Caligari Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Tampa, Florida
Country United States
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Death Metal, Doom Metal, Heavy Metal
Founding Date 2013
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Act of Impalement United States death, doom Current
Ahna Canada doom, drone, black, death, crust Current
Alement United States black, crust, thrash Current
Blood Oath Chile death Current
Bloodspell United States black Current
Boia Italy death Current
Cronos Compulsion United States death Current
Cryptum United States death Current
Dødskvad Norway death Current
Dunwich Russia gothic, rock Current
Encoffinate Canada death Current
Evocación Spain death, doom Current
Exsul United States death Current
Extinguished Finland death Current
Eyemaster Germany death Current
Fate Italy heavy, speed Current
Fervent Finland death, doom Current
Grotesqueries United States death Current
Hallucinate Germany death Current
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphilia Netherlands black Current
Inculcator United Kingdom black, thrash Current
Inverser United States black Current
Kyrios United States black, death Current
Můra Czechia death, doom Current
Muscipula United States death, doom Current
NyreDolk Denmark black, punk Current
Obduktio Finland crust, death, punk Current
Oči Vlka Czechia black Current
Orga United States black, punk Current
Perihelion Gnosis Canada death, doom Current
Perinei Finland death Current
Perishing Costa Rica death, doom Current
Purulency United States death Current
Ritual Decay United States black, death Current
Sepharvites International black Current
Seventh Circle United States black, death, doom Current
Severed Boy United States black, death, doom Current
Shaman Ritual Finland black Current
Shrieking Demons Italy death Current
Skumstrike Canada black, punk, speed Current
Sonic Poison Finland death, grind, hardcore Current
The Holy Flesh United Kingdom atmospheric, black Current
The Passing United States black, punk Current
The Unquiet Grave Sweden doom Current
Torturers' Lobby United States black, death, punk Current
Tristengrav Greece black Current
Witch Ward United States black, punk Current
Witchcraft Sadomizer Israel black Current
Źmiarćvieły Belarus black Current
Брахмаширас Russia black, punk Current
Abjvration France death, doom Past
Abysmalist United States death Past
Alucarda Denmark doom, punk Past
Amnutseba France black Past
Anatomia Japan death, doom Past
Apparition United States death Past
Archaic Tomb Portugal death Past
Atrament United States black, crust, punk Past
Azath International death Past
Black Urn United States doom, grind, hardcore, sludge Past
Bland Vargar Italy black Past
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid Costa Rica death, doom Past
Bone Sickness United States death Past
Bretwaldas of Heathen Doom United Kingdom black, crust, doom, heavy Past
Bunker 66 Italy black, thrash Past
Carcinoid Australia death, doom Past
Ceremented United States death, doom Past
Cioran Italy black, hardcore, punk Past
Clairvoyance Poland death Past
Coffin Mulch United Kingdom death Past
Congealed Putrescence United States death Past
Cosmic Putrefaction Italy death Past
Cthonica Venezuela black, death Past
DeathCult United States black, thrash Past
Deconsecration United States death Past
Demon Head Denmark doom, hard-rock Past
Descent Australia black, death, hardcore Past
Desekryptor United States death Past
Devilspit France black, punk Past
Devoid of Thought Italy death Past
Dipygus United States death Past
Disembodiment Canada death Past
Disterror Mexico hardcore, punk, black, thrash, crust Past
Doldrey Singapore crust, death, punk Past
Ectoplasma Greece death Past
Ellorsith Canada black, death Past
Evil Priest Peru death Past
Expander United States crossover, thrash Past
Feculent Australia death Past
Foul United States death, doom Past
Funeralium France doom, funeral Past
Fuoco Fatuo Italy death, doom, funeral Past
Gloam United States black, doom Past
Gravehammer Germany black, death, doom Past
Greenwitch United States death Past
Haalbuaer Norway death Past
Hadit Italy black, death Past
Heathen Unknown black Past
Heavydeath Sweden death, doom Past
Heretical Sect United States black Past
Hersker Denmark black Past
Hexenbrett Austria black, heavy Past
Howls of Ebb United States black, death, experimental Past
Human Bodies United States black, punk Past
Human Corpse Abuse United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Human Failure United States death, noise, punk Past
Huoripukki Finland black, death Past
Impugner Norway death Past
Inisans Sweden death Past
Intellect Devourer Australia death, technical Past
Into Coffin Germany black, death, doom Past
Jupiterian Brazil death, doom, sludge Past
K.L.L.K. France doom, atmospheric, black Past
Kriegszittern Germany death Past
Lung Molde United States doom, sludge Past
Majestic Mass Denmark black, heavy Past
Malefic Levitation United States black, death Past
Marthe Italy doom, heavy Past
Matus Peru doom, psychedelic, rock, stoner Past
Mindkult United States doom, rock Past
Minenfeld Germany death Past
Necromorbid Italy black, death Past
Necroracle Spain black, death Past
Negative Vortex United States death Past
Noroth United States death Past
Obscure Evil Peru black, thrash Past
Oksennus Finland death, experimental Past
Oltretomba Denmark black, doom Past
Pyre Russia death Past
Question Mexico death Past
Re-Buried United States death Past
Regurgitated Guts Canada death Past
Repression Finland thrash, death Past
Ritual Laceration United States black, death Past
Ritual Mass United States death Past
Rude United States death Past
Sallow Moth United States death Past
Scolopendra Italy death Past
Scumripper Finland black, death, thrash Past
Scumslaught France thrash Past
Shrine of the Serpent United States death, doom Past
Sign of Evil Chile black, speed Past
Skelethal France death Past
Snorlax Australia black, death Past
Spasticus Italy death, thrash Past
Succumb United States death Past
Taphos Nomos United States death, doom Past
Teleport Slovenia black, thrash, death, progressive Past
Templar Finland black, thrash Past
The Hyle Denmark doom Past
Traveler International heavy Past
Trest Germany black Past
Turris Eburnea International death, experimental Past
Tyrants of Hell United States death, thrash Past
Undeath United States death Past
Unru Germany black, crust Past
Urðun Iceland death Past
Uttertomb Chile death Past
Vaticinal Rites United Kingdom death Past
Vultures Vengeance Italy heavy Past
Wharflurch United States death, doom Past
Ziggurat Israel black, death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abjvration The Unquenchable Pyre EP Cassette 2015
Abysmalist Reflections of Horror Demo Cassette 2019
Act of Impalement Echoes of Wrath - Hyperborean Altar Compilation Cassette 2014
Act of Impalement Perdition Cult Full-length Cassette 2018
Act of Impalement Perdition Cult Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Act of Impalement Infernal Ordinance Full-length Digital 2023
Act of Impalement Infernal Ordinance Full-length CD 2023
Act of Impalement Infernal Ordinance Full-length Cassette 2023
Act of Impalement Infernal Ordinance Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Ahna Crimson Dawn Full-length Cassette 2020
Alement Onward / The Hunter Compilation Cassette 2020
Alement Onward / The Hunter Compilation Digital 2020
Alucarda Raw Howls Full-length Cassette 2015
Amnutseba Demo Demo Cassette 2017
Amnutseba Demo II Demo Cassette 2018
Anatomia Cranial Obsession Full-length Cassette 2017
Apparition Feel Full-length Cassette 2021
Archaic Tomb Congregations for Ancient Rituals Demo CD 2018
Archaic Tomb Congregations for Ancient Rituals Demo Cassette 2018
Atrament Scum Sect Full-length Cassette 2018
Azath Demo 2018 Demo Cassette 2018
Bland Vargar Perpetual Return Full-length Cassette 2014
Blood Oath Lost in an Eternal Silence Full-length CD 2023
Blood Oath Lost in an Eternal Silence Full-length Cassette 2023
Blood Oath Lost in an Eternal Silence Full-length Digital 2023
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid Demo 1 Demo Cassette 2018
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid Demo 2 Demo Cassette 2018
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid The Apocryphal Paths of the Ancient 8th Vitriolic Transcendence Compilation CD 2019
Bloodspell Cloaked in Burning Night EP Cassette 2019
Boia Chivalry of Death EP CD 2017
Boia Chivalry of Death EP Cassette 2017
Boia Spasticating Execution Split CD 2022
Spasticus Spasticating Execution Split CD 2022
Boia Spasticating Execution Split Cassette 2022
Spasticus Spasticating Execution Split Cassette 2022
Boia Spasticating Execution Split Digital 2022
Spasticus Spasticating Execution Split Digital 2022
Bone Sickness Theater of Morbidity Full-length Cassette 2021
Bretwaldas of Heathen Doom Seven Bloodied Ramparts Full-length Cassette 2015
Bunker 66 Out of the Bunker / Alive & Melting Compilation Cassette 2014
Bunker 66 Infernö Interceptörs / Split Material Compilation Cassette 2014
Bunker 66 Infernö Interceptörs Full-length Cassette 2014
Carcinoid Carcinoid Demo Cassette 2018
Carcinoid Carcinoid Demo Cassette 2023
Ceremented Ceremented / Malefic Levitation Split Cassette 2019
Malefic Levitation Ceremented / Malefic Levitation Split Cassette 2019
Cioran Bestiale battito divino EP Cassette 2017
Clairvoyance Demo Demo Cassette 2020
Coffin Mulch Septic Funeral EP Cassette 2021
Coffin Mulch Septic Funeral EP Cassette 2021
Congealed Putrescence Within the Ceaseless Murk EP Cassette 2022
Congealed Putrescence Within the Ceaseless Murk EP Digital 2022
Cosmic Putrefaction At the Threshold of the Greatest Chasm Full-length Cassette 2019
Cosmic Putrefaction Crepuscular Dirge for the Blessed Ones Full-length Cassette 2022
Cosmic Putrefaction The Horizons Towards Which Splendour Withers Full-length Cassette 2020
Cronos Compulsion Cursed and Decaying Demo Cassette 2021
Cronos Compulsion Malicious Regression EP Digital 2023
Cronos Compulsion Malicious Regression EP Cassette 2023
Cronos Compulsion Malicious Regression EP CD 2023
Cryptum Vile Emergence EP Digital 2022
Cryptum Vile Emergence EP CD 2022
Cryptum Vile Emergence EP Cassette 2022
Cthonica Typhomanteia: Sacred Triarchy of Spiritual Putrefaction Full-length Cassette 2019
Cthonica Lesser Incantations of Chthonic Lore EP Cassette 2021
Cthonica Typhomanteia: Sacred Triarchy of Spiritual Putrefaction Full-length Digital 2019
Cthonica Lesser Incantations of Chthonic Lore EP Digital 2021
DeathCult The Test of Time Full-length Cassette 2013
Deconsecration Demo Demo Cassette 2020
Deconsecration Demo Demo Digital 2020
Deconsecration Demo Demo Cassette 2020
Demon Head Ride the Wilderness Full-length Cassette 2015
Demon Head Thunder on the Fields Full-length Cassette 2017
Demon Head Demo 2014 Demo Cassette 2014
Demon Head Viscera Full-length Cassette 2021
Descent Order of Chaos Full-length Cassette 2022
Desekryptor Curse of the Execrated EP Cassette 2023
Devilspit Grim, Hateful and Drunk Demo Cassette 2015
Devoid of Thought Astral Necrosis Demo Cassette 2017
Devoid of Thought Cosmic Apoptosis Demo Cassette 2019
Devoid of Thought Outer World Graves Full-length Cassette 2021
Dipygus Deathooze Full-length Cassette 2019
Dipygus Deathooze Full-length CD 2019
Dipygus Deathooze Full-length Cassette 2021
Disembodiment Mutated Chaos EP Cassette 2021
Disembodiment Mutated Chaos EP Cassette 2021
Disterror Catharsis Full-length Cassette 2015
Dødskvad Krønike I EP Cassette 2020
Dødskvad Krønike II EP Digital 2022
Dødskvad Krønike II EP Cassette 2022
Dødskvad Kompendium - Krønike I & II Compilation Digital 2022
Dødskvad Kompendium - Krønike I & II Compilation CD 2022
Doldrey Doldrey Demo Cassette 2018
Dunwich Tail​-​Tied Hearts Full-length CD 2020
Ectoplasma White-Eyed Trance Full-length Cassette 2019
Ellorsith 1959 EP Cassette 2014
Encoffinate Cimmerian Corpse Dungeon Demo Cassette 2019
Evil Priest Evil Priest Demo Cassette 2016
Evil Priest Black Seeds​.​.​.​ of Creation EP Cassette 2018
Evocación Evocación Demo Cassette 2016
Expander Laws of Power EP Cassette 2015
Exsul Exsul EP CD 2021
Exsul Allegoresis EP Digital 2021
Exsul Allegoresis EP CD 2021
Exsul Allegoresis EP Cassette 2021
Extinguished Vomitous Manifestations Demo Cassette 2022
Extinguished Vomitous Manifestations Demo Digital 2022
Eyemaster Charcoaled Remains / Festering Slime Demo Cassette 2021
Eyemaster Charcoaled Remains / Festering Slime Demo 7" vinyl 2021
Eyemaster Conjuration of Flesh EP CD 2023
Eyemaster Conjuration of Flesh EP Cassette 2023
Eyemaster Conjuration of Flesh EP Digital 2023
Fate II Demo Cassette 2020
Feculent The Grotesque Arena EP Cassette 2021
Fervent Initiation Demo Cassette 2018
Foul Of Worms EP Cassette 2019
Funeralium Of Throes and Blight Full-length 2 cassettes 2017
Funeralium Decrepit Full-length Cassette 2021
Funeralium Decrepit Full-length Digital 2021
Fuoco Fatuo Two EP's in One Tape Compilation Cassette 2013
Fuoco Fatuo The Viper Slithers in the Ashes of What Remains Full-length Cassette 2014
Gloam Hex of Nine Heads Full-length Cassette 2015
Gravehammer Primordial Principles | Fundamental Forces EP Cassette 2019
Greenwitch CosmoSteelBlood Trinity EP Cassette 2020
Grotesqueries Haunted Mausoleum EP Cassette 2022
Grotesqueries Haunted Mausoleum EP Digital 2022
Grotesqueries Haunted Mausoleum EP Cassette 2023
Grotesqueries Vile Crematory Full-length CD 2023
Grotesqueries Vile Crematory Full-length Cassette 2023
Haalbuaer Mortal Ones Scream in Horror Full-length CD 2021
Hadit Introspective Contemplation of the Microcosmus EP Cassette 2015
Hadit With Joy and Ardour Through the Incommensurable Path Full-length Cassette 2021
Hallucinate From the Bowels of the Earth Full-length Digital 2023
Hallucinate From the Bowels of the Earth Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Hallucinate From the Bowels of the Earth Full-length Cassette 2023
Hallucinate From the Bowels of the Earth Full-length CD 2023
Heathen Heathen Full-length Cassette 2015
Heavydeath Demo I - Post Mortem In Aeternum Tenebrarum Demo Cassette 2014
Heavydeath A Long Obscure Trip / Darkness of No Return Compilation Cassette 2014
Heavydeath Demo IV - Forebear Avenger Demo Cassette 2014
Heavydeath They Had No Names Compilation Cassette 2014
Heavydeath Dark Phoenix Rising EP Cassette 2015
Heavydeath Solus in Mortem / Futility and Death Compilation Cassette 2015
Heretical Sect Heretical Sect EP Cassette 2019
Hersker Befængt EP Cassette 2022
Hersker Befængt EP Digital 2022
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphilia Demo DCLXVI Demo Cassette 2023
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphilia Demo DCLXVI Demo Digital 2023
Hexenbrett Erste Beschwörung EP Cassette 2019
Howls of Ebb Cursus Impasse: The Pendlomic Vows Full-length Cassette 2016
Human Bodies No Life EP Cassette 2014
Human Bodies MMXIII-MMXIV Compilation CD 2015
Human Corpse Abuse Xenoviscerum Full-length Cassette 2022
Human Failure Crown on the Head of a King of Mud EP Cassette 2021
Huoripukki Voima on oikeutta EP Cassette 2017
Impugner Advent of the Wretched Full-length Digital 2022
Impugner Advent of the Wretched Full-length Cassette 2022
Inculcator Void Abecedary Full-length Cassette 2016
Intellect Devourer Demons of the Skull Full-length Cassette 2020
Intellect Devourer Demons of the Skull Full-length CD 2020
Intellect Devourer Demons of the Skull Full-length Digital 2020
Into Coffin Into a Pyramid of Doom Full-length Cassette 2016
Inverser Demo Demo Cassette 2018
Jupiterian Aphotic Full-length Cassette 2015
K.L.L.K. Le brasier des mondes EP Cassette 2016
K.L.L.K. Le brasier des mondes EP CD 2016
Kriegszittern Demo Demo Cassette 2015
Kriegszittern Kriegszittern / Minenfeld Split Cassette 2017
Minenfeld Kriegszittern / Minenfeld Split Cassette 2017
Kriegszittern Yellow Cross Full-length Cassette 2018
Kyrios Saturnal Chambers EP Cassette 2020
Kyrios Saturnal Chambers EP CD 2020
Lung Molde Lung Molde Full-length Cassette 2015
Majestic Mass Savage Empire of Death Full-length Cassette 2018
Marthe Sisters of Darkness EP Cassette 2020
Matus Espejismos Full-length Cassette 2013
Mindkult Witch's Oath EP Cassette 2016
Mindkult Witch's Oath EP CD 2016
Mindkult Lucifer's Dream Full-length Cassette 2017
Můra Doom Invocations and Narcotic Rituals EP Cassette 2021
Muscipula Little Chasm of Horrors Demo Cassette 2020
Necromorbid El día de la bestia Full-length Cassette 2016
Necromorbid Sathanarchrist Assaulter Full-length Cassette 2020
Necroracle MMXVIII EP CD 2018
Necroracle MMXVIII EP Cassette 2018
Negative Vortex Tomb Absolute Demo Cassette 2015
Noroth It Dwells Amongst Us Full-length Cassette 2020
NyreDolk Demo Demo Cassette 2018
NyreDolk Indebrændt EP Cassette 2020
Obduktio Obduktio Full-length Cassette 2016
Obduktio Holotna Full-length Cassette 2018
Obduktio Ihmiskunnan viholliset Full-length Cassette 2020
Obscure Evil Midnight Forces Demo Cassette 2016
Obscure Evil Void Fumes EP Cassette 2016
Oči Vlka Demo Demo Cassette 2020
Oči Vlka Demo Demo Digital 2020
Oksennus Sokea idiootti Full-length Cassette 2016
Oksennus Kolme toista Full-length Cassette 2018
Oltretomba L'ouverture des fosses Full-length Cassette 2018
Orga Demo Demo Cassette 2018
Perihelion Gnosis Syzygial Summoning Demo Digital 2021
Perihelion Gnosis Syzygial Summoning Demo Cassette 2021
Perinei Demo 2019 Demo Cassette 2019
Perishing Lutum Demo Cassette 2024
Perishing Lutum Demo Digital 2024
Purulency Transcendent Unveiling of Dimensions Demo Digital 2024
Purulency Transcendent Unveiling of Dimensions Demo Cassette 2024
Pyre Chained to Ossuaries Full-length Cassette 2021
Question Question EP Cassette 2018
Re-Buried Deconsecration / Re-Buried Split Cassette 2021
Deconsecration Deconsecration / Re-Buried Split Cassette 2021
Regurgitated Guts Esophageal Mutilation EP Cassette 2021
Repression Wretched Domain Demo Cassette 2017
Ritual Decay The Conquering Darkness Demo Cassette 2014
Ritual Laceration I Demo Cassette 2019
Ritual Mass Abhorred in the Eyes of God EP Cassette 2020
Ritual Mass It Ever Turns Compilation Cassette 2022
Rude Outer Reaches EP CD 2021
Rude Outer Reaches EP 12" vinyl 2022
Sallow Moth Deathspore EP Cassette 2018
Sallow Moth Deathspore EP CD 2018
Scolopendra Those of the Catacombs Full-length Cassette 2021
Scolopendra Those of the Catacombs Full-length Digital 2021
Scolopendra VM18 Full-length Cassette 2023
Scumripper Scumripper Demo Cassette 2016
Scumslaught Knives and Amphetamines EP Digital 2022
Scumslaught Knives and Amphetamines EP CD 2022
Scumslaught Knives and Amphetamines EP Cassette 2022
Sepharvites Demo MMXVIII Demo Cassette 2018
Seventh Circle Cycle of Violence Demo CD 2019
Seventh Circle Cycle of Violence Demo Cassette 2019
Severed Boy Tragic Encounters EP CD 2021
Severed Boy Tragic Encounters EP Cassette 2021
Severed Boy Tragic Encounters EP Digital 2021
Shaman Ritual Sinister Totem Full-length Cassette 2017
Shrieking Demons Diabolical Regurgitations EP CD 2021
Shrieking Demons Diabolical Regurgitations EP Cassette 2021
Shrieking Demons Diabolical Regurgitations EP Digital 2021
Shrine of the Serpent Shrine of the Serpent / Black Urn Split Cassette 2017
Black Urn Shrine of the Serpent / Black Urn Split Cassette 2017
Shrine of the Serpent Shrine of the Serpent / Black Urn Split CD 2017
Black Urn Shrine of the Serpent / Black Urn Split CD 2017
Sign of Evil Psychodelic Horror Demo Cassette 2020
Skelethal 2012 Demos Split Cassette 2014
Inisans 2012 Demos Split Cassette 2014
Skelethal Deathmanicvs Revelation EP Cassette 2014
Skelethal Interstellar Knowledge of the Purple Entity EP Cassette 2014
Skumstrike Execution Void EP Cassette 2020
Skumstrike Execution Void EP Digital 2020
Skumstrike Deadly Intrusions Full-length Cassette 2022
Snorlax Splintering Demo Cassette 2018
Sonic Poison Harsh Demonstration​.​.​. Demo Cassette 2016
Sonic Poison Combat Grind EP Cassette 2017
Sonic Poison Eruption Full-length Cassette 2023
Succumb Succumb Full-length Cassette 2021
Succumb XXI Full-length Cassette 2021
Taphos Nomos West of Everything Lies Death EP Cassette 2015
Taphos Nomos R.I.P. Split Cassette 2017
Urðun R.I.P. Split Cassette 2017
Teleport The Expansion Demo Cassette 2018
Templar Knights of Nuclear Hell Decibelfucking the Charred Remains of the Christ Demo Cassette 2020
The Holy Flesh Emissary and Vessel Full-length Cassette 2020
The Hyle Demo Demo Cassette 2014
The Passing The Passing EP Digital 2020
The Passing The Passing EP Cassette 2020
The Passing 2019 Demo Demo Digital 2019
The Unquiet Grave Cosmic Dawn EP Cassette 2015
Torturers' Lobby Deadened Nerves Full-length Digital 2024
Torturers' Lobby Deadened Nerves Full-length CD 2024
Torturers' Lobby Deadened Nerves Full-length Cassette 2024
Traveler Traveler Full-length Cassette 2019
Trest Ordalium Full-length Cassette 2019
Tristengrav II - Nychavge EP Cassette 2019
Turris Eburnea Turris Eburnea EP Cassette 2021
Tyrants of Hell Perversion, Disease and Satanic Sleaze EP Cassette 2018
Undeath Demo '19 Demo Cassette 2019
Undeath Sentient Autolysis Demo Cassette 2019
Undeath The Compilation of Decomposition Compilation Cassette 2019
Unru Demo MMXIII Demo Cassette 2013
Uttertomb Necrocentrism: The Necrocentrist EP Cassette 2017
Vaticinal Rites Vaticinal Rites EP CD 2021
Vultures Vengeance Where the Time Dwelt In EP Cassette 2017
Wharflurch Syzygial Slime Worlds Split Digital 2021
Perihelion Gnosis Syzygial Slime Worlds Split Digital 2021
Wharflurch Syzygial Slime Worlds Split 12" vinyl 2021
Perihelion Gnosis Syzygial Slime Worlds Split 12" vinyl 2021
Witch Ward Sacrificial Monolith EP Cassette 2020
Witchcraft Sadomizer Mouth Fucking Holy Black Holes EP Cassette 2017
Ziggurat Ritual Miasma EP Cassette 2017
Źmiarćvieły Čornaje połymia EP Cassette 2021
Źmiarćvieły Čornaje połymia EP Digital 2021
Брахмаширас Брахмаширас EP Cassette 2023
Брахмаширас Brahmashiras EP Digital 2023