Xtreem Music

JSON | Metal Archives


Address P.O. Box 666, 28080 Madrid
Country Spain
Phone Number +34 91 815 23 83
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death, Thrash, Black Metal
Founding Date 2002
Online Shopping Yes
Sublabels Fighter Records

Online Presence

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/xtreemmusic666?fref=ts
Twitter https://twitter.com/xtreemmusic666
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/xtreemmusic
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/xtreemmusic/
SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/xtreemmusic
Official website http://www.xtreemmusic.com/label/english.news.index.php
Bandcamp http://xtreemmusic.bandcamp.com/


Name Country Genre Status
Adramelech Finland death Current
Aggression Spain technical, thrash Current
Altar of Sin Spain death, thrash Current
Amputory Finland death Current
Aposento Spain death Current
Avulsed Spain death Current
Azooma Iran death Current
Benefactor Decease Greece thrash Current
Bis•nte Spain doom, stoner Current
Blazemth Spain black Current
Catacomb France death Current
Cendra Spain black, punk Current
Centripetal Force Italy technical, thrash Current
Christ Denied Spain brutal, death Current
Coffinborn Hungary death Current
Corrosive Carcass Sweden death Current
Cruentator Italy thrash Current
Crustacean Netherlands death, thrash Current
Daemoniac Italy death Current
Dead Sun Sweden death Current
Death over Threat Spain thrash Current
Death Vomit Chile death Current
Deathraiser Brazil thrash Current
Decrapted Spain death Current
Defixion United States death Current
Desecresy Finland death Current
Deteriorot United States death Current
Disgorge Mexico brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Dominus Xul Chile death Current
Dormanth Spain death, doom, melodic Current
Dying Out Flame Nepal death, technical Current
Emeth Belgium brutal, technical, death Current
Empire of Disease Spain death, hardcore, melodic Current
Exmortis United States death Current
Famishgod Spain death, doom Current
Fleshgore Ukraine hardcore, thrash, death, brutal Current
Funeral Vomit Colombia death Current
Gravecrusher Hungary death Current
Gravesite Italy death Current
Grim Fate Netherlands death Current
Grimness 69 Italy death, grind, hardcore Current
Grisly Sweden death Current
Holycide Spain thrash Current
In Thousand Lakes Spain death, melodic Current
Infamous Sinphony United States crossover, thrash Current
Ireful Italy thrash Current
Killing Addiction United States death Current
Körgull the Exterminator Spain black, thrash Current
Korpsesoturi Finland death Current
Lightning Spain death Current
Megascavenger Sweden death Current
Mental Demise Ukraine grind, hardcore, technical, brutal, death Current
Mortal Scepter France black, thrash Current
Necrophiliac Spain death Current
Necropsy Finland death Current
Nexus 6 Spain ambient, neoclassical, black, technical, progressive, rock Current
No Amnesty Spain thrash Current
Obscure Spain death Current
Omission Spain black, thrash Current
Ossuary Anex Russia brutal, death Current
Phlegethon Finland death, thrash Current
Purtenance Finland death Current
Putrefact Mexico death Current
Putrefied Corpse Netherlands death Current
Putrevore International death Current
Rancor Spain thrash Current
Rato Raro Spain death, grind, hardcore, punk Current
Ravens Creed United Kingdom death Current
Reabilitator Ukraine thrash Current
Retador Spain thrash Current
Revolting Sweden death Current
Ribspreader Sweden death Current
S.U.P. France avant-garde Current
Sarkasm Canada death Current
Shock Wave Spain thrash Current
Sönambula Spain doom, death Current
Sorcery Sweden death Current
Sorrow United States death, doom, thrash Current
Soulskinner Greece death Current
Spellcraft Spain black Current
Supuration France death, doom Current
Tanatossis Spain thrash Current
Tenebro Italy death Current
The Murder Industry Spain brutal, death Current
The Sickening Norway brutal, death Current
Thrashfire Türkiye thrash Current
Torture Pulse Finland death Current
Trallery Spain death, groove, progressive, thrash Current
Ululate China black, raw, death Current
Unbounded Terror Spain death Current
Ural Italy thrash Current
Venus Greece progressive, thrash Current
Vibrion Argentina death Current
Warlord U.K. United Kingdom death, thrash Current
Weaponry International crust, death Current
Wrong Spain black Current
Yskelgroth Spain black Current
Надимач Serbia crossover, thrash Current
Abaddon Incarnate Ireland black, death, grind, hardcore Past
Absorbed Spain death, technical Past
Abythic Germany death Past
Acheron United States black, death Past
Acrostichon Netherlands death Past
Ade Italy death, folk Past
Aggression Canada thrash Past
Altar Sweden melodic, death Past
Andralls Brazil thrash Past
Antropomorphia Netherlands death Past
Anvil of Doom Spain death, melodic Past
Apparition United States death, doom, thrash Past
Ashcloud International death Past
Asphyx Netherlands death, doom Past
Atomic Aggressor Chile death Past
Aurora Borealis United States black, death Past
Autumnal Spain doom, gothic, melodic Past
Baphomet United States death Past
Bizarre Spain death Past
Blood Mortized Sweden death Past
Bloodhunter Spain death, melodic Past
Breathless Spain thrash Past
Broken Bones United Kingdom crossover, hardcore, punk, thrash Past
Canker Spain death, thrash Past
Carnifex Finland death Past
Cartilage Finland death Past
Cenotaph Mexico melodic, death Past
Centinex Sweden death Past
Cerebral Fix United Kingdom crossover, thrash Past
Crematory Sweden death Past
Crying Blood Spain black, symphonic Past
Cryptic Brood Germany death, doom Past
Cryptopsy Canada brutal, death, technical Past
Dantalion Spain death, doom, melodic, black Past
Dead Germany death, grind, hardcore Past
Deathevokation United States death Past
Deceased United States death, heavy, thrash Past
Decrepid United Kingdom death Past
Defacing Chile brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Deimler Spain death Past
Demigod Finland death Past
Demilich Finland avant-garde, death, technical Past
Deranged Sweden brutal, death Past
Détente United States speed, thrash Past
Disgrace Finland death, punk, rock Past
Dissect Netherlands death Past
Eruption Slovenia thrash Past
Eternal Darkness Sweden death, doom Past
Exquisite Pus Spain brutal, death Past
Fleshcrawl Germany death Past
Fractured Insanity Belgium brutal, death, technical Past
Frozen Dawn Spain black, melodic Past
Fuck Off Spain thrash Past
Funebre Finland death Past
Goat Worship Brazil black Past
Godüs Spain black Past
Golgotha Spain death, doom, melodic Past
Gorezone Germany brutal, death Past
Gothmog Spain black, symphonic Past
Grond Russia death Past
Gutted Hungary death, grind, hardcore, technical Past
Hallows Eve United States speed, thrash Past
Hellwitch United States death, technical, thrash Past
Hideous Mangleus United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Holocausto Canibal Portugal brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Horrid Italy death Past
Hour of Penance Italy brutal, death, technical Past
Human Mincer Spain brutal, death Past
Human Waste Spain technical, progressive, death Past
Hybernoid United Kingdom death, doom, electronic, industrial Past
Immortal Fate United States death Past
Impetigo United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Incantation United States death Past
Infest Serbia death, thrash Past
Infestus Spain death Past
Intestine Baalism Japan death, melodic Past
Invasion Spain heavy Past
Itnuveth Spain black, pagan Past
Kataplexia International brutal, death Past
Kazjurol Sweden hardcore, punk, speed, thrash Past
Kronos France brutal, death Past
Lethal Aggression United States crossover Past
Macabre United States death, grind, hardcore, thrash Past
Macabre End Sweden death Past
Malediction United Kingdom death, grind, hardcore Past
Malevolent Creation United States death Past
Mandatory Germany death Past
Masacre Colombia death Past
Massacre United States death Past
Master United States death, thrash Past
Maze of Terror Peru thrash Past
Mercilless Brazil thrash Past
Mercyless France death, thrash Past
Misanthropic Germany death Past
Monastery Netherlands death Past
Moñigo Spain death, grind, hardcore Past
Moondark Sweden death Past
Mordor Spain thrash Past
Morpheus Descends United States death Past
Morta Skuld United States death Past
Mortician United States brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Multiplex Japan death, grind, hardcore Past
Nailgun Massacre Netherlands death Past
Nangilima International death, doom Past
Nasty Surgeons Spain death, grind, hardcore Past
Necronomicon Germany thrash Past
Necrony Sweden death, grind, hardcore Past
Necrophagia United States death Past
Necrophile Japan death, thrash Past
Neocaesar Netherlands death Past
Neuntoter Spain death, grind, hardcore Past
Night to Die Spain death, folk, melodic Past
Obscene Gesture United States crossover, thrash Past
Onirophagus Spain death, doom Past
Oppression Finland death, doom, thrash Past
Ouija Spain black Past
Paganizer Sweden death Past
Panikk Slovenia thrash Past
Possession United States death, thrash Past
Post Mortem Spain speed, thrash Past
Psychobolia France brutal, death Past
Putrid Evocation Chile death Past
Pyrexia United States groove, death, brutal Past
ReDimoni Spain thrash Past
Reina Negra Spain heavy Past
Reincarnation Spain brutal, death Past
Revenant United States death, thrash Past
Rossomahaar Russia black, folk, thrash Past
Rottrevore United States death Past
Sacrilege United Kingdom crust, punk, thrash, doom Past
Sacrophobia Spain death Past
Setge Spain black, death Past
Severance United States death Past
Sinister Netherlands death Past
Spontaneous Combustion Spain death Past
Stormvold Spain black, death Past
Svipdagr Spain black Past
Terrorizer United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Thanatos Netherlands death, thrash Past
The Descent Spain death, melodic Past
The Grotesquery International death Past
The Heretic Spain black, melodic Past
Totengott Spain black, doom, thrash Past
Trascëndental Spain thrash Past
Undergang Denmark death Past
Unreal Overflows Spain death, melodic, technical Past
User Ne Spain pagan Past
Verminous Sweden death Past
Vidres a la Sang Spain black, death Past
Visceral Damage Spain brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Vital Remains United States death Past
Vorkreist France black, death Past
Wasteform United States brutal, death Past
Winterwolf Finland death, thrash Past
Zubrowska France death, hardcore, math, technical Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abaddon Incarnate Dark Crusade Full-length CD 2004
Absorbed Reverie Compilation 2CD 2013
Abythic Conjuring the Obscure Full-length CD 2019
Abythic Conjuring the Obscure Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Abythic Conjuring the Obscure Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Abythic Conjuring the Obscure Full-length Digital 2019
Acheron Messe Noir EP 10" vinyl 2021
Acrostichon Dehumanized Demo 10" vinyl 2020
Ade Carthago Delenda Est Full-length CD 2016
Ade Carthago Delenda Est Full-length Digital 2016
Adramelech Terror of Thousand Faces Full-length CD 2005
Adramelech Psychostasia Full-length CD 2014
Adramelech Psychostasia Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Adramelech Psychostasia Full-length Digital 2014
Adramelech Recoveries of the Fallen Compilation CD 2020
Adramelech Recoveries of the Fallen Compilation Digital 2020
Adramelech Grip of Darkness Demo 10" vinyl 2020
Adramelech Psychostasia Full-length Cassette 2021
Adramelech Psychostasia Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Adramelech Grip of Darkness Demo CD 2020
Adramelech Terror of Thousand Faces Full-length CD 2024
Adramelech Terror of Thousand Faces Full-length Digital 2009
Adramelech Terror of Thousand Faces Full-length Cassette 2024
Adramelech Terror of Thousand Faces Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Aggression MoshPirit Full-length CD 2009
Aggression Viocracy Full-length CD 2012
Aggression Viocracy Full-length Digital 2012
Aggression The Full Treatment Full-length CD 2016
Aggression The Full Treatment Full-length Digital 2016
Aggression Fragmented Spirit Devils Full-length CD 2016
Aggression Fragmented Spirit Devils Full-length Digital 2016
Aggression MoshPirit Full-length Digital 2013
Aggression Moshspirit Full-length Digital 2010
Aggression Field of Nightmares EP CD 2021
Aggression Field of Nightmares EP Digital 2021
Aggression From Hell with Hate Full-length CD 2022
Aggression From Hell with Hate Full-length Digital 2022
Aggression From Hell with Hate Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Aggression From Hell with Hate Full-length Cassette 2022
Altar Split Album (Ex Oblivione + The Fragile Concept of Affection Split 2CD 2015
Cartilage Split Album (Ex Oblivione + The Fragile Concept of Affection Split 2CD 2015
Altar Split Album (Ex Oblivione + The Fragile Concept of Affection Split Digital 2015
Cartilage Split Album (Ex Oblivione + The Fragile Concept of Affection Split Digital 2015
Altar Dark Domains Compilation Digital 2016
Altar Ex Oblivione / The Fragile Concept of Affection Split Digital 2022
Cartilage Ex Oblivione / The Fragile Concept of Affection Split Digital 2022
Altar Ex Oblivione / The Fragile Concept of Affection Split CD 2022
Cartilage Ex Oblivione / The Fragile Concept of Affection Split CD 2022
Altar Ex Oblivione / The Fragile Concept of Affection Split 12" vinyl 2022
Cartilage Ex Oblivione / The Fragile Concept of Affection Split 12" vinyl 2022
Altar Ex Oblivione / The Fragile Concept of Affection Split Cassette 2022
Cartilage Ex Oblivione / The Fragile Concept of Affection Split Cassette 2022
Altar of Sin Tales of Carnage First Class Full-length CD 2012
Amputory Ode to Gore Full-length CD 2015
Amputory Ode to Gore Full-length Digital 2015
Andralls Andralls Full-length CD 2009
Andralls Andralls Full-length Digital 2015
Anialator Mission of Death Compilation CD 2017
Anialator Mission of Death Compilation Digital 2017
Anialator Rise to Supremacy EP CD 2018
Anialator Rise to Supremacy EP Digital 2018
Antropomorphia Bowel Mutilation Demo 10" vinyl 2022
Anvil of Doom Died Before Dawn Demo CD 2002
Anvil of Doom Deathillusion Full-length CD 2004
Aposento Aposento Full-length CD 2014
Aposento Bleed to Death Full-length CD 2017
Aposento Bleed to Death Full-length Digital 2017
Aposento Aposento Full-length Digital 2014
Aposento Conjuring the New Apocalypse Full-length CD 2020
Aposento Conjuring the New Apocalypse Full-length Digital 2020
Aposento Conjuring the New Apocalypse Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Aposento No Safe Haven Full-length CD 2024
Aposento No Safe Haven Full-length Digital 2024
Apparition Human Fear Demo 10" vinyl 2022
Ashcloud Abandon All Light Full-length CD 2015
Ashcloud Children of the Chainsaw Full-length CD 2016
Ashcloud Kingdom of the Damned Full-length CD 2017
Ashcloud Kingdom of the Damned Full-length Digital 2017
Ashcloud Abandon All Light Full-length Digital 2015
Ashcloud Children of the Chainsaw Full-length Digital 2016
Asphyx Crush the Cenotaph Demo 10" vinyl 2020
Atomic Aggressor Bloody Ceremonial Demo 10" vinyl 2021
Aurora Borealis Worldshapers Full-length CD 2014
Autumnal Grey Universe Full-length CD 2006
Autumnal Grey Universe Full-length 2CD 2006
Autumnal Grey Universe Full-length Digital 2015
Avulsed Reanimations Compilation CD 2006
Avulsed Nullo (The Pleasure of Self-Mutilation) Full-length CD 2009
Avulsed Ritual Zombi Full-length CD 2013
Avulsed Carnivoracity EP CD 2014
Avulsed Carnivoracity EP 12" vinyl 2014
Avulsed Ritual Zombi Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Avulsed Altar of Disembowelment EP CD 2015
Avulsed Stabwound Orgasm Full-length CD 2015
Avulsed Altar of Disembowelment EP Digital 2015
Avulsed Stabwound Orgasm Full-length Digital 2015
Avulsed Carnivoracity EP Digital 2014
Avulsed Eminence in Putrescence Full-length CD 2016
Avulsed Eminence in Putrescence Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Avulsed Eminence in Putrescence Full-length Digital 2016
Avulsed Deathgeneration Full-length CD 2016
Avulsed Deathgeneration Full-length 2CD + 2 12" vinyls + 2 cassettes 2016
Avulsed Deathgeneration Full-length Digital 2016
Avulsed Night of the Living Deathgenerations Live album 2CD + DVD 2017
Avulsed Night of the Living Deathgenerations Live album Digital 2017
Avulsed Avulsed / Mercyless Split Digital 2017
Mercyless Avulsed / Mercyless Split Digital 2017
Avulsed Ritual Zombi Full-length Digital 2013
Avulsed Deathgeneration Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Avulsed Revenant Wars EP CD 2023
Avulsed Revenant Wars EP Cassette 2023
Avulsed Revenant Wars EP 10" vinyl 2023
Avulsed Revenant Wars EP Digital 2023
Avulsed Intergalactic Gore Wars Single Digital 2023
Avulsed Extraterrestrial Carnage EP CD 2023
Avulsed Extraterrestrial Carnage EP 10" vinyl 2023
Avulsed Extraterrestrial Carnage EP Digital 2023
Avulsed Extraterrestrial Carnage EP Cassette 2023
Avulsed Yearning for the Grotesque Full-length CD 2023
Avulsed Yearning for the Grotesque Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Avulsed Yearning for the Grotesque Full-length Digital 2023
Avulsed Yearning for the Grotesque Full-length Cassette 2023
Azooma A Hymn of the Vicious Monster EP CD 2014
Azooma The Act of Eye Full-length CD 2016
Azooma The Act of Eye Full-length Digital 2016
Azooma A Hymn of the Vicious Monster EP Digital 2014
Baphomet Baphomet / Boiled in Blood Compilation 10" vinyl 2020
Baphomet Baphomet / Boiled in Blood Compilation CD 2022
Benefactor Decease Anatomy of an Angel Full-length CD 2015
Benefactor Decease Anatomy of an Angel Full-length Digital 2015
Bis•nte Ancestral Punishment Full-length Digital 2020
Bis•nte Our Home Single Digital 2020
Bis•nte Ancestral Punishment Full-length CD 2020
Bis•nte Ancestral Punishment Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Bis•nte Ancestral Punishment Full-length Cassette 2020
Bis•nte Broken Full-length CD 2023
Bis•nte Broken Full-length Digital 2023
Bizarre Inner Necropolis EP CD 2016
Bizarre Inner Necropolis EP Digital 2016
Bizarre Ψυχή (Psyche) Single Digital 2017
Blazemth The Return of Lucifer Full-length CD 2022
Blazemth The Return of Lucifer Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Blazemth The Return of Lucifer Full-length Cassette 2022
Blazemth The Return of Lucifer Full-length Digital 2022
Bloodhunter The End of Faith Full-length CD 2017
Bloodhunter The End of Faith Full-length Digital 2017
Breathless Thrashumancy Full-length CD 2011
Breathless Return to Pangea Full-length CD 2015
Breathless Thrashumancy Full-length Digital 2014
Breathless Return to Pangea Full-length Digital 2015
Broken Bones Fuck You and All You Stand For! Full-length CD 2010
Broken Bones Fuck You and All You Stand For! Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Canker Physical Split 2CD 2014
Post Mortem Physical Split 2CD 2014
Canker Physical Split Digital 2014
Post Mortem Physical Split Digital 2014
Canker Earthquake Full-length CD 2017
Canker Earthquake Full-length Digital 2017
Canker Physical Full-length 2CD 2014
Canker Physical Full-length Digital 2014
Canker Exquisite Tenderness Full-length CD 2021
Canker Exquisite Tenderness Full-length Digital 2021
Carnifex Pathological Rites Compilation CD 2018
Carnifex Pathological Rites Compilation Digital 2018
Cartilage In Godly Flesh Demo 10" vinyl 2022
Catacomb When the Stars Are Right Full-length CD 2023
Catacomb When the Stars Are Right Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Catacomb When the Stars Are Right Full-length Cassette 2023
Catacomb When the Stars Are Right Full-length Digital 2023
Cendra 666 Bastards Full-length CD 2015
Cendra Metal Punk Full-length CD 2016
Cendra 666 Bastards Full-length Digital 2015
Cendra Metal Punk Full-length Digital 2016
Cenotaph Tenebrous Apparitions / The Eternal Disgrace Compilation 10" vinyl 2022
Centinex Reborn Through Flames Full-length CD 2022
Centinex Reborn Through Flames Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Centinex Reborn Through Flames Full-length Cassette 2022
Centinex Reborn Through Flames Full-length Digital 2022
Centinex Subconscious Lobotomy Full-length CD 2023
Centinex Subconscious Lobotomy Full-length Cassette 2023
Centinex Subconscious Lobotomy Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Centinex Subconscious Lobotomy Full-length Digital 2023
Centripetal Force Eidetic EP Digital 2017
Centripetal Force Eidetic EP CD 2018
Cerebral Fix Disaster of Reality Full-length CD 2016
Cerebral Fix Disaster of Reality Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Cerebral Fix Disaster of Reality Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Cerebral Fix Disaster of Reality Full-length Digital 2016
Christ Denied Cancer Eradication Full-length CD 2013
Christ Denied Cancer Eradication Full-length Digital 2014
Christ Denied Christopsy Full-length CD 2024
Christ Denied Christopsy Full-length Digital 2024
Coffinborn Beneath the Cemetery EP CD 2014
Coffinborn Beneath the Cemetery EP Digital 2014
Coffinborn Cadaveric Retribution Full-length Digital 2023
Coffinborn Cadaveric Retribution Full-length CD 2023
Coffinborn Cadaveric Retribution Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Coffinborn Cadaveric Retribution Full-length Cassette 2023
Corrosive Carcass Forsaken Lands Full-length CD 2015
Corrosive Carcass Forsaken Lands Full-length Digital 2015
Crematory The Exordium Demo 10" vinyl 2021
Crematory The Exordium Demo CD 2022
Crematory Wrath from the Unknown Demo 10" vinyl 2023
Crematory Wrath from the Unknown Demo CD 2024
Cruentator Ain't War Hell? Full-length CD 2018
Cruentator Ain't War Hell? Full-length Digital 2018
Crustacean Greed, Tyranny & Sodomy Full-length CD 2011
Crustacean Greed, Tyranny & Sodomy Full-length Digital 2015
Crying Blood Animae Damnatae Full-length CD 2009
Cryptic Brood Wormhead EP CD 2015
Cryptic Brood Brain Eater Full-length CD 2017
Cryptic Brood Brain Eater Full-length Digital 2017
Cryptopsy Ungentle Exhumation Demo 10" vinyl 2021
Cryptopsy Ungentle Exhumation Demo CD 2022
Daemoniac Lord of Immolation EP CD 2015
Daemoniac Lord of Immolation EP Digital 2015
Daemoniac Spawn of the Fallen Full-length CD 2017
Daemoniac Spawn of the Fallen Full-length Digital 2017
Daemoniac Dwellers of Apocalypse Full-length CD 2019
Daemoniac Dwellers of Apocalypse Full-length Digital 2019
Daemoniac Visions of the Nightside Full-length CD 2024
Daemoniac Visions of the Nightside Full-length Digital 2024
Dantalion All Roads Lead to Death Full-length CD 2010
Dead Far Beyond Your Imagination Demo 10" vinyl 2022
Dead Sun Night Terrors Full-length CD 2021
Dead Sun Night Terrors Full-length Digital 2021
Dead Sun Soul Diseased Full-length CD 2023
Dead Sun Soul Diseased Full-length Digital 2023
Death over Threat Sangre Full-length CD 2009
Death Vomit Gutted by Horrors Full-length CD 2014
Death Vomit Gutted by Horrors Full-length Digital 2014
Deathevokation The Chalice of Ages Full-length CD 2007
Deathevokation Blood Demo CD 2006
Deathevokation The Chalice of Ages Full-length 2CD 2014
Deathevokation The Chalice of Ages Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2015
Deathevokation The Chalice of Ages Full-length Digital 2014
Deathraiser Violent Aggression Full-length CD 2011
Deceased Nuclear Exorcist Demo 10" vinyl 2022
Deceased Birth by Radiation Demo 10" vinyl 2023
Decrapted Bloody Rivers of Death Full-length Digital 2022
Decrapted Bloody Rivers of Death Full-length CD 2022
Decrapted Bloody Rivers of Death Full-length Cassette 2022
Decrapted Bloody Rivers of Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Decrepid Osseous Empire Full-length CD 2015
Decrepid Endless Sea of Graves Full-length CD 2020
Decrepid Endless Sea of Graves Full-length Digital 2020
Defacing Spitting Savagery Full-length CD 2005
Defixion Tabella Defixionis EP CD 2019
Defixion Tabella Defixionis EP Digital 2019
Defixion Gracious Be Single Digital 2022
Deimler A Thousand Suns Full-length CD 2021
Deimler A Thousand Suns Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Deimler A Thousand Suns Full-length Cassette 2021
Deimler A Thousand Suns Full-length Digital 2021
Demigod Slumber of Sullen Eyes Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Demigod Slumber of Sullen Eyes Full-length CD 2006
Demigod Let Chaos Prevail Full-length CD 2007
Demigod Slumber of Sullen Eyes Full-length Digital None
Demigod Slumber of Sullen Eyes Full-length CD 2016
Demigod Slumber of Sullen Eyes Full-length CD 2012
Demilich Nespithe Full-length CD 2009
Demilich Nespithe Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Demilich Nespithe Full-length CD 2020
Deranged Upon the Medical Slab ...the Confessions Continues Compilation 10" vinyl 2022
Desecresy Arches of Entropy Full-length CD 2010
Desecresy The Doom Skeptron Full-length CD 2012
Desecresy Chasmic Transcendence Full-length CD 2014
Desecresy The Doom Skeptron Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Desecresy Stoic Death Full-length CD 2015
Desecresy Arches of Entropy Full-length Digital 2010
Desecresy The Doom Skeptron Full-length Digital 2012
Desecresy Chasmic Transcendence Full-length Digital 2014
Desecresy Stoic Death Full-length Digital 2015
Desecresy The Mortal Horizon Full-length CD 2017
Desecresy The Mortal Horizon Full-length Digital 2017
Desecresy Towards Nebulae Full-length CD 2019
Desecresy Towards Nebulae Full-length Digital 2019
Desecresy Unveil in the Abyss Full-length CD 2022
Desecresy Unveil in the Abyss Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Desecresy Unveil in the Abyss Full-length Digital 2022
Desecresy Unveil in the Abyss Full-length Cassette 2022
Desecresy The Gate Single Digital 2019
Desecresy Deserted Realms Full-length Digital 2023
Desecresy Deserted Realms Full-length CD 2023
Desecresy Deserted Realms Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Desecresy Deserted Realms Full-length Cassette 2023
Détente Recognize No Authority Full-length 2CD 2014
Détente Decline Full-length CD 2016
Détente Decline Full-length Digital 2016
Détente Recognize No Authority Full-length Digital 2014
Détente Decline Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Détente Recognize No Authority Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2014
Détente Official Live '86 Bootleg Live album Digital 2022
Détente Official Live '86 Bootleg Live album CD 2022
Détente Official Live '86 Bootleg Live album 12" vinyl 2022
Détente Demo 1985 Demo 10" vinyl 2024
Détente Demo 1985 Demo CD 2024
Détente Demo 1985 Demo Cassette 2024
Deteriorot The Faithless Full-length CD 2010
Deteriorot In Ancient Beliefs Full-length CD 2016
Deteriorot The Faithless Full-length CD 2022
Deteriorot In Ancient Beliefs Full-length Digital 2016
Deteriorot Manifested Apparitions of Unholy Spirits EP 10" vinyl 2022
Deteriorot The Faithless Full-length Digital 2010
Deteriorot The Faithless Full-length Cassette 2022
Deteriorot The Faithless Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Deteriorot Manifested Apparitions of Unholy Spirits EP CD 2023
Deteriorot The Rebirth Full-length Digital 2023
Deteriorot The Rebirth Full-length Cassette 2023
Deteriorot The Rebirth Full-length CD 2023
Deteriorot The Rebirth Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Deteriorot Manifested Apparitions of Unholy Spirits - 30th Anniversary EP CD 2024
Deteriorot Manifested Apparitions of Unholy Spirits - 30th Anniversary EP Digital 2024
Disgorge Necrholocaust Full-length CD 2003
Disgorge Gore Blessed to the Worms Full-length CD 2006
Disgrace Grey Misery Full-length CD 2004
Disgrace Grey Misery Full-length CD 2018
Disgrace Grey Misery + Debts of Gods Full-length Digital 2009
Disgrace Inside the Labyrinth of Depression Demo 10" vinyl 2022
Dissect Swallow Swouming Mass Full-length 2CD 2013
Dissect Swallow Swouming Mass Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Dissect Presage to the Eternity Demo 10" vinyl 2021
Dissect Swallow Swouming Mass Full-length Digital 2013
Dissect Presage to the Eternity Demo CD 2023
Dissect Swallow Swouming Mass Full-length Cassette 2023
Dissect Swallow Swouming Mass Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Dissect Swallow Swouming Mass Full-length CD 2023
Dissect Swallow Swouming Mass Full-length Digital 2023
Dominus Xul To the Glory of the Ancient Ones Full-length CD 2011
Dominus Xul To the Glory of the Ancient Ones Full-length Digital 2012
Dominus Xul To the Glory of the Ancient Ones Full-length Cassette 2021
Dominus Xul To the Glory of the Ancient Ones Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Dominus Xul To the Glory of the Ancient Ones Full-length CD 2021
Dormanth Fire Single Digital 2020
Dormanth Complete Downfall Full-length CD 2020
Dormanth Complete Downfall Full-length Digital 2020
Dormanth Sadness Demo CD 2021
Dormanth Sadness Demo Digital 2021
Dying Out Flame Shiva Rudrastakam Full-length CD 2014
Dying Out Flame Shiva Rudrastakam Full-length Digital 2014
Emeth Aethyr Full-length CD 2014
Emeth Aethyr Full-length Digital 2014
Empire of Disease Shadows in the Abyss Full-length Digital 2023
Empire of Disease Shadows in the Abyss Full-length CD 2023
Empire of Disease From the Depths Single Digital 2023
Empire of Disease Scum Single Digital 2023
Eruption Tenses Collide Full-length CD 2012
Eruption Lifeless Paradise Full-length CD 2013
Eruption Tenses Collide Full-length Digital 2012
Eruption Lifeless Paradise Full-length Digital 2013
Eruption Cloaks of Oblivion Full-length CD 2017
Eruption Cloaks of Oblivion Full-length Digital 2017
Eternal Darkness Ceremony of Doom Demo 10" vinyl 2021
Exmortis Resurrection... Book of the Dead EP CD 2011
Exquisite Pus Dead [Forgotten] Full-length CD 2009
Famishgod Devourers of Light Full-length CD 2014
Famishgod Roots of Darkness Full-length CD 2016
Famishgod Roots of Darkness Full-length Digital 2016
Famishgod Rotting Ceremony Full-length CD 2021
Famishgod Rotting Ceremony Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Famishgod Rotting Ceremony Full-length Cassette 2021
Famishgod Rotting Ceremony Full-length Digital 2021
Fleshcrawl Festering Flesh Demo 10" vinyl 2021
Fleshcrawl Festering Flesh Demo CD 2022
Fleshgore Denial of the Scriptures Full-length CD 2016
Fleshgore Denial of the Scriptures Full-length Digital 2016
Fleshgore Carnival of Flesh Full-length Digital 2022
Fleshgore Carnival of Flesh Full-length CD 2022
Fractured Insanity Mass Awakeless Full-length CD 2010
Fractured Insanity Man Made Hell Full-length CD 2016
Fractured Insanity Man Made Hell Full-length Digital 2016
Fractured Insanity Mass Awakeless Full-length Digital 2011
Frozen Dawn Those of the Cursed Light Full-length CD 2014
Fuck Off A Different Sacrifice 1987-1988 Compilation CD 2012
Fuck Off Smile as You Kill Full-length CD 2013
Fuck Off Hell on Earth II (Revisited & Faster) Split CD 2015
Invasion Hell on Earth II (Revisited & Faster) Split CD 2015
Fuck Off A Different Sacrifice 1987-1988 Compilation Digital 2015
Funebre Cranial Torment Compilation 12" vinyl 2012
Funebre Children of the Scorn Full-length CD 2011
Funebre Children of the Scorn Full-length CD 2004
Funebre Children of the Scorn Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Funebre Children of the Scorn Full-length Digital 2011
Funebre Children of the Scorn Full-length CD 2017
Funebre Demo '90 Demo 10" vinyl 2023
Funeral Vomit Monumental Putrescence Full-length CD 2023
Funeral Vomit Monumental Putrescence Full-length Digital 2023
Funeral Vomit Monumental Putrescence Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Funeral Vomit Monumental Putrescence Full-length Cassette 2023
Goat Worship Blood and Steel Full-length CD 2016
Goat Worship Blood and Steel Full-length Digital 2016
Goat Worship Shore of the Dead Full-length CD 2018
Goat Worship Shore of the Dead Full-length Digital 2018
Godüs Hell Fuck Demon Sound Full-length CD 2004
Golgotha Erasing the Past Full-length CD 2019
Golgotha Erasing the Past Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Golgotha Erasing the Past Full-length Digital 2019
Golgotha Remembering the Past - Writing the Future EP CD 2021
Golgotha Remembering the Past - Writing the Future EP Digital 2021
Golgotha Mors Diligentis Full-length CD 2022
Golgotha Mors Diligentis Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Golgotha Mors Diligentis Full-length Digital 2022
Golgotha Land of Defeat Single Digital 2019
Golgotha Distorted Tears Single Digital 2019
Golgotha Burning the Disease Single Digital 2019
Gorezone Brutalities of Modern Domination Full-length CD 2009
Gothmog A Step in the Dark Full-length CD 2009
Gravecrusher Morbid Black Oath EP CD 2014
Gravecrusher Morbid Black Oath EP Digital 2014
Gravecrusher Resurrection of Deathly Visions EP CD 2022
Gravecrusher Resurrection of Deathly Visions EP Digital 2022
Gravesite Horrifying Nightmares... Full-length CD 2015
Gravesite Neverending Trail of Skulls Full-length CD 2017
Gravesite Neverending Trail of Skulls Full-length Digital 2017
Gravesite Horrifying Nightmares... Full-length Digital 2015
Grim Fate Perished in Torment Full-length CD 2020
Grim Fate Perished in Torment Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Grim Fate Perished in Torment Full-length Digital 2020
Grim Fate Perished in Torment Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Grimness 69 IllheavenHells Full-length CD 2009
Grisly The Spectral Wars Full-length Digital 2018
Grisly The Spectral Wars Full-length CD 2018
Grisly Salting the Earth Full-length CD 2021
Grisly Salting the Earth Full-length Digital 2021
Grond Worship the Kraken Full-length CD 2016
Grond Worship the Kraken Full-length Digital 2016
Gutted Martyr Creation Full-length CD 2016
Gutted Martyr Creation Full-length Digital 2016
Hallows Eve Evil Never Dies Full-length CD 2006
Hellwitch Omnipotent Convocation Full-length CD 2009
Hellwitch Omnipotent Convocation Full-length CD 2024
Hellwitch Omnipotent Convocation Full-length Cassette 2024
Hellwitch Omnipotent Convocation Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Hellwitch Omnipotent Convocation Full-length Digital 2024
Hideous Mangleus We Live... Unearthing Grandma's Grave Compilation 10" vinyl 2021
Holocausto Canibal Gorefilia Full-length CD 2012
Holycide Toxic Mutation EP CD 2015
Holycide Toxic Mutation EP Cassette 2015
Holycide Toxic Mutation EP Digital 2015
Holycide Annihilate... Then Ask! Full-length Digital 2017
Holycide Annihilate... Then Ask! Full-length CD 2017
Holycide Annihilate... Then Ask! Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Holycide Annihilate... Then Ask! Full-length Cassette 2017
Holycide Fist to Face Full-length CD 2020
Holycide Fist to Face Full-length Digital 2020
Holycide Fist to Face Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Holycide Fist to Face Full-length Cassette 2020
Holycide Fist to Face Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Holycide Fist to Face Single Digital 2019
Holycide Trapped by the Crappy Trap Single Digital 2020
Holycide Empty Cyber Life Single Digital 2020
Holycide Fist to Face Boxed set 12" vinyl + CD + cassette 2020
Holycide Bazookiller EP CD 2023
Holycide Bazookiller EP Digital 2023
Holycide War Broadcast Live Single Digital 2023
Holycide Bazookiller Single Digital 2023
Holycide Towards Idiocracy Full-length CD 2024
Holycide Towards Idiocracy Full-length Digital 2024
Holycide A.I. Supremacy Single Digital 2024
Holycide Towards Idiocracy Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Holycide Towards Idiocracy Full-length Cassette 2024
Horrid Rising from the Hidden Spheres Full-length CD 2006
Hour of Penance Disturbance Full-length CD 2003
Hour of Penance Pageantry for Martyrs Full-length CD 2005
Hour of Penance Disturbance Full-length Digital 2009
Hour of Penance Pageantry for Martyrs Full-length Digital 2009
Human Mincer Embryonized Full-length CD 2002
Human Mincer Devoured Flesh Full-length CD 2005
Human Mincer Embryonized Full-length CD 2012
Human Mincer Devoured Flesh Full-length Digital 2016
Human Mincer Embryonized Full-length Digital 2016
Human Waste Harvest Remnants Compilation CD 2015
Human Waste Harvest Remnants Compilation Digital 2015
Hybernoid The Last Day Begins? [+EP's & Demos] Compilation 2CD 2016
Immortal Fate Faceless Burial Demo 10" vinyl 2022
Immortal Fate Faceless Burial Demo CD 2024
Impetigo Giallo Demo 10" vinyl 2021
Impetigo Giallo Demo CD 2021
In Thousand Lakes Age of Decay Full-length CD 2017
In Thousand Lakes Age of Decay Full-length Digital 2017
In Thousand Lakes Evolution EP CD 2019
In Thousand Lakes Evolution EP Digital 2019
In Thousand Lakes Proteus Single Digital 2017
In Thousand Lakes Into the Mirror Single Digital 2019
Incantation Demo 1990 Demo 10" vinyl 2020
Infamous Sinphony Manipulation Full-length CD 2014
Infest Cold Blood War Full-length CD 2014
Infest Cold Blood War Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Infest Cold Blood War Full-length Digital 2014
Infestus Origen Compilation CD 2017
Infestus Origen Compilation Digital 2017
Intestine Baalism The Energumenus Demo 10" vinyl 2022
Intestine Baalism The Energumenus Demo CD 2023
Ireful Agents of Doom Full-length CD 2024
Ireful Agents of Doom Full-length Digital 2024
Itnuveth The Way of the Berserker Full-length CD 2014
Itnuveth The Way of the Berserker Full-length Digital 2014
Kataplexia Catastrophic Scenes Full-length CD 2005
Kataplexia Supreme Authority Full-length CD 2008
Kataplexia Catastrophic Scenes Full-length Digital 2024
Kataplexia Supreme Authority Full-length Digital 2024
Kazjurol Stagedive Back to Hell Compilation 2CD 2022
Kazjurol Stagedive Back to Hell Compilation Digital 2022
Killing Addiction Fall of the Archetypes EP CD 2010
Killing Addiction Shores of Oblivion EP CD 2016
Killing Addiction Shores of Oblivion EP Digital 2016
Killing Addiction Omega Factor Full-length CD 2018
Killing Addiction Omega Factor Full-length Digital 2018
Killing Addiction Fall of the Archetypes EP Digital 2010
Killing Addiction Mind of a New God Full-length CD 2021
Killing Addiction Mind of a New God Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Killing Addiction Mind of a New God Full-length Cassette 2021
Killing Addiction Mind of a New God Full-length Digital 2021
Killing Addiction Legacies of Terror Demo 10" vinyl 2023
Killing Addiction Omega Factor Full-length CD 2023
Killing Addiction Omega Factor Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Killing Addiction Omega Factor Full-length Cassette 2023
Körgull the Exterminator Dogs of War Full-length CD 2009
Körgull the Exterminator War of the Voivodes Full-length CD 2010
Körgull the Exterminator Sharpen Your Spikes Full-length CD 2020
Körgull the Exterminator Sharpen Your Spikes Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Körgull the Exterminator Sharpen Your Spikes Full-length Digital 2020
Körgull the Exterminator Built to Kill Full-length CD 2023
Körgull the Exterminator Built to Kill Full-length Digital 2023
Korpsesoturi Korpskrist Full-length CD 2020
Korpsesoturi Korpskrist Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Korpsesoturi Korpskrist Full-length Digital 2020
Korpsesoturi Korpskrist Full-length Cassette 2020
Korpsesoturi Korpskrist Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Kronos Colossal Titan Strife Full-length CD 2003
Kronos The Hellenic Terror Full-length CD 2007
Kronos Colossal Titan Strife Full-length Digital 2009
Kronos The Hellenic Terror Full-length Digital 2009
Lethal Aggression Life Is Hard... Compilation CD 2007
Lethal Aggression Life Is Hard... Compilation CD 2024
Lightning Filthy Human Beings Full-length CD 2006
Macabre Shit List Demo 10" vinyl 2021
Macabre End Consumed by Darkness Demo 10" vinyl 2021
Macabre End Consumed by Darkness Demo CD 2022
Malediction Framework of Contortion Demo 10" vinyl 2022
Malevolent Creation Demo 1990 Demo 10" vinyl 2021
Malevolent Creation Demo 1989 Demo 10" vinyl 2024
Mandatory Adrift Beyond Full-length CD 2010
Mandatory Adrift Beyond Full-length Digital 2014
Masacre Total Death Full-length CD 2005
Masacre Brutal Aggre666ion Full-length CD 2015
Masacre Brutal Aggre666ion Full-length Digital 2015
Masacre Colombia... imperio del terror Demo 10" vinyl 2022
Masacre Colombia... imperio del terror Demo CD 2023
Massacre Aggressive Tyrant Demo 10" vinyl 2020
Massacre Aggressive Tyrant Demo CD 2021
Master 1985 Demo Demo 10" vinyl 2020
Master Demo 1985 Demo CD 2022
Maze of Terror Offer to the Fucking Beasts Full-length CD 2021
Maze of Terror Offer to the Fucking Beasts Full-length Digital 2021
Megascavenger Songs in the Key of Madness Full-length CD 2020
Megascavenger Songs in the Key of Madness Full-length Digital 2020
Mental Demise Final Step to Future Madness Full-length CD 2009
Misanthropic Soulreaver Full-length CD 2003
Misanthropic Soulreaver Full-length Digital 2009
Monastery Ripping Terror Demo 10" vinyl 2021
Moñigo Coprometidos con la causa (Shit & Honor) Full-length CD 2011
Moondark The Shadowpath Demo Digital 2015
Moondark The Shadowpath Full-length CD 2015
Mordor Hogar, dulce hogar Full-length CD 2019
Mordor ¿Evolución?... Full-length CD 2019
Mordor Hogar, dulce hogar Full-length Digital 2019
Morpheus Descends Ritual of Infinity Full-length CD 2005
Morta Skuld Prolong the Agony Demo 10" vinyl 2022
Mortal Scepter Where Light Suffocates Full-length CD 2019
Mortal Scepter Where Light Suffocates Full-length Digital 2019
Mortician Demo #1 '90 Demo 10" vinyl 2020
Mortician Demo #1 '90 Demo CD 2022
Multiplex World Full-length CD 2012
Nailgun Massacre Boned, Boxed and Buried Full-length CD 2015
Nailgun Massacre Boned, Boxed and Buried Full-length Digital 2015
Nangilima The Dark Matter Full-length CD 2014
Nangilima Shards of Loss EP CD 2016
Nangilima Shards of Loss EP Digital 2016
Nangilima The Dark Matter Full-length Digital 2014
Nasty Surgeons Exhumation Requiem Full-length CD 2017
Nasty Surgeons Exhumation Requiem Full-length Digital 2017
Nasty Surgeons Infectious Stench Full-length CD 2018
Nasty Surgeons Infectious Stench Full-length Digital 2018
Necronomicon Revenge of the Beast Full-length 2CD 2008
Necronomicon Revenge of the Beast Full-length CD 2008
Necronomicon Revenge of the Beast Full-length 12" vinyl 2008
Necrony Severe Malignant Pustule Demo 10" vinyl 2022
Necrophagia Ready for Death Full-length CD 2021
Necrophagia Ready for Death Full-length Cassette 2021
Necrophagia Ready for Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Necrophagia Ready for Death Full-length Digital 2021
Necrophagia Nightmare Continues Demo 10" vinyl 2021
Necrophagia Nightmare Continues Demo CD 2021
Necrophagia Anthology of Primitive Horror Compilation Digital 2022
Necrophagia Anthology of Primitive Horror Compilation 2CD 2022
Necrophagia Anthology of Primitive Horror Compilation 2 cassettes 2022
Necrophile Dissociated Modernity Single 10" vinyl 2021
Necrophiliac Maze of Forking Paths Compilation Digital 2016
Necrophiliac Maze of Forking Paths Compilation 2CD 2016
Necrophiliac No Living Man Is Innocent Full-length CD 2020
Necrophiliac No Living Man Is Innocent Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Necrophiliac No Living Man Is Innocent Full-length Digital 2020
Necrophiliac Chaopula - Citadel of Mirrors Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Necrophiliac Chaopula - Citadel of Mirrors Full-length Cassette 2022
Necrophiliac Chaopula - Citadel of Mirrors Full-length CD 2022
Necrophiliac Chaopula - Citadel of Mirrors Full-length Digital 2022
Necrophiliac Godbundy Single Digital 2020
Necropsy Psychopath Next Door EP CD 2013
Necropsy Buried in the Woods Full-length CD 2015
Necropsy Psychopath Next Door EP Digital 2013
Necropsy Buried in the Woods Full-length Digital 2015
Necropsy Exitus EP CD 2020
Necropsy Exitus EP Digital 2020
Neocaesar 11:11 Full-length CD 2017
Neocaesar 11:11 Full-length Digital 2017
Neuntoter Stench to Stench Compilation CD 2017
Neuntoter Stench to Stench Compilation Digital 2017
Nexus 6 A Strange Habitat Full-length CD 2007
Night to Die Non Omnis Moriar Compilation CD 2013
Night to Die Non Omnis Moriar Compilation Digital 2015
No Amnesty Psychopathy Full-length CD 2017
No Amnesty Psychopathy Full-length Digital 2017
Obscene Gesture Living in Profanity Full-length CD 2007
Obscure Back to Skull Compilation CD 2016
Obscure Back to Skull Compilation Digital 2016
Obscure Darkness Must Prevail Full-length CD 2019
Obscure Darkness Must Prevail Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Obscure Darkness Must Prevail Full-length Digital 2019
Omission Merciless Jaws from Hell Full-length CD 2011
Omission Thrash Metal Is Violence Full-length CD 2010
Omission Disciples of Ravens Vengeance Full-length CD 2023
Omission Disciples of Ravens Vengeance Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Omission Disciples of Ravens Vengeance Full-length Cassette 2023
Omission Disciples of Ravens Vengeance Full-length Digital 2023
Onirophagus Prehuman Full-length CD 2013
Onirophagus Defiler of Hope EP CD 2013
Onirophagus Endarkenment (Illumination Through Putrefaction) Full-length CD 2019
Onirophagus Endarkenment (Illumination Through Putrefaction) Full-length Digital 2019
Onirophagus Prehuman Full-length Digital 2013
Oppression Scars 1988-1990 Compilation CD 2015
Oppression Scars 1988-1990 Compilation Digital 2015
Ossuary Anex Holy Blasphemition EP CD 2018
Ossuary Anex Holy Blasphemition EP Digital 2018
Ossuary Anex Obscurantism Apogee Full-length CD 2020
Ossuary Anex Obscurantism Apogee Full-length Digital 2020
Ouija Adversary EP CD 2010
Ouija Ave Voluptatis Carnis Full-length CD 2013
Paganizer Murder Death Kill Full-length CD 2003
Paganizer No Divine Rapture Full-length CD 2004
Panikk Unbearable Conditions Full-length CD 2014
Panikk Pass the Time EP CD 2015
Panikk Pass the Time EP Digital 2015
Panikk Unbearable Conditions Full-length Digital 2014
Panikk Discarded Existence Full-length CD 2017
Panikk Discarded Existence Full-length Digital 2017
Panikk Discarded Existence Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Phlegethon Drifting in the Crypt Compilation 2CD 2010
Possession Disentombed Manifestations Compilation 2CD 2020
Possession Disentombed Manifestations Compilation Digital 2020
Psychobolia Fisting You All Full-length CD 2008
Purtenance Sacrifice the King EP CD 2012
Purtenance Awaken from Slumber Full-length CD 2013
Purtenance Member of Immortal Damnation Full-length CD 2011
Purtenance Awaken from Slumber Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Purtenance ...to Spread the Flame of Ancients Full-length CD 2015
Purtenance ...to Spread the Flame of Ancients Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Purtenance Paradox of Existence EP CD 2017
Purtenance Paradox of Existence EP Digital 2017
Purtenance ...to Spread the Flame of Ancients Full-length Digital 2015
Purtenance Buried Incarnation Full-length CD 2020
Purtenance Buried Incarnation Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Purtenance Buried Incarnation Full-length Digital 2020
Purtenance Under the Pyre of Enlightenment Single Digital 2020
Purtenance Buried Incarnation Full-length Cassette 2020
Purtenance Deathbed Confession Single Digital 2020
Purtenance Member of Immortal Damnation Full-length Cassette 2021
Purtenance Member of Immortal Damnation Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Purtenance Member of Immortal Damnation Full-length CD 2021
Purtenance Member of Immortal Damnation Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Purtenance The Rot Within Us Full-length CD 2023
Purtenance The Rot Within Us Full-length Digital 2023
Purtenance The Rot Within Us Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Purtenance The Rot Within Us Full-length Cassette 2023
Purtenance The Rot Within Us Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Purtenance Demo 1 '91 Demo 10" vinyl 2024
Putrefied Corpse Left to Rot Full-length Digital 2019
Putrefied Corpse Left to Rot Full-length CD 2019
Putrevore Morphed from Deadbreath Full-length CD 2008
Putrevore Macabre Kingdom Full-length CD 2012
Putrevore Tentacles of Horror Full-length CD 2015
Putrevore Morphed from Deadbreath Full-length Digital None
Putrevore Macabre Kingdom Full-length Digital None
Putrevore Macabre Kingdom Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Putrevore Tentacles of Horror Full-length Digital 2015
Putrevore Miasmal Monstrosity Full-length CD 2021
Putrevore Miasmal Monstrosity Full-length Digital 2021
Putrevore Miasmal Monstrosity Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Putrevore Miasmal Monstrosity Full-length Cassette 2021
Putrid Evocation Echoes of Death Full-length CD 2014
Putrid Evocation Echoes of Death Full-length Digital 2014
Pyrexia Liturgy of Impurity Demo 10" vinyl 2020
Rancor Dark Future Full-length CD 2013
Rancor Bury the World Full-length CD 2022
Rancor Bury the World Full-length Digital 2022
Rato Raro Acidethc Full-length CD 2010
Ravens Creed Ravens Krieg Full-length CD 2015
Ravens Creed Ravens Krieg Full-length Digital 2015
Ravens Creed Get Killed or Try Dying Full-length CD 2018
Ravens Creed Get Killed or Try Dying Full-length Digital 2018
Reabilitator Mentally Defected Full-length Digital 2022
Reabilitator Mentally Defected Full-length CD 2022
ReDimoni Standing Before the End of Time Full-length CD 2012
Reina Negra Aquelarre Compilation 12" vinyl 2021
Reina Negra Aquelarre Compilation 12" vinyl 2021
Reina Negra Aquelarre Compilation Cassette 2021
Reina Negra Aquelarre Compilation Digital 2021
Reincarnation Void Full-length CD 2015
Reincarnation The Beginning of the End Full-length CD 2015
Reincarnation The Beginning of the End Full-length Digital 2015
Reincarnation Void Full-length Digital 2015
Retador Retador Full-length Digital 2022
Retador Retador Full-length CD 2022
Revenant The Burning Ground Compilation CD 2005
Revenant Distant Eyes / Exalted Being Compilation 10" vinyl 2021
Revenant Distant Eyes / Exalted Being Compilation CD 2023
Revolting Born to Be Dead Full-length CD 2022
Revolting Born to Be Dead Full-length Digital 2022
Ribspreader Suicide Gate - A Bridge to Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Ribspreader Suicide Gate - A Bridge to Death Full-length CD 2016
Ribspreader Suicide Gate - A Bridge to Death Full-length Digital 2016
Ribspreader The Van Murders - Part 2 Full-length CD 2018
Ribspreader The Van Murders - Part 2 Full-length Digital 2018
Ribspreader Crypt World Full-length CD 2022
Ribspreader Crypt World Full-length Cassette 2022
Ribspreader Crypt World Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Ribspreader Crypt World Full-length Digital 2022
Ribspreader Reap Humanity Full-length Digital 2024
Ribspreader Reap Humanity Full-length CD 2024
Rossomahaar Quaerite Lux in Tenebris... (Exploring the External Worlds) Full-length CD 2002
Rottrevore Hung by the Eyesockets EP CD 2013
Rottrevore Iniquitous Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Rottrevore Iniquitous Full-length CD 2009
Rottrevore Iniquitous Full-length Digital 2009
Rottrevore Hung by the Eyesockets EP Digital 2013
Rottrevore Iniquitous Full-length CD 2021
Rottrevore Iniquitous Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Rottrevore Iniquitous Full-length Cassette 2021
Rottrevore Hung by the Eyesockets EP CD 2022
Rottrevore Hung by the Eyesockets EP Cassette 2022
Rottrevore Hung by the Eyesockets EP 12" vinyl 2022
S.U.P. Official Bootleg #01: Chronophobia Tour 2000 Live album CD 2024
S.U.P. Official Bootleg #02 Insanity (original soundtrack) Compilation CD 2024
Sacrilege Reaping the Demo(n)s Compilation 2CD 2010
Sacrophobia Dark Requiems Compilation CD 2015
Sacrophobia Dark Requiems Compilation Digital 2015
Sarkasm Inner Flame Demo 10" vinyl 2022
Sarkasm As Empires Decay Full-length Digital 2023
Sarkasm As Empires Decay Full-length CD 2023
Sarkasm As Empires Decay Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Sarkasm As Empires Decay Full-length Cassette 2023
Setge Cecs de ràbia, cecs de dolor Full-length CD 2009
Severance Afterbirth of Infamy Demo 10" vinyl 2021
Shock Wave Force Ethics Full-length CD 2021
Shock Wave Force Ethics Full-length Digital 2021
Sinister Perpetual Damnation Demo 10" vinyl 2020
Sinister Perpetual Damnation Demo CD 2021
Sinister Sacramental Carnage Demo 10" vinyl 2021
Sinister Sacramental Carnage Demo CD 2023
Sönambula Bicéfalo Full-length CD 2018
Sönambula Bicéfalo Full-length Digital 2018
Sönambula Estasis interrumpida Full-length CD 2023
Sönambula Estasis interrumpida Full-length Digital 2023
Sorcery Arrival at Six Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Sorcery Arrival at Six Full-length CD 2013
Sorcery Garden of Bones Full-length CD 2016
Sorcery Garden of Bones Full-length Digital 2016
Sorcery Garden of Bones Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Sorcery Legacy of Blood Full-length CD 2013
Sorcery Necessary Excess of Violence Full-length CD 2019
Sorcery Necessary Excess of Violence Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Sorcery Necessary Excess of Violence Full-length Digital 2019
Sorcery Arrival at Six Full-length Digital 2016
Sorcery Legacy of Blood Full-length Digital 2013
Sorcery Bloodchilling Tales Full-length Digital 2021
Sorcery Bloodchilling Tales Full-length CD 2021
Sorcery Bloodchilling Tales Full-length Cassette 2021
Sorcery Bloodchilling Tales Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Sorrow Death of Sorrow Full-length CD 2023
Sorrow Death of Sorrow Full-length Digital 2023
Sorrow Death of Sorrow Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Sorrow Death of Sorrow Full-length Cassette 2023
Soulskinner Crypts of Ancient Wisdom Full-length CD 2014
Soulskinner Crypts of Ancient Wisdom Full-length Digital 2014
Soulskinner Descent to Abaddon Full-length CD 2017
Soulskinner Descent to Abaddon Full-length Digital 2017
Soulskinner Seven Bowls of Wrath Full-length CD 2020
Soulskinner Seven Bowls of Wrath Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Soulskinner Seven Bowls of Wrath Full-length Digital 2020
Soulskinner Seven Bowls of Wrath Full-length Cassette 2020
Spellcraft Yersinia Pestis Full-length CD 2012
Spontaneous Combustion Amorphous Viscous Limbs Compilation Digital 2023
Spontaneous Combustion Amorphous Viscous Limbs Compilation CD 2023
Stormvold Third Bestial Mutilation Compilation CD 2014
Stormvold IV Kataklismo Full-length CD 2016
Stormvold Third Bestial Mutilation Compilation Digital 2014
Stormvold IV Kataklismo Full-length Digital 2016
Supuration Back from the Crematory Compilation CD 2011
Supuration Back from the Crematory Compilation Digital 2012
Supuration Back from the Crematory Compilation 12" vinyl 2021
Supuration Back from the Crematory Compilation CD 2021
Supuration Back from the Crematory Compilation Cassette 2021
Supuration The Cube Full-length CD 2023
Supuration Still in the Sphere EP CD 2024
Svipdagr Black Verses Full-length CD 2013
Tanatossis The Darkest Reflections Full-length CD 2010
Tenebro Liberaci dal male EP CD 2021
Tenebro Liberaci dal male EP Digital 2021
Tenebro L'inizio di un incubo Full-length CD 2022
Tenebro L'inizio di un incubo Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Tenebro L'inizio di un incubo Full-length Cassette 2022
Tenebro L'inizio di un incubo Full-length Digital 2022
Tenebro Carne umana EP Digital 2022
Tenebro Tracce di violenza carnale EP Digital 2023
Tenebro Ultime grida dalla giungla Full-length CD 2023
Tenebro Ultime grida dalla giungla Full-length Digital 2023
Tenebro Ultime grida dalla giungla Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Tenebro Ultime grida dalla giungla Full-length Cassette 2023
Terrorizer Demo '87 Demo 10" vinyl 2020
Thanatos Omnicoitor Demo 10" vinyl 2020
The Descent Dimensional Matters Full-length CD 2012
The Grotesquery The Lupine Anathema Full-length CD 2018
The Grotesquery The Lupine Anathema Full-length Digital 2018
The Heretic Gospel Songs in E minor Full-length CD 2005
The Heretic Memorandum (1997-2007) Compilation CD 2010
The Heretic Chemistry for the Soul Full-length CD 2004
The Murder Industry Death Motivation Full-length CD 2010
The Murder Industry Death Motivation Full-length Digital 2015
The Sickening Death Devastation Decay Full-length CD 2009
The Sickening Sickness Unfold Full-length CD 2015
The Sickening Death Devastation Decay Full-length Digital 2015
The Sickening Sickness Unfold Full-length Digital 2015
Thrashfire Vengeance of Fire EP CD 2015
Thrashfire Vengeance of Fire EP Digital 2015
Thrashfire Into the Armageddon Full-length CD 2019
Thrashfire Into the Armageddon Full-length Digital 2019
Thrashfire Chaosbringer Single Digital 2023
Torture Pulse God Leash Full-length Digital 2015
Torture Pulse God Leash Full-length CD 2015
Totengott Doppelgänger Full-length CD 2017
Totengott Doppelgänger Full-length Digital 2017
Totengott The Abyss Full-length CD 2019
Totengott The Abyss Full-length Digital 2019
Trallery Catalepsy Full-length CD 2013
Trascëndental Nothingness Compilation CD 2014
Trascëndental Nothingness Compilation Digital 2014
Ululate Back to Cannibal World Full-length CD 2015
Ululate Back to Cannibal World Full-length Digital 2015
Unbounded Terror Nest of Affliction Compilation CD 2011
Unbounded Terror Nest of Affliction Compilation Digital 2012
Unbounded Terror Faith in Chaos Full-length CD 2020
Unbounded Terror Faith in Chaos Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Unbounded Terror Faith in Chaos Full-length Digital 2020
Unbounded Terror Faith in Chaos Full-length Cassette 2020
Unbounded Terror Infernal Judgment Compilation CD 2021
Unbounded Terror Infernal Judgment Single Digital 2020
Unbounded Terror Infernal Judgment Compilation Digital 2021
Unbounded Terror Nest of Affliction Compilation CD 2022
Unbounded Terror Nest of Affliction Full-length Cassette 2022
Unbounded Terror Nest of Affliction Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Unbounded Terror Echoes of Despair Full-length CD 2022
Unbounded Terror Echoes of Despair Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Unbounded Terror Echoes of Despair Full-length Cassette 2022
Unbounded Terror Echoes of Despair Full-length Digital 2022
Unbounded Terror Hiding from the Light Single Digital 2019
Unbounded Terror Insidious Single Digital 2019
Undergang Til døden os skiller Full-length CD 2012
Undergang Til døden os skiller Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Undergang Indhentet af døden Full-length CD 2011
Undergang Indhentet af døden Full-length CD 2012
Undergang Indhentet af døden Full-length CD 2021
Undergang Til døden os skiller Full-length CD 2021
Unreal Overflows Architecture of Incomprehension Full-length CD 2006
Unreal Overflows False Welfare Full-length CD 2012
Unreal Overflows False Welfare Full-length Digital 2014
Ural Psychoverse Full-length Digital 2023
Ural Psychoverse Full-length CD 2023
User Ne Tarantos Full-length CD 2003
User Ne Tarantos Full-length CD 2003
Venus Obscured Until Observed Full-length CD 2023
Venus Circus Strange Single Digital 2023
Venus Obscured Until Observed Full-length Digital 2023
Venus Artificially Prolonged Existance Single Digital 2023
Verminous Impious Sacrilege Full-length CD 2003
Verminous The Unholy Communion Full-length CD 2013
Verminous The Unholy Communion Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Verminous Impious Sacrilege Full-length CD 2013
Verminous Impious Sacrilege Full-length Digital 2024
Vibrion Bacterya Full-length CD 2016
Vibrion Bacterya Full-length Digital 2016
Vibrion Bacterya Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Vidres a la Sang Endins Full-length CD 2006
Vidres a la Sang Som Full-length CD 2009
Vidres a la Sang Vidres a la sang Full-length CD 2004
Vidres a la Sang Endins Full-length Digital 2015
Vidres a la Sang Som Full-length Digital 2010
Vidres a la Sang Vidres a la sang Full-length Digital 2009
Visceral Damage The Feast of Flesh EP CD 2003
Visceral Damage Garden of Mutilation Full-length CD 2004
Visceral Damage Xtreem Sampler Split CD 2003
Defacing Xtreem Sampler Split CD 2003
Anvil of Doom Xtreem Sampler Split CD 2003
Vital Remains Excruciating Pain Demo 10" vinyl 2021
Vorkreist Sabbathical Flesh Possession Full-length CD 2003
Vorkreist Sublimation XXIXA Full-length CD 2006
Warlord U.K. We Die as One Full-length CD 2014
Warlord U.K. We Die as One Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Warlord U.K. We Die as One Full-length Digital 2014
Wasteform Ignorance Through Sovereignty Full-length CD 2004
Weaponry Everwinding Slaughter Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Weaponry Everwinding Slaughter Full-length CD 2022
Weaponry Everwinding Slaughter Full-length Cassette 2022
Weaponry Everwinding Slaughter Full-length Digital 2022
Winterwolf Cycle of the Werewolf Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Winterwolf Cycle of the Werewolf Full-length CD 2010
Winterwolf Cycle of the Werewolf Full-length Digital 2015
Wrong Pessimistic Outcomes Full-length CD 2014
Wrong Pessimistic Outcomes Full-length Digital 2014
Yskelgroth Bleeding of the Hideous Full-length CD 2023
Yskelgroth Bleeding of the Hideous Full-length Digital 2023
Zubrowska One on Six Full-length CD 2003
Zubrowska Family Vault Full-length CD 2005
Zubrowska One on Six Full-length Digital 2024
Zubrowska Family Vault Full-length Digital 2024
Надимач Besnilo Full-length CD 2017
Надимач Besnilo Full-length Digital 2017