Season of Mist Underground Activists

JSON | Metal Archives


Country France
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Grindcore
Founding Date 2007
Parent Label Season of Mist


Name Country Genre Status
Baptism Finland black Current
Bastard Feast United States crust, death, grind, hardcore, sludge Current
Bizarrekult Russia black Current
Cronian Norway progressive Current
Culted International black, doom Current
Drudkh Ukraine black Current
Festerday Finland death Current
Fuath United Kingdom atmospheric, black Current
Glorior Belli France southern, stoner, black Current
Goat Torment Belgium black Current
Helfró Iceland black Current
Hell Militia France black Current
Hierophant Italy hardcore, sludge, death, black Current
Medico Peste Poland black Current
Merrimack France black Current
Misanthur Poland black Current
Mora Prokaza Belarus experimental, black Current
Mystifier Brazil black, death Current
Necrowretch France black, death Current
Night Shall Drape Us Finland black Current
Nightbringer United States black Current
Nocturnal Graves Australia black, death, thrash Current
Revenge Canada black, death Current
Ulsect Netherlands avant-garde, death, technical Current
Unfelled Australia atmospheric, black Current
Urn Finland black, thrash Current
Vous Autres France black, sludge Current
Withered United States black, death Current
Altarage Spain death, experimental Past
Arckanum Sweden black Past
Bestial Mockery Sweden black, thrash Past
Blacklodge France black, industrial Past
Blood of Kingu Ukraine black Past
Brodequin United States brutal, death Past
Craft Sweden black Past
Dodecahedron Netherlands avant-garde, black Past
Elitist United States crust, death, grind, hardcore, sludge Past
Evoken United States death, doom, funeral Past
Grave Desecrator Brazil black, death Past
Grift Sweden black, folk Past
Hades Almighty Norway black, progressive, viking Past
Hegemon France black Past
Ildjarn Norway ambient, black Past
Imperium Dekadenz Germany black Past
Incantation United States death Past
Khandra Belarus black Past
Koldbrann Norway black Past
Murmur United States black, experimental, progressive Past
Naer Mataron Greece black, death Past
Nargaroth Germany black Past
Necrofier United States black, melodic Past
Nychts Switzerland ambient, black Past
Old Silver Key Ukraine post-rock, shoegaze Past
Otargos France black Past
Paysage d'Hiver Switzerland ambient, black Past
Pest Sweden black Past
Profanatica United States black, death Past
Rage Nucléaire Canada black Past
Rimfrost Sweden black Past
Ritual Killer United States black Past
Tartaros Norway black, symphonic Past
Undercroft Chile thrash, death Past
Urgehal Norway black Past
Windswept Ukraine black Past
Winterfylleth United Kingdom black Past
Woods of Desolation Australia black, post-metal Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Altarage Endinghent Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Altarage The Approaching Roar Full-length CD 2019
Altarage The Approaching Roar Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Altarage Endinghent Full-length CD 2017
Altarage Endinghent Full-length Cassette 2017
Altarage Succumb Full-length CD 2021
Altarage Succumb Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Altarage Succumb Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Altarage Succumb Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Arckanum Helvítismyrkr Full-length CD 2011
Arckanum Fenris kindir Full-length CD 2013
Arckanum Fenris kindir Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Arckanum Helvítismyrkr Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Baptism V: The Devil's Fire Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Baptism V: The Devil's Fire Full-length Cassette 2016
Baptism V: The Devil's Fire Full-length CD 2016
Bastard Feast Osculum Infame Full-length CD 2014
Bastard Feast Fear in a Handful of Dust Full-length CD 2011
Bestial Mockery Slaying the Life Full-length CD 2007
Bizarrekult Kongen Single Digital 2022
Bizarrekult Den tapte krigen Full-length CD 2023
Bizarrekult Den tapte krigen Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Bizarrekult Den tapte krigen Full-length Digital 2023
Bizarrekult Midt i stormen Single Digital 2022
Bizarrekult Du lovet meg Single Digital 2022
Blacklodge Machination Full-length CD 2012
Blacklodge Machination Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2012
Blood of Kingu Dark Star on the Right Horn of the Crescent Moon Full-length CD 2014
Blood of Kingu Dark Star on the Right Horn of the Crescent Moon Full-length CD 2014
Brodequin Instruments of Torture Full-length CD 2023
Brodequin Instruments of Torture Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Brodequin Festival of Death Full-length CD 2023
Brodequin Festival of Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Brodequin Methods of Execution Full-length CD 2023
Brodequin Methods of Execution Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Brodequin Harbinger of Woe Full-length CD 2024
Brodequin Harbinger of Woe Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Brodequin Harbinger of Woe Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Craft White Noise and Black Metal Full-length CD 2018
Craft White Noise and Black Metal Full-length Cassette 2018
Craft White Noise and Black Metal Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Craft Total Soul Rape Full-length CD 2018
Craft Total Soul Rape Full-length Cassette 2018
Craft Total Soul Rape Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Craft Terror Propaganda (Second Black Metal Attack) Full-length CD 2018
Craft White Noise and Black Metal Full-length CD 2018
Craft Terror Propaganda (Second Black Metal Attack) Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Craft Fuck the Universe Full-length Cassette 2019
Craft Fuck the Universe Full-length CD 2019
Craft Fuck the Universe Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Craft White Noise and Black Metal Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Craft Void Full-length Cassette 2019
Craft Void Full-length CD 2019
Craft Void Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Craft Total Soul Rape Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Craft Terror Propaganda (Second Black Metal Attack) Full-length Cassette 2018
Craft White Noise and Black Metal Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Craft White Noise and Black Metal Full-length CD 2018
Craft White Noise and Black Metal Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Craft Fuck the Universe Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Craft White Noise and Black Metal Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Craft Terror Propaganda (Second Black Metal Attack) Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Craft Total Soul Rape Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Craft Void Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Cronian Erathems Full-length CD 2013
Cronian Erathems Full-length CD 2013
Culted Vespertina Synaxis - A Prayer for Union & Emptiness EP CD 2019
Culted Vespertina Synaxis - A Prayer for Union & Emptiness EP 12" vinyl 2019
Culted Nous Full-length CD 2021
Culted Nous Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Dodecahedron Dodecahedron Full-length CD 2012
Dodecahedron Dodecahedron Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2012
Dodecahedron Kwintessens Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Dodecahedron Kwintessens Full-length CD 2017
Dodecahedron Dodecahedron Full-length CD 2012
Drudkh Microcosmos Full-length CD 2009
Drudkh Slavonic Chronicles EP 10" vinyl 2010
Drudkh Вічний оберт колеса (Eternal Turn of the Wheel) Full-length CD 2012
Drudkh Thousands of Moons Ago / The Gates Split 12" vinyl 2014
Winterfylleth Thousands of Moons Ago / The Gates Split 12" vinyl 2014
Drudkh Eastern Frontier in Flames Compilation CD 2014
Drudkh Forgotten Legends Full-length CD 2009
Drudkh Forgotten Legends Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Drudkh Autumn Aurora Full-length CD 2009
Drudkh Autumn Aurora Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Drudkh Лебединий шлях (The Swan Road) Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Drudkh Вічний оберт колеса (Eternal Turn of the Wheel) Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Drudkh Лебединий шлях (The Swan Road) Full-length CD 2010
Drudkh Кров у наших криницях (Blood in Our Wells) Full-length CD 2010
Drudkh Кров у наших криницях (Blood in Our Wells) Full-length CD 2010
Drudkh Кров у наших криницях (Blood in Our Wells) Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Drudkh Пісні скорботи і самітності (Songs of Grief and Solitude) Full-length CD 2010
Drudkh Пісні скорботи і самітності (Songs of Grief and Solitude) Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Drudkh Відчуженість (Estrangement) Full-length CD 2010
Drudkh Відчуженість Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Drudkh Microcosmos Full-length 2CD 2009
Drudkh Microcosmos Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Drudkh Пригорща зірок (Handful of Stars) Full-length 2CD 2010
Drudkh Пригорща зірок (Handful of Stars) Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Drudkh Вічний оберт колеса (Eternal Turn of the Wheel) Full-length CD 2012
Drudkh Лебединий шлях (The Swan Road) Full-length CD 2010
Drudkh Forgotten Legends Full-length CD 2009
Drudkh Autumn Aurora Full-length CD 2009
Drudkh Пісні скорботи і самітності (Songs of Grief and Solitude) Full-length CD 2010
Drudkh Відчуженість (Estrangement) Full-length CD 2010
Drudkh Пригорща зірок (Handful of Stars) Full-length CD 2010
Drudkh Microcosmos Full-length CD 2009
Drudkh Борозна обірвалася (A Furrow Cut Short) Full-length CD 2015
Drudkh Борозна обірвалася (A Furrow Cut Short) Full-length CD 2015
Drudkh Борозна обірвалася (A Furrow Cut Short) Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2015
Drudkh Forgotten Legends Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Drudkh Лебединий шлях (The Swan Road) Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Drudkh Кров у наших криницях (Blood in Our Wells) Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Drudkh Відчуженість (Estrangement) Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Drudkh Microcosmos Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Drudkh Борозна обірвалася (A Furrow Cut Short) Full-length CD 2015
Drudkh Кров у наших криницях (Blood in Our Wells) Full-length CD 2014
Drudkh Зраджені сонцем (Betrayed by the Sun) / Hägringar (Mirages) Split 12" vinyl 2016
Grift Зраджені сонцем (Betrayed by the Sun) / Hägringar (Mirages) Split 12" vinyl 2016
Drudkh Десь блукає журба (Somewhere Sadness Wanders) / Schnee (IV) Split 12" vinyl 2017
Paysage d'Hiver Десь блукає журба (Somewhere Sadness Wanders) / Schnee (IV) Split 12" vinyl 2017
Drudkh Їм часто сниться капіж (They Often See Dreams About the Spring) Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Drudkh Їм часто сниться капіж (They Often See Dreams About the Spring) Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Drudkh Їм часто сниться капіж (They Often See Dreams About the Spring) Full-length Cassette 2018
Drudkh Борозна обірвалася (A Furrow Cut Short) Full-length CD 2015
Drudkh Їм часто сниться капіж (They Often See Dreams About the Spring) Full-length CD 2018
Drudkh Autumn Aurora Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Drudkh Їм часто сниться капіж (They Often See Dreams About the Spring) Full-length CD 2018
Drudkh Десь блукає журба (Somewhere Sadness Wanders) / Schnee (IV) Split 12" vinyl 2017
Paysage d'Hiver Десь блукає журба (Somewhere Sadness Wanders) / Schnee (IV) Split 12" vinyl 2017
Drudkh Кілька рядків архаїчною українською (A Few Lines in Archaic Ukrainian) Compilation CD 2019
Drudkh Кілька рядків архаїчною українською (A Few Lines in Archaic Ukrainian) Compilation Cassette 2019
Drudkh Лебединий шлях (The Swan Road) Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Drudkh Microcosmos Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Drudkh Відчуженість (Estrangement) Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Drudkh Пісні скорботи і самітності (Songs of Grief and Solitude) Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Drudkh Борозна обірвалася (A Furrow Cut Short) Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Drudkh Forgotten Legends Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Drudkh Autumn Aurora Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Drudkh Кров у наших криницях (Blood in Our Wells) Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Drudkh Пригорща зірок (Handful of Stars) Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Drudkh Пригорща зірок (Handful of Stars) Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Drudkh Вічний оберт колеса (Eternal Turn of the Wheel) Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Drudkh Пригорща зірок (Handful of Stars) Full-length CD 2010
Drudkh Їм часто сниться капіж (They Often See Dreams About the Spring) Full-length CD 2018
Drudkh Thousands of Moons Ago / The Gates Split 12" vinyl 2021
Winterfylleth Thousands of Moons Ago / The Gates Split 12" vinyl 2021
Drudkh Їм часто сниться капіж (They Often See Dreams About the Spring) Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Drudkh Вічний оберт колеса (Eternal Turn of the Wheel) Full-length CD 2015
Drudkh Кілька рядків архаїчною українською (A Few Lines in Archaic Ukrainian) Compilation 3 12" vinyls 2022
Drudkh Eastern Frontier in Flames Compilation 12" vinyl 2022
Drudkh Пригорща зірок (Handful of Stars) Full-length CD 2014
Drudkh Microcosmos Full-length CD 2009
Drudkh Autumn Aurora Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Drudkh Кров у наших криницях (Blood in Our Wells) Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Drudkh Лебединий шлях (The Swan Road) Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Drudkh Всі належать ночі (All Belong to the Night) Full-length CD 2022
Drudkh Всі належать ночі (All Belong to the Night) Full-length Digital 2022
Drudkh Всі належать ночі (All Belong to the Night) Full-length CD 2022
Drudkh Forgotten Legends Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Drudkh Всі належать ночі (All Belong to the Night) Full-length Cassette 2022
Drudkh Всі належать ночі (All Belong to the Night) Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Drudkh Всі належать ночі (All Belong to the Night) Full-length 3 vinyls 2022
Drudkh Відчуженість Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Drudkh Борозна обірвалася (A Furrow Cut Short) Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Drudkh Кров у наших криницях (Blood in Our Wells) Full-length Cassette 2022
Drudkh Microcosmos Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Drudkh Вічний оберт колеса (Eternal Turn of the Wheel) Full-length Cassette 2022
Elitist Fear in a Handful of Dust Full-length CD 2011
Elitist Fear in a Handful of Dust Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Evoken Embrace the Emptiness Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2017
Festerday Cadaveric Virginity EP 7" vinyl 2018
Festerday Iihtallan Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Festerday Iihtallan Full-length CD 2019
Fuath II Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Fuath II Full-length CD 2021
Fuath II Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Glorior Belli The Apostates Full-length CD 2018
Glorior Belli The Apostates Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Glorior Belli The Apostates Full-length CD 2018
Goat Torment Forked Tongues Full-length Digital 2021
Goat Torment Forked Tongues Full-length CD 2021
Goat Torment Forked Tongues Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Grave Desecrator Dust to Lust Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Grave Desecrator Dust to Lust Full-length CD 2016
Hades Almighty Той, хто говорить з імлою (One Who Talks with the Fog) / Pyre Era, Black! Split 12" vinyl 2016
Drudkh Той, хто говорить з імлою (One Who Talks with the Fog) / Pyre Era, Black! Split 12" vinyl 2016
Hades Almighty Той, хто говорить з імлою (One Who Talks with the Fog) / Pyre Era, Black! Split Cassette 2016
Drudkh Той, хто говорить з імлою (One Who Talks with the Fog) / Pyre Era, Black! Split Cassette 2016
Hegemon Contemptus Mundi Full-length CD 2008
Hegemon The Hierarch Full-length CD 2015
Hegemon The Hierarch Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Helfró Helfró Full-length CD 2020
Helfró Helfró Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Helfró Tálgröf Full-length Digital 2023
Helfró Tálgröf Full-length CD 2023
Helfró Tálgröf Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Helfró Tálgröf Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Hell Militia Jacob's Ladder Full-length CD 2012
Hell Militia Jacob's Ladder Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Hell Militia Jacob's Ladder Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Hell Militia Hollow Void Full-length CD 2022
Hell Militia Hollow Void Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Hell Militia Hollow Void Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Hell Militia Hollow Void Full-length Digital 2022
Hierophant Mass Grave Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Hierophant Mass Grave Full-length CD 2016
Hierophant Death Siege Full-length CD 2022
Hierophant Death Siege Full-length Digital 2022
Hierophant Death Siege Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Ildjarn Ildjarn Full-length CD 2013
Ildjarn Forest Poetry Full-length CD 2013
Ildjarn Strength and Anger Full-length CD 2013
Ildjarn Ildjarn Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2013
Ildjarn Strength and Anger Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2013
Ildjarn Forest Poetry Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2013
Ildjarn Strength and Anger Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Ildjarn Forest Poetry Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Ildjarn Ildjarn Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Imperium Dekadenz Procella Vadens Full-length CD 2010
Imperium Dekadenz Meadows of Nostalgia Full-length CD 2013
Imperium Dekadenz Meadows of Nostalgia Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2013
Imperium Dekadenz Dis Manibvs Full-length CD 2016
Imperium Dekadenz Dis Manibvs Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Imperium Dekadenz Dis Manibvs Full-length Cassette 2016
Imperium Dekadenz Dis Manibvs Full-length CD + DVD 2016
Imperium Dekadenz Procella Vadens Full-length CD 2010
Incantation Tribute to the Goat Live album Cassette 2016
Incantation Tribute to the Goat Live album 12" vinyl 2016
Incantation Tribute to the Goat Live album 12" vinyl 2016
Khandra All Occupied by Sole Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Khandra All Occupied by Sole Death Full-length CD 2021
Koldbrann Vertigo Full-length CD 2013
Koldbrann Vertigo Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2013
Koldbrann Vertigo Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2013
Koldbrann Vertigo Full-length CD 2013
Medico Peste ב: The Black Bile Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Medico Peste ב: The Black Bile Full-length CD 2020
Medico Peste ב: The Black Bile Full-length Cassette 2020
Merrimack Omegaphilia Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Merrimack Omegaphilia Full-length CD 2017
Merrimack Ashes of Purification Full-length CD 2018
Merrimack Omegaphilia Full-length CD 2017
Merrimack Of Grace and Gravity Full-length CD 2024
Merrimack Of Grace and Gravity Full-length Digital 2024
Merrimack Of Grace and Gravity Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Misanthur Ephemeris Full-length Digital 2021
Misanthur Ephemeris Full-length CD 2021
Misanthur Ephemeris Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Mora Prokaza By Chance Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Mora Prokaza By Chance Full-length CD 2020
Murmur Murmur Full-length CD 2013
Mystifier Protogoni Mavri Magiki Dynasteia Full-length CD 2019
Mystifier Protogoni Mavri Magiki Dynasteia Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Mystifier Protogoni Mavri Magiki Dynasteia Full-length Cassette 2019
Naer Mataron Praetorians Full-length CD 2008
Nargaroth Spectral Visions of Mental Warfare Collaboration 2CD 2022
Nychts Spectral Visions of Mental Warfare Collaboration 2CD 2022
Nargaroth Unity (Rasluka Part I + Rasluka Part II) Compilation CD 2022
Nargaroth Black Metal ist Krieg (A Dedication Monument) Full-length CD 2022
Nargaroth Jahreszeiten Full-length CD 2022
Nargaroth Black Metal manda hijos de puta Live album CD 2022
Nargaroth Geliebte des Regens Full-length CD 2022
Nargaroth Era of Threnody Full-length CD 2022
Nargaroth Black Metal ist Krieg (A Dedication Monument) Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Nargaroth Herbstleyd Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Nargaroth Jahreszeiten Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Nargaroth Era of Threnody Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Nargaroth Herbstleyd Full-length 2CD 2022
Necrofier Prophecies of Eternal Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Necrofier Prophecies of Eternal Darkness Full-length CD 2021
Necrofier Burning Shadows in the Southern Night Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Necrofier Burning Shadows in the Southern Night Full-length CD 2023
Necrofier Burning Shadows in the Southern Night Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Necrofier Burning Shadows in the Southern Night Full-length Digital 2023
Necrowretch Satanic Slavery Full-length CD 2017
Necrowretch Satanic Slavery Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Necrowretch Satanic Slavery Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Necrowretch Satanic Slavery Full-length CD 2017
Necrowretch The Ones from Hell Full-length Cassette 2020
Necrowretch The Ones from Hell Full-length CD 2020
Necrowretch The Ones from Hell Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Necrowretch Swords of Dajjal Full-length CD 2024
Necrowretch Swords of Dajjal Full-length Cassette 2024
Necrowretch Swords of Dajjal Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Night Shall Drape Us Lunatic Choir Full-length CD 2024
Night Shall Drape Us Lunatic Choir Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Nightbringer Hierophany of the Open Grave Full-length CD 2011
Nightbringer Terra Damnata Full-length Cassette 2017
Nightbringer Terra Damnata Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2017
Nightbringer Ego Dominus Tuus Full-length CD 2014
Nightbringer Ego Dominus Tuus Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2017
Nightbringer Terra Damnata Full-length CD 2017
Nightbringer Ego Dominus Tuus Full-length CD 2014
Nightbringer Hierophany of the Open Grave Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Nightbringer Terra Damnata Full-length CD 2017
Nightbringer Hierophany of the Open Grave Full-length CD 2011
Nocturnal Graves Satan's Cross Full-length CD 2017
Nocturnal Graves Satan's Cross Full-length 2 vinyls 2017
Nocturnal Graves Titan Full-length CD 2018
Nocturnal Graves Titan Full-length Cassette 2018
Nocturnal Graves Titan Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Nocturnal Graves An Outlaw's Stand Full-length CD 2022
Nocturnal Graves An Outlaw's Stand Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Old Silver Key Tales of Wanderings Full-length CD 2011
Old Silver Key Tales of Wanderings Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Otargos No God, No Satan Full-length CD 2010
Otargos Fuck God-Disease Process Full-length CD 2009
Pest Rest in Morbid Darkness Full-length CD 2008
Profanatica Rotting Incarnation of God Full-length CD 2019
Profanatica Rotting Incarnation of God Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Profanatica Rotting Incarnation of God Full-length Cassette 2019
Profanatica Crux Simplex Full-length CD 2023
Profanatica Crux Simplex Full-length Digital 2023
Profanatica Crux Simplex Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Rage Nucléaire Black Storm of Violence Full-length CD 2014
Rage Nucléaire Unrelenting Fucking Hatred Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2012
Rage Nucléaire Unrelenting Fucking Hatred Full-length CD 2012
Revenge Behold.Total.Rejection Full-length CD 2015
Revenge Behold.Total.Rejection Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Revenge Behold.Total.Rejection Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Revenge Behold.Total.Rejection Full-length Cassette 2015
Revenge Behold.Total.Rejection Full-length CD 2016
Revenge Deceiver​.​Diseased​.​Miasmic EP CD 2018
Revenge Deceiver​.​Diseased​.​Miasmic EP 10" vinyl 2018
Revenge Deceiver​.​Diseased​.​Miasmic EP Cassette 2018
Revenge Strike.Smother.Dehumanize Full-length CD 2020
Revenge Strike.Smother.Dehumanize Full-length CD 2020
Revenge Strike.Smother.Dehumanize Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Revenge Strike.Smother.Dehumanize Full-length Cassette 2020
Revenge Attack.Blood.Revenge EP 12" vinyl 2020
Revenge Attack.Blood.Revenge EP CD 2020
Revenge Strike.Smother.Dehumanize Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Rimfrost Veraldar Nagli Full-length CD 2009
Ritual Killer Exterminance Full-length CD 2015
Ritual Killer Exterminance Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Tartaros The Grand Psychotic Castle / The Red Jewel Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2019
Ulsect Ulsect Full-length CD 2017
Ulsect Ulsect Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Undercroft Ruins of Gomorrah Full-length CD 2012
Undercroft Ruins of Gomorrah Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2012
Unfelled Pall of Endless Perdition Full-length CD 2023
Unfelled Pall of Endless Perdition Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Urgehal Ikonoklast Full-length CD 2009
Urgehal Ikonoklast Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2009
Urgehal Aeons in Sodom Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Urgehal Aeons in Sodom Full-length CD 2016
Urgehal Aeons in Sodom Full-length CD 2016
Urgehal Aeons in Sodom Full-length CD 2016
Urgehal Aeons in Sodom Full-length CD 2016
Urn Iron Will of Power Full-length CD 2019
Urn Iron Will of Power Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Urn Iron Will of Power Full-length Cassette 2019
Vous Autres Sel de pierre Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Vous Autres Sel de pierre Full-length CD 2020
Vous Autres Champ du sang Full-length CD 2021
Vous Autres Champ du sang Full-length 2 vinyls 2021
Windswept The Great Cold Steppe Full-length CD 2017
Windswept The Great Cold Steppe Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Windswept The Onlooker Full-length CD 2019
Windswept The Onlooker Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Windswept The Great Cold Steppe Full-length CD 2017
Withered Grief Relic Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Withered Grief Relic Full-length CD 2016
Withered Verloren Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Withered Verloren Full-length CD 2021
Woods of Desolation The Falling Tide Full-length Digital 2022
Woods of Desolation The Falling Tide Full-length CD 2022
Woods of Desolation The Falling Tide Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Woods of Desolation Torn Beyond Reason Full-length Digital 2022
Woods of Desolation Toward the Depths Full-length CD 2023
Woods of Desolation Toward the Depths Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Woods of Desolation Sorh EP CD 2023
Woods of Desolation Sorh EP 12" vinyl 2023
Woods of Desolation Torn Beyond Reason Full-length CD 2023
Woods of Desolation Torn Beyond Reason Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Woods of Desolation As the Stars Full-length CD 2023
Woods of Desolation As the Stars Full-length 12" vinyl 2023