Grom Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Country Serbia
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Extreme Metal
Founding Date 2001
Sublabels Tmina Records

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Bombarder Bosnia and Herzegovina speed, thrash Current
Brünndl Italy black, pagan Current
Cosmic Ekpyrosis Greece black Current
Dead Joker Serbia death Current
Fjorsvartnir Denmark black, melodic Current
Nemesis Serbia death, melodic Current
Rex Satanachia Denmark black, death Current
Angelgoat Serbia black Past
Annathema Serbia heavy, speed, thrash Past
Ars Macabra Italy black Past
Ashen Epitaph Serbia death Past
Avenger Czechia black, death Past
Bane Serbia black, death, melodic Past
Beastcraft Norway black Past
Beyond Mortality Sweden death, melodic, thrash Past
Brann Russia black Past
Defiant Croatia melodic, black, death Past
Extirpation Italy black, thrash Past
Faceless Nihilist Serbia atmospheric, black Past
Hordes of Decay Greece black, thrash Past
In from the Cold Serbia sludge, stoner Past
Inferno Czechia black Past
Infest Serbia death, thrash Past
Kolac Serbia black Past
Koldbrann Norway black Past
Lilin United States black Past
May Result Serbia black Past
Mephorash Sweden black Past
Mortuary Serbia death Past
Niflungar Serbia black Past
Posmrtna Liturgija Serbia black Past
Rapture Messiah Mexico black Past
Sarcasm Slovenia speed, thrash Past
Sercati Belgium black Past
The Committee International atmospheric, black Past
The Stone Serbia black Past
Winterblut Germany black Past
Wolf's Hunger Serbia black, thrash Past
Нула Serbia sludge Past
Оксанат Serbia black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Angelgoat Primitive Goat Worship Full-length CD 2017
Annathema Empire of Noise Full-length Cassette 2021
Ars Macabra Nil Sine Deo Split CD 2011
Cosmic Ekpyrosis Nil Sine Deo Split CD 2011
Ashen Epitaph The Formed Filth Enigma Full-length CD 2017
Ashen Epitaph The Formed Filth Enigma Full-length Digital 2017
Avenger Feast of Anger / Joy of Despair Full-length CD 2009
Avenger MCMXCII - MMXII Compilation Digital 2012
Bane Chaos, Darkness & Emptiness Full-length CD 2010
Beastcraft Dawn of the Serpent Compilation CD 2006
Beastcraft Dawn of the Serpent Compilation CD 2006
Beyond Mortality Infected Life Full-length CD 2013
Beyond Mortality Infected Life Full-length Digital 2013
Bombarder Okot iz pakla Full-length CD 2016
Bombarder Speed Kill Full-length CD 2020
Bombarder Bez milosti Full-length CD 2020
Bombarder Speed Kill Full-length CD 2020
Bombarder Bez milosti Full-length CD 2020
Bombarder Bombarder III EP Digital 2023
Bombarder Bombarder III EP 7" vinyl 2023
Bombarder Bombarder III EP Cassette 2023
Bombarder Sa dna groba Full-length CD 2024
Bombarder Sa dna groba Full-length Digital 2024
Brann Ярость Full-length Digital 2019
Brann Даль... EP Digital 2019
Brünndl Brünndl Full-length CD 2016
Cosmic Ekpyrosis Nil Sine Deo EP Digital 2011
Dead Joker Ambiviolent Full-length CD 2020
Defiant Era of Substitution Full-length CD 2012
Defiant Era of Substitution Full-length Digital 2012
Extirpation Reverse the Reality Full-length CD 2013
Faceless Nihilist The Absurd Existence Full-length Digital 2021
Fjorsvartnir Legions of the North Full-length CD 2012
Fjorsvartnir A Praise to My Ancestors Preponderance Demo Digital 2012
Fjorsvartnir Legions of the North Full-length Digital 2012
Fjorsvartnir Mzoraxc' forbandelse Full-length CD 2015
Fjorsvartnir Legions of the North Full-length Cassette 2021
Fjorsvartnir Mzoraxc' forbandelse Full-length Cassette 2021
Fjorsvartnir Mzoraxc' forbandelse Full-length Digital 2015
Hordes of Decay The Kings Will Be Ready Full-length CD 2012
Hordes of Decay The Kings Will Be Ready Full-length CD 2012
In from the Cold Menhir Split 12" vinyl 2018
Нула Menhir Split 12" vinyl 2018
Inferno Live Plague... Live album CD 2008
Infest Onward to Destroy Full-length CD 2009
Infest Everlasting Genocide Full-length CD 2011
Infest Everlasting Genocide Full-length Digital 2011
Kolac Zauvek crni Full-length CD 2015
Koldbrann Nekrotisk inkvisition Full-length Cassette 2004
Lilin Aeon of Scorn Full-length Digital 2013
May Result Слава смрти Full-length CD 2008
May Result Tmina Full-length CD 2022
Mephorash Death Awakens Full-length CD 2011
Mephorash Chalice of Thagirion Full-length CD 2012
Mephorash Chalice of Thagirion Full-length CD 2012
Mephorash Chalice of Thagirion Full-length Digital 2012
Mortuary Final Mortuary of Souls Compilation CD 2021
Mortuary Final Mortuary of Souls Compilation Cassette 2021
Nemesis The War Is On Full-length CD 2020
Nemesis The War Is On Full-length Digital 2020
Nemesis The War Is On Full-length Cassette 2020
Nemesis Embrace Reality Full-length CD 2024
Nemesis The Scales of Fate EP 7" vinyl 2021
Nemesis Embrace Reality Full-length Digital 2024
Niflungar Wolf Battalion EP Digital 2023
Niflungar Wolf Battalion EP Cassette 2023
Rapture Messiah The "Live" Pervertion: Chapter II Live album Digital 2019
Rex Satanachia First Legion of Hell EP CD 2008
Sarcasm Something to Believe In Full-length Digital 2012
Sarcasm Igra narave Full-length Digital 2012
Sarcasm Crematory Full-length Digital 2012
Sercati The Rise of the Nightstalker (Tales of the Fallen Part 2) Full-length CD 2014
Sercati The Rise of the Nightstalker Full-length Digital 2014
The Committee Holodomor EP Digital 2013
The Stone Неке ране крваре вечно Full-length CD 2007
Winterblut Von den Pflichten, Schönes zu vernichten Full-length CD 2010
Wolf's Hunger Pagan Thunders Split CD 2006
Posmrtna Liturgija Pagan Thunders Split CD 2006
Wolf's Hunger Освета у крви Full-length CD 2007
Оксанат Aurora Full-length CD 2004