Salute Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Sala, Västmanland
Country Sweden
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black, Death, Pagan, Thrash, Doom, NSBM, Ambient
Founding Date December 1st, 2007
Online Shopping Yes
Sublabels Pure Black Heart Productions

Online Presence

Official website
Official site @


Name Country Genre Status
Al Rinach 333 Mexico black Current
Archaic Argot Philippines black, death, raw Current
Artisian United Kingdom black, death Current
Avagisord Sweden black, noise Current
Axis of Resistance Philippines black Current
Blackcrowned South Africa black Current
Cryptogod Indonesia black, death Current
Dawn of Apocalypse Sweden black, thrash Current
Dead Tree of Extinction Brazil atmospheric, black, experimental Current
Difuntos Venezuela death, grind, hardcore Current
Doomsday Prophet Sweden doom, funeral Current
Eren Kömürlü Türkiye progressive, rock Current
Erragal Iraq ambient, black Current
Fleshcrawler Sweden black, death Current
Fortress of Thanatos Philippines black, doom Current
Frostgripen Sweden black, raw Current
Grímsvötn United Kingdom black Current
Immortal Flame Sweden black, raw Current
Kriegsrecht United Kingdom black Current
Lobotopsy United States death Current
Nafarmaan Bangladesh black, death Current
Necromanser Sweden black, death Current
Obscured Revelations United States death Current
Old Witch Cemetery Bangladesh doom Current
Power of Ground Bangladesh brutal, death, technical Current
Skog France black, depressive Current
Slaktpest Sweden black, death Current
Sodomophilia Iraq death Current
Stormtroopers Philippines black, death Current
Surgery of Doom Sweden doom, gothic, rock, stoner Current
Virtues of the Beast Greece thrash Current
Vixioness United States black, death Current
W.S.T Sweden black Current
Wintercold Sweden atmospheric, black, doom Current
Zatreon Egypt extreme, gothic, symphonic Current
විරාග Sri Lanka atmospheric, black, doom Current
13Krieg! Malaysia black, crust, punk, rock-against-communism Past
1932 El Salvador black, raw Past
Ad Noctem Funeriis Italy black Past
Adonai Sathanas Netherlands black Past
Aeternum El Salvador black, raw Past
Affliction Sweden death, doom Past
Aggressive Mutilator Sweden black Past
Ahakay n' Bror Morocco black, depressive Past
Ajal Malaysia black, death Past
Al-Azazhil Malaysia black Past
AlNamrood Saudi Arabia black, folk Past
Amuleto de Calamidades International black Past
Ancestrus El Salvador black, folk, raw Past
Ancient Warlord Philippines black Past
Apes of God El Salvador death, thrash Past
Asbel Colombia black, depressive Past
Aspergar Mexico black Past
Ayyur Tunisia black Past
Balberith Singapore black, grind, hardcore Past
Banaspati Indonesia black, death Past
Baphometh Sri Lanka black Past
Beltane New Zealand black Past
Black Angel Peru black, death Past
BlackHorns United States black, raw Past
Blade of Death Russia ambient, black Past
Blasphemous Overlord United States black Past
Blasphmachine Malaysia black, death Past
Blood Imperium Philippines black Past
Blood of Kingu Colombia black Past
Bloodiction Bahrain black Past
Briargh Spain black, celtic, pagan Past
Byblis Italy black Past
Camayoq Peru black Past
Camazotz Sweden black, pagan Past
Corpestor Sweden death, grind, hardcore Past
Corpse Knife United States black, death Past
Corubo Brazil ambient, black Past
Cryptic Death Sweden black, death, grind, hardcore Past
Dark Debauchery United Kingdom black, depressive, doom Past
Dark Desolation India black Past
Dark Phantom Iraq heavy, death, thrash Past
Deathrow Italy black Past
Demonic Philippines death Past
Demorian Sweden black, melodic, pagan, experimental, industrial Past
Deona Cart Deluna Malaysia death, thrash Past
Deus Ater Mexico black Past
Deviator Ukraine ambient, death, black Past
Dhishti Sri Lanka black Past
Dhul-Qarnayn Bahrain ambient, black Past
Dionysus Pakistan black, death, doom Past
Distraught Sweden death, grind, hardcore, thrash Past
Dog Faced Corpse Iraq brutal, death, technical Past
Draugluin Greece black Past
Eclosión Colombia power Past
Enmachined Bangladesh thrash Past
Ephemeral Promise Morocco death Past
Equinox Sweden black Past
Eternal Armageddon Bangladesh melodic, thrash, black Past
Eutanos Ecuador black Past
Exalter Bangladesh thrash Past
Falgar Puerto Rico black, neofolk Past
Firth of Damnation United States black Past
Fliegend Chile black, doom, funeral Past
Frosthammer Canada symphonic, death, black Past
Frozenpath South Africa black, symphonic Past
Gloomy Suicide New Zealand black Past
Grand Beast Sodomy Finland black Past
Gromritual Croatia black Past
Gurthang Poland black, doom, funeral Past
Hagalma Colombia heavy, power Past
Headless Berserkers Sweden black, grind, hardcore Past
Heirdrain Canada ambient, black, drone Past
Hovf Sweden black Past
Husets Natur Indonesia atmospheric, black Past
Ihdamas Colombia black, thrash Past
Illapa Peru black Past
Imperial Cult India black, death Past
Impromtus ad Mortem Colombia gothic Past
Incisor Philippines death Past
Islamofobi Sweden black Past
Khashm International black Past
Killteam Sweden death, grind, hardcore, thrash Past
Krayl India ambient, black Past
Lilyum Italy groove, black Past
Local I Russia post-metal, black Past
Lord Andras United Kingdom ambient, black Past
Lord Caiphas Philippines doom, stoner Past
Los Muertos Philippines hard-rock, speed Past
Lost in Darkness Colombia death, doom, melodic Past
Luciferum Penis Italy black Past
Maqâbir Malaysia black Past
Moloch Ukraine ambient, black Past
Morbidness United States black Past
Moribond International doom Past
Mørktår United Kingdom black Past
Multinational Corporations Pakistan death, grind, hardcore, punk Past
Najand Iran ambient, black Past
Nathicana United Kingdom black, death Past
Necrofilia Colombia death Past
Necrolepsy Bangladesh brutal, death Past
Nicatas Drumer South Africa black Past
Nicrotek Indonesia dark, industrial, atmospheric, ambient, black Past
Nigra Locust Mexico black Past
Noche Eterna Ecuador black Past
Nokturnal Forest Syria black Past
Nosferatu Indonesia black Past
Nostalgie Depression Chile ambient, black, depressive Past
Nuclëar Fröst Brazil black, crust, punk, thrash Past
Obey Sweden death, grind, hardcore, thrash Past
Occulticus United States brutal, death, black Past
Ocularis Infernum Mexico black Past
OD'SAHE Russia black, death Past
Omen Malaysia black Past
Ordog Colombia black, death Past
Pazuzu Sweden death Past
Plagues of Rhyzyktus United States death Past
Polong Malaysia black Past
Postmortem Colombia brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Prayer of the Dying Malta black, death Past
Premonition Saudi Arabia black, death, hardcore, thrash Past
Rapist Philippines death, thrash Past
Retaliador Brazil thrash Past
Revolution Bangladesh death Past
Sacrilego Mexico black, death Past
Samgabial Russia black Past
Satanic Forest Brazil black, raw Past
Satanic Impalement United States black Past
Seed of Evil Mexico black, death Past
Skool of Dead India avant-garde, black, death Past
Sorem Indonesia black Past
SoulCrusher Philippines black Past
Spellcraft Spain black Past
Starless Night United States black, depressive Past
Terra Australis Australia black Past
The Perfect Mass Greenland black, death, heavy, melodic Past
Tormentor 666 Colombia black Past
Torso Ripper United States death Past
Tragic Serenade Sweden death, doom Past
Tzelmoth International black, raw Past
Ultra Nova International black, death Past
Unholy Sermon Sri Lanka black, melodic, thrash Past
Via Dolorosa Italy black Past
Voin Grim Ukraine atmospheric, black, raw Past
Volkmag South Africa black Past
Von Hexe Italy black Past
Whorethorn United Kingdom black, raw Past
Wither China black, depressive Past
Woe Is the Accursed Earth International black, doom Past
Wolfskrieg Brazil black Past
Омут Russia black Past
قفص Bahrain black, doom, funeral Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
13Krieg! Rehearsal 2017 Demo CD 2018
13Krieg! Rehearsal 2017 Demo Cassette 2018
1932 O.D.R.D.L.L Split Cassette 2023
Ancestrus O.D.R.D.L.L Split Cassette 2023
Aeternum O.D.R.D.L.L Split Cassette 2023
Ad Noctem Funeriis ...of Evil and Torment Full-length CD 2009
Adonai Sathanas De duistere eeuwen EP CD 2009
Affliction Eyes of Horror Demo CD 2012
Aggressive Mutilator Death Toll VI Demo CD 2013
Ahakay n' Bror The Berbers Kriegers Demo CD 2008
Ajal Jahannarakah Full-length Cassette 2012
Al Rinach 333 Eternal Negative Trinity​ - ​Chapter II Full-length CD 2015
Al Rinach 333 Eternal Negative Trinity​ - ​Chapter II Full-length Digital 2015
Al-Azazhil Jelaian Cruelty Demo CD 2010
Amuleto de Calamidades Supplies Heard by Deaf Ears Full-length Digital 2019
Apes of God Procession of Death EP Digital 2019
Apes of God Procession of Death EP Cassette 2019
Archaic Argot Terrorist ov the South-East Split CD 2009
Balberith Terrorist ov the South-East Split CD 2009
Archaic Argot Terrorist ov the South-East Split Digital 2020
Balberith Terrorist ov the South-East Split Digital 2020
Artisian Wolves in the Mist Full-length CD 2017
Artisian Thurisaz Full-length Digital 2020
Asbel Grim, Cold and Alone EP CD 2008
Asbel The Dark... the Withered... EP CD 2010
Aspergar Devastation of the Superior Full-length CD 2012
Aspergar Devastation of the Superior Full-length Digital 2017
Avagisord Everything Dies Full-length Digital 2023
Axis of Resistance Storming Vengeance Full-length CD 2012
Axis of Resistance Ironfisted Panzerfaust EP CD 2012
Axis of Resistance Ironfisted Panzerfaust EP Cassette 2012
Ayyur Narcotized Split CD 2008
AlNamrood Narcotized Split CD 2008
Dhul-Qarnayn Narcotized Split CD 2008
Ayyur Narcotized Split Cassette 2008
AlNamrood Narcotized Split Cassette 2008
Dhul-Qarnayn Narcotized Split Cassette 2008
Banaspati Headless Warrior Full-length CD 2008
Baphometh Majesty of Satan (War Heretics) Demo Digital 2020
Beltane Democide Full-length CD 2012
Black Angel Pacto y Ritual Suramericano Split CD 2009
Tzelmoth Pacto y Ritual Suramericano Split CD 2009
Black Angel Pacto y Ritual Suramericano Split Cassette 2009
Tzelmoth Pacto y Ritual Suramericano Split Cassette 2009
Blackcrowned My Will Is My Hammer Full-length CD 2008
BlackHorns Rise of the Infernal Sorcery Full-length CD 2016
Blade of Death From the Freezing Veins of Night... Full-length CD 2010
Blade of Death Depression, Desolation, Despair... Kill Yourself Full-length CD 2010
Blasphemous Overlord Embrace the Horror and Blasphemy Full-length CD 2014
Blasphemous Overlord Tyrant of Genocide Full-length CD 2016
Blasphmachine Morbid Chants Between Unholy Temples Split CD 2015
Necrolepsy Morbid Chants Between Unholy Temples Split CD 2015
Blasphmachine Morbid Chants Between Unholy Temples Split Digital 2015
Necrolepsy Morbid Chants Between Unholy Temples Split Digital 2015
Blood of Kingu Lonely Bohemian Quest Demo CD 2008
Bloodiction Lordica ov Whore Demo Cassette 2009
Briargh Vn Antigvo Trono Olvidado EP CD 2011
Byblis Princeps Malis Generis Full-length CD 2011
Camayoq Ancestral Black Metal EP Cassette 2018
Camazotz Follow the Dead Full-length CD 2009
Camazotz In Nature We All Return Full-length CD 2009
Camazotz We Are Close to Our Death Split CD 2012
Frostgripen We Are Close to Our Death Split CD 2012
Camazotz Follow the Dead Full-length Digital 2014
Camazotz Death Takes You Down Demo Digital 2018
Corpestor Welcome to the Last Supper Compilation CD 2013
Corpestor Welcome to the Last Supper Compilation Digital 2021
Corpse Knife Mutilated Autopsy Full-length CD 2010
Corpse Knife Obsession with Disemboweled Human Pieces Full-length Digital 2016
Corpse Knife Five Ways of Infernal Chaos Split Digital 2017
Torso Ripper Five Ways of Infernal Chaos Split Digital 2017
Dawn of Apocalypse Five Ways of Infernal Chaos Split Digital 2017
Headless Berserkers Five Ways of Infernal Chaos Split Digital 2017
Lobotopsy Five Ways of Infernal Chaos Split Digital 2017
Corpse Knife Five Ways of Infernal Chaos Split CD 2017
Torso Ripper Five Ways of Infernal Chaos Split CD 2017
Dawn of Apocalypse Five Ways of Infernal Chaos Split CD 2017
Headless Berserkers Five Ways of Infernal Chaos Split CD 2017
Lobotopsy Five Ways of Infernal Chaos Split CD 2017
Corpse Knife Obsession with Disemboweled Human Pieces Full-length CD 2016
Corubo Apyta Compilation CD 2011
Cryptic Death Shadow from the Grave Full-length CD 2010
Cryptic Death Shadow from the Grave Full-length Cassette 2012
Cryptogod Apotheosis EP Digital 2017
Cryptogod Apotheosis EP CD 2017
Dark Desolation Blasphemous Pestilence Demo CD 2012
Dark Desolation Blasphemous Pestilence Demo Digital 2022
Dark Phantom Beta EP CD 2013
Dark Phantom Beta EP Digital 2013
Dawn of Apocalypse Demo 2014 Demo CD 2014
Dawn of Apocalypse Demo 2014 Demo Digital 2014
Dawn of Apocalypse Don't You Lie to Me Single Digital 2019
Dead Tree of Extinction 1rr3v3rs1bl3 Full-length Digital 2016
Dead Tree of Extinction 1rr3v3rs1bl3 Full-length CD 2016
Demonic Dawn of the Anti-Christ EP CD 2011
Demonic Abominations Thru Genocidal Hellfire Full-length CD 2019
Demonic Abominations Thru Genocidal Hellfire Full-length Digital 2019
Demonic Bestial W.A.R. Devastation Onslaught Full-length CD 2019
Demorian Indonesian Swedish Brotherhood Split CD 2010
Nosferatu Indonesian Swedish Brotherhood Split CD 2010
Demorian Infernal Antichristian Incantations Split CD 2011
Ancient Warlord Infernal Antichristian Incantations Split CD 2011
Demorian Old Times Glances upon Us Split CD 2011
Frosthammer Old Times Glances upon Us Split CD 2011
Demorian Excerpt from a Diary Full-length Digital 2012
Demorian Exiling the Angels EP Digital 2015
Deona Cart Deluna First EP EP CD 2009
Deona Cart Deluna In the Manner ov Death EP CD 2011
Deus Ater Per Mortem Tenebris Regnabimus Split CD 2014
Dawn of Apocalypse Per Mortem Tenebris Regnabimus Split CD 2014
Deviator Криваво-тернові горизонти (Bloodthorny Horizons) Demo CD 2008
Deviator Відчуження (Estrangement) Demo CD 2008
Deviator Чорна міць (Black Stronghold) Demo CD 2008
Dhishti Decease Full-length CD 2011
Difuntos La era de los muertos andantes Demo CD 2009
Difuntos La era de los muertos andantes Demo Digital 2017
Dionysus A Hymn to the Dying EP CD 2012
Distraught Faithful into Death Demo 1988 Demo CD 2014
Dog Faced Corpse Dog Faced Corpse Demo 2012 Demo CD 2012
Doomsday Prophet What Approaches Behind Our Door EP CD 2012
Doomsday Prophet In the Shadows EP CD 2013
Doomsday Prophet Our Predetermined Fate Full-length Digital 2014
Doomsday Prophet Earth Demo Digital 2018
Doomsday Prophet Dark Souls of Eternal Sorrow EP Digital 2019
Doomsday Prophet We Welcome Death Full-length Digital 2021
Doomsday Prophet No More Life... Single Digital 2023
Draugluin Under the Heathen Sun Split CD 2008
Moloch Under the Heathen Sun Split CD 2008
Draugluin The Deep Ones Full-length CD 2007
Eclosión Historia olvidada Demo CD 2015
Eclosión Historia olvidada Demo Digital 2015
Enmachined Thrash Assault Demo CD 2013
Equinox A Child Was Born of the Underworld Full-length CD 2010
Equinox A Child Was Born of the Underworld Full-length Digital 2021
Eren Kömürlü Çöl Gecesi Full-length CD 2008
Eren Kömürlü Çöl Gecesi Full-length Digital 2008
Erragal Shamash Full-length CD 2012
Eternal Armageddon Her Forlorn Monsoon EP CD 2012
Eutanos 13 Cthulhu Compilation Digital 2017
Exalter Democrasodomy EP CD 2015
Falgar Beyond the Fading Stars Full-length CD 2010
Firth of Damnation Behold the Candent Heavens Split CD 2009
Prayer of the Dying Behold the Candent Heavens Split CD 2009
Fleshcrawler Abuse Your Fucking God Full-length CD 2011
Fleshcrawler Abuse Your Fucking God Full-length Digital 2012
Fleshcrawler World Damnation EP Digital 2022
Fleshcrawler Demo 2022 Demo Digital 2022
Fliegend At the Dark Gate from the Hidden Whiteness Full-length CD 2009
Fliegend Auf dem kosmischen Tal suche ich nach meinem Tod Full-length CD 2010
Frostgripen Demo 2018 Demo Cassette 2018
Frostgripen Forever the World Will Be in Battle Split CD 2017
Frostgripen Forever the World Will Be in Battle Split Cassette 2017
Frostgripen Forever the World Will Be in Battle Split Digital 2017
Frostgripen Putrefaction of an Illusion Split CD 2019
Frostgripen Putrefaction of an Illusion Split Digital 2019
Frostgripen Reborn in Darkness Demo Digital 2023
Frosthammer Visions of True Canadian Black Metal - Demo Collection Compilation CD 2011
Frozenpath Frost EP CD 2007
Frozenpath Apocalyptic Winter Full-length CD 2008
Frozenpath Profane Avidity EP CD 2010
Gloomy Suicide Sol MMXII Full-length CD 2012
Grand Beast Sodomy Fuck the Holy Trinity EP CD 2015
Grand Beast Sodomy Fuck the Holy Trinity EP Digital 2020
Grímsvötn Assault on Norrland EP CD 2013
Gromritual Totalna mržnja Full-length CD 2008
Gromritual Maksimir - Eight Years of Haunting and Wandering Compilation CD 2010
Gromritual Univerzum: Of Exordium and Annihilation Full-length CD 2013
Gromritual Winter Requiems Full-length CD 2008
Gromritual Univerzum: Of Exordium and Annihilation Full-length Digital 2021
Gurthang Gurthang EP CD 2011
Gurthang Desolated in Darkness: Volume.0 Full-length CD 2011
Gurthang Desolated in Darkness: Volume.0 Full-length Digital 2011
Gurthang Gurthang EP Digital 2011
Hagalma Abstracciones Compilation Digital 2017
Hagalma Abstracciones Compilation CD 2017
Headless Berserkers Bastards Must Die Demo Digital 2016
Headless Berserkers Mankind Was Born to Die Demo Digital 2015
Headless Berserkers Flesh from the Dead Demo Digital 2018
Headless Berserkers War Full-length Digital 2020
Headless Berserkers War Full-length CD 2020
Heirdrain Runenstein Promo Compilation 2CD 2010
Hovf Dödsdansen Full-length CD 2015
Husets Natur The Lake Is Gloomy Full-length CD 2020
Ihdamas Multiverso desconocido Demo CD 2015
Illapa Peruvian Warmetal Legend Demo Cassette 2008
Immortal Flame Demo Demo Digital 2022
Immortal Flame Into the Eternal Grave Demo Digital 2023
Imperial Cult Rise of Yalamber EP CD 2015
Imperial Cult Rise of Yalamber EP Digital 2015
Impromtus ad Mortem Edén a luz centuria EP CD 2010
Incisor Faraway from Heaven / Chapter 1 Split CD 2009
Postmortem Faraway from Heaven / Chapter 1 Split CD 2009
Incisor Pit of Hell Compilation CD 2010
Islamofobi Mord Full-length CD 2009
Khashm Dark Path to His Throne Full-length Cassette 2009
Killteam Evil in Gatlin Demo CD 2014
Krayl Froide et Sombre Demo CD 2013
Krayl Froide et Sombre Demo Digital 2021
Lilyum The Knife Rises EP CD 2009
Lilyum Ultimatum Full-length CD 2009
Lilyum Fear Tension Cold Full-length CD 2010
Local I Ecorces Full-length CD 2011
Lord Andras The Black Veil of a Burning Empire Demo Cassette 2013
Lord Caiphas Stoned, Doomed and Possessed Full-length CD 2020
Lord Caiphas Stoned, Doomed and Possessed Full-length Digital 2020
Los Muertos Bloodlust and Warthrone Split CD 2017
Rapist Bloodlust and Warthrone Split CD 2017
Blood Imperium Bloodlust and Warthrone Split CD 2017
Los Muertos Bloodlust and Warthrone Split Digital 2017
Rapist Bloodlust and Warthrone Split Digital 2017
Blood Imperium Bloodlust and Warthrone Split Digital 2017
Lost in Darkness Acanto "Ignis Profanus" Full-length CD 2011
Luciferum Penis 15 Years of Silence and Rituals - Cumpilation Compilation CD 2015
Maqâbir Deathymns EP CD 2013
Maqâbir Requiem EP Digital 2018
Moloch Echoes in Eternity Split CD 2008
Deathrow Echoes in Eternity Split CD 2008
Morbidness Satans Eve Full-length CD 2010
Morbidness Demon Apocalypse Full-length 2CD 2018
Morbidness Rotting in Purgatory Full-length CD 2019
Morbidness Demon Apocalypse Full-length Digital 2020
Moribond The Wild Ride Demo CD 2011
Moribond The Wild Ride Demo Digital 2021
Mørktår Now Cold and Dead Demo CD 2012
Mørktår Elite UKBM Split CD 2012
Dark Debauchery Elite UKBM Split CD 2012
Mørktår Elite UKBM Split Cassette 2012
Dark Debauchery Elite UKBM Split Cassette 2012
Multinational Corporations Jamat-al-Maut EP CD 2014
Nafarmaan Quayamat Lullaby EP CD 2014
Najand Life Ruins Full-length CD 2009
Najand Suicide End Demo CD 2009
Najand Khazan II Full-length CD 2009
Najand The Shadow of My Sorrow Full-length CD 2009
Najand Hymn of Depression Full-length CD 2009
Najand Death! The Best Solution​!​ Full-length CD 2013
Najand Death! The Best Solution​!​ Full-length Cassette 2013
Najand Khazan Full-length CD 2009
Nathicana Dark Spirits & Violence EP CD 2013
Necrofilia Corta vida Demo CD 2022
Necrolepsy Exhibition of Mutilated Apparatus EP CD 2014
Necromanser Don't Believe in God Demo CD 2009
Nicatas Drumer Far Beyond the Cosmos Split CD 2011
Blackcrowned Far Beyond the Cosmos Split CD 2011
Volkmag Far Beyond the Cosmos Split CD 2011
Nicrotek When Heaven Became Dark Full-length CD 2014
Nicrotek The Cvlt of Apathy EP Digital 2015
Nicrotek When Heaven Became Dark Full-length Digital 2017
Nigra Locust Nigra Locust Demo CD 2012
Noche Eterna Culto a las eternas deidades del abismo Split CD 2009
Tzelmoth Culto a las eternas deidades del abismo Split CD 2009
Tormentor 666 Culto a las eternas deidades del abismo Split CD 2009
Nokturnal Forest To Embrace the Nocturnal Hymns EP CD 2010
Nostalgie Depression Memories in a Mystical Story Split CD 2014
Nicrotek Memories in a Mystical Story Split CD 2014
Nostalgie Depression Ahora que la luz se ha ido... Full-length Digital 2015
Nostalgie Depression The Last Days Single Digital 2015
Nostalgie Depression Echoes of Black Spirit Full-length 2CD 2015
Nostalgie Depression November Moon Full-length Digital 2014
Nostalgie Depression November Moon Full-length CD 2014
Obey Masters of Evil Demo Digital 2017
Obey Unleashed, Buried, Lost and Reborn / Rehearsals 1988 - 1989 Compilation Digital 2017
Obscured Revelations The Seal Full-length Digital 2023
Obscured Revelations The Seal Full-length CD 2023
Occulticus Deification of the Goat Full-length CD 2023
Occulticus Deification of the Goat Full-length Digital 2023
Occulticus The Night All Evil Overtakes EP Digital 2024
Occulticus The Night All Evil Overtakes EP CD 2024
Ocularis Infernum Infested by Infernal Plague EP Cassette 2012
OD'SAHE Philosophy ov Selfdestruction Full-length CD 2008
Old Witch Cemetery Keepers of the Tritone EP Digital 2019
Omen Live in Hell (Rehearsal 26.06.2010) Demo CD 2010
Omen Live in Hell (Rehearsal 26.06.2010) Demo Digital 2010
Ordog Blasphemy and Hate Demo CD 2010
Pazuzu Trash´n´Death Demo CD 2014
Pazuzu Trash´n´Death Demo Digital 2017
Plagues of Rhyzyktus The Decimation of Ethereal Mendacity Full-length CD 2019
Plagues of Rhyzyktus The Decimation of Ethereal Mendacity Full-length Digital 2019
Polong Apotheosis of the Eastern Darkness Split CD 2010
Omen Apotheosis of the Eastern Darkness Split CD 2010
Postmortem Velando la cabeza Full-length Digital 2017
Postmortem Velando la cabeza Full-length Cassette 2017
Postmortem Velando la cabeza Full-length CD 2017
Power of Ground The Butcher EP CD 2014
Premonition The Plague of Ignorance Full-length CD 2009
Premonition Suicide Civilization Full-length CD 2013
Retaliador Retaliador / Nuclear Frost Split CD 2011
Nuclëar Fröst Retaliador / Nuclear Frost Split CD 2011
Revolution Embassy of Murderer EP CD 2018
Revolution Embassy of Murderer EP Digital 2020
Sacrilego Darkness Secrets Full-length CD 2011
Sacrilego Darkness Secrets Full-length Digital 2017
Samgabial Путь к несущему свет Full-length CD 2018
Satanic Forest Mnagjstòózhah Nyhòiitp Demo Cassette 2013
Satanic Impalement Beneath the Pentagram Full-length CD 2008
Satanic Impalement Nocturnal Blasphemies Full-length CD 2010
Seed of Evil Balam EP Digital 2017
Skog En suivant le cortège funèbre Full-length CD 2011
Skool of Dead Devils Mark on Us.. EP CD 2010
Slaktpest Masters of Hell EP Digital 2022
Slaktpest Doomsday Riders in the Sky Demo Digital 2020
Slaktpest We All Shall Fall Full-length Digital 2024
Sodomophilia Demo 2013 Demo CD 2013
Sorem Legion ov Tengger Land Full-length CD 2016
Sorem Legion ov Tengger Land Full-length Digital 2016
SoulCrusher Mystical Forest ov the Pagan God EP CD 2010
Spellcraft Infernal Demos Revelation Compilation CD 2010
Starless Night Drowning Thoughts Single CD 2013
Stormtroopers Storming Vengeance and Hate Demo CD 2011
Stormtroopers Unleashing Bloodshed Demo CD 2012
Surgery of Doom Dominion EP Digital 2023
Surgery of Doom Manifestation of Darkness Full-length Digital 2023
Surgery of Doom Manifestation of Darkness Full-length CD 2023
Terra Australis Where Is Your God Now... Compilation Digital 2010
The Perfect Mass World on Fire Full-length Digital 2016
The Perfect Mass World on Fire Full-length CD 2016
Tragic Serenade Sadness Roams Forever - A Collection of the Years 1991-1994 Compilation CD 2010
Tzelmoth Order of Majestic Fire EP CD 2008
Ultra Nova Into Pain.... EP Digital 2011
Unholy Sermon The Ritual Slaughter Live album Digital 2011
Via Dolorosa History of Violence - The Live Rituals Live album CD 2015
Via Dolorosa Navratri: The Lost History of the Beginning Demo Cassette 2016
Via Dolorosa Prayascittakarma - Rehearsal 07.08.2017 Demo CD 2017
Via Dolorosa Ubi Maior Minor Cessat Live album Cassette 2019
Via Dolorosa Bastardo Live 31/10/2017 Live album Cassette 2019
Virtues of the Beast Pray for My Soul to Be Missed EP CD 2008
Virtues of the Beast Pray for My Soul to Be Missed EP Digital 2017
Vixioness The Hallways Full-length CD 2015
Vixioness The Hallways Full-length Digital 2015
Vixioness Vixioness Full-length CD 2016
Vixioness Vixioness Full-length Digital 2016
Voin Grim Immerse into Nocturnal Splendour / Demo MMXI Compilation 2CD 2014
W.S.T Demo 2023 Demo CD 2023
W.S.T Demo 2023 Demo Digital 2023
Whorethorn Under the Veil of Darkness Full-length CD 2009
Wintercold Beyond Darkness and Evil Demo CD 2008
Wintercold The Return of Baal Full-length CD 2010
Wintercold From My Silent Tomb Single Digital 2013
Wintercold When the Moon Is There Split CD 2013
Fortress of Thanatos When the Moon Is There Split CD 2013
Wintercold I Am My Own King Single Digital 2014
Wintercold By the River of Silence & Inner Peace Split CD 2014
Nicrotek By the River of Silence & Inner Peace Split CD 2014
Wintercold The False Humanity Single Digital 2014
Wintercold Night Hour Full-length Digital 2015
Wintercold Paradise Is Not Here Single CD 2015
Wintercold Paradise Is Not Here Single Digital 2015
Wintercold I Watching the Sky on My Last Day on Earth Single Digital 2015
Wintercold Fear in the Dark EP Digital 2015
Wintercold We All Are Dead EP CD 2013
Wintercold Urkraft EP Digital 2015
Wintercold Awakening of the Darkness Split CD 2015
Vixioness Awakening of the Darkness Split CD 2015
Wintercold Silence Single Digital 2015
Wintercold Dark Creatures EP Digital 2015
Wintercold Dark Creatures EP CD 2015
Wintercold By the River of Silence & Inner Peace Split Digital 2014
Nicrotek By the River of Silence & Inner Peace Split Digital 2014
Wintercold Awakening of the Darkness Split Digital 2015
Vixioness Awakening of the Darkness Split Digital 2015
Wintercold When the Moon Is There Split Cassette 2014
Fortress of Thanatos When the Moon Is There Split Cassette 2014
Wintercold I Am My Own God and My Own Guide Single Digital 2016
Wintercold My Path EP Digital 2016
Wintercold I Will Never Leave My Kingdom Demo CD 2016
Wintercold I Will Never Leave My Kingdom Demo Digital 2016
Wintercold My Path EP CD 2016
Wintercold The Knight of Future EP Digital 2016
Wintercold In Darkness We Become One Split Digital 2017
Headless Berserkers In Darkness We Become One Split Digital 2017
Wintercold In Darkness We Become One Split Cassette 2017
Headless Berserkers In Darkness We Become One Split Cassette 2017
Wintercold Return to the Hall Up High EP Digital 2017
Wintercold The Season Single Digital 2017
Wintercold In Your Dreams Single Digital 2017
Wintercold Landet i norr Single Digital 2018
Wintercold Freedom... When Will It Come EP Digital 2018
Wintercold Don't Let the Young Ones Die Single Digital 2018
Wintercold Striden EP Digital 2018
Wintercold Landet i norr Single CD 2019
Wintercold When Corona Knocks Your Door Single Digital 2020
Wintercold Patria Arya Split CD 2018
Von Hexe Patria Arya Split CD 2018
Wintercold To Nature We Will Return EP Digital 2022
Wintercold Bloodlines Energy Cosmic Covenant Split Digital 2022
Ihdamas Bloodlines Energy Cosmic Covenant Split Digital 2022
Wintercold Bloodlines Energy Cosmic Covenant Split Cassette 2022
Ihdamas Bloodlines Energy Cosmic Covenant Split Cassette 2022
Wither Place Without Sorrow Demo CD 2014
Wither Place Without Sorrow Demo Digital 2022
Woe Is the Accursed Earth The Awakening Full-length CD 2016
Woe Is the Accursed Earth The Awakening Full-length Digital 2016
Woe Is the Accursed Earth A Unconditional War EP Digital 2016
Woe Is the Accursed Earth A Unconditional War EP CD 2016
Woe Is the Accursed Earth A Unconditional War EP CD 2016
Woe Is the Accursed Earth The Settling Ashes of a Crumbling World Full-length CD 2016
Woe Is the Accursed Earth In Coldness and Fog Single Digital 2017
Woe Is the Accursed Earth When the Leaves Fall Split Digital 2022
Woe Is the Accursed Earth When the Leaves Fall Split CD 2022
Wolfskrieg Cold March Demo CD 2008
Zatreon Ice Maiden Full-length CD 2009
Zatreon Shemhamphorae Full-length CD 2013
Zatreon Ice Maiden Full-length Cassette 2009
Омут Our Gods Doze in Us Full-length CD 2012
قفص Kafkaesque Retribution Demo CD 2011
قفص Kafkaesque Retribution Demo Cassette 2011
විරාග Demo 2011 Demo Digital 2018