Sun & Moon Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Transylvania
Country Romania
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black, Doom, Ambient
Founding Date 2006
Online Shopping Yes
Sublabels Mirgilus Siculorum, The Arcane Tapes, Valse Sinistre Productions

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
A Winter Lost Canada black Current
Anguish Sweden doom Current
Atman Spain black Current
Black Oath Italy doom Current
Catacombes France black Current
Chelmno Italy black Current
Dom Dracul Sweden black Current
Gargoyle Italy black, death, doom Current
Hiddent Chile black Current
Holdlajtorja Hungary black, progressive Current
Kexelür Chile black, experimental Current
Kistvaen Romania black, depressive Current
Kröwnn Italy doom Current
Labyrinth of Abyss Romania black, thrash Current
Lidérc Hungary black Current
Mortajas Chile doom Current
Mrak Germany black, depressive Current
Nocturnal Depression France atmospheric, black, depressive Current
Old Witch Canada black, doom, drone Current
Satan's Cross Mexico black, doom Current
Siculicidium Romania black Current
Solipsism Slovakia black Current
Suruni Finland black, experimental Current
Vowels Italy ambient, atmospheric, post-metal, black Current
Ygfan Hungary black, doom, post-metal Current
Abysmal Grief Italy doom Past
Amorite Hungary death Past
Beyond Light Netherlands black, depressive Past
Blaze of Sorrow Italy atmospheric, black, folk Past
Briton Rites United States doom Past
Grave Desecrator Brazil black, death Past
Isolation Germany black, doom Past
Leiru Hungary black, raw Past
Lucifer's Fall Australia doom, heavy Past
Malokarpatan Slovakia black, heavy Past
Mord'A'Stigmata Poland avant-garde, black, post-metal Past
Mortualia Finland black, depressive Past
Nychts Switzerland ambient, black Past
Permixtio Italy black, depressive Past
Selbst Venezuela black Past
Sír Hungary depressive, doom, black Past
Svoid Hungary black, alternative-rock Past
Tapetum Lucidum Belgium black, doom Past
Undoer Türkiye black Past
Void Moon Sweden doom Past
Wedard Germany atmospheric, black, depressive Past
Windbruch Russia black, depressive Past
Witching Hour Germany black, heavy, thrash Past
Wolfsgrey Romania black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
A Winter Lost Weltenende Full-length CD 2010
A Winter Lost Die längste Nacht Full-length CD 2013
Abysmal Grief Blasphema Secta Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Abysmal Grief Mors Eleison EP CD 2019
Abysmal Grief Dedication to the Occult and the Weird Boxed set Cassette 2020
Abysmal Grief Dedication to the Occult and the Weird Boxed set Digital 2020
Abysmal Grief Funeral Cult of Personality Full-length Digital 2021
Abysmal Grief Funeral Cult of Personality Full-length CD 2021
Abysmal Grief Funeral Cult of Personality Full-length Cassette 2021
Abysmal Grief Funeral Cult of Personality Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Amorite Archaic Faces of Ecstasy Full-length CD 2021
Anguish Doomkvädet Full-length CD 2021
Anguish The Archdemon's Decade / Un viaje sin final Split CD 2022
Mortajas The Archdemon's Decade / Un viaje sin final Split CD 2022
Atman L'assassí de Venus Full-length CD 2009
Beyond Light Eclipsed Sun Path Full-length CD 2010
Black Oath Emeth Truth and Death Full-length CD 2022
Black Oath Emeth Truth and Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Black Oath Emeth Truth and Death Full-length Digital 2022
Black Oath Samhain...and Grotesque Chants EP CD 2023
Blaze of Sorrow Echi Full-length CD 2012
Blaze of Sorrow Fulgida reminiscenza EP CD 2014
Blaze of Sorrow Eremita del fuoco Full-length CD 2015
Briton Rites For Mircalla Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Briton Rites For Mircalla Full-length Digital 2023
Catacombes Des glaires et des briques Full-length Digital 2022
Catacombes Des glaires et des briques Full-length CD 2022
Chelmno Horizon of Events Full-length CD 2010
Dom Dracul Cold Grave Full-length CD 2016
Dom Dracul Devil Dedication Full-length CD 2016
Dom Dracul Attack on the Crucified Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Gargoyle Hail to the Necrodoom Full-length Digital 2021
Gargoyle Hail to the Necrodoom Full-length CD 2021
Grave Desecrator Unblessed Bootleg Live in Bressuire - France Live album CD 2012
Hiddent Where Light Ceases to Exist Full-length CD 2022
Hiddent Where Light Ceases to Exist Full-length Digital 2022
Holdlajtorja Arcana et Tenebrae Full-length CD 2024
Holdlajtorja Arcana et Tenebrae Full-length Digital 2024
Isolation Striding on the Path of Nihil Demo CD 2008
Kexelür Llave a las profundidades​.​.​. Demo CD 2023
Kröwnn Magmafröst Full-length CD 2015
Labyrinth of Abyss The Cult of Turul Pride Full-length CD 2007
Leiru Idő Full-length CD 2020
Lidérc Profán Mystérium Full-length CD 2024
Lidérc Profán Mystérium Full-length Digital 2024
Lucifer's Fall Tales from the Crypt Compilation CD 2018
Lucifer's Fall III: From the Deep Full-length Digital 2021
Lucifer's Fall III: From the Deep Full-length CD 2021
Lucifer's Fall III: From the Deep Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Malokarpatan Cesta podzemnými sálami Kovovlada EP 7" vinyl 2019
Mord'A'Stigmata Antimatter Full-length CD 2011
Mord'A'Stigmata Antimatter Full-length Digital 2011
Mortajas Mortajas II Full-length CD 2023
Mortajas Mortajas Full-length CD 2023
Mortualia Nebelstern des Nichts Collaboration CD 2010
Nychts Nebelstern des Nichts Collaboration CD 2010
Mortualia Nebelstern des Nichts Collaboration Digital 2020
Nychts Nebelstern des Nichts Collaboration Digital 2020
Nocturnal Depression Soundtrack for a Suicide - Opus II Full-length CD 2007
Nocturnal Depression Reflections of a Sad Soul Full-length CD 2008
Nocturnal Depression Mankind Suffering Visions Video DVD 2009
Nocturnal Depression Suicidal Thoughts Full-length CD 2011
Nocturnal Depression Near to the Stars Full-length CD 2014
Nocturnal Depression Nostalgia - Fragments of a Broken Past Full-length CD 2007
Nocturnal Depression Four Seasons to a Depression Demo CD 2007
Nocturnal Depression Nostalgia - Fragments of a Broken Past Full-length CD 2010
Nocturnal Depression Nostalgia Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Nocturnal Depression Deathcade Full-length CD 2017
Nocturnal Depression Soundtrack for a Suicide - Opus II Full-length CD 2017
Nocturnal Depression Tides of Despair Full-length CD 2019
Nocturnal Depression Reflections of a Sad Soul Full-length CD 2011
Old Witch Come Mourning Come Full-length CD 2014
Permixtio Il canto dei sepolcri Full-length CD 2010
Satan's Cross Celebration of the Fallen EP CD 2020
Selbst An Ominous Landscape EP CD 2015
Selbst Selbst Full-length CD 2017
Selbst Secular Compendium Compilation CD 2018
Selbst Selbst Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Siculicidium Utolsó vágta az Univerzumban Full-length CD 2009
Siculicidium A rothadó virágok színüket vesztik EP CD 2012
Siculicidium Keringők (Valses) EP 7" vinyl 2012
Siculicidium Hosszú út az örökkévalóságba Full-length CD 2013
Siculicidium Lélekösvény EP 12" vinyl 2013
Siculicidium Lélekösvény EP CD 2015
Siculicidium Land Beyond the Forest EP 12" vinyl 2016
Siculicidium Hosszú út az örökkévalóságba Full-length Cassette 2017
Siculicidium A rothadó virágok színüket vesztik EP Cassette 2017
Siculicidium Land Beyond the Forest EP Cassette 2017
Siculicidium A halál és az iránytű EP 7" vinyl 2019
Siculicidium Utolsó vágta az Univerzumban Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Siculicidium Az alámerülés lárvái Full-length CD 2020
Siculicidium Az alámerülés lárvái Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Siculicidium 20 Years of Resistance Compilation Digital 2023
Siculicidium Az elidegenedés melankóliája Full-length Digital 2024
Siculicidium A halál tengely Full-length Digital 2024
Sír Your Star Will Collapse Full-length CD 2023
Sír Your Star Will Collapse Full-length Digital 2023
Solipsism Trhliny v (ne)skutočnosti EP CD 2020
Solipsism Trhliny v (ne)skutočnosti EP Digital 2020
Solipsism Our Night Never Ends Full-length Digital 2022
Solipsism Our Night Never Ends Full-length CD 2022
Suruni Ikuus Full-length CD 2014
Suruni Musta nauha Demo Cassette 2015
Svoid To Never Return Full-length CD 2015
Svoid Storming Voices of Inner Devotion Full-length CD 2016
Svoid Neptunian Full-length CD 2024
Svoid Neptunian Full-length Digital 2024
Tapetum Lucidum Machteloos bestaan Full-length CD 2008
Undoer Survival Is a Myth EP CD 2019
Void Moon Deathwatch Full-length CD 2016
Void Moon The Autumn Throne Full-length CD 2020
Void Moon The Autumn Throne Full-length Digital 2020
Vowels Hooves, Leaves & the Death / As December Nightingales Full-length CD 2012
Vowels Seasonal Beast Full-length CD 2014
Wedard Zwischen Leere und Nichts Split CD 2009
Nychts Zwischen Leere und Nichts Split CD 2009
Windbruch Collision of the Worlds Full-length CD 2009
Witching Hour Where Pale Winds Take Them High... Compilation CD 2021
Wolfsgrey You Don't Hurt Me Full-length CD 2017
Ygfan Hamvakból... Full-length CD 2018