Nebula Forest Productions

JSON | Metal Archives


Address San Salvador
Country El Salvador
Phone Number (+503) 7253-5184
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Death Metal
Founding Date January 1st, 2014

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Bacab Guatemala black Current
Bestial Goat Desecrator International black Current
Def El Salvador black Current
Fleshless Entity El Salvador death Current
New Obscurantis Order El Salvador black, symphonic Current
Abyssum Guatemala black Past
Belsasar El Salvador death, doom Past
Caelo et Inferno El Salvador funeral, death, doom Past
Diatharna Thoron Guatemala black Past
Ensseminis Peru black, death Past
Funeral Art Guatemala ambient, black, doom, funeral Past
Gangrena Guatemala black Past
Genocidium El Salvador black Past
Goat Serpent Venezuela black, raw Past
Hex El Salvador black Past
Kab'rakan El Salvador death Past
Maldek El Salvador black, death Past
Malevolencia Venezuela black Past
Miasis El Salvador brutal, death Past
Midgard El Salvador black Past
Nekro Cvlt Desecration Venezuela black, thrash Past
Nihilismo Honduras black Past
Odium Enthronement El Salvador black Past
Pagan Spirits El Salvador ambient, black Past
Sacrificial Temple International black Past
Sulphure El Salvador black, thrash Past
Tabu El Salvador thrash Past
The Black Cold Brazil black Past
Thy Funeral Judas El Salvador black Past
Torment of Abyss Colombia black Past
Winterpath El Salvador atmospheric, black, symphonic Past
Zaghan Mexico black, thrash Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abyssum Rehearsal 94-95 Demo Cassette 2017
Bacab Lúgubre / Evocación funeral en la profundidad del bosque oscuro Full-length CD 2017
Bacab Lúgubre / Evocación funeral en la profundidad del bosque oscuro Full-length Digital 2017
Bestial Goat Desecrator Annihilate All Scum in the World!!! EP Cassette + CD 2019
Bestial Goat Desecrator Annihilate All Scum in the World!!! EP Digital 2019
Bestial Goat Desecrator Annihilate All Scum in the World!!! EP Cassette 2020
Caelo et Inferno Demental Transition Full-length CD 2018
Caelo et Inferno Demental Transition Full-length CD 2018
Caelo et Inferno Demental Transition Full-length Digital 2018
Def Fire in the Sky Demo CD 2015
Def Fire in the Sky Demo Digital 2015
Diatharna Thoron Abismo perdido Full-length CD 2019
Diatharna Thoron Abismo perdido Full-length Digital 2019
Ensseminis Relatos retorcidos Demo CD 2017
Ensseminis Relatos retorcidos Demo Digital 2018
Fleshless Entity Unborn Rising Full-length CD 2023
Fleshless Entity Unborn Rising Full-length Digital 2023
Fleshless Entity Unborn Rising Full-length Cassette 2023
Funeral Art Cuivië Full-length CD 2017
Gangrena Gangrena Full-length Digital 2019
Gangrena Gangrena Full-length CD 2019
Gangrena Gangrena Full-length CD 2019
Genocidium Baphometik Kommando Live Ritual Live album CD 2017
Genocidium Baphometik Kommando Live Ritual Live album Digital 2018
Hex Cursed Chalice Demo Digital 2020
Malevolencia Black Communion Full-length CD 2019
Malevolencia Black Communion Full-length Digital 2019
Miasis Consumación humana Full-length CD 2023
Midgard Following the Ancient Spirits of Fire Full-length Digital 2021
Midgard Following the Ancient Spirits of Fire Full-length CD 2021
Midgard Following the Ancient Spirits of Fire Full-length CD + cassette 2021
Midgard The Sky Burial Split CD 2022
Maldek The Sky Burial Split CD 2022
Kab'rakan The Sky Burial Split CD 2022
Nihilismo The Sky Burial Split CD 2022
Nekro Cvlt Desecration Nekrosatani alcoholocausto Full-length Digital 2018
Nekro Cvlt Desecration Nekrosatani alcoholocausto Full-length CD 2018
New Obscurantis Order Into the Abyss Embrace Full-length Digital 2023
New Obscurantis Order Into the Abyss Embrace Full-length CD 2023
Odium Enthronement We Are Legion Part II Compilation CD 2017
Odium Enthronement We Are Legion Part II Compilation Digital 2018
Pagan Spirits Memorias de un pasado olvidado Demo CD 2014
Sacrificial Temple The Return of Cruelty and Medieval Supremacy Full-length CD 2022
Sulphure Holy Serpent Demo CD 2015
Sulphure Holy Serpent EP Digital 2015
Tabu Juegos de muerte Full-length CD 2024
The Black Cold Et Svlphvr Natvs Mortem Full-length Cassette 2018
The Black Cold Et Svlphvr Natvs Mortem Full-length Digital 2018
Thy Funeral Judas We Are Legion! Demo CD 2014
Thy Funeral Judas We Are Legion! Demo Digital 2014
Torment of Abyss Ominous Triumviratum for the Holocaust Split Cassette 2017
Goat Serpent Ominous Triumviratum for the Holocaust Split Cassette 2017
Odium Enthronement Ominous Triumviratum for the Holocaust Split Cassette 2017
Winterpath Echoes in the Storm Full-length CD 2017
Zaghan Invocación y conjuro EP Cassette 2018