Gruesome Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Country Portugal
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death Metal
Founding Date June 1st, 2020

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Boulder Portugal doom, stoner Current
Brood of Hatred Tunisia death, progressive Current
Exfiltraitor International death, thrash Current
God Disease Finland death, doom Current
Inhuman Depravity Türkiye brutal, death Current
Keres Italy black, death Current
Redemptus Portugal post-metal, sludge Current
Ruttenskalle Portugal death Current
S.I.D. Italy death, doom Current
Sekta Spain crossover, crust, death Current
Absolutism Spain death, grind, hardcore, technical Past
Basalto Portugal rock, stoner Past
Colosso Portugal death, groove, progressive Past
Deathfiend United Kingdom crust, doom, hardcore, punk, sludge Past
Desalmado Brazil grind, hardcore Past
Elitium Portugal death, hardcore, melodic Past
Existence:Void Portugal avant-garde, black Past
Helslave Italy melodic, death Past
Hideous Divinity Italy brutal, death, technical Past
Hunted Scriptum Portugal death, thrash Past
Huronian Italy black, death, melodic Past
Iron Pike Sweden doom, sludge Past
Law of Contagion Portugal black, death Past
Lord of Confusion Portugal doom, stoner Past
Pitch Black Portugal thrash Past
Vøidwomb Portugal black, death Past
Voltaje Cadáver Spain doom, sludge Past
Vomit Bag Squad Brazil crossover, thrash Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Absolutism Blasting Trilok I EP CD 2022
Absolutism Blasting Trilok I EP Digital 2022
Basalto Doença Full-length CD 2020
Boulder Boulder EP Digital 2020
Boulder Boulder EP CD 2020
Brood of Hatred The Golden Age Full-length CD 2022
Brood of Hatred The Golden Age Full-length Digital 2022
Colosso Hateworlds Full-length CD 2021
Colosso Hateworlds Full-length Digital 2021
Deathfiend Beyond Life Full-length CD 2022
Desalmado Mass Mental Devolution Full-length Digital 2021
Desalmado Mass Mental Devolution Full-length CD 2021
Desalmado Mass Mental Devolution Full-length Cassette 2021
Elitium Wrong Full-length CD 2023
Exfiltraitor You're a Mutant! EP CD 2021
Existence:Void Anatman Full-length Digital 2021
God Disease Apocalyptic Doom Full-length CD 2023
God Disease Apocalyptic Doom Full-length Digital 2023
God Disease Ashes Single Digital 2023
Helslave From the Sulphur Depths Full-length Cassette 2021
Hideous Divinity Sinful Star Necrolatry Demo Cassette 2021
Hideous Divinity Unextinct Full-length Cassette 2024
Hunted Scriptum Paracusia Full-length CD 2022
Hunted Scriptum Paracusia Full-length Digital 2022
Huronian As Cold as a Stranger Sunset Full-length Cassette 2021
Huronian Beyond Frozen Heights EP CD 2023
Huronian Beyond Frozen Heights EP Digital 2023
Inhuman Depravity The Experimendead Full-length Digital 2022
Inhuman Depravity The Experimendead Full-length CD 2022
Iron Pike Hell Will Always Find Its Way Home Compilation CD 2021
Keres Homo Homini Lupus Full-length CD 2024
Keres Homo Homini Lupus Full-length Digital 2024
Keres Eradicate the Infected Seed Single Digital 2024
Law of Contagion Woeful Litanies from the Nether Realms Full-length Cassette 2021
Lord of Confusion Evil Mystery Full-length CD 2022
Lord of Confusion Evil Mystery Full-length Digital 2022
Pitch Black Thrash Killing Machine Full-length CD 2022
Pitch Black Hate Division Full-length Cassette 2023
Redemptus Blackhearted Full-length Digital 2021
Redemptus Blackhearted Full-length Cassette 2021
Redemptus Blackhearted Full-length CD 2021
Redemptus Blackhearted Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Ruttenskalle Skin 'Em Alive Full-length CD 2021
Ruttenskalle Skin 'Em Alive Full-length Digital 2021
S.I.D. City of Chemistry EP Digital 2022
S.I.D. City of Chemistry EP 12" vinyl 2022
Sekta Sekta Full-length Digital 2022
Sekta Sekta Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Vøidwomb Altars of Cosmic Devotion EP Cassette 2021
Voltaje Cadáver Manantial de sangre y muerte Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Voltaje Cadáver Manantial de sangre y muerte Full-length Digital 2021
Vomit Bag Squad Tales from the Bag Full-length CD 2022