ThrashBack Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Country United States
Status active
Styles And Specialties Crossover, Death, Heavy, Power, Speed, Thrash Metal
Founding Date January 1st, 2018
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Official Store


Name Country Genre Status
Betrayed Chile thrash Past
Damnability United States thrash Past
Drop Dead United States death, thrash Past
Dry Bones United States crossover, thrash Past
Fatal Sin United States thrash Past
Final Judgement United States death, thrash Past
Godhead United States death Past
Judgement United States thrash Past
Kryptic Kurse United States thrash Past
L.V.I. United States thrash Past
Lurch Killz United States thrash Past
Machine Dog United States power, speed Past
Nonpoint Factor Puerto Rico thrash Past
Psychic Pawn United States death Past
Reckless Abandon United States power, thrash, hard-rock, heavy Past
Revelation United States heavy Past
Shades of Grey United States technical, thrash Past
Soothsayer United States thrash Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Betrayed The Unbeliever Compilation CD 2021
Betrayed The Unbeliever Compilation Digital 2021
Betrayed The Unbeliever Compilation Vinyl 2021
Damnability Liability to Damnation: Demos '88-'90 Compilation CD 2022
Drop Dead A.R.T. Records Singles Series Volume 1 Split CD 2018
Final Judgement A.R.T. Records Singles Series Volume 1 Split CD 2018
Godhead A.R.T. Records Singles Series Volume 1 Split CD 2018
Dry Bones A.R.T. Records Singles Series Volume 1 Split CD 2018
Fatal Sin Episodes: The Complete Recordings Compilation CD + DVD 2020
Judgement The Final Decree Compilation CD 2023
Kryptic Kurse Sounds of Akursedness ('88-'92) Compilation CD 2024
L.V.I. Mentally Embalmed Demo CD 2022
Lurch Killz Requiem: The Demo Anthology Compilation CD 2022
Machine Dog Pound the Clown ('86-'88) Compilation CD 2024
Nonpoint Factor Depression '94 Demo CD 2018
Psychic Pawn Eulogy: The Complete Anthology Compilation 2CD 2021
Psychic Pawn Arizona Dry Hate Split 12" vinyl 2024
L.V.I. Arizona Dry Hate Split 12" vinyl 2024
Reckless Abandon The Complete Recordings: 1990-1992 Compilation CD 2023
Revelation Spiritual Wind Demo CD + DVD 2018
Revelation Spiritual Wind Demo Digital 2018
Revelation Spiritual Wind Full-length Vinyl 2021
Shades of Grey House of Fools Demo 12" vinyl 2022
Soothsayer We Came for Killing: 1987-1989 Compilation CD 2022