Hidden Marly Production

JSON | Metal Archives


Country Japan
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal
Founding Date 2010
Parent Label Zero Dimensional Records

Online Presence

Bandcamp http://hiddenmarlyproduction.bandcamp.com/
Myspace https://myspace.com/hiddenmarlyproduction


Name Country Genre Status
Adkan Chile black Current
Aisuragua Spain ambient, black, depressive Current
Beyond the Grave Russia black Current
Draconis Infernum Singapore black Current
Eirik United Arab Emirates black Current
Falhena Italy black Current
Hesperia Italy atmospheric, black, pagan Current
Ignominious Hungary black Current
Kvele Greece black Current
Malignance Italy black Current
Mind Asylum France black Current
Night France black Current
Nocturnal Feelings Colombia black Current
Omnia Malis Est Italy black Current
Preteen Deathfuk United States black, crust, punk Current
Reunion Bulgaria black Current
Somnia Ukraine black Current
Sorrow Colombia black Current
Tenebrae Oboriuntur Italy symphonic, black Current
Заводь Ukraine black, punk Current
Adversam Italy black Past
Angst Portugal black Past
Asgrauw Netherlands black Past
Atrum Extemplo Italy black Past
Be Persecuted China black, depressive Past
Besatt Poland black Past
Black Cilice Portugal black, raw Past
Celestia France black Past
Cthulhu Russia ambient, drone, avant-garde, black Past
Daemonolith United Kingdom black Past
Deleznable Spain black Past
Diabolical Raw Türkiye extreme, symphonic, black Past
Dizziness Greece black Past
Domos Colombia black Past
Fjorsvartnir Denmark black, melodic Past
Godflesh Deformed Finland black, melodic Past
Gotholocaust France black Past
Guerra Total Colombia speed, death, thrash, black Past
Hexcastle Mexico ambient, black Past
In the Mist France black Past
Kolac Serbia black Past
Luciferian Rites Mexico black Past
Malhkebre France black Past
Moloch Ukraine ambient, black Past
Mortifera France black Past
Nadiwrath Greece black Past
Necrario Colombia black Past
Paganland Ukraine black, pagan Past
Pyriphlegethon Netherlands black Past
Quintessence France black Past
Reign in Blood Germany black Past
Sad Greece black Past
Selvmord Norway ambient, black, raw Past
ShadowThrone Italy black, symphonic, thrash Past
Svartgren Serbia black Past
Telümehtår France black Past
Vihamieli Finland black Past
Vintage Flesh United States black, doom Past
Vulvanic Peru black, raw Past
פחם Israel black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Adkan Compendivm XI Compilation CD 2014
Adversam Insight Full-length CD 2015
Aisuragua In Morte Veritas Full-length CD 2018
Angst The Vile Full-length CD 2021
Asgrauw Krater Full-length CD 2016
Asgrauw Gronspech Full-length CD 2018
Atrum Extemplo L'ira dell'arcano manto Full-length CD 2013
Besatt Black Mass Full-length CD 2016
Besatt In Nomine Satanas Full-length CD 2017
Beyond the Grave Total Fucking Decadence Full-length CD 2011
Beyond the Grave Ester Panim Full-length CD 2012
Beyond the Grave Devil's Venom Full-length CD 2016
Beyond the Grave Veneration of Corpses Full-length CD 2019
Beyond the Grave I Am the Holocaust Full-length CD 2020
Beyond the Grave Sin unto Death Full-length CD 2022
Beyond the Grave Let There Be Destruction Full-length CD 2023
Black Cilice Summoning the Night Full-length CD 2014
Black Cilice Mysteries Full-length CD 2015
Celestia Delhÿs-cätess Demo CD 2011
Cthulhu Hallucinations at the Mountains of Madness Full-length CD 2020
Daemonolith By Order of Decimation Full-length CD 2012
Deleznable Dejar de existir Full-length CD 2019
Diabolical Raw Estrangement Full-length CD 2019
Dizziness 10 Years... of ...Fortification Compilation 2CD 2019
Dizziness 10 Years... of ...Fortification Compilation Digital 2019
Domos Onset of a Gelid Eon Full-length CD 2017
Draconis Infernum Blood of the Iconophile EP CD 2020
Eirik Omnis Erit Eductus Full-length CD 2020
Falhena Insaniam Convertunt Full-length Digital 2020
Falhena Insaniam Convertunt Full-length CD 2020
Fjorsvartnir Legions of the North Full-length CD 2014
Fjorsvartnir Mzoraxc' forbandelse Full-length CD 2017
Godflesh Deformed Forlorn Full-length CD 2013
Godflesh Deformed Plague upon the Earth Full-length CD 2022
Gotholocaust Lucifer_h Full-length CD 2015
Guerra Total El cosmicismo y el desamparo existencial de la humanidad en el universo, parte II & III Full-length CD 2018
Guerra Total Cthulhu Zombies & Anti-Cosmic Black Goats Full-length CD 2019
Guerra Total Cosmic Horror Anthology Vol. 1 Compilation CD 2020
Guerra Total Cthulhu Zombies & Anti-Cosmic Black Goats Full-length Digital 2019
Guerra Total War Is the Pursuit of Death: A Hymnal for the Misanthrope Full-length CD 2023
Hesperia Roma Vol. II Full-length CD 2021
Hexcastle The Hexcastle Full-length CD 2022
Hexcastle Eyes of the Wolf Full-length CD 2023
Ignominious Death Walks Amongst Mortals Full-length CD 2011
Ignominious The Throne and the Altar Full-length Digital 2017
Ignominious Death Walks Amongst Mortals Full-length Digital 2011
Ignominious The Throne and the Altar Full-length CD 2017
In the Mist Au son des crânes qui se brisent Full-length CD 2020
In the Mist Le cor et la brèche Full-length CD 2021
Kolac Zauvek crni Full-length CD 2017
Kolac Bastard Son Is Dead Full-length CD 2021
Kolac Bastard Son Is Dead Full-length Digital 2021
Kvele Long May They Haunt Us Full-length CD 2018
Luciferian Rites Evangelion of the Black Misanthropy Full-length CD 2021
Luciferian Rites Astral Projection of the Anti-Existence Split CD 2021
Necrario Astral Projection of the Anti-Existence Split CD 2021
Malhkebre Revelation Full-length CD 2014
Malignance Tales of Cowards, Heroes and Death Full-length CD 2022
Mind Asylum Eodharius Full-length CD 2013
Moloch Gebrechlichkeit Compilation CD 2013
Moloch Verwüstung Full-length CD 2014
Mortifera Mortifera / Be Persecuted Split CD 2013
Be Persecuted Mortifera / Be Persecuted Split CD 2013
Nadiwrath Throne of Desecration Split CD 2014
Preteen Deathfuk Throne of Desecration Split CD 2014
Night Night Full-length CD 2015
Nocturnal Feelings Baarkant Full-length CD 2018
Nocturnal Feelings Radical Art Full-length Digital 2020
Nocturnal Feelings Radical Art Full-length CD 2020
Nocturnal Feelings Bohinum Single Digital 2019
Omnia Malis Est Víteliú Full-length CD 2015
Omnia Malis Est Lucania Full-length CD 2021
Omnia Malis Est Lucania Full-length Digital 2021
Paganland From Carpathian Land Full-length CD 2018
Preteen Deathfuk I Don't Remember Full-length CD 2013
Preteen Deathfuk I Am Not Here... Full-length CD 2013
Preteen Deathfuk Submit to Him EP CD 2013
Preteen Deathfuk And Then There Was Nothing... Full-length CD 2016
Pyriphlegethon The Devil's Trance Full-length Digital 2024
Quintessence Le fléau de ton existence Full-length CD 2010
Reign in Blood Diabolical Katharsis Full-length CD 2018
Reunion Wolffest Full-length CD 2018
Sad Total Nothingness Full-length CD 2016
Sad A Curse in Disguise Full-length CD 2016
Sad A Curse in Disguise Full-length CD 2016
Selvmord Til døden, til lyset, til alt som er skjult i tåken, skogen og isen Full-length CD 2021
Selvmord I glansen av den hedenske skogen Compilation CD 2022
ShadowThrone Demiurge of Shadow Full-length CD 2017
Somnia Above Space and Time / Над простором та часом Full-length CD 2012
Sorrow The Call of the Dark Mountain Full-length CD 2022
Svartgren Prazan grob Full-length CD 2015
Telümehtår The Well Full-length CD 2019
Tenebrae Oboriuntur Black Hysteria EP CD 2020
Tenebrae Oboriuntur Fallax Full-length Digital 2021
Tenebrae Oboriuntur Fallax Full-length CD 2021
Tenebrae Oboriuntur Flagitium Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Vihamieli Kuolevain veri uinuu ikuisuuteen Full-length CD 2017
Vintage Flesh Hour of the Night Gaunts Full-length CD 2014
Vulvanic Demo II: 秘密の夜の殺人者 (Ripper's Secret Night of Murder) Demo CD 2020
Vulvanic Demo II: 秘密の夜の殺人者 (Ripper's Secret Night of Murder) Demo Digital 2020
Заводь Крізь коло і п'ять кутів Full-length CD 2013
Заводь Ягна Full-length CD 2013
Заводь Уже заря зажглась Full-length CD 2021
Заводь Уже заря зажглась Full-length Digital 2021
פחם The Early Years Compilation CD 2022