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⛧ 2024-03-09 ⛧
Band Release Label
Bastard Cruciatu B​.​C. I
Cata Never to Be SMR Records
Colapsus Order of Execution
Devil Beheaded The Watcher
Eagerkill Fatal Massacre Engine Toxic Death Records
Froglord Live by the Fuzz or Die by the Slime
Horca Estirpe Xauxa Carnicero Mutilaciones Records
Inrae Will Made Flesh
Lidérc Profán Mystérium Sun & Moon Records
Mechanica Game Over
Mourning Souls H
Nagyszeben The Devil's Necromantic Magic Lucifogo Records
Nekroza Procesija ucrvanih InsArt Records
Nihilithic Depths Cliff of Solace
Obad-Hai Obad-Hai
Saturnist Prophets
Southern Rising Australis Incarnata
Tears of the Deceased Nocturnal Desires
The Great Kat Axe Thrust TPR Music
The Great Kat Spring Shred TPR Music