Revalve Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Rome
Country Italy
Status active
Styles And Specialties Gothic, Death Metal, Alternative, Prog
Founding Date January 2010
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Absolute Priority Italy progressive Current
Abyssian Italy doom, gothic Current
Aether Void Italy heavy Current
Afterlife Symphony Italy symphonic Current
Anticlockwise Italy progressive Current
Arsea Italy progressive, thrash Current
Athrox Italy heavy, thrash Current
Avelion Italy melodic, power, djent, progressive Current
Carved Italy death, symphonic Current
Create Illusions Italy heavy, power, progressive Current
De la Muerte Italy heavy Current
Deatherapy Italy death, hardcore, melodic Current
Dhune Italy doom, gothic, stoner Current
Disbeliever Italy gothic, rock Current
Earthcry Italy power, progressive Current
Edward De Rosa Italy power, progressive Current
Fall of Darkness Italy progressive Current
Ghost of Mary Italy death, gothic, melodic Current
Hecate Italy brutal, death Current
Helion Italy death, technical Current
Hypnotheticall Italy progressive Current
Kantica Italy power, symphonic Current
Kupid's Kurse Switzerland death, hardcore, melodic Current
Lachaise Italy gothic, symphonic Current
Last Frontier Italy atmospheric, heavy Current
Lostair Italy thrash Current
Macaria Italy death, folk Current
Mastrangelus Italy heavy, power, symphonic Current
Mind Control Italy death, progressive Current
Mind's Cove Italy heavy, melodic Current
Morganha Italy groove, thrash Current
Nefesh Italy death, progressive Current
Nerodia Italy thrash, black, death Current
Neurosphere Italy death, melodic Current
Nexus Opera Italy power Current
Noage Italy symphonic Current
Onydia Italy melodic, progressive Current
Phenium Italy hardcore, melodic, thrash Current
Philosophy of Evil Italy progressive Current
Sense of Creation International rock, symphonic Current
Serenade Italy gothic, symphonic Current
Silver Tears Italy death, melodic, progressive Current
Sin Deadly Sin Italy gothic Current
Solifuge Italy gothic, heavy Current
Soul of Steel Italy power Current
Subliminal Crusher Italy death, melodic, thrash Current
Tragodia Italy gothic, progressive Current
Visionoir Italy darkwave, gothic Current
Whisperz Italy heavy Current
Yarast Italy death, melodic Current
Abscendent Italy death, thrash Past
Ad Vitam Italy death, melodic, progressive Past
Black Ink Italy progressive Past
Black Motel Six Italy groove Past
Black Therapy Italy death, melodic Past
Carcharodon Italy death, death'n'roll, stoner Past
Chaos Plague Italy death, progressive Past
Dark Haunters Italy black, death, symphonic Past
Deimos Italy power, thrash Past
Demon Project Russia death, hardcore, industrial, melodic Past
Dormin Italy ambient, black, doom Past
Elarmir Italy death, melodic, power, symphonic Past
Ensight Italy progressive Past
Extinction Italy death, thrash Past
Helslave Italy melodic, death Past
Hypersonic Italy heavy, melodic, power Past
Ion of Chios Italy progressive Past
LacerHate Italy groove, hardcore, thrash Past
Malamorte Italy black, heavy Past
MindAhead Italy progressive Past
Motus Tenebrae Italy doom, gothic Past
Nameless Crime Italy heavy, melodic, power, alternative, rock Past
Phobic Pleasure Italy death, thrash Past
Pursuing the End Italy death, hardcore, melodic Past
Reapter Italy thrash Past
S.R.L. Italy death, melodic, thrash Past
Schysma Italy progressive Past
Shivers Addiction Italy heavy Past
SkeleToon Italy power Past
Souls of Diotima Italy power, progressive Past
Southern Drinkstruction Italy death, death'n'roll Past
Starbynary Italy power, progressive Past
Veil of Conspiracy Italy doom, progressive Past
Walls of Babylon Italy power, progressive Past
Wildime Italy groove, southern Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abscendent Decaying Human Condition Full-length CD 2016
Abscendent Decaying Human Condition Full-length Digital 2016
Absolute Priority Hunter Full-length CD 2012
Abyssian Godly Full-length Digital 2021
Ad Vitam Stratosfear Full-length CD 2016
Ad Vitam Stratosfear Full-length Digital 2016
Aether Void Curse of Life Full-length CD 2019
Afterlife Symphony Symphony of Silence Full-length CD 2013
Afterlife Symphony Moment Between Lives Full-length CD 2016
Afterlife Symphony Moment Between Lives Full-length Digital 2016
Afterlife Symphony Lympha Full-length CD 2018
Anticlockwise Raise Your Head Full-length CD 2016
Anticlockwise Raise Your Head Full-length Digital 2016
Arsea A New Dawn Full-length CD 2015
Arsea Changes Single Digital 2020
Arsea Unfair Single Digital 2021
Arsea Order of Mantis Full-length Digital 2022
Athrox Through the Mirror Full-length CD 2018
Athrox Imagine the Day Single Digital 2020
Avelion Illusion of Transparency Full-length CD 2017
Avelion Illusion of Transparency Full-length Digital 2017
Avelion Fading Out Single Digital 2017
Avelion Echoes and Fragments (The Algorithm Remix) Single Digital 2018
Avelion Live at Campus Industry Music Single Digital 2019
Black Ink Reminiscence EP CD 2012
Black Ink Reminiscence EP Digital 2012
Black Motel Six For a Long Time EP CD 2013
Black Motel Six Can't Control Single Digital 2024
Black Motel Six When the Pillars Collapse Full-length Digital 2024
Black Therapy Symptoms of a Common Sickness Full-length CD 2013
Black Therapy The Final Outcome EP CD 2014
Black Therapy Symptoms of a Common Sickness Full-length Digital 2013
Black Therapy The Final Outcome EP Digital 2014
Carcharodon Pizza Commando Split CD 2014
Southern Drinkstruction Pizza Commando Split CD 2014
Carved Kyrie Eleison Full-length CD 2016
Carved Thanatos Full-length CD 2019
Chaos Plague Existence Through Annihilation Full-length CD 2015
Chaos Plague Existence Through Annihilation Full-length Digital 2015
Create Illusions Illusion I Full-length Digital 2023
Create Illusions Give Me the Strength Single Digital 2023
Create Illusions I Don't Wanna Feel Your Body Single Digital 2023
Create Illusions It's Only a Matter of Time Single Digital 2023
Dark Haunters To Persevere Is Diabolical Full-length CD 2016
Dark Haunters To Persevere Is Diabolical Full-length Digital 2016
De la Muerte Venganza Full-length CD 2017
De la Muerte Venganza Full-length Digital 2017
De la Muerte El enamorado y la muerte Single Digital 2023
De la Muerte Llorona Single Digital 2021
De la Muerte Black Heart Single Digital 2024
Deatherapy Look, We Are Dying EP CD 2014
Deimos Beyond Full-length CD 2014
Demon Project Revival EP CD 2014
Dhune Silence of Sound Full-length CD 2012
Dhune Silence of Sound Full-length Digital 2012
Disbeliever Archetype Full-length Digital 2021
Disbeliever Archetype Full-length CD 2021
Disbeliever Wherever Soul Single Digital 2021
Disbeliever Silent Death Single Digital 2021
Disbeliever Screams Single Digital 2021
Dormin To Foreign Skies Full-length CD 2015
Earthcry Where the Road Leads Full-length CD 2012
Earthcry Where the Road Leads Full-length Digital 2021
Edward De Rosa Zeitgeist Full-length CD 2018
Edward De Rosa Zeitgeist Full-length Digital 2018
Elarmir Thorns Single Digital 2015
Elarmir Human Wisdom Full-length CD 2015
Elarmir Human Wisdom Full-length CD 2015
Ensight Hybrid Full-length CD 2015
Ensight Hybrid Full-length Digital 2015
Extinction The Apocalypse Mark Full-length CD 2019
Extinction The Apocalypse Mark Full-length Digital 2019
Fall of Darkness Perfect Asymmetry Full-length CD 2014
Ghost of Mary Oblivaeon Full-length CD 2016
Ghost of Mary Oblivaeon Full-length Digital 2016
Hecate Ultima specie EP CD 2013
Helion The Great Fall Full-length CD 2020
Helion The Great Fall Full-length Digital 2020
Helslave An Endless Path Full-length CD 2015
Helslave An Endless Path Full-length Digital 2015
Hypersonic Existentia Full-length CD 2016
Hypersonic Existentia Full-length Digital 2016
Hypersonic Path of Salvation Single Digital 2019
Hypnotheticall Synchreality Full-length CD 2018
Ion of Chios Killjoy Single Digital 2020
Ion of Chios Rehumanize Full-length CD 2020
Ion of Chios Rehumanize Full-length Digital 2020
Ion of Chios Raving Lane Single Digital 2020
Kantica Reborn in Aesthetics Full-length CD 2018
Kantica Reborn in Aesthetics Full-length Digital 2018
Kupid's Kurse Decahedron Full-length CD 2013
LacerHate Mass Distraction Full-length CD 2014
Lachaise In a State of Oblivion Full-length CD 2012
Lachaise In a State of Oblivion Full-length Digital 2012
Last Frontier Theta Healing (Through the Poison) Full-length CD 2015
Last Frontier Theta Healing (Through the Poison) Full-length Digital 2015
Last Frontier Aether (Equivalent Exchange) Full-length CD 2020
Lostair Ad Jubilaeum Full-length CD 2017
Lostair Ad Jubilaeum Full-length Digital 2018
Macaria A Strings' Dramedy Full-length CD 2016
Macaria A Strings' Dramedy Full-length Digital 2016
Malamorte God Needs Evil Full-length Digital 2020
Mastrangelus Odi et Amo Full-length Digital 2024
Mastrangelus King and Slave (Love for the Queen) Single Digital 2024
Mind Control Heptagon Full-length CD 2014
Mind's Cove Drift Full-length CD 2019
Mind's Cove Drift Full-length Digital 2019
MindAhead Reflections Full-length Digital 2016
MindAhead Reflections Full-length CD 2016
Morganha Rebellion Full-length CD 2013
Motus Tenebrae Double Black Full-length CD 2012
Motus Tenebrae The Last Days of December Single Digital 2012
Nameless Crime Stone the Fool Full-length CD 2014
Nefesh Contaminations Full-length CD 2014
Nerodia Prelude to Misery EP CD 2013
Nerodia Vanity Unfair Full-length CD 2016
Nerodia Vanity Unfair Full-length Digital 2016
Neurosphere Megantereon Full-length CD 2013
Neurosphere Anthem of the Lost (Part I - Nightwards) Full-length CD 2019
Neurosphere Anthem of the Lost (Part I - Nightwards) Full-length Digital 2019
Neurosphere Megantereon Full-length Digital 2013
Neurosphere Anthem of the Lost (Part II Dawnwards) Full-length Digital 2022
Nexus Opera Great Call to Arms Single Digital 2020
Nexus Opera La Guera Granda (The Great Call to Arms) Full-length Digital 2021
Nexus Opera La Guera Granda (The Great Call to Arms) Full-length CD 2021
Nexus Opera Strafexpedition Single Digital 2021
Noage From Darkness to Life Full-length Digital 2023
Onydia Reflections Full-length CD 2019
Onydia Reflections Full-length Digital 2019
Onydia Dyaphany Single Digital 2016
Phenium No More Humanity EP CD 2014
Philosophy of Evil Il Rapimento di Babbo Nachele EP Digital 2022
Philosophy of Evil Of Humanity and Other Odd Things Full-length Digital 2020
Philosophy of Evil Of Humanity and Other Odd Things Full-length CD 2020
Phobic Pleasure Castigat ridendo mores! Full-length CD 2012
Pursuing the End Withering Single Digital 2012
Pursuing the End Withering (Acoustic Version) Single Digital 2012
Reapter Cymatics Full-length Digital 2016
Reapter Cymatics Full-length CD 2016
S.R.L. De Humana Maiestate Full-length CD 2012
S.R.L. Unus et Viginti EP CD 2013
Schysma Idiosyncrasy Full-length CD 2014
Schysma Idiosyncrasy Full-length Digital 2022
Sense of Creation Forsaken Era Full-length Digital 2020
Sense of Creation Forsaken Era Full-length CD 2020
Sense of Creation Iustitia Single Digital 2020
Serenade Wandering Through Sorrow Full-length Digital 2012
Serenade Wandering Through Sorrow Full-length CD 2012
Serenade Onirica Full-length CD 2017
Serenade Onirica Full-length Digital 2017
Shivers Addiction Choose Your Prison Full-length CD 2015
Shivers Addiction Choose Your Prison Full-length Digital 2015
Silver Tears Rebirth Full-length CD 2011
Silver Tears Rebirth Full-length Digital 2011
Sin Deadly Sin Fall from Heaven Full-length CD 2012
Sin Deadly Sin Fall from Heaven Full-length Digital 2012
SkeleToon The Curse of the Avenger Full-length CD 2016
SkeleToon The Curse of the Avenger Full-length Digital 2016
SkeleToon Ticking Clock Full-length CD 2017
SkeleToon Ticking Clock Full-length Digital 2017
Solifuge Through the Loathing of a Sick Mind Full-length Digital 2012
Soul of Steel Rebirth Full-length CD 2019
Souls of Diotima What Remains of the Day Full-length Digital 2012
Souls of Diotima What Remains of the Day Full-length CD 2012
Starbynary Divina Commedia: Inferno Full-length CD 2017
Subliminal Crusher Newmanity Full-length CD 2013
Subliminal Crusher Darketype Full-length CD 2016
Subliminal Crusher Darketype Full-length Digital 2016
Subliminal Crusher Newmanity Full-length Digital 2013
Tragodia Before the Fall Full-length CD 2018
Tragodia Before the Fall Full-length Digital 2018
Veil of Conspiracy Me, Us and Them Full-length CD 2019
Veil of Conspiracy Me, Us and Them Full-length Digital 2019
Visionoir The Second Coming Full-length CD 2021
Walls of Babylon A Portrait of Memories Full-length CD 2018
Whisperz Whisperz Full-length CD 2014
Whisperz Vol. II Full-length CD 2023
Wildime Beams of Bones Walls Full-length CD 2015
Yarast Tunguska 1908 Full-length Digital 2016
Yarast Tunguska 1908 Full-length CD 2016