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⛧ 2024-01-18 ⛧
Band Release Label
Dark Oath Ages of Man
Decimate Go Woke, Go Fuck Yourself
Diabolic Wizardry Into the Realm of Shadows
Drakon С​в​е​т​о​п​р​е​с​т​а​в​л​е​н​и​е
Ecpatia Under Suicide is Rebellion (Live) 2023
FreeHowling Far Beyond the Rain
Gorotum Simulacra of a Heretic
Ihsahn The Distance Between Us Candlelight Records
Ihsahn The Distance Between Us (Orchestral) Candlelight Records
Lesath Forlorn
Sankaku The Perils of Love and Loss
Sjálfsmorð af Gáleysi Astral Abstractions
Smerdead О жизни, смерти и войне
Царетворец Мертвецы хоронят мертвецов Svanrenne Music