Drakon - С​в​е​т​о​п​р​е​с​т​а​в​л​е​н​и​е

JSON | Metal Archives


Release Type Full-length
Release Date January 18th, 2024
Label Independent
Media Format Digital
Reviews None yet


No. Title Length
1 Злато (Gold) 5 mins, 25 secs
2 Скверна (Filth) 5 mins, 16 secs
3 Кривда (Falsity) 4 mins, 58 secs
4 Мерзость Запустения (Abomination of Desolation) 5 mins, 18 secs
5 Соль и Кровь (Salt and Blood) 4 mins, 26 secs
6 Гог и Магог (Gog and Magog) 5 mins, 26 secs
7 Лик Агни (Image of Agni) 4 mins, 50 secs
8 Вечность (Foreverness) 4 mins, 15 secs