Wolfmond Production

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Wolfmond Production, Leopoldstraße 4, 09669 Frankenberg/Sachsen
Country Germany
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, DSBM, Pagan Metal, Ambient
Founding Date December 9th, 2013
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Wolfmond-Production/267571790060929
Bandcamp https://wolfmondproduction.bandcamp.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/Wolfmond_Prod
Telegram https://t.me/Wolfmondproduction666
Discogs https://www.discogs.com/de/label/658747-Wolfmond-Production
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/nerconomico666
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/wolfmond_production666/
Ebay http://www.ebay.de/usr/wolfmond-production?_t


Name Country Genre Status
Aamon Italy black Current
Ad Arma Germany black Current
Aguares India black Current
Ambroxiak Korea, South black Current
Apylon Austria black Current
Ashtavakra Germany black, death Current
Atrophie International atmospheric, black Current
Battlegrim Indonesia black Current
Beschwörung Austria black Current
Beyond of Desolation Venezuela black, depressive, post-metal Current
Dark World's Spell Germany ambient, black Current
Decibel Rebels Germany black, thrash Current
Die Schwarze Sonne Finland black Current
Dxvxdxd Sxlf France black, gothic, symphonic Current
Eishammer Germany black, death Current
Eiza Germany black, raw Current
Eternal Violence Germany black, pagan Current
Gendam Indonesia black, depressive Current
Goaß Austria black, death Current
Gyötrelem Hungary black Current
Hagalaz Germany black, folk, viking Current
Hlostcest Indonesia black Current
Inferit Germany black Current
Initium Mortuus Hungary black, depressive Current
Legatus Germany black Current
Lendas Ocultas Brazil black Current
Liquid Cemetery Hungary black Current
Lost Shade Germany black, raw, viking Current
Luciferian Propaganda Germany black Current
Lupan Germany black Current
Modgudr Germany black Current
MX Germany black Current
Naragon Germany atmospheric, black Current
Nex Feretrum International black Current
Niederleib Germany black, raw Current
Nocebo International black Current
Projekt Nebelkrähe Germany black Current
Rafflesium Indonesia black Current
Ravendust Switzerland black Current
Sarg Germany black Current
SEAD Germany black, raw Current
Seelenqual Germany black, depressive, post-metal Current
Somdark Venezuela black, raw Current
Tempers Creature Germany ambient, black, depressive, pagan Current
Todesengel Germany black Current
Tot aus dem Wald Germany black Current
Transzendenz Germany black Current
Widuz Germany black Current
Wolfsrudel Germany black Current
1389 Bosnia and Herzegovina black, raw Past
A.V.D.L Japan black, death, experimental Past
Abyss Germany black, death, melodic Past
Adventum Diaboli Greece black Past
Agrareth Chile black Past
Ajera Norway black Past
Amargo Brazil black, noise, raw Past
Amuleto de Calamidades International black Past
Anti-R Malaysia black Past
Antiquus Scriptum Portugal ambient, black Past
Apofolis Germany atmospheric, black Past
Artifact of Skulls United States black, death Past
As Light Becomes Shadow Germany black Past
Asenheim Germany pagan, epic, black Past
Asgard Switzerland black Past
Askvald Germany black, gothic Past
Astarium Russia ambient, black, symphonic Past
Asura Ukraine ambient, black, raw Past
Atel United States black Past
Bärglar Japan black, heavy Past
Besna Slovakia black, post-metal, progressive Past
Beyond Life Poland ambient, black Past
BlutEck Germany black Past
Chronik Germany black, melodic Past
Coldnight Colombia ambient, black, experimental Past
Contaminated Ukraine melodic, death Past
Czarnobog Germany atmospheric, black, pagan Past
Dark Armageddon Germany black Past
Darlament Norvadian El Salvador black Past
Deaths Wrath Bangladesh black Past
Demiurge United States ambient, atmospheric, black Past
Deprimat New Zealand black, depressive Past
Desgraça Eterna Brazil black Past
Desolated Souls Venezuela black Past
Deviator Ukraine ambient, death, black Past
Devilgroth Russia black, raw Past
Diabállein Brazil black Past
Die Entweihung Israel black Past
Donarhall Germany atmospheric, black Past
Donnerhain Germany pagan Past
Draugûl Malta black, epic, viking Past
Duri Indonesia black, depressive Past
Eall France atmospheric, black, post-metal Past
Ereshkigal Mexico black Past
Eris Serbia black Past
Erroiak France black Past
Faith ov Gestalgt Japan black, noise, raw Past
Fleisch Germany death Past
Frosted Undergrowth Germany black Past
Gergovia France black Past
Gorthaur Germany black Past
Hāg Austria black Past
Hellvete Indonesia depressive, black Past
Higurd Germany black Past
Höllensturm Germany black Past
Homicidio Brazil black, death, doom Past
Idolos France atmospheric, black, post-metal Past
IIIVI Ghost International ambient, black, raw Past
Immatura Morte Mexico black Past
Impera Germany black Past
In Crucem Agere Austria black Past
Infernal Inquisition Brazil black Past
Iratus Nebula Germany black, pagan Past
Iratus Proditor Switzerland black, thrash Past
Karner Austria black, death Past
Kav Germany black, death Past
Keruntuk Malaysia black, death, thrash Past
Khaospath Malta black Past
Kohtukuolema Finland black Past
Kolac Serbia black Past
Krayl India ambient, black Past
Kristenslakter Germany ambient, black, pagan, raw Past
Lord Morgan Indonesia black, melodic Past
Malevolencia Venezuela black Past
Martwica Poland black Past
Mirage Asylum Germany black Past
Morbid Contempt Germany black Past
Mornië Utúlië Poland atmospheric, black Past
Morto International black, depressive Past
Mortt Indonesia black, depressive Past
Mount Depression Argentina black, depressive Past
Mustex Germany black Past
Nachtqual Germany black, depressive Past
Natanas United States black, doom Past
Nazghoul Indonesia black Past
Nebelwind Germany black Past
Necro Forest Croatia black Past
Necromance Theater Bolivia black, symphonic Past
Necroratory Hungary black Past
Nekrofília Hungary black Past
Nenuial Germany black Past
Nicrotek Indonesia dark, industrial, atmospheric, ambient, black Past
Niederwelt Germany atmospheric, black Past
Nostalgie Depression Chile ambient, black, depressive Past
Nox Ater Mexico black Past
Nuclear Storm Germany death, thrash Past
Nyarlathotep Bosnia and Herzegovina black, thrash Past
Old Throne Brazil black Past
Opositor Hungary black Past
Orek Germany black Past
Orobas Bangladesh black, death Past
Övin Taravlon Australia black Past
Perdition Germany black Past
Pestheim Germany black Past
Porta Infernum Venezuela black Past
Potemtum and Solitude Colombia black Past
Prorok Bosnia and Herzegovina black, grind, hardcore, noise Past
Psychalgia International black, depressive Past
Putrid Collector Ukraine death Past
Ritualia Hominis Germany black Past
Rotten Moon Finland black, raw Past
Runenwacht Germany black Past
S:S:S Germany black Past
Sakrality Indonesia black Past
Satanic Forest Brazil black, raw Past
Schattenfang Germany depressive, raw, atmospheric, black Past
Schleiße Stankend Gliud Germany black, death, thrash Past
Setekh United States ambient, atmospheric, black, dark Past
ShadowWolf Canada ambient, black Past
Shards of a Lost World Germany black Past
Sial Malaysia raw, ambient, depressive, black Past
Sicut Glacies International black Past
Siechtum Germany black, raw Past
Skrott Indonesia black, depressive Past
Slagthammer Germany black, thrash Past
Spectral Dance Canada black Past
Stardust Germany black, depressive Past
Strahor Serbia black Past
Suðri Chile black, depressive Past
Suffer the Gestalt United States black, depressive Past
Suicidal Forest Chile black Past
Suicide Forest Japan black, depressive Past
Swine Soul United States black, noise, raw Past
Symphonaire Infernus Brazil black Past
Syndrom Einsamkeit Germany ambient, black, depressive, noise, raw Past
Temple Switzerland black Past
Temple of Decay Poland black, death Past
Tenebrositas Croatia black Past
The Depressick Mexico atmospheric, black, depressive, post-metal Past
Thorsons Germany black, death, folk Past
Todesschrei Austria black Past
Todessucht Germany black Past
Totensucht Germany black Past
Trollfastheart Spain black Past
Undead Corpse Germany black Past
Unholy Order Austria black Past
Vargshelske Germany black Past
Vernent Bolivia black Past
VHP Mexico black Past
Voin Grim Ukraine atmospheric, black, raw Past
Vulfehrie Italy atmospheric, black Past
Waldseel Germany atmospheric, black Past
Whisper Moon Mexico black Past
Xerión Spain black Past
СмертоКрест Russia black Past
死霊山 Japan black, raw Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
1389 Satanic Forest / Kolac / 1389 / Eris Split CD 2015
Kolac Satanic Forest / Kolac / 1389 / Eris Split CD 2015
Eris Satanic Forest / Kolac / 1389 / Eris Split CD 2015
Satanic Forest Satanic Forest / Kolac / 1389 / Eris Split CD 2015
1389 Pact of Pagan Blood Split CD 2018
ShadowWolf Pact of Pagan Blood Split CD 2018
1389 Satanic Forest / Kolac / 1389 / Eris Split Digital 2019
Kolac Satanic Forest / Kolac / 1389 / Eris Split Digital 2019
Eris Satanic Forest / Kolac / 1389 / Eris Split Digital 2019
Satanic Forest Satanic Forest / Kolac / 1389 / Eris Split Digital 2019
1389 Pact of Pagan Blood Split Digital 2019
ShadowWolf Pact of Pagan Blood Split Digital 2019
A.V.D.L Blue Eyes Blue EP CD 2019
A.V.D.L Depression of Ruins Split CD 2020
Suicide Forest Depression of Ruins Split CD 2020
A.V.D.L Depression of Ruins Split Digital 2020
Suicide Forest Depression of Ruins Split Digital 2020
Aamon The Deep Abyss of R'lyeh Full-length CD 2024
Ad Arma Temple of Intolerance Full-length CD 2015
Ad Arma Temple of Intolerance Full-length Digital 2019
Ad Arma Stalingrad Demo CD 2024
Ad Arma Stalingrad Demo Cassette 2024
Adventum Diaboli Cemetery of Hopes Split CD 2017
Donarhall Cemetery of Hopes Split CD 2017
Adventum Diaboli Cemetery of Hopes Split Digital 2019
Donarhall Cemetery of Hopes Split Digital 2019
Agrareth Mors Hominum Demo CD 2018
Agrareth Mors Hominum Demo Digital 2019
Aguares Kingdom of Falsehood Full-length CD 2015
Aguares Kingdom of Falsehood Full-length Digital 2019
Aguares Kingdom of Falsehood Full-length Digital 2019
Ajera In Momentum Full-length CD 2021
Ajera In Momentum Full-length Digital 2020
Amargo Amargo / Kav Split CD 2015
Kav Amargo / Kav Split CD 2015
Ambroxiak Detritus of Elysian Creation Full-length CD 2021
Amuleto de Calamidades Amulet of Calamities EP CD 2016
Anti-R Twin Goatphomet from the Unholy Temples Split Digital 2020
Syndrom Einsamkeit Twin Goatphomet from the Unholy Temples Split Digital 2020
Antiquus Scriptum Abi in Malam Pestem Full-length CD 2016
Antiquus Scriptum Conclamatum Est Full-length CD 2016
Antiquus Scriptum Immortalis Factus Full-length CD 2016
Antiquus Scriptum Recovering the Throne (Tribute Album) Full-length CD 2016
Antiquus Scriptum Den nordiske sjel lever i meg (A Tribute to the Gods) Split CD 2017
Draugûl Den nordiske sjel lever i meg (A Tribute to the Gods) Split CD 2017
Antiquus Scriptum Once They Claimed the Old Throne of Evropa... Once, They Fought... Split CD 2017
Deviator Once They Claimed the Old Throne of Evropa... Once, They Fought... Split CD 2017
Antiquus Scriptum ...and the Forests Are Dark, Where They Gather... the Guardians of Time Split CD 2017
Astarium ...and the Forests Are Dark, Where They Gather... the Guardians of Time Split CD 2017
Antiquus Scriptum O Vale de Guadalquivir Compilation CD 2017
Antiquus Scriptum A Última Batalha Split CD 2018
Antiquus Scriptum Silentium in foresta Split CD 2018
Antiquus Scriptum Upon the Embrace of Silence... Split CD 2019
Antiquus Scriptum The Ancient Song of Valinor Split CD 2020
Antiquus Scriptum Upon the Embrace of Silence... Split Digital 2019
Antiquus Scriptum Abi in Malam Pestem Full-length Digital 2019
Antiquus Scriptum Den nordiske sjel lever i meg (A Tribute to the Gods) Split Digital 2019
Draugûl Den nordiske sjel lever i meg (A Tribute to the Gods) Split Digital 2019
Antiquus Scriptum Immortalis Factus Full-length Digital 2019
Antiquus Scriptum Recovering the Throne (Tribute Album) Full-length Digital 2019
Antiquus Scriptum Conclamatum Est Full-length Digital 2019
Antiquus Scriptum Ars Longa, Vita Brevis... Full-length Digital 2019
Antiquus Scriptum Ars Longa, Vita Brevis... Full-length CD 2019
Antiquus Scriptum ...and the Forests Are Dark, Where They Gather... the Guardians of Time Split Digital 2019
Astarium ...and the Forests Are Dark, Where They Gather... the Guardians of Time Split Digital 2019
Antiquus Scriptum O Vale de Guadalquivir Compilation Digital 2019
Antiquus Scriptum The Ancient Song of Valinor Split Digital 2019
Antiquus Scriptum Silentium in foresta Split Digital 2019
Antiquus Scriptum Once They Claimed the Old Throne of Evropa... Once, They Fought... Split Digital 2019
Deviator Once They Claimed the Old Throne of Evropa... Once, They Fought... Split Digital 2019
Antiquus Scriptum All the Things About to End Are Beautiful... EP CD 2020
Antiquus Scriptum All the Things About to End Are Beautiful... EP Digital 2020
Antiquus Scriptum A Última Batalha Split Digital 2020
Antiquus Scriptum A Última Batalha Split CD 2020
Apofolis Heimkehr Full-length CD 2020
Apofolis Heimkehr Full-length Digital 2020
Apofolis Geburt des Todes Full-length Digital 2019
Apofolis Geburt des Todes Full-length CD 2019
Apylon The Second Chapter Demo CD 2015
Apylon The Third Chapter EP CD 2016
Apylon The First Chapter Full-length CD 2017
Apylon The First Chapter Full-length Digital 2019
Artifact of Skulls II: Calls from the Grave Demo CD 2016
Asenheim Wenn die Nacht... Full-length CD 2017
Asenheim Wenn die Nacht... Full-length Digital 2019
Asgard War at Last EP CD 2017
Asgard Leviathan Compilation CD 2019
Asgard Leviathan Compilation Digital 2019
Asgard War at Last EP Digital 2020
Asgard Leuchtenstadt ​/ ​Schreie aus dem Winterwald Split CD 2021
Transzendenz Leuchtenstadt ​/ ​Schreie aus dem Winterwald Split CD 2021
Asgard Leuchtenstadt ​/ ​Schreie aus dem Winterwald Split 10" vinyl 2021
Transzendenz Leuchtenstadt ​/ ​Schreie aus dem Winterwald Split 10" vinyl 2021
Asgard Leuchtenstadt ​/ ​Schreie aus dem Winterwald Split Cassette 2021
Transzendenz Leuchtenstadt ​/ ​Schreie aus dem Winterwald Split Cassette 2021
Asgard Leuchtenstadt Full-length CD 2021
Asgard Leuchtenstadt Full-length Digital 2021
Ashtavakra Also sprach... Demo CD 2017
Ashtavakra Resistance Demo CD 2017
Ashtavakra Coldness Rehearsal Demo CD 2018
Ashtavakra Disconnect Rehearsal Demo CD 2018
Ashtavakra Ashtavakra / Orek Split CD 2019
Orek Ashtavakra / Orek Split CD 2019
Ashtavakra Coldness Rehearsal Demo Digital 2019
Ashtavakra Disconnect Rehearsal Demo Digital 2019
Ashtavakra Clairvoyance Demo Digital 2020
Ashtavakra Clairvoyance / Vergangenheit Split Digital 2022
Ashtavakra Clairvoyance / Vergangenheit Split Cassette 2022
Askvald Geistesreisen durch Dämmertage Full-length CD 2016
Askvald Nebelpfade Full-length CD 2017
Askvald Nebelpfade Full-length 2CD 2017
Askvald Where Spirits Dwell to Teach in Vain Split CD 2021
Demiurge Where Spirits Dwell to Teach in Vain Split CD 2021
Askvald Where Spirits Dwell to Teach in Vain Split Digital 2021
Demiurge Where Spirits Dwell to Teach in Vain Split Digital 2021
Astarium Nekrocosmo: Anabiosis Demo CD 2018
Astarium Nekrocosmo: Anabiosis Demo Digital 2019
Asura ...from the Bones of Time Compilation CD 2018
Asura ...from the Bones of Time Compilation Digital 2019
Atel Cold Misanthropic Wilderness Demo CD 2016
Atel The Last Way Split CD 2016
Syndrom Einsamkeit The Last Way Split CD 2016
Atel The Last Way Split Digital 2019
Syndrom Einsamkeit The Last Way Split Digital 2019
Atrophie Atrophie Demo CD 2016
Atrophie Atrophie Demo Digital 2019
Bärglar End of Life​.​.​. Full-length CD 2016
Bärglar Bllod Abyss, Despair... EP CD 2016
Bärglar Legion ~绊~ EP CD 2016
Bärglar Gloomy Nostalzia EP CD 2017
Bärglar Suicide Cocktail EP CD 2017
Bärglar Bllod Abyss, Despair... EP Digital 2020
Bärglar AnarKism Full-length Digital 2020
Bärglar AnarKism Full-length CD 2020
Battlegrim Tirani Senja Full-length CD 2015
Battlegrim Tirani Senja Full-length Digital 2019
Beschwörung Satanischer Schwarz Metal Full-length CD 2016
Beschwörung Satanischer Schwarz Metal Full-length Digital 2019
Besna Abyss / Besna Split CD 2020
Abyss Abyss / Besna Split CD 2020
Besna Abyss / Besna Split Digital 2020
Abyss Abyss / Besna Split Digital 2020
Beyond Life The Path... Demo CD 2015
Beyond Life The Path... Demo Digital 2019
Beyond of Desolation Sombras de Dolor Demo CD 2015
Beyond of Desolation En busca de un horizonte Full-length CD 2016
Beyond of Desolation Cuando el dolor y las lágrimas son nuestra compañía Split CD 2015
Beyond of Desolation 2 Depressiv Ways to Die Split CD 2015
Beyond of Desolation Cuando el dolor y las lágrimas son nuestra compañía Split Digital 2019
Beyond of Desolation En busca de un horizonte Full-length Digital 2019
Beyond of Desolation 2 Depressiv Ways to Die Split Digital 2019
Chronik Der letzte Abschied Full-length CD 2017
Chronik Der letzte Abschied Full-length Digital 2019
Coldnight Psychalgia / Potemtum and Solitude / Syndrom Einsamkeit / Coldnight Split CD 2018
Potemtum and Solitude Psychalgia / Potemtum and Solitude / Syndrom Einsamkeit / Coldnight Split CD 2018
Psychalgia Psychalgia / Potemtum and Solitude / Syndrom Einsamkeit / Coldnight Split CD 2018
Syndrom Einsamkeit Psychalgia / Potemtum and Solitude / Syndrom Einsamkeit / Coldnight Split CD 2018
Coldnight Psychalgia / Potemtum and Solitude / Syndrom Einsamkeit / Coldnight Split Digital 2019
Potemtum and Solitude Psychalgia / Potemtum and Solitude / Syndrom Einsamkeit / Coldnight Split Digital 2019
Psychalgia Psychalgia / Potemtum and Solitude / Syndrom Einsamkeit / Coldnight Split Digital 2019
Syndrom Einsamkeit Psychalgia / Potemtum and Solitude / Syndrom Einsamkeit / Coldnight Split Digital 2019
Contaminated Womb of Neglection EP CD 2017
Contaminated Womb of Neglection EP Digital 2019
Czarnobog Forn anda náttúrunnar: Part I – In the Past Full-length CD 2015
Czarnobog Forn Anda Náttúrunnar: Part II – In The Dark Full-length CD 2015
Czarnobog Forn anda náttúrunnar: Part I – In the Past Full-length Digital 2019
Czarnobog Forn Anda Náttúrunnar: Part II – In The Dark Full-length Digital 2019
Dark Armageddon Frozen Throne Full-length CD 2016
Dark Armageddon Frozen Throne Full-length Digital 2019
Dark World's Spell Fog of Mystic Minds Demo CD 2017
Dark World's Spell Veil of Contempt EP CD 2018
Dark World's Spell Fog of Mystic Minds Demo Digital 2019
Dark World's Spell Veil of Contempt EP Digital 2019
Darlament Norvadian Days of Suicide EP CD 2016
Darlament Norvadian Atmospheric Black Metal Split CD 2016
Mornië Utúlië Atmospheric Black Metal Split CD 2016
Darlament Norvadian Throne of the Darkness Souls Demo CD 2017
Darlament Norvadian Evenings EP CD 2019
Darlament Norvadian Days of Suicide EP Digital 2019
Darlament Norvadian Evenings EP Digital 2019
Darlament Norvadian Atmospheric Black Metal Split Digital 2019
Mornië Utúlië Atmospheric Black Metal Split Digital 2019
Darlament Norvadian Throne of the Darkness Souls Demo Digital 2019
Darlament Norvadian Dias grises de soledad & depresion Split Digital 2019
Nostalgie Depression Dias grises de soledad & depresion Split Digital 2019
Darlament Norvadian Silent from the Immortal Forest Full-length Digital 2019
Darlament Norvadian Glorification of Darkness Split Digital 2022
Whisper Moon Glorification of Darkness Split Digital 2022
VHP Glorification of Darkness Split Digital 2022
Darlament Norvadian Glorification of Darkness Split CD 2022
Whisper Moon Glorification of Darkness Split CD 2022
VHP Glorification of Darkness Split CD 2022
Deaths Wrath Dominion Through Obscurity Full-length CD 2016
Deaths Wrath Dominion Through Obscurity Full-length Digital 2019
Decibel Rebels Unholy Rites of Perversions EP Digital 2024
Decibel Rebels Unholy Rites of Perversions EP CD 2024
Deprimat Drowning in Razorblades EP CD 2016
Deprimat Depressive Collections EP CD 2020
Deprimat Depressive Collections EP Digital 2020
Deprimat Depressive Collections EP CD 2020
Desgraça Eterna XIII EP CD 2016
Desolated Souls Dose of Psicological Illness Full-length CD 2015
Devilgroth Drevobog Split CD 2016
Desolated Souls Drevobog Split CD 2016
Devilgroth Drevobog Split Digital 2019
Desolated Souls Drevobog Split Digital 2019
Diabállein The Wretched Essence Full-length CD 2019
Diabállein The Wretched Essence Full-length Digital 2019
Die Entweihung At the Bottom Full-length CD 2016
Die Entweihung Despair Division: A Tribute to Joy Division + One Shot in April Full-length CD 2017
Die Entweihung At the Bottom Full-length Digital 2019
Die Schwarze Sonne Heiliges Nichtsein Full-length CD 2017
Die Schwarze Sonne Sisällä vain pimeää Full-length CD 2019
Die Schwarze Sonne Heiliges Nichtsein Full-length Digital 2017
Die Schwarze Sonne Tod und Melancholie Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Die Schwarze Sonne Das letzte Licht 2023 Full-length Cassette 2023
Die Schwarze Sonne Das letzte Licht 2023 Full-length Digital 2023
Donarhall Misanthrope Full-length CD 2017
Donarhall Misanthrope Full-length CD 2017
Donarhall Asgardsvegr Full-length CD 2017
Donnerhain Neue Wege EP CD 2014
Draugûl Plagueweaver EP CD 2019
Duri Duri / Syndrom Einsamkeit Split CD 2015
Syndrom Einsamkeit Duri / Syndrom Einsamkeit Split CD 2015
Duri Duri / Syndrom Einsamkeit Split Digital 2019
Syndrom Einsamkeit Duri / Syndrom Einsamkeit Split Digital 2019
Dxvxdxd Sxlf Before the Dawn Full-length CD 2021
Dxvxdxd Sxlf Before the Dawn Full-length Digital 2021
Eall Of Pale Mists and Fading Stars Split CD 2015
Setekh Of Pale Mists and Fading Stars Split CD 2015
Eishammer Teutonic War Metal EP CD 2020
Eiza Gefangen in Mauern Demo Digital 2021
Eiza Demo II Demo Digital 2022
Eiza Demo II Demo Cassette 2022
Eiza Gefangen in Mauern Demo Cassette 2021
Eiza Gefangen in Mauern Demo CD 2021
Ereshkigal Before Our Passing... Split CD 2018
Antiquus Scriptum Before Our Passing... Split CD 2018
Ereshkigal Before Our Passing... Split Digital 2019
Antiquus Scriptum Before Our Passing... Split Digital 2019
Eris Nyarlahotep / Strahor / Eris Split CD 2018
Nyarlathotep Nyarlahotep / Strahor / Eris Split CD 2018
Strahor Nyarlahotep / Strahor / Eris Split CD 2018
Eris Nyarlahotep / Strahor / Eris Split Digital 2018
Nyarlathotep Nyarlahotep / Strahor / Eris Split Digital 2018
Strahor Nyarlahotep / Strahor / Eris Split Digital 2018
Eris Dve Decenije Razdora -Two Decades Of Quarrel Compilation Digital 2023
Eris Dve Decenije Razdora -Two Decades Of Quarrel Compilation CD 2023
Eris Dve decenije razdora - Two Decades of Quarrel Split CD 2023
Eris Dve decenije razdora - Two Decades of Quarrel Split Digital 2023
Eternal Violence Blut Ritual Full-length CD 2015
Eternal Violence Blut Ritual Full-length Digital 2020
Faith ov Gestalgt 幸福賛歌 (Happy Depression) EP Digital 2020
Faith ov Gestalgt 魔笛 EP Digital 2020
Faith ov Gestalgt 飛沫的痴呆症 EP Digital 2020
Faith ov Gestalgt 天仰 (German Version) EP Digital 2021
Fleisch Roh! Demo CD 2020
Fleisch Roh! Demo Digital 2020
Frosted Undergrowth Shadows of Ascending Darkness Full-length CD 2019
Gendam My Own Prison Full-length CD 2015
Gendam My Own Prison Full-length Digital 2019
Gergovia In Requiem Aeternam Full-length CD 2020
Goaß Cruxifucked Full-length CD 2024
Goaß Cruxifucked Full-length Digital 2024
Gorthaur Summoning the Hessian Darkness Split CD 2015
Czarnobog Summoning the Hessian Darkness Split CD 2015
Gorthaur Oт стapцeв (​.​.​.​from the Old Ones) Full-length CD 2017
Gorthaur Summoning the Hessian Darkness Split Digital 2019
Czarnobog Summoning the Hessian Darkness Split Digital 2019
Gorthaur Oт стapцeв (​​.​​​.​​​.​​from the Old Ones) Full-length CD 2020
Gorthaur Oт стapцeв (​​.​​​.​​​.​​from the Old Ones) Full-length Digital 2020
Gyötrelem A halál időtlen óceánja Full-length CD 2021
Hāg In Traumschwebe erstarrt Full-length CD 2017
Hagalaz Northern Gods Descending Full-length CD 2016
Hagalaz Northland + Elementary Strength Within Compilation CD 2018
Hagalaz Northern Gods Descending Full-length Digital 2019
Hagalaz Northland + Elementary Strength Within Compilation Digital 2018
Hellvete Passing the Flame of Death Split CD 2015
Syndrom Einsamkeit Passing the Flame of Death Split CD 2015
Hellvete Blood & Sadness Full-length CD 2015
Hellvete The Night of Glory Split CD 2015
Nicrotek The Night of Glory Split CD 2015
Hellvete Passing the Flame of Death Split Digital 2019
Syndrom Einsamkeit Passing the Flame of Death Split Digital 2019
Hellvete The Night of Glory Split Digital 2019
Nicrotek The Night of Glory Split Digital 2019
Hellvete Blood & Sadness Full-length Digital 2019
Higurd Gedankensturm Full-length CD 2016
Higurd Egozentrik Full-length CD 2016
Higurd Gedankensturm Full-length Digital 2019
Hlostcest Missing Name After Mission EP CD 2016
Hlostcest Missing Name After Mission EP Digital 2020
Hlostcest Missing Name After Mission EP CD 2020
Höllensturm Blitzkrieg Full-length CD 2017
Höllensturm Blitzkrieg Full-length CD 2017
Höllensturm Blitzkrieg Full-length Digital 2019
Homicidio The Pact of Fire Full-length CD 2020
Homicidio The Pact of Fire Full-length Digital 2020
Idolos Ahi Cab EP CD 2020
Idolos Ahi Cab EP Digital 2020
IIIVI Ghost Prelude to the End Full-length CD 2017
Immatura Morte Magnus Nigrum Ignis Full-length CD 2017
Impera Transzendentaler Imperator Split CD 2020
Transzendenz Transzendentaler Imperator Split CD 2020
Impera Transzendentaler Imperator Split Digital 2020
Transzendenz Transzendentaler Imperator Split Digital 2020
Impera Der Transzendentale Imperator Split 12" vinyl 2020
Transzendenz Der Transzendentale Imperator Split 12" vinyl 2020
Impera Impera - S:S:S Split Digital 2019
S:S:S Impera - S:S:S Split Digital 2019
In Crucem Agere Cosmic Impulser Full-length CD 2016
Inferit Diverge in the Absence of Light Full-length CD 2020
Inferit Diverge in the Absence of Light Full-length Digital 2020
Infernal Inquisition Apsv Infra Dominvs EP CD 2017
Infernal Inquisition Apsv Infra Dominvs EP Digital 2019
Initium Mortuus Call of Eternity EP CD 2015
Iratus Nebula Natur und Seele EP Cassette 2023
Iratus Proditor Skulls Spikes and Chains Compilation CD 2015
Iratus Proditor Skulls Spikes and Chains Compilation Digital 2019
Karner Knochnkerker Demo CD 2018
Karner Knochnkerker Demo CD 2018
Karner Knochnkerker Demo Digital 2019
Kav Sorrow and Fear: Year One Compilation CD 2017
Keruntuk Inhuman Ritual Death Split Digital 2020
Keruntuk Inhuman Ritual Death Split CD 2020
Khaospath Gospel of the Serpent Tongue Full-length CD 2019
Khaospath Gospel of the Serpent Tongue Full-length Digital 2019
Kohtukuolema Ristillä roikkuu raato Full-length CD 2018
Kohtukuolema Ruoja EP 7" vinyl 2021
Kohtukuolema Ruoja EP Digital 2021
Krayl Maladie Mortelle EP CD 2020
Krayl Semita Gloriae Split CD 2020
Erroiak Semita Gloriae Split CD 2020
Krayl Semita Gloriae Split Digital 2020
Erroiak Semita Gloriae Split Digital 2020
Kristenslakter Hass und Verachtung - Demo Demo CD 2016
Kristenslakter Hass und Verachtung - Demo Demo Digital 2019
Legatus Aus dem Schattenreich EP CD 2024
Legatus Aus dem Schattenreich EP Digital 2024
Lendas Ocultas Orgen Eugnas Demo CD 2016
Lendas Ocultas Orgen Eugnas Demo Digital 2019
Liquid Cemetery Withdrawal Symptom in Agony + The Consciousness Modification Full-length CD 2015
Liquid Cemetery Alfa and Omega EP CD 2016
Liquid Cemetery Liquid Cemetery EP CD 2020
Liquid Cemetery Withdrawal Symptom in Agony + The Consciousness Modification Full-length Digital 2019
Liquid Cemetery Liquid Cemetery EP Digital 2020
Lord Morgan Badai Semusim Full-length CD 2018
Lord Morgan Badai Semusim Full-length Digital 2019
Lost Shade Feinde des Glaubens Full-length CD 2022
Luciferian Propaganda Legion Perversion Demo CD 2016
Luciferian Propaganda Legion Perversion Demo Digital 2019
Lupan Zeichen Full-length CD 2015
Lupan Beben Janus Split CD 2017
Sarg Beben Janus Split CD 2017
Lupan Zeichen Full-length Digital 2019
Lupan Beben Janus Split Digital 2020
Sarg Beben Janus Split Digital 2020
Malevolencia Slay the Messiah, Aberrated Nazarene Full-length CD 2016
Martwica Proch Demo CD 2016
Martwica Proch Demo CD 2016
Mirage Asylum In Remembrance of the Olden Days Full-length Digital 2019
Modgudr The Ancient Days of Glory Demo CD 2015
Modgudr The Ancient Days of Glory Demo Digital 2019
Modgudr Rebirth of the Ancient Spirit Full-length Digital 2022
Modgudr Rebirth of the Ancient Spirit Full-length CD 2022
Morbid Contempt Blvt.Geist.Tod Split CD 2017
BlutEck Blvt.Geist.Tod Split CD 2017
Morbid Contempt Blvt.Geist.Tod Split Digital 2019
BlutEck Blvt.Geist.Tod Split Digital 2019
Morto Lama Sabachtani, alaridos de pesimismo, letanias miserables Full-length CD 2016
Morto Musik eine Krankheit zu verursachen - Ensayos en absurdas reuniones Split CD 2016
Syndrom Einsamkeit Musik eine Krankheit zu verursachen - Ensayos en absurdas reuniones Split CD 2016
Morto Musik eine Krankheit zu verursachen - Ensayos en absurdas reuniones Split Digital 2019
Syndrom Einsamkeit Musik eine Krankheit zu verursachen - Ensayos en absurdas reuniones Split Digital 2019
Morto Lama Sabachtani, alaridos de pesimismo, letanias miserables Full-length Digital 2020
Mortt Demo 2015 Demo CD 2015
Mortt Demo 2015 Demo Digital 2020
Mount Depression Infinite Darkness and Our Realm Compilation CD 2016
Mount Depression IV: Dying Under the Master's Vision Full-length CD 2017
Mount Depression Infinite Darkness and Our Realm Compilation Digital 2019
Mount Depression IV: Dying Under the Master's Vision Full-length Digital 2020
Mount Depression IV: Dying Under the Master's Vision Full-length CD 2020
Mustex Pest / Inquisitor / Hexenverbrennung Full-length Digital 2021
Mustex Pest / Inquisitor / Hexenverbrennung Full-length CD 2021
MX Demo I Demo Digital 2020
MX Weltsuizidförderungstag Single Digital 2020
MX Im Traum der Wirklichkeit Demo Digital 2021
MX Im Traum der Wirklichkeit Demo CD 2021
MX Krieg Single Digital 2021
MX Demo I Demo Cassette 2021
MX Demo I Demo Digital 2021
MX Fucking War Split Cassette 2022
MX Flak EP EP Cassette 2023
MX Flak EP EP Digital 2023
MX Demo I Demo CD 2020
Nachtqual Disharmonie innerer Welten EP CD 2016
Nachtqual Leid und Qual Single Digital 2019
Nachtqual Leid und Qual II Single Digital 2019
Nachtqual Disharmonie innerer Welten EP Digital 2019
Nachtqual Nachtqual / Suicide Forest Split Digital 2020
Suicide Forest Nachtqual / Suicide Forest Split Digital 2020
Naragon Winter of Depression EP CD 2020
Naragon Winter of Depression EP Digital 2020
Natanas Adolebitque illud in terram / Guided by Darkness Split CD 2016
Atel Adolebitque illud in terram / Guided by Darkness Split CD 2016
Nazghoul Cahaya Gelap dari Timur Demo CD 2016
Nazghoul Cahaya Gelap dari Timur Demo Digital 2019
Nebelwind Verborgen in Nacht und Nebel EP CD 2018
Nebelwind Wege EP CD 2018
Nebelwind Dämmerung EP CD 2018
Nebelwind Ruinen - Der Verfall des Seins und die Angst vor dem Vergessen Full-length CD 2020
Nebelwind Ruinen Full-length Digital 2020
Necro Forest Slavic Invasion Full-length CD 2015
Necromance Theater Beyond the Throne of Mist Full-length CD 2017
Necroratory Visions of Annihilation Full-length CD 2015
Necroratory Visions of Annihilation Full-length Digital 2019
Nekrofília Infernal Decay Full-length CD 2015
Nenuial Zwielicht (Schattenwanderer) Full-length CD 2019
Nenuial Zwielicht (Schattenwanderer) Full-length Digital 2019
Nex Feretrum Hymns to the Black Cathedral Full-length CD 2022
Nicrotek This Dreadout Loneliness Full-length CD 2015
Nicrotek Atmosphere VII Full-length CD 2015
Nicrotek Into the Ancient Night Skies Full-length CD 2015
Nicrotek Ujung Galuh Full-length CD 2015
Nicrotek The Cvlt of Savior Full-length CD 2015
Nicrotek German/Indonesia Depression Split CD 2016
Nicrotek Lost Legends Full-length CD 2017
Nicrotek The Astral Gate Full-length CD 2017
Nicrotek Dream Fantasy Full-length CD 2018
Nicrotek This Dreadout Loneliness Full-length Digital 2019
Nicrotek Atmosphere VII Full-length Digital 2019
Nicrotek Into the Ancient Night Skies Full-length Digital 2019
Nicrotek Lost Legends Full-length Digital 2019
Nicrotek The Cvlt of Savior Full-length Digital 2019
Nicrotek The Astral Gate Full-length Digital 2019
Nicrotek German/Indonesia Depression Split Digital 2019
Niederleib Schmerz Demo CD 2014
Niederleib Schmerz Demo Digital 2019
Niederwelt Deus Magnus Full-length CD 2022
Nocebo Metaphysical Warfare EP CD 2017
Nox Ater Cult to Darkness Full-length CD 2019
Nuclear Storm Tales from the Depth Full-length Cassette 2022
Old Throne O Começo do Nada Full-length CD 2017
Old Throne O Ódio é Só o Que Resta Demo CD 2017
Old Throne Velho Trono Demo CD 2017
Opositor Lacrimae Demo CD 2018
Opositor Lacrimae Demo Digital 2019
Orobas Arise in Impurity EP CD 2016
Övin Taravlon Övin Taravlon ​/ ​Kav Split CD 2015
Kav Övin Taravlon ​/ ​Kav Split CD 2015
Perdition Legions of Perdition Full-length CD 2019
Perdition Legions of Perdition Full-length Digital 2019
Pestheim The Darkness Shall Be Eternal EP CD 2016
Pestheim Hymns from the Eternal Kingdom Split CD 2019
Modgudr Hymns from the Eternal Kingdom Split CD 2019
Pestheim Hymns from the Eternal Kingdom Split Digital 2019
Modgudr Hymns from the Eternal Kingdom Split Digital 2019
Pestheim The Darkness Shall Be Eternal EP Digital 2019
Porta Infernum Lujuria infernal Demo CD 2016
Porta Infernum Oblivisci Castitatis Demo CD 2016
Potemtum and Solitude Capti Obivlio Demo CD 2017
Projekt Nebelkrähe Deutsches Requiem Full-length CD 2020
Projekt Nebelkrähe Deutsches Requiem Full-length Digital 2020
Prorok Satanic Communion Split CD 2015
Eris Satanic Communion Split CD 2015
Prorok Satanic Communion Split Digital 2019
Eris Satanic Communion Split Digital 2019
Putrid Collector Carnage Apocalypse Compilation CD 2015
Putrid Collector Carnage Apocalypse Compilation Digital 2019
Rafflesium Total Madness EP CD 2015
Rafflesium Total Madness EP Digital 2019
Ravendust Ultragod Full-length CD 2020
Ravendust The Gold of the Aura Full-length Digital 2021
Ravendust The Gold of the Aura Full-length CD 2021
Ritualia Hominis Von Sinnen und Gezeiten Full-length CD 2018
Rotten Moon In the Vale of Astral Graves Demo CD 2021
Runenwacht Support Your Local Underground Full-length CD 2015
Runenwacht Des Goden Werk Full-length CD 2015
Runenwacht Support Your Local Underground Full-length Digital 2019
Runenwacht Des Goden Werk Full-length Digital 2019
Sakrality Tragedi Hari Akhir Full-length CD 2015
Sakrality Tragedi Hari Akhir Full-length Digital 2020
Sarg Geflüster Demo CD 2015
Sarg Geflüster Demo Digital 2019
Sarg Demo 2023 Demo Digital 2023
Sarg Demo 2023 Demo Cassette 2024
Schattenfang Ex Cineribus: Was blieb, als du gegangen bist Full-length CD 2018
Schattenfang Ex Cineribus: Was blieb, als du gegangen bist Full-length Digital 2019
Schleiße Stankend Gliud Hartnäckige Nebelfelder Full-length CD 2019
Schleiße Stankend Gliud Hartnäckige Nebelfelder Full-length Digital 2019
Schleiße Stankend Gliud Die satanische Ferse Full-length CD 2019
Schleiße Stankend Gliud Die satanische Ferse Full-length Digital 2019
SEAD The Return of the Eastern Chaos EP Cassette 2022
SEAD The Return of the Eastern Chaos EP Cassette 2022
SEAD Reise in eine mystische Welt (Demoversion) Demo Digital 2022
SEAD A Brief Moment of Terrifying Lucidity Compilation 12" vinyl 2023
SEAD A Brief Moment of Terrifying Lucidity Compilation CD 2023
SEAD A Brief Moment of Terrifying Lucidity Compilation Digital 2023
SEAD Shattered Dreams/I Am a Cannibal EP 12" vinyl 2023
SEAD Shattered Dreams/I Am a Cannibal EP CD 2023
SEAD Shattered Dreams/I Am a Cannibal EP Digital 2023
SEAD Shattered Dreams Single Digital 2023
SEAD Raw Black Metal Full-length Cassette 2022
SEAD Land of Misery EP Digital 2024
SEAD Reise in eine mystische Welt (Promo Demo) Demo CD 2022
Seelenqual Das Leben nur ein Traum... EP CD 2018
Seelenqual Das Leben nur ein Traum... EP Digital 2019
Setekh Moving the Stars Demo CD 2015
Setekh Void Demo CD 2016
Setekh Spectral Lights EP CD 2016
ShadowWolf ShadowWolf Full-length CD 2016
ShadowWolf Guardian of the Forest Full-length CD 2017
ShadowWolf Asgard EP CD 2018
ShadowWolf Invocation of the Black Flame Full-length CD 2021
Shards of a Lost World Geisternebel EP CD 2016
Shards of a Lost World Primum Ritual Live album CD 2016
Shards of a Lost World Primum Ritual Live album Digital 2019
Shards of a Lost World Geisternebel EP Digital 2019
Sial Lahir, Hidup dan Mati Full-length CD 2015
Sial Destinasi Terakhir EP CD 2018
Sial Lahir, Hidup dan Mati Full-length Digital 2019
Sial Destinasi Terakhir EP Digital 2019
Sicut Glacies En reise gjennom kalde dimensjoner Full-length CD 2021
Sicut Glacies Eremitt - Vokter Av Tid Full-length CD 2022
Siechtum ...durch die Augen einer gequälten Seele Full-length Digital 2020
Skrott M​ø​rk sjel foleser EP CD 2023
Slagthammer Redneck Black Metal Demo CD 2020
Slagthammer Redneck Black Metal Full-length CD 2020
Slagthammer Redneck Black Metal Full-length Digital 2020
Slagthammer Redneck Black Metal Full-length CD 2024
Somdark Hiperboreos en guerra Demo CD 2016
Somdark Carbamatos Full-length CD 2016
Somdark Hiperboreos en guerra Demo Digital 2019
Somdark Carbamatos Full-length Digital 2019
Spectral Dance Standing Bloodied and Victorious Full-length CD 2021
Stardust Fragmente eines gebrochenen Lebens Full-length CD 2018
Stardust Fragmente eines gebrochenen Lebens Full-length Digital 2018
Suðri Summoning Curses Split CD 2016
Atel Summoning Curses Split CD 2016
Suffer the Gestalt Extinction of the Flesh EP CD 2021
Suicidal Forest Forest Demo CD 2018
Suicidal Forest Forest Demo Digital 2019
Suicidal Forest En la soledad del bosque Full-length CD 2019
Suicidal Forest En la soledad del bosque Full-length Digital 2019
Suicide Forest To Take One's Life Split CD 2020
Suicide Forest To Take One's Life Split Digital 2020
Suicide Forest 自由 Is Freedom EP Digital 2020
Suicide Forest 冥府死葬 EP CD 2017
Suicide Forest Galaxy of Depression Split CD 2017
Suicide Forest I'm Autism Full-length Digital 2020
Swine Soul Ultimate Traitor EP CD 2016
Symphonaire Infernus The Path of Murk Full-length CD 2016
Symphonaire Infernus The Path of Murk Full-length Digital 2019
Syndrom Einsamkeit . (Demos 2014-2015) Compilation CD 2015
Syndrom Einsamkeit Das Erwachen Full-length CD 2018
Syndrom Einsamkeit Das Erwachen Full-length Other 2018
Syndrom Einsamkeit Die Wiederkehr des Abscheulichen (The Forgotten Demos) Demo CD 2016
Syndrom Einsamkeit The Last Demo(n)s Demo CD 2018
Syndrom Einsamkeit Gottesvernichtung EP EP CD 2019
Syndrom Einsamkeit The End (Best of) Compilation CD 2020
Syndrom Einsamkeit The End (Best of) Compilation Digital 2020
Syndrom Einsamkeit Gottesvernichtung EP EP Digital 2019
Syndrom Einsamkeit Das Erwachen Full-length Digital 2018
Syndrom Einsamkeit New Song 2019 Single Digital 2019
Syndrom Einsamkeit The Last Demo(n)s Demo Digital 2019
Syndrom Einsamkeit . (Demos 2014-2015) Compilation Digital 2019
Syndrom Einsamkeit Die Wiederkehr des Abscheulichen (The Forgotten Demos) Demo Digital 2019
Syndrom Einsamkeit Waldgeister (Rehearsal) Demo Digital 2019
Tempers Creature Schwäbisch-Fränkischer Sagenschatz (Lieder aus bayerischen Landen) Full-length CD 2017
Tempers Creature Sturm 1918 Full-length CD 2018
Tempers Creature Sögur Full-length CD 2019
Tempers Creature Sögur Full-length Digital 2019
Tempers Creature Sturm 1918 Full-length Digital 2019
Tempers Creature Schwäbisch-Fränkischer Sagenschatz (Lieder aus bayerischen Landen) Full-length Digital 2019
Tempers Creature Exstinctio Luminis Full-length CD 2021
Temple The Last Pact Full-length CD 2019
Temple The Last Pact Full-length Digital 2019
Temple of Decay Last Manifestation of Life EP Digital 2020
Tenebrositas Embraced by the All Devouring Void Full-length CD 2016
Tenebrositas Embraced by the All Devouring Void Full-length Digital 2019
The Depressick Isolation Among Urban Misery Split CD 2020
Thorsons Des Schwertes Zeit EP CD 2016
Thorsons Des Schwertes Zeit EP Digital 2019
Todesengel Funeral Paths EP Cassette 2022
Todesschrei Sturmgeister Full-length CD 2022
Todesschrei Sturmgeister Full-length CD 2022
Todessucht Wenn die Hoffnung stirbt Demo CD 2016
Todessucht Wenn die Hoffnung stirbt Demo Digital 2020
Tot aus dem Wald Kulte primitivster Verehrung Full-length CD 2020
Tot aus dem Wald Kulte primitivster Verehrung Full-length Digital 2020
Tot aus dem Wald Kulte primitivster Verehrung Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Tot aus dem Wald Disziplin des hohen Feuers Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Tot aus dem Wald Disziplin des hohen Feuers Full-length CD 2021
Tot aus dem Wald Disziplin des hohen Feuers Full-length Digital 2021
Tot aus dem Wald Satan no Mono Full-length Digital 2022
Tot aus dem Wald Satan no Mono Full-length CD 2022
Tot aus dem Wald Satan no Mono Full-length Cassette 2023
Tot aus dem Wald Satan no Mono Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Tot aus dem Wald Adresse Friedhof (& anderes Demozeug ll) Demo CD 2023
Tot aus dem Wald Adresse Friedhof (& anderes Demozeug ll) Demo Digital 2023
Tot aus dem Wald Menschenwürger (und anderes Demozeug) Compilation CD 2023
Tot aus dem Wald Menschenwürger (und anderes Demozeug) Compilation Digital 2023
Totensucht Black-Demonical-Accursed Full-length CD 2016
Totensucht Leitbild Full-length CD 2017
Totensucht Teufelswerk (Compilation of Confusion) Full-length CD 2017
Totensucht Commando Degeneration Full-length CD 2018
Totensucht Trace of a Cosmic Journey EP CD 2019
Totensucht Trace of a Cosmic Journey EP Digital 2019
Totensucht Teufelswerk (Compilation of Confusion) Full-length Digital 2017
Totensucht Black-Demonical-Accursed Full-length Digital 2019
Totensucht Commando Degeneration Full-length Digital 2020
Totensucht Trimurti Full-length CD 2022
Trollfastheart Totroll's Bizarre Adventure Full-length CD 2016
Trollfastheart Totroll's Bizarre Adventure Full-length Digital 2019
Undead Corpse Blut im Nebel EP CD 2016
Undead Corpse Blut im Nebel EP Digital 2019
Unholy Order Interfectorem Lucis EP CD 2017
Unholy Order Dawn of the Unholy 2019 Demo CD 2019
Vargshelske Unlimited Hate EP CD 2017
Vargshelske Unlimited Hate EP Digital 2019
Vernent Fuego Eterno Demo CD 2016
Vernent Fuego Eterno Demo Digital 2020
Voin Grim Wachsenden Winterfrost Full-length CD 2015
Voin Grim Die goldene Wiege EP CD 2015
Voin Grim Mysteries That Thy Old Trees Keep.. Timeless EP CD 2016
Voin Grim Tyrants of Entombed Agony EP CD 2017
Voin Grim Atrophie / Voin Grim Split CD 2018
Atrophie Atrophie / Voin Grim Split CD 2018
Voin Grim Atrophie / Voin Grim Split Digital 2019
Atrophie Atrophie / Voin Grim Split Digital 2019
Voin Grim Tyrants of Entombed Agony EP Digital 2020
Vulfehrie The Devouring Fire of Mortality Full-length CD 2020
Waldseel Schattengeflecht Split CD 2015
Czarnobog Schattengeflecht Split CD 2015
Waldseel Mystischer Hauch vergessener Welten Split CD 2016
Shards of a Lost World Mystischer Hauch vergessener Welten Split CD 2016
Waldseel Cultus Falsitatis Full-length CD 2016
Waldseel Cultus Falsitatis Full-length Digital 2019
Waldseel Mystischer Hauch vergessener Welten Split Digital 2019
Shards of a Lost World Mystischer Hauch vergessener Welten Split Digital 2019
Waldseel Schattengeflecht Split Digital 2019
Czarnobog Schattengeflecht Split Digital 2019
Widuz MCMIV EP CD 2014
Widuz Verendetes Licht Split CD 2015
As Light Becomes Shadow Verendetes Licht Split CD 2015
Widuz MCMIV EP Digital 2019
Widuz Verendetes Licht Split Digital 2019
As Light Becomes Shadow Verendetes Licht Split Digital 2019
Wolfsrudel Beutegier Full-length CD 2016
Wolfsrudel Beutegier Full-length Digital 2019
Xerión ...Parábolas, Fantasías & Quimeras... (Unha Alianza Lusitana e Galega de Honra e Sangue) Split CD 2017
Antiquus Scriptum ...Parábolas, Fantasías & Quimeras... (Unha Alianza Lusitana e Galega de Honra e Sangue) Split CD 2017
Xerión ...Parábolas, Fantasías & Quimeras... (Unha Alianza Lusitana e Galega de Honra e Sangue) Split Digital 2019
Antiquus Scriptum ...Parábolas, Fantasías & Quimeras... (Unha Alianza Lusitana e Galega de Honra e Sangue) Split Digital 2019
СмертоКрест The Call of the Other Path EP CD 2019
СмертоКрест The Call of the Other Path EP Digital 2019
СмертоКрест The Call of the Other Path Full-length CD 2019
СмертоКрест The Call of the Other Path Full-length Digital 2019
死霊山 眠葬~Sleep of Funeral Full-length Digital 2020