Iron Bonehead Productions

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Venloer Str. 8, Wachtendonk, Nordrhein-Westfalen, 47669
Country Germany
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Doom Metal
Founding Date 1996
Online Shopping Yes
Sublabels Necroshrine Records

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Abhor Italy black Current
Abyssous Germany death Current
Abythic Germany death Current
Amnutseba France black Current
Anal Blasphemy Finland black, death Current
Ancient Moon Switzerland ambient, black Current
Antichrist Peru death, doom, funeral Current
Aparthiva Raktadhara India black, death Current
Arkhaaik Switzerland black, death, doom Current
Atanor Russia black Current
AUM France death Current
Azathoth's Dream United States atmospheric, black, dungeon-synth Current
Baphomet's Blood Italy speed Current
Barzabel Netherlands black Current
Beast of Revelation Netherlands death, doom Current
Black Cilice Portugal black, raw Current
Black Edifice Norway black Current
Black Grail Chile black Current
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid Costa Rica death, doom Current
Blooming Carrions Finland death Current
Blot & Bod Denmark black, punk Current
Blue Hummingbird on the Left United States black Current
Brahmastrika India black, death, noise Current
Cadaver Coils Greece death Current
Calyx Spain black Current
Ceremonial Torture Finland black Current
Chhinnamasta India ambient, black, raw Current
Chrworsch Germany black, death, doom Current
Concilivm Chile death Current
Cross Vault Germany doom Current
Crucifier United States black, death Current
Cult of Eibon Greece black Current
Cult of Extinction Germany black, death Current
Cursed Excruciation Brazil black, death Current
Deathless Void Netherlands black, death Current
Deathwomb Spain black, death Current
Decrepit Soul Australia black, death Current
Disembowel Chile death Current
Disharmony Greece black, death Current
Divine Ecstasy United States black Current
Dkharmakhaoz Belarus black, experimental Current
Dodenbezweerder Netherlands ambient, black, raw Current
Doomslaughter Belarus black, death Current
Draugr Finland black Current
Eadem Portugal black Current
Empire of the Moon Greece black Current
Eucharist Australia black Current
Ezurate United States black Current
Front Finland black, death, thrash Current
Funerary Torch International black, death Current
Furis Ignis Germany black Current
Goatkraft Norway black, death Current
Grabunhold Germany black Current
Graves Portugal black Current
Hagzissa Austria black Current
Hanghedief Belgium black Current
Hellehond Netherlands black Current
Heresiarch New Zealand black, death Current
Holodomor United Kingdom black, thrash Current
Hostium Canada black Current
House of Atreus United States death, melodic Current
Impure Worship Greece black Current
In Grief Italy death, doom Current
Infernal Curse Argentina black, death Current
Invocation Chile black, death Current
Ithaqua Greece black Current
Jordablod Sweden black Current
Kaal Nagini India death Current
Katakomb Sweden black Current
Kerasfóra Chile atmospheric, black Current
Khashm International black Current
Khthoniik Cerviiks Germany black, death Current
Landskap United Kingdom doom, psychedelic, rock Current
Lunar Chalice Germany black Current
Luring United States atmospheric, black Current
Malakhim Sweden black Current
Malgöth Canada black, death Current
Malsanctum Canada ambient, doom, funeral Current
Martyrvore United States black, death Current
Megiddo Canada black Current
Messe de Minuit Spain black Current
Mistcavern Hungary black Current
Moon Incarnate Germany death, doom Current
Mordulv Denmark black Current
Mortuus Infradaemoni Germany black Current
Mouth of Madness Germany black, thrash Current
Musmahhu Sweden death Current
Mutilate United States death Current
Mysteria Mystica Aeterna Germany black Current
Naked Whipper Germany black, grind, hardcore Current
Naudiz Italy black Current
Nazarene Whore United States black, raw Current
Necro Italy death Current
Necrobode Portugal black, death Current
Necrodeity India death Current
Necroholocaust Canada black, death Current
Necromante Brazil black Current
Nidhug Denmark black, pagan Current
Nirriti International black, death Current
No Empathy Germany thrash, black Current
Nocternity Greece black Current
Nocturnal Evil Argentina black Current
Nuclear Magick Germany black, death, doom Current
Nuclear Perversions Unknown black, death Current
Omnipotence Canada black, death Current
Order of the Nameless Ones United States black, death Current
Orgrel Italy black Current
Perverticon Sweden black Current
Possession Belgium black, death Current
Praecognitvm Chile atmospheric, black Current
Predictor Germany black Current
Prisoner of War New Zealand death Current
Profanation France death, grind, hardcore Current
Putrifier Chile black, death Current
Pyriphlegethon Netherlands black Current
Reaper Sweden black, speed Current
Reign in Blood Germany black Current
Resuscitation Belgium death Current
Ripping Death International death Current
Ritualization France black, death Current
Runespell Australia black Current
Sadomator Denmark black, death Current
Sammohan Finland heavy, speed Current
Sanctifying Ritual Germany death Current
Scythe Lore Germany death Current
Serpent Spawn Germany death Current
Sever United States black Current
Shroud of the Heretic United States death Current
Skōhsla Germany black Current
Swarþ Unknown black, death Current
Temple Below International black, death Current
Temple Desecration Poland black, death Current
Temple Moon United Kingdom black Current
Temple Nightside Australia black, death Current
Temple of the Beast United States black, death Current
Tetragrammacide India black, death, noise Current
Teufel Thödol Unknown black Current
The Gates of Sinn Greece black, death Current
The Rite International black, doom Current
Tomb Malaysia black, death Current
Törzburg Finland black Current
Trajeto de Cabra Canada black, death Current
Trolldom Sweden atmospheric, black Current
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Chile death Current
Unctoris Italy black, death Current
Vaamatar United States black Current
Valaraukar United Kingdom black Current
Veiled United States black Current
Veneficium New Zealand black, death Current
Venefixion France death Current
Verbum Chile black, death, doom Current
Vesicant New Zealand black, death Current
Vhorthax Russia black Current
Vitriol Germany black, death Current
Voidnaga Malaysia black, death, doom Current
Wampyrinacht Greece black Current
Weregoat United States black, death Current
White Nights United States black, doom, psychedelic Current
Würm Australia black Current
Ypokosmos International black, death Current
A.M.S.G. Canada black Past
Abysmal Grief Italy doom Past
Abyssal United Kingdom black, death, doom Past
Adversarial Canada black, death Past
Adversvm Germany doom, funeral Past
Aggressa Australia heavy, speed, thrash Past
Albez Duz Germany doom, gothic Past
Alchemyst Germany black, death Past
Alcoholic Rites Ecuador black, thrash Past
Altarage Spain death, experimental Past
Ammit Chile black, thrash Past
Amphisbaena Canada black, death Past
Anatomy Australia black, death Past
Ancient Crypts Chile death Past
Ancient North United States black Past
Andavald Iceland black Past
Antediluvian Canada black, death Past
Apocalypse Command United States black, death Past
Apokalyptic Raids Brazil black, death, thrash Past
Ara Solis Spain black Past
Arizmenda United States black Past
Arnaut Pavle Finland black, punk Past
Ascendency Denmark black, death Past
Asphodelus Finland death, doom Past
Assaulter Australia black, thrash Past
Athanatos Chile black, death Past
Atomicide Chile death, thrash Past
Attacker Bloody Axe Chile black, thrash Past
Autokrator International doom, drone, black, death Past
Axeslaughter Finland death, thrash Past
Azketem Germany black Past
Bathym United States black, death Past
Baxaxaxa Germany black Past
Bestial Holocaust Bolivia black, thrash Past
Bestial Warlust Australia black, death Past
Bewitched Chile ambient, black, doom, heavy Past
Beyond Germany death Past
Black Angel Peru black, death Past
Black Ceremonial Kult Chile black, death Past
Black Ejaculate United States black Past
Black Funeral United States ambient, black, dark Past
Black Torment Mexico black Past
Black Witchery United States black, death Past
Blackosh Czechia black Past
Blaspherian United States death Past
Blizzard Germany speed, thrash Past
Blodfest Denmark black Past
Blood Moon Greece black Past
Blood Revolt International black, death Past
Blood Tyrant Netherlands black Past
Bloodthirst Poland thrash Past
Bloody Master International black, heavy, thrash Past
Bloody Vengeance Chile black, death, thrash Past
Bølzer Switzerland black, death Past
Bone Orchard Czechia death, melodic Past
Byyrth United States black, raw Past
Cadaveric Fumes France death Past
Cadaveric Incubator Finland death, grind, hardcore Past
Caverne France black Past
Celestial Grave Finland black Past
Celestial Rite Greece black Past
Cemetery Fog Finland black, death, doom Past
Cerimônia Brazil black, death Past
Children of Technology Italy punk, speed, thrash Past
Chthonic Cult Poland black, death Past
Circle of Shadows Austria black Past
Complot! Canada black, death Past
Contumacy Peru death Past
Cosmic Void Ritual United States death Past
Creeping New Zealand black, doom Past
Crimson Steel Germany thrash Past
Crucified Mortals United States thrash Past
Cruentation United States black, death Past
Cult of Fire Czechia black, epic Past
Curved Blade International black Past
Cut Throat Japan thrash Past
Dakhma Switzerland black, death Past
Dalkhu Slovenia black Past
Dark Creation Germany black, thrash Past
Dawnfall Germany black Past
Dead Congregation Greece death Past
Deadlight Sanctuary Norway black, death Past
Death Karma Slovakia black, death Past
Death Skull Chile black Past
Death Thrashers Kuopio Finland death, thrash Past
Death. Void. Terror. Switzerland black, doom Past
Deathcult Switzerland death Past
Deathly Scythe Chile death, thrash Past
Deathronation Germany death Past
Decayed Portugal black Past
Deiphago Philippines black, death Past
Délirant Spain black Past
Demona Chile speed Past
Demonic Oath France death Past
Demonic Rage Chile death Past
Demons Gate Australia doom, heavy Past
Derkéta United States death, doom Past
Devil Norway doom Past
Devouring Star Finland black Past
Diocletian New Zealand black, death Past
Disaster Chile thrash Past
Doomed Beast Australia heavy Past
Doomentor Germany black, death, doom Past
Drawn and Quartered United States death Past
Dreamer's Seal Greece black Past
Drowning the Light Australia black Past
Eaten Alive Chile death Past
Eggs of Gomorrh Switzerland black, death Past
Embrace of Thorns Greece black, death Past
Envenom Malaysia black Past
Eos Canada black Past
Eosphoros United States black Past
Essenz Germany black, doom Past
Eternum Australia black Past
Evil Spirit Germany death, doom Past
Farscape Brazil thrash Past
Fester Norway black, death Past
Filii Nigrantium Infernalium Portugal heavy, thrash, black Past
Finis Germany black, death Past
Folteraar Netherlands black Past
Fōr Sweden black, death Past
Forest Mysticism Australia black Past
Front Beast Germany black, thrash Past
Fulgor Germany ambient, black Past
Funeral Harvest International black Past
Funeral Nation United States death, thrash Past
Funeral Storm Greece black Past
Garotting Deep Canada death Past
Genocide Shrines Sri Lanka black, death Past
Gnosis of the Witch United States black Past
Goatblood Germany black, death Past
Goatcraft Slovakia black, death Past
Godless Chile death Past
Golden Dawn Austria black, gothic, melodic Past
Golden Light United States black Past
Gospel of the Horns Australia black, thrash Past
Grá Sweden black Past
Grave Spirit United States black Past
Grave Upheaval Australia death Past
Gravewürm United States black, death Past
Graveyard Spain death Past
Gravfraktal Sweden death Past
Grimfaug Belgium black Past
Guðveiki International black, death Past
Hades Archer Chile black Past
Hangman Israel thrash Past
Harvest Australia black Past
Hatred Italy thrash Past
Heavydeath Sweden death, doom Past
Hell Torment Peru black, death Past
Hellkommander Brazil thrash Past
Hellvetron United States black, death, doom Past
Hellwitch United States death, technical, thrash Past
Helvetets Port Sweden heavy Past
Heretic Cult Redeemer Greece black Past
Hic Iacet Spain black, death Past
Holocausto Brazil technical, thrash, black, experimental, industrial Past
Horn Germany black, pagan Past
Howls of Ebb United States black, death, experimental Past
Hulder United States black Past
Ice War Canada heavy, speed Past
Ieschure Ukraine black Past
Ifrinn United Kingdom black Past
Ill Omen Australia black Past
Impetuous Ritual Australia death Past
Impurity Brazil black Past
Infernal Conjuration Mexico death Past
Into Darkness Italy doom, death Past
Intolerance Canada black Past
Invocation War United States black, thrash Past
Iron Dogs Canada heavy, speed Past
Isabrut Canada black, death, thrash Past
Johnny Touch Australia heavy Past
Kallathon United States black Past
Katavasia Greece black, melodic Past
Kawir Greece black, pagan Past
Ketzer Germany black, post-rock, thrash Past
Kult of Taurus Greece black Past
Kult Ofenzivy Czechia black Past
Kvøid United States black, experimental, sludge Past
Legion666 Canada black, crust, hardcore Past
Light of the Morning Star United Kingdom gothic Past
Lord Belial Sweden black Past
Lordes Werre United States thrash Past
Malaphar Germany death Past
Malefic Oath Netherlands black, doom Past
Manticore United States black, death Past
Matterhorn Switzerland death, speed Past
Melan Selas Greece black Past
Messe Mortuaire France death Past
Minotauri Finland doom Past
Misotheismus International black Past
Moonblood Germany black, epic Past
Morbid Cruelty Chile death Past
Morbid Macabre Colombia black, death Past
Morbosidad United States black, death Past
Mortuary Mexico death, thrash Past
Mosaic Germany black, folk Past
Motörpenis Portugal thrash Past
Nadsvest Serbia black Past
Nagel Netherlands black Past
Nebiros Colombia black Past
Nechbeyth Singapore black, brutal, death Past
Necroblood France black, death Past
Necroccultus Mexico death Past
Necronomicon Beast Brazil black, thrash Past
Necrosanct United Kingdom death Past
Nekromanteion Bolivia black, death Past
Nexul United States black, death Past
Nocturnal Damnation International black, death Past
Nunslaughter United States death Past
Nyogthaeblisz United States black, death, grind, hardcore Past
Obeisance United States black, thrash Past
October 31 United States heavy Past
Ogdru Jahad Denmark black, death Past
Onirik Portugal black Past
Order of Darkness United States black Past
Os Hungary death Past
Ouroboros Canada black Past
Pa Vesh En Belarus black, raw Past
Paganfire Philippines black, thrash Past
Paroxsihzem Canada black, death Past
Pathogen Philippines death Past
Pazuzu United States black, death Past
Pentacrostic Brazil death, doom Past
Pentagram Chile Chile death, thrash Past
Perversor Chile black, death, thrash Past
Pestilength Spain black, doom Past
Phrenelith Denmark death Past
Primitive Warfare United States black, death Past
Profanator Mexico thrash Past
Proscrito Spain death, doom Past
Prosternatur International black Past
Psychotomimetic United States black, death Past
Ptahil United States black, doom Past
Purification Kommando Denmark black, death Past
Pustulation Denmark black, death Past
Putrid Yell Chile death Past
Pyogenesis Germany death, doom, alternative-rock, gothic, punk Past
Radioactive Vomit Canada black Past
Raped God 666 Mexico death, thrash Past
Razor of Occam Australia black, thrash Past
Renegade Australia heavy, thrash Past
Revenge Colombia heavy, speed Past
Rezet Germany thrash Past
Ringarë United States atmospheric, black Past
Ritual Combat United States black Past
Rok Australia black, death Past
Sacrificio Spain black Past
Sacrocurse International black, death Past
Sadogoat Denmark black, death Past
Sadomaniac United States death Past
Sanguine Relic United States black, raw Past
Saritap Bulgaria black Past
Satanik Goat Ritual United States black, death Past
Sathanas United States black, death Past
Saudade Canada raw, death, black Past
Sedimentum Canada death Past
Seges Findere Brazil black, death Past
Sephiroth Brazil black Past
Sepulchral Temple International death Past
Serpent Column United States avant-garde, black Past
Serum Dreg United States black, death Past
Seventh Xul Greece black, death Past
Shataan United States black, folk, psychedelic, rock Past
Shub Niggurath Mexico black, death Past
Sinistrous Diabolus New Zealand death, doom Past
Skadalv United States black Past
Skáphe United States black Past
Skelethal France death Past
Skullview United States heavy, power Past
Slægt Denmark heavy, black Past
Slaughtbbath Chile black Past
Slaughter Command Germany thrash Past
Slutvomit United States black, death, thrash Past
Sodomizer Brazil black, speed Past
Solar Mass New Zealand black, death, thrash Past
Solstice United Kingdom doom, epic, heavy Past
Sørgelig Greece black Past
Sorguinazia Canada black Past
Spectral Voice United States death, doom Past
Spire Australia ambient, black Past
Spite United States black Past
Strigoii International black Past
Strike Master Mexico thrash Past
Suicidal Winds Sweden black, thrash Past
Summon Portugal black, death Past
SunSpell United States black Past
Svolder Canada black Past
Terror Oath International black, death Past
Terrorist United States black, thrash Past
Tezcatlipoca Mexico black, folk Past
The Black Mysteries Netherlands black Past
The Crucifier Greece thrash Past
The Fog Germany death, doom Past
Throneum Poland black, death Past
Totten Korps Chile death Past
Toxic Holocaust United States black, speed, thrash Past
Trance of the Undead Brazil black, death Past
Trench Hell Australia black, speed, thrash Past
Trhä United States ambient, atmospheric, black Past
Triumph, Genus Czechia black Past
Tujarot Slovakia black Past
Twisted Tower Dire United States power Past
Tyrannic Australia black, doom Past
Ulvdalir Russia black Past
Ungod Germany black Past
Unholy Disorder Canada black, death Past
Urn Finland black, thrash Past
Uškumgallu United States black Past
Uttertomb Chile death Past
Vampyric Blood Finland black Past
Varathron Greece black Past
Varcolaci International black, raw Past
Vassafor New Zealand black, death Past
Vemod Norway black Past
Verberis New Zealand black, death Past
Versifist Canada black, death Past
Violator Brazil thrash Past
Violent Attack Paraguay thrash Past
Vircolac Ireland death Past
Vøidwomb Portugal black, death Past
Volahn United States black Past
Vomit Angel Denmark death, grind, hardcore Past
Vomitor Australia black, death, thrash Past
Warfire France black, death Past
Warfist Poland black, thrash Past
Warpvomit United States black, death Past
Whipstriker Brazil heavy, speed Past
Witchbones United States death, doom Past
Witchburner Germany thrash Past
Witches Sabbath Germany black, thrash Past
Witchrist New Zealand black, death, doom Past
Witchtrap Colombia black, thrash Past
Wolfslair Denmark black, death Past
Worm United States black, death, doom Past
Wormlust Iceland ambient, black Past
Xaxamatza United States black Past
Yamatu United States black Past
ZOM Ireland black, death Past
До Скону Ukraine black Past
שְׁאוֹל United Kingdom death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
A.M.S.G. The Principle of Evil Becomes the Ideal of the Promethean EP 12" vinyl 2013
A.M.S.G. Anti-Cosmic Tyranny Full-length Cassette 2014
A.M.S.G. Hostis Universi Generis Full-length Cassette 2016
Abhor Occulta Religio Full-length CD 2018
Abhor Occulta Religio Full-length Cassette 2018
Abhor Occulta Religio Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Abhor Ritualia Stramonium Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Abhor Legione Occulta / Ministerium Diaboli Split 12" vinyl 2019
Abysmal Grief Legione Occulta / Ministerium Diaboli Split 12" vinyl 2019
Abhor Sex Sex Sex (Ceremonia Daemonis Anticristi) Full-length CD 2022
Abhor Sex Sex Sex (Ceremonia Daemonis Anticristi) Full-length Digital 2022
Abhor Sex Sex Sex (Ceremonia Daemonis Anticristi) Full-length Cassette 2022
Abhor Sex Sex Sex (Ceremonia Daemonis Anticristi) Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Abhor Occulta Religio Full-length Digital 2018
Abhor Ab Luna Lucenti, ab Noctua Protecti Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Abyssal Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2014
Abyssal Antikatastaseis Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2015
Abyssous ...Smouldering Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Abyssous ...Smouldering Full-length Digital 2013
Abyssous Mesa EP 12" vinyl 2018
Abyssous Mesa EP CD 2018
Abyssous ...Smouldering Full-length CD 2019
Abyssous Mesa EP Digital 2018
Abythic Dominion of the Wicked Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Abythic Dominion of the Wicked Full-length CD 2021
Abythic Dominion of the Wicked Full-length Digital 2021
Abythic Eden of the Doomed EP CD 2022
Abythic Eden of the Doomed EP Digital 2022
Abythic Eden of the Doomed EP 12" vinyl 2022
Adversarial Warpit of Coiling Atrocities Split 12" vinyl 2018
Paroxsihzem Warpit of Coiling Atrocities Split 12" vinyl 2018
Adversvm Aion Sitra Ahra Full-length CD 2018
Adversvm Aion Sitra Ahra Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Adversvm Aion Sitra Ahra Full-length Digital 2018
Aggressa Nuclear Death Compilation 12" vinyl 2013
Albez Duz The Coming of Mictlan Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Albez Duz The Coming of Mictlan Full-length Cassette 2014
Alchemyst Call of the Pentagram / Creator of the Stars Split 7" vinyl 2011
Mosaic Call of the Pentagram / Creator of the Stars Split 7" vinyl 2011
Alchemyst Blood and Ember Compilation Cassette 2011
Alchemyst Nekromanteion Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Alchemyst Nekromanteion Full-length Cassette 2012
Alchemyst Nekromanteion Full-length Digital 2013
Alcoholic Rites Metal alcohólico-destructivo EP 7" vinyl 2008
Alcoholic Rites Alkomanifesto Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Altarage MMXV Demo 7" vinyl 2015
Altarage Nihl Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Ammit Hammer of Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Amnutseba I​-​VI Compilation 12" vinyl 2018
Amnutseba Emanatism Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Amnutseba Emanatism Full-length CD 2020
Amnutseba Emanatism Full-length Digital 2020
Amphisbaena Amphisbaena EP 12" vinyl 2016
Amphisbaena Amphisbaena EP CD 2016
Anal Blasphemy Perversions of Satan Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Anal Blasphemy Western Decadence Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Anal Blasphemy Western Decadence Full-length Digital 2016
Anal Blasphemy Western Decadence Full-length CD 2016
Anatomy Where Angels Die Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Ancient Crypts Devoured by Serpents Demo Cassette 2013
Ancient Crypts Devoured by Serpents EP 12" vinyl 2015
Ancient Crypts Devoured by Serpents Demo Digital 2013
Ancient Moon Secretum Secretorum Split CD 2018
Prosternatur Secretum Secretorum Split CD 2018
Ancient Moon Secretum Secretorum Split 12" vinyl 2018
Prosternatur Secretum Secretorum Split 12" vinyl 2018
Ancient Moon Benedictus Diabolica, Gloria Patri Full-length CD 2019
Ancient Moon Benedictus Diabolica, Gloria Patri Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Ancient Moon Benedictus Diabolica, Gloria Patri Full-length Digital 2019
Ancient North The Gates Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Ancient North The Gates Full-length CD 2022
Andavald Undir skyggðarhaldi Full-length CD 2020
Antediluvian Through the Cervix of Hawaah Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2012
Antediluvian Watchers' Reign Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2013
Antediluvian Defleshing the Serpent Infinity Split CD 2020
Heresiarch Defleshing the Serpent Infinity Split CD 2020
Antediluvian Defleshing the Serpent Infinity Split 12" vinyl 2020
Heresiarch Defleshing the Serpent Infinity Split 12" vinyl 2020
Antichrist Pax Moriendi Full-length CD 2018
Antichrist Pax Moriendi Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Antichrist Pax Moriendi Full-length Digital 2018
Aparthiva Raktadhara Agyat Ishvar EP 7" vinyl 2018
Aparthiva Raktadhara Agyat Ishvar EP Digital 2018
Aparthiva Raktadhara Adyapeeth Maranasamhita (আদ্যাপীঠ মরণসংহিতা) Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Aparthiva Raktadhara Adyapeeth Maranasamhita (আদ্যাপীঠ মরণসংহিতা) Full-length CD 2022
Aparthiva Raktadhara Adyapeeth Maranasamhita (আদ্যাপীঠ মরণসংহিতা) Full-length Cassette 2022
Aparthiva Raktadhara Adyapeeth Maranasamhita (আদ্যাপীঠ মরণসংহিতা) Full-length Digital 2022
Apocalypse Command Damnation Scythes of Invincible Abomination Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Ara Solis Ashvattha Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Arkhaaik *dʰg̑ʰm̥tós Full-length CD 2019
Arkhaaik *dʰg̑ʰm̥tós Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Arkhaaik *dʰg̑ʰm̥tós Full-length Digital 2019
Arnaut Pavle Arnaut Pavle Full-length CD 2020
Ascendency Birth of an Eternal Empire EP CD 2020
Ascendency Birth of an Eternal Empire EP 12" vinyl 2020
Ascendency Birth of an Eternal Empire EP Digital 2020
Asphodelus Dying Beauty & the Silent Sky EP 12" vinyl 2016
Asphodelus Dying Beauty & the Silent Sky EP Digital 2016
Assaulter Subservience EP 7" vinyl 2008
Atanor Atanor EP Digital 2016
Atanor Atanor EP 12" vinyl 2016
Athanatos Unholy Union Demo Digital 2014
Athanatos Unholy Union Demo Cassette 2014
Atomicide Chaos Abomination Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Atomicide Furious and Untamed EP 7" vinyl 2018
Atomicide Furious and Untamed EP Digital 2018
Attacker Bloody Axe Triumph of the Demon Axe EP 7" vinyl 2009
AUM Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum Full-length Digital 2016
AUM Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
AUM Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum Full-length CD 2016
Autokrator Autokrator Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Autokrator Autokrator Full-length Digital 2015
Azathoth's Dream Nocturnal Vampyric Bewitchment Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Azketem Inzernznytazure Demo Cassette 2020
Baphomet's Blood Live in Italy EP 7" vinyl 2011
Baphomet's Blood Back from the Fire EP 12" vinyl 2011
Baphomet's Blood Speed Metal Overkill Boxed set 3 cassettes 2012
Baphomet's Blood In Satan We Trust Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Baphomet's Blood Satanic Metal Attack Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Baphomet's Blood Second Strike Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Baphomet's Blood Metal Damnation Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Barzabel Calling the Disembodied Souls of the Wicked EP 7" vinyl 2015
Baxaxaxa Hellfire Demo CD 2018
Baxaxaxa Hellfire Demo 12" vinyl 2018
Baxaxaxa The Old Evil Demo CD 2020
Baxaxaxa The Old Evil Demo 12" vinyl 2020
Baxaxaxa The Old Evil Demo Digital 2020
Baxaxaxa Devoted to HIM EP 7" vinyl 2020
Baxaxaxa Devoted to HIM EP Digital 2020
Beast of Revelation The Ancient Ritual of Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Beast of Revelation The Ancient Ritual of Death Full-length CD 2020
Beast of Revelation The Ancient Ritual of Death Full-length Digital 2020
Bestial Holocaust Into the Goat Vulva Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Bestial Holocaust Into the Goat Vulva Full-length Digital 2013
Bestial Warlust Vengeance War 'till Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Bestial Warlust Blood & Valour Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Bewitched Hibernum in Perpetuum Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Bewitched Dragonflight Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Beyond Enter Transcendence EP 7" vinyl 2012
Beyond Fatal Power of Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Beyond Fatal Power of Death Full-length Cassette 2013
Beyond Fatal Power of Death Full-length Digital 2013
Black Angel Beyond from Beyond Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Black Ceremonial Kult Communion of the Ancient Gods Compilation Cassette 2016
Black Cilice Mysteries Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Black Cilice A Corpse, a Temple Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Black Cilice Nocturnal Mysticism EP 7" vinyl 2016
Black Cilice Banished from Time Full-length CD 2017
Black Cilice Banished from Time Full-length Cassette 2017
Black Cilice Banished from Time Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Black Cilice A Corpse, a Temple Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Black Cilice Transfixion of Spirits Full-length CD 2019
Black Cilice Transfixion of Spirits Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Black Cilice Transfixion of Spirits Full-length Cassette 2019
Black Cilice Transfixion of Spirits Full-length Digital 2019
Black Cilice A Corpse, a Temple Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Black Cilice Transfixion of Spirits Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Black Cilice A Corpse, a Temple Full-length 12" vinyl None
Black Cilice Mysteries Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Black Cilice A Corpse, a Temple Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Black Cilice Transfixion of Spirits Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Black Cilice Tomb Emanations EP 7" vinyl 2021
Black Cilice Esoteric Atavism Full-length CD 2022
Black Cilice Esoteric Atavism Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Black Cilice Esoteric Atavism Full-length Cassette 2022
Black Cilice Banished from Time Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Black Cilice Atavistic Possessions EP 12" vinyl 2024
Black Cilice Esoteric Stygianism Split Cassette 2024
Sanguine Relic Esoteric Stygianism Split Cassette 2024
Black Cilice Atavistic Possessions EP CD 2024
Black Edifice The Miasmic Trance EP Digital 2023
Black Edifice The Miasmic Trance EP Cassette 2023
Black Ejaculate Cum Soaked Messiah Demo Digital 2019
Black Ejaculate Cum Soaked Messiah Demo Cassette 2019
Black Funeral Ankou and the Death Fire Full-length CD 2016
Black Funeral Ankou and the Death Fire Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Black Funeral Vampyr - Throne of the Beast Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Black Funeral Empire of Blood Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Black Funeral Moon of Characith Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Black Funeral Journeys into Horizons Lost Compilation 12" vinyl 2017
Black Funeral The Dust and Darkness EP Digital 2018
Black Funeral The Dust and Darkness EP 12" vinyl 2018
Black Funeral The Dust and Darkness EP CD 2018
Black Funeral Scourge of Lamashtu Full-length CD 2020
Black Funeral Scourge of Lamashtu Full-length Digital 2020
Black Funeral Scourge of Lamashtu Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Black Funeral Wallachian Voivode EP 12" vinyl 2024
Black Grail Dinámicas espirituales Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Black Grail VIIII EP CD 2022
Black Grail VIIII EP Digital 2022
Black Grail VIIII EP 12" vinyl 2022
Black Torment United Forces of Blasphemy Split 7" vinyl 2009
Motörpenis United Forces of Blasphemy Split 7" vinyl 2009
Black Witchery Abhorrent Desecration Split 3 12" vinyls 2018
Nyogthaeblisz Abhorrent Desecration Split 3 12" vinyls 2018
Possession Abhorrent Desecration Split 3 12" vinyls 2018
Blackosh Kurvy, chlast a black metal Full-length Cassette 2015
Blackosh Kurvy, chlast a black metal Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Blaspherian Upon the Throne... of Eternal Blasphemous Death EP 7" vinyl 2014
Blaspherian Allegiance to the Will of Damnation Compilation Cassette 2014
Blaspherian Upon the Throne... of Eternal Blasphemous Death EP Digital 2014
Blizzard Hellish Rock 'n' Metal EP 7" vinyl 2000
Blizzard Pure Filth and Mayhem Full-length 12" vinyl 2001
Blizzard Alcoholic Metal Mayhem Demo Cassette 1999
Blizzard Hellish Rock 'n' Metal EP Cassette 2000
Blodfest I kamp til døden Split 12" vinyl 2012
Wolfslair I kamp til døden Split 12" vinyl 2012
Blood Moon Through the Scarlet Veil Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Blood Moon Through the Scarlet Veil Full-length CD 2017
Blood Moon Through the Scarlet Veil Full-length Cassette 2017
Blood Revolt Indoctrine Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Blood Tyrant Aristocracy of Twilight Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Blood Tyrant Aristocracy of Twilight Full-length CD 2017
Blood Tyrant Aristocracy of Twilight Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid The Apocryphal Paths of the Ancient 8th Vitriolic Transcendence Compilation 12" vinyl 2019
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid The Apocryphal Paths of the Ancient 8th Vitriolic Transcendence Compilation 12" vinyl 2019
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid The Apocryphal Paths of the Ancient 8th Vitriolic Transcendence Compilation Digital 2019
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid Expelled into the Unknown Depths of the Unfathomable Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid Expelled into the Unknown Depths of the Unfathomable Full-length CD 2020
Bloodsoaked Necrovoid Expelled into the Unknown Depths of the Unfathomable Full-length Digital 2020
Bloody Master Bloody Master Demo Digital 2017
Bloody Master Bloody Master Demo Cassette 2017
Bloody Vengeance From the Abyss Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Blooming Carrions Sparkling Rotten Dreams Demo Cassette 2017
Blooming Carrions Sparkling Rotten Dreams Demo Digital 2017
Blooming Carrions Necrosis Twilight Demo Cassette 2018
Blooming Carrions Sisters in Blooming Flesh EP CD 2019
Blooming Carrions Sisters in Blooming Flesh EP 12" vinyl 2019
Blot & Bod Ligæder Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Blot & Bod Ormekongens argelist Full-length CD 2019
Blot & Bod Ormekongens argelist Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Blot & Bod Ormekongens argelist Full-length Digital 2019
Blue Hummingbird on the Left Atl Tlachinolli Full-length CD 2019
Blue Hummingbird on the Left Atl Tlachinolli Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Blue Hummingbird on the Left Atl Tlachinolli Full-length Cassette 2019
Bølzer Aura EP 12" vinyl 2013
Bølzer Aura EP Cassette 2013
Bølzer Aura EP 12" vinyl 2013
Bølzer Aura EP 12" vinyl 2013
Bølzer Aura EP 12" vinyl 2014
Bølzer Roman Acupuncture Demo Cassette 2013
Bølzer Roman Acupuncture Demo 12" vinyl 2015
Bølzer Hero Full-length CD 2016
Bølzer Hero Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Bølzer Hero Full-length Cassette 2016
Bølzer Soma EP CD 2017
Bølzer Roman Acupuncture Demo CD 2017
Bølzer Soma EP 12" vinyl 2017
Bølzer Aura EP Digital 2013
Bone Orchard Moonwards Demo 12" vinyl 2018
Brahmastrika Praeternatural Commotions from Kolkata Maha Samshana Split 7" vinyl 2022
Necrodeity Praeternatural Commotions from Kolkata Maha Samshana Split 7" vinyl 2022
Brahmastrika Praeternatural Commotions from Kolkata Maha Samshana Split Digital 2022
Necrodeity Praeternatural Commotions from Kolkata Maha Samshana Split Digital 2022
Byyrth Saviors of Armageddon Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Byyrth Echoes from the Seven Caves of Blood Full-length CD 2018
Byyrth Echoes from the Seven Caves of Blood Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Byyrth Cold Autumn Shadows EP CD 2019
Byyrth Cold Autumn Shadows EP 12" vinyl 2019
Cadaver Coils Offerings of Rapture and Decay Full-length Digital 2022
Cadaver Coils Offerings of Rapture and Decay Full-length CD 2022
Cadaver Coils Offerings of Rapture and Decay Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Cadaveric Fumes Entwined in Sepulchral Darkness Split 12" vinyl 2014
Demonic Oath Entwined in Sepulchral Darkness Split 12" vinyl 2014
Cadaveric Incubator Axeslaughter / Cadaveric Incubator Split 7" vinyl 2018
Axeslaughter Axeslaughter / Cadaveric Incubator Split 7" vinyl 2018
Calyx Vientos arcaicos Full-length CD 2019
Calyx Vientos arcaicos Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Calyx Vientos arcaicos Full-length Digital 2019
Caverne Des tréfonds du haut bois Demo 12" vinyl 2015
Caverne Chants des héros oubliés Demo 12" vinyl 2015
Celestial Grave Burial Ground Trance Demo Cassette 2016
Celestial Grave Burial Ground Trance Demo Digital 2016
Celestial Grave Pvtrefactio EP 7" vinyl 2017
Celestial Grave Chthonic Katharsis Compilation CD 2017
Celestial Grave Secular Flesh Full-length CD 2019
Celestial Grave Secular Flesh Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Celestial Grave Secular Flesh Full-length Digital 2019
Celestial Rite Funeral Rite Split 12" vinyl 2017
Funeral Storm Funeral Rite Split 12" vinyl 2017
Celestial Rite Funeral Rite Split CD 2017
Funeral Storm Funeral Rite Split CD 2017
Celestial Rite Funeral Rite Split Digital 2017
Funeral Storm Funeral Rite Split Digital 2017
Cemetery Fog Towards the Gates EP 12" vinyl 2014
Cemetery Fog Shadows from the Cemetery Demo Cassette 2014
Cemetery Fog Shadows from the Cemetery Demo Digital 2014
Cerimônia ...Combustão Conflagração Desolação... Full-length Digital 2023
Chhinnamasta Vajra-Sarpa EP 12" vinyl 2016
Children of Technology Chaosmutant Hordes EP 7" vinyl 2009
Chrworsch Ein Totenspruch zur viehischen Begattung Demo Cassette 2015
Chrworsch Ein Totenspruch zur viehischen Begattung Demo Digital 2015
Chthonic Cult I Am the Scourge of Eternity Full-length Digital 2015
Chthonic Cult I Am the Scourge of Eternity Full-length Cassette 2015
Chthonic Cult I Am the Scourge of Eternity Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Circle of Shadows Lamentationen Split CD 2023
Grabunhold Lamentationen Split CD 2023
Circle of Shadows Lamentationen Split Digital 2023
Grabunhold Lamentationen Split Digital 2023
Circle of Shadows Lamentationen Split 12" vinyl 2023
Grabunhold Lamentationen Split 12" vinyl 2023
Complot! Complot! Compilation 12" vinyl 2019
Complot! Complot! / Primitive Warfare Split 12" vinyl 2020
Primitive Warfare Complot! / Primitive Warfare Split 12" vinyl 2020
Concilivm A Monument in Darkness Full-length CD 2022
Concilivm A Monument in Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Contumacy Reverence of Putrefaction Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2018
Cosmic Void Ritual The Excreted Remains of the Sabatier System Compilation 12" vinyl 2017
Cosmic Void Ritual Vitriol Tablet Instructions: Rehearsing Speeches for When You Die Demo Cassette 2018
Cosmic Void Ritual Grotesque Infections of Planetary Divide EP CD 2018
Cosmic Void Ritual Grotesque Infections of Planetary Divide EP 12" vinyl 2018
Creeping Revenant Full-length Digital 2015
Creeping Revenant Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Cross Vault Miles to Take EP CD 2016
Cross Vault Miles to Take EP 12" vinyl 2016
Cross Vault Miles to Take EP Digital 2016
Cross Vault As Strangers We Depart Full-length CD 2021
Cross Vault As Strangers We Depart Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Crucified Mortals Kill upon Command Single 7" vinyl 2005
Crucifier Coffins Through Time... a Mourning in Nazareth Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2013
Crucifier Say Your Prayers EP CD 2022
Crucifier Say Your Prayers EP 12" vinyl 2022
Crucifier Say Your Prayers EP Digital 2022
Crucifier Led Astray Full-length CD 2024
Crucifier Led Astray Full-length Digital 2024
Crucifier Led Astray Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Cruentation Cruentation Full-length CD 2022
Cruentation Cruentation Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Cult of Eibon Lycan Twilight Sorcery EP CD 2017
Cult of Eibon Lycan Twilight Sorcery EP 12" vinyl 2017
Cult of Eibon Black Flame Dominion Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Cult of Eibon Black Flame Dominion Full-length CD 2021
Cult of Eibon Black Flame Dominion Full-length Digital 2021
Cult of Eibon Necronomical Mirror Divination Split 12" vinyl 2022
Ceremonial Torture Necronomical Mirror Divination Split 12" vinyl 2022
Cult of Eibon Necronomical Mirror Divination Split CD 2022
Ceremonial Torture Necronomical Mirror Divination Split CD 2022
Cult of Eibon Necronomical Mirror Divination Split Digital 2022
Ceremonial Torture Necronomical Mirror Divination Split Digital 2022
Cult of Extinction Ritual in the Absolute Absence of Light Full-length CD 2019
Cult of Extinction Ritual in the Absolute Absence of Light Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Cult of Extinction Ritual in the Absolute Absence of Light Full-length Digital 2019
Cult of Fire मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Cult of Fire मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान Full-length Cassette 2013
Cult of Fire Čtvrtá symfonie ohně EP 7" vinyl 2014
Cult of Fire Triumvirát Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Cult of Fire Čtvrtá symfonie ohně EP 7" vinyl 2014
Cult of Fire मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान Full-length Digital 2013
Cursed Excruciation Arcane Diabolism Full-length Digital 2023
Cursed Excruciation Arcane Diabolism Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Curved Blade Coiled Together EP 7" vinyl 2017
Cut Throat Please Show Me Your Pussy EP 7" vinyl 2002
Dakhma Astiwihad-Zohr EP CD 2015
Dakhma Astiwihad-Zohr EP 12" vinyl 2016
Dakhma Astiwihad-Zohr EP Digital 2016
Dakhma Hamkar Atonement Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2018
Dakhma Hamkar Atonement Full-length CD 2018
Dalkhu Descend... into Nothingness Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Dark Creation Campaign in the Sign of Evil Demo Cassette 1998
Dark Creation In the Name of Torment Demo Cassette 1999
Dawnfall Dominance of Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Dead Congregation Promulgation of the Fall Full-length Cassette 2016
Deadlight Sanctuary Thaumaturgical Rites of the Damned EP Digital 2020
Deadlight Sanctuary Thaumaturgical Rites of the Damned EP Cassette 2020
Deadlight Sanctuary Thaumaturgical Rites of the Damned EP 12" vinyl 2020
Death Karma A Life Not Worth Living EP 12" vinyl 2013
Death Karma The History of Death & Burial Rituals Part I Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Death Karma The History of Death & Burial Rituals Part I Full-length Digital 2015
Death Karma The History of Death & Burial Rituals Part I Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Death Karma A Life Not Worth Living EP Digital 2013
Death Skull Blessed Altar EP 7" vinyl 2011
Death Thrashers Kuopio Thrash Metal Blitzkrieg Vol. II Split 7" vinyl 2006
Hangman Thrash Metal Blitzkrieg Vol. II Split 7" vinyl 2006
Witchtrap Thrash Metal Blitzkrieg Vol. II Split 7" vinyl 2006
Bloodthirst Thrash Metal Blitzkrieg Vol. II Split 7" vinyl 2006
Death. Void. Terror. To the Great Monolith Full-length CD 2018
Death. Void. Terror. To the Great Monolith Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Death. Void. Terror. To the Great Monolith Full-length Digital 2018
Deathcult Demo MMXII Demo 12" vinyl 2016
Deathcult Beasts of Faith Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Deathless Void Deathless Void EP 12" vinyl 2022
Deathless Void Deathless Void EP Cassette 2022
Deathronation Exorchrism Demo 12" vinyl 2012
Deathronation Exorchrism Compilation 12" vinyl 2012
Deathwomb Moonless Night Sacraments Full-length CD 2019
Deathwomb Moonless Night Sacraments Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Deathwomb Moonless Night Sacraments Full-length Digital 2019
Decayed Hymns to Satan EP 7" vinyl 2002
Decayed Hell-Witch EP 7" vinyl 2007
Decrepit Soul The Coming of War!! Full-length CD 2016
Decrepit Soul The Coming of War!! Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Deiphago Accept the Mark Split 12" vinyl 2013
Ritual Combat Accept the Mark Split 12" vinyl 2013
Délirant Délirant Full-length CD 2020
Demona MIM / The Assassin EP 7" vinyl 2012
Demonic Rage Venomous Wine from Putrid Bodies Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Demons Gate Demons Gate EP 12" vinyl 2010
Devil Magister Mundi Xum Demo Cassette 2010
Devouring Star Through Lung and Heart Full-length Cassette 2015
Diocletian European Annihilation EP 7" vinyl 2012
Diocletian Doom Cult Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Diocletian Doom Cult Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Diocletian Doom Cult Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Disembowel Act of Invocation EP CD 2017
Disembowel Plagues and Ancient Rites Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Disharmony Vade Retro Satana Compilation CD 2016
Disharmony Vade Retro Satana Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2016
Disharmony Goddamn the Sun Full-length CD 2017
Disharmony Goddamn the Sun Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Disharmony Messe de minuit EP Cassette 2018
Disharmony Messe de minuit EP CD 2019
Disharmony Messe de minuit EP 12" vinyl 2019
Divine Ecstasy Divine Ecstasy Demo Cassette 2018
Divine Ecstasy Strange Passions EP CD 2018
Divine Ecstasy Strange Passions EP 12" vinyl 2018
Divine Ecstasy Strange Passions EP Digital 2018
Dkharmakhaoz Proclamation ov the Black Suns Full-length CD 2020
Dkharmakhaoz Proclamation ov the Black Suns Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Dkharmakhaoz Proclamation ov the Black Suns Full-length Digital 2020
Dodenbezweerder Vrees de toorn van de wezens verscholen achter majestueuze vleugels Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Dodenbezweerder Vrees de toorn van de wezens verscholen achter majestueuze vleugels Full-length CD 2020
Doomed Beast Touched by the Beast Split 7" vinyl 2013
Johnny Touch Touched by the Beast Split 7" vinyl 2013
Doomentor The Second Ceremony EP 7" vinyl 2015
Doomslaughter Downfall Proclamator Demo Cassette 2011
Doomslaughter Followers of the Unholy Cult EP 12" vinyl 2012
Draugr Dimensions of Hades Demo Cassette 2018
Drawn and Quartered The One Who Lurks Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Dreamer's Seal Through Woods of Obscure Solitude Demo 12" vinyl 2020
Drowning the Light Varcolaci Rising Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Drowning the Light Cursed Below the Waves Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Drowning the Light The Serpents Reign Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Drowning the Light Drowned Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Drowning the Light Tenth Region of the Night & Paradise Slaves Compilation 12" vinyl 2018
Drowning the Light Sigils & Ciphers Compilation 12" vinyl 2020
Drowning the Light Varcolaci Rising Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Drowning the Light On Astral Wings of Wamphyric Shadows Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Drowning the Light Cursed Below the Waves Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Drowning the Light An Alignment of Dead Stars Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Drowning the Light A Gleam in the Eye of Set & World Devourer Compilation 12" vinyl 2022
Drowning the Light Oceans of Eternity Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Drowning the Light The Longing Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2023
Drowning the Light The Ghost of a Flea & Lurker of the Void Compilation 12" vinyl 2023
Drowning the Light Haunter of the Deep Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Drowning the Light Through the Noose of Existence Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Drowning the Light Of Celtic Blood & Satanic Pride Full-length 2 vinyls 2023
Drowning the Light The Blood of the Ancients Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Drowning the Light Mountain of Malevolence Split 12" vinyl 2023
Eadem Luguber EP CD 2018
Eadem Luguber EP Digital 2018
Eadem Luguber EP 12" vinyl 2018
Eggs of Gomorrh Orgiastic Rape of Resurrected Remains Split CD 2022
Weregoat Orgiastic Rape of Resurrected Remains Split CD 2022
Eggs of Gomorrh Orgiastic Rape of Resurrected Remains Split Digital 2022
Weregoat Orgiastic Rape of Resurrected Remains Split Digital 2022
Eggs of Gomorrh Orgiastic Rape of Resurrected Remains Split 12" vinyl 2022
Weregoat Orgiastic Rape of Resurrected Remains Split 12" vinyl 2022
Embrace of Thorns ...for I See Death in Their Eyes... Full-length 12" vinyl 2008
Embrace of Thorns Scorn Aesthetics Full-length CD 2018
Embrace of Thorns Scorn Aesthetics Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Embrace of Thorns The Pantheon I EP Digital 2022
Embrace of Thorns The Pantheon I EP 7" vinyl 2022
Embrace of Thorns Scorn Aesthetics Full-length Digital 2018
Empire of the Moon Έκλειψις Full-length CD 2020
Empire of the Moon Έκλειψις Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Empire of the Moon Έκλειψις Full-length Cassette 2020
Empire of the Moon Έκλειψις Full-length Digital 2019
Envenom Christfukk EP 7" vinyl 2008
Eos Les corps s'entrechoquent Full-length CD 2021
Eosphoros Eosphoros Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Eosphoros Eosphoros Full-length CD 2018
Essenz Metaphysis EP 12" vinyl 2010
Eternum Summoning the Wolven Spirit Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Eternum The Devouring Descent Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2014
Eternum Veil of Ancient Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Eucharist Demise Rites Compilation 12" vinyl 2015
Eucharist Demise Rites Demo 12" vinyl 2015
Eucharist Endarkenment EP 12" vinyl 2016
Evil Spirit Sempiternal Punishment Demo Cassette 2012
Evil Spirit Sempiternal Punishment Demo 7" vinyl 2012
Ezurate Demos 1995 & 1997 Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2022
Farscape The Horror Can't Stop Split 7" vinyl 2007
Sodomizer The Horror Can't Stop Split 7" vinyl 2007
Fester Silence Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Fester Winter of Sin Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Filii Nigrantium Infernalium Rëtrofornicatör EP 7" vinyl 2010
Finis Visions of Doom EP CD 2018
Finis Visions of Doom EP 12" vinyl 2018
Folteraar Vertellingen van een donkere eeuw Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Folteraar Vertellingen van een donkere eeuw Full-length Digital 2016
Fōr Blakaz askǭ hertô EP 12" vinyl 2013
Fōr Tehom / Ginungagap Split 7" vinyl 2014
שְׁאוֹל Tehom / Ginungagap Split 7" vinyl 2014
Fōr Blakaz askǭ hertô EP Digital 2013
Forest Mysticism Wandering Forlorn Split 12" vinyl 2020
Runespell Wandering Forlorn Split 12" vinyl 2020
Forest Mysticism Wandering Forlorn Split CD 2020
Runespell Wandering Forlorn Split CD 2020
Forest Mysticism Wandering Forlorn Split Digital 2020
Runespell Wandering Forlorn Split Digital 2020
Front Demo 2015 Demo Cassette 2015
Front Iron Overkill Full-length CD 2016
Front Iron Overkill Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Front Iron Overkill Full-length Digital 2016
Front Antichrist Militia EP CD 2020
Front Antichrist Militia EP Digital 2020
Front Antichrist Militia EP 12" vinyl 2020
Front Beast Cursed Lake EP 7" vinyl 2007
Front Beast Third Scourge from Darkness Full-length CD 2017
Front Beast Third Scourge from Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Fulgor Mystical Black Magic Metal Compilation 3 12" vinyls 2020
Funeral Harvest Bunker Ritual Rehearsal Demo Cassette 2017
Funeral Harvest Bunker Ritual Rehearsal Demo Cassette 2017
Funeral Harvest Bunker Ritual Rehearsal Demo Cassette 2017
Funeral Harvest Bunker Ritual Rehearsal Demo Cassette 2017
Funeral Nation 30 Years in the Sign of the Baphomet Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2020
Funerary Torch Funerary Torch Demo Cassette 2018
Funerary Torch Funerary Torch Demo Digital 2018
Furis Ignis Decapitate the Aging World Full-length Digital 2022
Furis Ignis Decapitate the Aging World Full-length CD 2022
Furis Ignis Decapitate the Aging World Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Furis Ignis Turm EP CD 2022
Furis Ignis Turm EP 12" vinyl 2022
Furis Ignis Turm EP Digital 2022
Garotting Deep Void Asceticism Split 12" vinyl 2015
Fōr Void Asceticism Split 12" vinyl 2015
Genocide Shrines Devanation Monumentemples EP 12" vinyl 2012
Genocide Shrines Manipura Imperial Deathevokovil: Scriptures of Reversed Puraana Dharmurder Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Genocide Shrines Devanation Monumentemples EP Digital 2013
Gnosis of the Witch Dauðr burðr þrysvar EP Digital 2014
Gnosis of the Witch Dauðr burðr þrysvar EP 12" vinyl 2014
Goatblood Rex Judaeorum / Wolves of Apocalypse Split 7" vinyl 2015
Nuclear Perversions Rex Judaeorum / Wolves of Apocalypse Split 7" vinyl 2015
Goatblood Rex Judaeorum / Wolves of Apocalypse Split Digital 2015
Nuclear Perversions Rex Judaeorum / Wolves of Apocalypse Split Digital 2015
Goatcraft Olethros EP Digital 2016
Goatcraft Όλεθρος EP 12" vinyl 2016
Goatkraft War Metal - Promo 2017 Demo Cassette 2017
Goatkraft Angel Slaughter EP 12" vinyl 2018
Goatkraft Angel Slaughter EP CD 2018
Goatkraft Angel Slaughter EP Digital 2018
Goatkraft Sulphurous Northern Bestiality Full-length CD 2019
Goatkraft Sulphurous Northern Bestiality Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Goatkraft Prophet of Eternal Damnation Full-length CD 2023
Goatkraft Prophet of Eternal Damnation Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Goatkraft Prophet of Eternal Damnation Full-length Digital 2023
Golden Dawn Golden Dawn / Apeiron Split 2CD 2017
Golden Dawn Lullaby / Way of the Sorcerer Compilation CD 2017
Golden Dawn Lullaby Demo 12" vinyl 2017
Golden Light Sacred Colour of the Source of Light Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Golden Light Sacred Colour of the Source of Light Full-length CD 2020
Golden Light Sacred Colour of the Source of Light Full-length Digital 2020
Gospel of the Horns Ceremonial Conjuration EP 12" vinyl 2012
Grá Grá / Gnosis of the Witch Split 7" vinyl 2015
Gnosis of the Witch Grá / Gnosis of the Witch Split 7" vinyl 2015
Grá Grá / Gnosis of the Witch Split Digital 2015
Gnosis of the Witch Grá / Gnosis of the Witch Split Digital 2015
Grabunhold Unter dem Banner der Toten EP CD 2019
Grabunhold Unter dem Banner der Toten EP 12" vinyl 2019
Grabunhold Unter dem Banner der Toten EP Digital 2019
Grabunhold Heldentod Full-length CD 2021
Grabunhold Heldentod Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Grabunhold Heldentod Full-length Digital 2021
Grabunhold Auf den Hügelgräberhöhen Demo CD 2023
Grabunhold Auf den Hügelgräberhöhen Demo 12" vinyl 2023
Grave Spirit Beast Unburdened by Flesh EP 7" vinyl 2018
Grave Spirit Beast Unburdened by Flesh EP Digital 2017
Grave Upheaval Untitled Full-length 2 cassettes 2018
Graves Liturgia da Blasfémia Full-length CD 2019
Graves Liturgia da Blasfémia Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Gravewürm Maximum Metal Mayhem / On the Wings of Death Split 7" vinyl 2001
Apokalyptic Raids Maximum Metal Mayhem / On the Wings of Death Split 7" vinyl 2001
Gravewürm Warbeast EP 7" vinyl 2001
Gravfraktal Unhallowed Death Triumph EP 12" vinyl 2020
Guðveiki Vængför Full-length CD 2020
Hagzissa Demo 2017 Demo Cassette 2017
Hagzissa Demo 2017 Demo Digital 2017
Hagzissa They Ride Along Full-length CD 2019
Hagzissa They Ride Along Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Hagzissa They Ride Along Full-length Digital 2019
Hanghedief Overduyvelsche boosheit EP Digital 2022
Hanghedief Overduyvelsche boosheit EP CD 2022
Hanghedief Overduyvelsche boosheit EP 12" vinyl 2022
Hanghedief Overduyvelsche boosheit EP Cassette 2022
Harvest Bend Thy Knee & Present Thy Throat to a Burning Sword of a Dark Age Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Harvest Medieval Satanic Poison Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Hatred Wind of Annihilation EP 7" vinyl 2009
Heavydeath In Circles We Die Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Hell Torment Heaven Burns Today EP 7" vinyl 2009
Hell Torment ...for the Glory of the Damned Split 7" vinyl 2011
Slaughter Command ...for the Glory of the Damned Split 7" vinyl 2011
Hellehond Verslonden Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Hellehond Verslonden Full-length CD 2019
Hellehond Verslonden Full-length Digital 2019
Hellkommander Death to My Enemies Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Hellvetron Dominus Inferi Compilation CD 2016
Hellvetron Dominus Inferi Compilation 12" vinyl 2016
Hellvetron Trident of Tartarean Gateways Full-length CD 2019
Hellvetron Trident of Tartarean Gateways Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Hellvetron Trident of Tartarean Gateways Full-length Digital 2019
Hellwitch Compilation of Death Series - First Possession: Hellwitch Compilation 10 12" vinyls 2017
Helvetets Port Metal Strike Single 7" vinyl 2006
Heresiarch Wælwulf EP 7" vinyl 2014
Heresiarch Hammer of Intransigence EP 12" vinyl 2014
Heresiarch Wælwulf EP Digital 2014
Heresiarch Edifice Full-length CD 2024
Heresiarch Edifice Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Heresiarch Edifice Full-length Digital 2024
Heretic Cult Redeemer Heretic Cult Redeemer Full-length Digital 2013
Heretic Cult Redeemer Heretic Cult Redeemer Full-length CD 2013
Heretic Cult Redeemer Heretic Cult Redeemer Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Hic Iacet The Cosmic Trance into the Void Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Holocausto De Volta ao Front Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Horn Turm am Hang Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Horn Feldpost Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Horn Retrograd EP CD 2018
Horn Retrograd EP 12" vinyl 2018
Horn Die Kraft der Szenarien Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Horn Mohngang Full-length CD 2020
Horn Mohngang Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Hostium The Bloodwine of Satan Full-length CD 2016
Hostium The Bloodwine of Satan Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
House of Atreus From the Madness of Ixion Full-length Digital 2018
House of Atreus From the Madness of Ixion Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
House of Atreus From the Madness of Ixion Full-length CD 2018
House of Atreus Orations EP CD 2024
House of Atreus Orations EP 12" vinyl 2024
Hulder De oproeping van middeleeuwse duisternis Compilation 12" vinyl 2020
Hulder De oproeping van middeleeuwse duisternis Compilation CD 2020
Hulder Godslastering: Hymns of a Forlorn Peasantry Full-length CD 2021
Hulder Godslastering: Hymns of a Forlorn Peasantry Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Hulder Godslastering: Hymns of a Forlorn Peasantry Full-length Cassette 2021
Hulder Godslastering: Hymns of a Forlorn Peasantry Full-length Digital 2021
Hulder Godslastering: Hymns of a Forlorn Peasantry Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Hulder De oproeping van middeleeuwse duisternis Compilation 12" vinyl 2021
Ice War Battle Zone Single 7" vinyl 2015
Ieschure The Shadow Full-length CD 2017
Ieschure The Shadow Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Ieschure The Shadow Full-length Digital 2017
Ifrinn Ifrinn Demo Digital 2016
Ifrinn Ifrinn Demo 12" vinyl 2016
Ifrinn Ifrinn Demo CD 2016
Ill Omen The Grande Usurper EP CD 2018
Ill Omen The Grande Usurper EP 12" vinyl 2018
Ill Omen The Grande Usurper EP Digital 2018
Impetuous Ritual Bane of Europe Live album 12" vinyl 2020
Impetuous Ritual Iniquitous Barbarik Synthesis Full-length Cassette 2023
Impure Worship Chthonic Litanies Demo Cassette 2013
Impurity Satanic Metal Kingdom Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Impurity Necro Infamists of Tumulus Return Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
In Grief An Eternity of Misery Full-length CD 2022
In Grief An Eternity of Misery Full-length Digital 2022
In Grief An Eternity of Misery Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Infernal Conjuration Infernale Metallum Mortis Full-length CD 2019
Infernal Conjuration Infernale Metallum Mortis Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Infernal Conjuration Infernale Metallum Mortis Full-length Digital 2019
Infernal Curse The End upon Us EP 12" vinyl 2014
Infernal Curse The End upon Us EP 12" vinyl 2014
Infernal Curse Apocalipsis Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Infernal Curse The End upon Us EP Digital 2014
Infernal Curse Necromass Incantations / Will of Death Split 12" vinyl 2019
Deathly Scythe Necromass Incantations / Will of Death Split 12" vinyl 2019
Infernal Curse Revelations Beyond Insanity Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Infernal Curse Revelations Beyond Insanity Full-length Digital 2023
Into Darkness Into Darkness Demo 12" vinyl 2012
Intolerance Hail the Triumvirate! Demo Digital 2015
Intolerance Hail the Triumvirate! Demo Cassette 2015
Invocation The Mastery of the Unseen EP 7" vinyl 2018
Invocation Attunement to Death EP 12" vinyl 2020
Invocation Attunement to Death EP CD 2020
Invocation Attunement to Death EP Digital 2020
Invocation War Demonic Onslaught EP 7" vinyl 2008
Iron Dogs Free and Wild Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Iron Dogs Cold Bitch Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Isabrut Isabrut Demo Cassette 2015
Ithaqua Initiation to Obscure Mysteries Demo Cassette 2015
Ithaqua Initiation to Obscure Mysteries Demo Digital 2015
Ithaqua Initiation to Obscure Mysteries Demo 12" vinyl 2015
Ithaqua The Black Mass Sabbath Pulse EP 7" vinyl 2016
Ithaqua The Black Mass Sabbath Pulse EP Digital 2016
Jordablod Promo 2016 Demo Cassette 2016
Jordablod Upon My Cremation Pyre Full-length CD 2017
Jordablod Upon My Cremation Pyre Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2017
Jordablod Upon My Cremation Pyre Full-length Digital 2017
Jordablod The Cabinet of Numinous Song Full-length CD 2020
Jordablod The Cabinet of Numinous Song Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Jordablod The Cabinet of Numinous Song Full-length Digital 2019
Kaal Nagini Refracted Lights of a Blind God EP CD 2023
Kaal Nagini Refracted Lights of a Blind God EP 12" vinyl 2023
Kaal Nagini Refracted Lights of a Blind God EP Digital 2023
Kallathon Camino de guerra Split CD 2018
Blue Hummingbird on the Left Camino de guerra Split CD 2018
Kallathon Camino de guerra Split 7" vinyl 2018
Blue Hummingbird on the Left Camino de guerra Split 7" vinyl 2018
Katakomb Chained to a Wolf Demo Cassette 2017
Katavasia Invoking the Spirit of Doom EP 7" vinyl 2021
Katavasia Invoking the Spirit of Doom EP Digital 2021
Kawir 1993 - 2015 Tape Boxset Boxed set Cassette 2016
Kawir Πάτερ Ήλιε Μήτερ Σελάνα Full-length Digital 2016
Kawir Πάτερ Ήλιε Μήτερ Σελάνα Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Kawir Πάτερ Ήλιε Μήτερ Σελάνα Full-length CD 2016
Kawir Εξιλασμός Full-length Digital 2017
Kawir Εξιλασμός Full-length Cassette 2017
Kawir Εξιλασμός Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Kawir Αδράστεια Full-length Digital 2019
Kawir Αδράστεια Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Kawir Αδράστεια Full-length Cassette 2020
Kawir Αδράστεια Full-length CD 2020
Kawir Εξιλασμός Full-length CD 2017
Kerasfóra Denn die Todten reiten schnell Demo 12" vinyl 2022
Kerasfóra Six Nights Beyond the Serpent's Threshold Full-length CD 2024
Kerasfóra Six Nights Beyond the Serpent's Threshold Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Kerasfóra Six Nights Beyond the Serpent's Threshold Full-length Digital 2024
Ketzer Endzeit Metropolis Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Ketzer Endzeit Metropolis Full-length Cassette 2013
Ketzer Satan's Boundaries Unchained Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Ketzer Endzeit Metropolis Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Ketzer Endzeit Metropolis Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Khashm Asmodeus Rising Full-length 2 vinyls 2017
Khthoniik Cerviiks Heptaëdrone Demo Cassette 2014
Khthoniik Cerviiks Heptaëdrone Demo Cassette 2014
Khthoniik Cerviiks Heptaëdrone Demo 12" vinyl 2014
Khthoniik Cerviiks SeroLogiikal Scars (Vertex of Dementiia) Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Khthoniik Cerviiks SeroLogiikal Scars (Vertex of Dementiia) Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Khthoniik Cerviiks Heptaëdrone Demo Digital 2014
Khthoniik Cerviiks Heptaëdrone Demo CD 2017
Khthoniik Cerviiks With Gangrene Edges ​/​ Voiidwarp Split Digital 2017
Howls of Ebb With Gangrene Edges ​/​ Voiidwarp Split Digital 2017
Khthoniik Cerviiks With Gangrene Edges ​/​ Voiidwarp Split 12" vinyl 2017
Howls of Ebb With Gangrene Edges ​/​ Voiidwarp Split 12" vinyl 2017
Khthoniik Cerviiks Æquiizoiikum Full-length CD 2020
Khthoniik Cerviiks Æquiizoiikum Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Khthoniik Cerviiks Æquiizoiikum Full-length Digital 2020
Kult of Taurus Adversarial Paths: The Sinister Essence Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Kult Ofenzivy Nauky různic Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Kvøid Nihility Full-length Cassette 2015
Landskap I Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Light of the Morning Star Cemetery Glow EP CD 2016
Light of the Morning Star Cemetery Glow EP 12" vinyl 2016
Light of the Morning Star Cemetery Glow EP 12" vinyl 2016
Light of the Morning Star Nocta Full-length CD 2017
Light of the Morning Star Nocta Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Lord Belial The Wrath of Belial Compilation 12" vinyl 2022
Lordes Werre Canticles of Armageddon EP 10" vinyl 2009
Lunar Chalice Transcendentia: The Shadow Pilgrimage Full-length CD 2022
Lunar Chalice Transcendentia: The Shadow Pilgrimage Full-length Digital 2022
Lunar Chalice Transcendentia: The Shadow Pilgrimage Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Luring Triumphant Fall of the Malignant Christ Full-length CD 2023
Luring Triumphant Fall of the Malignant Christ Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Malakhim Demo I Demo CD 2018
Malakhim Demo I Demo 12" vinyl 2018
Malakhim II EP CD 2019
Malakhim II EP 12" vinyl 2019
Malakhim Theion Full-length CD 2021
Malakhim Theion Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Malakhim Theion Full-length Digital 2021
Malaphar The Tapes 1991​-​1996 Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2021
Malaphar The Tapes 1991​-​1996 Compilation CD 2021
Malefic Oath The Land Where Evil Dwells Demo 12" vinyl 2022
Malgöth Primordial Dawn EP 12" vinyl 2021
Malgöth Glory Through Savagery Full-length CD 2021
Malgöth Glory Through Savagery Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Malsanctum Metamorbid Fetishization Demo Cassette 2015
Malsanctum Metamorbid Fetishization Demo Digital 2015
Malsanctum Malsanctum Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Malsanctum Malsanctum Full-length Digital 2018
Malsanctum Malsanctum Full-length CD 2018
Manticore Receiving the Unholy Communion Split 7" vinyl 2011
Necroholocaust Receiving the Unholy Communion Split 7" vinyl 2011
Martyrvore Malevolent Desolation EP 12" vinyl 2014
Matterhorn Crass Cleansing Full-length CD 2018
Megiddo Blessed by the Goat / Sadomatic Rites Split 7" vinyl 2003
Sadomaniac Blessed by the Goat / Sadomatic Rites Split 7" vinyl 2003
Megiddo Last Will and Testament / Outbreak of Evil Split 7" vinyl 2003
Legion666 Last Will and Testament / Outbreak of Evil Split 7" vinyl 2003
Megiddo Necrodemonomancy Boxed set Cassette 2016
Melan Selas Ῥέοn Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Messe de Minuit Invocation Demo Cassette 2024
Messe Mortuaire Nocturnal Demonic Visitation EP 12" vinyl 2023
Minotauri Pain of Life / Violence Single 7" vinyl 2000
Minotauri Doom Metal Invasion EP 10" vinyl 2002
Misotheismus Demo 1 Demo Cassette 2021
Misotheismus Demo 1 Demo Digital 2021
Misotheismus Untitled II Demo Cassette 2021
Mistcavern Winds of Misery Demo Cassette 2020
Mistcavern Winds of Misery Demo Digital 2020
Mistcavern Into Twilight EP CD 2022
Mistcavern Into Twilight EP Digital 2022
Mistcavern Into Twilight EP 12" vinyl 2022
Moon Incarnate Hymns to the Moon Full-length Digital 2024
Moon Incarnate Hymns to the Moon Full-length CD 2024
Moon Incarnate Hymns to the Moon Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Moonblood From Hell - The Gift of Hatred Boxed set 5 vinyls 2013
Moonblood Blut & Krieg Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2014
Moonblood Blut & Krieg / Sob a lua do bode Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2014
Moonblood The Winter Falls over the Land... Demo 12" vinyl 2015
Moonblood From Hell - The Gift of Hatred Boxed set 5 vinyls 2014
Moonblood Taste Our German Steel! Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Moonblood Worshippers of the Grim Sepulchral Moon Demo 2 12" vinyls 2021
Moonblood Moonblood Demo 2 12" vinyls 2021
Moonblood Domains of Hell Demo 2 12" vinyls 2022
Moonblood The Evil Rules Demo 2 12" vinyls 2022
Moonblood Angelwings in the Darkness Demo 2 12" vinyls 2022
Moonblood Nosferatu Demo 12" vinyl 2022
Moonblood Embraced by Lycanthropy's Spell Demo 2 12" vinyls 2022
Moonblood Under the Cold Fullmoon Demo 12" vinyl 2022
Moonblood Rehearsal 9 - Unpure Desires of Diabolical Lust Demo 2 12" vinyls 2022
Moonblood Siegfried (Die Sage vom Helden) Demo 12" vinyl 2022
Moonblood Kingdom of Forgotten Dreams Demo 2 12" vinyls 2022
Moonblood Conquering The Ravenland (Rehearsal 8) Demo 2 12" vinyls 2022
Moonblood Once There Was Darkness Demo 2 12" vinyls 2023
Moonblood Frozen Tears of a Vampire Demo 12" vinyl 2023
Moonblood My Evil Soul (Rehearsal 1) Demo 12" vinyl 2023
Moonblood The Black War (Rehearsal 7) Demo 2 12" vinyls 2023
Moonblood The Winter Falls over the Land... Demo 2 12" vinyls 2024
Morbid Cruelty Holodomor Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Morbid Macabre Hell and Damnation Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Morbosidad Rites of Desecration Split 7" vinyl 2011
Sadomator Rites of Desecration Split 7" vinyl 2011
Morbosidad Muerte de Cristo en Gólgota Full-length Cassette 2013
Mordulv Maximum Firepower on the Temple of God Demo Cassette 1998
Mordulv Blasphemy in Germany Demo Cassette 1998
Mortuary Blackened Images Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Mortuary Blackened Images Full-length CD 2020
Mortuary Blackened Images Full-length CD 2020
Mortuary Shine of the End Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Mortuus Infradaemoni Inmortuos Sum Full-length CD 2022
Mortuus Infradaemoni Inmortuos Sum Full-length Digital 2022
Mortuus Infradaemoni Inmortuos Sum Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Mouth of Madness Mouth of Madness EP Cassette 2016
Mouth of Madness Mouth of Madness EP Cassette 2016
Musmahhu Formulas of Rotten Death EP Digital 2018
Musmahhu Formulas of Rotten Death EP 7" vinyl 2018
Musmahhu Reign of the Odious Full-length CD 2019
Musmahhu Reign of the Odious Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Musmahhu Reign of the Odious Full-length Digital 2019
Mutilate Tormentium Full-length CD 2018
Mutilate Tormentium Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Mutilate Contagium Full-length CD 2019
Mutilate Contagium Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Mutilate Contagium Full-length Digital 2019
Mutilate Contagium Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Mutilate Rotting in Eternity's Hell Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Mutilate Rotting in Eternity's Hell Full-length Digital 2020
Mysteria Mystica Aeterna The Temple of Eosphoros Full-length CD 2022
Mysteria Mystica Aeterna The Temple of Eosphoros Full-length Digital 2022
Mysteria Mystica Aeterna The Temple of Eosphoros Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Nagel Hel op aarde EP CD 2022
Naked Whipper Painstreaks Full-length CD 2022
Naked Whipper Painstreaks Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Naked Whipper Moloch: Acid Orgy EP 12" vinyl 2022
Naked Whipper Moloch: Acid Orgy EP CD 2022
Naudiz Wulfasa Kunja Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Naudiz Wulfasa Kunja Full-length CD 2017
Nazarene Whore Heaven Bleeds Black EP 7" vinyl 2013
Nebiros In Commvnio Tenebrae Split 7" vinyl 2014
Nekromanteion In Commvnio Tenebrae Split 7" vinyl 2014
Nechbeyth Coerce Creed EP 12" vinyl 2014
Necro Gore Ceremony Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Necroblood Second Blood EP 7" vinyl 2013
Necroblood Collapse of the Human Race Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Necroblood Collapse of the Human Race Full-length Digital 2017
Necrobode Metal Negro da Morte Demo Cassette 2018
Necrobode Metal Negro da Morte Demo Digital 2018
Necrobode Sob o Feitiço do Necrobode Full-length CD 2020
Necrobode Sob o Feitiço do Necrobode Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Necrobode Sob o Feitiço do Necrobode Full-length Digital 2020
Necrobode Ustoličenje smrti / O Triunfo da Morte Split 12" vinyl 2021
Nadsvest Ustoličenje smrti / O Triunfo da Morte Split 12" vinyl 2021
Necroccultus Encircling the Mysterious Necrorevelation Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Necroholocaust Holocaustic Goat Metal Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Necroholocaust Ritual for the Dead Split Cassette 2015
Sadomator Ritual for the Dead Split Cassette 2015
Necroholocaust Holocaustic Goat Metal Full-length CD 2014
Necroholocaust Laudem Antichristus EP 7" vinyl 2018
Necroholocaust Laudem Antichristus EP Digital 2018
Necromante The Magickal Presence of Occult Forces Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Necromante The Magickal Presence of Occult Forces Full-length CD 2017
Necromante XI Full-length CD 2022
Necromante XI Full-length Digital 2022
Necromante XI Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Necronomicon Beast Hell Thrash War Full-length 12" vinyl 2004
Necrosanct Equal in Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Nekromanteion Cosmic Horrors EP 7" vinyl 2015
Nekromanteion The Sinister Flame Demo Cassette 2024
Nekromanteion The Sinister Flame Demo Digital 2024
Nexul Scythed Wings of Poisonous Decay EP 12" vinyl 2020
Nexul Scythed Wings of Poisonous Decay EP CD 2020
Nexul Scythed Wings of Poisonous Decay EP Digital 2020
Nirriti অসূর্যস্পর্শা (Asuryasparsha) EP Cassette 2020
Nocternity Harps of the Ancient Temples Full-length Digital 2015
Nocternity Harps of the Ancient Temples Full-length Cassette 2015
Nocternity Harps of the Ancient Temples Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2015
Nocturnal Evil Invocations of Necro-Sodomy / Dark Realm Mysticism Split 7" vinyl 2013
Nazarene Whore Invocations of Necro-Sodomy / Dark Realm Mysticism Split 7" vinyl 2013
Nuclear Magick Priests of the Bomb Demo Cassette 2010
Nuclear Magick Mutual Retaliation EP 7" vinyl 2012
Nuclear Magick Priests of the Bomb Demo 12" vinyl 2011
Nuclear Magick Priests of the Bomb Demo Digital 2013
Nuclear Perversions Desolation Rituals Demo Cassette 2014
Nuclear Perversions Desolation Rituals Demo Digital 2014
Nunslaughter One Night in Hell Live album 12" vinyl 2001
Nunslaughter Radio Damnation Live album 12" vinyl 2002
Nyogthaeblisz Apex Satanist Compilation CD 2016
Nyogthaeblisz Apex Satanist Compilation 12" vinyl 2017
Nyogthaeblisz Apex Satanist Compilation 12" vinyl 2017
Obeisance Satanik Shoktroops auf Doom EP 7" vinyl 2008
October 31 The Fire Awaits You Full-length 12" vinyl 2002
Ogdru Jahad I Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Ogdru Jahad I Full-length Digital 2013
Omnipotence Praecipitium Full-length CD 2018
Omnipotence Praecipitium Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Omnipotence Praecipitium Full-length Digital 2018
Onirik Casket Dream Veneration Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Onirik Casket Dream Veneration Full-length Digital 2015
Onirik MMXIV-MMXVI Split CD 2017
Grimfaug MMXIV-MMXVI Split CD 2017
Order of Darkness Untitled Demo 12" vinyl 2017
Order of the Nameless Ones Utter to Me the Word of Wrath Full-length CD 2018
Order of the Nameless Ones Utter to Me the Word of Wrath Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Order of the Nameless Ones Utter to Me the Word of Wrath Full-length Digital 2018
Orgrel Red Dragon's Invocation Full-length CD 2021
Orgrel Red Dragon's Invocation Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Orgrel The Oath of the Black Wolf EP CD 2022
Orgrel The Oath of the Black Wolf EP 12" vinyl 2022
Orgrel The Oath of the Black Wolf EP Digital 2022
Os Tehom Full-length CD 2022
Os Tehom Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Os Tehom Full-length Digital 2022
Ouroboros Invoking the Past Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2013
Pa Vesh En Knife Ritual Demo Cassette 2017
Pa Vesh En Knife Ritual Demo Digital 2017
Pa Vesh En Dead Womb Demo Cassette 2018
Pa Vesh En Dead Womb Demo Digital 2018
Pa Vesh En A Ghost EP Digital 2018
Pa Vesh En Pa Vesh En / Temple Moon Split Digital 2018
Temple Moon Pa Vesh En / Temple Moon Split Digital 2018
Pa Vesh En A Ghost EP 7" vinyl 2018
Pa Vesh En Pa Vesh En / Temple Moon Split 12" vinyl 2018
Temple Moon Pa Vesh En / Temple Moon Split 12" vinyl 2018
Pa Vesh En Church of Bones Full-length CD 2018
Pa Vesh En Church of Bones Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Pa Vesh En Knife Ritual / Dead Womb Compilation 12" vinyl 2018
Pa Vesh En Church of Bones Full-length Cassette 2018
Pa Vesh En Cryptic Rites of Necromancy EP 7" vinyl 2019
Pa Vesh En Pyrefication Full-length CD 2019
Pa Vesh En Pyrefication Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Pa Vesh En Pyrefication Full-length Cassette 2019
Pa Vesh En Pyrefication Full-length Digital 2019
Pa Vesh En Church of Bones Full-length Digital 2018
Pa Vesh En Cryptic Rites of Necromancy EP Digital 2019
Pa Vesh En Dead Womb Demo Digital 2018
Pa Vesh En Burial EP Digital 2020
Pa Vesh En Burial EP 12" vinyl 2020
Pa Vesh En Maniac Manifest Full-length CD 2021
Pa Vesh En Maniac Manifest Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Pa Vesh En Maniac Manifest Full-length Cassette 2021
Pa Vesh En Maniac Manifest Full-length Digital 2021
Pa Vesh En Martyrs Full-length Digital 2023
Pa Vesh En Martyrs Full-length CD 2023
Pa Vesh En Martyrs Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Paganfire Hate Vanishing Point EP 7" vinyl 2008
Pathogen Blasphemous Communion Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Pazuzu Infernal Iron Legion Compilation 12" vinyl 2019
Pentacrostic The Pain Tears Full-length 2 vinyls 2019
Pentagram Chile Ritual Human Sacrifice / La mujer, el Diablo y el permiso de Dios Split 7" vinyl 2015
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Ritual Human Sacrifice / La mujer, el Diablo y el permiso de Dios Split 7" vinyl 2015
Perversor The Shadow of Abomination EP 7" vinyl 2012
Perverticon Wounds of Divinity Full-length CD 2019
Perverticon Wounds of Divinity Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Pestilength Demo MMXIX Demo Cassette 2019
Pestilength Demo MMXIX Demo Digital 2019
Possession His Best Deceit Demo Cassette 2013
Possession Anneliese EP 7" vinyl 2014
Possession 1585-1646 EP 12" vinyl 2015
Possession Possession Compilation Cassette 2015
Possession His Best Deceit Demo 12" vinyl 2016
Possession His Best Deceit Demo Digital 2013
Possession Exorkizein Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Possession Exorkizein Full-length Cassette 2017
Possession Passio Christi Part II / Necrophagous Abandon Split CD 2019
Venefixion Passio Christi Part II / Necrophagous Abandon Split CD 2019
Possession Passio Christi Part II / Necrophagous Abandon Split 12" vinyl 2019
Venefixion Passio Christi Part II / Necrophagous Abandon Split 12" vinyl 2019
Possession Passio Christi Part II / Necrophagous Abandon Split Digital 2019
Venefixion Passio Christi Part II / Necrophagous Abandon Split Digital 2019
Praecognitvm Inalienable Catharsis Demo Cassette 2017
Predictor ...Thus Spoke Death EP CD 2021
Predictor ...Thus Spoke Death EP Cassette 2021
Predictor ...Thus Spoke Death EP Digital 2021
Prisoner of War Rot EP CD 2016
Prisoner of War Rot EP Digital 2016
Prisoner of War Rot EP 12" vinyl 2016
Profanation Skull Crushing Violence EP 12" vinyl 2024
Profanation Skull Crushing Violence EP CD 2024
Profanator Deathplagued Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Proscrito El calvario EP CD 2017
Proscrito El calvario EP 12" vinyl 2017
Psychotomimetic Delirio Dimensional EP Cassette 2019
Ptahil Beast of... Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2019
Pustulation Under the Shadow of Death EP 7" vinyl 2012
Putrid Yell Vicious Manifestation of Horror and Death Split 7" vinyl 2014
Eaten Alive Vicious Manifestation of Horror and Death Split 7" vinyl 2014
Putrifier Pr​æ​cidistis Regeneratio EP Cassette 2023
Pyogenesis Ode to the Churning Seas of Nar-Mataru Demo 12" vinyl 2021
Pyriphlegethon Night of Consecration Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Pyriphlegethon The Murky Black of Eternal Night Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Radioactive Vomit Ratsflesh EP 7" vinyl 2015
Raped God 666 The Executioner Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Razor of Occam Homage to Martyrs Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Reaper Ravenous Storm of Piss Demo Cassette 2019
Reaper Ravenous Storm of Piss Demo Digital 2018
Reaper Unholy Nordic Noise Full-length CD 2020
Reaper Unholy Nordic Noise Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Reaper Unholy Nordic Noise Full-length Digital 2019
Reaper The Atonality of Flesh Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Reaper The Atonality of Flesh Full-length CD 2021
Reaper The Atonality of Flesh Full-length Digital 2021
Reign in Blood Missa Pro Defunctis Full-length CD 2019
Reign in Blood Missa Pro Defunctis Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Reign in Blood Missa Pro Defunctis Full-length Digital 2019
Reign in Blood Missa Pro Defunctis Full-length Digital 2019
Renegade Total Armageddon + Demo '1985 Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Resuscitation Eviscerated Divinity EP 7" vinyl 2015
Revenge Whipping Death EP 7" vinyl 2009
Rezet Have Gun, Will Travel Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Ringarë Under Pale Moon Full-length CD 2019
Ringarë Under Pale Moon Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Ringarë Under Pale Moon Full-length Digital 2019
Ringarë Sorrow Befell Demo 12" vinyl 2020
Ringarë Sorrow Befell Demo Digital 2020
Ripping Death Tales of the Ripper Demo Cassette 2015
Ritualization The Abduction Mass Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Ritualization Sacraments to the Sons of the Abyss Full-length CD 2017
Ritualization Sacraments to the Sons of the Abyss Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Ritualization Hema Ignis Necros EP CD 2022
Ritualization Hema Ignis Necros EP Digital 2022
Ritualization Hema Ignis Necros EP 12" vinyl 2022
Rok Burning Metal Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Runespell Aeons of Ancient Blood Demo Cassette 2017
Runespell Unhallowed Blood Oath Full-length CD 2017
Runespell Unhallowed Blood Oath Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Runespell Unhallowed Blood Oath Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Runespell Order of Vengeance Full-length CD 2018
Runespell Order of Vengeance Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Runespell Aeons of Ancient Blood Demo 12" vinyl 2018
Runespell Voice of Opprobrium Full-length CD 2019
Runespell Voice of Opprobrium Full-length Digital 2019
Runespell Voice of Opprobrium Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Runespell Voice of Opprobrium Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Runespell Order of Vengeance Full-length Digital 2018
Runespell Unhallowed Blood Oath Full-length Digital 2017
Runespell Aeons of Ancient Blood Demo Digital 2017
Runespell Verses in Regicide Full-length CD 2021
Runespell Verses in Regicide Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Runespell Verses in Regicide Full-length Digital 2021
Runespell Sentinels of Time EP CD 2022
Runespell Sentinels of Time EP 12" vinyl 2022
Runespell Sentinels of Time EP Digital 2022
Runespell Shores of Náströnd Full-length CD 2023
Runespell Shores of Náströnd Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Runespell Shores of Náströnd Full-length Digital 2023
Sacrificio Sacrificio Demo 12" vinyl 2014
Sacrificio Guerra eterna Full-length CD 2016
Sacrificio Guerra eterna Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Sacrificio Guerra eterna Full-length Digital 2016
Sacrocurse Sulphur Blessing Demo Cassette 2013
Sacrocurse Unholier Master Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Sacrocurse Destroying Chapels EP 7" vinyl 2016
Sacrocurse Sulphur Blessing Demo Digital 2013
Sacrocurse Gnostic Holocaust Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Sadogoat Final Baphometics / Profanation Reh Demo 01 Split 7" vinyl 2010
Nocturnal Evil Final Baphometics / Profanation Reh Demo 01 Split 7" vinyl 2010
Sadomator Sadomatic Goat Cult Full-length 12" vinyl 2006
Sadomator Goats Brew Alcolust Full-length 12" vinyl 2007
Sadomator Infinite Goatsower EP 7" vinyl 2009
Sadomator Goatblood Panspermia Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Sadomator Sadomatic Goat Cult Full-length 12" vinyl 2006
Sadomator Sadomatic Goat Cult Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Sadomator Goats Brew Alcolust Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Sadomator Goatblood Panspermia Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Sadomator Goat Anthology Boxed set 12" vinyl 2016
Sammohan Sammohan EP 7" vinyl 2010
Sanctifying Ritual Sanctifying Ritual Full-length CD 2020
Sanctifying Ritual Sanctifying Ritual Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Sanctifying Ritual Sanctifying Ritual Full-length Digital 2020
Saritap Sorcerers of the Seven Gods Demo Cassette 2015
Satanik Goat Ritual God of Atomik Termination Demo 7" vinyl 2015
Sathanas Jaws of Satan Split 2 12" vinyls 2024
Bathym Jaws of Satan Split 2 12" vinyls 2024
Saudade From the Mist, We Are but Dust... Split 12" vinyl 2017
SunSpell From the Mist, We Are but Dust... Split 12" vinyl 2017
Saudade From the Mist, We Are But Dust... Split 12" vinyl 2017
SunSpell From the Mist, We Are But Dust... Split 12" vinyl 2017
Scythe Lore Through the Mausoleums of Man EP CD 2019
Scythe Lore Through the Mausoleums of Man EP 12" vinyl 2019
Sedimentum Demo Demo Cassette 2019
Seges Findere Bloodshed for the Wargods Split 12" vinyl 2012
Purification Kommando Bloodshed for the Wargods Split 12" vinyl 2012
Nocturnal Damnation Bloodshed for the Wargods Split 12" vinyl 2012
Sephiroth Rehearsal · 93 Single 7" vinyl 2018
Sepulchral Temple Sepulchral Temple EP 12" vinyl 2013
Sepulchral Temple Sepulchral Temple EP Digital 2013
Serpent Column Mirror in Darkness Full-length CD 2020
Serpent Column Ornuthi Thalassa Full-length CD 2020
Serpent Column Kathodos Full-length CD 2020
Serpent Spawn Crypt of Torment EP Digital 2022
Serpent Spawn Crypt of Torment EP 12" vinyl 2022
Serpent Spawn Crypt of Torment EP CD 2022
Serpent Spawn Crypt of Torment EP Cassette 2022
Serum Dreg Impure Blood Demo 12" vinyl 2020
Seventh Xul Qliphothic Rites of Death EP 7" vinyl 2016
Sever Sadistic Sorcery Demo Cassette 2022
Sever Sadistic Sorcery Demo Digital 2022
Sever At Midnight, by Torch Light Full-length CD 2023
Sever At Midnight, by Torch Light Full-length Digital 2023
Sever At Midnight, by Torch Light Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Shataan Weigh of the Wolf Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Shroud of the Heretic Unorthodox Equilibrium Full-length Digital 2015
Shroud of the Heretic Unorthodox Equilibrium Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Shub Niggurath Inverted Dimensions Split 12" vinyl 2009
Necroccultus Inverted Dimensions Split 12" vinyl 2009
Skadalv Demo Compilation Compilation Cassette 2021
Skáphe Skáphe Full-length CD 2018
Skáphe Skáphe³ Full-length CD 2020
Skelethal Deathmanicvs Revelation EP 12" vinyl 2014
Skelethal Interstellar Knowledge of the Purple Entity EP 12" vinyl 2014
Skelethal Interstellar Knowledge of the Purple Entity EP Digital 2014
Skelethal Deathmanicvs Revelation EP Digital 2014
Skōhsla The Hung Parish Demo Cassette 2019
Skullview Consequences of Failure Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2002
Slægt Beautiful and Damned EP 12" vinyl 2016
Slægt Beautiful and Damned EP Cassette 2015
Slægt Beautiful and Damned EP Digital 2015
Slaughtbbath Total Warlust EP 7" vinyl 2010
Slaughtbbath Circus of Abominations ​/ ​Antichristos Thanatos Split 12" vinyl 2014
Hades Archer Circus of Abominations ​/ ​Antichristos Thanatos Split 12" vinyl 2014
Slaughtbbath Hail to Fire Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Slaughtbbath Pestilential Hierophanies Split 7" vinyl 2016
Ill Omen Pestilential Hierophanies Split 7" vinyl 2016
Slaughtbbath Pestilential Hierophanies Split Digital 2016
Ill Omen Pestilential Hierophanies Split Digital 2016
Slaughter Command Ride the Tornado Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Slutvomit Turning the Cross Towards Hell EP 7" vinyl 2011
Sodomizer More Horror and Death Again... Compilation 12" vinyl 2011
Solar Mass Pseudomorphosis EP Cassette 2016
Solar Mass Pseudomorphosis EP Digital 2016
Solstice White Horse Hill Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Solstice White Horse Hill Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Sørgelig Devoted to Nothingness EP 12" vinyl 2019
Sorguinazia Sorguinazia EP CD 2017
Sorguinazia Sorguinazia EP 12" vinyl 2018
Sorguinazia Negation of Delirium Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Sorguinazia Negation of Delirium Full-length Digital 2021
Sorguinazia Negation of Delirium Full-length CD 2021
Sorguinazia Negation of Delirium Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Spectral Voice Necrotic Doom Demo Cassette 2015
Spectral Voice Spectral Voice / Phrenelith Split 7" vinyl 2016
Phrenelith Spectral Voice / Phrenelith Split 7" vinyl 2016
Spire Metamorph EP 12" vinyl 2014
Spire Entropy Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Spire Entropy Full-length CD 2016
Spite Trapped in the Pentagram EP 7" vinyl 2015
Spite Trapped in the Pentagram EP Digital 2015
Strigoii The Oldest of Blood Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Strike Master Up for the Massacre Full-length 12" vinyl 2008
Strike Master Vicious Nightmare Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Suicidal Winds Necroblasphemies Split 7" vinyl 2010
Throneum Necroblasphemies Split 7" vinyl 2010
Summon Aesthetics of Demise EP Cassette 2017
Summon Parazv Il Zilittv Full-length CD 2018
Summon Parazv Il Zilittv Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Svolder Desecration of the Five Holy Pillars Full-length Cassette 2014
Svolder Desecration of the Five Holy Pillars Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Swarþ Omines Pestilentiae Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2014
Swarþ Veneficivm EP 7" vinyl 2015
Swarþ Veneficivm EP Digital 2015
Temple Below The Dark Goddess EP 12" vinyl 2016
Temple Desecration Communion Perished EP 12" vinyl 2014
Temple Desecration Abhorrent Rites Demo 12" vinyl 2015
Temple Desecration Whirlwinds of Fathomless Chaos Full-length CD 2018
Temple Desecration Whirlwinds of Fathomless Chaos Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Temple Moon Demo I Demo Cassette 2018
Temple Nightside Ritualistic Death Metal Necromancy Boxed set Cassette 2015
Temple Nightside The Hecatomb Full-length CD 2016
Temple Nightside The Hecatomb Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Temple Nightside Recondemnation Full-length CD 2018
Temple Nightside Recondemnation Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Temple Nightside The Hecatomb Full-length Digital 2016
Temple Nightside Recondemnation Full-length Digital 2018
Temple Nightside Pillars of Damnation Full-length Cassette 2020
Temple Nightside Pillars of Damnation Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Temple Nightside Pillars of Damnation Full-length Digital 2020
Temple Nightside Pillars of Damnation Full-length CD 2020
Temple of the Beast Geminian Arcana EP CD 2024
Temple of the Beast Geminian Arcana EP 12" vinyl 2024
Terror Oath Terror Oath Demo 12" vinyl 2019
Terrorist Graveyard / Terrorist Split 7" vinyl 2009
Graveyard Graveyard / Terrorist Split 7" vinyl 2009
Tetragrammacide Typhonian Wormholes: Indecipherable Anti-Structural Formulæ EP 12" vinyl 2015
Tetragrammacide Primal Incinerators of Moral Matrix Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Tetragrammacide Primal Incinerators of Moral Matrix Full-length CD 2017
Tetragrammacide Primal Incinerators of Moral Matrix Full-length Cassette 2017
Tetragrammacide Primal Incinerators of Moral Matrix Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Tetragrammacide Primal Incinerators of Moral Matrix Full-length Digital 2017
Tetragrammacide Typhonian Wormholes: Indecipherable Anti-Structural Formulæ EP Digital 2015
Tetragrammacide Typhonian Wormholes: Indecipherable Anti-Structural Formulæ EP CD 2018
Tetragrammacide Third World Esoterrorism Compilation CD 2019
Tetragrammacide Third World Esoterrorism Compilation 12" vinyl 2019
Tetragrammacide Pact of Eschatological Islamic Spiritual Ordeal Split 10" vinyl 2020
Tetragrammacide Pact of Eschatological Islamic Spiritual Ordeal Split Digital 2020
Tetragrammacide Tetragrammacidal Oration EP Digital 2023
Tetragrammacide Third World Esoterrorism Compilation 12" vinyl 2023
Tetragrammacide Primal Incinerators of Moral Matrix Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Tetragrammacide Typhonian Wormholes: Indecipherable Anti-Structural Formulæ EP 12" vinyl 2023
Tetragrammacide Typho-Tantric Aphorisms from the Arachneophidian Qur'an Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Tetragrammacide Typho-Tantric Aphorisms from the Arachneophidian Qur'an Full-length CD 2023
Tetragrammacide Typho-Tantric Aphorisms from the Arachneophidian Qur'an Full-length Digital 2023
Tetragrammacide Typho-Tantric Aphorisms from the Arachneophidian Qur'an Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Teufel Thödol Manifestation I EP Digital 2023
Teufel Thödol Manifestation I EP Cassette 2023
Tezcatlipoca Tlayohualtlapelani Full-length CD 2018
Tezcatlipoca Tlayohualtlapelani Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
The Black Mysteries Lemegeton Full-length Cassette 2018
The Crucifier Thrash Metal Blitzkrieg Vol. 3 Split 7" vinyl 2007
Violent Attack Thrash Metal Blitzkrieg Vol. 3 Split 7" vinyl 2007
Crimson Steel Thrash Metal Blitzkrieg Vol. 3 Split 7" vinyl 2007
Disaster Thrash Metal Blitzkrieg Vol. 3 Split 7" vinyl 2007
The Fog Perpetual Blackness Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
The Gates of Sinn The Great Sabbath Demo Cassette 2019
The Gates of Sinn The Great Sabbath Demo Digital 2019
The Rite The Brocken Fires EP 12" vinyl 2019
The Rite The Brocken Fires EP CD 2019
The Rite The Brocken Fires EP Digital 2019
The Rite Liturgy of the Black Full-length CD 2020
The Rite Liturgy of the Black Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
The Rite Liturgy of the Black Full-length Digital 2020
The Rite The Astral Gloom Full-length CD 2023
The Rite The Astral Gloom Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
The Rite The Astral Gloom Full-length Digital 2023
Tomb Black Crucifixion EP 7" vinyl 2021
Tomb The Dark Subconscious EP CD 2023
Tomb The Dark Subconscious EP 12" vinyl 2023
Törzburg Dracula's Castle Demo Cassette 2019
Törzburg Dracula's Castle Demo Digital 2019
Totten Korps The King of Hell Reclaims His Throne Compilation 12" vinyl 2008
Toxic Holocaust Power from Hell Single 7" vinyl 2004
Trajeto de Cabra Antichrist Dominum Demo Cassette 2013
Trajeto de Cabra Supreme Command of Satanic Will Full-length CD 2019
Trajeto de Cabra Supreme Command of Satanic Will Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Trajeto de Cabra Supreme Command of Satanic Will Full-length Digital 2019
Trance of the Undead Chalice of Disease Full-length CD 2021
Trance of the Undead Chalice of Disease Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Trench Hell Trench Hell / Assaulter Split 7" vinyl 2009
Assaulter Trench Hell / Assaulter Split 7" vinyl 2009
Trhä Misotheismus / Trhä Split 12" vinyl 2023
Misotheismus Misotheismus / Trhä Split 12" vinyl 2023
Triumph, Genus Všehorovnost je porážkou převyšujících Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Trolldom Av gudars ätt... Full-length CD 2022
Trolldom I nattens sken (Genom hemligheternas dunkel) Full-length CD 2022
Trolldom Av gudars ätt... Full-length Digital 2022
Trolldom I nattens sken (Genom hemligheternas dunkel) Full-length Digital 2022
Trolldom Av gudars ätt... Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Trolldom I nattens sken (Genom hemligheternas dunkel) Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Tujarot Existencialista Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Twisted Tower Dire Triumphing True Metal Demo Cassette 1997
Tyrannic Mortuus Decadence Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Tyrannic Mortuus Decadence Full-length Digital 2021
Ulvdalir ...of Death Eternal Full-length CD 2019
Ulvdalir ...of Death Eternal Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Ulvdalir ...of Death Eternal Full-length Digital 2019
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Lucifer Poseidon Cthulhu EP 7" vinyl 2013
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Azathoth - Azazel/Azoth / Ontomorsophia Split 7" vinyl 2013
Godless Azathoth - Azazel/Azoth / Ontomorsophia Split 7" vinyl 2013
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath Full-length Digital 2014
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Keziah Lilith Medea (Chapter X) Full-length CD 2017
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Keziah Lilith Medea (Chapter X) Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Keziah Lilith Medea (Chapter X) Full-length Digital 2017
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Teufelsbücher Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Teufelsbücher Full-length CD 2019
Unaussprechlichen Kulten People of the Monolith Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Lucifer Poseidon Cthulhu Compilation 12" vinyl 2019
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Chapter III - Wake up in the Night of Walpurgis Full-length CD 2022
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Chapter III - Wake up in the Night of Walpurgis Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Häxan Sabaoth Full-length CD 2024
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Häxan Sabaoth Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Unctoris Shout Demise Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Unctoris Shout Demise Full-length CD 2021
Unctoris Shout Demise Full-length Digital 2021
Ungod În numele Metalului Est-European Compilation 12" vinyl 2010
Unholy Disorder Galactic Cannibalism Demo Cassette 2018
Unholy Disorder Galactic Cannibalism Demo Digital 2018
Urn The Burning Full-length CD 2017
Urn The Burning Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Urn The Burning Full-length Digital 2017
Uškumgallu Rotten Limbs in Dreams of Blood Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Uttertomb Necrocentrism: The Necrocentrist EP 12" vinyl 2018
Vaamatar Medievalgeist Full-length CD 2022
Vaamatar Medievalgeist Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Valaraukar Demonian Abyssal Visions Full-length CD 2019
Valaraukar Demonian Abyssal Visions Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Valaraukar Demonian Abyssal Visions Full-length Digital 2019
Vampyric Blood Watching the Nights Rot in Eternal Melancholy EP 12" vinyl 2023
Vampyric Blood Nosferatu Darkness... the Loveless Nights in Tavastia Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Varathron Apocalyptic Mysticism Split 7" vinyl 2022
Ungod Apocalyptic Mysticism Split 7" vinyl 2022
Varathron Apocalyptic Mysticism Split Digital 2022
Ungod Apocalyptic Mysticism Split Digital 2022
Varcolaci Among the Cloud-Graves Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Vassafor Vassafor / Sinistrous Diabolus Split 12" vinyl 2014
Sinistrous Diabolus Vassafor / Sinistrous Diabolus Split 12" vinyl 2014
Vassafor Call of the Maelstrom Split 12" vinyl 2015
Temple Nightside Call of the Maelstrom Split 12" vinyl 2015
Vassafor Call of the Maelstrom Split Digital 2015
Temple Nightside Call of the Maelstrom Split Digital 2015
Vassafor Vassafor / Sinistrous Diabolus Split Digital 2014
Sinistrous Diabolus Vassafor / Sinistrous Diabolus Split Digital 2014
Vassafor Malediction Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Vassafor Malediction Full-length Cassette 2017
Vassafor Call of the Maelstrom Split 12" vinyl 2016
Temple Nightside Call of the Maelstrom Split 12" vinyl 2016
Vassafor To the Death Full-length CD 2020
Vassafor To the Death Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Vassafor To the Death Full-length Cassette 2020
Vassafor To the Death Full-length Digital 2020
Veiled Omniscient Veil Demo Digital 2015
Veiled Omniscient Veil Demo Cassette 2015
Veiled Black Celestial Orbs Full-length CD 2018
Veiled Black Celestial Orbs Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Vemod Demo 1998 Demo CD 2023
Veneficium Veneficium Demo Cassette 2016
Venefixion Defixio Demo Cassette 2015
Venefixion Armorican Deathrites EP 12" vinyl 2016
Venefixion Armorican Deathrites EP Digital 2016
Venefixion Defixio Demo 12" vinyl 2016
Venefixion Armorican Deathrites EP CD 2017
Venefixion Defixio Demo Digital 2015
Venefixion A Sigh from Below Full-length Digital 2021
Venefixion A Sigh from Below Full-length CD 2021
Venefixion A Sigh from Below Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Verberis Vastitas Demo Digital 2014
Verberis Vastitas Demo Cassette 2014
Verberis Vexamen Full-length CD 2016
Verberis Vexamen Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Verberis Vexamen Full-length Cassette 2016
Verbum Exhortation to the Impure Full-length CD 2022
Verbum Exhortation to the Impure Full-length Digital 2022
Verbum Exhortation to the Impure Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Versifist Cipher EP 7" vinyl 2016
Vesicant Shadows of Cleansing Iron Full-length CD 2017
Vesicant Shadows of Cleansing Iron Full-length Digital 2017
Vesicant Shadows of Cleansing Iron Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Vhorthax Nether Darkness EP CD 2018
Vhorthax Nether Darkness EP 12" vinyl 2018
Violator Violent Mosh EP 12" vinyl 2008
Violator Chemical Assault Full-length 12" vinyl 2008
Vircolac Codex Perfida Demo Cassette 2015
Vircolac Codex Perfida Demo Cassette 2015
Vircolac Codex Perfida Demo Digital 2015
Vitriol Chrysalis EP CD 2019
Vitriol Chrysalis EP 12" vinyl 2019
Voidnaga Demo MMXVI Demo Cassette 2016
Vøidwomb Altars of Cosmic Devotion EP Digital 2021
Vøidwomb Altars of Cosmic Devotion EP CD 2021
Vøidwomb Altars of Cosmic Devotion EP 12" vinyl 2021
Volahn Aq'Ab'Al Full-length CD 2015
Volahn Desert Dances and Serpent Sermons Split 12" vinyl 2016
Arizmenda Desert Dances and Serpent Sermons Split 12" vinyl 2016
Kallathon Desert Dances and Serpent Sermons Split 12" vinyl 2016
Shataan Desert Dances and Serpent Sermons Split 12" vinyl 2016
Volahn Gods of Pandemonium Split CD 2018
Xaxamatza Gods of Pandemonium Split CD 2018
Volahn Gods of Pandemonium Split 7" vinyl 2018
Xaxamatza Gods of Pandemonium Split 7" vinyl 2018
Vomit Angel Sadomatic Evil EP 12" vinyl 2017
Vomit Angel Sadomatic Evil EP Digital 2017
Vomit Angel Imprint of Extinction Full-length CD 2019
Vomit Angel Imprint of Extinction Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Vomitor The Escalation Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Vomitor Roar of War Compilation 2 vinyls 2016
Vomitor Slaughter for the Beast Single 7" vinyl 2019
Vomitor Roar of War Compilation 2 vinyls 2019
Wampyrinacht Night of the Desecration Full-length CD 2022
Wampyrinacht Night of the Desecration Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Wampyrinacht Night of the Desecration Full-length Digital 2022
Warfire Heralds of Eternal Order Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Warfist HellTyrant Rising EP 7" vinyl 2008
Warpvomit Barbaric Triumph of Evil Compilation 12" vinyl 2016
Weregoat Slave Bitch of the Black Ram Master EP 12" vinyl 2013
Weregoat Pestilential Rites of Infernal Fornication Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Weregoat Pestilential Rites of Infernal Fornication Full-length Cassette 2017
Weregoat Unholy Exaltation of Fullmoon Perversity EP CD 2019
Weregoat Unholy Exaltation of Fullmoon Perversity EP 12" vinyl 2019
Weregoat Slave Bitch of the Black Ram Master EP CD 2019
Weregoat The Devil's Lust EP CD 2022
Weregoat The Devil's Lust EP Cassette 2022
Weregoat The Devil's Lust EP 12" vinyl 2022
Weregoat The Devil's Lust EP Digital 2022
Weregoat Cunting Darkness EP Digital 2023
Weregoat Cunting Darkness EP 7" vinyl 2023
Whipstriker Crude Rock 'n' Roll Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
White Nights Into the Lap of the Ancient Mother EP CD 2020
White Nights Into the Lap of the Ancient Mother EP Digital 2020
White Nights Into the Lap of the Ancient Mother EP Cassette 2020
White Nights Into the Lap of the Ancient Mother EP 12" vinyl 2020
White Nights Solanaceae EP 10" vinyl 2021
White Nights Solanaceae EP CD 2021
White Nights Solanaceae EP Cassette 2021
White Nights Solanaceae EP Digital 2021
Witchbones The Seas of Draugen Full-length CD 2019
Witchbones The Seas of Draugen Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Witchbones Goety Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Witchburner Behold the Legions of Hell Split 7" vinyl 2003
Gravewürm Behold the Legions of Hell Split 7" vinyl 2003
Sadomaniac Behold the Legions of Hell Split 7" vinyl 2003
Derkéta Behold the Legions of Hell Split 7" vinyl 2003
Witchburner United Forces of Metal Raging War Split 7" vinyl 2000
Blizzard United Forces of Metal Raging War Split 7" vinyl 2000
Witches Sabbath Evil Conspiracy EP 7" vinyl 2015
Witchrist Vritra EP 12" vinyl 2015
Worm Evocation of the Black Marsh Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Worm Evocation of the Black Marsh Full-length Cassette 2017
Worm Gloomlord Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Worm Gloomlord Full-length Cassette 2020
Worm Gloomlord Full-length Digital 2019
Worm Gloomlord Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Worm Gloomlord Full-length CD 2020
Wormlust Kosmískur hryllingur Collaboration CD 2020
Skáphe Kosmískur hryllingur Collaboration CD 2020
Wormlust The Feral Wisdom Full-length CD 2020
Würm Hog Metal EP 7" vinyl 2009
Würm Vultures of the Southern Seas EP 7" vinyl 2013
Yamatu Asaru Compilation 2CD 2019
Ypokosmos Secrets of the Pulse EP Cassette 2018
Ypokosmos Secrets of the Pulse EP Digital 2018
ZOM Hells Pleasure MMXII Demo Cassette 2012
ZOM Multiversal Holocaust EP 7" vinyl 2013
До Скону Cold Streams of Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
До Скону Великое пробуждение среди великого сна Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
שְׁאוֹל Sepulchral Ruins Below the Temple EP 12" vinyl 2013