Helldprod Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Faro
Country Portugal
Status active
Styles And Specialties Heavy, Speed, Thrash, Doom, Death, Black
Founding Date 2010
Online Shopping Yes
Sublabels Murder Records, Raw 'n' Roll Rex.

Online Presence

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTJ-dHsNOKP_29SVuok7bYg
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/helldprod/
Twitter https://twitter.com/helldprod
SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/helldprod
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/helldprod
Bandcamp http://helldprod.bandcamp.com/
Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/hellstore/
Hellstore http://www.helldprod.com/


Name Country Genre Status
Alcoholocaust Portugal black, thrash Current
Atomik Destruktor Portugal thrash Current
Black Hosts Poland thrash Current
Black Mold Portugal black, punk Current
Chronicles Bangladesh death Current
Dark Agression Portugal black, death Current
Disembody Finland black, thrash Current
Disthrone Portugal black, crust, punk, thrash Current
Euthanized Canada black Current
Flageladör Brazil speed, thrash Current
Front Beast Germany black, thrash Current
Gallows Rites Portugal black, thrash Current
Göatfukk Portugal black, punk Current
Gravedäncer Brazil black, speed Current
Grog Portugal brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
Hellish Grave Brazil black, speed Current
Inquisitor Portugal speed, thrash Current
Krushhammer Brazil black, thrash Current
Martelo Negro Portugal black, death, thrash Current
Necro Chaos Portugal death Current
Nekrovomit Indonesia black, death, thrash Current
Neoplasmah Portugal black, death Current
Nethermancy Portugal black Current
Nocturnal Damnation International black, death Current
Nuclear Revenge Spain black, thrash Current
Obscure Relic Brazil black Current
Pombajira Brazil doom Current
Satan My Master Portugal black, speed Current
Scarificare Portugal black Current
Schizogoat Brazil black, thrash Current
Spectral Dance Canada black Current
Speedkiller Brazil black, thrash Current
The Sorcerer Portugal black Current
Thrashera Brazil black, speed, thrash Current
Toxik Attack Portugal thrash Current
Tyranno Brazil death, thrash Current
Urania Portugal death, doom Current
Vectis Portugal black, thrash Current
Vetus Sanguis Portugal black Current
Wanderer Portugal heavy, speed Current
Abigail Japan black, thrash Past
Acid Speech Brazil thrash Past
Açoite Brazil death, thrash Past
Agathocles Belgium grind, hardcore Past
Amen Corner Brazil black Past
Augrimmer Germany black Past
Black Angel Peru black, death Past
Ceifador Brazil thrash Past
Cunnilingus Portugal heavy, thrash Past
Decayed Portugal black Past
Desaster Germany black, thrash Past
Dragon's Kiss Portugal heavy Past
Em Ruínas Brazil speed Past
Filii Nigrantium Infernalium Portugal heavy, thrash, black Past
Grave Desecrator Brazil black, death Past
Hellbastard United Kingdom crust, punk, groove, thrash Past
Ice War Canada heavy, speed Past
Irae Portugal black Past
Mystical Portugal black Past
Namek Portugal brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Nunslaughter United States death Past
Perpetratör Portugal thrash Past
Project K Portugal black Past
Scum Liquor Portugal heavy, punk, rock Past
Shit Fucking Shit Italy death, grind, hardcore, noise Past
Sinister Netherlands death Past
Villainy Netherlands black, crust, thrash Past
Whipstriker Brazil heavy, speed Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abigail Far East Black Metal Onslaught EP 7" vinyl 2018
Abigail Far East Black Metal Onslaught EP 7" vinyl 2018
Abigail Far East Black Metal Onslaught EP Digital 2018
Acid Speech Corrosive Riot Demo Digital 2017
Açoite Açoite Full-length Cassette 2019
Açoite Açoite Full-length Digital 2019
Alcoholocaust Speed Degredo Metal Demo Cassette 2008
Alcoholocaust Bêbados de Merda Demo Cassette 2014
Alcoholocaust Necro Apocalipse Bestial Full-length CD 2019
Alcoholocaust Necro Apocalipse Bestial Full-length Cassette 2019
Alcoholocaust Necro Apocalipse Bestial Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Alcoholocaust Necro Apocalipse Bestial Full-length Digital 2019
Alcoholocaust Speed Degredo Metal Demo Digital None
Alcoholocaust Necro Apocalipse Bestial Full-length CD 2021
Alcoholocaust Necro Apocalipse Bestial Full-length Cassette 2021
Alcoholocaust Necro Apocalipse Bestial Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Amen Corner South American Tribute Split Cassette 2014
Black Angel South American Tribute Split Cassette 2014
Atomik Destruktor Unnatural Disorder Full-length CD 2015
Black Hosts Onward into the Abyss EP Digital 2021
Black Hosts Onward into the Abyss EP Cassette 2021
Black Mold Atavism Demo Cassette 2018
Black Mold Tales of Degradation Demo Cassette 2019
Black Mold The Inheritance of Evil Full-length Cassette 2020
Black Mold Atavism Demo Digital 2018
Black Mold The Unnatural Red Glow of the Night EP Digital 2023
Black Mold The Unnatural Red Glow of the Night EP Cassette 2023
Ceifador Heavy Metal 666 Full-length Cassette 2015
Chronicles Chaos Cosmogony Demo Cassette 2022
Chronicles Chaos Cosmogony Demo Digital 2022
Cunnilingus The Return of the Blasphemic Depravation Full-length CD 2016
Cunnilingus The Return of the Blasphemic Depravation Full-length Digital 2016
Dark Agression Return to Die with the Servants of Satan Single Digital 2016
Decayed From the Underworld with Hate Split CD 2013
Irae From the Underworld with Hate Split CD 2013
Inquisitor From the Underworld with Hate Split CD 2013
Decayed Into the Depths of Hell Full-length CD 2015
Decayed The Burning of Heaven Full-length CD 2016
Decayed The Conjuration of the Southern Circle Full-length Cassette 2017
Decayed The Burning of Heaven Full-length Digital 2016
Decayed Into the Depths of Hell Full-length Digital 2015
Decayed From the Underworld with Hate Split Digital 2013
Irae From the Underworld with Hate Split Digital 2013
Inquisitor From the Underworld with Hate Split Digital 2013
Decayed Lusitanian Black Fucking Metal EP Digital 2011
Desaster Desaster / Decayed Split Digital 2020
Decayed Desaster / Decayed Split Digital 2020
Desaster Desaster / Decayed Split 7" vinyl 2020
Decayed Desaster / Decayed Split 7" vinyl 2020
Disembody Reigniting Hellfire Full-length CD 2022
Disembody Reigniting Hellfire Full-length Digital 2022
Disthrone Anti-System Demo Cassette 2013
Disthrone Retaliação EP Digital 2016
Disthrone Retaliação EP 7" vinyl 2016
Dragon's Kiss Somewhere Up in the Mountains EP 7" vinyl 2013
Dragon's Kiss Somewhere Up in the Mountains EP Digital 2013
Em Ruínas From the Speed Metal Graves Demo Cassette 2008
Euthanized Sanguine Spectacle Demo Digital 2021
Euthanized Sanguine Spectacle Demo Cassette 2021
Filii Nigrantium Infernalium Pornokrates: Deo Gratias Full-length CD 2014
Filii Nigrantium Infernalium Pornokrates: Deo Gratias Full-length Digital 2013
Flageladör Predileção pelo Macabro Full-length CD 2018
Flageladör Predileção pelo Macabro Full-length Cassette 2018
Flageladör Predileção pelo Macabro Full-length Digital 2018
Flageladör Culto aos Decibéis Full-length Cassette 2024
Front Beast Shadows EP Cassette 2019
Gallows Rites Witchcraft and Necro Desecration EP CD 2023
Gallows Rites Witchcraft and Necro Desecration EP Cassette 2023
Göatfukk Procession of Forked Tongues EP Digital 2012
Grave Desecrator Bloody Deathcross Split 7" vinyl 2013
Augrimmer Bloody Deathcross Split 7" vinyl 2013
Grave Desecrator Insult Full-length Cassette 2012
Grave Desecrator Insult Full-length Cassette 2012
Grave Desecrator Insult Full-length Digital 2012
Gravedäncer Ripping Metal Demo Cassette 2021
Gravedäncer Ripping Metal Demo Digital 2021
Gravedäncer Unholy Bond Demo Cassette 2021
Gravedäncer Unholy Bond Demo Digital 2021
Gravedäncer The First Rite Full-length Digital 2023
Gravedäncer The First Rite Full-length Cassette 2023
Grog Macabre Requiems Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Grog Smashed Hammer Feast Split Digital 2020
Agathocles Smashed Hammer Feast Split Digital 2020
Grog Macabre Requiems Full-length Digital 2018
Grog Scooping the Cranial Insides Full-length Digital 2013
Grog Monsters Split Digital 2021
Namek Monsters Split Digital 2021
Grog Monsters Split 7" vinyl 2021
Namek Monsters Split 7" vinyl 2021
Grog Macabre Requiems Full-length CD 2022
Grog Macabre Requiems Full-length Cassette 2022
Hellbastard Engineering Human Consciousness - The Removal of Intelligentsia In a Machievellian Society (Parts 1 & 2) / Apocalyptic Mutations Split 7" vinyl 2014
Perpetratör Engineering Human Consciousness - The Removal of Intelligentsia In a Machievellian Society (Parts 1 & 2) / Apocalyptic Mutations Split 7" vinyl 2014
Hellish Grave Hell No Longer Waits Full-length CD 2019
Hellish Grave Hell No Longer Waits Full-length Digital 2019
Inquisitor Dark Ages of Witchery EP 7" vinyl 2012
Inquisitor Dungeons of Fear Demo Cassette 2016
Inquisitor Dungeons of Fear Demo Digital 2016
Krushhammer Speed Blacking Hell EP Cassette 2020
Krushhammer Speed Blacking Hell EP Digital 2020
Krushhammer Blood, Violence & Blasphemy Full-length CD 2022
Krushhammer Blood, Violence & Blasphemy Full-length Digital 2022
Martelo Negro Antologia Grotesca (MMVI-MMXII) Compilation Cassette 2013
Martelo Negro Equinócio Espectral Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Martelo Negro Equinócio Espectral Full-length 12" vinyl + cassette 2014
Martelo Negro Parthenogenesis Full-length CD 2019
Martelo Negro Parthenogenesis Full-length Digital 2019
Martelo Negro Antologia Grotesca (MMVI-MMXII) Compilation Digital 2013
Mystical Infernalis Creatura Demo Cassette 2013
Mystical Demo I Demo Cassette 2012
Necro Chaos Spiral of Obscurity EP Cassette 2020
Necro Chaos Spiral of Obscurity EP Digital 2020
Necro Chaos Spiral of Obscurity EP CD 2021
Nekrovomit Demonic Possession Demo Digital 2022
Nekrovomit Demonic Possession Demo Cassette 2022
Neoplasmah Auguring the Dusk of a New Era Full-length CD 2014
Neoplasmah Auguring the Dusk of a New Era Full-length Digital 2015
Nethermancy Magick Halls of Ascension Full-length CD 2017
Nethermancy Worship Evil Sacrifice Full-length CD 2023
Nethermancy Worship Evil Sacrifice Full-length Digital 2023
Nuclear Revenge Dawn of the Primitive Age Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Nunslaughter Antichrist EP 7" vinyl 2019
Nunslaughter Antichrist EP 7" vinyl 2019
Nunslaughter Antichrist EP Digital 2019
Obscure Relic First Black Communion EP CD 2020
Obscure Relic First Black Communion EP Cassette 2020
Pombajira Pombajira Full-length CD 2019
Pombajira Pombajira Full-length Digital 2019
Project K Wildness Demo Cassette 2014
Satan My Master The King of Hell Arrives EP Cassette 2018
Satan My Master The King of Hell Arrives EP Digital 2018
Satan My Master The King of Hell Arrives EP Digital 2018
Scarificare Postulado Full-length CD 2013
Scarificare Tilasm Full-length CD 2018
Schizogoat War, Pestilence and Sacrifice EP Cassette 2021
Schizogoat War, Pestilence and Sacrifice EP Digital 2021
Scum Liquor Vicious Street Scum EP 12" vinyl 2015
Shit Fucking Shit Life of Excess Full-length Digital 2015
Sinister The Unborn Dead EP 7" vinyl 2014
Spectral Dance Crusaders of the Void Full-length CD 2022
Speedkiller Midnight Vampire EP CD 2020
Speedkiller Midnight Vampire EP Cassette 2020
Speedkiller Midnight Vampire EP Digital 2020
Speedkiller Inferno Full-length Cassette 2024
Speedkiller Inferno Full-length Digital 2024
The Sorcerer A Graveyard of Fallen Dreams Full-length CD 2014
Thrashera Não Gosto! Full-length CD 2020
Thrashera Não Gosto! Full-length Digital 2020
Thrashera Bastardos da Noite Full-length CD 2022
Thrashera Bastardos da Noite Full-length Digital 2022
Toxik Attack Assassinos em Série Full-length CD 2019
Toxik Attack Assassinos em Série Full-length Digital 2019
Tyranno March of Death Full-length Digital 2020
Tyranno March of Death Full-length Cassette 2020
Tyranno March of Death Full-length CD 2020
Urania Hieros Gamos Full-length CD 2015
Vectis The Executioner Demo Cassette 2019
Vectis No Mercy for the Weak EP CD 2020
Vectis No Mercy for the Weak EP Digital 2020
Vectis The Executioner Demo Digital 2019
Vetus Sanguis Sangue Velho Demo Cassette 2022
Vetus Sanguis Sangue Velho Demo Digital 2022
Villainy Villainy Demos Compilation Cassette 2014
Wanderer Way of the Blade EP 7" vinyl 2017
Wanderer Awakening Force Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Whipstriker Whipstriker / Ice War Split Digital 2021
Ice War Whipstriker / Ice War Split Digital 2021
Whipstriker Whipstriker / Ice War Split CD 2021
Ice War Whipstriker / Ice War Split CD 2021
Whipstriker Whipstriker / Ice War Split Cassette 2021
Ice War Whipstriker / Ice War Split Cassette 2021