Into It Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Country Netherlands
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death Metal
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Abhoth Sweden death Past
Absurd Sweden death Past
Acheron United States black, death Past
Altar Sweden melodic, death Past
Anthagonist Canada death Past
Armoured Angel Australia speed, thrash, death Past
Baphomet United States death Past
Bathym United States black, death Past
Beast of Revelation Netherlands death, doom Past
Blackthorn Mexico death Past
Blood Loss United States death Past
Bodyfarm Netherlands death Past
Burial United States death Past
Burial Remains Netherlands death Past
Cartilage Finland death Past
Catacomb France death Past
Cauterizer Sweden death Past
Cemetery Earth United States death Past
Centinex Sweden death Past
Ceremony Netherlands death Past
Charred Remains Germany death Past
Corrupted Saint United States death, thrash Past
Cranium Iceland death Past
Cromlech United States death, thrash Past
Cross Fade United States death Past
Damned to Downfall Sweden death Past
Damonacy United States death Past
Dawn Germany death Past
Dead Head Netherlands death, thrash Past
Deadspeak Netherlands death, thrash Past
Deathswarm Sweden death Past
Decaying Finland death Past
Delirium Netherlands death, doom Past
Delusion United States death Past
Demigod Finland death Past
Demise United States death, thrash Past
Denial Germany death Past
Desolate United States death Past
Desparity Netherlands death, doom Past
Deteriorot United States death Past
Disembodied United States death Past
Eldritch Horror United States death Past
Electrocution Italy death, nu-metal, technical Past
Eternal United States death, thrash Past
Exanthema Sweden death Past
Excretion Sweden death, melodic Past
Excruciate Sweden death Past
Exterminated Sweden death Past
Gehenna United States death Past
Graceless Netherlands death, doom Past
Grand Supreme Blood Court Netherlands death, doom Past
Gravestone Sweden death Past
Hail of Bullets Netherlands death Past
Headless Dawn Netherlands death, grind, hardcore Past
Incarnis United States death Past
Infected Virulence Germany death Past
Infestation United States death Past
Interment Sweden death Past
Judgement Day Netherlands death, melodic, thrash Past
Just Before Dawn Sweden death Past
Killing Addiction United States death Past
Kurnugia United States death Past
Latshaw United States death, thrash, groove, progressive Past
Lubricant Finland death Past
Malevolent Creation United States death Past
Malignant Netherlands black, death Past
Masacre Colombia death Past
Mastication Sweden death Past
Mi'gauss United States death Past
Mordancy Netherlands death, progressive, thrash Past
Morpheus United States death Past
Mouflon Netherlands death, doom Past
Nokturnel United States death, thrash Past
Officium Triste Netherlands atmospheric, death, doom Past
Pathalog Sweden death Past
Permanent Disfigurement United States brutal, death, slam Past
Purtenance Finland death Past
Putrid Finland death Past
Putrid Mass United States death Past
Rottrevore United States death Past
Sacretomia Sweden death Past
Sadism Chile death Past
Sapremia United States death Past
Sarcasm Sweden black, melodic, death Past
Sathanas United States black, death Past
Skeletal Earth United States death, thrash Past
Sorcery Sweden death Past
Suffer United States death Past
Toxaemia Sweden death Past
Toxodeth Mexico black, death Past
Unconsecrated Spain death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abhoth Forever to Be Vanished There In Demo Cassette 2023
Absurd Storm of Malevolence Demo Cassette 2022
Acheron Rites of the Black Mass Demo Cassette 2024
Altar Ex Oblivione EP Cassette 2022
Anthagonist Perpetual Beginning Demo Cassette 2022
Armoured Angel Stigmartyr EP Cassette 2023
Baphomet Death in the Beginning Full-length Cassette 2023
Bathym Into Darkness Demo Cassette 2023
Beast of Revelation The Ancient Ritual of Death Full-length Cassette 2023
Blackthorn Dawn of Immortality Demo Cassette 2023
Blood Loss The Order of Malevolence Demo Cassette 2023
Bodyfarm Dreadlord Full-length Cassette 2021
Burial Presumed Dead: Compilation of Justifiable Traumas Compilation Cassette 2020
Burial Remains Spawn of Chaos Full-length Cassette 2020
Burial Remains Trinity of Deception Full-length Cassette 2023
Cartilage In Godly Flesh Demo Cassette 2021
Catacomb The Lurker at the Threshold Demo Cassette 2024
Cauterizer Then the Snow Fell... Demo Cassette 2022
Cemetery Earth Here Rest Remains from Centuries of Demise Demo Cassette 2021
Centinex End of Life Demo Cassette 2021
Ceremony Inclemency EP Cassette 2020
Charred Remains Vulgar Surgery Demo Cassette 2023
Corrupted Saint Mutilated Before the Masses EP Cassette 2020
Corrupted Saint Morgue of the Undead Split Cassette 2022
Permanent Disfigurement Morgue of the Undead Split Cassette 2022
Cranium Abduction Demo Cassette 2023
Cromlech Graven Image Demo Cassette 2022
Cross Fade Ruined Demo Cassette 2021
Damned to Downfall Born to Breed EP Cassette 2020
Damned to Downfall Embrace Your Extinction Full-length Cassette 2021
Damonacy From Within Demo Cassette 2021
Dawn The Darkness Within Demo Cassette 2022
Dead Head Shadow Soul EP Cassette 2024
Deadspeak Dissolve the Dreams EP Cassette 2021
Deadspeak Plagues of Sulfur Bound Full-length Cassette 2024
Deathswarm Shadowlands of Darkness Full-length Cassette 2021
Deathswarm Forward into Oblivion Full-length Cassette 2022
Decaying Beyond a Distant Front EP Cassette 2021
Delirium Zzooouhh Full-length Cassette 2023
Delirium Amputation Demo Cassette 2023
Delusion Autumn Dawn Demo Cassette 2021
Demigod Unholy Domain Demo Cassette 2020
Demigod Unholy Domain Demo Cassette 2020
Demigod Promo 1992 Demo Cassette 2021
Demise Inevitable Exit Demo Cassette 2022
Denial Shreds of Flesh Demo Cassette 2024
Desolate Deface and Obliterate Demo Cassette 2023
Desparity The Incessant Full-length Cassette 2024
Deteriorot Demo '92 Demo Cassette 2021
Deteriorot Ceremonies of Blasphemy EP Cassette 2021
Deteriorot In Ancient Beliefs Full-length Cassette 2022
Deteriorot Echoes from the Past Compilation Cassette 2023
Deteriorot Manifested Apparitions of Unholy Spirits - 30th Anniversary EP Cassette 2024
Disembodied Merciless Carnage (Demo 91) Demo Cassette 2020
Eldritch Horror At the Altar of Death EP Cassette 2022
Eldritch Horror Dwelling Beneath Demo Cassette 2022
Electrocution Remains Demo Cassette 2022
Eternal Faceless Evil EP Cassette 2023
Eternal Cryptic Lust Full-length Cassette 2024
Exanthema The Dead Shall Rise Demo Cassette 2023
Excretion The Dream of Blood Demo Cassette 2022
Excruciate Hymns of Mortality Demo Cassette 2022
Excruciate Passage of Life Full-length Cassette 2024
Exterminated Systematic Demise EP Cassette 2023
Gehenna The Horror of Gore Compilation Cassette 2022
Graceless Chants from Purgatory Full-length Cassette 2022
Grand Supreme Blood Court Bow Down Before the Blood Court Full-length Cassette 2024
Gravestone Hollow Be Thy Grave Full-length Cassette 2023
Hail of Bullets Warsaw Rising EP Cassette 2023
Headless Dawn Crap on Demand Full-length Cassette 2022
Headless Dawn Crap on Demand Full-length Cassette 2022
Headless Dawn Freakshow Ballet EP Cassette 2024
Incarnis Castigation / Forlorn The Graven Veils Compilation Cassette 2021
Infected Virulence Music of Melkor Full-length Cassette 2024
Infestation The Antecedent Compilation Cassette 2021
Interment Where Death Will Increase Demo Cassette 2024
Judgement Day Pathology of Crowding Demo Cassette 2023
Just Before Dawn They Shall Not Grow Old Single Cassette 2020
Just Before Dawn Who Knows What the Dark Brings EP Cassette 2020
Just Before Dawn An Army at Dawn Full-length Cassette 2020
Just Before Dawn In the Realm of Ash and Sorrow EP Cassette 2022
Just Before Dawn Battle-Sight Zeroing EP Cassette 2022
Just Before Dawn A War Too Far Full-length Cassette 2023
Killing Addiction Legacies of Terror Demo Cassette 2024
Kurnugia Condemned to Obscurity EP Cassette 2021
Latshaw Pain Immaculate Demo Cassette 2021
Lubricant Swallow the Symmetric Swab Demo Cassette 2021
Malevolent Creation The Florida Demos Boxed set Cassette 2023
Malignant Day of the Lord Demo Cassette 2021
Masacre Colombia... imperio del terror Demo Cassette 2023
Masacre Cáncer de nuestros días Demo Cassette 2023
Mastication Mastication Demo Cassette 2023
Mastication Demo #2 Demo Cassette 2023
Mi'gauss Open Season Full-length Cassette 2021
Mordancy Mortals Slow Decline Demo Cassette 2021
Morpheus Accelerated Decrepitude Demo Cassette 2022
Mouflon Pure Filth Full-length Cassette 2022
Nokturnel Welcome to New Jersey Demo Cassette 2021
Officium Triste Promo 2000 Demo Cassette 2022
Pathalog Demo 1# Demo Cassette 2024
Purtenance Demo 1 '91 Demo Cassette 2023
Putrid Exhumation Demo Cassette 2021
Putrid God Forsaken EP Cassette 2021
Putrid Mass Crushing the Masses Demo Cassette 2023
Rottrevore Fornication in Delirium EP Cassette 2020
Sacretomia Altar of Sin Demo Cassette 2024
Sadism Obscurans Full-length Cassette 2023
Sapremia Subconscious Rot Demo Cassette 2022
Sarcasm Esoteric Tales of the Unserene Full-length Cassette 2022
Sarcasm Stellar Stream Obscured Full-length Cassette 2022
Sarcasm Mourninghoul Full-length Cassette 2024
Sathanas Ripping Evil Demo Cassette 2023
Skeletal Earth A Taste of Bile (Live) Demo Cassette 2022
Sorcery Maculated Demo Cassette 2022
Suffer Flesh Feast Demo Cassette 2022
Toxaemia Beyond the Realm EP Cassette 2022
Toxodeth Phantasms Demo Cassette 2023
Unconsecrated Reveal of the Dead Full-length Cassette 2022