysia black, death Past
Cursed Excruciation Brazil black, death Past
Death Invoker Peru black, death, thrash Past
Death Legion United States black, death Past
Deiphage United States black, death Past
Demonarchy Canada black, death Past
Demonic Incarnate Germany death, doom Past
Demonic Sacrifice Peru black Past
Demonic Torment Finland black, death Past
Egregore United States black, death, grind, hardcore Past
Empheris Poland black, death, thrash Past
Extiferation Türkiye black, death Past
Fornicatador Australia black, death Past
Funeral Whore Netherlands death Past
Funerealm Gloom Finland black Past
Genocidal Sodomy Thailand black, death Past
Gha'agsheblah Austria black Past
Goat Excrement Canada black, death Past
Goat Terror Belarus black, death Past
Goathorned Belarus black, death Past
Goatscrote Canada black, death Past
Grave Disgust United States death Past
Hell-Born Poland black, death, thrash Past
Hellgate Necrosodomy Finland black, death Past
Hellish Türkiye black, death Past
Hematoma United States black, death Past
Impuro Gral Chile black Past
Infernathan Finland black, death, grind, hardcore Past
Loferogh Switzerland black, raw Past
Lord Frimost Ecuador black Past
Morbid Sacrifice Italy black, death Past
Mordhell Poland black Past
Mortuary Ghoul United States brutal, death Past
Naḥš Costa Rica black, death Past
Natum Abortus Sweden black Past
Necro Ritus Finland black Past
Necrosadist Poland black, thrash Past
Necrostuprum International black Past
Nekro Cvlt Desecration Venezuela black, thrash Past
Nekromantik Peru black Past
Obliterate Indonesia black, death Past
Ofstingan United States black Past
Omnikinetic United States black, death Past
Paganfire Philippines black, thrash Past
Perversor Chile black, death, thrash Past
Psychotomimetic United States black, death Past
Putrefiance France death Past
Satan's Sigh Brazil black, death Past
Savage Act Argentina black, death Past
Scür Italy black, raw Past
Sepulchral Rites Chile death Past
Teufelsberg Poland black Past
The Crucifixion Path Chile black, thrash Past
Throneum Poland black, death Past
Thy Rites Brazil black, death Past
Trance of the Undead Brazil black, death Past
Tzalmavet Canada black, death Past
Unblessing United States black, death Past
Vestal Cuntvomit Australia black, death Past
Vile Invokation United States black, death Past
Viscous Canada death Past
Warslaughter Spain black, death Past
Witchfuck Poland punk, thrash, black Past
Zmora Poland black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abhorrency Demo MMXX Demo Cassette 2020
Abominablood Arcane Noctambulism of Doom / Eternal Cycles of Death Split Cassette 2022
Trance of the Undead Arcane Noctambulism of Doom / Eternal Cycles of Death Split Cassette 2022
Abominablood Arcane Noctambulism of Doom / Eternal Cycles of Death Split 10" vinyl 2023
Trance of the Undead Arcane Noctambulism of Doom / Eternal Cycles of Death Split 10" vinyl 2023
Abominablood Arcane Noctambulism of Doom / Eternal Cycles of Death Split CD 2023
Trance of the Undead Arcane Noctambulism of Doom / Eternal Cycles of Death Split CD 2023
Abraxas Black Militant Satanic Attack Full-length CD 2022
Abysmal Winds Doom Prayer Demo CD 2022
Aliicide First Prayer EP CD 2020
Bestial Goat Attack Bestial Attack Demo CD 2020
Bestial Raids Master Satan's Witchery Full-length Cassette 2018
Black Abyss Entropy of the Goat Compilation CD 2022
Black Rock Arcane Remorseless Full-length Cassette 2018
Black Rock Nightmare Empire Full-length Cassette 2022
Blasphemous Division Peruvian Ultraterrorism Compilation Cassette 2020
Burning Winds Return to Hell Compilation CD 2021
Burning Winds Return to Hell Compilation CD 2021
Burning Winds Return to Hell Compilation CD + vinyl 2021
Burning Winds Return to Hell Compilation CD + vinyl 2021
Burning Winds Return to Hell Compilation Cassette 2023
Burning Winds Return to Hell Compilation 2 cassettes 2023
Clavis Inferni Unholy Communion... Demo Cassette 2022
Corpsehammer Sign of the Corpsehammer Compilation CD 2019
Cosmic Hearse Exalted Terror Demo Cassette 2022
Crucifixion Vomit Blasphemy War EP Cassette 2022
Crucifixion Vomit Demo Demo Cassette 2023
Cursed Excruciation Morbid Catholicism Demo Cassette 2022
Cursed Excruciation Initiation: The Oath of Darkness Demo Cassette 2022
Cursed Excruciation Arcane Diabolism Full-length Cassette 2023
Cursed Excruciation The Defilement of Sanctity / Serpentcraft Split CD 2023
Funerealm Gloom The Defilement of Sanctity / Serpentcraft Split CD 2023
Cursed Excruciation The Defilement of Sanctity / Serpentcraft Split Cassette 2023
Funerealm Gloom The Defilement of Sanctity / Serpentcraft Split Cassette 2023
Cursed Excruciation The Defilement of Sanctity / Serpentcraft Split 10" vinyl 2023
Funerealm Gloom The Defilement of Sanctity / Serpentcraft Split 10" vinyl 2023
Death Legion Total Eradication Demo Cassette 2020
Deiphage Nuclear Cavalry EP Cassette 2023
Demonarchy Demo 2019 Demo Cassette 2020
Demonarchy Demo II Demo CD 2022
Demonic Incarnate Purgatorial Flames Demo Cassette 2021
Demonic Sacrifice Satanic Rites in the Cthulhu's Temple Demo Cassette 2018
Demonic Torment Blood Lust Demo Cassette 2024
Extiferation Baphovomital Holocaust Worshipping Ritual EP Cassette 2024
Fornicatador Graveyard Sodomy / Nuclear Rape Compilation Cassette 2020
Funeral Whore Dreadfully Expired Full-length CD 2022
Genocidal Sodomy Bestial Quintessence EP CD 2021
Gha'agsheblah Demo(N) Demo CD 2021
Goat Excrement Goat Excrement / Tzalmavet Split Cassette 2022
Tzalmavet Goat Excrement / Tzalmavet Split Cassette 2022
Goat Terror Unholy March Demo Cassette 2019
Goathorned Kvlt ov War Demo Cassette 2022
Goatscrote We Shall Orgy upon the Blood of Angels Full-length CD 2020
Goatscrote Parasite Plague Full-length CD 2024
Grave Disgust Within Eternal Rot / Womb Abortion Compilation CD 2020
Grave Disgust Cerebral Sickness Split Split Vinyl 2020
Egregore Cerebral Sickness Split Split Vinyl 2020
Grave Disgust Cerebral Sickness Split Split Cassette 2021
Egregore Cerebral Sickness Split Split Cassette 2021
Hell-Born Natas Liah Full-length Cassette 2021
Hellgate Necrosodomy The Annihilation Deliverance Full-length CD 2024
Hellish Bruxism EP Cassette 2024
Hematoma Relentless Barbarism Demo Cassette 2023
Imperium Deathcamp Destiny / Spiritual Malpractice Compilation Cassette 2020
Imperium Hatred Incarnate Full-length CD 2021
Imperium Blood Reign Full-length CD 2022
Imperium Blood Reign EP 7" vinyl 2022
Imperium Blood Reign Demo Cassette 2022
Imperium Hatred Incarnate Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Imperium Blood Reign Full-length Cassette 2022
Impuro Gral Primera manifestación Demo CD 2021
Infernathan Ascension Vengeance for Gods Slaughter Split CD 2023
Necro Ritus Ascension Vengeance for Gods Slaughter Split CD 2023
Loferogh Sanctimonious Rectitudinous Compilation Cassette 2023
Lord Frimost Among the Silence Burning Chaos EP Cassette 2023
Morbid Sacrifice Devil's Weapons Demo Cassette 2019
Morbid Sacrifice Communion of the Unholy Full-length CD 2020
Mordhell Motherfucking Hate Machine Single Vinyl 2020
Mordhell Motherfucking Hate Machine Single Cassette 2021
Mortuary Ghoul Corpse Exhumation EP CD 2022
Naḥš Ad Inferos Ascensionis Demo CD 2020
Natum Abortus Hymns of Sadistic Divine Compilation Cassette 2022
Necrostuprum Infernal Compilation CD 2019
Nekro Cvlt Desecration Nekrosatani alcoholocausto Full-length Cassette 2018
Nekrograal Black Shit Order Demo 7" vinyl 2023
Nekrograal Black Shit Order Demo Cassette 2022
Nekromantik Sitra Ahra Demo Cassette 2018
Obliterate Complete Human Annihilation EP CD 2020
Ofstingan Blasphemous Conqueror EP Cassette 2021
Omnikinetic Omnikinetic Demo Cassette 2020
Paganfire ...of Chaos... and Then Some... Death... FUKK! Compilation Cassette 2018
Perversor Psicomoro EP Cassette 2021
Psychotomimetic Delirio Dimensional EP Cassette 2018
Putrefiance Demo 2018 Demo Cassette 2018
Sadomortuary Inflicting Litanies of Torment Full-length CD 2024
Satan's Sigh Demo I Demo Cassette 2024
Savage Act Act of Primitive Existence Demo Cassette 2023
Savage Necromancy Savage Necromancy EP CD 2019
Savage Necromancy Feathers Fall to Flames Full-length CD 2021
Scür Signùr d' la négra lüs Demo Cassette 2019
Scür Nel mund dìj mort Demo Cassette 2019
Scür Rituàl De Sàngu Demo Cassette 2019
Scür Mesanòth (Ordo ab Chao) Demo Cassette 2019
Sepulchral Rites Promo-Demo Demo Cassette 2018
Teufelsberg Ordre du Diable Full-length Cassette 2023
The Crucifixion Path Sendero de crucifixión Demo Cassette 2018
Throneum Night of Terror Split Cassette 2018
Necrosadist Night of Terror Split Cassette 2018
Empheris Night of Terror Split Cassette 2018
Witchfuck Night of Terror Split Cassette 2018
Throneum Organic Death Temple MMXVI Full-length Cassette 2018
Throneum Pact with the Forbidden Split Cassette 2019
Death Invoker Pact with the Forbidden Split Cassette 2019
Throneum Pact with the Forbidden Split 7" vinyl 2020
Death Invoker Pact with the Forbidden Split 7" vinyl 2020
Throneum Pact with the Forbidden Split 7" vinyl 2020
Death Invoker Pact with the Forbidden Split 7" vinyl 2020
Thy Rites Satankorps Full-length Cassette 2022
Trance of the Undead Sic Transit Gloria Mundi / Transe Sepulcral Compilation CD 2021
Trance of the Undead Sic Transit Gloria Mundi / Transe Sepulcral Compilation Cassette 2022
Unblessing Rose Hills Cult Demo Cassette 2018
Unblessing 2019 Rehearsal Demo Demo Cassette 2022
Unblessing Possessed Chaos Demo Cassette 2023
Vestal Cuntvomit Beast Among Vermin Demo CD 2020
Vestal Cuntvomit Slaughter for Satan Demo Cassette 2022
Vestal Cuntvomit Barbaric Supremacy Full-length CD 2024
Vile Invokation Demo 2022 Demo Cassette 2022
Viscous Morbid Arousal EP Cassette 2023
Warslaughter Prácticas antropofágicas Demo Cassette 2022
Warslaughter Autofagia Full-length Cassette 2022
Wehgeifetir Wehgeifetir Demo Cassette 2022
Zmora Pomi​ę​dzy światami Full-length Cassette 2022