Black Saw Records

JSON | Metal Archives
Associated: parent, children


Address Río Balsas 21-A, Col. Colinas del Lago, CP 54744, Cuautitlán Izcalli, Edo. de
Country Mexico
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Thrash Metal
Online Shopping Yes
Parent Label Ablaze Productions
Sublabels Via Negativa Records

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Black Serpent Mexico black Current
Haborym Mexico black Current
Life Illusion Sweden black Current
Suicidal Inc. Mexico black Current
Throne ov Shiva International black Current
Virus of Koch Greece black, death, melodic Current
Vst Mexico black, death Current
Anti Germany black, depressive Past
Avzhia Mexico black Past
Be Persecuted China black, depressive Past
Beastcraft Norway black Past
Black Altar Poland black Past
Cryfemal Spain black Past
Dead International ambient, black, depressive Past
Dead Moon Temple Chile black Past
Deathrow Italy black Past
Diabolicon Poland black Past
Dødsfall Norway black Past
Ecferus United States black Past
Funereal Moon Mexico ambient, black Past
Hatevomit Türkiye black, death Past
Hëll Bëll Mexico black, heavy, thrash Past
Hexcastle Mexico ambient, black Past
Impaler of Pest Colombia black Past
Impenetrable Darkness Greece black Past
Mánþiel International black Past
Naastrand Mexico black Past
Necroneutron Mexico black, thrash Past
Nigrum Mexico black Past
Nocturnal Sacrifice Mexico black Past
Patria Brazil black Past
Pestnebel Germany black Past
Satan's Propaganda Germany black, punk, thrash Past
Satanizer Colombia black Past
Septrion Mexico black, death Past
Thornspawn United States black Past
To Arkham Paraguay black Past
Varathron Greece black Past
Vulture Lord Norway black, thrash Past
Warfield Mexico black Past
Xastur Mexico black, death Past
Xiuhtecuhtli Mexico black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Anti The Insignificance of Life Full-length CD 2010
Avzhia In My Domains Full-length CD 2010
Be Persecuted I.I Full-length CD 2010
Beastcraft Dawn of the Serpent - Trinitatis Infernalis - In Memoriam of Alastor Nefas Boxed set 7" vinyl 2012
Beastcraft Unpure Invocation of Alastor Nefas Live album CD 2013
Beastcraft Baptised in Blood and Goatsemen Full-length CD 2012
Beastcraft Unpure Invocation of Alastor Nefas Live album 12" vinyl 2014
Black Serpent The Bowels of the True Black Serpent EP CD 2024
Cryfemal Apoteosis oculta / Letanías del necromante Compilation CD 2014
Cryfemal With the Help of the Devil Full-length CD 2010
Dead Hanging Illusions Demo CD 2010
Dead Moon Temple Ænigmasólvoid Full-length CD 2020
Deathrow Desolating Cosmic Intuition Full-length CD 2011
Deathrow Desolating Cosmic Intuition Full-length CD 2011
Diabolicon Infernal Prophecy Full-length CD 2016
Dødsfall Helvetets griftegård Compilation Digital 2017
Dødsfall Helvetets griftegård Compilation CD 2017
Ecferus Prehistory / Shadow Projection Compilation CD 2019
Funereal Moon Silent Night of Full Moon Shine Demo CD 2022
Haborym The Sun Has Fallen Full-length CD 2013
Hëll Bëll Praying for a GOoD Fukk Compilation CD 2013
Hexcastle The Times of Iron and Blood Compilation CD 2024
Impenetrable Darkness Loyalty in Blackness Full-length CD 2014
Impenetrable Darkness Loyalty in Blackness Full-length Digital 2019
Life Illusion Into the Darkness of My Soul Full-length CD 2009
Mánþiel Luminous Emissions on the Graveless Entities Demo CD 2020
Naastrand A Heretic Oath to the Horned God Full-length CD 2021
Nigrum Mors Nox Regina EP CD 2016
Nigrum Mors Nox Regina EP Digital 2019
Nocturnal Sacrifice Paths of Unholy Consagration Full-length CD 2021
Patria Sovereign Misanthropy Full-length Cassette 2010
Pestnebel Dimensionen unendlicher Finsternis Full-length CD 2014
Satan's Propaganda Trigon ov Blasphemy Split CD 2014
Hatevomit Trigon ov Blasphemy Split CD 2014
Impaler of Pest Trigon ov Blasphemy Split CD 2014
Satanizer Oxyuranus Full-length CD 2017
Satanizer Oxyuranus Full-length Digital 2019
Satanizer Lord of Diseases Full-length CD 2021
Septrion The Seventh Mansion of the Venus Star Split CD 2018
Necroneutron The Seventh Mansion of the Venus Star Split CD 2018
Suicidal Inc. Leave This World Behind Full-length CD 2009
Suicidal Inc. Dead Enough for Life Full-length CD 2010
Suicidal Inc. Leave This World Behind Full-length CD 2009
Thornspawn Emissaries of the Darkened Call - Three Nails in the Coffin of Humanity Split CD 2013
Varathron Emissaries of the Darkened Call - Three Nails in the Coffin of Humanity Split CD 2013
Black Altar Emissaries of the Darkened Call - Three Nails in the Coffin of Humanity Split CD 2013
Throne ov Shiva Enchanter ov Serpents Full-length CD 2014
Throne ov Shiva The Last Anthem Full-length CD 2019
To Arkham To Arkham Forest Full-length CD 2008
Virus of Koch Lux et Veritas Full-length CD 2014
Vst An-ki Ekleipsis Full-length CD 2014
Vulture Lord Blasphemous Exorcisms - The Years of Nefas Compilation CD 2014
Vulture Lord Blasphemous Exorcisms - The Years of Nefas Compilation Digital 2019
Warfield Conquering the Black Horde Full-length CD 2009
Xiuhtecuhtli Xastur / Xiuhtecuhtli Split CD 2005
Xastur Xastur / Xiuhtecuhtli Split CD 2005