Putrid Cult

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Bad to the Bone, Putrid Cult, ul. Kolejowa 37, 08-200 Łosice
Country Poland
Phone Number 0048 534 009 202
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal
Founding Date 2011
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTX8vJWKTx1pfT6smdSbPHQ
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/putrid_cult/
Discogs https://www.discogs.com/label/453342-Putrid-Cult
Bandcamp https://putridcultproductions.bandcamp.com/music
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PutridCult/


Name Country Genre Status
Abominablood Argentina black, death Current
Annihilation Vortex Poland death Current
Anticipate Poland death, grind, hardcore Current
BlackHorns United States black, raw Current
Cadaveric Possession Poland black, death Current
Casus Belli Poland black, death, pagan Current
Chthonic Cult Poland black, death Current
Crippling Madness Poland death, thrash Current
Czarna Trumna Poland black Current
Damage Case Poland thrash Current
Darkstorm Poland black Current
DeathEpoch Poland black, death Current
Deathlike Dawn Poland black Current
Deathvasstator Poland black, death Current
Demonic Temple Poland black Current
Destroyers Poland thrash Current
Dismembered Flesh Mutilation Poland brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Distres Poland death Current
Dominance Poland black Current
Ethelyn Poland black, death, melodic Current
Evil Sorcery Belarus black, death, doom Current
Funeral Discipline Poland black, industrial Current
Gates of Tyrant Chile black Current
Goathrone Poland black, death Current
Gone. Poland black, death Current
Grimcult Poland black Current
Guild of Shadows International black, heavy Current
Horns Poland black Current
Incinerator Poland death Current
Inhumane Spells Poland black Current
Malum in Se Poland black Current
Maze of Coffin Poland black Current
Necromoon Poland black, doom Current
Nekkrofukk Poland black, doom Current
Nekron Poland black Current
Old Skull Poland death Current
Poroniec Poland black Current
Profanity Angel Poland black Current
Pure Massacre Argentina death Current
Ritual Bloodshed Poland black Current
Sacrificulus Poland black Current
Sepulchral Cult Poland black, death Current
Sulphurhaze Ireland black, thrash Current
Szary Wilk Poland black Current
Temple of Shades Poland black Current
The Devil's Sermon United Kingdom black Current
Towards Hellfire Poland black, death Current
Trupi Swąd Poland black Current
Upon the Altar Poland black, death Current
Waroath Poland black, speed, thrash Current
Widmo Poland black Current
Abigail Japan black, thrash Past
Altar Netherlands death Past
Anaboth Poland raw, post-metal, black Past
Aragon Poland black Past
Aries Vehemens Poland death Past
Arkona Poland black Past
Atonement Poland black, death Past
Azelsgard Poland black Past
Blood Stronghold International black Past
Call ov Unearthly Poland black, death Past
Clairvoyance Poland death Past
Coffinshade International black, depressive Past
Concilium Portugal black Past
Cthulhu Rites Poland black Past
Cursed Coven Poland doom Past
Daren Poland black Past
Deathstorm Poland death Past
Diabolical Fullmoon Poland black Past
Diabolicon Poland black Past
Duch Czerni Poland black Past
Empheris Poland black, death, thrash Past
Enterchrist Poland death, grind, hardcore Past
Execution of Light Poland black Past
Exhalation Poland death Past
Fadheit Poland black, depressive Past
Freezing Blood Poland black Past
Goatlord United States black, death, doom Past
Grave of God Portugal black Past
Gravelord Poland black, black'n'roll Past
Graves Portugal black Past
Grób Poland death, thrash Past
Gyötrelem Hungary black Past
Hades Almighty Norway black, progressive, viking Past
HateCrime Russia black, death Past
Hell-Born Poland black, death, thrash Past
Hell's Coronation Poland black, doom Past
Hexifixion Canada black, death Past
Hexitium Portugal black Past
Idolatria Italy black Past
Illness International black Past
Impure Declaration Poland death, doom Past
Kladovest Ukraine black Past
Krashing Italy death Past
Madrigal Poland black Past
Magnus Poland death, thrash Past
Malediction of Agony Poland black Past
Martwa Aura Poland black Past
Morbid Slaughter Peru black, speed Past
Morbid Stench International death, doom Past
Nagual Poland black, melodic Past
Nazghor Sweden black Past
Necro Schizma Netherlands death, doom Past
Necrobiosis Poland death Past
Necrostrigis Poland black Past
Nekrape Poland black Past
Nocturnal Damnation International black, death Past
Nuclear Holocaust Poland death, grind, hardcore Past
Nunslaughter United States death Past
Nurt Ognia Poland black, raw Past
Odour of Death International black Past
Offence Poland death Past
Omenfilth Philippines black Past
Onslaught United Kingdom hardcore, punk, thrash Past
Optophobic Sweden atmospheric, black Past
Ordo Sanguinis Noctis Poland black Past
Pandemic Genocide Poland death Past
ProFanatism Poland black Past
Putrid Evil Poland death Past
Sacrofuck Poland death Past
Sarg Poland black Past
Satanic Might Poland black Past
Satanic Torment Finland black, death Past
Sathanas United States black, death Past
Signs of the Dying Summer Poland black, depressive Past
Sinistrous Diabolus New Zealand death, doom Past
Slav Poland black, thrash Past
Solium Germany black Past
Styggmyr Norway black Past
Supremative Spain black, death Past
Supreme Evil Poland black, raw Past
The Sons of Perdition Germany black, death Past
Throneum Poland black, death Past
Tiamat Sweden death, doom, gothic, rock Past
Two Runes Finland black Past
Veter Daemonaz Russia black Past
Vile Apparition Australia death Past
Vomit of Doom Argentina black, thrash Past
Xarzebaal Poland black, raw Past
Zmora Poland black Past
Αίμα Greece black, death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abigail Sacrilegious Fornication Masscare... Filthy Desekrators! Split CD 2016
Nocturnal Damnation Sacrilegious Fornication Masscare... Filthy Desekrators! Split CD 2016
Abigail Sacrilegious Fornication Masscare... Filthy Desekrators! Split Cassette 2016
Nocturnal Damnation Sacrilegious Fornication Masscare... Filthy Desekrators! Split Cassette 2016
Abigail Live, Fire and Blasphemy Split Cassette 2018
Vomit of Doom Live, Fire and Blasphemy Split Cassette 2018
Abominablood Abomination Continues EP Cassette 2018
Abominablood Dark Creatures in the Vaccum of Dementia Compilation CD 2019
Abominablood Darkness in Planetary Transmutation Full-length CD 2024
Altar Youth Against Christ Full-length CD 2023
Anaboth Ścierwo o bruk Full-length CD 2017
Annihilation Vortex Nihilistic Spheres Full-length CD 2019
Aragon Reh: Witchcult & 11-11-11 Demo Cassette 2012
Aragon Torn by the Devil Full-length Cassette 2012
Aragon Call of the Beast Full-length CD 2018
Aries Vehemens Decade of Necrosodomy Full-length Cassette 2014
Arkona Jesienne krakowskie zgliszcza Split Cassette 2013
Aragon Jesienne krakowskie zgliszcza Split Cassette 2013
Atonement Genesis of Blasphemy EP Cassette 2020
Azelsgard Slavonic Horned Evil Demo CD 2023
BlackHorns Rise of the Infernal Sorcery / The Oath Full-length CD 2019
BlackHorns Rise of the Infernal Sorcery / The Oath Full-length Digital 2019
Blood Stronghold Immemorial Nightly Paths Demo Cassette 2018
Blood Stronghold Spectres of Bloodshed Full-length CD 2020
Cadaveric Possession Sanctity Collapsed Demo CD 2018
Cadaveric Possession The Malevolent Predestination Full-length CD 2018
Cadaveric Possession Sephirothic Desiccation EP CD 2019
Cadaveric Possession Vortex of Undying Hatred Full-length CD 2022
Cadaveric Possession The Demise of King Yima Full-length CD 2023
Call ov Unearthly World's Decay / Vortex of the Cursed Compilation Cassette 2012
Casus Belli Hell-ios EP CD 2016
Chthonic Cult Become Seekers for Death Full-length CD 2022
Clairvoyance Demo Demo CD 2020
Concilium The Oblivion of Time in the Dim Light Full-length CD 2019
Concilium Necrose Death Hunger Split CD 2020
Hexitium Necrose Death Hunger Split CD 2020
Crippling Madness Bestialski rzeźnik Demo CD 2017
Crippling Madness Ponad zwłokami Full-length CD 2019
Crippling Madness Władcy nocy Full-length CD 2023
Crippling Madness Władcy nocy Full-length Digital 2023
Cthulhu Rites Ku chwale mrocznych eonów I Demo Cassette 2012
Cthulhu Rites Black Oath Rites Split CD 2018
Czarna Trumna Black Oath Rites Split CD 2018
Waroath Black Oath Rites Split CD 2018
Cursed Coven On the Altars of Ancestral Worship Demo Cassette 2016
Czarna Trumna Kongregacja trupiego tronu Demo Cassette 2013
Damage Case Fuck'n'Roll Damnation Full-length CD 2019
Damage Case Heavy Metal Sacrifice Full-length CD 2022
Daren Braterstwo krwi Split Cassette 2012
Slav Braterstwo krwi Split Cassette 2012
Daren Słowa Full-length Cassette 2013
Darkstorm The Oath of Fire Full-length CD 2017
DeathEpoch Abysmal Invocation Full-length CD 2020
DeathEpoch Abysmal Invocation Full-length Digital 2020
DeathEpoch Abysmal Invocation Full-length Cassette 2020
DeathEpoch Upon the Altar / DeathEpoch Split CD 2022
Upon the Altar Upon the Altar / DeathEpoch Split CD 2022
Deathlike Dawn Deliria and Dreams Full-length CD 2020
Deathlike Dawn Among the Graves of the Archetypes Full-length CD 2024
Deathstorm The Unfathomable Full-length CD 2018
Deathvasstator Nuclear Demo(n) MMXIX Full-length CD 2019
Deathvasstator Nuclear Demo(n) MMXIX Full-length Cassette 2019
Demonic Temple Demonic Temple Demo Cassette 2014
Demonic Temple Chalice of Nectar Darkness Full-length CD 2017
Demonic Temple Incrementum Full-length CD 2018
Demonic Temple Incrementum Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Demonic Temple Through the Stars into the Abyss Full-length CD 2021
Demonic Temple Through the Stars into the Abyss Full-length Digital 2021
Destroyers Dziewięć kręgów zła Full-length CD 2020
Destroyers Dziewięć kręgów zła Full-length CD 2020
Destroyers Dziewięć kręgów zła Full-length Digital 2020
Destroyers Dziewięć kręgów zła Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Diabolical Fullmoon The Pagan Wolves Will Rise Again Full-length CD 2021
Diabolical Fullmoon The Pagan Wolves Will Rise Again Full-length Cassette 2021
Diabolical Fullmoon The Pagan Wolves Will Rise Again Full-length CD 2022
Diabolicon The Source of the Black Light Full-length CD 2013
Dismembered Flesh Mutilation Necrophiliac Decomposition Full-length CD 2020
Distres Chapel of Stillborn Messiah Split CD 2017
Putrid Evil Chapel of Stillborn Messiah Split CD 2017
Dominance Slaughter of Human Offerings in the New Age of Pan Full-length CD 2023
Dominance In Ghoulish Cold EP CD 2024
Dominance In Ghoulish Cold EP Digital 2024
Duch Czerni Sleepless Temple EP CD 2017
Empheris Ancient Necrostorms Demo Cassette 2012
Empheris Ancient Necrostorms Full-length Cassette 2012
Ethelyn Anhedonic Full-length CD 2024
Evil Sorcery Death Meditation EP CD 2019
Execution of Light Rotting Blood of Sacrifice Demo Cassette 2012
Exhalation Embodied Inferno Split Cassette 2016
Nuclear Holocaust Embodied Inferno Split Cassette 2016
Fadheit Inhaling the Trauma Full-length CD 2020
Freezing Blood Altar of Goat Demo Cassette 2013
Funeral Discipline Total Full-length Cassette 2015
Gates of Tyrant Vortex Towards Death Full-length CD 2020
Goathrone The Black Full-length CD 2018
Goathrone Sodom & Gomorrah Full-length CD 2019
Goathrone Sodom & Gomorrah Full-length Cassette 2019
Goathrone The Black Full-length CD + cassette 2018
Goatlord Distorted Birth: The Demos Compilation 2CD 2022
Gone. Wszystko umiera Full-length CD 2022
Gravelord I Full-length CD 2018
Graves Concilium Split CD 2019
Grave of God Concilium Split CD 2019
Grimcult Revelations of Sinister Flame EP CD 2020
Grób Mięsożerca EP CD 2021
Grób Misophonia EP CD 2022
Guild of Shadows Keepers of the Night Souls EP CD 2017
Gyötrelem Üresség Full-length CD 2019
Hades Almighty ...Again Shall Be + Alone Walkyng Full-length CD 2022
Hades Almighty The Dawn of the Dying Sun Full-length CD 2022
HateCrime Война, которой нет Full-length CD 2018
Hell-Born Hellbound Hearts Split 7" vinyl 2019
Offence Hellbound Hearts Split 7" vinyl 2019
Hell-Born Hellbound Hearts Split CD 2019
Offence Hellbound Hearts Split CD 2019
Hell-Born Hellbound Hearts Split 7" vinyl + CD 2019
Offence Hellbound Hearts Split 7" vinyl + CD 2019
Hell's Coronation Cadaveric Goatserpents' Coronation Split CD 2018
Cadaveric Possession Cadaveric Goatserpents' Coronation Split CD 2018
Hexifixion Hexifixion Full-length CD 2021
Horns Oświecenie Full-length CD 2024
Idolatria Breviarium Daemonicus Idolatrorum Full-length Cassette 2015
Illness Hailing the 90's Cult EP CD 2022
Impure Declaration No Paths, No Guide EP CD 2018
Incinerator Rotten Flesh Macabre EP CD 2017
Incinerator Incinerator / Vile Apparition Split CD 2018
Vile Apparition Incinerator / Vile Apparition Split CD 2018
Incinerator The Second Death Split CD 2020
Pure Massacre The Second Death Split CD 2020
Inhumane Spells II Full-length Cassette 2016
Inhumane Spells Bloody Feast Full-length Cassette 2017
Kladovest Atmosphere Full-length Cassette 2012
Krashing Disinterment 1987-1993 Compilation CD 2013
Madrigal Unholy Prophecies Demo Cassette 2017
Madrigal Enmehtrium Demo Cassette 2018
Magnus Alcoholic Suicide Full-length CD 2021
Malediction of Agony Malediction of Agony Full-length CD 2022
Malum in Se ...of Death ...of Lurid Soul... Demo Cassette 2014
Martwa Aura Dzień bez jutra Demo Cassette 2012
Martwa Aura Contra Mundi Contra Vitae Full-length Cassette 2015
Martwa Aura Credo in Mortem Split CD 2019
Odour of Death Credo in Mortem Split CD 2019
Martwa Aura Morbus Animus Full-length Cassette 2020
Maze of Coffin Goblet of Perdition Demo Cassette 2015
Morbid Slaughter ...Rancid Death Awaits 2014... Compilation Cassette 2014
Morbid Stench Doom & Putrefaction Full-length CD 2019
Morbid Stench Doom & Putrefaction Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Morbid Stench Doom & Putrefaction Full-length Digital 2020
Morbid Stench The Rotting Ways of Doom Full-length CD 2022
Nagual Zgliszcza EP CD 2013
Nagual Self-Conqueror EP CD 2016
Nagual Zgliszcza EP Cassette 2013
Nazghor Upon the Darkest Season Full-length Cassette 2014
Necro Schizma Erupted Evil Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2020
Necro Schizma Erupted Evil Compilation CD 2022
Necrobiosis My Soul Full-length CD 2021
Necromoon War with Tyranny Full-length CD 2024
Necrostrigis Relics of Blood Rites Sorcery EP Cassette 2011
Necrostrigis Odwieczna potęga podziemi EP Cassette 2013
Necrostrigis Odwieczna potęga podziemi EP Digital 2019
Nekkrofukk Satan, Urine, Blood, Sperm EP Cassette 2014
Nekkrofukk Nukklear Goat Vomit EP Cassette 2014
Nekkrofukk Impurity Winds of Unholy Rites Full-length CD 2015
Nekkrofukk Impurity Winds of Unholy Rites Full-length Cassette 2015
Nekkrofukk Ejakkulation Evil Storm of Perverse Goatsodomy Full-length CD 2016
Nekkrofukk Ejakkulation Evil Storm of Perverse Goatsodomy Full-length Cassette 2016
Nekkrofukk Blood Vomit Tribute to the Infernal Goatlords EP CD 2016
Nekkrofukk Deny the Image of God Compilation 12" vinyl 2017
Nekkrofukk Deny the Image of God Compilation Cassette 2017
Nekkrofukk Bestial Desekkration of Holy Whore & Morbid Abominations EP Cassette 2017
Nekkrofukk Bestial Desekkration of Holy Whore & Morbid Abominations EP CD 2017
Nekkrofukk Possessed Live Sodomy & Baptized in Blood of Goat Ritual Live album CD + DVD 2017
Nekkrofukk Deny the Image of God Compilation CD 2018
Nekkrofukk Antikkrist Venomous Uteroplacental Injekktor of Goat Semen & Mephistophallus Thermonukklear Messiah Violation Full-length CD 2019
Nekkrofukk Antikkrist Venomous Uteroplacental Injekktor of Goat Semen & Mephistophallus Thermonukklear Messiah Violation Full-length Cassette 2019
Nekkrofukk Blood Vomit Tribute to the Infernal Goatlords EP Cassette 2016
Nekkrofukk Possessed Live Sodomy & Baptized in Blood of Goat Ritual Live album Cassette 2017
Nekkrofukk Impurity Winds of Unholy Rites Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Nekkrofukk Ejakkulation Evil Storm of Perverse Goatsodomy Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Nekkrofukk Mysterious Rituals in the Abyss of Sabbath & Eternal Celebration of the Blakk Goat Full-length CD 2021
Nekkrofukk Mysterious Rituals in the Abyss of Sabbath & Eternal Celebration of the Blakk Goat Full-length Digital 2021
Nekkrofukk Mysterious Rituals in the Abyss of Sabbath & Eternal Celebration of the Blakk Goat Full-length Cassette 2021
Nekkrofukk Don't Be Tempted by the World of Shit... This Is the World of the Devil Full-length CD 2024
Nekrape Nekrape Demo Cassette 2013
Nekron Psychosis Full-length CD 2017
Nekron Worshipers EP CD 2018
Nunslaughter Live Without Mercy Split CD 2018
Vomit of Doom Live Without Mercy Split CD 2018
Nurt Ognia Nurt ognia EP CD 2020
Old Skull Death Rattle EP CD 2020
Old Skull The Cult Full-length CD 2022
Omenfilth Veneration of Cruel Lust Split CD 2017
Sulphurhaze Veneration of Cruel Lust Split CD 2017
Onslaught Power from Hell Full-length CD 2023
Onslaught The Force Full-length CD 2023
Optophobic Hymns of Sorrow and Fear Split CD 2016
Coffinshade Hymns of Sorrow and Fear Split CD 2016
Ordo Sanguinis Noctis In the Black Tomb of Time Full-length CD 2015
Pandemic Genocide Nightmareland Split CD 2015
Anticipate Nightmareland Split CD 2015
Poroniec Moralności Single Digital 2024
Poroniec W połogu Full-length Digital 2024
Poroniec W połogu Full-length CD 2024
ProFanatism Hereticon Full-length CD 2016
Profanity Angel Acts of Desecration and Blasphemy Demo Cassette 2014
Profanity Angel Holy Thrones Abolition EP CD 2022
Ritual Bloodshed Ocean of Ashes EP CD 2015
Sacrificulus Uada Magus Full-length CD 2018
Sacrificulus Uada Magus Full-length Cassette 2018
Sacrofuck Putrid Graveyard Hordes Split CD 2015
Execution of Light Putrid Graveyard Hordes Split CD 2015
Putrid Evil Putrid Graveyard Hordes Split CD 2015
Sacrofuck Sacrofuck / Enterchrist Split CD 2018
Enterchrist Sacrofuck / Enterchrist Split CD 2018
Sacrofuck Ekstaza upodlenia Full-length CD 2019
Sarg Totentanz Full-length CD 2017
Satanic Might Arrival of the Winterwinds Demo CD 2016
Satanic Torment Submit to the Lord of Darkness Full-length Cassette 2017
Sathanas Hellspawn Hegemony Split CD 2023
DeathEpoch Hellspawn Hegemony Split CD 2023
Sathanas Hellspawn Hegemony Split Digital 2023
DeathEpoch Hellspawn Hegemony Split Digital 2023
Sepulchral Cult Immurement, Spirits and Graveyard Chants Full-length CD 2021
Signs of the Dying Summer Promenada ciszy Full-length CD 2023
Sinistrous Diabolus Total Doom//Desecration Full-length CD 2019
Slav Raw and Cold Demo Cassette 2013
Slav Slavic Obscure Metal Full-length Cassette 2014
Slav Frost and Slow Death Full-length Cassette 2015
Slav Sângeroase Transilvania EP Cassette 2017
Solium The Styx Is Witching Me Full-length CD 2017
Styggmyr Gloria - Haxan - Kvlt Split Cassette 2012
Necrostrigis Gloria - Haxan - Kvlt Split Cassette 2012
Supreme Evil True Satanic Hate Demo Cassette 2012
Szary Wilk Wrota chaosu Demo Cassette 2018
Szary Wilk Wrath Full-length CD 2021
Szary Wilk Wrath Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Szary Wilk Wrath Full-length Cassette 2021
Szary Wilk Wrath Full-length Digital 2021
Temple of Shades Primordial Necromancy Demo Cassette 2013
The Devil's Sermon Rydwany ognia EP CD 2020
The Devil's Sermon Nie ma boga nad Diabła Full-length CD 2019
The Devil's Sermon Czarna jaźń Full-length CD 2021
Throneum The Horror Tongues of Time EP Cassette 2016
Tiamat Sumerian Cry Full-length CD 2023
Towards Hellfire Death upon the Holy Throne Full-length CD 2023
Trupi Swąd W imię Diabła EP Digital 2020
Trupi Swąd W imię Diabła EP CD 2020
Trupi Swąd Pod nieświętą banderą Single Digital 2020
Trupi Swąd Nekromancja Full-length CD 2022
Two Runes Herää Eurooppa! Demo Cassette 2016
Upon the Altar Absid ab Ordine Luminis Full-length CD 2021
Veter Daemonaz Антилогос / Antilogos Single 7" vinyl 2019
Waroath Conjuration of the Wargods Demo Cassette 2013
Waroath Merciless Night Evil Demo Cassette 2015
Waroath Infernal Tortures Blades Full-length CD 2020
Waroath Infernal Tortures Blades Full-length Digital 2020
Widmo Desecration Rituals Split CD 2014
The Sons of Perdition Desecration Rituals Split CD 2014
Freezing Blood Desecration Rituals Split CD 2014
Widmo Kim ty jesteś tym ja byłem, kim ja jestem tym ty będziesz EP CD 2015
Xarzebaal I Full-length CD 2018
Xarzebaal II Full-length CD 2019
Xarzebaal III Full-length CD 2019
Zmora Popioły tego świata Full-length CD 2013
Αίμα Blood Chalices from the Impure Split Cassette 2017
Supremative Blood Chalices from the Impure Split Cassette 2017