Anti-Human Productions

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Québec
Country Canada
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal
Founding Date 2002
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Anti-Human Shop


Name Country Genre Status
Atomic Goatcrime Ecuador black, death Current
Complot! Canada black, death Current
Evil Wrath Canada black Current
Messe Noire Canada black Current
Sereignos Indonesia black, death Current
Vengeance Hammer United States black, death Current
Viscous Canada death Current
Abvulabashy Singapore black Past
Blood Covenant Canada black, death Past
Cruel Fate Canada death Past
Decimation Hammer New Zealand black, death Past
Front Finland black, death, thrash Past
Goatcorpse United States black, raw Past
Gotthammer Canada black, death Past
Hacavitz Mexico death, black Past
Nocturnal Blasphemy Canada black Past
Paramilitant Türkiye black, death Past
Sephyroth Canada black Past
Wolflust Brazil black, death Past
Würm Canada black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abvulabashy Upon the Altar ov Lucifer Live album Cassette 2022
Abvulabashy Upon the Altar ov Lucifer Live album Cassette 2022
Abvulabashy Upon the Altar ov Lucifer Live album Cassette 2022
Atomic Goatcrime Atomic Goat Exterminium! EP Cassette 2023
Blood Covenant Defying Divine Will Demo Cassette 2024
Complot! Victimes innocentes (d'une furie meurtrière) Full-length CD 2022
Complot! Obéissance EP Cassette 2024
Cruel Fate Destin cruel Full-length Cassette 2023
Decimation Hammer Ironflames of Annihilation Compilation Cassette 2024
Evil Wrath Légions Anti-Humaines Compilation Cassette 2022
Front Wargods of Doom Cult Legions Live album CD 2023
Goatcorpse Goatcorpse / Gotthammer Split CD 2024
Gotthammer Goatcorpse / Gotthammer Split CD 2024
Goatcorpse Goatcorpse / Gotthammer Split Cassette 2024
Gotthammer Goatcorpse / Gotthammer Split Cassette 2024
Gotthammer Godslaying Sonic Barbarism Demo CD 2023
Hacavitz Jun K'aal Xiutin Compilation CD 2023
Hacavitz Jun K'aal Xiutin Compilation CD 2023
Messe Noire Messe des Morts "Live MMXVIII" Live album Cassette 2024
Nocturnal Blasphemy Anti-Human Live Propaganda Live album CD 2004
Paramilitant Emetic Spear of Intolerance Demo Cassette 2023
Sephyroth The Winter Holocaust EP CD 2004
Sereignos Decisivicious Annihilation EP CD 2023
Sereignos Decisivicious Annihilation EP Cassette 2023
Vengeance Hammer Preemptive Assault Demo CD 2023
Viscous Morbid Arousal EP CD 2023
Viscous Morbid Arousal Single Digital 2023
Viscous Morbid Arousal EP CD 2023
Viscous Morbid Arousal EP Digital 2023
Viscous Morbid Arousal Single 7" vinyl 2023
Wolflust Satanic Megatons EP CD 2022
Wolflust Satanic Megatons EP CD 2022
Würm Aux portes de l'agonie Full-length Cassette 2022