Spiritside Productions

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Budapest
Country Hungary
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal
Founding Date 2016
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Bandcamp http://spiritside.bandcamp.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/spiritsideproductions
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA1p8fGah3mhf8z6S9vRYjQ?app


Name Country Genre Status
Skog Hungary death Current
Svoid Hungary black, alternative-rock Current
Carnelian Hungary black Past
Formorket Hungary black Past
Hypochondria Hungary black Past
Karst Hungary black, progressive Past
Latrodectus Hungary black, raw Past
Nebulosus Fatum Hungary black Past
Pagan Megalith Hungary black Past
Paragon Zero Hungary black, death Past
Stoneblood Hungary black, melodic Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Carnelian Véghetetlen Demo Digital 2018
Formorket Formorket Full-length CD 2017
Formorket Formorket Full-length Cassette 2017
Formorket Live: Walk into Nothing Live album Digital 2018
Hypochondria Melpomene's Last Dance EP Digital 2018
Karst Újrakél Single Digital 2017
Latrodectus Mactans Compilation Digital 2018
Nebulosus Fatum Bükkerdő EP Digital 2018
Pagan Megalith Viharjárás Full-length Digital 2016
Pagan Megalith Ólomharangok Full-length Digital 2017
Pagan Megalith Óarany EP Digital 2017
Pagan Megalith Túlvég Full-length Digital 2017
Pagan Megalith Túlvég Full-length CD 2018
Pagan Megalith Dermedő ólomharangok / Congealing Leadenbells Demo Digital 2022
Paragon Zero The Old Witch Single Digital 2019
Skog Imprisoned Silence EP Digital 2024
Stoneblood Departer Single Digital 2023
Svoid Spiral Dance EP Digital 2018