
JSON | Metal Archives


Country Netherlands
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Ambient
Founding Date 2010
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Astathica Netherlands black Current
Barbaar Netherlands black Current
Black Command Netherlands black Current
Bluthunde Netherlands black Current
Dauw Netherlands black Current
De Gevreesde Ziekte Netherlands black Current
Dodenkrocht Netherlands black Current
Draco Donnovan Netherlands black Current
Fenris Netherlands black, viking Current
Flooded Grave Netherlands black Current
Genocida Netherlands black Current
Grafzerk Netherlands black Current
Heavens Fall Netherlands black Current
Hellevaerder Netherlands black Current
Illuster Netherlands black Current
Marquis Netherlands black Current
Nachtdwaelen Netherlands black Current
Navolreb Netherlands black Current
Nord Netherlands black Current
Owl Netherlands black Current
Perfide Netherlands black Current
Predictor Netherlands black Current
Schizian Netherlands black Current
Suttungr Netherlands black Current
Trigletl Netherlands black, death Current
Tsalmaveth Netherlands ambient, black Current
Utter Netherlands black Current
Walg Netherlands black, melodic Current
Whore of the Underworld Netherlands black, death Current
Wolfshof Netherlands black Current
Wolvenbloed Netherlands black Current
Yaotzin Netherlands black Current
Zieldoder Netherlands black Current
Adonai Sathanas Netherlands black Past
Adversarius Netherlands black Past
Alruin Netherlands black Past
Asagraum International black Past
Asgrauw Netherlands black Past
Black Abyss Malaysia black Past
Black Art Netherlands black, death Past
BlackScorn Canada black Past
Bloodtomb Netherlands black, death Past
Boecx Netherlands black Past
Brandhaard Netherlands black Past
Charagnanna Netherlands black, darkwave Past
Cirith Gorgor Netherlands black Past
Clear History Netherlands grind, hardcore, black Past
De Magia Veterum Netherlands avant-garde, black Past
Demalion Netherlands black Past
Dood Netherlands black Past
Doodswens Netherlands black Past
Duindwaler Netherlands black Past
Dystopia Netherlands thrash, black Past
Eeuwig Netherlands black Past
Evil Oath Netherlands black Past
Folkstorm Netherlands black Past
Förtvivlan Netherlands black, depressive, gothic, rock Past
Frontline Despair Netherlands black Past
Frostbite Netherlands black Past
Funeral Grave Netherlands black Past
Gestalte Netherlands black Past
Grafjammer Netherlands black Past
Grey Aura Netherlands atmospheric, avant-garde, black, post-metal Past
Grimm Netherlands folk Past
Hak-Ed Damm Canada black Past
Hamergilde Netherlands black Past
Heersch Netherlands black Past
Heimldaalr Argentina black Past
Hekel Netherlands black Past
Hell Icon Netherlands black Past
Hellegion Netherlands black Past
Helleruin Netherlands black Past
Hellewijt Netherlands black Past
Hellfire Nemesis Netherlands black Past
Hellhaunt Netherlands black Past
Heretic Netherlands black'n'roll, black Past
Ibex Angel Order Netherlands black Past
Infinity Netherlands black Past
Inquisitor Netherlands death, thrash Past
Kreyll Netherlands atmospheric, black, doom Past
Lanz Netherlands black, experimental Past
Legion of Wolves Netherlands black Past
Locus Amoenus Netherlands black, doom Past
Magistraal Netherlands black Past
Melancholie Netherlands ambient, atmospheric, black Past
Meslamtaea Netherlands black Past
Mordaehoth Netherlands black, pagan Past
Mortifer Netherlands black Past
Nachtmerrie Netherlands black Past
Nachtvrucht International black Past
Necrostorm Netherlands black Past
Neftaraka Malaysia black Past
Northhymn International black Past
Pagan Heritage Netherlands black Past
Pestilent Grave Netherlands black Past
Prickrott Netherlands black, grind, hardcore, industrial Past
RÁN International black, thrash Past
Raptor Netherlands black Past
Sabbatical Goat Netherlands black, thrash, death Past
Sammath Netherlands black Past
Sauron Netherlands black Past
Schavot Netherlands black Past
Shame Netherlands ambient, black Past
Smoke Netherlands black Past
Stink Netherlands black Past
Styxian Industries Netherlands black, industrial Past
Teitan Netherlands black Past
Terdor Netherlands black Past
The Parents of Oude Pekela Netherlands black Past
Toorn Netherlands black Past
Tsantsa Netherlands black Past
Unbenign Netherlands black Past
Unlord Netherlands black Past
Vazal Netherlands black Past
Von Mollestein Netherlands black, electronic, industrial Past
Walpurgisnacht Netherlands black Past
Weltschmerz Netherlands black Past
Wilds Forlorn Netherlands atmospheric, black Past
Willoos Netherlands black, depressive Past
Wolves' Winter Argentina black Past
Wulfaz Netherlands black Past
Zagharos Spain black Past
Zelfhaat Netherlands black Past
Zwart Netherlands black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Adversarius Die with Your Prophet Demo Cassette 2017
Adversarius From the Shadows of the Abyss Split 7" vinyl 2020
Doodswens From the Shadows of the Abyss Split 7" vinyl 2020
Asagraum Promo Demo Cassette 2017
Asgrauw Krater Full-length Cassette 2017
Asgrauw Gronspech Full-length Cassette 2019
Asgrauw Krater Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Asgrauw Verloren vertellingen Split 12" vinyl 2023
Hellevaerder Verloren vertellingen Split 12" vinyl 2023
Duindwaler Verloren vertellingen Split 12" vinyl 2023
Schavot Verloren vertellingen Split 12" vinyl 2023
Astathica Shaped to the Image of the Flames Full-length Cassette 2013
Astathica Death, Ignorance and Destruction Full-length Cassette 2017
Astathica Symbiosis Full-length Cassette 2019
Astathica Birth of the Infernal Darkness Full-length Cassette 2019
Barbaar Vanuit duistere wouden EP Cassette 2023
Black Art Black Art Demo Cassette 2014
Black Command Demo 2013 Demo Cassette 2013
Black Command Rites of Luciferian Illumination (Live in Groningen 2015) Live album Cassette 2016
Bloodtomb Live Ritual Chaos Live album Cassette 2018
Bluthunde Human Full-length Cassette 2011
Boecx Beraadslaging der naargeestigheid Split Cassette 2013
Eeuwig Beraadslaging der naargeestigheid Split Cassette 2013
Alruin Beraadslaging der naargeestigheid Split Cassette 2013
Brandhaard Wolves Head Full-length Cassette 2011
Cirith Gorgor Cirith Gorgor Full-length Cassette 2019
Cirith Gorgor The Nefarious Order Split 12" vinyl 2019
Fenris The Nefarious Order Split 12" vinyl 2019
Yaotzin The Nefarious Order Split 12" vinyl 2019
Weltschmerz The Nefarious Order Split 12" vinyl 2019
Dauw Duivelswerk - De complete nachtmerrie Demo Cassette 2011
De Gevreesde Ziekte Ω EP Cassette 2020
De Magia Veterum Clavicula Salomonis / The Blood of Prophets and Saints Compilation Cassette 2021
Demalion The Draining of a Thousand Souls Demo Cassette 2017
Dodenkrocht Boxset Compilation 4 cassettes 2018
Dodenkrocht The Dying All Full-length Cassette 2021
Dodenkrocht Misery Chords Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Dodenkrocht Flesh Tones Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Dodenkrocht The Dying All Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Dodenkrocht The Ancient Death 2007 - 2012 unreleased demo tracks Compilation Cassette 2024
Dodenkrocht Coffin World Full-length Cassette 2024
Dodenkrocht Coffin World Full-length 2 vinyls 2024
Dood Luciferian Manifest Full-length Cassette 2013
Dood Liberating Self-Destruction Full-length Cassette 2016
Draco Donnovan Heidens Zwart Metaal Compilation Cassette 2011
Duindwaler Landloper EP Cassette 2021
Duindwaler In het Heemskerks duin Full-length Cassette 2024
Dystopia Decay Full-length Cassette 2013
Dystopia A Tribute to In the Nightside Eclipse EP Cassette 2015
Dystopia Chaos Philosophorum Full-length Cassette 2017
Dystopia De verboden diepte I: Veldslag op de rand van de wereld Full-length Cassette 2024
Evil Oath A Kingdom on Fire Full-length Cassette 2023
Fenris .​.​.​en doodenakkers tot den horizon Full-length Cassette 2017
Fenris Live at Heilland Live album Cassette 2023
Folkstorm Valavond Full-length Cassette 2012
Förtvivlan Förtvivlan EP Cassette 2011
Förtvivlan Austere Labyrinth EP Cassette 2012
Frontline Despair Pure Fucking War Full-length Cassette 2024
Frostbite Polar Storms Demo Cassette 2013
Funeral Grave Het verleden Compilation Cassette 2012
Genocida When Skies Are on Fire Full-length Cassette 2015
Genocida Ascend Full-length Cassette 2023
Gestalte Ashes of the Soul Full-length Cassette 2014
Grafjammer Schalm & schabauw Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Grafjammer Koud gemaakt Full-length 10" vinyl 2023
Grafzerk Lyken Lust Demo Cassette 2010
Grey Aura Candlesmoke EP Cassette 2012
Grimm Heksenkringen Full-length Cassette 2014
Hamergilde Wodans Krieger Demo Cassette 2019
Heavens Fall For in Darkness We Are Never Alone EP Cassette 2017
Heavens Fall Post-Natal Split Cassette 2017
Flooded Grave Post-Natal Split Cassette 2017
Clear History Post-Natal Split Cassette 2017
Heavens Fall War Split Cassette 2017
Hekel De dodenvaart Full-length Cassette 2017
Hell Icon Dies Irae Demo Cassette 2012
Hell Icon Pestis Laudes Praedicare Demo Cassette 2012
Hell Icon Opus Diaboli Demo Cassette 2012
Hell Icon Maledictum Demo Cassette 2012
Hell Icon Paratum Cor Eius Sperare in Domino, Confirmatum Est Cor Eius Non Commovebitur Demo Cassette 2014
Hell Icon The Dark Part 1 Full-length Cassette 2017
Hell Icon Credo Satanicum / Pestus Eram Vivus, Tua Mors Ero Compilation Cassette 2021
Hell Icon Fons Anguistia Trajectoria Vir Obscura Full-length Cassette 2021
Hell Icon Subsite in Votum Compilation Cassette 2021
Hell Icon Noctu ad Gloriatio Full-length Cassette 2021
Hellegion Black Metal Genocide Demo Cassette 2021
Helleruin Demo '16 Demo Cassette 2020
Hellevaerder Discography Compilation Cassette 2020
Hellevaerder Hellevaerder / Perfide Split 7" vinyl 2021
Perfide Hellevaerder / Perfide Split 7" vinyl 2021
Hellevaerder In de nevel van afgunst Full-length Cassette 2022
Hellevaerder In de nevel van afgunst Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Hellewijt Dodenwichelaereij Demo Cassette 2016
Hellfire Nemesis A Parade of Unclean Saints Demo Cassette 2014
Hellfire Nemesis Unleashed Pestilent Wrath Full-length Cassette 2014
Hellfire Nemesis A Manifest of Divine Holocaust Demo Cassette 2013
Hellhaunt Sea of Nausea Demo Cassette 2010
Heretic Angelcunts and Devilcocks Full-length Cassette 2014
Ibex Angel Order I Full-length Cassette 2017
Illuster (Re)Enlightened Darkness Demo Cassette 2017
Infinity Hybris Full-length Cassette 2017
Infinity The Untamed Hunger Full-length Cassette 2023
Inquisitor Walpurgis - Sabbath of Lust Full-length Cassette 2015
Inquisitor Stigmata Me, I'm in Misery Full-length Cassette 2018
Kreyll Demo MMXXII Demo Cassette 2022
Lanz The Satanic Rock Opera Demo Cassette 2014
Lanz Made for Loving You / The Dead Inheritance Split Cassette 2019
The Parents of Oude Pekela Made for Loving You / The Dead Inheritance Split Cassette 2019
Locus Amoenus Wangestalte Full-length Cassette 2021
Magistraal Be Silent like the Night / Fantoom van de Deemsterburcht Split 12" vinyl 2024
Zieldoder Be Silent like the Night / Fantoom van de Deemsterburcht Split 12" vinyl 2024
Marquis The Schizo Collection Full-length Cassette 2011
Marquis Mictlan Full-length Cassette 2015
Melancholie Memories So Bleak, Murmuring Winds Full-length Cassette 2017
Melancholie Verlangen Full-length Cassette 2012
Meslamtaea Utopia Split 7" vinyl 2017
Asgrauw Utopia Split 7" vinyl 2017
Meslamtaea Niets en niemendal Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Mordaehoth De ontheiliging van Asten Live album Cassette 2012
Mortifer Lost Under an Eternal Frozen Sky EP Cassette 2013
Mortifer A Sacrificial Nocturn & Astral Wanderings EP Cassette 2013
Mortifer A Nocturnal Hunt for Celestial Blood Demo Cassette 2013
Mortifer The Rise of the Archaic Bloodcult Demo Cassette 2016
Mortifer A Desolate Journey In Solitude Compilation Cassette 2020
Mortifer A Cursed Eulogy Compilation Cassette 2020
Mortifer The Cold Void of the Shadowrealm Full-length Cassette 2021
Mortifer Midnight Witchery Full-length Cassette 2021
Nachtdwaelen Dodenmasker Demo Cassette 2019
Nachtdwaelen Geestenstroom Demo Cassette 2019
Nachtmerrie De dood niet waardig Full-length Cassette 2013
Nachtvrucht Nachtvrucht EP Cassette 2017
Navolreb Uit duistere tijden Full-length Cassette 2021
Necrostorm The Forgotten Full-length Cassette 2017
Neftaraka Unholy Congregation of Demonical Reign Split Cassette 2011
Black Abyss Unholy Congregation of Demonical Reign Split Cassette 2011
Heersch Unholy Congregation of Demonical Reign Split Cassette 2011
Nachtmerrie Unholy Congregation of Demonical Reign Split Cassette 2011
Nord Black Dimensions Full-length Cassette 2011
Nord Als een ziel Full-length Cassette 2012
Nord Vaarwel Full-length Cassette 2012
Nord Dood Full-length Cassette 2011
Nord Het lot Full-length Cassette 2018
Northhymn The Northern Battle Demo Cassette 2012
Owl Fonkelingen Full-length Cassette 2017
Owl Een nieuwe wereld Full-length Cassette 2021
Owl IJslijke waarheid Full-length Cassette 2021
Owl Terug naar de kou Full-length Cassette 2023
Owl Wat overblijft Full-length Cassette 2024
Pagan Heritage Torn Apart Compilation Cassette 2017
Perfide Perfide Demo Cassette 2019
Perfide De Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden Full-length Cassette 2023
Perfide De Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Pestilent Grave A New Aeon Under Satan Demo Cassette 2011
Pestilent Grave Esoteric Blasphemy EP Cassette 2012
Pestilent Grave Black Majesty Invoked Demo Cassette 2010
Predictor The Pact of Hell Demo Cassette 2017
Prickrott Cyberworm Full-length Cassette 2014
Prickrott Total Fucking Meltdown Demo Cassette 2012
Prickrott Dust of Obscure Devastation Full-length Cassette 2018
Prickrott A Journey into the Depths of Nihilism Split Cassette 2021
Von Mollestein A Journey into the Depths of Nihilism Split Cassette 2021
RÁN Demonstorm Full-length Cassette 2016
Raptor Bestial Necroperversion Demo Cassette 2014
Raptor Antichristian Terror Propaganda Demo Cassette 2011
Raptor Necromantic Rites Demo Cassette 2011
Raptor Anger and Wrath Demo Cassette 2010
Raptor Crowning the Antichrist Demo Cassette 2010
Raptor Atrocious Acts of Blasphemy / That Same Old Frustrations Compilation Cassette 2020
Sabbatical Goat Charagnanna / Sabbatical Goat Split Cassette 2020
Charagnanna Charagnanna / Sabbatical Goat Split Cassette 2020
Sammath NL Black Metal Demo's 96 & 97 Compilation Cassette 2012
Sammath Godless Arrogance Full-length Cassette 2014
Sammath Triumph in Hatred Full-length Cassette 2014
Sammath Live Arrogance Live album Cassette 2018
Sammath Strijd Full-length Cassette 2020
Sammath Verwoesting Full-length Cassette 2020
Sammath Dodengang Full-length Cassette 2020
Sammath Dodengang Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Sammath Verwoesting / Devastation Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Sammath Triumph in Hatred Full-length Cassette 2024
Sammath Triumph in Hatred Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Sauron Tape Collection Compilation 5 cassettes 2020
Sauron Universe of Filth Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Sauron For a Dead Race Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Schavot Kronieken uit de Nevel Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Schizian Somberness Demo Cassette 2014
Shame Pain Full-length Cassette 2017
Smoke Smoke / Vomitare Demo Cassette 2010
Stink Die vuyle dompen ende afgryselijcke rottigheden Compilation Cassette 2010
Styxian Industries Manifestation Exaltation Revelation EP Cassette 2013
Suttungr Baduhennawoud EP Cassette 2022
Teitan Dark Ritual Demo Cassette 2010
Teitan Weight of the Void Full-length Cassette 2019
Teitan Vákuum EP Cassette 2021
Teitan In Oculus Abyss Full-length Cassette 2023
Terdor Levi I & II boxset Compilation 2 cassettes 2016
The Parents of Oude Pekela As Satan Spawns from the Grave of a Thousand Infants Full-length Cassette 2017
Toorn Dutch and Canadian Annihilation Split Cassette 2011
Hak-Ed Damm Dutch and Canadian Annihilation Split Cassette 2011
Weltschmerz Dutch and Canadian Annihilation Split Cassette 2011
BlackScorn Dutch and Canadian Annihilation Split Cassette 2011
Toorn Argentinian and Dutch Violation Split Cassette 2012
Marquis Argentinian and Dutch Violation Split Cassette 2012
Wolves' Winter Argentinian and Dutch Violation Split Cassette 2012
Heimldaalr Argentinian and Dutch Violation Split Cassette 2012
Toorn Forgotten Times Compilation Cassette 2012
Trigletl Queen of Hell Demo Cassette 2014
Tsalmaveth Haven in the Yonder Demo Cassette 2019
Tsalmaveth The Man, the Sun, the Snake Demo Cassette 2024
Tsantsa Fulfillment of Loathsome Festivities Compilation Cassette 2019
Unbenign Unbenign Full-length Cassette 2023
Unlord Lord of Beneath Full-length Cassette 2022
Utter Utter Darkness EP Cassette 2016
Utter Absence of Hope Full-length Cassette 2020
Vazal Breathe in the Ashes Demo Cassette 2014
Walg II Full-length Cassette 2022
Walg III Full-length Cassette 2023
Walg Walg Full-length Cassette 2023
Walg IV Full-length Cassette 2024
Walg IV Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Walpurgisnacht De Peel Sessies - Swamp Sessions Compilation Cassette 2015
Walpurgisnacht De Peel Sessies - Sabbat Sessions - The Walpurgisnacht Feast Unleashed! Sacrilegious Summoning of Spectres (Stage Rites and Moor Offerings) Compilation Cassette 2015
Weltschmerz Odium Humani Generis Full-length Cassette 2014
Weltschmerz Cry for War EP Cassette 2010
Whore of the Underworld Succubus Demo Cassette 2022
Wilds Forlorn The Great Loss Full-length Cassette 2010
Wilds Forlorn Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes EP Cassette 2010
Willoos Vanquished Memories of a Broken Past Full-length Cassette 2011
Wolfshof L.O.W. / Wolfshof Split Cassette 2012
Legion of Wolves L.O.W. / Wolfshof Split Cassette 2012
Wolvenbloed Verleden tijd Full-length Cassette 2015
Wulfaz Blood & Soil Demo Cassette 2017
Yaotzin Yaotzin, Adonai Sathanas, Nord Split Cassette 2010
Adonai Sathanas Yaotzin, Adonai Sathanas, Nord Split Cassette 2010
Nord Yaotzin, Adonai Sathanas, Nord Split Cassette 2010
Yaotzin Chaosbringer EP Cassette 2014
Yaotzin Heaven Burning Bleeding Full-length Cassette 2010
Yaotzin Artificum Dei Luciferi Full-length Cassette 2022
Zagharos War Propaganda Demo Cassette 2010
Zelfhaat Smarten van een ontwijde ziel Full-length Cassette 2020
Zieldoder Be Silent like the Night EP Cassette 2024
Zwart Heem Full-length 12" vinyl 2023