
JSON | Metal Archives


Address Kyiv
Country Ukraine
Status active

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Azimut Ukraine black, post-metal, sludge Current
Celophys Ukraine doom, stoner Current
Contra United States stoner Current
Ethereal Riffian Ukraine doom, stoner Current
Heralds Ukraine post-metal, progressive, sludge Current
Bomg Ukraine doom, stoner Past
BongBongBeerWizards Germany doom, drone, stoner Past
Eternal Elysium Japan doom, stoner Past
Frogskin Finland sludge Past
Greenmachine Japan grind, hardcore, sludge, stoner Past
Kasu Weri Ukraine sludge, stoner Past
Keepleer 18 Ukraine sludge Past
Pyraweed Azerbaijan sludge, stoner Past
Radian United States doom, sludge Past
Sons of Alpha Centauri United Kingdom progressive, stoner Past
Soom Ukraine doom, sludge, stoner Past
Taser Finland sludge Past
Yanomamö Australia sludge Past
Обрій Ukraine death, groove Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Azimut 30° EP Cassette 2022
Azimut 30° EP Digital 2022
Azimut Stuma Full-length Digital 2023
Azimut Nun EP Digital 2024
Bomg Polynseeds Full-length Digital 2015
Bomg Old Satellite Single Digital 2014
Bomg Plutonaut EP Digital 2013
Bomg Robust Split Series. Season 1 Split Cassette 2021
BongBongBeerWizards Robust Split Series. Season 1 Split Cassette 2021
Bomg Into Retrograde Volume (Electric Funeral Compilation) EP Digital 2015
Celophys Ammonite Full-length CD 2015
Celophys Ammonite Full-length Cassette 2015
Celophys Ammonite Full-length CD 2015
Celophys Fried Chordata Full-length Digital 2019
Celophys Fried Chordata Full-length Cassette 2019
Celophys Fried Chordata Full-length Cassette 2019
Celophys Robust Split Series. Season 1 Split Cassette 2021
Radian Robust Split Series. Season 1 Split Cassette 2021
Celophys Wulong Full-length Digital 2022
Contra Deny Everything Full-length CD 2017
Eternal Elysium Searching Low & High Full-length CD 2017
Eternal Elysium Share Full-length CD 2022
Eternal Elysium Share Full-length Cassette 2022
Ethereal Riffian I AM. Deathless EP CD 2016
Ethereal Riffian I AM. Deathless EP Cassette 2016
Ethereal Riffian I AM. Deathless EP Digital 2016
Ethereal Riffian Legends Full-length CD 2019
Ethereal Riffian Aeonian Full-length CD 2017
Ethereal Riffian Legends Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Frogskin Frogskin II Full-length Cassette 2015
Greenmachine D.A.M.N. Full-length CD 2020
Greenmachine D.A.M.N. Full-length Digital 2020
Greenmachine D.A.M.N. Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Greenmachine Greenmachine Full-length Cassette 2021
Heralds From the Darkest of Satellites EP Digital 2015
Kasu Weri Robust Split Series. Season 1 Split Cassette 2021
Taser Robust Split Series. Season 1 Split Cassette 2021
Kasu Weri Robust Split Series. Season 1 Split Digital 2021
Taser Robust Split Series. Season 1 Split Digital 2021
Pyraweed Green Jinn Full-length CD 2019
Pyraweed 420 Full-length Digital 2020
Sons of Alpha Centauri Continuum Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Soom Джєбарс Full-length CD 2018
Yanomamö Robust Split Series. Season 1 Split Cassette 2021
Keepleer 18 Robust Split Series. Season 1 Split Cassette 2021
Обрій Наживо в Куяльнику Live album Digital 2024