Running Wild Productions

JSON | Metal Archives


Address 4020 Linz
Country Austria
Status active
Styles And Specialties Austrian Metal
Founding Date October 26th, 2021
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Shop (for bands)
Landing page


Name Country Genre Status
Adder's Fork Austria gothic, heavy Current
Aeons of Ashes Austria death, melodic Current
Dea Artio Austria atmospheric, black Current
Nàire Austria atmospheric, crust, sludge Current
Obsidian Chamber Austria black, death, symphonic Current
Behind the Mask Austria death, grind, hardcore Past
In Dornen Austria ambient, black Past
Kindly Brutal Austria black, death, progressive Past
Nemoreus Austria black, folk Past
Winter's Breath Austria atmospheric, black Past
Withdraw Austria black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Adder's Fork Memorial Ruins Single Digital 2023
Adder's Fork A Gathering of Four Split Digital 2023
Winter's Breath A Gathering of Four Split Digital 2023
Dea Artio A Gathering of Four Split Digital 2023
In Dornen A Gathering of Four Split Digital 2023
Adder's Fork A Gathering of Four Split CD 2023
Winter's Breath A Gathering of Four Split CD 2023
Dea Artio A Gathering of Four Split CD 2023
In Dornen A Gathering of Four Split CD 2023
Aeons of Ashes The Wasteland Chronicles Full-length Digital 2023
Aeons of Ashes The Wasteland Chronicles Full-length CD 2023
Aeons of Ashes The Wasteland Chronicles Full-length CD 2023
Behind the Mask Behind the Mask Compilation CD 2022
Dea Artio Nebelfelder Full-length CD 2021
Dea Artio Zurück in die Waldwacht Full-length CD 2022
Dea Artio Nur die Sterne über dir (AGoF version) Single Digital 2023
In Dornen Trauer EP CD 2023
In Dornen Trauer EP Digital 2023
In Dornen Mein letzter Tag Single Digital 2023
Kindly Brutal From Ashes to Ecstasy EP Digital 2023
Kindly Brutal From Ashes to Ecstasy EP CD 2023
Nàire The Age of Man Full-length CD 2024
Nàire The Age of Man Full-length Digital 2024
Nemoreus Orcunadoras - Chapter One: Warrior EP Digital 2023
Nemoreus Orcunadoras - Chapter One: Warrior EP CD 2023
Nemoreus Orcunadoras - Chapter Two: Wanderer EP Digital 2023
Nemoreus Orcunadoras - Chapter Two: Wanderer EP CD 2023
Nemoreus Orcunadoras - Chapter Three: Rogue EP Digital 2023
Nemoreus Orcunadoras - Chapter Three: Rogue EP CD 2023
Nemoreus Orcunadoras - Chapter Four: Hermit EP Digital 2023
Nemoreus Orcunadoras - Chapter Four: Hermit EP CD 2023
Obsidian Chamber Holzphäller EP CD 2023
Obsidian Chamber Holzphäller EP Digital 2023
Obsidian Chamber Ein Platz am Kamin Full-length Digital 2024
Obsidian Chamber Ein Platz am Kamin Full-length CD 2024
Obsidian Chamber Ein Platz am Kamin Full-length CD 2024
Winter's Breath Zerstörer Single Digital 2023
Winter's Breath Stories Left Behind Full-length CD 2023
Winter's Breath Stories Left Behind Full-length CD 2023
Winter's Breath Stories Left Behind Full-length Digital 2023
Withdraw Wenn sie gehen Single Digital 2022
Withdraw Anima Smorzando Full-length CD 2022
Withdraw Anima Smorzando Full-length CD 2022
Withdraw RWP Hymn Single Digital 2022
Withdraw RWP Hymn Single CD 2022
Withdraw 2021: Rise of Withdraw Compilation Digital 2022
Withdraw 2021: Rise of Withdraw Compilation CD 2022
Withdraw Struwwelpeter Full-length Digital 2022
Withdraw Struwwelpeter Full-length 2CD 2022
Withdraw RWP Hymn Single CD 2023
Withdraw 2022: The Madness Continues… Compilation Digital 2023