Tour de Garde

JSON | Metal Archives


Address P.O. Box 32013, C.P. Saint-André, Montréal, Quebec, H2L 4Y5
Country Canada
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal
Founding Date 2001
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
A:S: Italy black, raw Current
Ærekær Denmark ambient, black Current
Akitsa Canada black Current
Apparition of Sunlight International black Current
Arzacq France black Current
Black Numenorean Russia black Current
Blood Iscariot United Kingdom black, electronics, power Current
Canopic Dwell Unknown black, raw Current
Chheam Canada black Current
Darkwoods Unknown black Current
Fasa Sweden black Current
Frozen Flesh Order Canada atmospheric, black, experimental Current
Fuil na Seanchoille Ireland black, raw Current
Funeral Altar United States black, raw Current
Grifla da la Secta Denmark black Current
Grole Canada black, raw Current
Inlandshjärta Sweden black Current
Khlamyydia United Kingdom black, raw Current
Métastase Canada doom, funeral Current
Mors Summa Italy black Current
Muinainen Ruhtinas Finland black, raw Current
Nachtstille United States atmospheric, black Current
Nocturnal Chalice United Kingdom black Current
Pagan Hellfire Canada black Current
Pâlemort Canada black Current
Purity Renaissance Canada black Current
Putride Canada black Current
Rivière du Nord Canada black, depressive Current
Seiðr Denmark atmospheric, black, raw Current
Someone Walking on My Grave France black Current
Starlit Woods Poland black Current
Sverdsveit Canada black Current
Szabla Unknown black, raw Current
Talvi Finland black Current
The Wanderer... Australia black Current
Thorncastle Poland black Current
Tombeau Canada black Current
Tornmód United Kingdom black, raw Current
Vault United Kingdom black, raw Current
Verval Netherlands atmospheric, black Current
Voido Quontur Italy black Current
A.M.S.G. Canada black Past
Alruna Austria black Past
Amestigon Austria black Past
Ancestors United States black Past
Ancestors Blood Finland black, pagan Past
Ancient Spirit United Kingdom black Past
Apud Inferos Italy black Past
Archaism Unknown black Past
Arnstadt Canada black Past
Artifact of Skulls United States black, death Past
Ash Pool United States black, raw Past
Askeregn Norway black Past
Atroce Canada black Past
Aufkrema Canada black Past
Aurvandil France black Past
Autarcie France black Past
Autumn Heart United States black Past
Awaketh Spain black, raw Past
Baal Gadrial Australia black Past
Baise Ma Hache France black Past
Black Citadel United States black, raw Past
Black Stench Finland black Past
Blessed in Sin France black Past
Blood Stronghold International black Past
Blood Tyrant Netherlands black Past
Blood Victory France black Past
Boecx Netherlands black Past
Bokkenrijders Russia black Past
Brånd Austria black, punk, raw Past
Cage of Creation Russia black, rock, experimental Past
Calvary United States black Past
Carved Cross Australia black Past
Chants de Guerre Canada black Past
Chätiment Canada black Past
Chhinnamasta India ambient, black, raw Past
Circle of Ouroborus Finland acoustic, black, experimental Past
Coffinshade International black, depressive Past
Crimson Moon United States black Past
Cultus Netherlands black Past
Curved Blade International black Past
Dark Triumph United States black Past
Darkness Enshrouded the Mist Netherlands black Past
Dead as Dreams United States black Past
Deathroner Canada death, thrash Past
Deathrow Italy black Past
Déliquescence Canada ambient, black Past
Démonos India black Past
Departure Chandelier International black Past
Deus Ignotus Greece black Past
Diapsiquir France black, experimental, industrial Past
Djevel Norway black Past
Draugurz Brazil black Past
Drowning the Light Australia black Past
Duskhymn United Kingdom black, raw Past
Ephemer Canada atmospheric, black Past
Excessum Sweden black Past
Fír Netherlands ambient, black, dark, raw Past
Funeral France black Past
Funeste Canada black Past
Gärgäntuäh Netherlands black Past
Ghaisiuan United States atmospheric, black, raw Past
Glaciation France black Past
Gohr Al Krohn France black Past
Gwyllgi United States black Past
Hail Conjurer Finland black Past
Harvest Australia black Past
Haunting Depths Unknown black Past
Hexenkreis France black, raw Past
Hunok Hungary ambient, black, dark, pagan Past
Ifernach Canada black Past
In Articulo Mortis France black, melodic Past
In Ketten Germany oi!, rock Past
Inferno Requiem Taiwan black Past
Insidious Omen Canada black Past
Invunche Netherlands black, punk Past
Isolation Germany black, doom Past
Kenaz Canada black, pagan Past
Kristallnacht France black Past
Krüel Kömmando France black Past
Le Prochain Hiver France black Past
Legion Totenkopf France black Past
Lethal Siege United States black, punk Past
Malhkebre France black Past
Malphas Canada black, punk Past
Malveillance Canada black Past
Marblebog Hungary ambient, black Past
Menace Ruine Canada avant-garde, black, drone Past
Mephisto Italy black, thrash Past
Mésalliance France black Past
Moloch Ukraine ambient, black Past
Monarque Canada black Past
Moonknight United States black Past
Morbid Lament Canada black, raw Past
Nazroth United States black Past
Necrostrigis Poland black Past
Nightbringer United States black Past
Nigrum Mexico black Past
Nocternity Greece black Past
Old Forest United Kingdom black Past
Order of Darkness United States black Past
Ordo Sanguinis Noctis Poland black Past
Ordo Templi Aeternae Lucis France black Past
Orodruin Netherlands ambient, black Past
Ostots Spain black Past
Pénombre Canada black Past
Perdition Oracle Australia black Past
Peste Noire France experimental, folk, black Past
Profezia International ambient, black Past
Ravenzang Netherlands black Past
Revelation of Doom Poland death Past
Rhuith Italy black, experimental Past
Roman Cross United States black, raw Past
Sacred Dominions United Kingdom black Past
Sanctuaire Canada ambient, black Past
Sapaudia International atmospheric, black, depressive Past
Satanic Warmaster Finland black Past
Satanize Portugal black Past
Seelengreif Germany black Past
Sentimen Beltza Spain black Past
Serment Canada atmospheric, black Past
Skinliv Denmark black Past
Slægt Denmark heavy, black Past
Spearhead United Kingdom black, death Past
Staar Netherlands ambient, black Past
Stormfront Norway black Past
Tenebrae Canada black Past
Tenebris Terra Spain black Past
Thesyre Canada black, thrash Past
Tmärrdhë Bosnia and Herzegovina black, raw Past
Total Genocide France black, raw Past
Ultima Thule Netherlands black Past
Unheilvoll Canada black, depressive Past
Ur Spain black Past
Vaal Netherlands black Past
Verglas Canada black, punk Past
Vinter Nebulah Canada black Past
Vlk United States black Past
Vorago Portugal black Past
Vordr Finland black Past
VRIL Australia black Past
VTA Italy thrash Past
Weathered Crest Austria black, raw Past
Winter Blackness Poland black Past
Wodulf Greece black Past
Wolves Eyes United Kingdom black Past
Woods of Infinity Sweden black Past
Wrang Netherlands black Past
Wyvern Netherlands black, dungeon-synth, raw Past
Xerión Spain black Past
Αχέροντας Greece black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
A:S: Messa prima Demo Cassette 2016
A:S: Necroveneto EP Cassette 2017
A.M.S.G. The Forbidden Transformation EP Cassette 2016
Ærekær MMXVII Full-length Cassette 2018
Ærekær MMXVII Full-length Digital 2018
Akitsa Soleil noir EP Cassette 2004
Akitsa Arraché à la mort, forcé à vivre et mourir à nouveau / Ripped from Death, Forced to Live, and Die Again Split 12" vinyl 2013
Ash Pool Arraché à la mort, forcé à vivre et mourir à nouveau / Ripped from Death, Forced to Live, and Die Again Split 12" vinyl 2013
Akitsa Au crépuscule de l'espérance Full-length Cassette 2010
Akitsa La grande infamie Full-length CD 2008
Akitsa Goétie Full-length CD 2016
Akitsa Haine et vengeance en concert (Helsinki 2013 + New York City 2009) Live album Cassette 2014
Akitsa Haine et vengeance en concert (Québec 2019) Live album Cassette 2022
Akitsa Haine et vengeance en concert (Québec 2019) Live album Digital 2022
Alruna Rehearsal MMXIII Demo Cassette 2015
Alruna Relieving the Altar Demo Cassette 2018
Amestigon Remembering Ancient Origins EP Cassette 2017
Amestigon Through the Ages We Preserve... / Mysterious Realms Compilation Cassette 2017
Ancestors II EP Cassette 2009
Ancient Spirit Through Heathen Eyes Demo I Rehearsal Demo Cassette 2015
Apparition of Sunlight Wilt of Rose's Crimson Demo Cassette 2021
Apud Inferos Apud Inferos Demo Cassette 2003
Apud Inferos Apud Inferos / The Roman Uprising Full-length CD 2003
Archaism Triumphant Flames of Hatred Demo Cassette 2018
Arnstadt Contemplant un monde obscur Full-length CD 2002
Artifact of Skulls IV: Brutalization of the Christ Full-length Cassette 2016
Arzacq L'espiar maishant Demo Cassette 2020
Arzacq La nueit escura Demo Cassette 2021
Arzacq Sis lou qui cau Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Ash Pool Genital Tomb Demo Cassette 2006
Ash Pool World Turns on Its Hinge Full-length CD 2007
Askeregn Monumenter Full-length Cassette 2015
Aufkrema Rehearsals 2002-2003 Demo Cassette 2003
Aurvandil Adrift Split Cassette 2009
Dead as Dreams Adrift Split Cassette 2009
Autarcie Ultra-Rural Split CD 2014
Baise Ma Hache Ultra-Rural Split CD 2014
Autumn Heart The Deaths of Summer Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Autumn Heart The Deaths of Summer Full-length Cassette 2019
Awaketh Demo II- MMXX Demo Cassette 2020
Baal Gadrial Awakening a New Era of Darkness Full-length Cassette 2018
Black Citadel Black Citadel / Funeral Altar Split Cassette 2017
Funeral Altar Black Citadel / Funeral Altar Split Cassette 2017
Black Numenorean Sword of Heresy Demo Cassette 2020
Black Stench Black Stench Full-length CD 2009
Blessed in Sin Materia Prima (Eritis Sicut Dii - 2006) Compilation Cassette 2017
Blessed in Sin Ancient Ceremonies Split Cassette 2021
In Articulo Mortis Ancient Ceremonies Split Cassette 2021
Blood Iscariot Rotten Pose Demo Cassette 2017
Blood Iscariot Existence in the Age of Decay EP Cassette 2017
Blood Stronghold The March of Apparitions EP Cassette 2016
Blood Tyrant Night of Blood Moon Demo Cassette 2016
Blood Tyrant Aristocracy of Twilight Full-length Cassette 2017
Blood Tyrant Duvonde skerfe Split Cassette 2017
Blood Tyrant The Realm That Brings Forth Death Demo Cassette 2019
Blood Tyrant Codex Cruor Full-length CD 2022
Blood Tyrant Codex Cruor Full-length Cassette 2022
Blood Victory Shadows of War Demo Cassette 2017
Blood Victory Shadows of War Demo 12" vinyl 2023
Bokkenrijders The Fatal Hour Full-length Cassette 2023
Brånd Demo 2015 Demo Cassette 2015
Brånd Urkraft EP Cassette 2020
Cage of Creation Cage of Creation Compilation Digital 2023
Calvary Shadow of the Cross Demo Cassette 2019
Calvary Brånd / Calvary Split 12" vinyl 2021
Brånd Brånd / Calvary Split 12" vinyl 2021
Canopic Dwell Race of Seers Demo Cassette 2019
Carved Cross Carved Cross / Malphas Split 7" vinyl 2018
Malphas Carved Cross / Malphas Split 7" vinyl 2018
Chätiment Sang des Carpathes Demo 12" vinyl 2018
Chätiment Sang des Carpathes Demo CD 2018
Chheam Chheam / Hématohiémal Split Cassette 2024
Chhinnamasta Vajra-Sarpa EP Cassette 2016
Circle of Ouroborus Circle of Ouroborus / Roman Cross Split Cassette 2010
Roman Cross Circle of Ouroborus / Roman Cross Split Cassette 2010
Circle of Ouroborus Split II Split 7" vinyl 2012
Roman Cross Split II Split 7" vinyl 2012
Coffinshade Demo I Demo Cassette 2016
Coffinshade Songs for the Sleeping Dead EP Cassette 2017
Coffinshade In the Darkness I Shall Dwell EP Cassette 2017
Crimson Moon Ana Harrani Sa Alaktasa La Tarat Split Cassette 2012
Αχέροντας Ana Harrani Sa Alaktasa La Tarat Split Cassette 2012
Cultus A Seat in Valhalla Full-length Cassette 2004
Curved Blade At the Bottom of the Hourglass / Vision d’une ère suprême Split 7" vinyl 2018
Pâlemort At the Bottom of the Hourglass / Vision d’une ère suprême Split 7" vinyl 2018
Dark Triumph The Shrine of 3 Moons... Compilation CD 2020
Darkness Enshrouded the Mist The Black Curses Compilation CD 2013
Darkwoods Forlorn Demo Cassette 2021
Deathroner Deathroner Demo Cassette 2007
Déliquescence Antinomisme Compilation CD 2023
Démonos From Sacred to Profane EP CD 2016
Departure Chandelier The Black Crest of Death, the Gold Wreath of War Demo Cassette 2011
Deus Ignotus Procession of an Old Religion EP Cassette 2016
Diapsiquir A.N.T.I. Full-length Cassette 2011
Diapsiquir 180° Full-length Cassette 2017
Djevel Tanker som rir natten Full-length Cassette 2021
Djevel Naa skrider natten sort Full-length Cassette 2023
Draugurz Draugurz / Marblebog Split CD 2009
Marblebog Draugurz / Marblebog Split CD 2009
Drowning the Light An Alignment of Dead Stars Full-length Cassette 2010
Drowning the Light The Fading Rays of the Sun EP Cassette 2010
Drowning the Light Lost Kingdoms of a Dark Age EP Cassette 2015
Drowning the Light From the Abyss Full-length Cassette 2015
Drowning the Light Tenth Region of the Night Demo Cassette 2017
Drowning the Light Within the Sour Soil of the Mind Demo Cassette 2017
Drowning the Light Oceans of Eternity Full-length Cassette 2015
Drowning the Light Varcolaci Rising Full-length Cassette 2018
Drowning the Light Paradise Slaves EP Cassette 2018
Drowning the Light Drowned Full-length Cassette 2018
Drowning the Light The Longing Compilation Cassette 2018
Ephemer Gloire immortelle Compilation CD 2021
Excessum Death Redemption Full-length Cassette 2005
Fasa Fallit Öde Demo Cassette 2022
Fír De stilte van God Full-length CD 2024
Fír De stilte van God Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Frozen Flesh Order Extra Terrestrial Terrorism Full-length CD 2021
Fuil na Seanchoille Hunger Full-length Cassette 2011
Fuil na Seanchoille The Crossing Full-length Cassette 2019
Fuil na Seanchoille Ocean / Cold Demo Cassette 2019
Fuil na Seanchoille Fuil na Seanchoille Compilation CD 2019
Fuil na Seanchoille Hunger Full-length CD 2019
Funeral Black Flame of Unholy Hate Compilation Cassette 2020
Funeral Altar Black Mark of the Lost Path Demo Cassette 2017
Funeral Altar Demo I Demo Cassette 2017
Funeste Demo MMXV Demo Cassette 2015
Gärgäntuäh Dödenlicht EP Cassette 2020
Ghaisiuan Funeral Altar / Ghaisiuan Split Cassette 2017
Funeral Altar Funeral Altar / Ghaisiuan Split Cassette 2017
Glaciation 1994 EP Cassette 2012
Gohr Al Krohn La cour de Lucifer Demo Cassette 2015
Grifla da la Secta Dyrs føde EP 7" vinyl 2018
Grole Grole Demo Cassette 2020
Grole With a Pike upon My Shoulder Full-length CD 2021
Grole With a Pike upon My Shoulder Full-length Cassette 2021
Gwyllgi Demo I: Fields of Sorrow Demo Cassette 2017
Gwyllgi Demo II: Skies of Ruin Demo Cassette 2017
Hail Conjurer Sinister Full-length Cassette 2021
Hail Conjurer Satanic Phenomenology Full-length Cassette 2024
Harvest Forgotten Vampyres of the Melancholic Night Full-length Cassette 2018
Haunting Depths Death's Sacred Fire Full-length CD 2017
Hexenkreis La paix se meurt... la paix est morte Full-length CD 2004
Hunok Vágyakozás / Lalli Split CD 2009
Ancestors Blood Vágyakozás / Lalli Split CD 2009
Ifernach Skin Stone Blood Bone Full-length Cassette 2019
Ifernach The Green Enchanted Forest of the Druid Wizard Full-length Cassette 2020
Ifernach The Green Enchanted Forest of the Druid Wizard Full-length Digital 2020
Ifernach The Green Enchanted Forest of the Druid Wizard Full-length CD 2020
Ifernach Skin Stone Blood Bone Full-length CD 2020
Ifernach Four Fatal Amulets EP CD 2021
Ifernach Capitulation of All Life Full-length CD 2021
Ifernach Capitulation of All Life Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Ifernach Capitulation of All Life Full-length Cassette 2021
Ifernach Four Fatal Amulets EP CD 2021
Ifernach The Green Enchanted Forest of the Druid Wizard - Extended Full-length CD 2022
Ifernach Black Metal Butchery Compilation CD 2022
Ifernach The Green Enchanted Forest of the Druid Wizard Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Ifernach Skin Stone Blood Bone Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Ifernach Satanae Exoro EP 7" vinyl 2023
Ifernach Satanae Exoro EP 7" vinyl + cassette 2023
In Articulo Mortis Sombre mélancolie Demo Cassette 2023
In Articulo Mortis Sombre mélancolie Demo CD 2023
In Ketten Live at JVA Ichtershausen 1995 Live album Cassette 2013
Inferno Requiem 女媧 (Nüwa) Full-length Cassette 2018
Inferno Requiem Moon EP Cassette 2018
Inlandshjärta Viljan och vidderna Demo Cassette 2020
Inlandshjärta Bergaropet Demo Cassette 2022
Inlandshjärta Nattskara Demo Cassette 2023
Insidious Omen To Cast the Last Shadow EP Cassette 2008
Invunche Invunche / Ifernach Split 12" vinyl 2020
Ifernach Invunche / Ifernach Split 12" vinyl 2020
Invunche Invunche / Ifernach Split 12" vinyl 2020
Ifernach Invunche / Ifernach Split 12" vinyl 2020
Invunche Invunche / Ifernach Split Cassette 2021
Ifernach Invunche / Ifernach Split Cassette 2021
Isolation Striding on the Path of Nihil Demo Cassette 2006
Isolation A Prayer for the World to End Demo Cassette 2006
Kenaz Résurgence nordique Full-length CD 2011
Khlamyydia Black Wings of the North Split Cassette 2018
Duskhymn Black Wings of the North Split Cassette 2018
Kristallnacht Blooddrenched Memorial 1994-2002 Compilation Cassette 2010
Krüel Kömmando Synagoga Satanæ Full-length Cassette 2017
Le Prochain Hiver Trop vieux pour mourir EP Cassette 2019
Legion Totenkopf Haine & Vengeance Demo Cassette 2006
Lethal Siege Lethal Siege Demo Cassette 2016
Lethal Siege Lethal Siege Demo Digital 2016
Malhkebre Prostration EP Cassette 2006
Malhkebre Revelation Full-length Cassette 2015
Malphas Les nouvelles chansons Demo Cassette 2017
Malveillance Malveillance / Vorago Split Cassette 2005
Vorago Malveillance / Vorago Split Cassette 2005
Malveillance Insignifiance Demo Cassette 2005
Marblebog Wind of Moors Full-length CD 2008
Menace Ruine In Vulva Infernum Demo Cassette 2008
Menace Ruine In Vulva Infernum Demo Cassette 2008
Mephisto Tyrant’s Return Demo Cassette 2004
Mésalliance Ère Rance Full-length Cassette 2016
Métastase Décroissance Demo Cassette 2011
Moloch Echoes in Eternity Split Cassette 2008
Deathrow Echoes in Eternity Split Cassette 2008
Monarque Ad Nauseam Demo Cassette 2011
Morbid Lament Rise Again... Till Dawn Demo Cassette 2016
Morbid Lament Spectre : Live at Cinema de Paris Demo Cassette 2017
Mors Summa Europa Europae Full-length CD 2001
Muinainen Ruhtinas Tuskanvuorten valtaistuin Demo Cassette 2006
Nachtstille The Inquisition of Death Demo Cassette 2020
Necrostrigis Wilkołaki księżycowego pentagramu Full-length Cassette 2013
Nightbringer The Ruins of Edom Split Cassette 2013
Αχέροντας The Ruins of Edom Split Cassette 2013
Nigrum Cremer Igne Demo Cassette 2020
Nocternity Crucify Him EP Cassette 2005
Nocturnal Chalice The Hidden Order Demo Cassette 2016
Nocturnal Chalice Sorcery Under Blackened Skies EP Cassette 2017
Nocturnal Chalice Forgotten Voices Sing Again Demo Cassette 2017
Nocturnal Chalice Infernal Kingdom's Dawn EP Cassette 2020
Old Forest Of Mists and Graves / The Kingdom of Darkness Compilation Cassette 2014
Order of Darkness Untitled Demo Cassette 2016
Ordo Sanguinis Noctis Bloody Aeon of Fullmoon Sacrifices Demo Cassette 2017
Ordo Templi Aeternae Lucis Ode aux années froides Demo Cassette 2020
Orodruin Keepers of the Ancient Flame Split Cassette 2015
Orodruin Orodruin / Boecx Split Cassette 2015
Boecx Orodruin / Boecx Split Cassette 2015
Orodruin Orodruin / Ungolianth Split 7" vinyl 2021
Pagan Hellfire The Will of Night Full-length CD 2006
Pagan Hellfire Solidarity Full-length CD 2008
Pagan Hellfire On the Path to Triumph Full-length CD 2013
Pagan Hellfire The Will of Night Full-length Cassette 2012
Pagan Hellfire A Voice from Centuries Away Full-length CD 2007
Pagan Hellfire On the Path to Triumph Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Pagan Hellfire Distant Winds Return Compilation Cassette 2017
Pagan Hellfire At the Resting Depths Eternal Full-length CD 2018
Pagan Hellfire At the Resting Depths Eternal Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Pagan Hellfire At the Resting Depths Eternal Full-length Cassette 2019
Pagan Hellfire Chant of Forgotten Times Compilation 2CD 2020
Pâlemort Pâlemort Demo Cassette 2017
Pâlemort Tour du Nord Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Pâlemort Tour du Nord Full-length CD 2022
Pénombre Méphistophélès (ou le Diable sur Terre) Demo Digital 2017
Pénombre Méphistophélès (ou le Diable sur Terre) Demo Cassette 2018
Perdition Oracle Unlight Demo Cassette 2020
Peste Noire Ballade cuntre lo Anemi francor Full-length Cassette 2009
Profezia Profezia / Ancestors Blood Split 7" vinyl 2014
Ancestors Blood Profezia / Ancestors Blood Split 7" vinyl 2014
Profezia Black Misanthropic Elite - Moon Anthem Full-length Cassette 2015
Purity Renaissance Purity Renaissance Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Purity Renaissance Purity Renaissance Full-length CD 2019
Putride Nazroth / Putride Split Cassette 2006
Nazroth Nazroth / Putride Split Cassette 2006
Ravenzang Ravenzang Demo Cassette 2017
Revelation of Doom Unholy Goatfuck Full-length Cassette 2007
Rhuith Darkness Moves Demo Cassette 2011
Rhuith To Love Is to Destroy Split Cassette 2016
Moonknight To Love Is to Destroy Split Cassette 2016
Rhuith To Love Is to Destroy Split Digital 2016
Moonknight To Love Is to Destroy Split Digital 2016
Rivière du Nord Mon Voyage Parmi Les Vivants Demo Cassette 2008
Rivière du Nord Mon Voyage parmi les Vivants Demo Cassette 2008
Roman Cross Roman Cross / Verglas Split 7" vinyl 2018
Verglas Roman Cross / Verglas Split 7" vinyl 2018
Sacred Dominions Sacred Dominions Demo Cassette 2017
Sanctuaire Helserkr Compilation CD 2015
Sanctuaire Helserkr Compilation Digital 2015
Sanctuaire Vestiges Oniriques - Compendium Compilation CD 2020
Sapaudia Sainte nuit Full-length Cassette 2017
Satanic Warmaster Revelation ...of the Night Compilation Cassette 2008
Satanic Warmaster Carelian Satanist Madness Full-length Cassette 2006
Satanic Warmaster Akitsa / Satanic Warmaster Split 7" vinyl 2011
Akitsa Akitsa / Satanic Warmaster Split 7" vinyl 2011
Satanic Warmaster Nachzehrer Full-length Cassette 2015
Satanize Demonic Conquest in Jerusalem Full-length CD 2010
Seelengreif Jenseits der Schatten Demo CD 2007
Seiðr Frostbreed Demo Cassette 2017
Seiðr Blodets flugt Split Cassette 2019
Seiðr I galskabens mørke Full-length Cassette 2019
Seiðr Ofringen Demo Cassette 2021
Sentimen Beltza Ur / Sentimen Beltza / Ostots Split Cassette 2011
Ur Ur / Sentimen Beltza / Ostots Split Cassette 2011
Ostots Ur / Sentimen Beltza / Ostots Split Cassette 2011
Serment Par-delà collines et rivières Demo Cassette 2019
Skinliv Uaar Full-length Cassette 2019
Slægt Demo Demo 7" vinyl 2013
Spearhead Deathless Steel Command Full-length Cassette 2006
Staar Schaduwmagie Compilation CD 2021
Starlit Woods From Eternal Winter Trails Demo Cassette 2016
Starlit Woods Zamarznięte cienie nocy Demo Cassette 2016
Starlit Woods The Darkening Moon's Nightmares Split Cassette 2017
Winter Blackness The Darkening Moon's Nightmares Split Cassette 2017
Starlit Woods Płonące sarkofagi gwiazd Demo Cassette 2019
Stormfront The Forgotten Demons of Ancient Glory Split Cassette 2012
Necrostrigis The Forgotten Demons of Ancient Glory Split Cassette 2012
Sverdsveit Blizzard of Hate Full-length Cassette 2022
Sverdsveit Blizzard of Hate Full-length CD 2022
Szabla Szabla Demo Cassette 2020
Talvi Yksi elämä, yksi pakotie Full-length CD 2015
Tenebrae Serenades of the Damned Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Tenebris Terra Tenebra Mortis Regnum Et Funestus Demo Cassette 2013
The Wanderer... Aura Nocturnal & Mysterium Compilation CD 2015
Thesyre Shift Full-length CD 2020
Thorncastle Towards the Wintershadows Demo Cassette 2017
Tmärrdhë Worship the Cult of Human Sacrifice Demo Cassette 2013
Tombeau Méphistophallique Demo Cassette 2013
Tornmód Obscured in Darkness Demo Cassette 2019
Tornmód Fullmoon Misanthropy Demo Cassette 2019
Tornmód Vengeance Demo Cassette 2020
Tornmód Fallen Pillar Demo Cassette 2021
Total Genocide Commit Homicide - Destructive Shit part 1 Demo Cassette 2007
Ultima Thule Enthralling Lunar Majesty Demo Cassette 2017
Unheilvoll Que de mépris... Split Cassette 2003
Atroce Que de mépris... Split Cassette 2003
Unheilvoll L'empire du Juif Split Cassette 2004
Chants de Guerre L'empire du Juif Split Cassette 2004
Vaal Rehearsal Demo Cassette 2020
Vaal Rehearsal Demo Cassette 2021
Vault Demo I Demo Cassette 2020
Vault Autumn Fire Demo Cassette 2023
Verglas Satanisme juvénile Demo Cassette 2012
Verglas Joies funèbres Demo Cassette 2012
Verglas Au-delà de l'irréel Demo Cassette 2017
Verglas Répétition 2019 Demo Cassette 2019
Verval Wederkeer Full-length CD 2018
Verval Beeldenstorm EP Cassette 2020
Vinter Nebulah Vinter Nebulah Demo Cassette 2003
Vlk Of Wolves' Blood Full-length Cassette 2016
Voido Quontur Wolves Are Descending in Town Demo Cassette 2008
Vorago Lobos da Guerra Demo Cassette 2004
Vordr Vordr / Askeregn Split 7" vinyl 2012
Askeregn Vordr / Askeregn Split 7" vinyl 2012
VRIL The Shadow Soul & the Black Sun Full-length Cassette 2019
VTA Vesuvian Thrashing Attack Demo Cassette 2015
Weathered Crest Blossoming of the Paths Full-length Cassette 2021
Winter Blackness Freezing Aura of Blackened Depths Full-length Cassette 2017
Wodulf ...from the Corpsegates Full-length Cassette 2010
Wolves Eyes Nostalgia in Our Souls Demo Cassette 2015
Woods of Infinity 30/7 Demo Cassette 2010
Woods of Infinity Skog Demo Cassette 2017
Wrang Domstad swart metael Full-length CD 2019
Wrang De vaendrig Full-length Cassette 2022
Wyvern De vuurmagiër Demo Cassette 2019
Wyvern IJsenheer Demo Cassette 2020
Xerión Nocturnal Misantropia Full-length Cassette 2007