Hammer of Damnation

JSON | Metal Archives


Address P.O. Box 20, São Caetano do Sul - São Paulo, 09510-970
Country Brazil
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, NSBM
Founding Date 1995
Sublabels Black Metal Store

Online Presence

Myspace https://myspace.com/hammerofdamnation
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hammerofdamnation/
SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/hammerofdamnation
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/Hammerkrieg
Twitter https://twitter.com/hodrex


Name Country Genre Status
Antichrist Hooligans Brazil punk, thrash Current
Asaradel Brazil black, doom, gothic, rock Current
Barbarous Pomerania Poland black, pagan Current
Black War Brazil black Current
Dethroned Christ Brazil black Current
Detonator666 Czechia black Current
Furor Volturno Brazil black, rock-against-communism Current
Goat Prayers Brazil black, melodic Current
Goatrench Brazil black Current
Hammergoat Brazil black, death Current
Havoc Brazil black Current
Hoafst Iceland black, raw Current
Inexistência Brazil black Current
Kanvass Brazil black Current
Kurgaall Italy black Current
Lost Graveyard Brazil black Current
Lykaionas Greece black Current
Naer Mataron Greece black, death Current
Natimorto Brazil black Current
Nergal Greece black Current
Nudimmud Brazil black Current
Nyja Poland folk, pagan Current
Old Scythia Ukraine black, pagan Current
Praznina Serbia black Current
Promethean Gate Brazil black Current
Ritualmurder Brazil black, doom Current
Sculpture Brazil black, progressive Current
Seacularia Ecuador black Current
Tezcatlipoca Mexico black, folk Current
Thallium Brazil black Current
The Elysian Fields Greece black, death, melodic Current
Torches of Nero Brazil black Current
Triumph Brazil black Current
Unfathomable Brazil black, death Current
Unholy Archangel Greece black, death Current
Veilgath Sweden black Current
Vetus Kran Brazil atmospheric, black Current
Walsung Brazil black, pagan Current
Windspirit Brazil atmospheric, black Current
Wisdom Paraguay black Current
Wolflust Brazil black, death Current
Яр Belarus folk, pagan Current
88 Bulgaria black Past
Abigail Japan black, thrash Past
Absurd Germany black, pagan, rock-against-communism Past
Absurd Germany black, rock-against-communism Past
Ad Baculum Brazil black Past
Agnideva Brazil black Past
Angel of Light Brazil black Past
Arthanus Brazil death, melodic Past
Batushka Poland black Past
Behemoth Brazil black, death Past
Besatt Poland black Past
Bilskirnir Germany black, pagan Past
Blackdeath Russia black Past
Blutfahne Ukraine black Past
Brahdr'uhz Switzerland black, raw Past
Carpatus Brazil black Past
Catacomb Voices Brazil black Past
Cauterization Brazil black, death Past
Chur Ukraine folk Past
Craft Sweden black Past
Crown of Fallen Heroes Brazil epic, pagan Past
Crucificator Brazil black, death Past
Cruor Cultum Brazil black, raw Past
Cursed Christ Brazil black Past
Dakhma Switzerland black, death Past
Dark Fury Poland black Past
Diabolical Messiah Chile death Past
Diagor Ukraine black Past
Dødsfall Norway black Past
Dreadful Relic International black Past
Drohtnung Australia black, depressive, noise Past
Drowning Negativism Brazil black, depressive Past
Drowning the Light Australia black Past
Enshadowed Greece black Past
Entsetzlich Australia ambient, black Past
Eternal Sacrifice Brazil black, epic Past
Evil Brazil black Past
Evilfeast Poland atmospheric, black Past
Fantôme Oublié Brazil black Past
Flames of Sacrifice China black, raw Past
Flesh Hunter and the Analassaulters Chile black, thrash Past
Funeral Nation United States death, thrash Past
Goatpenis Brazil black, death Past
Graveland Poland black, pagan, viking Past
Great Vast Forest Brazil black Past
Grima Morstua Argentina black Past
Hate Forest Ukraine ambient, black Past
Hunok Hungary ambient, black, dark, pagan Past
Ieschure Ukraine black Past
Immortal Norway black Past
Impaled Nazarene Finland black Past
Impurity Brazil black Past
Infinity Netherlands black Past
Invoker Brazil black Past
Kawir Greece black, pagan Past
Kristallnacht France black Past
Land of Fog Brazil black, epic, pagan Past
Lascowiec United States black Past
Loits Estonia black Past
Lord Wind Poland darkwave, folk, medieval Past
Lullaby Brazil black, doom Past
Luvart Brazil black Past
Maléfice France atmospheric, black, epic Past
Maniac Butcher Czechia black Past
Marblebog Hungary ambient, black Past
Martelo Perpetuo Brazil black, doom, raw Past
Mayhemic Truth Germany black Past
Melan Selas Greece black Past
Merciless Crucifixion Greece black, raw Past
Misanthropic Triumph Brazil black Past
Moloch Ukraine ambient, black Past
Moonblood Germany black, epic Past
Moontower Poland black Past
Morbid Fog Greece black Past
Morrigan Germany black Past
Nargaroth Germany black Past
Necromantia Greece black Past
Northdark Russia black Past
Ocultan Brazil death, black Past
Ohtar Poland black Past
Osculum Obscenum Brazil black, grind, hardcore Past
Pactum Brazil black Past
Pagan Hellfire Canada black Past
Pantheon United States black Past
Perunwit Poland ambient, folk, pagan Past
Perversor Chile black, death, thrash Past
Poprava Czechia black Past
Posthumous Brazil black Past
Profanatica United States black, death Past
Profane Creation Brazil black Past
Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle Brazil death, thrash, rock-against-communism, black Past
Sabaoth Paraguay black, gothic Past
Sadistik Goathammer Chile black, death Past
Satanaquia Brazil black Past
Satanic Warmaster Finland black Past
Seigneur Voland France black Past
Sex Messiah Japan black, crossover, thrash Past
Sigh Japan avant-garde, black Past
Snoutcrom Chile black Past
Songe d'Enfer Brazil black Past
Sovereign Brazil black Past
Stormvold Spain black, death Past
Stürm Kommand Bulgaria black, raw Past
Stutthof Greece black Past
Taran Poland black Past
Teth Hungary ambient, black Past
The Black Sorcery Canada black, death Past
Throneum Poland black, death Past
Thunder Brazil black Past
Thunderbolt Poland black Past
Totemtabu Brazil black, death Past
Tundra Italy black Past
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Chile death Past
Unholy Massacre Brazil death, thrash Past
Unleashed Sweden death Past
Uriburu Argentina black Past
Varathron Greece black Past
Veles Poland black Past
Venedae Poland black, melodic Past
Vénen Hungary black, doom Past
Vérzivatar Hungary black Past
VII Batallón de la Muerte Argentina black, rock-against-communism Past
Vorkuta Hungary black Past
Vothana United States black Past
Vspolokh Russia black Past
Wargoatcult Spain black Past
Werewolf Bloodorder Brazil black Past
Wolfestandarte Brazil black Past
Woods of Desolation Australia black, post-metal Past
Yoth Iria Greece black Past
Zmora Poland black Past
Αχέροντας Greece black Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abigail Sweet Baby Metal Slut Full-length Cassette 2012
Abigail Speed Metal Motherfuckerz Split Cassette 2008
Vorkuta Speed Metal Motherfuckerz Split Cassette 2008
Abigail Intercourse & Lust Full-length Cassette 2012
Abigail Ultimate Unholy Death Full-length Cassette 2012
Absurd Facta Loquuntur Full-length CD 2010
Absurd Grimmige Volksmusik EP Cassette 2006
Absurd Der fünfzehnjährige Krieg Full-length CD 2016
Absurd Wolfskrieger / Galdur Vikodlaks Split Cassette 2018
Pantheon Wolfskrieger / Galdur Vikodlaks Split Cassette 2018
Absurd Thuringian Pagan Madness EP 7" vinyl 2018
Absurd Thuringian Pagan Madness EP 7" vinyl 2020
Absurd Schwarze Bande Full-length CD 2022
Absurd Der ewige Krieg Boxed set CD 2022
Absurd Das Heer aus dem Dunkel EP CD 2024
Ad Baculum Opening the Abyss Full-length CD 2016
Ad Baculum Opening the Abyss Full-length Digital 2016
Agnideva Kaliseva Full-length Digital 2017
Agnideva Kaliseva Full-length CD 2017
Antichrist Hooligans Satanik Nuklear Disorder Demo Cassette 2012
Antichrist Hooligans We Will Piss on Your Grave Full-length CD 2013
Antichrist Hooligans Nuklearwitch Compilation Digital 2017
Antichrist Hooligans Nuklearwitch Compilation CD 2017
Antichrist Hooligans Nuklearwitch Compilation 7" vinyl 2017
Antichrist Hooligans Nuklearwitch EP 7" vinyl 2017
Arthanus King of Azuris Full-length CD 2017
Asaradel ...of Satanas / Avernus / Perpetuating the Law Compilation CD 2011
Asaradel A Dance of Pure Triumph Compilation CD 2019
Asaradel Fallen Angel EP 7" vinyl 2020
Barbarous Pomerania Knights of the Most Serene Full-length Digital 2017
Barbarous Pomerania Knights of the Most Serene Full-length CD 2017
Barbarous Pomerania Popioły Retry i Arkony Split CD 2017
Nyja Popioły Retry i Arkony Split CD 2017
Barbarous Pomerania Popioły Retry i Arkony Split Digital 2017
Nyja Popioły Retry i Arkony Split Digital 2017
Batushka Литоургиiа Full-length CD 2018
Behemoth Malignant Temple of Goat (1992-1993) Compilation CD 2014
Behemoth Malignant Temple of Goat (1992-1993) Compilation CD 2014
Behemoth Malignant Temple of Goat (1992-1993) Compilation 12" vinyl 2023
Besatt Hail Lucifer Full-length Cassette 2006
Besatt In Nomine Satanas Full-length Cassette 2007
Besatt Hellstorm Full-length Cassette 2007
Besatt Black Mass Full-length Cassette 2006
Bilskirnir Allied by Heathen Blood Split Cassette 2007
Hunok Allied by Heathen Blood Split Cassette 2007
Bilskirnir Wotansvolk Full-length CD 2010
Bilskirnir Anthems to the Temple of Fullmoon Split 7" vinyl 2020
Walsung Anthems to the Temple of Fullmoon Split 7" vinyl 2020
Bilskirnir Der Wolkenwanderer EP Cassette 2019
Bilskirnir Totenheer / Dem Feind entgegen Compilation CD 2020
Black War Winter Sorrow Full-length CD 2009
Black War Winter Sorrow Full-length Cassette 2009
Blackdeath Chronicles of Hellish Circles Compilation CD 2009
Blackdeath Chronicles of Hellish Circles Compilation CD 2022
Blutfahne Transcendental Creation Split CD 2018
Walsung Transcendental Creation Split CD 2018
Brahdr'uhz Sublimez Secte Full-length CD 2018
Carpatus Malus Ascendant Full-length CD 2019
Cauterization Id Katharsis Full-length CD 2017
Chur Брате вітре Full-length Cassette 2007
Craft White Noise and Black Metal Full-length CD 2019
Craft Total Soul Rape Full-length CD 2019
Craft Terror Propaganda (Second Black Metal Attack) Full-length CD 2019
Craft Fuck the Universe Full-length CD 2019
Craft Void Full-length CD 2019
Crown of Fallen Heroes From Ruins of the Ancient Dark Ages Full-length CD 2020
Crucificator Sunrise in the Suicide Front Full-length Digital 2016
Crucificator Sunrise in the Suicide Front Full-length CD 2016
Cruor Cultum Est Vexator EP CD 2020
Cursed Christ Via Negativa Full-length CD 2010
Dark Fury We Know How to Hate Split CD 2012
Pagan Hellfire We Know How to Hate Split CD 2012
Evil We Know How to Hate Split CD 2012
Dark Fury We Know How to Hate Split CD 2012
Pagan Hellfire We Know How to Hate Split CD 2012
Evil We Know How to Hate Split CD 2012
Dethroned Christ The Past Rituals Compilation Cassette 2007
Dethroned Christ Roots of Ancient Evil Full-length CD 2010
Dethroned Christ Roots of Ancient Evil Full-length Cassette 2010
Dethroned Christ Only Death Shall Remain the World Full-length CD 2014
Diabolical Messiah Demonic Weapons Against the Sacred Full-length CD 2018
Diagor The Ruining World Full-length CD 2021
Dødsfall Helvetets griftegård Compilation CD 2016
Dreadful Relic Archaic Conjurations Demo CD 2023
Dreadful Relic Warlords of Cosmic Sovereign EP CD 2023
Dreadful Relic Hyborian Sorcery Full-length CD 2023
Drohtnung Suicide Session Demo Cassette 2013
Drohtnung Drohtnung Full-length Cassette 2012
Drowning Negativism Lost in a Cold and Dark Dimension EP CD 2011
Drowning the Light The Blood of the Ancients Full-length Cassette 2009
Drowning the Light To the End of Time Full-length Cassette 2008
Drowning the Light Through the Noose of Existence Full-length Cassette 2008
Drowning the Light Of Celtic Blood & Satanic Pride Full-length Cassette 2008
Drowning the Light Of Celtic Blood & Satanic Pride Full-length CD 2011
Enshadowed Magic Chaos Psychedelia Full-length Cassette 2013
Entsetzlich Warfare on the Southern Front Split CD 2013
Furor Volturno Warfare on the Southern Front Split CD 2013
Eternal Sacrifice Ad Tertivm Librvm Nigrvm Full-length CD 2018
Eternal Sacrifice Demongorgon - A History of Rites, Skulls, Serpents and Fire Full-length CD + DVD 2020
Evil ...of Winter Woods Split Cassette 2008
Thallium ...of Winter Woods Split Cassette 2008
Evil Raw Coldness Compilation Cassette 2008
Evil A Reflection of the Past / Where the Sun Was Never Born Split Cassette 2009
Drowning the Light A Reflection of the Past / Where the Sun Was Never Born Split Cassette 2009
Evil Unholy Trinity Split Cassette 2010
Dethroned Christ Unholy Trinity Split Cassette 2010
Hammergoat Unholy Trinity Split Cassette 2010
Evil Pure Black Evil Compilation CD 2011
Evil Twilight and Mourning / Where the Sun Was Never Born Compilation CD 2013
Evil ...to the Fallen and Free EP CD 2013
Evil A Reflection of the Past / Where the Sun Was Never Born Split CD 2009
Drowning the Light A Reflection of the Past / Where the Sun Was Never Born Split CD 2009
Evil Source of Primitive Wisdom Single Cassette 2013
Evil Hammerstorm Full-length Cassette 2009
Evil Ashes of Old Full-length CD 2015
Evil Arktogäa EP Cassette 2006
Evil Ashes of Old Full-length CD 2015
Evil Twilight and Mourning / Where the Sun Was Never Born Compilation CD + cassette 2013
Evil Morbid Spectres of Ravenous Holocaust Demo Cassette 2016
Evil Pagan Fury 1994-1996 Compilation 12" vinyl 2015
Evil ...of Winter Woods Split Cassette 2017
Thallium ...of Winter Woods Split Cassette 2017
Evil De Volta aos Crimes Primitivos / Trờ lại tội phạm nguyên thùy Split 12" vinyl 2019
Vothana De Volta aos Crimes Primitivos / Trờ lại tội phạm nguyên thùy Split 12" vinyl 2019
Evil The Call from the Endless Grave Compilation Cassette 2018
Evil Mors Triumphalis - Fidelissima in Bellum (1994-2019) Boxed set CD 2020
Evil Werewolves of the Black Holocaust Split 7" vinyl 2020
Walsung Werewolves of the Black Holocaust Split 7" vinyl 2020
Evil Evil Storming Onwards Steelfest and Asgardsrei Live album CD + 2DVD 2022
Evilfeast Isenheimen / Abyss Calls... Split Cassette 2008
Marblebog Isenheimen / Abyss Calls... Split Cassette 2008
Evilfeast Isenheimen / Abyss Calls... Split Cassette 2018
Marblebog Isenheimen / Abyss Calls... Split Cassette 2018
Fantôme Oublié Chansons aux morts, malédictions aux vivants... Compilation Cassette 2023
Flames of Sacrifice 抹​殺​の​変​種​を​解​放 (Unleash the Freaks of Extermination) Split CD 2023
Flesh Hunter and the Analassaulters The Plague Full-length CD 2018
Funeral Nation After the Battle Full-length CD 2020
Funeral Nation Reign of Death + The Abomination Tapes 1987 Compilation CD 2021
Furor Volturno Demo I Demo Cassette 2012
Furor Volturno Demo II Demo Cassette 2012
Furor Volturno Furor Volturno / Poprava Split Cassette 2013
Poprava Furor Volturno / Poprava Split Cassette 2013
Goat Prayers Bringdown the Celestial Lair Single Digital 2019
Goat Prayers Awake in the Mystic Landscape Full-length CD 2022
Goatpenis htaeD no tabbaS Compilation CD 2015
Goatrench Revisitando a História, Enaltecendo suas Glórias Demo Cassette 2012
Graveland Thousand Swords Full-length Cassette 2012
Graveland Dawn of Iron Blades Full-length Digital 2018
Graveland Dawn of Iron Blades Full-length CD 2018
Graveland Dawn of Iron Blades Full-length CD 2018
Graveland Dawn of Iron Blades Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Graveland Sharpening the Thousand Swords Demo CD 2021
Graveland Dawn of Iron Blades Full-length Cassette 2022
Graveland Necromanteion Demo Cassette 2023
Great Vast Forest Blood of Wolves EP Cassette 2006
Grima Morstua Magnam Mortem Transcendere Full-length CD 2010
Grima Morstua Finis Coronat Opus Full-length CD 2014
Hammergoat Regeneration Through Depopulation... Full-length CD 2010
Hammergoat Regeneration Through Depopulation... Full-length Cassette 2010
Hammergoat Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever EP Digital 2017
Hammergoat Decrepit Utterances of Unseen Horrors Split Cassette 2018
Dakhma Decrepit Utterances of Unseen Horrors Split Cassette 2018
Hate Forest Temple Forest Demo Cassette 2007
Hate Forest The Curse Demo Cassette 2007
Hate Forest The Gates Demo Cassette 2012
Havoc Icon of Destruction - Atrocity Divine Full-length Cassette 2007
Havoc Destroy the Planet Full-length CD 2012
Hoafst Harbistaz Demo Cassette 2018
Ieschure The Shadow Full-length CD 2020
Ieschure Witch's Consecration Split CD 2021
Promethean Gate Witch's Consecration Split CD 2021
Immortal Battles in the North Full-length CD 2019
Immortal Pure Holocaust Full-length CD 2019
Impaled Nazarene Suomi Finland Perkele Full-length CD 2019
Impaled Nazarene Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz... Full-length CD 2019
Impaled Nazarene Ugra-Karma Full-length CD 2019
Impurity Vominting Blasphemies Over the World Split CD 2017
Sex Messiah Vominting Blasphemies Over the World Split CD 2017
Inexistência The Tyranny of the Spectral Aristocracy Compilation CD 2021
Inexistência Extinct... (The Coming of a Cursed Age) Full-length CD 2024
Infinity Hybris Full-length CD 2019
Invoker The Dark Acts (1988 - 1991) Compilation CD 2019
Invoker The Dark Acts (1988 - 1991) Compilation 12" vinyl 2019
Kanvass Generation of Deserters Full-length CD 2023
Kawir Αμύητον μη εισιέναι Boxed set CD 2016
Kristallnacht MCMXCVII A.Y.P.S. Compilation Cassette 2023
Kristallnacht In Praise of War 2000-2002 Compilation Cassette 2024
Kurgaall Satanization Full-length Digital 2018
Kurgaall Satanization Full-length CD 2018
Kurgaall Ordo Sancti Daemoni Full-length CD 2023
Land of Fog Morbid Enigmas Full-length Cassette 2020
Loits Tulisilma Sünd EP CD 2017
Loits Tulisilma Sünd EP Digital 2017
Loits Must album Full-length CD 2021
Lord Wind Forgotten Songs Full-length CD 2023
Lost Graveyard Funeral Holocaust Full-length CD 2014
Lullaby Enchantress Full-length CD 2012
Luvart Necromantical Invocation Full-length CD 2012
Luvart Necromantical Invocation Full-length Digital 2019
Lykaionas The Diabolical Manifesto Full-length Vinyl 2018
Lykaionas The Diabolical Manifesto Full-length CD 2018
Lykaionas The Diabolical Manifesto Full-length CD 2018
Maléfice Hexenkartothek EP CD 2020
Maléfice Hexenkartothek EP 12" vinyl 2021
Maléfice Rencontre avec la bête Full-length CD 2021
Maniac Butcher Barbarians Full-length Cassette 2012
Maniac Butcher Lučan-antikrist Full-length Cassette 2012
Maniac Butcher Krvestřeb Full-length Cassette 2012
Maniac Butcher Černá krev Full-length CD 2019
Marblebog Deep Horizons of Eternity Split Cassette 2007
Vérzivatar Deep Horizons of Eternity Split Cassette 2007
Lascowiec Deep Horizons of Eternity Split Cassette 2007
Marblebog Forestheart Full-length Cassette 2007
Marblebog Wanderings Split Cassette 2008
Vorkuta Wanderings Split Cassette 2008
Martelo Perpetuo O Túmulo Frio do Esquecimento Demo Digital 2019
Martelo Perpetuo O Túmulo Frio do Esquecimento Demo Cassette 2019
Melan Selas Φάος Full-length CD 2019
Melan Selas Φάος Full-length CD 2019
Merciless Crucifixion ΑIPEΣIΣ Demo CD 2019
Misanthropic Triumph Triumphant Misanthropy Demo Cassette 2012
Moloch Spectral Shades of the Spiritual Negativism Compilation 2 cassettes 2013
Moonblood Fuck Peace! We're at War! Split Cassette 2019
Evil Fuck Peace! We're at War! Split Cassette 2019
Moontower Praise the Apocalypse Full-length Cassette 2012
Moontower Devil's Incarnation Split Cassette 2005
Taran Devil's Incarnation Split Cassette 2005
Moontower Antichrist Supremacy Domain Full-length Cassette 2005
Moontower The Wolf's Hunger EP Cassette None
Moontower Black Metal Terror Compilation Cassette 2004
Morbid Fog Αγγελων αποκαληθωσις Full-length Cassette 2012
Morrigan A Ascensão do Fogo e do Aço Split CD 2024
Mayhemic Truth A Ascensão do Fogo e do Aço Split CD 2024
Naer Mataron River at Dash Scalding Full-length CD 2016
Naer Mataron Discipline Manifesto Full-length CD 2016
Naer Mataron The Fires of Eisheth Zenunim EP Digital 2019
Naer Mataron The Fires of Eisheth Zenunim EP CD 2019
Nargaroth Orke / Fuck Off Nowadays Black Metal Compilation 2CD 2020
Nargaroth Geliebte des Regens Full-length CD 2021
Nargaroth Fuck Off Nowadays Black Metal Demo 12" vinyl 2021
Nargaroth Black Metal ist Krieg (A Dedication Monument) Full-length CD 2020
Nargaroth Era of Threnody Full-length CD 2020
Nargaroth Semper Fidelis Full-length CD 2021
Nargaroth Jahreszeiten Full-length CD 2020
Nargaroth Rasluka Compilation CD 2021
Necromantia Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins Split CD 2020
Varathron Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins Split CD 2020
Nergal Νύκτα γεμάτη θάματα - νύκτα σπαρμένη μάγια Full-length CD 2017
Nergal Νύκτα γεμάτη θάματα - νύκτα σπαρμένη μάγια Full-length Digital 2017
Nergal Νύκτα γεμάτη θάματα - νύκτα σπαρμένη μάγια Full-length Cassette 2017
Nergal Νύκτα γεμάτη θάματα - νύκτα σπαρμένη μάγια Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Northdark Toward the Emptiness Full-length Cassette 2008
Nudimmud O Ventre do Infortúnio / Anointed in Angel Blood Split CD 2012
Natimorto O Ventre do Infortúnio / Anointed in Angel Blood Split CD 2012
Ocultan Rites of the Sitra Ahra Live album CD 2023
Ohtar Shall I Drink the Fulfilment... / We Are the Only Gods Split Cassette 2007
Dark Fury Shall I Drink the Fulfilment... / We Are the Only Gods Split Cassette 2007
Old Scythia Слепая война (Blind War) Full-length CD 2018
Old Scythia Срывая оковы... Full-length CD 2018
Osculum Obscenum Body Hurting Art Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Pactum Summa Imperii Satanae 666 Full-length CD 2014
Pagan Hellfire A Voice from Centuries Away Full-length CD 2022
Pantheon Vargrstrike Full-length Cassette 2009
Perunwit Perkunu Yra Dang Compilation CD 2016
Perunwit Perkunu Yra Dang Compilation Digital 2016
Perversor The Shadow of Abomination EP Cassette 2011
Posthumous The Frightening Cold Tomb - Compendium Mortis Compilation 2CD 2020
Posthumous Unholy Ceremony Full-length CD 2021
Praznina Podsvesno mrtav / Nedostižni zenit Compilation CD 2023
Praznina Čovek koji nije Full-length CD 2023
Profanatica Rotting Incarnation of God Full-length CD 2019
Profane Creation Prelude to the Dark Side (1991 - 1995) Compilation CD 2013
Profane Creation Portal do Inferno Full-length CD 2016
Profane Creation Supremacy / Nema Compilation CD 2014
Profane Creation Supremacy / Nema Compilation CD 2014
Promethean Gate Plague Wielder Demo Cassette 2020
Promethean Gate Sorceries of Blood and Iron Split Cassette 2023
Inexistência Sorceries of Blood and Iron Split Cassette 2023
Werewolf Bloodorder Sorceries of Blood and Iron Split Cassette 2023
Windspirit Sorceries of Blood and Iron Split Cassette 2023
Promethean Gate Shahar Compilation CD 2023
Promethean Gate Sorceries of Blood and Iron Split CD 2024
Inexistência Sorceries of Blood and Iron Split CD 2024
Werewolf Bloodorder Sorceries of Blood and Iron Split CD 2024
Windspirit Sorceries of Blood and Iron Split CD 2024
Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle BulgAryan-Southern Radikal War Propaganda Split Cassette 2008
Stürm Kommand BulgAryan-Southern Radikal War Propaganda Split Cassette 2008
88 BulgAryan-Southern Radikal War Propaganda Split Cassette 2008
Uriburu BulgAryan-Southern Radikal War Propaganda Split Cassette 2008
Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle Breath of Deadly Silence Split CD 2009
Misanthropic Triumph Breath of Deadly Silence Split CD 2009
Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle Sob a Bandeira do Ódio e da Arrogância Full-length CD 2010
Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle Bestial Supremacy Split CD 2010
Wargoatcult Bestial Supremacy Split CD 2010
Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle Sobre as Cinzas do Fracasso Alheio Full-length CD 2015
Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle Sobre as Cinzas do Fracasso Alheio Full-length CD 2015
Ritualmurder Necroslaughter Demo Cassette 2012
Ritualmurder Ritual of Heavenly Murder Full-length CD 2013
Ritualmurder Diabolvs Kvlt Rehearsal Demo Cassette 2012
Ritualmurder Live at the Unholy Friday Night Demo Cassette 2013
Sabaoth Sabaoth Full-length CD 2010
Sadistik Goathammer Ritual of Nekro Penetration Split Cassette 2018
Hammergoat Ritual of Nekro Penetration Split Cassette 2018
Satanaquia Gloria Patri Split CD 2021
Angel of Light Gloria Patri Split CD 2021
Satanic Warmaster Southern / Carelian Black Metal Holocaust Split Cassette 2008
Evil Southern / Carelian Black Metal Holocaust Split Cassette 2008
Sculpture To Another Place Full-length CD 2018
Sculpture To Another Place Full-length Digital 2018
Seacularia Gate of Human Balance EP CD 2020
Seigneur Voland Consumatum Est Compilation CD 2020
Sigh Scorn Defeat Full-length CD 2011
Snoutcrom Opus Alchimicum Full-length CD 2022
Songe d'Enfer My Visions in the Forest Demo 12" vinyl 2020
Sovereign Catacomb Voices / Sovereign Split Cassette 2023
Catacomb Voices Catacomb Voices / Sovereign Split Cassette 2023
Stutthof And Cosmos from Ashes to Dust... Full-length CD 2019
Teth Felébredünk / We Awake (2001-2006) Compilation Cassette 2007
Tezcatlipoca Mexicatl Full-length CD 2023
Thallium Armanenschaft Full-length CD 2008
Thallium Armanenschaft Full-length Cassette 2008
The Black Sorcery .​.​.​and the Beast Spake Death from Above Full-length CD 2018
The Elysian Fields New World Misanthropia Full-length CD 2019
The Elysian Fields New World Misanthropia Full-length Cassette 2019
The Elysian Fields New World Misanthropia Full-length Digital 2019
Throneum Fifth Column of Sheol Split CD 2019
Stormvold Fifth Column of Sheol Split CD 2019
Thunder Marchando Sobre o Gelo Demo Cassette 2006
Thunderbolt The Sons of the Darkness Full-length Cassette 2009
Torches of Nero MOKK EP CD 2023
Totemtabu Não EP Cassette 2019
Totemtabu Não EP CD 2021
Triumph Imperium Lucifer EP Digital 2023
Triumph Imperium Lucifer EP CD 2023
Triumph Imperium Lucifer EP CD 2023
Tundra The Hammer of Antichristian Detonation Split Cassette 2012
Detonator666 The Hammer of Antichristian Detonation Split Cassette 2012
Hammergoat The Hammer of Antichristian Detonation Split Cassette 2012
Tundra The Hammer of Antichristian Detonation Split CD 2012
Detonator666 The Hammer of Antichristian Detonation Split CD 2012
Hammergoat The Hammer of Antichristian Detonation Split CD 2012
Unaussprechlichen Kulten People of the Monolith Full-length CD 2016
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath Full-length CD 2016
Unfathomable The Abyss Beckons Full-length CD 2023
Unholy Archangel Unholy Wrath of Goat Split CD 2019
Hammergoat Unholy Wrath of Goat Split CD 2019
Unholy Massacre Totalitario & Vanguardista / Massacre Beligerante Split 2CD 2017
Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle Totalitario & Vanguardista / Massacre Beligerante Split 2CD 2017
Unleashed Shadows in the Deep Full-length CD 2019
Veilgath Shrine of the Dead EP CD 2017
Veles Night on the Bare Mountain Full-length Digital 2019
Veles Night on the Bare Mountain Full-length Cassette 2019
Veles Black Hateful Metal Full-length Cassette 2019
Venedae Dekada słowiańskiej supremacji (1993-2003) Compilation Cassette 2006
Venedae Venedae Full-length CD 2013
Vénen Parameśvara Full-length CD 2021
Vetus Kran Lost in Time Full-length CD 2021
Vetus Kran Lost in Time Full-length CD 2021
VII Batallón de la Muerte Semper Patriae Servire Praesto Full-length Digital 2020
VII Batallón de la Muerte Acta Non Verba Full-length CD 2020
VII Batallón de la Muerte Acta Non Verba Full-length Digital 2016
Vspolokh The Dusk Demo Cassette 2007
Walsung Hyperborean Tales Split 12" vinyl 2018
Maléfice Hyperborean Tales Split 12" vinyl 2018
Walsung Hyperborean Tales Split CD 2020
Maléfice Hyperborean Tales Split CD 2020
Walsung Werewolves of the Fullmoon EP CD 2021
Walsung Perpetual Blood Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Walsung Thulean Heritage EP CD 2024
Werewolf Bloodorder Imperial Blood Order Single CD 2023
Werewolf Bloodorder The Rebirth of the Night and the Fog Full-length CD 2023
Werewolf Bloodorder Ritos de Misticismo Primitivo Split CD 2024
Fantôme Oublié Ritos de Misticismo Primitivo Split CD 2024
Windspirit Windspirit Full-length CD 2023
Wisdom Sacra Privata Full-length CD 2009
Wolfestandarte Fields Unseen Demo Cassette 2009
Wolflust Satanic Megatons EP CD 2020
Wolflust Bathory Tribute - Under the Sign of the Black Goat Collaboration CD 2019
Wolflust Bestial War and Damnation - Live at Necrople Hall Live album CD 2022
Wolflust Endless War EP CD 2022
Wolflust Endless War EP Cassette 2022
Woods of Desolation Toward the Depths Full-length Cassette 2008
Yoth Iria Under His Sway EP CD 2020
Zmora Wieczna ciemność i wieczne zimno Full-length Digital 2015
Αχέροντας Faustian Rites over Brazil Live album CD 2019
Αχέροντας Hermeticism EP CD 2019
Яр Zvarot EP CD 2020