Werewolf Promotion

JSON | Metal Archives


Address W-P, PO Box 6338, 53-245 Wrocław 63
Country Poland
Status active
Styles And Specialties Pagan/Black Metal, Ambient, NSBM
Founding Date 2007
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WerewolfPromotionPL
Bandcamp https://werewolf-promotion.bandcamp.com
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/WerewolfPromotion
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/werewolf_promotion/
Webshop http://www.werewolf-webshop.pl/
BigCartel https://werewolfpromotion.bigcartel.com/


Name Country Genre Status
Amurta Urna Poland black, raw Current
Aquila France black Current
Aūkels Poland atmospheric, black Current
Azels Mountain Poland black, pagan Current
Belliciste New Zealand black Current
Beyond Time Poland atmospheric, black Current
Bezmir Ukraine black Current
Biały Viteź Poland folk, pagan Current
Blackened Temple Poland black, death Current
Càirdeas Fala Australia atmospheric, black Current
Colotyphus Ukraine atmospheric, black Current
Defeat United States black, viking Current
Dross Delnoch Ukraine black Current
Forest Troll Bulgaria ambient, black Current
Frost Canada black Current
Garigha Poland black Current
Gnieu Belarus black Current
Gonfanon France ambient, black, dark Current
Granskog Ukraine black Current
Grotesque Master Canada black Current
Hateful Poland black Current
Hermitage United Kingdom black Current
Hold Hungary black Current
Hremmgiefstol United Kingdom atmospheric, black, pagan Current
Illness International black Current
Imšar Belarus black Current
In Thoth United States black Current
Isceald Poland ambient, atmospheric, black, dark Current
Jassa Russia black Current
Kolkko Finland black Current
Krajiny Hmly Slovakia black, pagan Current
Kres Poland atmospheric, black, depressive, rock Current
Lascowiec United States black Current
Likvann Norway black Current
Lunar Tyrant Poland black, speed, thrash Current
Magla Serbia black, raw Current
Moloch Letalis Poland black, death Current
Moontower Poland black Current
Mordhell Poland black Current
Morkr Poland black Current
Navjarmaahr Russia black, pagan Current
Nawia Poland black Current
Norden Poland viking Current
Old Leshy Poland black Current
Ossuary Vault Canada black, doom Current
Pagan Forest Poland black, pagan Current
Panzerjager United States black Current
Perunwit Poland ambient, folk, pagan Current
Piarevaracień Belarus black, folk Current
Põhjast International black, doom Current
Prav Poland black, doom Current
Pripegal Poland black, pagan Current
Radhost Czechia black Current
Raggradarh Bulgaria black, pagan Current
Rivers like Veins Poland atmospheric, avant-garde, black Current
Rotten Age Poland black Current
Ruiny Vekov Slovakia black Current
Schreigarm Germany atmospheric, black Current
Sirin Slovakia black, pagan Current
Standvast Netherlands black Current
Stworz Poland atmospheric, black, neofolk, pagan Current
Svartgren Serbia black Current
Svetovid United States black Current
Thurthul Poland black Current
Totenrune Ukraine black Current
Ulvkros Belarus black Current
Unruhe Poland black Current
Urkoros Poland black, raw Current
Useless Poland black Current
Vainturn Ukraine death, doom, gothic Current
Vermine France black Current
Virvatulet Finland black Current
Voin Grim Ukraine atmospheric, black, raw Current
Volc Vermaledide Netherlands black Current
Volkolun Russia black Current
Wędrujący Wiatr Poland atmospheric, black Current
Wendol Italy black Current
White Werewolf Poland black Current
Willpower Spain black Current
Winds of Hyperborea Poland black, raw Current
Wojnar Poland folk, ambient, black Current
Wolfenburg Poland black Current
Zaklon Belarus black Current
Zmora Poland black Current
Zuarasiz Poland pagan Current
Громол Russia black Current
Морок Ukraine black Current
Шакал Serbia black Current
A Caress of Twilight Poland ambient, black Past
Abgeneigt International black Past
Actum Inferni Poland black Past
Aedh Canada black Past
Aeon Winds Slovakia black, symphonic Past
Aesir Argentina black Past
Aetheres Poland black, melodic Past
Akashah United States black Past
Algor Slovakia black Past
Antiquus Scriptum Portugal ambient, black Past
Aragon Poland black Past
Argharus Lithuania black Past
Arkona Poland black Past
Aryan Art Bulgaria black Past
Aryan Triumph Slovakia black Past
Aryman Poland black Past
Astarium Russia ambient, black, symphonic Past
Beleth Poland black Past
Beorn Poland black Past
Besatt Poland black Past
Bitwa United States black Past
Blasphemia Prophetica Poland black Past
Blood of Kingu Ukraine black Past
Blood of the Moon New Zealand black Past
Bloody Cyrograph Poland black, death Past
Boreal Wind International black Past
Briargh Spain black, celtic, pagan Past
Bustum Poland black Past
Caed Dhu Poland black Past
Caedo Slovakia black Past
Caruos France black, pagan Past
Celtefog Greece black, pagan Past
Chaotic Symmetry Greece black, raw Past
Charogne France black Past
Château Noir Ukraine black Past
Chernomor Ukraine ambient, atmospheric, black Past
Chur Ukraine folk Past
Cirrhus United States black Past
Cmentarny Zew Poland black, doom Past
Concubia Nocte Slovakia black, pagan Past
Dark Ages Ukraine ambient, dark, dungeon-synth Past
Dark Fury Poland black Past
Darkthule Greece black Past
Deadthorn Poland black, death Past
Decline Poland black Past
Demiurg Poland black, raw Past
Der Misanthrope Canada black Past
Det Gamle Poland black, thrash Past
Deviator Ukraine ambient, death, black Past
Devilgroth Russia black, raw Past
Distant Shapes Slovakia death, doom, melodic Past
Djur Russia black, pagan Past
Duch Czerni Poland black Past
Dunkel Denmark black Past
Dunkelheit Hungary black Past
Dying in the Woods Bulgaria black Past
Eldenhor Russia black, epic, pagan Past
Elderblood Ukraine black, symphonic Past
Elderwind Russia ambient, atmospheric, black, dark Past
Elitism France black Past
Endless Battle Ukraine black Past
Evil Slovakia black Past
Evil Brazil black Past
Evilfeast Poland atmospheric, black Past
Faethon Greece black Past
Fall Poland black, doom Past
Fjörd Canada folk Past
Flame of War Poland black Past
Flammersjel Ukraine black, pagan Past
Fleam United Kingdom black Past
Forest Whispers Poland black Past
Foreverdark Woods Russia black Past
Forhatt Norway black, viking Past
Frosset Skog Russia black, death Past
Frosty Torment Poland black Past
Gaskammer Bulgaria black Past
Gassturm Germany black Past
Goat Thron Poland black, raw, ambient, dark, industrial, noise Past
Golfaron Poland black, pagan Past
Gontyna Kry Poland black Past
Gratzug Germany black Past
Grave Circles Ukraine black Past
Graveland Poland black, pagan, viking Past
Gravkors Norway black Past
Grimness Hungary black Past
Gromowładny Poland black, raw Past
Grzmot Poland black Past
Gyötrelem Hungary black Past
Haar United States black Past
Hanternoz France black, folk Past
Harag Hungary black Past
Harm Wulf Germany black Past
Hate Forest Ukraine ambient, black Past
Hate Them All Poland black Past
Hatefrost Poland black Past
Hatenwar Poland black Past
Haunted Sanity United Kingdom black, doom Past
Heathen Hammer United States death, rock-against-communism, black Past
Hegemoon Poland black, pagan Past
Helevorn Poland black Past
Hell Eternal Hungary black, thrash Past
Hell Poemer Greece black Past
Helleruin Netherlands black Past
Herbarium Ukraine black, post-metal Past
Hromovlad Slovakia black, raw, folk Past
Immortal Hammer Slovakia black, raw Past
Inferno Czechia black Past
Inhumane Spells Poland black Past
Iron Woods Brazil black, pagan Past
Jarun Poland folk, black, progressive Past
Kagan Serbia folk, pagan Past
Karpathia Slovakia black, pagan Past
Kataxu Poland black, symphonic Past
Kharsak Kurra Germany black, pagan Past
Khors Ukraine black Past
Kladovest Ukraine black Past
Kraina Wiecznego Mrozu Poland black Past
Kroda Ukraine black, folk, pagan Past
Kvalvaag Norway black Past
Lechia Poland pagan Past
Lepra Hungary black Past
Licho Poland black, experimental Past
Llyr United States black, depressive Past
Lord Wind Poland darkwave, folk, medieval Past
Lutavierje Belarus folk Past
Majestat Poland black Past
Massenvernichtung Germany black Past
Mirkwood United States atmospheric, black Past
Misty Forest Slovakia ambient, atmospheric, black, dark Past
Moravská Zima Czechia black Past
Mortuus Est Poland black Past
Morxakh Poland ambient, black Past
Mystherium Poland black, gothic Past
Namter Italy black Past
Necro Ritual United Kingdom black Past
Necrostrigis Poland black Past
Negathor Poland black Past
Niedergang Hungary black Past
Night's Blood Poland black Past
North Poland death, black Past
Nów Poland pagan Past
Ohtar Poland black Past
Order of the Death's Head France black Past
Ordo Sanguinis Noctis Poland black Past
Pagan Hammer United States black Past
Pagan Hellfire Canada black Past
Paganblut Bulgaria black Past
Pale Mist United Kingdom black Past
Paths Canada psychedelic, atmospheric, black Past
Pentagammadion Poland black Past
Petrichorus United States black, pagan Past
Plague God Czechia black Past
Poprava Czechia black Past
Pręgierz Poland black, death Past
Quercus Poland black Past
Ravnkald International black Past
Retra Poland pagan Past
Revenge Poland black, death Past
Ruin of Hedonism Slovakia black Past
Sacrilegium Poland black, pagan Past
Saltus Poland black, death Past
Sapaudia International atmospheric, black, depressive Past
Sekhmet Czechia black Past
Selbstmord Poland black Past
Semper Fidelis Poland black Past
Severe Storm Poland black Past
Severoth Ukraine ambient, atmospheric, black Past
Sit Finis Hominum Poland black Past
Skogen Poland black, raw Past
Skógr United States black Past
Skoll Italy black, pagan, viking Past
Slav Poland black, thrash Past
Slavecrushing Tyrant Poland black Past
Slavia Poland black, pagan Past
Slavigrom Slovakia pagan, black Past
Slavogorje Croatia black, neofolk, pagan Past
Ślęża Poland black Past
Sorts Estonia black Past
Stolzblut United States black Past
Stone Dwarf Canada ambient, black Past
Stronghold Slovakia ambient, black Past
Summoning Austria atmospheric, black, epic Past
Sunchariot United States black Past
Sunwheel Poland black Past
Światogor Poland black, pagan Past
Sytris Poland black Past
Szron Poland black Past
Taran Poland black Past
Thanatomania Germany black Past
The Eternal Darkness Greece black Past
The Mirrors Poland atmospheric, black, rock Past
The True Endless Italy black Past
Thornwire Slovakia ambient, black Past
Thunderkraft Ukraine death, folk, industrial Past
Totenburg Germany rock-against-communism, black Past
Triskèle Canada black, pagan Past
Ulfhethnar Argentina black Past
Under the Forest Floor United States death, depressive, black Past
Urwerk International black Past
Vanyar United Kingdom black, epic Past
Varg Order Greece black Past
Veil United States black, depressive Past
Venedae Poland black, melodic Past
Veratyr France black Past
Via Dolorosa Italy black Past
Vinterstille Austria black Past
Vrag Hungary black Past
Vrildom Argentina black Past
Vspolokh Russia black Past
Wangelen Chile black, pagan Past
Wapentake United Kingdom black, neofolk Past
Warforest Canada black Past
Werewolf Poland black, pagan Past
Windstorm Greece black Past
Wings of War Poland black, raw, thrash Past
Winter Deluge New Zealand black Past
Winterfront Croatia black, pagan Past
Wizun Poland pagan Past
Wolfestandarte Brazil black Past
Wolftomb Ukraine atmospheric, black Past
Wolves Eyes United Kingdom black Past
Wotanorden United States black, pagan Past
Wschód Poland black Past
Wunjo Italy black, pagan Past
Zawrat United Kingdom black Past
Zvijer Bosnia and Herzegovina black Past
Αχέροντας Greece black Past
Велимор Russia black, rock-against-communism Past
Волчий Крест Russia black, pagan Past
Громоверж Russia black, folk, pagan Past
Древо Russia ambient, black, pagan Past
Небокрай Russia black, pagan Past
Опричь Russia hardcore, folk Past
Полуврак Bulgaria black Past
Святогор Ukraine black, death, folk Past
Сивый Яр Russia atmospheric, black, pagan, post-metal Past
Темнозорь Russia black, folk Past
Яр Belarus folk, pagan Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
A Caress of Twilight Impresje emanacji wszechmocy Split CD 2019
A Caress of Twilight Out of the Deep Shadows Split CD 2022
Abgeneigt Demo I Demo Cassette 2010
Abgeneigt Demo II: White Flame Demo Cassette 2010
Actum Inferni Kres panowania ery ludzi Demo Cassette 2009
Actum Inferni The Embodiment of Death Full-length Cassette 2011
Aedh Au-delà des cendres Full-length CD 2016
Aedh Au-delà des cendres Full-length Cassette 2016
Aeon Winds Storming the Fortress Live album CD 2020
Aesir El llamado de nuestra sangre Compilation Cassette 2010
Aesir La estirpe del sol vuelve a resurgir Full-length Cassette 2011
Aetheres Dark Wisdom's Domain Full-length Cassette 2009
Akashah The Dance of Beltaine Fire Full-length Cassette 2012
Algor Algor / Ruin of Hedonism Split Cassette 2011
Ruin of Hedonism Algor / Ruin of Hedonism Split Cassette 2011
Amurta Urna Eternity Forgotten Demo Cassette 2010
Amurta Urna Ćakravartin Split CD 2023
Prav Ćakravartin Split CD 2023
Antiquus Scriptum Hymns to the Ancient Northland Split Cassette 2016
Astarium Hymns to the Ancient Northland Split Cassette 2016
Aquila Les larmes de l'aigle Demo Cassette 2014
Aragon Antichrist EP Cassette 2014
Argharus Pleištas Full-length Cassette 2010
Arkona W szponach wojennej bestii Split Cassette 2007
Moontower W szponach wojennej bestii Split Cassette 2007
Arkona Two Decades: Live in Wrocław Live album Cassette 2015
Aryan Art ...И берем плодовете на нашето нехайство Full-length Cassette 2009
Aryan Triumph Forging an Iron Will Compilation Cassette 2009
Aryan Triumph Forging an Iron Will Compilation CD 2021
Aryman Plugawe dziedzictwo Full-length Cassette 2016
Aūkels Raynkaym Full-length CD 2021
Aūkels Ebwaidilīsnā Full-length CD 2022
Aūkels Meddjan sklāit ten Full-length CD 2023
Azels Mountain Azel's Mountain EP Cassette 2014
Azels Mountain Góra milczenia Full-length CD 2016
Azels Mountain Wieczny sen Full-length Digital 2019
Azels Mountain Wieczny sen Full-length CD 2019
Beleth Total Satanic Onslaught Full-length Cassette 2014
Beorn Awakening Demo Cassette 2015
Besatt Live Chaos Split Cassette 2014
Taran Live Chaos Split Cassette 2014
Det Gamle Live Chaos Split Cassette 2014
Beyond Time Through the Vastness of the Universe Full-length CD 2021
Beyond Time Through the Vastness of the Universe Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Bezmir Void Full-length CD 2017
Biały Viteź Tam, gdzie odlatują kruki Full-length CD 2023
Bitwa Słowiańskie miecze gromu Split Cassette 2013
Night's Blood Słowiańskie miecze gromu Split Cassette 2013
Kraina Wiecznego Mrozu Słowiańskie miecze gromu Split Cassette 2013
Blackened Temple Blackened Temple Full-length CD 2022
Blasphemia Prophetica Total Hatred Demo Cassette 2012
Blasphemia Prophetica Antichristian Reconquest Demo Cassette 2013
Blood of Kingu De Occulta Philosophia Full-length Cassette 2009
Blood of the Moon An Ode EP Cassette 2012
Bloody Cyrograph Morbid Tunes Split Cassette 2014
Grotesque Master Morbid Tunes Split Cassette 2014
Boreal Wind Ultima Thule Full-length Cassette 2013
Briargh Kanttrug Full-length Cassette 2007
Briargh Krigas Full-length Cassette 2010
Bustum The Return of Hate Full-length Cassette 2010
Caed Dhu Tedd Deireádh Full-length Cassette 2011
Caed Dhu By tych co nami władną postrącać z ołtarzy Full-length Cassette 2008
Càirdeas Fala Sons of the North Full-length CD 2021
Caruos Brista Demo Cassette 2010
Caruos Metempsychosis Full-length CD 2011
Celtefog Δ​έ​λ​τ​α Full-length CD 2023
Chaotic Symmetry Apo thn Abysso ths mavrhs mou psyxhs Demo Cassette 2012
Château Noir The Victorious Flame Demo Cassette 2012
Chernomor В глубинах дремучего леса Compilation Cassette 2015
Chernomor Sarmatia Full-length Cassette 2016
Chernomor Тёмные заговоры Split Cassette 2016
Chur Лихо Full-length Cassette 2009
Cirrhus Cirrhus Full-length Cassette 2015
Colotyphus Остання подорож зневіреної душі (Spiritual Journey of a Forlorn Soul) Full-length CD 2017
Colotyphus Before the Sunrise EP CD 2020
Colotyphus My Nostalgia Full-length CD 2021
Concubia Nocte Sekerou Peruna a kladivom Thora Full-length Cassette 2013
Concubia Nocte Concubia Nocte Compilation CD 2021
Dark Ages Twilight of Europe Full-length Cassette 2009
Dark Ages Am Gorta Mor / Holodomor Split CD 2013
Dark Ages Am Gorta Mor / Holodomor Split Cassette 2013
Dark Ages A Chronicle of the Plague Full-length Cassette 2009
Dark Ages Rabble, Whores, Usurers Full-length Cassette 2013
Dark Ages The Tractatus de Hereticis et Sortilegiis Full-length Cassette 2012
Dark Fury We Know How to Hate Split Cassette 2014
Pagan Hellfire We Know How to Hate Split Cassette 2014
Evil We Know How to Hate Split Cassette 2014
Dark Fury The Price of Treason Full-length Cassette 2009
Dark Fury Fortress of Eagles Full-length Cassette 2008
Dark Fury Saligia Full-length Cassette 2011
Darkthule Wolforder Full-length Cassette 2010
Darkthule Magna Europa est Patria Nostra Split Cassette 2010
Massenvernichtung Magna Europa est Patria Nostra Split Cassette 2010
Decline Live in Hate Split Cassette 2013
Deadthorn Live in Hate Split Cassette 2013
Aragon Live in Hate Split Cassette 2013
Defeat The Winds Have Changed Full-length Cassette 2014
Defeat Ten Years of Silence Compilation 2 cassettes 2014
Defeat Pride Valor Hatred Demo Cassette 2014
Demiurg Unholy War EP Cassette 2006
Demiurg From the Throne of Darkness Full-length Cassette 2006
Demiurg Królestwo mrocznego lasu Full-length Cassette 2007
Der Misanthrope Renonciation : Détachement : Suicide Full-length Cassette 2015
Deviator Voice of the Native Blood Full-length Cassette 2010
Deviator Fehu-Fohat-Fire Full-length Cassette 2014
Deviator Might ov Ancient Full-length Cassette 2016
Devilgroth Svyatogor Full-length CD 2021
Distant Shapes Autumn Fall EP CD 2016
Djur In Torrents of Chaos Blood Full-length Cassette 2011
Dross Delnoch I Demo Cassette 2013
Dross Delnoch In the Vortex of Centuries Full-length CD 2018
Duch Czerni Wskrzeszony krwawymi czerniami Compilation CD 2019
Dunkel Evighed Demo CD 2017
Dunkel Evighed Demo Digital 2017
Dunkelheit Endless Dream About the Final Deliverance Demo Cassette 2009
Dunkelheit Frozen in Eternity Full-length CD 2010
Dunkelheit Mors Aeterna Full-length CD 2014
Dunkelheit Mors Aeterna Full-length Cassette 2014
Dunkelheit Frozen in Eternity Full-length Cassette 2012
Dunkelheit Mors Aeterna Full-length Digital 2014
Dying in the Woods Съкровището на Ревуля Demo Cassette 2013
Eldenhor Petrichorus / Eldenhor / Pagan Hammer Split Cassette 2012
Pagan Hammer Petrichorus / Eldenhor / Pagan Hammer Split Cassette 2012
Petrichorus Petrichorus / Eldenhor / Pagan Hammer Split Cassette 2012
Elderblood Son of the Morning Full-length Cassette 2014
Elderwind Волшебство живой природы Full-length Cassette 2014
Elitism L'odeur des déportés Demo Cassette 2013
Elitism Pour la pureté de mon sang Demo Cassette 2019
Elitism Quand l'étoile de David brûlait Full-length Cassette 2019
Elitism L'odeur des déportés Demo CD 2019
Elitism Quand l'étoile de David brûlait Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Elitism Quand l'étoile de David brûlait Full-length CD 2024
Elitism Requiem pour une race mourante Full-length CD 2024
Elitism Pour la pureté de mon sang Demo CD 2024
Endless Battle Brotherhood of Hate Full-length CD 2013
Endless Battle From the Thicket of Times... Demo Cassette 2011
Endless Battle Шляхами безодні Full-length CD 2015
Endless Battle Brotherhood of Hate Full-length Cassette 2015
Endless Battle Roots of All Evil Full-length CD 2016
Endless Battle From the Thicket of Times... Gathering of Shadows Compilation CD 2017
Evil Legenda neskrotných živlov Full-length Cassette 2015
Evil Ashes of Old Full-length Cassette 2015
Evil ...to the Fallen and Free EP Cassette 2015
Evilfeast Wintermoon Enchantment Full-length Cassette 2012
Evilfeast Mysteries of the Nocturnal Forest Full-length Cassette 2011
Faethon Imperium Solis Compilation Cassette 2012
Faethon Immortal Ancient Spirit Full-length Cassette 2010
Faethon Archetypes of Purification Full-length Cassette 2017
Faethon Summoning the Spirits of the Past Compilation Cassette 2011
Fjörd Vor Tru Full-length Cassette 2011
Flame of War The Flames Are Rising Full-length Cassette 2007
Flame of War Europa; or, The Spirit Among the Ruins Full-length Cassette 2008
Flame of War Transcendence Full-length Cassette 2010
Flame of War Long Live Death! Full-length Cassette 2012
Flame of War Meditations upon the Cold Mountains Split Digital 2019
Zawrat Meditations upon the Cold Mountains Split Digital 2019
Unruhe Meditations upon the Cold Mountains Split Digital 2019
Flame of War Meditations upon the Cold Mountains Split CD 2019
Zawrat Meditations upon the Cold Mountains Split CD 2019
Unruhe Meditations upon the Cold Mountains Split CD 2019
Flammersjel Чертоги звёздного сияния (The Halls of Starshining) Demo Cassette 2009
Flammersjel Чертоги звёздного сияния (The Halls of Starshining) Demo CD 2009
Flammersjel The Halls of Starshining Demo Digital 2021
Forest Troll Hex Full-length Digital 2015
Forest Troll Hex Full-length Cassette 2015
Forest Whispers Magiczny las Full-length Cassette 2016
Forest Whispers Zamieć Full-length CD 2017
Foreverdark Woods ...Lost Desires EP Cassette 2011
Forhatt Krig og kamp Demo Cassette 2012
Frosset Skog В песнях февральских ветров Full-length Cassette 2011
Frost Defendo Patria EP Cassette 2011
Frost Trapped in the World Full-length CD 2012
Frost Brûle mon criss! Demo Cassette 2012
Frost Âme troublé Demo Cassette 2012
Frost Berserkr's Hallucinations Demo Cassette 2013
Frost ...Néant... Demo Cassette 2013
Frost Maître des illusions Full-length CD 2014
Frost Woodspirit Full-length CD 2015
Frost Woodspirit Full-length Cassette 2015
Frost La grande bataille de notre temps Full-length CD 2016
Frost Regard sur le temps passé... Split CD 2017
Warforest Regard sur le temps passé... Split CD 2017
Garigha The Infinity of Trees Full-length CD 2022
Gaskammer Judocarnage Full-length Cassette 2016
Gnieu У вiхурах усьведамленьня быцьця / In the Vortexes of Existence Awareness Full-length Cassette 2009
Gnieu To the Dying Earth... Split Cassette 2014
Warforest To the Dying Earth... Split Cassette 2014
Gnieu In the Vortexes of Existence Awareness Full-length CD 2014
Gnieu Паданняў старых цемрасвет / Darkworld of Old Legends EP Cassette 2010
Goat Thron Nekrotyczny rytuał Split Cassette 2013
Goat Thron Ruthlessness Full-length Cassette 2013
Goat Thron Wyrd Full-length Cassette 2011
Golfaron Odwieczna pieśń lasu Compilation CD 2021
Gonfanon Call to Arms EP CD 2010
Gonfanon Whispering Swords in the Forest's Darkness Split Cassette 2012
Zuarasiz Whispering Swords in the Forest's Darkness Split Cassette 2012
Gontyna Kry The Blood of Our Fathers Full-length Cassette 2010
Granskog Black Mountain's Embrace Demo Cassette 2012
Granskog In the Heavy Mists in the Carpathians... Demo Cassette 2013
Granskog Clandestine Congregation Demo Cassette 2015
Granskog Shrine of Adversaries Split Cassette 2016
Château Noir Shrine of Adversaries Split Cassette 2016
Granskog Carpathian Outlaws – 15 Years of Bukowinian Pagan Madness Compilation CD 2021
Gratzug Virvatulet / Gratzug Split Cassette 2012
Virvatulet Virvatulet / Gratzug Split Cassette 2012
Grave Circles Tome I EP CD 2019
Graveland Will Stronger than Death Full-length Cassette 2009
Graveland Spears of Heaven Full-length Cassette 2009
Graveland Thunderbolts of the Gods Full-length Cassette 2014
Graveland Wotan mit Mir EP Cassette 2010
Graveland Cold Winter Blades EP Cassette 2011
Grimness Ashes of a Black Cult Full-length Cassette 2013
Grotesque Master Demo 1 Demo Cassette 2013
Grotesque Master A Gathering in Heresy and Blood Split Cassette 2015
Lunar Tyrant A Gathering in Heresy and Blood Split Cassette 2015
Gyötrelem Live at Inner Awakening Fest Split Cassette 2010
Lepra Live at Inner Awakening Fest Split Cassette 2010
Gyötrelem Dimenziók pusztulása Full-length Cassette 2012
Gyötrelem Reménytelenség / Hopelessness EP Cassette 2015
Gyötrelem Kárhozat Full-length CD 2016
Gyötrelem Gyötrelem / Haunted Sanity Split CD 2019
Haunted Sanity Gyötrelem / Haunted Sanity Split CD 2019
Gyötrelem Gyötrelem / Haunted Sanity Split Digital 2019
Haunted Sanity Gyötrelem / Haunted Sanity Split Digital 2019
Gyötrelem Mikor a csillagok végleg kihülnek... Full-length Cassette 2013
Haar Betrayal of the Blood Demo Cassette 2018
Hanternoz Mallozh d'ar zistrujerien Kastell Ankiniz EP Cassette 2013
Harag Éber álmok útjain Demo Cassette 2010
Harag Harag / Vrag Split Cassette 2011
Vrag Harag / Vrag Split Cassette 2011
Harm Wulf Endzeitnächte Full-length Cassette 2016
Harm Wulf Endzeitnächte Full-length Digital 2017
Harm Wulf Endzeitnächte Full-length CD 2017
Hate Forest Resistance EP Cassette 2010
Hate Forest Dead but Dreaming Compilation Cassette 2010
Hate Forest The Curse Demo CD 2022
Hate Them All Na pohybel wszystkim Split Cassette 2013
Slav Na pohybel wszystkim Split Cassette 2013
Hatefrost Darkness Surrounds the Frozen Eternity Full-length CD 2022
Hatefrost Zjednoczeni braterską krwią Split CD 2022
Old Leshy Zjednoczeni braterską krwią Split CD 2022
Frosty Torment Zjednoczeni braterską krwią Split CD 2022
Hateful Key to Immortality Demo Cassette 2010
Hateful Valkyries Compilation Cassette 2014
Hateful Descendants of the Earth Full-length CD 2016
Hatenwar War Flames of Revenge Demo Cassette 2013
Heathen Hammer Clandestine Oath Full-length Cassette 2012
Heathen Hammer Kinship Destiny Full-length Cassette 2012
Hegemoon Szaty kłamstw Full-length CD 2011
Hell Eternal We Are a Fist in the Face of God Demo Cassette 2011
Herbarium Shepherds of Winds EP Cassette 2015
Hermitage Hammer of Purity Demo Cassette 2011
Hermitage Blood of the True Full-length CD 2013
Hermitage The Stone Raven Full-length CD 2015
Hermitage Balance Full-length CD 2023
Hold Pannonian Ancient Madness Demo Cassette 2014
Hremmgiefstol When the Wind Blows from the North Demo Cassette 2010
Hromovlad Perperuna Split Cassette 2009
Slavigrom Perperuna Split Cassette 2009
Illness Mental Carnage Full-length CD 2019
Illness Mental Carnage Full-length Cassette 2019
Immortal Hammer Wrath of Wolves Split CD 2023
Plague God Wrath of Wolves Split CD 2023
Imšar Karani Full-length Cassette 2016
Imšar Ciemra pierad zołkam Full-length CD 2022
Imšar Klič minu​ł​ych časoŭ EP CD 2022
In Thoth Nigredo - the Smoldering Dark EP Cassette 2016
In Thoth Albedo - The Ghost Choir EP Cassette 2017
In Thoth Of Blood & Black Fire Full-length CD 2018
Inferno Nikdy nepokřtěni Full-length Cassette 2011
Inferno Omniabsence Filled by His Greatness Full-length Cassette 2014
Inferno Black Devotion Full-length Cassette 2012
Inhumane Spells 1 Demo Cassette 2016
Iron Woods Iron Woods Full-length Cassette 2014
Isceald Eternity of Desolate Winter Full-length CD 2024
Jarun Wziemiozstąpienie Full-length CD 2018
Jassa Dark Years of Dearth Full-length Cassette 2012
Jassa Incarnation of the Higher Gnosis Full-length CD 2020
Jassa Lights in the Howling Wilderness Full-length Cassette 2017
Jassa Zeals in the Temple of Death Full-length Digital 2023
Jassa Zeals in the Temple of Death Full-length CD 2023
Kagan Monuments of Heathen Sorrow Full-length Cassette 2009
Karpathia Urheimat - volanie havranov Full-length Cassette 2012
Karpathia Spomienky Hôr Karpatských Compilation 2CD 2022
Kataxu Hunger of Elements Full-length Cassette 2010
Kharsak Kurra Feuer unter Ruinen / Огни среди руин Split Cassette 2013
Волчий Крест Feuer unter Ruinen / Огни среди руин Split Cassette 2013
Khors Winter Stronghold Live album Cassette 2012
Khors Cold Ways Live album Cassette 2012
Khors The Flame of Eternity's Decline Full-length Cassette 2009
Khors Cold Full-length Cassette 2009
Khors Mysticism Full-length Cassette 2008
Khors Return to Abandoned Full-length Cassette 2012
Kladovest Escape in Melancholy Full-length Cassette 2009
Kladovest Winterwards Full-length Cassette 2014
Kladovest Ignitiate Full-length Cassette 2017
Kolkko Usvasta Demo Cassette 2015
Krajiny Hmly Keď padnú hmly Split Cassette 2012
Misty Forest Keď padnú hmly Split Cassette 2012
Krajiny Hmly Poza čierne hory Full-length CD 2021
Krajiny Hmly Cez ostrie sk​á​l Full-length CD 2022
Kres Na krawędziach nocy Full-length CD 2015
Kres Na krawędziach nocy Full-length Cassette 2015
Kres 40 nocy grudnia Full-length CD 2016
Kres 40 nocy grudnia Full-length Digital 2016
Kres Na krawędziach nocy Full-length Digital 2015
Kres Na krawędziach nocy Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Kres 40 nocy grudnia Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Kres Alchemia pustki Full-length CD 2022
Kroda Fimbulvinter Full-length Cassette 2010
Kroda Schwarzpfad Full-length Cassette 2013
Kroda Live in Lemberg Live album Cassette 2008
Kroda Legend / Волчья верность Split Cassette 2009
Опричь Legend / Волчья верность Split Cassette 2009
Kvalvaag Noema Full-length Cassette 2014
Lascowiec Isolation Full-length Cassette 2014
Lascowiec Winds of Victory Full-length Cassette 2014
Lascowiec Survival Full-length Cassette 2014
Lascowiec A Warcry Rises Above the Frozen Lands Full-length Cassette 2014
Lascowiec Unbroken Spirit Full-length CD 2012
Lascowiec Frostwinds of the Apocalypse Full-length Cassette 2013
Lascowiec Lascowiec / Sunchariot Split Cassette 2018
Sunchariot Lascowiec / Sunchariot Split Cassette 2018
Lascowiec Winds of Victory Full-length CD 2018
Lascowiec A Warcry Rises Above the Frozen Lands Full-length CD 2018
Lascowiec Isolation Full-length CD 2018
Lascowiec Survival Full-length CD 2018
Lechia Akt woli Full-length Cassette 2010
Licho Licho Demo Cassette 2011
Likvann Her jeg blir til jeg dør Demo Cassette 2012
Likvann Vredeskrik EP Cassette 2013
Likvann Furet og værbitt Full-length CD 2014
Likvann Likvann / Gravkors Split CD 2014
Gravkors Likvann / Gravkors Split CD 2014
Likvann Gammel jord EP Cassette 2015
Likvann Furet og værbitt Full-length Cassette 2014
Likvann Wolves Eyes / Likvann Split CD 2016
Wolves Eyes Wolves Eyes / Likvann Split CD 2016
Likvann Hedmark-Carpathian Spirit of Blood, Soil and Darkness Split CD 2018
Морок Hedmark-Carpathian Spirit of Blood, Soil and Darkness Split CD 2018
Likvann Granraude/Likvann Split CD 2019
Likvann Bumerke Full-length CD 2021
Llyr Revolution Tides Full-length Cassette 2018
Lord Wind Ales stenar Full-length Cassette 2013
Lord Wind Atlantean Monument Full-length Cassette 2006
Lord Wind Rites of the Valkyries Full-length Cassette 2006
Magla Inje Demo Cassette 2015
Majestat Pod płaszczem twym, nocy... Compilation Cassette 2012
Mirkwood Mountains and Lakes Demo Cassette 2015
Mirkwood Mirkwood Compilation CD 2015
Mirkwood Todesstille EP Cassette 2018
Moloch Letalis Live in Wolfsburg Live album Cassette 2017
Moontower Fourteen Years of Antichristian War Against Judeo-Christian Plague Demo Cassette 2009
Moontower Bestial Holocaust Split Cassette 2009
Beleth Bestial Holocaust Split Cassette 2009
Moontower To the Dark Aeon... EP Cassette 2010
Moontower Infernal Revelation Full-length Cassette 2020
Moontower The Last Blasphemy EP CD 2021
Moontower Unholy Crusade - Praise the Antichrist Compilation Digital 2021
Moontower Unholy Crusade - Praise the Antichrist Compilation CD 2021
Moontower Dies Imperii Split CD 2022
Pentagammadion Dies Imperii Split CD 2022
Moontower Antichristian Rehearsals Compilation CD 2022
Moontower Antichristian War 2009-2024 Compilation CD 2024
Moravská Zima National Moravian Black Metal Compilation Cassette 2008
Moravská Zima Moravská Zima / Slavigrom Split Cassette 2008
Slavigrom Moravská Zima / Slavigrom Split Cassette 2008
Mordhell XX Split Digital 2023
Moloch Letalis XX Split Digital 2023
Mordhell XX Split CD 2023
Moloch Letalis XX Split CD 2023
Morkr Graves Forgot My Name Demo Cassette 2011
Morkr Fragments Single CD 2009
Mortuus Est Zima Demo Cassette 2018
Morxakh Ambient Full-length Cassette 2014
Morxakh Epitafium Full-length CD 2014
Morxakh Adamantium Full-length Cassette 2016
Morxakh The World Has Ended Full-length Cassette 2016
Mystherium Zwycięstwo EP Cassette 2017
Mystherium Tysiącletnie kajdany Full-length Cassette 2016
Mystherium Memoriał - Nowy świt Full-length Cassette 2018
Mystherium Zemsta natury EP CD 2020
Namter Il rifugio della creazione Full-length Cassette 2015
Navjarmaahr To Please the Ravens Full-length Cassette 2013
Navjarmaahr The Fangs of the Shining Night Full-length Cassette 2013
Navjarmaahr Navje Full-length CD 2019
Nawia Do krwi Full-length CD 2021
Necro Ritual Bysmer Full-length CD 2022
Necrostrigis Hosts of Fullmoon Forces Demo Cassette 2011
Necrostrigis Swamps Cult and Lunar Necromancy Demo Cassette 2012
Necrostrigis Archaiczna moc zaświatów Compilation Cassette 2016
Negathor Negathor Demo Cassette 2011
Niedergang Hanyatlás Compilation Cassette 2009
Norden Z popiołów i krwi... Full-length CD 2018
North Korona Full-length Cassette 2008
North Demo'ns of Fire 93/94 Compilation CD 2015
North Lechia, Sławia, Aria Split Cassette 2009
Gromowładny Lechia, Sławia, Aria Split Cassette 2009
North Korona Full-length CD 2020
Nów Głos Rogu - Live in Warsaw 20.11.2005 Live album Cassette 2012
Nów Nowia Full-length Cassette 2012
Ohtar Petrified Breath of Hope Full-length Cassette 2010
Ohtar Necrohate / Auri Sacra Fames Split Cassette 2009
Dark Fury Necrohate / Auri Sacra Fames Split Cassette 2009
Ohtar When I Cut the Throat Full-length Cassette 2009
Old Leshy Back to Combat Full-length CD 2017
Old Leshy Fallen Empire EP Digital 2018
Old Leshy Fallen Empire Split CD 2018
Old Leshy Pośród monumentalnych szczytów Full-length CD 2020
Old Leshy Pośród monumentalnych szczytów Full-length Digital 2020
Old Leshy Pośród monumentalnych szczytów Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Old Leshy Pośród monumentalnych szczytów Full-length Cassette 2021
Old Leshy Pośród monumentalnych szczytów Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Order of the Death's Head Pogrom Ritual Full-length Cassette 2014
Order of the Death's Head Soldat inconnu Full-length Cassette 2015
Order of the Death's Head Sous le signe de Thulé Full-length Cassette 2016
Ordo Sanguinis Noctis Religia chtonicznych sfer Demo Cassette 2015
Ordo Sanguinis Noctis Wyżyny siedmiu samotności Split CD 2021
Cmentarny Zew Wyżyny siedmiu samotności Split CD 2021
Sit Finis Hominum Wyżyny siedmiu samotności Split CD 2021
Pagan Forest Bogu Full-length CD 2021
Pagan Forest Bogu Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Pagan Forest Bogu Full-length Digital 2021
Pagan Hellfire Spirit of Blood and Struggle EP Cassette 2012
Pagan Hellfire On the Path to Triumph Full-length Cassette 2013
Paganblut Die Kunst des Krieges Live album Cassette 2010
Paganblut Auf der Suche nach reine heidnischen Seelen Compilation 2CD 2018
Pale Mist In the Valley Where the Mist Never Fades Demo Cassette 2010
Pale Mist Belliciste​ / ​Pale Mist Split CD 2019
Belliciste Belliciste​ / ​Pale Mist Split CD 2019
Pale Mist Through the Labyrinth and into Connectivity Full-length CD 2021
Panzerjager Panzerjager Full-length Cassette 2013
Panzerjager The Will to Survive Full-length Cassette 2018
Panzerjager Nuclear Streets! Full-length Cassette 2018
Panzerjager Panzerjager / Cosmic Breath / Worldscape:18 Split Cassette 2019
Paths Beauty and Nihility Full-length CD 2014
Paths First Paths Tread - Anthology Compilation 2 cassettes 2014
Paths Where the Oakenhearted Dwell Full-length Cassette 2014
Perunwit 1994-2014: XX Years of Pagan Crusade Live album CD 2017
Perunwit Roots Split CD 2020
Perunwit Iskeide Ragana Full-length CD 2024
Petrichorus Hawkraft Full-length Cassette 2015
Põhjast Downfall Full-length CD 2020
Poprava Příchod Demo Cassette 2013
Prav Beholding the Eternity of the Wheel Demo Cassette 2012
Prav Om Kalkine Namah Full-length CD 2016
Prav Satya-Yuga Avant-Garde Full-length CD 2019
Pręgierz Blood Sanctions Demo Cassette 2015
Pręgierz Blood Sanctions Demo CD 2016
Pripegal Na ostatnim szlaku Full-length CD 2021
Pripegal Na ostatnim szlaku Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Radhost Návrat staré víry Demo Cassette 2018
Raggradarh Знамената на нашата победа EP Cassette 2008
Raggradarh Косачът EP Cassette 2009
Raggradarh IYI Full-length Cassette 2010
Raggradarh Vanyar / Raggradarh Split Cassette 2011
Vanyar Vanyar / Raggradarh Split Cassette 2011
Raggradarh Битка Full-length Cassette 2010
Raggradarh Raggradarh Full-length Cassette 2009
Raggradarh Oris Full-length Cassette 2014
Ravnkald Pure Pagan Blood Full-length CD 2015
Ravnkald Solsnudag Full-length Cassette 2014
Retra Retra Full-length Cassette 2009
Revenge Heretical Blasphemous Desecration Split Cassette 2018
Rivers like Veins Jesiennie mgły ostatnich oddechów Demo CD 2017
Rivers like Veins Z iskier srebrnych orszaków Full-length CD 2019
Rivers like Veins Z iskier srebrnych orszaków Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Rivers like Veins The Hidden Portals Full-length CD 2021
Rivers like Veins Architektura przemijania Full-length Digital 2023
Rivers like Veins Architektura przemijania Full-length CD 2023
Rotten Age Zgnilizna dziejów Full-length Cassette 2014
Ruiny Vekov Balady čiernych nocí Full-length CD 2024
Sacrilegium Ritus Transitorius Full-length CD 2019
Sacrilegium Ritus Transitorius Full-length Digital 2019
Sacrilegium Ritus Transitorius Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Sacrilegium Recidivus EP CD 2022
Saltus Imperium słońca Full-length Cassette 2006
Saltus Slavic Battle Sword Live in Wroclaw Live album CD 2016
Saltus Symbols of Forefathers / Inexploratus Saltus Compilation Cassette 2006
Sapaudia Une terre jadis immaculée Demo Cassette 2013
Schreigarm The Mysteries of Fate Full-length CD 2023
Sekhmet 666 Sekhmet - Beast from Hell 666 Compilation Cassette 2009
Selbstmord Dawn of a New Era Full-length Cassette 2015
Severe Storm We Will Drown the Dawn in Blood Split Cassette 2013
Slavecrushing Tyrant We Will Drown the Dawn in Blood Split Cassette 2013
Severoth Winterfall Full-length CD 2015
Severoth Winterfall Full-length Cassette 2015
Severoth Самітність Full-length CD 2016
Severoth Самітність Full-length Cassette 2016
Severoth Forestpaths Full-length CD 2017
Severoth When the Night Falls... Full-length CD 2018
Severoth Forestpaths Full-length Digital 2017
Severoth Самітність Full-length Digital 2016
Severoth Winterfall Full-length Digital 2015
Severoth Winterfall Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Severoth When the Night Falls... Full-length CD 2018
Severoth Forestpaths Full-length CD 2019
Severoth Solitude Full-length CD 2019
Severoth Winterfall Full-length CD 2019
Severoth Forestpaths Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Severoth Trilogy Boxed set CD 2019
Sirin Age of Myths and Legends Split Cassette 2013
Karpathia Age of Myths and Legends Split Cassette 2013
Sirin Moja otčina / My Fatherland Full-length Cassette 2010
Sirin Ešte jedle rastú... Split CD 2019
Krajiny Hmly Ešte jedle rastú... Split CD 2019
Ruiny Vekov Ešte jedle rastú... Split CD 2019
Sirin Ešte jedle rastú... Split Digital 2019
Krajiny Hmly Ešte jedle rastú... Split Digital 2019
Ruiny Vekov Ešte jedle rastú... Split Digital 2019
Sirin V pamäti Full-length CD 2022
Skogen United Ancient Hatred Split Cassette 2008
Raggradarh United Ancient Hatred Split Cassette 2008
Skogen Wolfs Lair Demo Cassette 2008
Skógr Ragnarok EP Cassette 2016
Skoll Misty Woods Full-length Cassette 2011
Skoll Warriors of the Misty Fields EP Cassette None
Skoll Grisera Full-length Cassette 2013
Skoll Of Misty Fire We Are Full-length Cassette 2016
Skoll Black Winter Rehearsal EP Cassette 2017
Skoll Through the Mountains Mist They Came Split Cassette 2017
Slav Fall.Rot.War EP Cassette 2015
Slav Old Dark Songs from the Abyss Demo Cassette 2015
Slav Breath of Death EP Cassette 2016
Slavecrushing Tyrant Heathen Black Metal Demo Cassette 2008
Slavecrushing Tyrant Slavecrushing Tyrant Full-length Cassette 2010
Slavecrushing Tyrant Harvest of the Iron Age EP Cassette 2014
Slavia Echo pradawnej wiary Full-length CD 2023
Slavogorje Pjesni Full-length CD 2014
Ślęża United in Dark Slavic Blood Split Cassette 2013
Wizun United in Dark Slavic Blood Split Cassette 2013
Slav United in Dark Slavic Blood Split Cassette 2013
Quercus United in Dark Slavic Blood Split Cassette 2013
Grzmot United in Dark Slavic Blood Split Cassette 2013
Helevorn United in Dark Slavic Blood Split Cassette 2013
Sorts Schwarze estnische Schweinerei Full-length CD 2020
Standvast Afkomst Full-length CD 2016
Standvast Oersymboliek Full-length Digital 2020
Standvast Oersymboliek Full-length CD 2020
Standvast Allenig EP CD 2021
Stolzblut Wolves Eyes / Stolzblut Split Cassette 2017
Wolves Eyes Wolves Eyes / Stolzblut Split Cassette 2017
Stone Dwarf ...of Ancient Mysteries & Eternal Worship Demo Cassette 2015
Stone Dwarf Voyage au pays des Elfes Full-length Cassette 2017
Stronghold Temple of the Nightdawn Compilation CD 2018
Stworz Słońcakres EP Cassette 2010
Stworz Blask wiecznego ognia Compilation CD 2012
Stworz Cóż po żyznych ziemiach​.​.​. Full-length CD 2014
Stworz Śnij ziemio moja... Split Cassette 2013
Fall Śnij ziemio moja... Split Cassette 2013
Stworz Po czasu kres Full-length Cassette 2010
Stworz Synowie słońca Full-length Cassette 2010
Stworz Zagony bogów Full-length CD 2015
Stworz Zagony bogów Full-length Cassette 2015
Stworz Cóż po żyznych ziemiach​.​.​. Full-length Cassette 2014
Stworz Na trzy strony Słońca EP CD 2016
Stworz Warńija Split CD 2017
Stworz Wołosożary Full-length CD 2017
Stworz Spojrzę w pola i w przestworza Split CD 2018
Rivers like Veins Spojrzę w pola i w przestworza Split CD 2018
Stworz Mój kraj nazywa się Śmierć Full-length CD 2019
Stworz Mój kraj nazywa się Śmierć Full-length Digital 2019
Stworz Brzask - Reh 2009 Demo Cassette 2019
Stworz Wiecznica / Неизбежность Split CD 2020
Сивый Яр Wiecznica / Неизбежность Split CD 2020
Stworz Nektar inspiracji Compilation 2CD 2020
Stworz Duchy Ziemi / Ghosts of the Soil Split CD 2021
Wapentake Duchy Ziemi / Ghosts of the Soil Split CD 2021
Stworz Duchy Ziemi / Ghosts of the Soil Split Digital 2021
Wapentake Duchy Ziemi / Ghosts of the Soil Split Digital 2021
Stworz Krąg Kryvi Split CD 2021
Piarevaracień Krąg Kryvi Split CD 2021
Ulvkros Krąg Kryvi Split CD 2021
Old Leshy Krąg Kryvi Split CD 2021
Stworz Ziemia śmiercią śpiewa Compilation 2CD 2022
Stworz Mój kraj nazywa się Śmierć Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Stworz Cóż po żyznych ziemiach​.​.​. Full-length CD 2022
Stworz Blask wiecznego ognia Compilation CD 2022
Stworz Sny Zmory Split CD 2023
Krajiny Hmly Sny Zmory Split CD 2023
Jassa Sny Zmory Split CD 2023
Summoning Oath Bound Full-length Cassette 2010
Summoning Old Mornings Dawn Full-length Cassette 2015
Sunchariot Swirling Sunwheel of Everlasting Life Full-length Cassette 2013
Sunchariot Songs of the Past from Beyond Full-length Cassette 2018
Sunchariot The Path of Desolation Full-length Cassette 2018
Sunchariot Bone Harvester Full-length Cassette 2019
Sunchariot Swirling Sunwheel of Everlasting Life Full-length Cassette 2013
Sunchariot Swirling Sunwheel of Everlasting Life Full-length Cassette 2013
Sunwheel Monuments of the Elder Faith EP Cassette 2010
Sunwheel Prophecies of Aryan Moon EP 12" vinyl 2023
Svartgren Divlja vatra Full-length CD 2019
Svartgren Divlja vatra Full-length Digital 2019
Svetovid Nature's Fury Full-length Cassette 2013
Svetovid Waiting for the End Full-length 2CD 2019
Svetovid Svetovid / Vrildom Split CD 2020
Vrildom Svetovid / Vrildom Split CD 2020
Svetovid Svetovid / Vrildom Split Cassette 2020
Vrildom Svetovid / Vrildom Split Cassette 2020
Sytris Pod sztandarami otchłani EP CD 2016
Szron Pure Slavonic Blasphemy / Cult of Death Compilation Cassette 2010
Szron Zeal Full-length Cassette 2012
Taran Storming the House of God Demo Cassette 2015
Taran Devilish Storm Compilation CD 2020
Thanatomania Mykonismus Demo Cassette 2013
The Eternal Darkness ...Crossing the Ancient Path of Molossian Tribes Split Cassette 2011
Hell Poemer ...Crossing the Ancient Path of Molossian Tribes Split Cassette 2011
The Mirrors Cold September EP Cassette 2013
The True Endless In the Swamp of Camodeia Compilation Cassette 2011
Thornwire Caedo / Thornwire Split Cassette 2011
Caedo Caedo / Thornwire Split Cassette 2011
Thunderkraft Totentanz Full-length Cassette 2013
Thurthul Hate, Vengeance, Black Metal EP CD 2023
Totenburg Endzeit Full-length Cassette 2011
Totenrune Towards the Universe Full-length CD 2020
Triskèle Les racines du Nord Boxed set CD 2017
Ulfhethnar Reawakening the Wrath of Yore Full-length Cassette 2015
Ulfhethnar Essence of Superiority Full-length Cassette 2005
Under the Forest Floor The World Beneath Split Cassette 2013
Ossuary Vault The World Beneath Split Cassette 2013
Unruhe Wśród gór szytych mgłą Demo Cassette 2019
Urkoros Beyond the River of Swords Demo Cassette 2015
Urkoros The Spirit That Never Dies Demo Cassette 2016
Urkoros Eshri Dheghom Tewteh Demo Cassette 2016
Urwerk Dämonstranz Demo CD 2020
Urwerk Dämonstranz Demo Cassette 2020
Useless Departure Full-length CD 2017
Useless Fall into Extinction Full-length CD 2019
Useless Downfall Full-length CD 2021
Vainturn Шлях​ / ​The Way Full-length CD 2019
Vainturn Шлях​ / ​The Way Full-length Digital 2019
Veil Sombre Full-length Cassette 2011
Venedae Milczące głazy Full-length CD 2020
Veratyr Aquila / Charogne / Veratyr Split Cassette 2015
Aquila Aquila / Charogne / Veratyr Split Cassette 2015
Charogne Aquila / Charogne / Veratyr Split Cassette 2015
Vermine Promethean - Ère du surhomme Full-length CD 2021
Vermine Promethean - Ère du surhomme Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Via Dolorosa To Praise Our Gods, to Conquer the World Split Cassette 2010
Gassturm To Praise Our Gods, to Conquer the World Split Cassette 2010
Flame of War To Praise Our Gods, to Conquer the World Split Cassette 2010
Raggradarh To Praise Our Gods, to Conquer the World Split Cassette 2010
Wolfestandarte To Praise Our Gods, to Conquer the World Split Cassette 2010
Via Dolorosa Immortal ad Vitam Full-length CD 2015
Vinterstille Vinterstille Demo Cassette 2018
Virvatulet Demo'11 Demo Cassette 2011
Voin Grim Mysteries That Thy Old Trees Keep.. Timeless EP Cassette 2015
Voin Grim Immerse into Nocturnal Splendour Compilation Cassette 2016
Voin Grim Rites of Full Wintermoon Grandeur Full-length Cassette 2016
Voin Grim Bewitching Whirlwinds of the Frozen Realms Compilation CD 2020
Voin Grim Bewitching Whirlwinds of the Frozen Realms Compilation Digital 2020
Volc Vermaledide Triad Split CD 2017
Standvast Triad Split CD 2017
Helleruin Triad Split CD 2017
Volc Vermaledide Met aangetrokken strop ... Demo Cassette 2020
Volkolun Only Trees Remember Centuries Full-length Cassette 2013
Volkolun Path Through the Mist EP CD 2019
Vrag Remete Full-length CD 2017
Vspolokh Печаль о прошлом / Sorrow of the Past Full-length Cassette 2010
Wangelen Lunar Misanthropy Split Cassette 2019
Sunchariot Lunar Misanthropy Split Cassette 2019
Warforest Trépas et meurtrissures Full-length Cassette 2013
Warforest Le triomphe de l'emblème Demo Cassette 2015
Warforest Le rituel Full-length Cassette 2015
Wędrujący Wiatr Tam, gdzie miesiąc opłakuje świt Full-length CD 2013
Wędrujący Wiatr Tam, gdzie miesiąc opłakuje świt Full-length Cassette 2013
Wędrujący Wiatr O turniach, jeziorach i nocnych szlakach Full-length CD 2016
Wędrujący Wiatr O turniach, jeziorach i nocnych szlakach Full-length CD 2019
Wędrujący Wiatr O turniach, jeziorach i nocnych szlakach Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Wędrujący Wiatr Tam, gdzie miesiąc opłakuje świt Full-length CD 2020
Wędrujący Wiatr Zorzysta staje oćma Full-length CD 2022
Wędrujący Wiatr Zorzysta staje oćma Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Wędrujący Wiatr Tam, gdzie miesiąc opłakuje świt Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Wendol Almighty Dajjal Rising Full-length CD 2023
Werewolf The Temple of Fullmoon Full-length Cassette 2005
Werewolf Fidelity of Ideology Split Cassette 2008
Semper Fidelis Fidelity of Ideology Split Cassette 2008
Werewolf The Order of Vril Full-length Cassette 2009
Werewolf The Legions of TTF Compilation 2CD 2018
White Werewolf Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum Full-length CD 2022
Willpower Aequat Omnes Cinis Demo Cassette 2011
Winds of Hyperborea Gaze of the Abyss Demo Cassette 2009
Windstorm Eternal Gods Forgotten EP Cassette 2011
Wings of War Prepare for War EP Cassette 2009
Wings of War Battle Hymn EP Cassette None
Winter Deluge As the Earth Fades into Obscurity Full-length Cassette 2012
Winterfront Northwinds Full-length CD 2014
Winterfront Deep Down Below Where His Waters Do Flow EP Cassette 2014
Winterfront Of Iron and Blood EP Cassette None
Wojnar The Book of Veles Full-length Cassette 2012
Wojnar Tym, co z ziemi Lecha... Split Cassette 2014
Światogor Tym, co z ziemi Lecha... Split Cassette 2014
Wojnar Epos o woju z krainy mrozem spowitej Full-length Cassette 2011
Wojnar Z najgłębszych borów pieśni wam niosę Full-length Cassette 2012
Wojnar Zimowa opowieść Demo Cassette 2019
Wojnar Zimowa opowieść Demo CD 2019
Wojnar Nienawiść zaklęta w słowiańskiej ziemi Full-length CD 2023
Wojnar Nienawiść zaklęta w słowiańskiej ziemi Full-length CD 2023
Wolfenburg The Empire of the Wolf EP Cassette 2010
Wolfenburg Krwiożercze bestie EP CD 2020
Wolfenburg Tęsknota przeszłych czasów Split CD 2021
Hatefrost Tęsknota przeszłych czasów Split CD 2021
Wolfenburg Tęsknota przeszłych czasów Split Digital 2021
Hatefrost Tęsknota przeszłych czasów Split Digital 2021
Wolfenburg From the Gates of Wolfish Caves Compilation CD 2023
Wolftomb Autumn of Our Lives Full-length CD 2019
Wolves Eyes Memories of Those Fallen Demo Cassette 2016
Wolves Eyes Eternal Pagan Souls Demo Cassette 2017
Wolves Eyes Beneath the Banners of the Elders EP Cassette 2017
Wotanorden Aryan Culture Preservation Full-length Cassette 2007
Wotanorden From the Storm Come the Wolves Full-length Cassette 2006
Wunjo Lupus in Fabula Split Cassette 2011
Varg Order Lupus in Fabula Split Cassette 2011
Zaklon Zychod Full-length CD 2020
Zaklon U niabyt Full-length CD 2023
Zawrat Wandering in a Mystical Unity EP Cassette 2019
Zawrat The Flames of the Spiritual Quest EP Digital 2019
Zawrat Void of Primitive Howls Split CD 2020
Fleam Void of Primitive Howls Split CD 2020
Zawrat The Flames of the Spiritual Quest EP CD 2019
Zmora Czarne otchłanie i martwe cienie Full-length CD 2017
Zmora Nocy czerń, nocy chłód EP CD 2018
Zmora W głębinach nocy niepojętej EP CD 2018
Zmora Czarne otchłanie i martwe cienie Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Zmora Najczarniejsza z nocy EP CD 2019
Zmora Najczarniejsza z nocy EP Digital 2019
Zmora Widma nocy Boxed set Cassette 2021
Zmora Pomi​ę​dzy światami Full-length CD 2022
Zmora Noc trupiej bieli. Noc przeklętych wichrów Demo CD 2023
Zuarasiz Pogańskie płomienie zaświatów Demo Cassette 2012
Zvijer Vječnost truleži Full-length CD 2017
Αχέροντας Hermeticism EP Cassette 2011
Αχέροντας Vamachara Full-length Cassette 2011
Велимор Наш мир Full-length Cassette 2011
Велимор By a Hammer of Spirit and Identity of Blood Split Cassette 2006
Kroda By a Hammer of Spirit and Identity of Blood Split Cassette 2006
Волчий Крест Чёрным крылом в сумрак лесов (Live in Yaroslavl 2009) Live album Cassette 2013
Громоверж Издревле Full-length CD 2023
Громол Холокост стихий Demo Cassette 2011
Древо Величие Full-length Cassette 2008
Морок And I Walk Among the Shadows... Full-length CD 2015
Морок And I Walk Among the Shadows... Full-length Cassette 2015
Морок In the Dungeons of Mind Full-length CD 2016
Морок In the Dungeons of Mind Full-length Cassette 2016
Морок And I Walk Among the Shadows... Full-length CD 2015
Морок Carpathian Fullmoon Ritual EP Cassette 2018
Морок In the Dungeons of Mind Full-length CD 2020
Морок Carpathian Fullmoon Ritual EP CD 2018
Морок And I Walk Among the Shadows... Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Морок In the Dungeons of Mind Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Морок Howls From The Forests Of The Past Compilation 3 12" vinyls 2023
Небокрай На рубеже (At the Boundary) Full-length Cassette 2012
Опричь ...з мороку... / Огнецвет Split Cassette 2008
Chur ...з мороку... / Огнецвет Split Cassette 2008
Полуврак Черна изповед Demo Cassette 2017
Святогор Doctor Veritas Full-length Cassette 2013
Сивый Яр Из тьмы вымерших деревень / From the Dead Villages' Darkness Full-length Cassette 2014
Сивый Яр Тьма зимнего безвременья Demo Cassette 2012
Сивый Яр Нощь Full-length Cassette 2012
Сивый Яр Край непуганых птиц (Land of Fearless Birds) EP Cassette 2012
Сивый Яр Двоеверство / Dualfaith Full-length Cassette 2012
Сивый Яр Как прежде плыли зори / The Dawns Were Drifting as Before Full-length Cassette 2013
Сивый Яр Поминальные холсты / Burial Shrouds Full-length Cassette 2016
Сивый Яр Не оплакано былое / The Unmourned Past EP Cassette 2016
Темнозорь Сумерки на похоронах зимы Live album Cassette 2011
Шакал Јав, Прав, Нав Full-length CD 2023
Яр Шчодры вечор / Рось Split Cassette 2010
Lutavierje Шчодры вечор / Рось Split Cassette 2010
Яр Panavannie pahanstva Full-length CD 2013
Яр Panavannie pahanstva Full-length Cassette 2014