Lethal Scissor Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address c/o Orsanigo Maurizio, Via Promessi Sposi, 1, 23868 – Valmadrera (Lecco)
Country Italy
Status active
Styles And Specialties Grindcore, Death Metal, Brutal Death Metal
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChtp9zYaKp3SxTwd9kFAzsQ/featured
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lethal_scissor_records/
Bandcamp http://lethalscissor.bandcamp.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lethalscissor/


Name Country Genre Status
3rd War Collapse International brutal, death Current
Betrayme Mexico death Current
Fadead Italy grind, hardcore Current
Grevia Italy death, grind, hardcore Current
Mutual Hostility United States death Current
Olamot Italy brutal, death Current
Stench of Profit Italy grind, hardcore Current
Tweedledead Italy death Current
Bloodjob Germany brutal, death Past
Cranial Disorder Indonesia brutal, death Past
Indecent Excision Italy brutal, death Past
Inverted Matter International death Past
Ominous Scriptures Belarus brutal, death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
3rd War Collapse Catastrophic Epicenter Full-length Digital 2023
3rd War Collapse Catastrophic Epicenter Full-length CD 2023
Betrayme Nihil Obstat EP Digital 2021
Betrayme Nihil Obstat EP CD 2021
Bloodjob Metastasis EP CD 2023
Cranial Disorder Congenital Depravity Full-length CD 2024
Fadead Terra Ferita EP Digital 2022
Fadead Terra Ferita EP CD 2022
Grevia Misophonic EP Digital 2019
Grevia Misophonic EP CD 2019
Indecent Excision Deification of the Grotesque Full-length CD 2020
Indecent Excision Deification of the Grotesque Full-length CD 2020
Indecent Excision Deification of the Grotesque Full-length Digital 2020
Inverted Matter Detach Full-length Digital 2019
Inverted Matter Detach Full-length CD 2019
Mutual Hostility Inhuman Anguish Full-length CD 2023
Olamot Realms EP Digital 2022
Olamot Realms EP CD 2022
Olamot Path of Divinity Full-length CD 2024
Olamot Path of Divinity Full-length Digital 2024
Ominous Scriptures Incarnation of the Unheavenly Full-length CD 2021
Stench of Profit Human Discount EP CD 2019
Stench of Profit No Place to Hide Full-length CD 2020
Tweedledead Infernotes Full-length CD 2023
Tweedledead Infernotes Full-length Digital 2023