More Hate Productions

JSON | Metal Archives


Address c/o Alexander Kantemirov, P.O. Box 1548, 400120 Volgograd
Country Russia
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death Metal, Black Metal
Founding Date 1999
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
...of Celestial Ukraine black, symphonic, melodic, death Current
Aesculeta Russia atmospheric, black Current
Ammonium Russia death Current
Anal Supersonic Sex Russia grind, hardcore Current
Anüs Sweden brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Arcanum Sanctum Russia death, melodic Current
Ashen Light Russia folk, symphonic, black Current
Autumn Tales Russia ambient, black Current
Balga Russia atmospheric, black Current
Berserk Revolt Ukraine death Current
Black Shadow Russia black Current
Black Soul Blade Russia groove, hardcore Current
Bloodshed Assault Finland death Current
Bog Morok Russia death, doom, industrial Current
Butterfly Temple Russia black, doom, pagan Current
Cerebrium Russia black, doom Current
D.E.F.A.M.E. Russia grind, hardcore Current
Dagor Dagorath Israel black, symphonic Current
Dargonomel Russia black, death Current
Deathincarnation Ukraine symphonic, black, death Current
Diamond Russia death Current
Divultion Ukraine brutal, death Current
Dr. Faust Russia speed, thrash, death, grind, hardcore Current
Eclipse Ukraine brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Eclipsed Russia black Current
End1 Russia death Current
Endoscopy Russia brutal, death Current
Epicrise Ukraine death, grind, hardcore Current
Eryx Russia groove, thrash Current
Far from Mind Russia gothic Current
Fast Food Russia crossover, thrash Current
Festerguts Russia death Current
GoreМыка Ukraine death, grind, hardcore Current
Hospice Russia black, symphonic Current
Hyzzterezis Russia death, groove, hardcore Current
Ignition Russia heavy Current
Impress Russia hardcore, punk, crossover, thrash Current
Infected Flesh Russia death Current
Innerside Russia death, thrash Current
Kraworath Russia brutal, death Current
Lutowrat Russia black, pagan Current
Malefic by Design Finland black, death Current
Mass Insanity Poland death Current
Mass of the Heretic Russia black, death Current
Memoblastoma Russia death, grind, hardcore Current
Mental Home Russia death, doom, melodic Current
Mental Illness Russia black, death Current
Mirron Russia thrash Current
Mlekra Ukraine black Current
Moongates Guardian Russia atmospheric, black, epic Current
MoonWay Belarus death, doom, gothic Current
Moria Ukraine groove, thrash Current
Mortal Dismay Russia death, thrash Current
Mystericon Russia gothic Current
Nimphaion Russia black, death, melodic, symphonic Current
Nocticula Ukraine black, melodic Current
Pantheon Israel black, death, melodic Current
PoloskAnus Belarus black, death, melodic Current
Pus Lactation Ukraine brutal, death Current
Putrification Russia brutal, death Current
QuetzalQoatl Russia death Current
Redrum Russia death Current
Regnat Horrendum Russia black, symphonic Current
Rigorism Russia death Current
Rose Scream Russia black, symphonic Current
Rubicon Russia heavy, power Current
Sarin Attack Finland grind, hardcore Current
Screaming Forest Ukraine black, death Current
Serpent Sferum Belarus black Current
Slaughter Brute Ukraine brutal, death Current
Solarfall Russia black Current
Solarward Belarus black, melodic Current
SphereDemonis Russia death, hardcore, melodic Current
Spiritual Holocaust Finland death Current
Torturer Ukraine black, death Current
Unnomine Russia black Current
Untrop Ukraine doom, gothic, black, symphonic, death Current
Vanstorbing Insolobridishn Ukraine brutal, death Current
Vedmak Russia black, death Current
Wind of Death Russia black, pagan Current
Witches' Sabbath Spain black, death Current
Во Скорбях Russia death, doom, folk Current
Волчья Сотня Russia heavy, power Current
Гробъ Bulgaria black Current
Гул Таоса Russia black, death, symphonic Current
Дьяволиада Belarus black, gothic, symphonic Current
Труповозка Russia death, grind, hardcore Current
Хаме-леон Russia heavy, power Current
731 Russia black Past
Aborted Fetus Russia brutal, death Past
Abysmal Growls of Despair France doom, drone, funeral Past
Acephala Ukraine brutal, death Past
Aksaya France black, death Past
Alastor Sanguinary Embryo Costa Rica black Past
Alone in the Mist Russia atmospheric, black, doom Past
Amentia Belarus brutal, death, technical Past
Ammanas Russia black Past
Announce the Apocalypse United States thrash Past
Antaios Norway black, death Past
Antiquus Scriptum Portugal ambient, black Past
Archaosifer Russia black Past
Ars Nocturna Russia black, death, melodic Past
Asguard Belarus death, gothic, industrial, melodic Past
Astarium Russia ambient, black, symphonic Past
Atoll Nerat Russia black, gothic Past
Aura Russia gothic, power, symphonic Past
Azaab Pakistan death, progressive Past
Balance Interruption Ukraine experimental, black Past
Barbarity Russia brutal, grind, hardcore, death Past
Besatt Poland black Past
Bestial Deform Russia death Past
Bestraberto Russia black Past
Black Astrology Russia black, industrial Past
Brainteasers Russia death, grind, hardcore, progressive Past
Bridge to Infinity Russia death, melodic, progressive Past
Brud Ukraine brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Caedere Netherlands death Past
Capitollium Ukraine black, symphonic Past
Chevauchée Russia black Past
Consume Türkiye brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Contaminated Ukraine melodic, death Past
Dämmerung Ukraine black Past
Dead Point Russia death, grind, hardcore Past
Deferum Sacrum Ukraine black Past
Deflection Russia death Past
Dehydrated Russia hardcore, death Past
Dekadens Poland black, depressive, post-metal Past
Der Gerwelt Russia black Past
Devilgroth Russia black, raw Past
Diagor Ukraine black Past
Dictator Russia black, hardcore, thrash Past
Die Entweihung Israel black Past
Divina Enema Belarus avant-garde Past
Divizion S-187 Russia black, industrial Past
Drain of Impurity Türkiye brutal, death Past
Dying Spain brutal, death Past
Edgeflame Türkiye thrash Past
Educated Scum Russia death, grind, hardcore Past
Elegis Poland death Past
Embers of Life Russia black, symphonic Past
Enthymion Poland black Past
Evilforces Mexico black Past
Evilgod Russia black, death Past
Exegutor Belarus grind, hardcore Past
Fatal Portrait Spain black Past
Fire Messiah United States black, raw Past
Flying Ukraine death, melodic Past
Forever Dead Russia brutal, death Past
Frigus et Obscurum Russia black Past
Fulgurum Poland black Past
Grace Disgraced Russia death, technical Past
Grenouer Russia death, thrash, industrial, alternative-rock, nu-metal Past
Gutted Bride Russia death Past
H.E.W.D.A.T. Russia black Past
Haissem Ukraine black, death, melodic Past
Hellbomb Russia black, hardcore, punk, thrash Past
Hellcraft Ukraine death Past
Hellish Oblivion Russia black, death, industrial Past
Hladomrak Sweden black Past
Holdaar Russia black Past
Horrid Italy death Past
Horror God Russia black, death Past
Human Time Russia death, progressive Past
Humanity Zero Greece doom, death Past
Indeterminable Russia brutal, death Past
Infestum Belarus black, pagan Past
Inhibitions Greece black, symphonic Past
Insanis Russia black, death Past
Insanity Cult Greece black Past
Isolert Greece black Past
Japanische Kampfhörspiele Germany grind, hardcore Past
Jimmy Sticks Russia groove, hardcore Past
Katalepsy Russia slam, groove, technical, brutal, death Past
Katar Russia black, industrial Past
Kerangkenk Indonesia brutal, death Past
Khashm International black Past
Kolossus Russia black Past
L.I.G.O. Russia death Past
Lamia Culta Ukraine black, melodic, ambient, dark Past
Lava Invocator Ukraine black Past
Light? Russia death, doom, progressive Past
Little Dead Bertha Russia doom, gothic, black, symphonic, death, melodic Past
Majestat Russia black Past
Majesty of Revival Ukraine neoclassical, power, progressive Past
Marble Carrion Russia death Past
Masturbation with the Bible Venezuela brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Meat Cutting Floor Russia brutal, death Past
Medea Belarus black, gothic Past
Megakill Paranoise Russia crossover, thrash Past
Mind Eclipse Russia black, death Past
Mora Prokaza Belarus experimental, black Past
MoreGore Ukraine death, grind, hardcore Past
Moribundo Spain death, doom Past
Morrah Russia death Past
Mourner Russia death, doom Past
Mutant Factor Russia death, grind, hardcore Past
Mysteria Mortis Russia folk, pagan Past
Nargathrond Russia ambient, black, gothic Past
Natural Spirit Ukraine folk, melodic, pagan Past
Navalm Russia death Past
Nefas Terra Russia black Past
Nervous Impulse Canada death, grind, hardcore Past
Neurosplit Prophet Russia death, progressive Past
Noitasapatti Finland black Past
Noromi Lucalen Russia black Past
Noxious Russia black Past
Order of the Ebon Hand Greece black Past
Pagan Reign Russia black, folk, pagan Past
Panopticon Death Russia death Past
Pantianak Russia black, death, doom, melodic Past
Pentsign Russia black, death Past
Perversus Stigmata Russia black, symphonic Past
Pimeydentuoja Finland black, death Past
Pitchblack Russia death, hardcore, melodic Past
Posthumous Blasphemer Belarus brutal, death, grind, hardcore, technical Past
Postmortem Estonia death, melodic, thrash Past
Psilocybe Larvae Russia death, doom, melodic Past
Psychosurgical Intervention Russia brutal, death Past
Purefilth Ukraine brutal, death, hardcore Past
Ragnell Mexico black, death Past
Rebis Russia black Past
Reclaim the Future Russia death, melodic Past
Rossomahaar Russia black, folk, thrash Past
Rubufaso Mukufo Czechia brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
S.I.R. Russia grind, hardcore Past
Sacrodeath Chile death, thrash Past
Sadistic Demise Russia death Past
Sagotorium Belarus death, grind, hardcore, industrial Past
Saintorment Latvia thrash Past
Scolopendra Cingulata Kazakhstan black, raw Past
Semargl Ukraine black, death, electronic-rock, pop, drum-and-bass, electronic Past
Seven Sins Kazakhstan black, death, symphonic Past
Signist Russia death, melodic Past
Silent Tales Russia doom, folk Past
Slytherin United States atmospheric, black Past
Smirnoff Germany death, grind, hardcore Past
Sothoris Poland black, death Past
Space Hamster Czechia death, hardcore Past
Speedemon Portugal speed, thrash Past
Stigmatic Chorus Russia black, symphonic Past
Stonehenge Russia death, doom, melodic Past
Storhet av Morke Russia black Past
Styxian Industries Netherlands black, industrial Past
Suffer Yourself Ukraine death, doom, funeral Past
Sukkuba Russia brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Tales of Darknord Russia death Past
Tanator Russia black, thrash Past
Thanatophagia Russia grind, hardcore Past
The Scum Colombia death Past
Theosophy Russia black Past
Therm.Eye.Flame Russia black, progressive Past
Thromb Ukraine death Past
Toxic Carnage Brazil thrash Past
Treachery Russia death Past
Trepan'Dead France brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Tyrant Wrath Sweden black Past
Ungoliantha Ukraine black, symphonic Past
Unlucky Buried Belarus brutal, death Past
Unsu France brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Valentin Lezjenda's Speed of Darkness International power Past
Vermis Mysteriis Ukraine black Past
Verthebral Paraguay death Past
Vocífera Brazil death, thrash Past
While They Sleep Ukraine black Past
Winter's Breath Austria atmospheric, black Past
Wolf's Hunger Serbia black, thrash Past
Zombie Attack Ukraine thrash Past
Zørormr Poland ambient, black, dark, melodic Past
Аркуда Russia pagan Past
Велиар Russia black, death, symphonic Past
Врата Тьмы Russia black, viking, pagan Past
Мрамор Russia black, post-metal, post-rock Past
Причудливый Зародыш Russia death, grind, hardcore Past
Путь Солнца Russia death, pagan, thrash Past
Сивый Яр Russia atmospheric, black, pagan, post-metal Past
Скверна Russia black Past
Смерш Russia thrash Past
Темноврат Russia black, pagan Past
Тиран Russia thrash Past
У​в​о​д​ь Russia atmospheric, black Past
Фантом Ukraine heavy Past
Чиста Криниця Ukraine black, folk, pagan Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
...of Celestial The Strange Infinity Full-length CD 2009
...of Celestial Virgin Blood Full-length CD 2011
731 Revelation of Black Mind Full-length CD 2021
Aborted Fetus Dark Legions of Apocalypse Compilation CD + DVD 2019
Aborted Fetus Dark Legions of Apocalypse Compilation Digital 2019
Abysmal Growls of Despair Worst Putrid Tongue Full-length Digital 2017
Acephala Infraction Cerebral Occupation Full-length Digital 2017
Aesculeta Restless Souls Full-length CD 2020
Aesculeta Shades of Soul Full-length CD 2020
Aksaya Kepler Full-length Digital 2017
Aksaya Kepler Full-length CD 2016
Alastor Sanguinary Embryo For Satan and the Ruin of the Divine Full-length Digital 2017
Alone in the Mist See Them Dying Full-length CD 2018
Alone in the Mist In Chains of Torment Full-length CD 2020
Amentia Incurable Disease Full-length CD 2011
Amentia Incurable Disease Full-length Digital 2017
Ammanas Solitude Full-length CD 2023
Ammonium Act of War Full-length CD 2018
Ammonium Erased Existence Full-length CD 2023
Anal Supersonic Sex Anal Supersonic Sex Full-length CD 2012
Anal Supersonic Sex Anal Supersonic Sex Full-length Digital 2017
Announce the Apocalypse Ruins Full-length Digital 2017
Antaios God; The Fake Artist / Waters of Styx Split CD 2000
Stigmatic Chorus God; The Fake Artist / Waters of Styx Split CD 2000
Antaios God; The Fake Artist / Waters of Styx Split Digital 2017
Stigmatic Chorus God; The Fake Artist / Waters of Styx Split Digital 2017
Antiquus Scriptum V Império (A Batalha dos Reinos) EP CD 2022
Antiquus Scriptum V Império (A Batalha dos Reinos) EP Digital 2022
Anüs The Constipation Conspiracy Full-length CD 2018
Arcanum Sanctum Fidus Achates Full-length CD 2010
Arcanum Sanctum Fidus Achates Full-length Digital 2017
Archaosifer Le héraut de sa volonté Full-length CD 2015
Archaosifer Le héraut de sa volonté Full-length Digital 2017
Archaosifer The Yellow Sign EP CD 2018
Ars Nocturna Epsilon Full-length Digital 2019
Asguard Black Fireland Full-length CD 2003
Asguard Wikka EP CD 2004
Asguard Black Fireland Full-length Digital 2017
Ashen Light В сострадании к отверженным: Осуждённым - ад Full-length CD 2003
Ashen Light Стары былины / Славенские вечера Full-length CD 2001
Ashen Light Песни мёртвых / Зов тьмы Full-length CD 2002
Ashen Light Причащение огнём Full-length CD 2005
Ashen Light В милосердии отказано! Split CD 2008
Divizion S-187 В милосердии отказано! Split CD 2008
Ashen Light Кровь апокалипсиса Full-length CD 2009
Ashen Light Проклятый и непрощённый Full-length CD 2011
Ashen Light Песнь Велеса Full-length CD 2001
Ashen Light Песнь Велеса Full-length CD 2007
Ashen Light Песнь Велеса Full-length Digital 2017
Ashen Light Стары былины / Славенские вечера Full-length Digital 2017
Ashen Light Песни мёртвых / Зов тьмы (Songs of the Dead / Call of the Dark) Full-length Digital 2017
Ashen Light В сострадании к отверженным: Осуждённым - Ад (In Accomplice Suffering: Conviction Is Hell) Full-length Digital 2017
Ashen Light Кровь апокалипсиса Full-length CD 2009
Astarium Epoch of Tyrants EP CD 2016
Astarium Drum-Ghoul Full-length Digital 2017
Astarium Epoch of Tyrants EP Digital 2017
Astarium Solar Despair Full-length CD 2021
Astarium Solar Despair Full-length Digital 2021
Astarium Astarium / Fire Messiah Split CD 2022
Fire Messiah Astarium / Fire Messiah Split CD 2022
Astarium Astarium / Fire Messiah Split Digital 2022
Fire Messiah Astarium / Fire Messiah Split Digital 2022
Atoll Nerat Art of Ancient Seers Full-length CD 2001
Atoll Nerat Two Pipes to Heaven Full-length CD 2009
Atoll Nerat Art of Ancient Seers Full-length Digital 2017
Aura Злая магия Full-length CD 2019
Aura Злая магия Full-length Digital 2019
Azaab Summoning the Cataclysm Full-length CD 2023
Balance Interruption Era I: Nuclear War for Rescue Full-length CD 2010
Balga Through the Ever Twisted Roads Full-length CD 2021
Balga Where Now She Wanders Full-length CD 2022
Balga .​.​.​by the Sea Full-length CD 2023
Balga Midnight Mystery Split CD 2024
Autumn Tales Midnight Mystery Split CD 2024
Balga Midnight Mystery Split Digital 2024
Autumn Tales Midnight Mystery Split Digital 2024
Barbarity The Wish to Bleed Full-length CD 2003
Barbarity Barbarity / Katalepsy / Smersh / Posthumous Blasphemer Split CD 2004
Posthumous Blasphemer Barbarity / Katalepsy / Smersh / Posthumous Blasphemer Split CD 2004
Katalepsy Barbarity / Katalepsy / Smersh / Posthumous Blasphemer Split CD 2004
Barbarity The Wish to Bleed Full-length Digital 2017
Berserk Revolt Perception Kills Full-length CD 2011
Berserk Revolt Perception Kills Full-length Digital 2017
Besatt Anticross Full-length CD 2017
Besatt Supreme and True at Night Full-length CD 2023
Bestial Deform Bellum Contra Omnes Full-length CD 2014
Bestial Deform Together We'll Destroy the World Full-length CD 2015
Bestial Deform Bellum Contra Omnes Full-length Digital 2017
Bestraberto 2020 Full-length CD 2021
Black Astrology Abyss of Chaos Full-length CD 2018
Black Shadow ...Сквозь чёрное пламя Молоха... Full-length CD 2012
Black Shadow Война - негасимое бездны пламя! Full-length CD 2013
Black Shadow Пробуждение чёрного дракона Full-length CD 2012
Black Shadow Зов смерти Full-length CD 2005
Black Shadow Ада возмездие лжепророчным тварям Full-length CD 2015
Black Shadow Война - негасимое бездны пламя! Full-length Digital None
Black Shadow .​.​.​сквозь чёрное пламя Молоха​.​.​. (…Through the Dark Flame of Moloch…) Full-length Digital 2017
Black Shadow Пробуждение чёрного дракона (Awakening of Black Dragon) Full-length Digital 2017
Black Shadow Против бога - во имя тьмы! EP CD 2015
Black Shadow Последняя cтупень перерождения Full-length Digital 2022
Black Shadow Последняя cтупень перерождения Full-length CD 2022
Black Shadow Конец света Full-length CD 2022
Black Shadow Конец света Full-length Digital 2022
Black Soul Blade Masterpiece of Hate Full-length CD 2017
Bloodshed Assault The Black Wind of Death Full-length CD 2018
Bloodshed Assault Boundary of Cruelty Full-length CD 2020
Bog Morok Stadiae II Full-length CD 2005
Bog Morok Industrialypse Full-length CD 2013
Bog Morok Seven Full-length CD 2015
Bog Morok Industrialypse Full-length Digital 2017
Bog Morok In a Dark Time Full-length CD 2019
Bog Morok In a Dark Time Full-length Digital 2019
Brainteasers 15.01.1773 Full-length CD 2014
Brainteasers Quotes of Great People Full-length CD 2016
Bridge to Infinity Bridge to Infinity Full-length CD 2024
Brud Cannibal Cops Full-length CD 2019
Brud Cannibal Cops Full-length Digital 2019
Butterfly Temple Окольное братство нетленного мира EP CD 2022
Caedere Eighty Years' War (Dutch War of Independence) Full-length CD 2021
Capitollium Seraphim's Lair Full-length CD 2004
Capitollium Engraved Fear Full-length CD 2006
Capitollium Engraved Fear Full-length Digital 2018
Cerebrium When I Am Dead Full-length CD 2015
Cerebrium The Happiest Days Full-length CD 2023
Cerebrium The Happiest Days Full-length Digital 2023
Chevauchée Phrenolepsia Full-length Digital 2017
Consume Genetic Waste Full-length CD 2023
Consume Genetic Waste Full-length Digital 2023
Contaminated Your Ashes Are Nothing Full-length CD 2014
Contaminated Your Ashes Are Nothing Full-length Digital None
D.E.F.A.M.E. Жители и гости прямой кишки Full-length CD 2015
D.E.F.A.M.E. Hyperboolaris Supreeme Bizzare Full-length CD 2021
D.E.F.A.M.E. Hyperboolaris Supreeme Bizzare Full-length Digital 2021
D.E.F.A.M.E. Doomsday Reptilian Rooster Full-length Digital 2024
Dagor Dagorath Yetzer Ha'ra Full-length CD 2009
Dagor Dagorath Yetzer Ha'ra Full-length Digital 2018
Dämmerung Dark Poetry Full-length Digital 2017
Dargonomel Varkulama Full-length CD 2013
Dargonomel Astazebian Full-length CD 2017
Dargonomel Astazebian Full-length Digital 2017
Dargonomel Rebelliant Daemonis Full-length CD 2021
Dargonomel Rebelliant Daemonis Full-length Digital 2021
Dead Point The Moral of Hypocrisy Full-length CD 2021
Dead Point The Moral of Hypocrisy Full-length Digital 2021
Dead Point The Hate Consensus Full-length CD 2022
Dead Point The Greatness of Emptiness Full-length CD 2023
Dead Point The Greatness of Emptiness Full-length Digital 2023
Deathincarnation Roar from Within Full-length CD 2011
Deathincarnation Pandemic Blight Full-length CD 2015
Deathincarnation Roar from Within Full-length Digital 2017
Deathincarnation Dysfunctional Divine Full-length CD 2020
Deathincarnation Dysfunctional Divine Full-length Digital 2020
Deferum Sacrum Septicaemia Full-length CD 2011
Deferum Sacrum Septicaemia Full-length Digital 2017
Deflection Violent Atrophy Full-length CD 2018
Deflection Violent Atrophy Full-length Digital 2018
Dehydrated Duality of Existence Full-length CD 2011
Dehydrated Duality of Existence Full-length CD 2016
Dehydrated Awake in Era Full-length CD 2015
Dehydrated Duality of Existence Full-length CD 2016
Dekadens Crossroads EP Digital 2017
Der Gerwelt Human Breed Full-length CD 2003
Der Gerwelt Human Breed Full-length Digital 2017
Devilgroth Morena Full-length Digital 2017
Diagor Ненависть к живому Full-length CD 2016
Diamond Fuck Your Opinion Full-length CD 2014
Diamond Fuck Your Opinion Full-length Digital 2014
Dictator Stay Brutal, Baby Full-length CD 2012
Dictator Stay Brutal, Baby Full-length Digital 2017
Die Entweihung The Worst Is Yet to Come Full-length CD 2018
Die Entweihung The Worst Is Yet to Come Full-length CD 2018
Die Entweihung The Worst Is Yet to Come Full-length CD 2018
Divina Enema Under Phoenix Phenomenon Full-length CD 2003
Divina Enema To Wight Shall Never Shine Demo CD 2004
Divina Enema Under Phoenix Phenomenon Full-length Digital 2017
Divina Enema To Wight Shall Never Shine Demo Digital 2017
Divizion S-187 Blood & Fire EP CD 2006
Divultion The End of Humanity Full-length CD 2011
Divultion The End of Humanity Full-length Digital 2017
Dr. Faust The Ideal World Full-length CD 2022
Dr. Faust The Ideal World Full-length Digital 2022
Drain of Impurity Into the Cold Crypts of Dead Planet Demo Digital 2015
Drain of Impurity Into the Cold Crypts of Dead Planet Full-length CD 2015
Drain of Impurity The Seventh Planet of the Infected Cygnus System Full-length CD 2016
Drain of Impurity The Seventh Planet of the Infected Cygnus System Full-length Digital 2017
Drain of Impurity Perdition Out of the Orbit Full-length CD 2018
Dying No Mercy for Us Full-length CD + DVD 2017
Dying No Mercy for Us Full-length Digital 2017
Eclipse Divine Full-length CD 2016
Eclipse Triumph of the Pain Full-length Digital 2017
Edgeflame Departure to Salvation Single Digital 2019
Edgeflame Bludgeon the Incarnated Full-length CD 2020
Educated Scum The Chaos Complete: From Chaos to Disorder Re​-​Visited Compilation CD 2015
Educated Scum Corrupt Full-length Digital 2019
Elegis Superhuman Syndrome Full-length CD 2017
Elegis Superhuman Syndrome Full-length Digital 2017
Embers of Life Dark Conspiracy Full-length CD 2005
End1 Beginning of the End EP CD 2010
End1 Beginning of the End EP Digital 2017
Endoscopy Burial Mutilated EP CD 2015
Enthymion Arcana of Apocalypse Full-length CD 2012
Eryx Killing for Escape Full-length CD 2019
Eryx Killing for Escape Full-length Digital 2019
Evilforces Pest Plagues & Storms Full-length Digital 2016
Evilforces Pest Plagues & Storms Full-length Digital 2016
Evilgod Gods, Beasts, Death Full-length CD 2022
Exegutor Embassy of Hell Full-length CD 2015
Far from Mind Breakpoint '33 Compilation CD 2009
Fast Food Collapsing Babylon Full-length CD 2023
Fatal Portrait Adventum Full-length CD 2006
Flying Graceful Murder Full-length Digital 2017
Forever Dead Gates of Worlds / Black Wings Split CD 2023
Storhet av Morke Gates of Worlds / Black Wings Split CD 2023
Forever Dead Gates of Worlds / Black Wings Split Digital 2023
Storhet av Morke Gates of Worlds / Black Wings Split Digital 2023
Frigus et Obscurum Vol. 1 Full-length CD 2010
Fulgurum Człowiekskrywazło Full-length Digital 2017
GoreМыка Wrong Honey EP CD 2015
GoreМыка Боян Full-length CD 2014
GoreМыка Mrakobes'ы Full-length CD 2015
Grace Disgraced Enthrallment Traced Full-length CD 2012
Grace Disgraced The Primal Cause: Womanumental Full-length CD 2014
Grace Disgraced The Primal Cause: Womanumental Full-length Digital 2014
Grace Disgraced Enthrallment Traced Full-length Digital 2017
Grenouer The Odour o' Folly Full-length Digital 2017
Gutted Bride Sadism Full-length CD 2017
H.E.W.D.A.T. Blackest Empire of Satan Full-length CD 2014
H.E.W.D.A.T. Blackest Empire of Satan Full-length Digital 2017
Haissem Demonotone Full-length CD 2024
Haissem Khaos Ebony Flame Full-length CD 2024
Hellbomb Hatebombs from Hell Full-length CD 2016
Hellbomb Crown of Skulls EP CD 2017
Hellbomb Hatebombs from Hell Full-length Digital 2017
Hellbomb Crown of Skulls EP Digital 2017
Hellbomb Darkness Grinds Within Full-length CD 2019
Hellbomb Darkness Grinds Within Full-length Digital 2019
Hellbomb Hellbomb Full-length CD 2024
Hellcraft Apotheosis of War Full-length Digital 2017
Hellish Oblivion Pyrodigma Full-length CD 2016
Hladomrak Arctic Hysteria Full-length CD 2019
Hladomrak Arctic Hysteria Full-length Digital 2019
Hladomrak Inner Death EP CD 2021
Hladomrak Archaic Sacrifice Full-length CD 2022
Holdaar Времена, уходящие в небо Full-length CD 2014
Holdaar Агисхьяльм Full-length CD 2015
Holdaar Твоя война Full-length CD 2017
Holdaar Твоя война Full-length Digital 2017
Holdaar Ravenstorm Compilation CD 2018
Horrid Evil's Birth 1989-2002 Compilation CD 2002
Horrid Rising from the Hidden Spheres Full-length CD 2014
Horrid Evil's Birth 1989-2002 Compilation Digital None
Horror God Cold Shine Full-length CD 2009
Hospice Land of Eternal Night Full-length CD 2006
Human Time Б​е​с​т​и​а​р​и​й​: С​т​р​а​н​и​ц​ы б​е​з​у​м​и​я Full-length CD 2023
Humanity Zero Withered in Isolation Full-length Digital 2017
Hyzzterezis Reckoning Full-length CD 2020
Ignition Решаешь только ты Full-length CD 2017
Ignition Решаешь только ты Full-length Digital 2017
Impress Крепость Full-length CD 2019
Impress Два пути Full-length CD 2018
Impress Крепость Full-length Digital 2019
Impress По куску земли каждому EP CD 2020
Impress Враг не дремлет Full-length CD 2023
Impress Враг не дремлет Full-length Digital 2023
Indeterminable Nameless and Dead Full-length CD 2014
Indeterminable Nameless and Dead Full-length Digital 2017
Infected Flesh Fat of the Dead Full-length CD 2018
Infestum Last Day Before the Endless Night Full-length CD 2002
Infestum Last Day Before the Endless Night Full-length Digital 2017
Inhibitions With the Fullmoon Above My Head Full-length Digital 2019
Innerside Human's Rot Full-length CD 2022
Innerside Human's Rot Full-length Digital 2022
Insanis Dawn ov the Black Sun Full-length CD 2018
Insanis Black Metal Marginals Full-length CD 2020
Insanis Kvlt ov Fire EP CD 2021
Isolert Towards the Great Dissolution Split Digital 2017
Insanity Cult Towards the Great Dissolution Split Digital 2017
Japanische Kampfhörspiele Grind Cuts Split CD 2018
Nervous Impulse Grind Cuts Split CD 2018
Meat Cutting Floor Grind Cuts Split CD 2018
Brud Grind Cuts Split CD 2018
Japanische Kampfhörspiele Grind Cuts Split Digital 2018
Nervous Impulse Grind Cuts Split Digital 2018
Meat Cutting Floor Grind Cuts Split Digital 2018
Brud Grind Cuts Split Digital 2018
Jimmy Sticks Killdozer Full-length CD 2022
Katar Paradigma Digitized Full-length CD 2002
Katar Paradigma Digitized Full-length Digital 2017
Khashm Portals of Inferno Full-length CD 2011
Khashm Dark Path to His Throne Full-length CD 2010
Kolossus Begining EP CD 2017
Kolossus Begining EP Digital 2017
Kraworath Instinct to Kill Full-length CD 2014
Kraworath Purification Through Pain Full-length CD 2015
L.I.G.O. No One Safe Full-length CD 2004
L.I.G.O. No One Safe Full-length Digital 2017
Lamia Culta Patre Satane Full-length CD 2011
Lamia Culta Patre Satane Full-length Digital 2017
Lava Invocator Mörk Full-length Digital 2017
Light? Песни маленького сердца Full-length CD 2019
Light? Эталон нелепой случайности Full-length CD 2022
Little Dead Bertha Angel & Pain Full-length CD 2020
Little Dead Bertha Angel & Pain Full-length Digital 2020
Lutowrat Ведомые волком Full-length CD 2018
Majestat Сторона окаянных Compilation CD 2023
Majestat Сторона окаянных Compilation Digital 2023
Majesty of Revival Dualism Full-length CD 2016
Malefic by Design Definitive Indication of Supremacy Full-length CD 2018
Malefic by Design Definitive Indication of Supremacy Full-length Digital 2018
Marble Carrion Ultramercy Full-length CD 2022
Mass Insanity Maveth Full-length CD 2019
Mass of the Heretic Flames of Hatred Full-length CD 2017
Mass of the Heretic Flames of Hatred Full-length Digital 2017
Masturbation with the Bible Good Nuns Gone Dirty EP CD 2020
Medea Декаданс Full-length CD 2008
Megakill Paranoise Worldwide Kopalhen Full-length Digital 2023
Memoblastoma Kekodemo Demo CD 2022
Memoblastoma From Circumvent to Obliteration Full-length CD 2023
Mental Home Mirrorland EP CD 2010
Mental Home Угра Full-length CD 2016
Mental Home Triangle Single CD 2017
Mental Home Mirrorland EP Digital 2017
Mental Illness Откровение Full-length CD 2015
Mind Eclipse Chaos Chronicles Full-length CD 2002
Mind Eclipse Chaos Chronicles Full-length Digital 2017
Mirron Fire Tallisman EP CD 2021
Mlekra 0105 Full-length CD 2012
Mlekra 0105 Full-length Digital 2017
Mlekra 0105 Full-length Digital 2017
Moongates Guardian Eternal Legend Full-length CD 2015
Moongates Guardian In the Beginning Full-length CD 2015
Moongates Guardian ...and in the Glade a Light Was Seen Full-length CD 2016
Moongates Guardian The Eagle's Song Full-length CD 2016
Moongates Guardian The Eagle's Song Full-length Digital 2017
Moongates Guardian Summoned by Middle Earth - A Tribute to Summoning (Part I) Full-length CD 2017
Moongates Guardian Let Horse Be Bridled, Horn Be Sounded! Full-length CD 2017
Moongates Guardian Leave the Northern Mountains Full-length CD 2018
Moongates Guardian The Last Ship Full-length CD 2019
Moongates Guardian Cold Waters of Anduin Full-length CD 2020
Moongates Guardian Till the Wind of the Morning Full-length CD 2021
Moongates Guardian Oath of Feanor / Legends of the Damned Split CD 2021
Balga Oath of Feanor / Legends of the Damned Split CD 2021
Moongates Guardian The Wind over Dale Full-length CD 2022
Moongates Guardian Broken Sword Compilation Digital 2022
Moongates Guardian Broken Sword Compilation CD 2022
Moongates Guardian Incompleteness X Full-length CD 2023
MoonWay My 7even Full-length CD 2013
Mora Prokaza Dark Universe Full-length CD 2016
Mora Prokaza Dark Universe Full-length Digital 2016
MoreGore Disgusting Nasty Shitass / Неприятные далбаёбы EP CD 2020
Moria Pain Shreds Full-length CD 2011
Moria Pain Shreds Full-length Digital 2017
Moribundo Raíz amarga Full-length Digital 2017
Morrah Experiment in Blood Full-length CD 2005
Mortal Dismay Unspoken Full-length CD 2021
Mortal Dismay Paint It Black Single Digital 2021
Mortal Dismay Until Death Full-length Digital 2023
Mourner Apogee of Nihility Full-length Digital 2019
Mysteria Mortis Воды Тунд Full-length CD 2013
Mysteria Mortis Наше время Full-length CD 2016
Mystericon Иди и смотри Full-length CD 2024
Mystericon Иди и смотри Full-length Digital 2024
Nargathrond Der Gerwelt / Nargathrond Split CD 2000
Der Gerwelt Der Gerwelt / Nargathrond Split CD 2000
Nargathrond Revelation 666 / Carnal Lust and Wolfen Hunger Split Digital 2017
Der Gerwelt Revelation 666 / Carnal Lust and Wolfen Hunger Split Digital 2017
Natural Spirit Русколунь Full-length CD 2005
Navalm Nothingness Full-length CD 2017
Navalm Nothingness Full-length Digital 2017
Navalm Lunar Fields Full-length CD 2018
Navalm Lunar Fields Full-length Digital 2018
Nefas Terra Жизнь в темноте EP CD 2014
Nervous Impulse Enough for Dementia Full-length CD 2015
Nervous Impulse Perfect Symmetry Incarnation Split CD 2016
Kraworath Perfect Symmetry Incarnation Split CD 2016
Kerangkenk Perfect Symmetry Incarnation Split CD 2016
Nervous Impulse Time to Panic Full-length CD 2016
Nervous Impulse The Daily Grind Split CD 2019
Unsu The Daily Grind Split CD 2019
Anüs The Daily Grind Split CD 2019
Neurosplit Prophet Encrypted Future Contingency Full-length CD 2009
Neurosplit Prophet Encrypted Future Contingency Full-length Digital 2018
Nimphaion Flame of Faith Full-length CD 2013
Nimphaion Quoth the Raven Full-length CD 2018
Nocticula В зеркалах преисподней Full-length CD 2015
Nocticula Обитель царства вечной скорби Full-length CD 2020
Nocticula Обитель царства вечной скорби Full-length Digital 2020
Noitasapatti Kuolemattomille maille Full-length Digital 2022
Noitasapatti Kuolemattomille maille Full-length CD 2022
Noromi Lucalen Cursed and Forgotten Full-length CD 2014
Noromi Lucalen Vihaan sinua, Jeesus Kristus! EP CD 2018
Noromi Lucalen Vihaan sinua, Jeesus Kristus! EP Digital 2018
Noxious И хлынет кровь Full-length CD 2012
Order of the Ebon Hand VII: The Chariot Full-length Digital 2019
Pagan Reign Уделы былой веры (Destinies of Bygone Faith) Full-length Digital 2017
Pagan Reign Отблески славы и возрождение былого величия Full-length Digital 2017
Pagan Reign Отблески славы и возрождение былого величия Full-length CD 2004
Panopticon Death The Final Prophecy Full-length CD 2017
Pantheon Hopelessness Full-length CD 2019
Pantianak Langsuyar Full-length CD 2014
Pentsign Зов древних Full-length CD 2013
Pentsign Зов древних Full-length Digital 2017
Perversus Stigmata Interstellar Hatred Void Full-length CD 2009
Perversus Stigmata Interstellar Hatred Void Full-length Digital 2018
Pimeydentuoja Hellcrowned Full-length Digital 2017
Pitchblack All Black Full-length CD 2023
PoloskAnus Insomnia Full-length CD 2024
PoloskAnus Insomnia Full-length Digital 2024
Posthumous Blasphemer Posthumous Blasphemer / Mutant Factor / Anal Nosorog / Prichudliviy Zarodish Split CD 2005
Mutant Factor Posthumous Blasphemer / Mutant Factor / Anal Nosorog / Prichudliviy Zarodish Split CD 2005
Причудливый Зародыш Posthumous Blasphemer / Mutant Factor / Anal Nosorog / Prichudliviy Zarodish Split CD 2005
Postmortem The Call of the Sea Full-length CD 2001
Postmortem The Call of the Sea Full-length Digital 2017
Psilocybe Larvae Stigmata Full-length Digital 2017
Psychosurgical Intervention Prologue EP CD 2020
Psychosurgical Intervention Act I Full-length CD 2021
Psychosurgical Intervention Act I Full-length Digital 2021
Pus Lactation Клетка для мозга Full-length CD 2014
Pus Lactation Клетка для мозга (A Cage for the Brain) Full-length Digital 2017
Putrification Intolerance Full-length CD 2013
QuetzalQoatl Uitzilopōchtli Full-length CD 2016
QuetzalQoatl Relación de las cosas de Yukatán Full-length CD 2021
Ragnell Rebirth in Darkness Full-length Digital 2019
Rebis Eternity EP CD 2023
Reclaim the Future Mira Full-length CD 2018
Redrum PureFilth / Dehydrated / Grace Disgraced / Redrvm Split CD 2011
Dehydrated PureFilth / Dehydrated / Grace Disgraced / Redrvm Split CD 2011
Grace Disgraced PureFilth / Dehydrated / Grace Disgraced / Redrvm Split CD 2011
Purefilth PureFilth / Dehydrated / Grace Disgraced / Redrvm Split CD 2011
Redrum World de Termination Full-length CD 2010
Redrum PureFilth / Dehydrated / Grace Disgraced / Redrvm Split Digital None
Dehydrated PureFilth / Dehydrated / Grace Disgraced / Redrvm Split Digital None
Grace Disgraced PureFilth / Dehydrated / Grace Disgraced / Redrvm Split Digital None
Purefilth PureFilth / Dehydrated / Grace Disgraced / Redrvm Split Digital None
Regnat Horrendum Heathenland Full-length CD 2018
Regnat Horrendum Dogs of Christ Full-length CD 2019
Regnat Horrendum Transilvanian Shadow Full-length CD 2021
Regnat Horrendum Shadows of the Last Battle Full-length CD 2021
Regnat Horrendum The Prophet Full-length CD 2023
Rigorism Human Fear Full-length CD 2004
Rigorism Cold & Pain Full-length CD 2006
Rigorism The Source of Suffering Full-length CD 2010
Rigorism The Source of Suffering Full-length Digital 2017
Rose Scream Algiz Full-length CD 2015
Rossomahaar Imperium Tenebrarum Full-length CD 1999
Rossomahaar Imperium Tenebrarum Full-length Digital 2017
Rossomahaar Imperium Tenebrarum Full-length CD 1999
Rubicon Welcome to Wasteland Full-length Digital 2018
Rubicon Aliapolis Full-length CD 2023
Rubufaso Mukufo Atomic Grind! 3 Way CD Split CD 2017
Epicrise Atomic Grind! 3 Way CD Split CD 2017
Nervous Impulse Atomic Grind! 3 Way CD Split CD 2017
Sacrodeath Engendro del caos Full-length CD 2024
Sadistic Demise Your Chosen Way of Sadistic EP Digital 2021
Sadistic Demise Your Chosen Way of Sadistic EP CD 2021
Sagotorium Standart Split CD 2016
Exegutor Standart Split CD 2016
Saintorment Defective Mind Full-length CD 2018
Sarin Attack Dystopia Full-length CD 2020
Sarin Attack Dystopia Full-length Digital 2020
Scolopendra Cingulata Kuoltuu kaikin kohetah EP CD 2015
Scolopendra Cingulata Kuoltuu kaikin kohetah EP Cassette 2015
Screaming Forest Black Kingdom of Lust Full-length CD 2009
Screaming Forest Jesus=Whore Full-length CD 2010
Screaming Forest Holy Satan Full-length CD 2011
Screaming Forest Assault Full-length CD 2013
Screaming Forest Jesus=Whore Full-length Digital 2017
Screaming Forest Black Kingdom of Lust Full-length Digital 2018
Semargl Attack on God Full-length CD 2005
Serpent Sferum Холодное безмолвие (Cold Silence) Split CD 2018
Eclipsed Холодное безмолвие (Cold Silence) Split CD 2018
Seven Sins My Triumph Full-length CD 2022
Seven Sins My Triumph Full-length CD 2022
Signist Of Worlds, Endtimely Enshadowed Demo Digital 2017
Silent Tales Endless Way Full-length CD 2019
Silent Tales Endless Way Full-length Digital 2019
Slaughter Brute Systematic Transmutations Full-length CD 2012
Slaughter Brute Systematic Transmutations Full-length Digital 2017
Slaughter Brute Symmetric Biomass Full-length CD 2021
Slaughter Brute Symmetric Biomass Full-length Digital 2021
Slytherin A Tale We'll Tell of What Hath Been​.​.​. Full-length CD 2021
Slytherin When the Darkness Comes Full-length CD 2021
Slytherin Tales of Hogsmeade Village Full-length CD 2022
Slytherin The Path We Choose Full-length CD 2023
Smirnoff The Deadly Return Full-length CD 2003
Smirnoff The Deadly Return Full-length Digital 2017
Solarfall Ice Full-length CD 2017
Solarfall Ice Full-length Digital 2017
Solarward As the Sky Stares Down Full-length CD 2009
Solarward How to Survive a Rainout Full-length CD 2012
Solarward As the Sky Stares Down Full-length Digital 2017
Solarward How to Survive a Rainout Full-length Digital 2017
Sothoris Wpiekłowstąpienie Full-length CD 2022
Space Hamster The Ascent to Nothingness Full-length CD 2019
Space Hamster The Ascent to Nothingness Full-length Digital 2019
Speedemon Hellcome Full-length CD 2023
SphereDemonis The Revelation of the Pyramids Full-length CD 2017
SphereDemonis The Revelation of the Pyramids Full-length Digital 2017
Spiritual Holocaust Feast of Maggots Full-length Digital 2017
Spiritual Holocaust Feast of Maggots Full-length CD 2017
Spiritual Holocaust Echoes of the Apocalypse Full-length CD 2020
Spiritual Holocaust Echoes of the Apocalypse Full-length Digital 2020
Stigmatic Chorus Fanatic Full-length CD 2019
Stigmatic Chorus Fanatic Full-length Digital 2019
Stonehenge Scum Brigade Full-length CD 2001
Styxian Industries Zero.Void.Nullified (Of Apathy and Armageddon) Full-length CD 2016
Suffer Yourself Ectoplasm Full-length Digital 2017
Suffer Yourself Ectoplasm Full-length Digital 2017
Sukkuba Samara Gore Adok Full-length CD 2011
Sukkuba Samara Gore Adok Full-length Digital 2017
Tales of Darknord Dismissed Full-length CD 2002
Tales of Darknord Stalingrad: War Episodes Full-length CD 2004
Tales of Darknord Dismissed Full-length Digital 2017
Tales of Darknord Stalingrad: War Episodes Full-length Digital 2017
Tanator Call from Nowhere Full-length Digital 2023
Thanatophagia Give Me Your Blood, Give Me Your Death Full-length CD 2023
The Scum The Hunger Full-length CD 2024
Theosophy Live Pantheon Live album CD 2022
Therm.Eye.Flame Solar Nebula Full-length CD 2003
Therm.Eye.Flame Spherical Full-length CD 2001
Therm.Eye.Flame To Evolution?! Full-length CD 2005
Therm.Eye.Flame Solar Nebula Full-length Digital 2017
Thromb Плоть капитализма EP CD 2023
Torturer Infinity of Illusions Full-length CD 2011
Toxic Carnage Primitive / Razvorachivay Split Digital 2023
Смерш Primitive / Razvorachivay Split Digital 2023
Toxic Carnage Primitive / Razvorachivay Split CD 2023
Смерш Primitive / Razvorachivay Split CD 2023
Treachery The Key to the Abyss EP CD 2023
Treachery The Key to the Abyss EP Digital 2023
Trepan'Dead Grind Your Way Split CD 2019
Nervous Impulse Grind Your Way Split CD 2019
S.I.R. Grind Your Way Split CD 2019
MoreGore Grind Your Way Split CD 2019
Trepan'Dead Grind Your Way Split Digital 2019
Nervous Impulse Grind Your Way Split Digital 2019
S.I.R. Grind Your Way Split Digital 2019
MoreGore Grind Your Way Split Digital 2019
Tyrant Wrath 1979 Full-length CD 2017
Ungoliantha Through the Chaos, Through Time, Through the Death Full-length CD 2017
Ungoliantha Through the Chaos, Through Time, Through the Death Full-length Digital 2017
Unlucky Buried Blast from the Underground Full-length CD 2009
Unlucky Buried Blast from the Underground Full-length Digital 2018
Unnomine Чёрный культ безымянного зла EP CD 2023
Unnomine The Black Cult of Nameless Evil EP Digital 2023
Unnomine Символ нисхождения тьмы Full-length CD 2023
Unnomine Символ нисхождения тьмы Full-length Digital 2023
Unsu Darkest in the Sun Full-length CD 2019
Unsu Darkest in the Sun Full-length Digital 2019
Untrop Pale Illusions of Life Full-length CD 2015
Valentin Lezjenda's Speed of Darkness Альтернативная реальность Full-length CD 2021
Valentin Lezjenda's Speed of Darkness Альтернативная реальность Full-length Digital 2021
Vanstorbing Insolobridishn Intrusion into the Painful Middle Full-length CD 2022
Vanstorbing Insolobridishn Intrusion into the Painful Middle Full-length Digital 2022
Vanstorbing Insolobridishn Post​-​Tree Parasite Full-length CD 2023
Vanstorbing Insolobridishn Post​-​Tree Parasite Full-length Digital 2023
Vanstorbing Insolobridishn Fucked Up All over His Head Full-length CD 2024
Vanstorbing Insolobridishn Fucked Up All over His Head Full-length Digital 2024
Vedmak Скитание душ EP CD 2024
Vedmak Скитание душ EP Digital 2024
Vermis Mysteriis Церемония времён / Rex Noctis Compilation CD 2006
Vermis Mysteriis Пламя ярости Full-length CD 2006
Verthebral Regeneration Full-length Digital 2017
Vocífera Evil Thoughts Full-length Digital 2017
While They Sleep La nausee Full-length Digital 2017
While They Sleep Les fleurs du mal Full-length Digital 2017
Wind of Death Песнь севера Full-length CD 2015
Winter's Breath Graveyard Symphonies Full-length CD 2021
Witches' Sabbath Witches' Sabbath Full-length CD 2016
Witches' Sabbath Witches' Sabbath Full-length Digital 2017
Wolf's Hunger Vedmak / Wolf's Hunger Split Digital 2019
Vedmak Vedmak / Wolf's Hunger Split Digital 2019
Zombie Attack Bonded by Beer Full-length CD 2021
Zørormr Corpus Hermeticum Full-length CD 2016
Zørormr Corpus Hermeticum Full-length Digital 2017
Аркуда Под покровом веков Full-length CD 2014
Аркуда Под покровом веков Full-length Digital 2017
Велиар Осколки прошлого Full-length CD 2022
Волчья Сотня Печаль ангела Full-length CD 2016
Волчья Сотня Печаль ангела Full-length Digital 2016
Врата Тьмы Войны северной земли Full-length CD 2004
Врата Тьмы Войны северной земли Full-length Digital 2017
Гробъ Смирение Full-length CD 2021
Гробъ Погребални химни / Funeral Hymns Full-length CD 2022
Гул Таоса Агония Солнца Full-length CD 2015
Дьяволиада Низведанье: Глава 26 Full-length CD 2011
Дьяволиада Низведанье: Глава 26 (The Unexploration: Chapter 26) Full-length Digital 2017
Мрамор 9 дней (9 Days) Full-length Digital 2017
Путь Солнца Стрелы судьбы Full-length 2CD 2020
Сивый Яр Двоеверство / Dualfaith Full-length CD 2011
Скверна Импульс суицида Full-length CD 2018
Смерш ... Full-length CD 2023
Темноврат Грань бесконечности Full-length CD 2012
Темноврат Грань Бесконечности (The Edge of Eternity) Full-length Digital 2017
Тиран Apocalyptic Tales Full-length Digital 2017
Труповозка Миазмы человеческого дна Full-length CD 2018
Труповозка Миазмы человеческого дна Full-length Digital 2018
У​в​о​д​ь У​в​о​д​ь EP CD 2023
Фантом Час расплаты Full-length Digital 2017
Хаме-леон Ночь шальных машин в городе тьмы Full-length CD 2016
Хаме-леон Ночь шальных машин в городе тьмы Full-length Digital 2017
Хаме-леон К.О.Д. Full-length CD 2020
Чиста Криниця Симфонія життя Full-length CD 2011
Чиста Криниця Симфонія життя Full-length Digital 2017