Black Hearts Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address São Paulo, São Paulo
Country Brazil
Phone Number +55 (11) 9 8809-1728
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black, Death, Thrash, Doom
Founding Date June 7th, 2015
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Official website


Name Country Genre Status
Agnozia Brazil death Current
Blasphemaniac Brazil black, thrash Current
Diabolism Brazil black Current
Hinarivm Brazil black Current
Lábar'Oculto Brazil black, doom Current
Les Mémoires Fall Brazil doom, gothic Current
Nebulah Mist Brazil black Current
Necrohunter Brazil death, atmospheric, black Current
Opvs Nostri Brazil black Current
Osculum Infame Brazil black, death Current
Sade Brazil brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Sadokult Brazil black Current
Sadophallus Brazil black Current
Svlfvr Brazil black, death Current
Uncönquerable Brazil black, death, thrash Current
Unholy Outlaw Brazil doom, heavy Current
13th Temple Chile black, doom Past
Abhorior Chile black, death Past
Afterbleed Splatter Brazil black, death Past
Amazarak Brazil black Past
Ancestral Cântico Brazil black Past
Apolion's Genocide Colombia black Past
Behalf Fiend Brazil black Past
Blazing Corpse Brazil death, doom Past
Chant of the Goddess Brazil doom, stoner Past
Crepúsculo dos Ídolos Brazil black Past
Cristo em Chamas Brazil black Past
Dark Paramount Brazil black Past
Disforterror Brazil death Past
Excisio Brazil black, doom, folk Past
Flammis Maledictis Chile ambient, black, dark, raw Past
Folklord Brazil black, folk Past
Força Obscura Brazil black Past
Funeral Norway death, funeral, gothic, doom Past
Funeral Storm Greece black Past
Funesto Brazil black, depressive Past
Genocídio Brazil death Past
Grave Miasma United Kingdom black, death Past
Hiereus Brazil black, symphonic Past
Honoris Brazil black Past
Infernal Flames Brazil black, thrash Past
Infernalis Irae Brazil black Past
Inferus Brazil black Past
Kulto Maldito Bolivia black, death Past
Lalssu Brazil ambient, black, doom Past
Morbid Perversion Brazil black, death Past
Moriendi Brazil death, doom Past
Mortal Profecia Brazil death Past
Nahasheol Netherlands black Past
Necrobutcher Brazil black, death, grind, hardcore Past
Necrófago Brazil black, death Past
Necrogosto Brazil black, thrash Past
Necromante Brazil black Past
Nigrae Lunam Brazil death, doom Past
Nocturnal Graves Australia black, death, thrash Past
Power from Hell Brazil speed, thrash, black Past
Pralaya Brazil black Past
Profane Souls Brazil black Past
Pyreficativm Chile ambient, black, dark Past
Reencarnación Colombia black, thrash, acoustic, experimental, hardcore Past
Rites of Passage Brazil atmospheric, black Past
Sabbat Japan black, thrash Past
Seth France black Past
Sevo Brazil death Past
Shape of Despair Finland atmospheric, doom, funeral Past
Sodoma Brazil thrash, black, death Past
Songe d'Enfer Brazil black Past
Soulsad Brazil death, doom, melodic Past
Speedkiller Brazil black, thrash Past
Umbral dos Martires Brazil black Past
Utu Brazil black, raw Past
Varathron Greece black Past
Vazio Brazil black Past
Vultos Murmúrios Brazil heavy, speed Past
Watain Sweden black Past
Wolf's Legacy Brazil black Past
Αχέροντας Greece black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
13th Temple Sol Mortuus Full-length CD 2020
Abhorior Arakh Savna - Temple of the Nightside Emanations Full-length CD 2019
Abhorior Arakh Savna - Temple of the Nightside Emanations Full-length CD 2020
Abhorior Arakh Savna - Temple of the Nightside Emanations Full-length Digital 2020
Afterbleed Splatter The Black Goat Ritual Single Digital 2022
Agnozia Ultra-Violence Full-length CD 2023
Agnozia Ultra-Violence Full-length Digital 2023
Amazarak Impuro Armagedom EP CD 2024
Ancestral Cântico O Caminho dos Rebelados (Manifesto) EP CD 2020
Ancestral Cântico O Caminho dos Rebelados (Manifesto) EP Digital 2020
Apolion's Genocide Ángeles serpientes "Demos '92 - '94 - '96" Compilation CD 2017
Apolion's Genocide Ángeles serpientes "Demos '92 - '94 - '96" Compilation Digital 2018
Behalf Fiend As Nossas Homenagens a Satã EP CD 2022
Blasphemaniac The Ultimatum of the Black Goat Compilation CD 2021
Blasphemaniac Bestial Occult Ceremony Full-length CD 2022
Blasphemaniac Bestial Occult Ceremony Full-length CD 2022
Blasphemaniac Night of the Necromancer EP CD 2023
Blasphemaniac Night of the Necromancer EP Digital 2023
Blazing Corpse Nocturne Delirium Compilation CD 2023
Blazing Corpse Nocturne Delirium Compilation Digital 2023
Chant of the Goddess Chant of the Goddess Full-length CD 2018
Crepúsculo dos Ídolos Apophanestai Full-length CD 2022
Crepúsculo dos Ídolos Daath Full-length CD 2022
Crepúsculo dos Ídolos Apophanestai Full-length Digital 2022
Cristo em Chamas Tétrica Comunhão das Abominações Split CD 2020
Svlfvr Tétrica Comunhão das Abominações Split CD 2020
Cristo em Chamas Tétrica Comunhão das Abominações Split Digital 2020
Svlfvr Tétrica Comunhão das Abominações Split Digital 2020
Dark Paramount Adhuc Perversa Full-length CD 2020
Diabolism Sidvs EP CD 2021
Disforterror 20 Years of Terror Metal Compilation CD 2018
Disforterror 20 Years of Terror Metal Compilation Digital 2018
Disforterror Omega Attomik Kaos Full-length CD 2023
Excisio Like Ashes Carried by the Wind Split CD 2021
Lalssu Like Ashes Carried by the Wind Split CD 2021
Flammis Maledictis Alisen maailman virroissa Demo CD 2021
Flammis Maledictis Alisen maailman virroissa Demo Digital 2021
Folklord Os Doentes MMXX Compilation Digital 2021
Folklord Os Doentes MMXX Compilation CD 2021
Folklord Os Doentes MMXX Compilation CD 2021
Força Obscura Derradeiro Destino do Universo Full-length CD 2021
Funeral Praesentialis in Aeternum Full-length CD 2022
Funeral Storm Arcane Mysteries Full-length CD 2023
Funeral Storm Arcane Mysteries Full-length CD 2023
Funesto Depressivos Hinos Suicidas Compilation CD 2016
Genocídio Depression Full-length Cassette 2018
Genocídio Depression Full-length CD 2018
Genocídio Depression Full-length Digital 2018
Genocídio Rebellion Full-length CD 2019
Grave Miasma Abyss of Wrathful Deities Full-length CD 2021
Hiereus Após o Portal do Oeste Full-length CD 2022
Hinarivm Vltra Terminvm Creatvrae ex Lvcifer Coronatvs Full-length CD 2023
Hinarivm Vltra Terminvm Creatvrae ex Lvcifer Coronatvs Full-length CD 2023
Honoris Serpentis Haereticum EP CD 2022
Infernal Flames Infernal Kult Sadomaniac Split CD 2023
Blasphemaniac Infernal Kult Sadomaniac Split CD 2023
Sadophallus Infernal Kult Sadomaniac Split CD 2023
Sadokult Infernal Kult Sadomaniac Split CD 2023
Infernalis Irae Oratório Profano Full-length CD 2020
Inferus Paganus Ancestral Demo Cassette 2020
Inferus Paganus Ancestral - Uma Epopéia Pagã Compilation Cassette 2020
Inferus Paganus Ancestral - Uma Epopéia Pagã Compilation Digital 2020
Kulto Maldito Tributo a las bestias infernales - I Compilation CD 2017
Kulto Maldito Jódete Jesús Full-length CD 2018
Kulto Maldito Jódete Jesús Full-length Digital 2018
Lábar'Oculto Lábar'Oculto Full-length CD 2020
Lábar'Oculto Full Moon Necrophilia Single Digital 2023
Lábar'Oculto Nitimvr in vetitvm EP CD 2023
Lábar'Oculto Nitimvr in vetitvm EP Digital 2023
Lalssu The Elements Full-length CD 2020
Les Mémoires Fall The Tree: Yarns of Life Full-length CD 2020
Les Mémoires Fall The Tree: Yarns of Life Full-length Digital 2020
Morbid Perversion Infamous Dogmas of Sacrifice Full-length CD 2024
Moriendi The Art of Dying Full-length CD 2020
Mortal Profecia From the Ashes Full-length CD 2024
Nahasheol Kaaosoth EP CD 2022
Nahasheol Kaaosoth EP CD 2022
Nebulah Mist The Fall of Light Full-length CD 2020
Necrobutcher Schizophrenic Noisy Torment Compilation CD 2020
Necrófago Brutal Mutilation Compilation CD 2021
Necrogosto Ancestral Bestiality EP CD 2020
Necrogosto Ancestral Bestiality EP Digital 2020
Necrogosto Sudakaos EP CD 2023
Necrohunter Litanies of the Black Occvlt EP CD 2021
Necrohunter Silent Enigma Single Digital 2021
Necrohunter Litanies of the Black Occvlt EP Digital 2021
Necromante The Magickal Presence of Occult Forces Full-length CD 2019
Nigrae Lunam Lilith Regnator Est Full-length CD 2020
Nocturnal Graves An Outlaw's Stand Full-length CD 2022
Opvs Nostri Brado Soturno Full-length CD 2019
Opvs Nostri Brado Soturno Full-length Digital 2019
Osculum Infame Nuclear Alfa Caos Full-length CD 2022
Power from Hell The True Metal Full-length Cassette 2018
Power from Hell The True Metal Full-length Digital 2018
Power from Hell Sadismo Full-length Cassette 2019
Power from Hell Sadismo Full-length Digital 2019
Pralaya Katabasis - Descida ao Abismo Interior Retificando a Amorfa Chama da Dissolução EP CD 2021
Pralaya Katabasis - Descida ao Abismo Interior Retificando a Amorfa Chama da Dissolução EP CD 2021
Profane Souls Ritual de Blasfêmia Full-length CD 2021
Profane Souls Ritual de Blasfêmia Full-length CD 2021
Pyreficativm Erotognosticism Full-length CD 2020
Reencarnación Dioses muertos / Acompáñame a la tumba Compilation CD 2019
Reencarnación Dioses muertos Demo CD 2019
Rites of Passage The Days Were like This Full-length CD 2021
Sabbat Japanese Brazilian Temptations Split CD 2024
Blasphemaniac Japanese Brazilian Temptations Split CD 2024
Sade Cosmos Is a Great Torture Chamber Full-length Digital 2021
Sade Cosmos Is a Great Torture Chamber Full-length CD 2021
Seth The Howling Spirit Full-length CD 2022
Sevo Aurora do Triunfo Her​é​tiko Full-length Digital 2023
Sevo Renascimento em Sodomia Single Digital 2023
Sevo Aurora do Triunfo Her​é​tiko Full-length CD 2023
Sevo Aurora do Triunfo Her​é​tiko Full-length CD 2023
Shape of Despair Return to the Void Full-length CD 2022
Sodoma Animaligna Full-length Digital 2022
Sodoma Animaligna Full-length CD 2022
Songe d'Enfer My Visions in the Forest Demo Cassette 2019
Soulsad Doomed to Funerals Compilation CD 2022
Soulsad Doomed to Funerals Compilation Digital 2022
Speedkiller Midnight Vampire EP CD 2023
Svlfvr .​.​.​of Serpents and Darkness EP Digital 2022
Svlfvr .​.​.​of Serpents and Darkness EP CD 2022
Svlfvr .​.​.​of Serpents and Darkness EP CD 2022
Umbral dos Martires Iniciação Full-length CD 2021
Uncönquerable Imperial Genocide EP CD 2023
Unholy Outlaw Kingdom of Lost Souls Full-length CD 2019
Unholy Outlaw Kingdom of Lost Souls Full-length Digital 2019
Utu The Almighty Utu Full-length Cassette 2019
Utu Misanthropic Black Metal Compilation CD 2020
Varathron His Majesty at the Swamp Full-length CD 2023
Vazio Vazio EP CD 2019
Vazio Eterno Aeon Obscuro Full-length CD 2020
Vultos Murmúrios Estirpe Caótica Full-length Digital 2021
Vultos Murmúrios Estirpe Caótica Full-length CD 2021
Watain Sworn to the Dark Full-length CD 2020
Wolf's Legacy Hostes Ocultas do Lago Vermelho Full-length CD 2023
Αχέροντας Malocchio ​-​ The Seven Tongues of Δαημων Full-length CD 2022