Journey to the End

JSON | Metal Archives


Country Germany
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Death Metal
Founding Date August 4th, 2022
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Dark Frost Germany black Current
Godcider Russia black Current
Køldbrynger Germany black, raw Current
Nebelgrund Germany black Current
Øde Germany black Current
Pesten 1349 Germany black Current
Ruthanas Germany black Current
Sumerian Moon Germany black Current
Ylmgard Germany black Current
Schattenfang Germany depressive, raw, atmospheric, black Past
Tiefstand Germany black, depressive Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Dark Frost The Void of Cosmic Genocide Single Digital 2024
Dark Frost The Curse of Cruelty Full-length Digital 2024
Dark Frost The Curse of Cruelty Full-length CD 2024
Godcider Leviathan Full-length Digital 2023
Godcider Leviathan Full-length Digital 2024
Køldbrynger Antitheistic Elitism Demo Digital 2023
Køldbrynger Hate Against Humanity EP Digital 2023
Køldbrynger Totenblut Full-length Digital 2024
Køldbrynger The War of the Inferiors Demo Digital 2024
Køldbrynger Hate Against Humanity EP Other 2024
Nebelgrund An den Toren von Krieg und Tod Full-length Digital 2023
Nebelgrund An den Toren von Krieg und Tod Full-length CD 2023
Øde Bleg og ensom Full-length Digital 2023
Øde Bleg og ensom Full-length CD 2023
Ruthanas In der Felsenschlucht Full-length Digital 2024
Ruthanas In der Felsenschlucht Full-length CD 2024
Schattenfang Ex Cineribus: Was blieb, als du gegangen bist Full-length CD 2023
Tiefstand Tristesse EP CD 2023
Ylmgard Glittering Moonlight in the Snow EP Digital 2023
Ylmgard Ambulabit in Tenebris Full-length Digital 2023
Ylmgard Ambulabit in Tenebris Full-length CD 2023