Old Temple

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Old Temple, ul. Św. Marka 11, 44-100 Gliwice
Country Poland
Phone Number +48 601-330-612
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death Metal, Black Metal, Industrial
Founding Date September 9th, 2003
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Myspace http://myspace.com/oldtemple
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/OldTempleEryk
Bandcamp http://oldtemple.bandcamp.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/oldtemplelabel
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/old_temple_official/
Old Temple Shop https://www.shop.oldtemple.com/


Name Country Genre Status
Cthulhuss Poland death, doom Current
Deisidaemonia Greece black Current
Doomster Reich Poland doom, psychedelic Current
Ebola Poland death Current
Embrional Poland death Current
Hate Them All Poland black Current
Hellspawn Poland death Current
Ignis Fatuus Poland black Current
Impure Declaration Poland death, doom Current
Inferis Chile death Current
Infidel Poland black Current
Kingdom Poland death Current
Nothing Has Changed Poland industrial Current
Occultum Poland black Current
Pandemonium Poland black, death Current
Pathogen Philippines death Current
Pleń Poland black Current
Popioły Poland black Current
Shambles Thailand brutal, death, grind, hardcore, black, doom Current
Throneum Poland black, death Current
Ur Poland black, heavy Current
Whalesong Poland doom, experimental, industrial Current
Abusiveness Poland black Past
Arathyr Poland black Past
Arctic Frost Belgium black Past
Arkona Poland black Past
Arminius Netherlands black, death Past
Bestiality Poland black, thrash Past
Bestiar Poland death Past
Black Ceremonial Kult Chile black, death Past
Brainwashed Poland thrash Past
Christ Agony Poland black, melodic Past
Cień Poland black Past
Cinis Poland death Past
Convent Poland death Past
Dark Opera Poland death, doom Past
Death Invoker Peru black, death, thrash Past
Death's Cold Wind Ecuador death Past
Deathevoker Malaysia death Past
Deception Poland death Past
Deep Desolation Poland doom, groove, thrash, black Past
Demonic Rage Chile death Past
Deneb Poland black Past
Domain Poland death Past
Empheris Poland black, death, thrash Past
Faeces Poland brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Feythland Poland black, death Past
Flagellation Poland death Past
Freezing Blood Poland black Past
Funeral Dirge Sweden black Past
Genocide Beast United States black, death Past
Goetia Poland black Past
Holy Death Poland black Past
Kratherion Chile black Past
Magnanimus Chile death Past
Moloch Letalis Poland black, death Past
Morbosidad United States black, death Past
Nekus Germany black, doom, death Past
North Poland death, black Past
Nunslaughter United States death Past
Obscure 666 Poland death Past
Oldblood Slovakia black, black'n'roll, thrash Past
Pandemic Genocide Poland death Past
Pogrom 1147 Poland black Past
Putridity Poland brutal, death Past
Quo Vadis Poland crossover, progressive, thrash Past
Sad Greece black Past
Sargatanas Mexico black, death Past
Sauron Poland black Past
Serpent Seed Poland black, death Past
Shining Sweden black Past
Shining of... Poland avant-garde, death Past
Slaughtbbath Chile black Past
Solium Germany black Past
Soulless Profanation Poland death Past
Vedonist Poland death, thrash Past
Vérzivatar Hungary black Past
Vinterriket Germany ambient, atmospheric, black, dungeon-synth Past
Vociferous Poland black, thrash Past
Whipstriker Brazil heavy, speed Past
Witchfuck Poland punk, thrash, black Past
ZOS Poland doom, drone Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abusiveness Trioditis Full-length CD 2010
Arathyr Curse Man's Blame Full-length CD 2008
Arctic Frost Exclusion of Hope EP CD 2008
Arkona An Eternal Curse of the Pagan Godz Demo CD 2022
Arkona An Eternal Curse of the Pagan Godz Demo Digital 2022
Arkona An Eternal Curse of the Pagan Godz Demo Cassette 2022
Arkona An Eternal Curse of the Pagan Godz Demo CD 2022
Bestiality Stuck in Bestial Vision EP CD 2014
Bestiality Stuck in Bestial Vision EP Digital 2014
Bestiar Lethal Venom Full-length CD 2005
Black Ceremonial Kult Demo MMXIV / Demo MMXV Split CD 2016
Genocide Beast Demo MMXIV / Demo MMXV Split CD 2016
Black Ceremonial Kult Demo MMXIV / Demo MMXV Split Digital 2016
Genocide Beast Demo MMXIV / Demo MMXV Split Digital 2016
Christ Agony Moonlight - Act III Full-length Digital 2017
Christ Agony Darkside Full-length Digital 2018
Christ Agony Darkside Full-length 2CD 2018
Christ Agony Moonlight - Act III Full-length CD 2017
Cień Ecce Homo Full-length CD 2014
Cień Ecce Homo Full-length CD 2014
Cień Ecce Homo Full-length Digital 2014
Cień Time of Anti-Humanity Compilation CD 2015
Cień Fate Full-length CD 2017
Cień Time of Anti-Humanity Compilation Digital 2015
Cień Sickness Called Mankind EP Digital 2019
Cień Sickness Called Mankind EP CD 2019
Cień Fate Full-length Digital 2017
Cinis The Last Days of Ouroboros Full-length CD 2008
Cinis Subterranean Antiquity Full-length CD 2014
Convent Abandon Your Lord Full-length CD 2009
Cthulhuss Cthulhu Cult Full-length CD 2019
Cthulhuss Cthulhu Cult Full-length Digital 2019
Cthulhuss Obliteration of Souls Full-length Digital 2022
Cthulhuss Obliteration of Souls Full-length CD 2022
Cthulhuss Obliteration of Souls Full-length Cassette 2022
Cthulhuss Obliteration of Souls Full-length CD 2022
Dark Opera The Journey to the Both Paths of Life, Sins and Resurrection Compilation CD 2019
Dark Opera The Journey to the Both Paths of Life, Sins and Resurrection Compilation Digital 2019
Dark Opera The Journey to the Both Paths of Life, Sins and Resurrection Compilation CD 2022
Death's Cold Wind Subyugador - In Goat We Trust Full-length CD 2016
Death's Cold Wind Subyugador - In Goat We Trust Full-length Digital 2016
Deception Holy Deception / Putrid Deception Split CD 2003
Putridity Holy Deception / Putrid Deception Split CD 2003
Deception Nails Sticking Offensive Full-length CD 2007
Deception Nails Sticking Offensive Full-length Digital 2007
Deception Holy Deception / Putrid Deception Split Digital None
Putridity Holy Deception / Putrid Deception Split Digital None
Deep Desolation Possession Full-length CD 2015
Deep Desolation Possession Full-length Digital 2015
Deisidaemonia Khthonian Hymns Full-length CD 2016
Deisidaemonia Khthonian Hymns Full-length Digital 2016
Demonic Rage Omen of Doom Compilation CD 2015
Demonic Rage Omen of Doom Compilation Digital 2015
Domain Pandemonium Full-length CD 2016
Domain Pandemonium Full-length Digital 2016
Domain Gat Etemmi Full-length CD 2019
Domain ...from Oblivion... Full-length CD 2019
Domain ...from Oblivion... Full-length Digital 2019
Domain Gat Etemmi Full-length Digital 2019
Doomster Reich Drug Magick Full-length CD 2017
Doomster Reich How High Fly the Vultures Full-length CD 2018
Doomster Reich How High Fly the Vultures Full-length Digital 2018
Doomster Reich Blessed Beyond Morality Full-length Digital 2022
Doomster Reich Blessed Beyond Morality Full-length Cassette 2022
Doomster Reich Blessed Beyond Morality Full-length CD 2022
Doomster Reich Blessed Beyond Morality Full-length CD 2022
Ebola Infernal Revelation Full-length CD 2007
Ebola Hell's Death Metal Full-length CD 2011
Ebola Hell's Death Metal Full-length Digital 2011
Ebola Infernal Revelation Full-length Digital 2024
Embrional Absolutely Anti-Human Behaviors Full-length CD 2012
Embrional Annihilation 2007 + Live Compilation CD 2014
Embrional Cusp of Evil Demo CD 2008
Embrional The Devil Inside Full-length CD 2015
Embrional Cusp of Evil Demo CD 2018
Embrional Absolutely Anti-Human Behaviors Full-length Digital 2012
Embrional Annihilation 2007 / Live Compilation Digital 2014
Embrional The Devil Inside Full-length Digital 2015
Embrional Cusp of Evil Demo Digital 2018
Empheris The Spectrum of Metal Madness Split CD 2009
Embrional The Spectrum of Metal Madness Split CD 2009
Empheris The Spectrum of Metal Madness Split Digital 2009
Embrional The Spectrum of Metal Madness Split Digital 2009
Empheris The Return of Derelict Gods Full-length Digital 2019
Empheris The Return of Derelict Gods Full-length CD 2019
Empheris Impure Spirits of Destruction Split CD 2019
Death Invoker Impure Spirits of Destruction Split CD 2019
Empheris Impure Spirits of Destruction Split Digital 2019
Death Invoker Impure Spirits of Destruction Split Digital 2019
Faeces Killing Is an Art Form Split CD 2005
Deneb Killing Is an Art Form Split CD 2005
Flagellation Killing Is an Art Form Split CD 2005
Faeces Killing Is an Art Form Split Digital 2018
Deneb Killing Is an Art Form Split Digital 2018
Flagellation Killing Is an Art Form Split Digital 2018
Freezing Blood Baal EP CD 2017
Goetia Theurgia Goetia EP CD 2011
Goetia Theurgia Goetia EP Digital 2011
Hate Them All Terrorist Demo CD 2010
Hate Them All Last Feast with the Beast Full-length Digital 2015
Hate Them All Defender of the Black Throne Full-length CD 2018
Hate Them All Defender of the Black Throne Full-length Digital 2018
Hate Them All Defender of the Black Throne Boxed set CD 2018
Hate Them All Last Feast with the Beast Full-length CD 2015
Hate Them All Goat Tormentor EP Digital 2019
Hate Them All Goat Tormentor EP CD 2019
Hate Them All III Full-length Digital 2024
Hate Them All III Full-length CD 2024
Hellspawn There Has Never Been a Son of Me Full-length CD 2016
Hellspawn There Has Never Been a Son of Me Full-length Digital 2016
Hellspawn In Agelessness EP Digital 2021
Hellspawn In Agelessness EP CD 2021
Holy Death The Knight, Death and the Devil Full-length Digital 2021
Holy Death The Knight, Death and the Devil Full-length 2CD 2021
Holy Death Forever Burning Ashes Full-length Digital 2021
Holy Death Forever Burning Ashes Full-length CD 2021
Holy Death Abraxas Demo Digital 2022
Holy Death Abraxas Demo 2CD 2022
Holy Death Abraxas Demo 2CD 2022
Holy Death Evil? Demo CD 2023
Holy Death Evil? Demo CD 2023
Holy Death Evil? Demo Cassette 2023
Holy Death Evil? Demo Digital 2023
Ignis Fatuus Słowiańska trwoga wiecznych Full-length CD 2008
Ignis Fatuus Pluję na twój grób Full-length CD 2014
Ignis Fatuus Słowiańska trwoga wiecznych Full-length Digital 2008
Ignis Fatuus Pluję na twój grób Full-length Digital 2014
Impure Declaration Mind Upheaval, Unclear Signs EP CD 2019
Impure Declaration Mind Upheaval, Unclear Signs EP Digital 2019
Impure Declaration Malevolence Evocations Split Digital 2021
Nekus Malevolence Evocations Split Digital 2021
Impure Declaration Malevolence Evocations Split CD 2021
Nekus Malevolence Evocations Split CD 2021
Inferis In the Path of Malignant Spirits Full-length CD 2007
Inferis Surrendering Honors to the Black Arts EP CD 2009
Inferis Obscure Rituals of Death and Destruction Full-length CD 2013
Inferis Obscure Rituals of Death and Destruction Full-length Digital 2013
Infidel Ejaculating Chaos Full-length CD 2009
Infidel Eviscerate Yourself EP CD 2012
Infidel Chaos Blood Blasphemy Rituals Video DVD + CD 2012
Infidel Bloody Horns of Wrath Demo CD 2008
Infidel III Full-length CD 2016
Infidel Ejaculating Chaos Full-length Digital 2009
Infidel Eviscerate Yourself EP Digital 2012
Infidel III Full-length Digital 2016
Kingdom Abusive Worship in the Chamber of Shame Full-length Digital 2022
Kingdom Abusive Worship in the Chamber of Shame Full-length CD 2022
Kingdom Abusive Worship in the Chamber of Shame Full-length Cassette 2022
Kratherion Mantra Lucifer Flagelantes Full-length CD 2014
Magnanimus Impure Ways Beyond Shadows Full-length CD 2020
Magnanimus Impure Ways Beyond Shadows Full-length Digital 2020
Moloch Letalis Czara śmierci Split CD 2013
Hate Them All Czara śmierci Split CD 2013
Moloch Letalis Zgliszcza Full-length CD 2015
Moloch Letalis Apoteoza śmierci Full-length CD 2010
Moloch Letalis Arkana chaosu Compilation CD 2016
Moloch Letalis Czarci skowyt / Apeiron Split CD 2017
Death's Cold Wind Czarci skowyt / Apeiron Split CD 2017
Moloch Letalis Czarci skowyt / Apeiron Split Digital 2017
Death's Cold Wind Czarci skowyt / Apeiron Split Digital 2017
Moloch Letalis Krwawy sztorm Full-length CD 2018
Moloch Letalis Krwawy sztorm Full-length Digital 2018
Moloch Letalis Czara śmierci Split Digital 2013
Hate Them All Czara śmierci Split Digital 2013
Moloch Letalis Apoteoza śmierci Full-length Digital 2010
Moloch Letalis Zgliszcza Full-length Digital 2015
Moloch Letalis Arkana chaosu Compilation Digital 2016
Morbosidad Cójete a Dios por el culo Full-length Digital 2021
Morbosidad Cójete a Dios por el culo Full-length CD 2021
Morbosidad Muerte de Cristo en Gólgota Full-length Digital 2021
Morbosidad Muerte de Cristo en Gólgota Full-length CD 2021
North Czekając na sztorm Full-length CD 2011
North Thorns on the Black Rose Full-length CD 2006
North Czekając na sztorm Full-length Digital 2011
Nothing Has Changed Nothing Has Changed Full-length CD 2020
Nothing Has Changed Hissing Guilt Full-length Digital 2021
Nothing Has Changed Dead to the World Live album Digital 2023
Nothing Has Changed Dead to the World Live album Cassette 2023
Nunslaughter Hex Full-length Digital 2023
Nunslaughter Hells Unholy Fire Full-length 2CD 2022
Nunslaughter Hells Unholy Fire Full-length 2CD 2022
Nunslaughter Hells Unholy Fire Full-length Cassette 2022
Nunslaughter Hex Full-length 2CD 2023
Nunslaughter Hex Full-length 2CD 2023
Nunslaughter Hex Full-length Cassette 2023
Obscure 666 Satanic Rebelmageddon Split CD 2004
Pandemic Genocide Satanic Rebelmageddon Split CD 2004
Occultum Towards Eternal Chaos Full-length CD 2016
Occultum In Nomine Rex Inferni Full-length CD 2018
Occultum Towards Eternal Chaos Full-length Digital 2016
Occultum Apokatastasis Full-length CD 2021
Occultum Apokatastasis Full-length Digital 2021
Oldblood Stary chram Split CD 2012
Hate Them All Stary chram Split CD 2012
Oldblood Stary chram Split Digital 2012
Hate Them All Stary chram Split Digital 2012
Pandemonium Przyjdź królestwo twoje Single CD 2014
Pandemonium The Ancient Catatonia Full-length CD 2013
Pandemonium Devilri - Extended Edition Demo CD 2014
Pandemonium Bones Will Rise from the Ground Live Compilation CD 2015
Pandemonium Nihilist Full-length CD 2017
Pandemonium Nihilist Full-length Digital 2017
Pandemonium Bones Will Rise from the Ground Live Compilation Digital 2015
Pandemonium Przyjdź królestwo twoje Single Digital 2014
Pandemonium The Ancient Catatonia Full-length Digital 2013
Pandemonium Devilri - Extended Edition Demo Digital 2014
Pandemonium Pazuzu Tape Box Boxed set Cassette 2018
Pathogen Forged in the Crucible of Death Full-length CD 2012
Pathogen Lust of Evil Compilation CD 2013
Pathogen Consecrated in Morbidity Split CD 2015
Deathevoker Consecrated in Morbidity Split CD 2015
Pathogen Ashes of Eternity Full-length CD 2017
Pathogen Ashes of Eternity Full-length Digital 2017
Pathogen Lust of Evil Compilation Digital 2013
Pathogen Forged in the Crucible of Death Full-length Digital 2012
Pathogen Consecrated in Morbidity Split Digital 2015
Deathevoker Consecrated in Morbidity Split Digital 2015
Pathogen Obscure Deathworship Full-length CD 2019
Pathogen Obscure Deathworship Full-length Digital 2019
Pathogen Moribund Manifesto Full-length Digital 2022
Pathogen Moribund Manifesto Full-length CD 2022
Pathogen Moribund Manifesto Full-length CD 2022
Pathogen Moribund Manifesto Full-length Cassette 2022
Pleń Przechrzta Full-length CD 2023
Pleń Przechrzta Full-length Cassette 2023
Pleń Przechrzta Full-length CD 2023
Pogrom 1147 Black Metal Complete Full-length CD 2005
Pogrom 1147 Black Metal Complete Full-length Digital 2005
Popioły Purposeless Through Meaning Full-length CD 2024
Popioły Purposeless Through Meaning Full-length Cassette 2024
Popioły Purposeless Through Meaning Full-length Digital 2024
Quo Vadis Quo Vadis Full-length Digital 2020
Quo Vadis Quo Vadis Full-length CD 2020
Quo Vadis Politics Full-length Digital 2021
Quo Vadis Politics Full-length CD 2021
Sad Enlightened by Darkness Full-length CD 2009
Sad Abandoned and Forgotten Full-length CD 2010
Sad Enlightened by Darkness Full-length Digital 2009
Sargatanas The Enlightenment Full-length CD 2017
Sargatanas The Enlightenment Full-length Digital 2017
Sauron Hornology Full-length CD 2007
Sauron Hornology Full-length 2CD 2008
Sauron Hornology Full-length Digital 2007
Serpent Seed Death and Decay Considerations Full-length Digital 2019
Serpent Seed Death and Decay Considerations Full-length CD 2019
Shambles Oneiric Visions Full-length Digital 2022
Shambles Oneiric Visions Full-length CD 2022
Shambles Oneiric Visions Full-length Cassette 2022
Shambles Oneiric Visions Full-length CD 2022
Shining The Sinister Alliance Split CD 2007
Funeral Dirge The Sinister Alliance Split CD 2007
Shining of... Convicted by Sin Full-length CD 2004
Slaughtbbath Hail to Fire Full-length CD 2015
Slaughtbbath Alchemical Warfare Full-length Digital 2020
Slaughtbbath Alchemical Warfare Full-length CD 2020
Solium Urwerk EP Digital 2020
Solium Urwerk EP CD 2020
Soulless Profanation In Shadows of the Damned We Reign Split CD 2006
Arminius In Shadows of the Damned We Reign Split CD 2006
Pandemic Genocide In Shadows of the Damned We Reign Split CD 2006
Soulless Profanation Total Desecration Full-length CD 2004
Soulless Profanation Total Desecration Full-length Digital None
Throneum Martyaxwar Split CD 2019
Moloch Letalis Martyaxwar Split CD 2019
Throneum The Tight Deathrope Act over Rubicon Full-length Digital 2020
Throneum The Tight Deathrope Act over Rubicon Full-length CD 2020
Throneum Organic Death Temple MMXVI Full-length CD 2020
Throneum Organic Death Temple MMXVI Full-length Digital 2020
Throneum Morbid Death Tales Full-length Digital 2021
Throneum Morbid Death Tales Full-length CD 2021
Throneum Deathmass of the Gravedancer Full-length CD 2022
Throneum Deathmass of the Gravedancer Full-length Digital 2022
Throneum Deathmass of the Gravedancer Full-length Cassette 2022
Ur Obelga EP Digital 2020
Ur Obelga EP CD 2020
Vedonist The First Damage Split CD 2004
Brainwashed The First Damage Split CD 2004
Vérzivatar In the Shadow of Sombre Clouds Demo CD 2008
Vérzivatar In the Shadow of Sombre Clouds Demo CD 2009
Vinterriket Ira Deorum Obliviorum Split CD 2006
Vociferous Vociferous Full-length CD 2009
Vociferous Vociferous Full-length Digital 2016
Whalesong Disorder Full-length CD 2017
Whalesong Disorder Deconstructed Compilation 2CD 2018
Whalesong Radiance of a Thousand Suns Full-length 2CD 2020
Whalesong Disorder Full-length Digital 2017
Whalesong Disorder Deconstructed Compilation Digital 2020
Whalesong Radiance of a Thousand Suns Full-length Digital 2020
Whalesong Radiant Suns Deformed Compilation Digital 2021
Whalesong Radiant Suns Deformed Compilation CD 2021
Whalesong Leaving a Dream Full-length Digital 2023
Whalesong Leaving a Dream Full-length 2CD 2023
Whipstriker Strike of Hate Split CD 2020
Hate Them All Strike of Hate Split CD 2020
Whipstriker Strike of Hate Split Digital 2020
Hate Them All Strike of Hate Split Digital 2020
Witchfuck Disgusting Rock’n’Roll EP CD 2017
Witchfuck Disgusting Rock’n’Roll EP Digital 2017
ZOS Zos Full-length Digital 2020
ZOS Zos Full-length CD 2020