Drakkar Productions

JSON | Metal Archives


Address 10 Rue Louis Blanc, 12100 Millau
Country France
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, NSBM
Founding Date 1994
Online Shopping Yes
Sublabels Apparitia Recordings, Axiis Music, Deus ex Machina Division, Drakkar Productions - South American Division, Drakkar Vinland, Tenebrd Music, Unlight Productions, Viking Digital Music Distribution

Online Presence

Drakkar Productions - South American Division http://www.drakkarbrasil.com.br/store/br/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/drakkar_productions/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRYhs8QdzUCwG4pokkAdLTw
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Drakkar-Productions-Mailorder-Official/178932765453756
VKontakte https://vk.com/drakkarproductions
Store https://drakkar666.com/store


Name Country Genre Status
Ad Astra Greece black Current
Ad Omega Italy black Current
Ain Sof Aur Brazil black Current
Alcahest France black Current
Anguis Dei Japan black, symphonic Current
Anwynn France black Current
Arcanus Tenebrae Portugal black Current
Ascending Olympus Greece death Current
Balfor Ukraine black, death, melodic Current
BlackSStorm France black Current
Burialkult Canada black Current
Catechon Italy black Current
Celestia France black Current
Cendres France black Current
Certa Mortis France black Current
Chamber of Mirrors United States black Current
Clamosum Finland black, melodic Current
Dark Messiah Greece black Current
Darkest Oath Greece black Current
Dëgénéréscence France black Current
Desolate Midwinter United States black Current
Diabolos Japan black Current
Dødsfall Norway black Current
Dolchstoss Belgium black Current
Domini Inferi Netherlands black Current
Elderblood Ukraine black, symphonic Current
Empty Spain black Current
Epheles France black Current
Funayùrei France black Current
Genocide Kommando France black Current
Gestapo 666 France black Current
Goatreich 666 Italy black Current
Gravelust United States black Current
Grenadier Canada death, melodic Current
Hakuja Japan black Current
Hunferd France black Current
Iluzja Canada black Current
Imago Mortis Italy black Current
Isolated Mexico death, melodic, thrash Current
Khors Ukraine black Current
Kyy Finland black Current
Lepra Hungary black Current
Militia Templi France black, epic Current
Mondocane Sweden black Current
Moonlight Mexico black Current
Morkesagn Ukraine black Current
Mornoss France black Current
Morsure France black Current
Mortifera France black Current
Nahash Lithuania black Current
Necrosadistic Goat Torture United Kingdom black, death Current
Noctilucent United States black Current
Nycteriis United States black Current
Obscuro Sweden black, raw Current
Okkultum Magnificentia Italy black Current
Oldowan Gash United States black Current
Order of the Death's Head France black Current
Ordo ad Chao Russia black, death Current
Orgasm 666 Japan black Current
Ossements Canada black, experimental Current
Sépulcre France black Current
Skalf Italy black Current
Speedböozer United States punk, thrash Current
Sternatis Russia black Current
Strixskog United States black, dungeon-synth Current
Sum Herald Italy black, death Current
Svartfell France black Current
Sylvan Awe Australia black Current
Tattva France black Current
Triangulum United States black Current
Umbra Noctis Italy black Current
Vermeth France black Current
Vollmond Italy black, doom Current
Vouïvre France black Current
Warhammer Greece thrash, black, death Current
Windhelm France ambient, black Current
Xul Sweden black Current
Лютомысл Ukraine black Current
Abigail Japan black, thrash Past
Abvulabashy Singapore black Past
Aegrus Finland black Past
Ahpdegma Japan black Past
Alcest France black, post-metal, shoegaze Past
Altar of Perversion Italy black Past
Amaka Hahina France ambient, dark Past
Amthrÿa International black Past
Anaon France black, celtic, folk Past
Ancient Necromancy United States ambient, black, raw Past
Animus Herilis France black Past
Anus Mundi France black Past
Anwyl United States black, death Past
Anxiety Finland black Past
Arghoslent United States death, melodic Past
Armagedda Sweden black Past
Asmodee France black, death Past
Astrofaes Ukraine black Past
Atomizer Australia black, thrash Past
Beastcraft Norway black Past
Belkètre France black Past
Black Draugwath Russia black Past
Black Funeral United States ambient, black, dark Past
Black Murder France black Past
Blackdeath Russia black Past
Blackhorned Saga Poland black, death Past
Blood Red Fog Finland black Past
Bömber Chile black, punk, speed Past
Burshtyn Ukraine black Past
Cachot d'Effroi France black, raw Past
Caïna United Kingdom raw, post-metal, black Past
Ciel Nocturne France black Past
Corpus Christii Portugal black Past
Count Nosferatu France black Past
Coven of Impurity Italy black Past
Creptum Brazil black Past
Dark Germany death, gothic Past
Deathspell Omega France avant-garde, black Past
Decayed Portugal black Past
Defecrator United States black, death Past
Demon Realm Denmark black Past
Diamatregon France black Past
Drama Noir Greece atmospheric, black, death Past
Dyster France black Past
Dzlvarv France black Past
Eclipsus United States atmospheric, black, depressive Past
Eishalle United States ambient, black, raw Past
Enepsigos Norway black Past
Enterré Vivant International atmospheric, black Past
Estve Hungary black Past
Eternal Majesty France black Past
Evil Brazil black Past
Feu Gregeois France black, death Past
Fornication France black Past
Funeral France black Past
Funereal Moon Mexico ambient, black Past
Garwall France black, heavy Past
Goatfire Italy black Past
Goathead Sweden black Past
Goatworship Sweden black, thrash Past
Grand Belial's Key United States black Past
Graveland Poland black, pagan, viking Past
Grima Morstua Argentina black Past
Grimlord France black Past
Helwetti Finland black Past
Hirilorn France black Past
Hiver Noir France black, raw Past
Holocaust Poland black Past
Impiety Singapore black, death, thrash Past
Infernal Execrator Singapore black, death Past
Interfektor United States black Past
Inthyflesh Portugal black Past
Irae Portugal black Past
Le Prochain Hiver France black Past
Ljosazabojstwa Belarus black, death Past
Loits Estonia black Past
Lucifugum Ukraine black Past
Luvart Brazil black Past
Machiavel France black, pagan Past
Malcuidant France black Past
Malveliance France black Past
Mantak Malaysia black, thrash Past
Martial Barrage Canada death Past
Median Omega Greece black Past
Mefitic Italy black, death Past
Merrimack France black Past
Miasthenia Brazil black, melodic, pagan Past
Moontower Poland black Past
Morbid Upheaval Italy death Past
Morgenröthe Germany black, post-metal Past
Mütiilation France black Past
Myrkr Ireland black Past
Nadiwrath Greece black Past
Necrofagore Peru death Past
Necrovomit Italy black, death Past
Nidsang Sweden black Past
Noire Plume France black Past
Nuclear Cthulhu Russia black, doom Past
Nuit Noire France punk, black Past
Nunslaughter United States death Past
Øksehovud Norway black, raw Past
Outlaw Brazil black Past
Pactum Brazil black Past
Pagan Assault France black Past
Patria Brazil black Past
Perun Slovenia black Past
Peste Noire France experimental, folk, black Past
Primigenium Spain black Past
Recluse International black, raw Past
Saatkrähe France black Past
Sabnack United States black Past
Sacrificia Mortuorum France black Past
Sad Greece black Past
Sathanas United States black, death Past
Saturnian Mist Finland black Past
Scorn United States black Past
Seeds of Hate Germany black Past
Seigneur Voland France black Past
Seth France black Past
Seviss France black Past
Shadows of Algol United States black Past
Shitangel United States black, death, thrash Past
Sick United States black Past
Sisyphean Lithuania black, death Past
Slavia Norway black Past
Slugathor Finland death Past
Solaris France black Past
Sorts Estonia black Past
Spell Forest Brazil black Past
Storm Legion Portugal black Past
SvartKrig France black Past
The Last Twilight Spain death, black Past
The Stone Serbia black Past
Thugnor Portugal atmospheric, black, heavy, doom Past
ThyLord France black Past
Torgeist France black Past
Tsjuder Norway black Past
Ungoliantha Ukraine black, symphonic Past
Unpure Sweden speed, thrash, black Past
Usurpr United States death, melodic Past
Vassafor New Zealand black, death Past
Vèrmyapre Kommando France black Past
Vetüs Khlystii France black Past
Viha Finland black, raw Past
Vlad Tepes France black Past
Voqkrre France black Past
Vorgfang Norway black Past
Vrolok United States ambient, black Past
Vulturine Brazil black Past
Warloghe Finland black Past
Watain Sweden black Past
Xeper Italy black Past
Yamatu United States black Past
彷徨 Japan black, depressive Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abigail Welcome All Hell Fuckers EP CD 2001
Abigail Forever Street Metal Bitch Full-length CD 2003
Abigail Morbid Upheaval / Abigail Split 10" vinyl 2006
Morbid Upheaval Morbid Upheaval / Abigail Split 10" vinyl 2006
Abigail The Early Black Years (1992-1995) Compilation CD 2007
Abigail Welcome All Hell Fuckers EP CD 2010
Abigail Welcome All Hell Fuckers EP 12" vinyl 2010
Abigail Forever Street Metal Bitch Full-length CD 2009
Abigail Forever Street Metal Bitch Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Abigail Welcome All Hell Fuckers EP Digital 2014
Abigail The Early Black Years (1992-1995) Compilation Digital 2014
Abigail Forever Street Metal Bitch Full-length Digital 2009
Abigail Welcome All Hell Fuckers EP 12" vinyl 2010
Abigail Intercourse & Lust Full-length Digital 2020
Abigail Forever Street Metal Bitch Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Abigail Intercourse & Lust Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Abvulabashy Atomik Triumphator Elite Full-length CD 2020
Abvulabashy Atomik Triumphator Elite Full-length Digital 2020
Ad Astra Harvest Full-length CD 2024
Ad Omega Aphelic Ascent Full-length CD 2023
Aegrus Devotion for the Devil Full-length CD 2015
Aegrus Devotion for the Devil Full-length Digital 2015
Aegrus Devotion for the Devil Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Aegrus Devotion for the Devil Full-length Cassette 2018
Ahpdegma Seolfkwyllen Full-length CD 2016
Ahpdegma Seolfkwyllen Full-length CD 2016
Ahpdegma Seolfkwyllen Full-length Digital 2016
Alcahest Promo Demo CD 2021
Alcest Tristesse hivernale Demo Cassette 2001
Alcest Le secret EP CD 2005
Altar of Perversion From Dead Temples (Towards the Ast'ral Path) Full-length CD 2003
Amaka Hahina Demetria Demo Cassette 2001
Amaka Hahina Aheah Saergathan! Full-length CD 2002
Amaka Hahina Aheah Saergathan! Full-length Digital 2015
Amthrÿa Frozen October EP Digital 2021
Amthrÿa Passage Full-length CD 2022
Anaon Les rites de Cromlech EP CD 1997
Anaon Tenvalijeen Demo Cassette 1996
Anaon Les rites de Cromlech EP Digital 2015
Ancient Necromancy Forbidden Sorcery in the Frostbitten Night Split CD 2021
Eishalle Forbidden Sorcery in the Frostbitten Night Split CD 2021
Ancient Necromancy Forbidden Sorcery in the Frostbitten Night Split Digital 2022
Eishalle Forbidden Sorcery in the Frostbitten Night Split Digital 2022
Anguis Dei Angeist Full-length CD 2021
Anguis Dei Angeist Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Animus Herilis Mater Tenebrarum Demo Cassette 2002
Anus Mundi Les heures pâles Full-length Digital 2016
Anwyl Postmortem Apocalypse Full-length CD 2003
Anwyl Postmortem Apocalypse Full-length 12" vinyl 2003
Anwyl Postmortem Apocalypse Full-length Digital 2015
Anwynn Voices of Perdition Full-length Digital 2016
Anxiety Autumn 2004 Demo Cassette 2005
Anxiety The Holocaust Anthem Demo Cassette 2005
Anxiety Autumn 2004 Demo Digital 2014
Anxiety The Holocaust Anthem Demo Digital 2015
Arcanus Tenebrae Odium in Homines Full-length CD 2008
Arcanus Tenebrae Summa Essentia Obscura Full-length CD 2009
Arcanus Tenebrae Abyssum Invocare EP 7" vinyl 2011
Arcanus Tenebrae Triumphus Atri Sanguinis EP CD 2014
Arcanus Tenebrae Odium in Homines Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Arcanus Tenebrae Abyssum Invocare EP Digital 2014
Arcanus Tenebrae Triumphus Atri Sanguinis EP Digital 2014
Arcanus Tenebrae Summa Essentia Obscura Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Arghoslent Incorrigible Bigotry Full-length CD 2002
Arghoslent Hornets of the Pogrom Full-length CD 2008
Arghoslent 1990-1994: The First Three Demos Compilation CD 2008
Arghoslent Send Forth the Best Ye Breed Split CD 2009
Martial Barrage Send Forth the Best Ye Breed Split CD 2009
Arghoslent Galloping Through the Battle Ruins Full-length CD 2007
Arghoslent Incorrigible Bigotry Full-length CD 2009
Arghoslent Hornets of the Pogrom Full-length 12" vinyl 2008
Arghoslent Send Forth the Best Ye Breed Split 12" vinyl 2009
Martial Barrage Send Forth the Best Ye Breed Split 12" vinyl 2009
Arghoslent Hornets of the Pogrom Full-length Cassette 2008
Arghoslent Arsenal of Glory Demo CD 2015
Arghoslent Galloping Through the Battle Ruins Full-length CD 2015
Arghoslent Hornets of the Pogrom Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Arghoslent Arsenal of Glory Demo 12" vinyl 2016
Arghoslent Galloping Through the Battle Ruins Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Arghoslent Incorrigible Bigotry Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Arghoslent 1990-1994: The First Three Demos Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2016
Arghoslent Galloping Through the Battleruins Full-length Digital 2015
Arghoslent Arsenal of Glory Demo Digital 2015
Arghoslent 1990-1994: The First Three Demos Compilation Digital 2014
Arghoslent Send Forth the Best Ye Breed Split Digital 2014
Martial Barrage Send Forth the Best Ye Breed Split Digital 2014
Arghoslent Hornets of the Pogrom Full-length Digital 2014
Arghoslent Incorrigible Bigotry Full-length Digital 2014
Arghoslent Hornets of the Pogrom Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Arghoslent Incorrigible Bigotry Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Arghoslent Galloping Through the Battle Ruins Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Arghoslent Arsenal of Glory Demo 12" vinyl 2019
Arghoslent Send Forth the Best Ye Breed Split 12" vinyl 2019
Martial Barrage Send Forth the Best Ye Breed Split 12" vinyl 2019
Arghoslent Hornets of the Pogrom Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Arghoslent Incorrigible Bigotry Full-length CD 2022
Arghoslent Hornets of the Pogrom Full-length CD 2022
Arghoslent Incorrigible Bigotry Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Arghoslent Incorrigible Bigotry Full-length Cassette 2023
Armagedda Only True Believers Full-length CD 2011
Armagedda Only True Believers Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Armagedda Only True Believers Full-length Digital 2014
Ascending Olympus Frontlines Full-length CD 2023
Ascending Olympus Death Will Come from Above Single Digital 2023
Asmodee Aequilanx Demo Cassette 1997
Astrofaes Ancestors' Shadows Full-length CD 2020
Astrofaes Ancestors' Shadows Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Astrofaes Ancestors' Shadows Full-length Digital 2020
Astrofaes Dying Emotions Domain Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Astrofaes Heritage Full-length CD 2021
Astrofaes ...Those Whose Past Is Immortal Full-length CD 2021
Astrofaes The Attraction: Heavens & Earth Demo CD 2021
Astrofaes Idea. Form. Essence... Full-length CD 2021
Astrofaes The Eyes of the Beast Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Astrofaes The Eyes of the Beast Full-length Digital 2021
Astrofaes Knowing No Dawn Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2021
Astrofaes Knowing No Dawn Compilation Digital 2021
Astrofaes ...Those Whose Past Is Immortal Full-length Digital 2022
Astrofaes ...Those Whose Past Is Immortal Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Astrofaes The Attraction: Heavens & Earth Demo 12" vinyl 2021
Astrofaes Idea. Form. Essence... Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Atomizer Death - Mutation - Disease - Annihilation Full-length CD 2002
Atomizer Death - Mutation - Disease - Annihilation Full-length CD 2008
Atomizer Death - Mutation - Disease - Annihilation Full-length Digital 2014
Balfor Black Serpent Rising Full-length CD 2017
Balfor Black Serpent Rising Full-length Digital 2017
Beastcraft Into the Burning Pit of Hell Full-length CD 2013
Beastcraft Dawn of the Serpent Compilation CD 2013
Beastcraft Baptised in Blood and Goatsemen Full-length CD 2013
Beastcraft Dawn of the Serpent Compilation Digital 2014
Beastcraft Into the Burning Pit of Hell Full-length Digital 2014
Beastcraft Baptised in Blood and Goatsemen Full-length Digital 2014
Beastcraft Into the Burning Pit of Hell Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Beastcraft Baptised in Blood and Goatsemen Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Beastcraft Dawn of the Serpent Compilation 12" vinyl 2019
Black Funeral Vampyr - Throne of the Beast Full-length CD 2005
Black Murder Feasts Demo CD 2019
Black Murder Feasts Demo 12" vinyl 2019
Black Murder Black Murder Demo CD 2020
Black Murder Black Murder Demo 12" vinyl 2020
Black Murder Feasts Demo CD 2023
Blackdeath Satan macht frei Full-length CD 2004
Blackdeath Satan macht frei Full-length Digital 2014
Blackdeath Saturn Sector Full-length CD 2022
Blackdeath Saturn Sector Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Blackdeath Satan macht frei Full-length CD 2022
Blackdeath Satan macht frei Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Blackdeath Vortex Full-length CD 2022
Blackdeath Vortex Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Blackhorned Saga Broken Messiah EP CD 2011
Blackhorned Saga Broken Messiah EP Digital 2014
BlackSStorm Cruce Signati Split Cassette 2006
Pagan Assault Cruce Signati Split Cassette 2006
Blood Red Fog Demo I Demo Cassette 2005
Bömber Black Ultra Anarchy Full-length Digital 2021
Bömber Black Ultra Anarchy Full-length CD 2021
Burialkult Infernal Death Manifest Full-length CD 2022
Burialkult Infernal Death Manifest Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Burshtyn Чортория / Chthonichasm Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Burshtyn Чортория / Chthonichasm Full-length Digital 2021
Cachot d'Effroi Cachot d'effroi Full-length CD 2024
Cachot d'Effroi Cachot d'effroi Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Caïna The Cold Taste of Perdition Demo Cassette 2006
Caïna The King Beneath Demo Cassette 2006
Caïna The King Beneath Demo Digital 2014
Caïna The Cold Taste of Perdition Demo Digital 2014
Catechon Sangue del martire Full-length CD 2023
Celestia A Cave Full of Bats EP CD 1999
Celestia Under the Reign of Terror and Tyranny Live album Cassette 1999
Celestia A Dying Out Ecstasy Demo Cassette 1998
Celestia Evoking Grâce and Splendour EP 7" vinyl 2002
Celestia Dead Insecta Sequestration Demo Cassette 2001
Celestia The Awakening of the Dormant Fiancée Demo Cassette 1999
Celestia Evanescence Demo Cassette 1997
Celestia Aetherra Full-length CD 2017
Celestia Aetherra Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Celestia Aetherra Full-length Cassette 2018
Celestia Aetherra Full-length Digital 2017
Celestia Retrospectra Compilation Digital 2016
Celestia Dead Insecta Sequestration Compilation Digital 2016
Celestia Split 666 Split CD 2021
Black Draugwath Split 666 Split CD 2021
Celestia Split 666 Split Digital 2021
Black Draugwath Split 666 Split Digital 2021
Celestia Split 666 Split 12" vinyl 2022
Black Draugwath Split 666 Split 12" vinyl 2022
Cendres Ungeziefer Demo Cassette 2007
Cendres Ungeziefer Demo Digital 2014
Certa Mortis Tenebrae Mortis Aeternae EP CD 2022
Certa Mortis Tenebrae Mortis Aeternae EP Digital 2022
Certa Mortis Ab Inferno ad Astra Full-length CD 2022
Chamber of Mirrors Shadow Kingdom Full-length CD 2023
Chamber of Mirrors Moonlight Decay Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Chamber of Mirrors Moonlight Decay Full-length CD 2023
Chamber of Mirrors Moonlight Decay Full-length Cassette 2023
Ciel Nocturne Season of Solitude Demo Cassette 2008
Ciel Nocturne Season of Solitude Demo Digital 2016
Clamosum Kosmoksen morsian EP CD 2021
Clamosum Kosmoksen morsian EP Digital 2021
Corpus Christii Master of... EP 7" vinyl 2002
Count Nosferatu Soleil noir Demo Cassette 1998
Coven of Impurity Gnosis from the Kingdom Below Full-length CD 2021
Coven of Impurity Gnosis from the Kingdom Below Full-length Digital 2021
Creptum Vama Full-length Digital 2020
Dark Messiah Echoes of War Full-length Digital 2019
Dark Messiah Echoes of War Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Dark Messiah Echoes of War Full-length CD 2019
Darkest Oath Daemonic Pyre ov Gnosis Full-length CD 2022
Darkest Oath Daemonic Pyre ov Gnosis Full-length Digital 2022
Deathspell Omega Disciples of the Ultimate Void Demo Cassette 1999
Decayed The Book of Darkness Full-length CD 1999
Decayed Nockthurnaal Full-length CD 2001
Decayed Satanic Blast EP 7" vinyl 2002
Decayed The Beast Has Risen Full-length CD 2003
Decayed Decayed / Thugnor Split CD 2007
Thugnor Decayed / Thugnor Split CD 2007
Decayed Nockthurnaal Full-length CD 2001
Decayed Nockthurnaal Full-length Digital 2014
Decayed The Book of Darkness Full-length Digital 2014
Decayed The Beast Has Risen Full-length Digital 2014
Decayed Decayed / Thugnor Split Digital 2014
Thugnor Decayed / Thugnor Split Digital 2014
Decayed The Beast Has Risen Full-length CD 2021
Decayed The Book of Darkness Full-length CD 2021
Defecrator Abortion of Humanity Full-length CD 2019
Defecrator Abortion of Humanity Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Dëgénéréscence ...Ainsi! Nous dansâmes aux limbes détestées. Full-length CD 2022
Demon Realm ...of Chaos Damnation and War Demo Cassette 1999
Desolate Midwinter Mental Anguish Full-length CD 2022
Desolate Midwinter Mental Anguish Full-length Digital 2022
Diabolos Diabolos EP CD 2022
Diabolos Diabolos EP Digital 2022
Diabolos La porte de l'enfer Full-length CD 2022
Diamatregon ...to Death EP 7" vinyl 2012
Dødsfall När mörkret är på väg Full-length CD 2022
Dødsfall När mörkret är på väg Full-length Cassette 2022
Dødsfall Djevelens evangelie Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Dødsfall Djevelens evangelie Full-length CD 2023
Dødsfall Djevelens evangelie Full-length Cassette 2023
Dødsfall När mörkret är på väg Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Dolchstoss War Is Eternal Full-length CD 2022
Dolchstoss War Is Eternal Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Dolchstoss War Is Eternal Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Dolchstoss Embers of the Fallen Full-length CD 2024
Dolchstoss Embers of the Fallen Full-length Vinyl 2024
Domini Inferi Reversed Prayers Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Domini Inferi Reversed Prayers Full-length CD 2023
Drama Noir A Necromancy Lore Full-length Digital 2020
Drama Noir A Necromancy Lore Full-length CD 2020
Drama Noir A Necromancy Lore Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Drama Noir Princess Airam Full-length CD 2020
Drama Noir Princess Airam Full-length Digital 2020
Drama Noir Morna / Possenspiel Split CD 2021
Morgenröthe Morna / Possenspiel Split CD 2021
Drama Noir Morna / Possenspiel Split Digital 2021
Morgenröthe Morna / Possenspiel Split Digital 2021
Dyster Fallen, Suicided & Forgotten Demo Cassette 2006
Dyster Reflet d'outre-tombe Demo Cassette 2008
Dyster Le cycle sénescent Full-length CD 2010
Dyster Phase terminale Full-length CD 2012
Dyster Le cycle sénescent Full-length Digital 2014
Dyster Reflet d'outre-tombe Demo Digital 2016
Dyster Fallen, Suicided & Forgotten Full-length Digital 2015
Dyster Phase terminale Full-length Digital 2014
Dzlvarv 1996 Demo Demo CD 2019
Dzlvarv 1996 Demo Demo 12" vinyl 2019
Eclipsus Sullen . Euphoria Full-length CD 2023
Elderblood Achrony Full-length CD 2021
Empty Eternal Cycle of Decay Demo Cassette 2006
Empty The Last Breath of My Mortal Despair Full-length Cassette 2005
Empty A Source of Hollow Essence Full-length Cassette 2006
Empty Omnia Amet Lorem Full-length CD 2022
Empty A Source of Hollow Essence Full-length CD 2023
Enepsigos Plague of Plagues Full-length CD 2017
Enepsigos Plague of Plagues Full-length Digital 2017
Enterré Vivant Les ténèbres ne sont pas formées d'ombre Full-length CD 2021
Epheles Dead Nature for Humans Without Tears Demo Digital 2020
Epheles Je suis autrefois Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Epheles L'ombre de la croix EP Digital 2020
Epheles Les anges de la dernière scène Demo Digital 2020
Epheles Souviens-toi Full-length Digital 2020
Epheles Dead Nature for Humans Without Tears Demo CD 2020
Epheles Souviens-toi Full-length CD 2020
Epheles L'ombre de la croix EP CD 2020
Epheles Les anges de la dernière scène Demo CD 2020
Epheles Souviens-toi Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Epheles L'ombre de la croix EP 12" vinyl 2021
Epheles Les anges de la dernière scène Demo 12" vinyl 2021
Epheles Dead Nature for Humans Without Tears Demo 12" vinyl 2021
Epheles Promesses Full-length CD 2023
Epheles Promesses Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Estve Egyenes labirintus Full-length CD 2021
Eternal Majesty From War to Darkness Full-length CD 2022
Eternal Majesty From War to Darkness Full-length Cassette 2022
Eternal Majesty From War to Darkness Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Evil Revenge of Iron and Thunder Full-length Cassette 1998
Feu Gregeois Guerres Franques Demo Cassette 2007
Feu Gregeois Guerres Franques Demo Digital 2016
Fornication Sodomize Human Race Demo Cassette 2001
Fornication Sectanik Neocide / Sodomize Human Race Compilation CD 2002
Fornication Sectanik Neocide / Sodomize Human Race Compilation Digital 2017
Funayùrei Soleil brisé Full-length CD 2022
Funeral Black Flame of Unholy Hate Demo 12" vinyl 2022
Funereal Moon Silent Night of Full Moon Shine Demo Cassette 1995
Garwall Inhumana Crudelitas Demo Cassette 1999
Genocide Kommando Anthems of Mass Massacre Full-length CD 2022
Genocide Kommando Black Metal Supremacy Full-length CD 2022
Gestapo 666 Satanic Shariah Full-length CD 2019
Gestapo 666 Satanic Shariah Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Gestapo 666 Vouïvre / Gestapo 666 Split 12" vinyl 2020
Vouïvre Vouïvre / Gestapo 666 Split 12" vinyl 2020
Gestapo 666 Satanic Terrorism Full-length CD 2022
Gestapo 666 Zyklon B Vaccine EP CD 2022
Gestapo 666 Satanic Terrorism Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Goathead Storms of Ancient Fire EP CD 2021
Goathead Storms of Ancient Fire EP CD 2021
Goatreich 666 Necro Sarcofagus Insanis Demo Cassette 2002
Goatreich 666 Funeral of Nameless Angels EP 7" vinyl 2005
Goatreich 666 Paintime / Poisonous Transcendence Split 10" vinyl 2008
Mefitic Paintime / Poisonous Transcendence Split 10" vinyl 2008
Goatreich 666 Paintime / Poisonous Transcendence Split Digital 2014
Mefitic Paintime / Poisonous Transcendence Split Digital 2014
Goatworship Enigmata | The Eminent Split CD 2023
Mondocane Enigmata | The Eminent Split CD 2023
Grand Belial's Key Judeobeast Assassination Full-length CD 2001
Grand Belial's Key Kosherat Full-length CD 2005
Grand Belial's Key On a Mule Rides the Swindler EP 7" vinyl 2005
Grand Belial's Key Mocking the Philanthropist Full-length CD 2007
Grand Belial's Key Judeobeast Assassination Full-length CD 2012
Grand Belial's Key Kosherat Full-length CD 2012
Grand Belial's Key Kosherat Full-length Cassette 2012
Grand Belial's Key Kosherat Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2012
Grand Belial's Key Judeobeast Assassination Full-length Cassette 2012
Grand Belial's Key Mocking the Philanthropist Full-length Cassette 2012
Grand Belial's Key Mocking the Philanthropist Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2012
Grand Belial's Key Kosherat Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2005
Grand Belial's Key Judeobeast Assassination Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Grand Belial's Key Judeobeast Assassination Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Grand Belial's Key Mocking the Philanthropist Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Grand Belial's Key Kosherat Full-length Digital 2014
Grand Belial's Key Judeobeast Assassination Full-length Digital 2014
Grand Belial's Key Mocking the Philanthropist Full-length Digital 2014
Grand Belial's Key Judeobeast Assassination Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Grand Belial's Key Kosherat Full-length CD 2019
Grand Belial's Key Judeobeast Assassination Full-length CD 2019
Grand Belial's Key Mocking the Philanthropist Full-length CD 2012
Grand Belial's Key Judeobeast Assassination Full-length CD 2022
Grand Belial's Key Kosherat Full-length Cassette 2023
Grand Belial's Key Judeobeast Assassination Full-length Cassette 2023
Grand Belial's Key Kosherat Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Grand Belial's Key Kosherat Full-length CD 2023
Grand Belial's Key Judeobeast Assassination Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Graveland In the Glare of Burning Churches Full-length CD 2021
Graveland Following the Voice of Blood Full-length CD 2021
Graveland Following the Voice of Blood Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Graveland Following the Voice of Blood Full-length Digital 2022
Graveland In the Glare of Burning Churches Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Graveland Immortal Pride Full-length CD 2022
Graveland Wotan mit mir EP CD 2022
Graveland In the Glare of Burning Churches Full-length Cassette 2021
Graveland Following the Voice of Blood Full-length Cassette 2021
Graveland Immortal Pride Full-length Cassette 2022
Graveland Wotan mit mir EP 12" vinyl 2022
Graveland Cold Winter Blades EP Cassette 2022
Graveland Wotan mit mir EP Cassette 2022
Graveland Immortal Pride Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Graveland Cold Winter Blades EP 12" vinyl 2023
Graveland The Celtic Winter Full-length CD 2023
Graveland Cold Winter Blades EP CD 2023
Graveland The Celtic Winter Full-length Cassette 2023
Graveland The Celtic Winter Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Gravelust Passage to the End Full-length CD 2022
Gravelust Passage to the End Full-length Digital 2022
Grenadier Trumpets Blare in Blazing Glory Full-length CD 2022
Grenadier Trumpets Blare in Blazing Glory Full-length Digital 2022
Grenadier Trumpets Blare in Blazing Glory Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Grenadier Trumpets Blare in Blazing Glory Full-length Cassette 2023
Grima Morstua Essence of Demon's Fire Demo Cassette 2003
Grima Morstua Repulsive Sounds of Satanic Worship EP 7" vinyl 2005
Grima Morstua Illustratio per Horribilem Obscuritatem Full-length CD 2007
Grima Morstua Illustratio per Horribilem Obscuritatem Full-length Digital 2014
Grima Morstua Repulsive Sounds of Satanic Worship EP Digital 2014
Grimlord Through Hatred of Life Demo Cassette 1999
Hakuja Legacy Demo Digital 2016
Hakuja Amphisbaena Split 10" vinyl 2023
Anguis Dei Amphisbaena Split 10" vinyl 2023
Hakuja Amphisbaena Split CD 2023
Anguis Dei Amphisbaena Split CD 2023
Helwetti Unholy Extreme Black Demo Cassette 1999
Hirilorn Legends of Evil and Eternal Death Full-length CD 1998
Hirilorn Hirilorn / Merrimack Split Cassette 1998
Merrimack Hirilorn / Merrimack Split Cassette 1998
Hirilorn Legends of Evil and Eternal Death Full-length Digital 2015
Hiver Noir Lethal Beings' Muzik Demo Cassette 2005
Hiver Noir From the Dead Times of Depression Demo Cassette 2006
Hiver Noir From the Dead Times of Depression Demo Digital 2015
Holocaust Our Kingdom Demo Cassette 1997
Hunferd Hunferd Full-length CD 2021
Hunferd Hunferd Full-length Digital 2021
Iluzja Iluzja EP CD 2022
Imago Mortis Una foresta dimenticata Full-length CD 2006
Imago Mortis Ars Obscura Full-length CD 2009
Imago Mortis Sgàbula EP 7" vinyl 2012
Imago Mortis Mors triumphalis Compilation CD 2007
Imago Mortis Carnicon Full-length CD 2014
Imago Mortis Una foresta dimenticata Full-length Digital 2014
Imago Mortis Mors Triumphalis Demo Cassette 2002
Imago Mortis Sgàbula EP Digital 2014
Imago Mortis Carnicon Full-length Digital 2014
Imago Mortis Ars Obscura Full-length Digital 2014
Imago Mortis Mors triumphalis Compilation Digital 2014
Imago Mortis Una foresta dimenticata Full-length CD 2018
Imago Mortis Nera mistica Single Digital 2019
Imago Mortis Ossa Mortuorum e Monumentis Resurrectura Full-length CD 2020
Imago Mortis Ossa Mortuorum e Monumentis Resurrectura Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Imago Mortis Ossa Mortuorum e Monumentis Resurrectura Full-length Digital 2020
Imago Mortis Ostenoir Split CD 2022
Mortifera Ostenoir Split CD 2022
Impiety Skullfucking Armageddon Full-length CD 2000
Infernal Execrator Ad Infinitum Satanic Adherent Full-length CD 2023
Interfektor Symphonie des Grauens Demo Cassette 2005
Interfektor Fullmoon Antiquity Demo Cassette 2005
Inthyflesh Crawl Beneath Our Shadow Full-length CD 2020
Inthyflesh Crawl Beneath Our Shadow Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Irae Rites of Unholy Destruction Full-length Digital 2016
Isolated Hell Denied Full-length CD 2022
Isolated Hell Denied Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Khors The Flame of Eternity's Decline Full-length CD 2024
Khors За межами тваринного (Beyond the Bestial) EP CD 2024
Khors Cold Full-length CD 2024
Khors Mysticism Full-length CD 2024
Khors Return to Abandoned Full-length CD 2024
Khors Abandoned Leaves Live album CD 2024
Khors Де слово набуває вічності (Where the Word Acquires Eternity) Full-length CD 2024
Khors Мудрість століть (Wisdom of Centuries) Full-length CD 2024
Khors І ніч схиляється до наших лиць (Night Falls onto the Fronts of Ours) Full-length CD 2024
Kyy Apotheosis : The Light of All Lights Full-length CD 2023
Kyy Apotheosis : The Light of All Lights Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Le Prochain Hiver Hiver 96 Full-length CD 2021
Le Prochain Hiver Hiver 96 Full-length Digital 2021
Lepra Whom Aeons Tore Apart Full-length CD 2017
Lepra Whom Aeons Tore Apart Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Lepra Whom Aeons Tore Apart Full-length Cassette 2017
Lepra Whom Aeons Tore Apart Full-length Digital 2017
Ljosazabojstwa Staražytnaje licha Demo 12" vinyl 2018
Loits Raiugem ruunideks EP 7" vinyl 2013
Loits Ei kahetse midagi Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Loits Ei kahetse midagi Full-length CD 2009
Loits Ei kahetse midagi Full-length Digital 2014
Lucifugum Клеймо эгоизма Full-length CD 2004
Lucifugum Клеймо эгоизма Full-length Digital 2014
Lucifugum Клеймо эгоизма Full-length Digital 2006
Luvart Rites of the Ancient Cults Full-length Digital 2015
Luvart Ruler of Chaos Full-length Digital 2018
Machiavel Honor, Blood...and Victory Demo Cassette 1996
Malcuidant Et les cieux s'assombrirent​.​.​. Full-length Digital 2016
Malveliance Eternal Domination Compilation Cassette 1999
Mantak Sabahell's Blasphemer Full-length CD 2007
Mantak Sabahell's Blasphemer Full-length Digital 2014
Median Omega Insolence Full-length CD 2023
Median Omega Insolence Full-length Digital 2023
Mefitic Devouring Torment Demo Cassette 2007
Mefitic Signing the Servants of God Demo Cassette 2009
Mefitic Misled Conjunction of Evil Split 10" vinyl 2010
Necrovomit Misled Conjunction of Evil Split 10" vinyl 2010
Mefitic Columns of Subsidence EP 7" vinyl 2012
Mefitic Misled Conjunction of Evil Split Digital 2014
Necrovomit Misled Conjunction of Evil Split Digital 2014
Mefitic Columns of Subsidence EP Digital 2014
Mefitic Signing the Servants of God Demo Digital 2014
Mefitic Devouring Torment Demo Digital 2014
Miasthenia Legados do Inframundo Full-length Digital 2015
Militia Templi L'ordre de la croix de lumière EP CD 2022
Militia Templi L'ordre de la croix de lumière EP Digital 2022
Mondocane Ultima Full-length CD 2024
Moonlight Farewell to Sunlight Full-length CD 2020
Moonlight Farewell to Sunlight Full-length Digital 2020
Moonlight Skogstronen Full-length CD 2024
Moontower Infernal Revelation Full-length CD 2024
Moontower Voices of the Unholy Land Full-length CD 2024
Moontower Spirits of the Antichrist Full-length CD 2024
Moontower Spirits of the Antichrist Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Moontower Infernal Revelation Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Moontower Voices of the Unholy Land Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Morgenröthe Morgenröthe EP Digital 2020
Morkesagn Dragon's Lair Full-length CD 2021
Mornoss Solitude EP CD 2022
Morsure Naissance d'un empire EP CD 2023
Mortifera Bleüu de morte Full-length Digital 2016
Mortifera Vastiia Tenebrd Mortifera Full-length Digital 2016
Mortifera Alhena's Tears Compilation Digital 2016
Mortifera Vastiia Tenebrd Mortifera Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Mortifera V: Ecclesiae Mortii Full-length CD 2021
Mortifera V: Ecclesiae Mortii Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Mortifera V: Ecclesiae Mortii Full-length Digital 2021
Mortifera V: Ecclesiae Mortii Full-length Cassette 2021
Mortifera Bleüu de morte Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Mütiilation Vampires of Black Imperial Blood Full-length CD 1995
Mütiilation Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul Full-length CD 1999
Mütiilation Black Millenium (Grimly Reborn) Full-length CD 2001
Mütiilation Black Millenium (Grimly Reborn) Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Mütiilation Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Mütiilation Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul Full-length CD 2012
Mütiilation Vampires of Black Imperial Blood Full-length CD 2012
Mütiilation Black Millenium (Grimly Reborn) Full-length CD 2012
Mütiilation Vampires of Black Imperial Blood Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2017
Mütiilation Vampires of Black Imperial Blood Full-length Cassette 2017
Mütiilation Vampires of Black Imperial Blood Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2012
Mütiilation Vampires of Black Imperial Blood Full-length CD 2017
Mütiilation Black Millenium (Grimly Reborn) Full-length CD 2017
Myrkr Offspring of Gathered Foulness EP CD 2005
Myrkr Offspring of Gathered Foulness EP 12" vinyl 2009
Myrkr Offspring of Gathered Foulness EP Digital 2014
Nadiwrath Circle of Pest Full-length CD 2015
Nadiwrath Circle of Pest Full-length Digital 2015
Nahash Wellone Aeternitas Full-length CD 1997
Nahash Daath Full-length CD 2016
Nahash Daath Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Nahash Nocticula Hecate Demo CD 2016
Nahash Wellone Aeternitas Full-length CD 2016
Nahash Wellone Aeternitas Full-length Digital 2015
Nahash Nocticula Hecate Demo Digital 2016
Nahash Daath Full-length Digital 2016
Nahash Daath Full-length CD 2016
Nahash Daath Full-length CD 2016
Necrofagore Into the Gloom of the Buried Valley Full-length CD 2021
Necrosadistic Goat Torture Armageddon Shall Come Full-length CD 2012
Nidsang The Mark of Death Full-length CD 2007
Nidsang Streams of Darkness EP 7" vinyl 2008
Noctilucent Hollow Moon Full-length CD 2023
Noire Plume France déchue EP CD 2024
Nuclear Cthulhu Demonic Laughter Single CD 2020
Nuclear Cthulhu Demonic Laughter Single Digital 2020
Nuit Noire Once upon a Night Demo Cassette 2000
Nuit Noire Somewhere in the Nightpast Demo Cassette 2002
Nuit Noire Lutina EP 7" vinyl 2002
Nuit Noire Black Form Demo Cassette 2002
Nuit Noire Depths of Night: Collection of the Early Demo Tapes Compilation 2CD 2014
Nuit Noire Depths of Night: Collection of the Early Demo Tapes Compilation Digital 2014
Nunslaughter Hell on France EP 7" vinyl 2004
Nycteriis L'ombre d'un traumatisme noir EP CD 2018
Nycteriis L'ombre d'un traumatisme noir EP 12" vinyl 2018
Obscuro Where Obscurity Dwells Full-length CD 2008
Obscuro Where Obscurity Dwells Full-length Digital 2014
Okkultum Magnificentia Okkultum Magnificentia Full-length CD 2022
Øksehovud Makt, høyhet, herredømme Full-length CD 2023
Oldowan Gash Hubris Unchained Full-length Digital 2020
Oldowan Gash Hubris Unchained Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Oldowan Gash Hubris Unchained Full-length CD 2020
Order of the Death's Head Les temps maudits Full-length CD 2020
Order of the Death's Head Les temps maudits Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Order of the Death's Head Hakenkreuz Full-length CD 2022
Order of the Death's Head Soldat inconnu Full-length CD 2022
Order of the Death's Head Pogrom Ritual Full-length CD 2022
Order of the Death's Head Reliques EP 12" vinyl 2022
Order of the Death's Head Hakenkreuz Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Order of the Death's Head Pogrom Ritual Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Order of the Death's Head Soldat inconnu Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Order of the Death's Head Vril Blitz Ultima Full-length CD 2024
Order of the Death's Head Vril Blitz Ultima Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Ordo ad Chao Fear the Invisible Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Ordo ad Chao Fear the Invisible Full-length CD 2020
Ordo ad Chao Fear the Invisible Full-length Digital 2020
Orgasm 666 Blood Vagina Angel Full-length CD 2023
Orgasm 666 Blood Vagina Angel Full-length Vinyl 2023
Ossements Ossements Full-length CD 2021
Ossements Ossements Full-length CD 2021
Ossements Ossements Full-length CD 2022
Ossements Ossements Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Ossements Ossements Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Ossements Ossements IV Full-length CD 2023
Ossements Ossements IV Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Outlaw The Fire in My Tomb Full-length Digital 2020
Pactum Nigredo EP Digital 2020
Patria Liturgia Haeresis Full-length CD 2011
Patria Death's Empire Conqueror Single Digital 2011
Patria Hymns of Victory and Death Full-length CD 2014
Patria Liturgia Haeresis Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Patria Nihil Est Monastica Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Patria Hymns of Victory and Death Full-length Digital 2014
Patria Liturgia Haeresis Full-length Digital 2014
Patria Nihil Est Monastica Full-length Digital 2014
Perun The Wolflegion Demo Cassette 1999
Peste Noire Macabre transcendance... Demo Cassette 2002
Primigenium Intolerance Full-length CD 2002
Primigenium Intolerance Full-length CD 2007
Primigenium Intolerance Full-length 12" vinyl 2002
Primigenium Intolerance Full-length Digital 2014
Recluse Stillbirth in Bethlehem Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Saatkrähe Of Ravens and Graves... Demo Cassette 2009
Sabnack Nefandus Pactum Demo Cassette 1997
Sacrificia Mortuorum Damnatorium Ferrum Full-length Digital 2016
Sacrificia Mortuorum Railler l'hymen des siècles Full-length Digital 2016
Sacrificia Mortuorum Possède la bête Full-length CD 2018
Sacrificia Mortuorum Possède la bête Full-length Digital 2018
Sacrificia Mortuorum Possède la bête Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Sad Utter Nihil Worship Full-length CD 2016
Sad Utter Nihil Worship Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Sad Utter Nihil Worship Full-length Digital 2016
Sad Utter Nihil Worship Full-length Cassette 2018
Sathanas Cruentus Diabolos EP CD 2002
Sathanas Cruentus Diabolos EP Digital 2014
Saturnian Mist Saturnian Mist Demo Cassette 2008
Saturnian Mist Saturnian Mist Demo Digital 2014
Scorn The Midnight Funeral EP Cassette 2007
Scorn The Midnight Funeral EP Digital 2014
Seeds of Hate Persecution of Christian Filth Full-length CD 2002
Seeds of Hate Persecution of Christian Filth Full-length CD 2013
Seeds of Hate Persecution of Christian Filth Full-length Digital 2014
Seigneur Voland Black Metal Blitzkrieg Live album 12" vinyl 2022
Seigneur Voland Consumatum Est Compilation 12" vinyl 2022
Sépulcre Héritrage posthume Demo CD 2021
Sépulcre Héritrage posthume Demo Digital 2022
Sépulcre Héritrage posthume Demo 12" vinyl 2022
Seth Apocalyptic Desires Demo Cassette 1996
Seviss Et pleure le bâtard... Demo CD 2019
Seviss Et pleure le bâtard... Demo 12" vinyl 2019
Shadows of Algol Transformation of the Desert Witch EP CD 2023
Shitangel Demo XXX Demo 12" vinyl 2021
Shitangel Shithead Metal Full-length CD 2022
Shitangel Shithead Metal Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Shitangel Shithead Metal Full-length Cassette 2023
Sick Filth and Ugliness Demo Cassette 2005
Sisyphean Illusions of Eternity Full-length CD 2017
Sisyphean Illusions of Eternity Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Sisyphean Illusions of Eternity Full-length Cassette 2018
Sisyphean Illusions of Eternity Full-length Digital 2017
Skalf Vallis Decia - le voci dei dispersi EP CD 2023
Slavia Gloria in Excelsis Sathan Demo Cassette 2001
Slavia Norwegian Black Terror Assault EP 7" vinyl 2005
Slavia Styrke og visjon EP 2006
Slavia Strength and Vision Full-length CD 2007
Slavia Integrity and Victory Full-length CD 2011
Slavia Strength and Vision Full-length Cassette 2008
Slavia Strength and Vision Full-length CD 2008
Slavia Strength and Vision Full-length 12" vinyl 2008
Slavia Integrity and Victory Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Slavia Strength and Vision Full-length Digital 2014
Slavia Integrity and Victory Full-length Digital 2014
Slugathor Echoes from Beneath Full-length CD 2009
Slugathor Echoes from Beneath Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Slugathor Echoes from Beneath Full-length Digital 2014
Slugathor Unleashing the Slugathron Full-length Digital 2020
Slugathor Unleashing the Slugathron Full-length CD 2020
Slugathor Unleashing the Slugathron Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Slugathor Circle of Death Full-length Digital 2020
Slugathor Circle of Death Full-length CD 2020
Slugathor Circle of Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Slugathor Echoes from Beneath Full-length CD 2020
Slugathor Echoes from Beneath Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Slugathor Crypt of the Ancient Fire Full-length CD 2022
Slugathor Crypt of the Ancient Fire Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Solaris Montessor Full-length CD 2021
Sorts Sorts EP 7" vinyl 2011
Sorts Sorts EP Digital 2014
Speedböozer Still Ugly, Still Pissed, Still Hate You Full-length CD 2021
Spell Forest Amentia Ludibrium Tenebris Full-length CD 2016
Spell Forest Cadent in Aeternum: The Dark Spell Forest Full-length Digital 2020
Sternatis Blazebirth Hall Full-length CD 2022
Sternatis Blazebirth Hall Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Sternatis Blazebirth Hall Full-length CD 2023
Storm Legion Statement... Demo Cassette 2001
Strixskog The Hell We Have Chosen Full-length CD 2023
Sum Herald Sum Herald on Earth Full-length CD 2024
Sum Herald Sum Herald on Earth Full-length Digital 2024
Svartfell Day of the Unholy Massacre Full-length CD 2009
Svartfell The Sentence of Satan Full-length Cassette 2007
Svartfell Beyond the Realms of Death Demo Cassette 2007
Svartfell Beyond the Realms of Death Demo Digital 2014
Svartfell The Sentence of Satan Full-length Digital 2014
Svartfell Day of the Unholy Massacre Full-length Digital 2014
Svartfell Léviathan cauchemar Full-length Digital 2021
Svartfell Léviathan cauchemar Full-length CD 2021
SvartKrig Fimbulvetr Demo Cassette 2006
Sylvan Awe Pilgrimage Full-length CD 2023
Sylvan Awe Offering Full-length CD 2023
Tattva Abysmes EP CD 2023
The Last Twilight La octava copa de ira Full-length CD 2011
The Last Twilight La octava copa de ira Full-length Digital 2014
The Stone Неке ране крваре вечно Full-length CD 2024
The Stone Teatar apsurda Full-length CD 2024
The Stone Golet Full-length CD 2024
The Stone Umro Full-length CD 2024
The Stone Магла Full-length CD 2024
The Stone Закон Велеса Full-length CD 2004
The Stone Словенска крв Full-length CD 2024
The Stone Закон Велеса Full-length CD 2024
ThyLord The Earth Last Breath Demo Cassette 2001
Torgeist Time of Sabbath Demo CD 2008
Torgeist Devoted to Satan Demo 12" vinyl 2003
Torgeist Devoted to Satan Demo CD 2008
Torgeist Time of Sabbath Demo 12" vinyl 2003
Torgeist Devoted to Satan Demo Digital 2014
Torgeist Time of Sabbath Demo Digital 2014
Triangulum Victory in Death Full-length CD 2022
Tsjuder Kill for Satan Full-length CD 2000
Tsjuder Demonic Possession Full-length CD 2005
Tsjuder Kill for Satan Full-length CD 2005
Tsjuder Kill for Satan Full-length 12" vinyl 2005
Tsjuder Demonic Possession Full-length 12" vinyl 2002
Tsjuder Kill for Satan Full-length CD 2011
Tsjuder Demonic Possession Full-length CD 2002
Tsjuder Kill for Satan Full-length CD 2015
Tsjuder Demonic Possession Full-length CD 2011
Tsjuder Demonic Possession Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Tsjuder Demonic Possession Full-length Digital 2014
Tsjuder Kill for Satan Full-length Cassette 2017
Tsjuder Demonic Possession Full-length Cassette 2017
Tsjuder Kill for Satan Full-length Digital 2014
Tsjuder Demonic Possession Full-length CD 2002
Tsjuder Kill for Satan Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Umbra Noctis Asylum Full-length CD 2024
Ungoliantha The Howl in the Waste EP CD 2021
Unpure Trinity in Black Full-length CD 2001
Unpure Trinity in Black Full-length CD 2014
Unpure Trinity in Black Full-length Digital 2019
Usurpr Marauders of the Ascendant Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Usurpr Marauders of the Ascendant Full-length CD 2023
Vassafor Southern Vassaforian Hell EP 7" vinyl 2006
Vassafor Demo I Demo Cassette 2005
Vassafor Demo II Demo Cassette 2005
Vassafor Southern Vassaforian Hell EP Digital 2014
Vermeth Your Ruin... Full-length CD 2001
Vermeth Suicide or Be Killed! Full-length CD 2008
Vermeth Suicide or Be Killed! Full-length 12" vinyl 2008
Vermeth Suicide or Be Killed! Full-length Digital 2014
Vèrmyapre Kommando Crache­-la-­Mört Demo CD 2016
Vèrmyapre Kommando Vèrmyapre Kommando Demo CD 2016
Vèrmyapre Kommando Vèrmyapre Kommando Demo Digital 2016
Vèrmyapre Kommando Crache­-la-­Mört Demo Digital 2016
Vèrmyapre Kommando Crache­-la-­Mört Demo 12" vinyl 2016
Vèrmyapre Kommando Vèrmyapre Kommando Demo 12" vinyl 2016
Vèrmyapre Kommando Crache­-la-­Mört Demo Digital 2019
Vetüs Khlystii Transverberare EP CD 2020
Vetüs Khlystii Transverbération EP Digital 2020
Viha From the Mist... Demo Cassette 2007
Viha ...into Endless Obscurity Demo Cassette 2012
Vlad Tepes Black Legions Metal Split CD 1996
Torgeist Black Legions Metal Split CD 1996
Vlad Tepes Anthologie noire Compilation 2CD 2013
Vlad Tepes War Funeral March Demo CD 2013
Vlad Tepes War Funeral March Demo 12" vinyl 2013
Vlad Tepes War Funeral March Demo Cassette 2013
Vlad Tepes Celtic Poetry Demo 12" vinyl 2013
Vlad Tepes The Return of the Unweeping Demo 12" vinyl 2013
Vlad Tepes Into Frosty Madness Demo 12" vinyl 2013
Vlad Tepes Black Legions Metal Split 12" vinyl 2004
Torgeist Black Legions Metal Split 12" vinyl 2004
Vlad Tepes Dans notre chute... Demo 12" vinyl 2013
Vlad Tepes Morte lune Demo CD 2013
Vlad Tepes Morte lune Demo 12" vinyl 2013
Vlad Tepes March to the Black Holocaust Split CD 2013
Belkètre March to the Black Holocaust Split CD 2013
Vlad Tepes March to the Black Holocaust Split 2 12" vinyls 2013
Belkètre March to the Black Holocaust Split 2 12" vinyls 2013
Vlad Tepes The Return of the Unweeping Demo Cassette 2013
Vlad Tepes March to the Black Holocaust Split Cassette 2013
Belkètre March to the Black Holocaust Split Cassette 2013
Vlad Tepes Into Frosty Madness Demo CD 2014
Vlad Tepes Celtic Poetry Demo CD 2014
Vlad Tepes Winter Demo CD 2014
Vlad Tepes The Return of the Unweeping Demo Digital 2014
Vlad Tepes Morte lune Demo CD 2014
Vlad Tepes Dans notre chute... Demo CD 2014
Vlad Tepes The Drakksteim Sessions Compilation Digital 2015
Vlad Tepes The Drakksteim Sessions Compilation 2CD 2015
Vlad Tepes Celtic Poetry Demo Cassette 2013
Vlad Tepes The Return of the Unweeping - Collection Demo CD 2014
Vlad Tepes Dans notre chute... Demo Cassette 2013
Vlad Tepes Reh. Winter '93 Demo Cassette 2017
Vlad Tepes War Funeral March Demo Cassette 2017
Vlad Tepes The Return of the Unweeping - Collection Demo Cassette 2017
Vlad Tepes Celtic Poetry Demo Cassette 2017
Vlad Tepes Into Frosty Madness Demo Cassette 2017
Vlad Tepes An Ode to Our Ruin Demo Cassette 2017
Vlad Tepes Dans notre chute... Demo Cassette 2017
Vlad Tepes Morte lune Demo Cassette 2018
Vlad Tepes Into Frosty Madness Demo Digital 2014
Vlad Tepes War Funeral March Demo Digital 2014
Vlad Tepes Dans notre chute... Demo Digital 2014
Vlad Tepes Morte lune Demo Digital 2014
Vlad Tepes Black Legions Metal Demo Cassette 2017
Vlad Tepes A Catharsis for Human Illness Boxed set 12" vinyl 2018
Vlad Tepes War Funeral March Demo CD 2023
Vlad Tepes War Funeral March Demo 12" vinyl 2023
Vlad Tepes Into Frosty Madness Demo Cassette 2013
Vlad Tepes March to the Black Holocaust Split CD 2023
Belkètre March to the Black Holocaust Split CD 2023
Vlad Tepes March to the Black Holocaust Split 2 12" vinyls 2023
Belkètre March to the Black Holocaust Split 2 12" vinyls 2023
Vlad Tepes March to the Black Holocaust Split CD 2023
Belkètre March to the Black Holocaust Split CD 2023
Vlad Tepes March to the Black Holocaust Split Cassette 2023
Belkètre March to the Black Holocaust Split Cassette 2023
Vollmond Wolves in Turmoil Full-length Digital 2021
Vollmond Wolves in Turmoil Full-length CD 2021
Voqkrre Palans in Pestilens Full-length Digital 2016
Vorgfang Skammens stein Full-length CD 2023
Vrolok Soul Amputation Full-length CD 2005
Vrolok Void (The Divine Abortion) Full-length CD 2007
Vrolok Melancholia Demo Cassette 2008
Vrolok Soul Amputation Full-length Digital 2014
Vrolok Void (The Divine Abortion) Full-length Digital 2014
Vrolok Through the Gates of Eternal Dejection Demo CD 2018
Vrolok Through the Gates of Eternal Dejection Demo Digital 2018
Vulturine Qliphotic Death Worship Split Digital 2018
Ain Sof Aur Qliphotic Death Worship Split Digital 2018
Warhammer Ashes and Cinders Full-length CD 2021
Warhammer Ashes and Cinders Full-length Digital 2021
Warloghe The First Possession Full-length CD 1999
Watain Rabid Death's Curse Full-length CD 2000
Watain Casus Luciferi Full-length CD 2003
Watain Rabid Death's Curse Full-length CD 2004
Watain Casus Luciferi Full-length CD 2005
Watain Casus Luciferi Full-length CD 2003
Windhelm Au crépuscule de l'existence Full-length CD 2022
Xeper Divide et Impera Split Digital 2014
Patria Divide et Impera Split Digital 2014
Xul Regie Sathanas Demo Cassette 2008
Yamatu Ishkur Egishnugal Demo Cassette 1998
Лютомысл Ecce Homo Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Лютомысл Decadence Full-length CD 2018
Лютомысл Decadence Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Лютомысл Катарсис / Catharsis Full-length CD 2018
Лютомысл Катарсис / Catharsis Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Лютомысл De Profundis Full-length CD 2018
Лютомысл De Profundis Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Лютомысл Ecce Homo Full-length CD 2018
彷徨 Mournfulness Demo Cassette 2007