Bang the Head Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Country Japan
Status active
Styles And Specialties Japanese metal
Founding Date 2005
Parent Label DIW Products Group

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Awaked Japan groove, southern Current
Casbah Japan thrash Current
Concrete Experience Japan crossover, thrash Current
Dirty Thirty Japan thrash Current
Jurassic Jade Japan thrash Current
Pornostate Japan thrash Current
Rose Rose Japan crossover, death, grind, hardcore, punk, thrash Current
Satyr Japan death, groove, thrash Current
Sqid Japan groove, thrash Current
Ultimate Loudspeaker Japan doom, heavy Current
Zombie Ritual Japan death, thrash Current
五人一首 Japan extreme, progressive Current
兀突骨 Japan death Current
5X Japan heavy Past
Alhambra Japan power Past
Atsushi Yokozeki Japan hard-rock, heavy, neoclassical, shred Past
Bassaium Japan death Past
Blind Hate Japan brutal, death Past
Blizard Japan heavy Past
Bold Fat Missile Japan thrash Past
Code Red Japan thrash Past
Cyclone Japan progressive Past
Damzell Japan power, speed, thrash Past
Eizo Sakamoto Japan heavy Past
Fastkill Japan thrash Past
LawShed Japan thrash Past
LSD Japan power, thrash Past
Marge Litch Japan heavy, melodic, symphonic Past
Moon-Struck Japan heavy, melodic Past
Ogre Japan death, hardcore, thrash Past
Outburst Japan death, thrash Past
Outrage Japan speed, thrash Past
Roserich Japan doom, progressive Past
Sacrifice Japan thrash Past
Siegfried Japan heavy Past
Silverback Japan heavy Past
Spellbound Japan power, thrash Past
Spike Honey Japan crossover Past
Survive Japan death, hardcore, thrash Past
Swarrrm Japan death, grind, hardcore Past
Ubigun Japan thrash Past
Warpigs Japan heavy Past
Yasumitsu Shimizu Japan heavy, power Past
Zadkiel Japan black, speed Past
十二単 Japan heavy Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
5X Live X Live album CD 2013
5X Carmen Maki's 5X Full-length CD 2013
Alhambra Siegfried Full-length CD 2012
Atsushi Yokozeki Emptiness Full-length CD 2011
Atsushi Yokozeki Raid Full-length CD 2011
Atsushi Yokozeki Jet Finger + Get Away EP CD 2011
Atsushi Yokozeki Jet Finger + Get Away EP CD 2011
Atsushi Yokozeki Brilliant Pictures Full-length CD 2011
Atsushi Yokozeki Dinosaur - Remembrance of 900.000.000 Years Ago Full-length CD 2011
Atsushi Yokozeki Sea of Joy Full-length CD 2011
Awaked Blood Full-length CD 2012
Awaked Elegy Full-length CD 2015
Bassaium Pandemic Full-length CD 2008
Blind Hate Cruel Impeccable Horrific Killer Full-length CD 2009
Blizard Blizard of Wizard (暗黒の聖書) Full-length CD 2009
Blizard Kamikaze Killers - My Tears Evaporate (暗黒の警鐘) Full-length CD 2009
Blizard Hot Shot! Full-length CD 2009
Blizard Hard Times Full-length CD 2009
Casbah Russian Roulette: No Posers Allowed 1985-1994 Compilation 2CD 2005
Casbah Infinite Pain ~ Official Bootleg 1985-2006 Compilation DVD + CD 2006
Casbah Reach Out Full-length CD 2015
Code Red Wolves of Warfield Full-length CD 2007
Concrete Experience The Depth Connects the World Full-length CD 2006
Concrete Experience Aude Aliquid Dignum Full-length CD 2008
Cyclone Rising Sun Demo CD 2021
Damzell Ready to Attack Full-length CD 2022
Damzell War Songs Full-length CD 2022
Dirty Thirty Unconscious Violent Behavior Full-length CD 2012
Eizo Sakamoto Golden Hits Full-length CD 2011
Fastkill Bestial Thrashing Bulldozer Full-length CD 2011
Jurassic Jade 黒い果実 (The Early Years 1985-1988) Compilation CD + DVD 2005
Jurassic Jade Hemiplegia EP CD 2006
Jurassic Jade Endoplasm EP CD 2008
Jurassic Jade Skull Smash 21st Century ~ Behind Yoke Systems Vol. 14 Split video DVD 2006
Casbah Skull Smash 21st Century ~ Behind Yoke Systems Vol. 14 Split video DVD 2006
Bold Fat Missile Skull Smash 21st Century ~ Behind Yoke Systems Vol. 14 Split video DVD 2006
Jurassic Jade Akathisia EP CD 2010
Jurassic Jade 懺悔の赤 - 25 Years of Aggression and Agony Video DVD 2010
Jurassic Jade Kiten EP CD 2014
Jurassic Jade Ten No Toga - The B.Y.S.Years 1997-1998 Compilation CD 2012
Jurassic Jade Chi No Ada Hana - The Howling Bull Years (2000-2004) Compilation CD 2012
Jurassic Jade Gore Full-length CD 2010
Jurassic Jade 誰かが殺した日々 (Never Forget Those Days) Full-length CD 2010
Jurassic Jade Id - イド - Full-length CD 2020
Jurassic Jade Nyx Filia Full-length CD 2023
LawShed Let Us Not Talk Falsely Full-length CD 2023
LawShed Spirits & Souls Full-length CD 2023
Marge Litch Masquerade Game - Demo Tracks Vol. 1 Compilation CD 2024
Marge Litch Midsummer Night's Dream - Demo Tracks Vol. 2 Compilation CD 2024
Marge Litch Fantasien Full-length CD 2023
Marge Litch Witch of Ice - Live Tracks Vol. 1 Live album CD 2024
Marge Litch Cruel Alternative - Live Tracks Vol. 2 Live album CD 2024
Marge Litch Particuliöh (パティキュリオ) Live album CD 2023
Marge Litch Body - 冷えてゆく身体 - The Singles Compilation CD 2024
Marge Litch Masquerade Game - Demo Tracks Vol. 1 Compilation CD + DVD 2024
Marge Litch Midsummer Night's Dream - Demo Tracks Vol. 2 Compilation CD + DVD 2024
Marge Litch Body - 冷えてゆく身体 - The Singles Compilation CD + DVD 2024
Marge Litch Witch of Ice - Live Tracks Vol. 1 Live album CD + DVD 2024
Marge Litch Cruel Alternative - Live Tracks Vol. 2 Live album CD + DVD 2024
Marge Litch Fantasien Full-length CD + DVD 2023
Marge Litch Particuliöh (パティキュリオ) Live album CD + DVD 2023
Moon-Struck Nocturne ~ Anthology of Moonstruck Compilation CD 2022
Ogre Total Laceration - 総合的鬼刻み Full-length CD 2009
Outburst Aggression Full-length CD 2008
Outrage Live and Rare Vol.2 Compilation CD 2007
Outrage The Curtain of History ~ Old Whores and Encores Video DVD 2007
Pornostate Pornostate Full-length CD 2022
Rose Rose Skatethrash Heaven Full-length CD 2012
Rose Rose Fucking Crap Fucking Chaos Full-length CD 2013
Rose Rose The Final Sign for Creatures Full-length CD 2017
Rose Rose Your Ignorance Is Our Death Full-length CD 2019
Rose Rose Unseen Terror Full-length CD 2022
Rose Rose Unseen Terror Full-length Digital 2022
Rose Rose Liquidation Full-length Digital 2023
Rose Rose Liquidation Full-length CD 2023
Rose Rose Brutalize Full-length CD 2024
Rose Rose Complete Deaden the Nerve Compilation CD 2024
Rose Rose Brutalize Full-length Digital 2024
Rose Rose Complete Deaden the Nerve Compilation Digital 2024
Roserich Ritual - Live in Tokyo Demo CD 2023
Sacrifice Crest of Black Full-length CD 2010
Satyr Aulos Full-length CD 2007
Siegfried Remains Full-length CD 2022
Silverback The Hidden Full-length CD 2023
Spellbound Anthology Split CD 2022
LSD Anthology Split CD 2022
Spike Honey Once upon a Time Full-length CD 2006
Spike Honey Route 17 SSS Full-length CD 2009
Spike Honey 電光石火 Full-length CD 2012
Sqid Dead-banging Full-length CD 2010
Survive Nothing Left on My Path Full-length CD 2008
Swarrrm Black Bong Full-length CD 2007
Swarrrm Black Bong Full-length Digital None
Ubigun Ubigun Compilation CD 2023
Ultimate Loudspeaker The End EP CD 2007
Warpigs Stay Cool Full-length CD 2023
Yasumitsu Shimizu Wind from the East 2021 Compilation CD 2021
Yasumitsu Shimizu Re-Awake Full-length CD 2023
Zadkiel Zadkiel Compilation CD 2006
Zombie Ritual Day of the Zombie Demons Full-length CD 2024
五人一首 内視鏡世界 Full-length CD 2005
五人一首 死人贊歌 Full-length CD 2020
兀突骨 魍魎 (Mouryou) Full-length CD 2009
兀突骨 影ノ伝説 (Legend of Shadow) Full-length CD 2013
兀突骨 因果応報 (Retributive Justice) Full-length CD 2015
兀突骨 兵ドモガ夢ノ跡 (Where Warriors Once Dreamed a Dream) Full-length CD 2016
兀突骨 背水之陣 (The Final Stand) Full-length CD 2018
兀突骨 黄泉ガヘリ (Back from the Underworld) Full-length CD 2023
兀突骨 黄泉ガヘリ (Back from the Underworld) Full-length Digital 2023
十二単 Loving Woman - The History of 12Hitoe Compilation CD 2022