Darker than Black Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Country Germany
Status active
Styles And Specialties NSBM, Black/Pagan Metal
Founding Date January 1st, 1994
Online Shopping Yes
Sublabels StaalPakt

Online Presence

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/darker.than.black.records
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/solitary.elitism
Discogs https://www.discogs.com/label/33638-Darker-Than-Black
Twitter https://twitter.com/dtbrex


Name Country Genre Status
Abstersion Canada black Current
Absurd Germany black, rock-against-communism Current
Akashah United States black Current
Ancient Hate Mexico black, rock-against-communism Current
Armaggedon France black Current
Aryan Blood Germany black Current
Aryan Rogue Finland black Current
Bilskirnir Germany black, pagan Current
Blåkulla France black Current
Blóðtrú Denmark black Current
Bloodwyrd United States black, melodic Current
Blutaar Germany black Current
Brume d'Automne Canada black Current
Brvma Italy black Current
Bustum Poland black Current
Caterva Runa France black Current
Circle of Wolves United States black Current
Conflagration United States ambient, black, noise, raw Current
Darkthule Greece black Current
Degesch Germany black Current
Diaboli Finland death, black Current
Draug Sweden black Current
Eingar United States black Current
Ethereal Forest United Kingdom black Current
Fidei Defensor Canada black Current
Finnwolf Finland black Current
Fog Nights Mysteries United States black, raw Current
Forhatt Norway black, viking Current
Forlor Finland black Current
Frangar Italy black, rock-against-communism Current
Grav Sweden ambient, black Current
Grifteskymfning Sweden black Current
Griverion Italy black, depressive Current
Hädanfärd Sweden black Current
Heidentor Canada black Current
Hiraeth United States black Current
Hogawa Finland black Current
Infandous Unknown black Current
Irhmgaar France black, raw Current
Kaevum Norway black Current
Kenaz Canada black, pagan Current
Kriegshetzer Ukraine black Current
LIK Sweden black, rock Current
Lycanthropic Singapore black Current
Malefica Germany black, death Current
Massenvernichtung Germany black Current
Miasma Canada black Current
Mjölnir Germany black Current
Moonglare Poland black Current
Morgenstern Russia black Current
Morke Germany black Current
Mørkt Tre Ukraine black Current
Mutilathymn Australia black Current
Nachtkult Brazil black Current
Necrosynthesys Germany black, doom, gothic Current
Nekrokrist SS Finland black Current
Nocturnal Werewolf Poland black Current
Nokturne United States black Current
Nordvrede Norway black Current
Nordwind Canada black Current
Noxia Germany black, post-punk Current
Permafrost Germany black Current
Plaguehurst United Kingdom black Current
Psychagogos Brazil black Current
Ressentiment Russia black Current
Sacrificia Mortuorum France black Current
Saturnal Ascension Mexico black Current
Skaur Norway ambient, black Current
Somnolence United States ambient, black, experimental Current
Spear of Longinus Australia black, thrash Current
Spirit of War France black Current
Stolzblut United States black Current
The Red Angle Colombia ambient, black, dark Current
Ticinum Italy black, epic, melodic Current
Todesweihe Germany black Current
Totale Vernichtung Austria melodic, punk, black Current
Tyranath United States black, pagan Current
Ungern Ukraine black Current
Vampyric Corridors International black Current
Vicarivs Filii Dei Austria black Current
Vinterstille Austria black Current
Vltor Italy black Current
Vogelsang Germany black, folk Current
Vothana United States black Current
Wintergewitter Germany black Current
Wolfspirit Germany black Current
Буревій Ukraine black, pagan Current
厄鬼 Korea, South ambient, black, dark, doom Current
1389 Bosnia and Herzegovina black, raw Past
A.M.S.G. Canada black Past
Aasgard Greece black Past
Abigail Japan black, thrash Past
Abyssic Hate Australia black Past
Ad Hominem France black Past
Æþelruna United Kingdom ambient, dark, epic, pagan, symphonic, black Past
Aiwīgaz Unðergangaz Denmark black Past
Akrotheism Greece black Past
Aktion T4 International black, rock-against-communism Past
Antisemitex Poland death, rock-against-communism Past
Armatus Germany black Past
Àrsaidh United Kingdom atmospheric, black, folk Past
Aryan Art Bulgaria black Past
Aryan Forest Finland black Past
Aske Finland black Past
Askival United Kingdom black, folk Past
Atra Mors Kvlt Ukraine black Past
Aufnorden Canada epic, heavy, black Past
Austral Wolf Colombia atmospheric, black, melodic Past
Azelisassath Sweden black Past
Bannerwar Greece black Past
Barad Dûr Germany black Past
Bekëth Nexëhmü Sweden black Past
Bekhira France black Past
Black Altar Poland black Past
Black Howling Portugal black Past
Blod Besvimelse Germany ambient, black, dungeon-synth Past
Blood of Kingu Ukraine black Past
Blood Stronghold International black Past
Blutkult Germany black, rock-against-communism Past
Briargh Spain black, celtic, pagan Past
Burshtyn Ukraine black Past
Capricornus Poland black Past
Caverns United States black, raw Past
Château Noir Ukraine black Past
Circle of Dawn Finland black Past
Cirrhus United States black Past
Cmentarny Zew Poland black, doom Past
Combat Poland black Past
Cripta Oculta Portugal black Past
Dämonenblut Germany black, rock-against-communism Past
Dark Fury Poland black Past
De la Nostalgie Venezuela ambient, black Past
Der Stürmer Greece black Past
Dödfödd Sweden black, ambient, dark, experimental Past
Dødkvlt Finland black, experimental Past
Draugurz Brazil black Past
Draziw United States black Past
Duch Czerni Poland black Past
Edelweiss Hungary doom, heavy, psychedelic Past
Ehlder Sweden black, pagan Past
Eindig Netherlands black Past
Eisenwinter Switzerland black Past
Ektoplasma Sweden black Past
Elände Sweden black Past
Eldrig United States black, epic, symphonic Past
Elitism France black Past
Encircling Wolves United Kingdom black Past
Eskatologi Sweden black Past
Eternal Strife United States black, rock-against-communism Past
Eternum Australia black Past
Evil Brazil black Past
Evil Wrath Canada black Past
Ewiger Wald Germany black Past
Ewiges Reich Germany black Past
Ewigreich Germany black Past
Faagrim Germany black Past
Fanisk United States black Past
Feuernacht Austria black Past
Filthyland China black Past
Forest Russia black Past
Forest Mysticism Australia black Past
Forlorn Winds United States black Past
Fortress of the Olden Days Germany black Past
Fremdreich Germany black Past
Frostkrieg Germany black Past
Fulgurous Finland black Past
Fullmoon Tyrant Mexico black Past
Fyrdung Sweden heavy, oi!, rock-against-communism, viking, black Past
Galdr United States atmospheric, black Past
Galgenberg Poland black Past
Geimhre Canada black Past
Gjendød Norway black Past
Gnosis Occultus Mexico black Past
Gnosis of the Witch United States black Past
Goathammer Canada black, death Past
Goatmoon Finland raw, folk, black Past
Godless North Canada black Past
Grafvölluðr United States black Past
Grausamkeit Germany ambient, black Past
Gravewürm United States black, death Past
Hadak Ura United States ambient, atmospheric, black Past
Hålväg United States black Past
Hamargroll Norway black Past
Harm Wulf Germany black Past
Harvest Australia black Past
Hate Forest Ukraine ambient, black Past
Hautakammio Finland black Past
Heidenwut Germany black Past
Helgedom Sweden black Past
Hellshock Finland black, death Past
Herbarium Ukraine black, post-metal Past
Herlequin France black Past
Holocaustus Germany black Past
Hostium Canada black Past
I Shalt Become United States atmospheric, symphonic, black Past
Ifernach Canada black Past
Infamous Italy black Past
Interfektor United States black Past
Isrike Sweden black Past
Jarnvidr Sweden black Past
Kaiadas Greece black Past
Kaos Sacramentum Sweden black Past
Kataxu Poland black, symphonic Past
Krahnholm Russia atmospheric, black Past
Kristallnacht France black Past
Krypta Nicestwa Poland black Past
Kuutar Finland black Past
Kvasir's Blood United States black Past
Lair Ukraine black Past
Legion Poland black Past
Legion of Doom Greece death, grind, hardcore, black Past
Likvann Norway black Past
Mactätus Norway black Past
Maeströ Cröque Mört Canada black Past
Maléfice France atmospheric, black, epic Past
Maléfices Canada black Past
Malicious Storm Finland black, raw Past
Malsaint France black Past
Maquahuitl United States black Past
Massenhinrichtung Belarus black, pagan Past
Menegroth Switzerland black, melodic, thrash Past
Mind Asylum France black Past
Misery Spell Russia black Past
Misotheismus International black Past
Moloch Ukraine ambient, black Past
Monarque Canada black Past
Mooncitadel Finland black Past
Morcolac Italy black Past
Múspellzheimr Denmark black Past
Myrholt Norway black Past
Nattverd Norway black Past
Nazxul Australia black Past
Necro Forest Croatia black Past
Necrostrigis Poland black Past
Niedfyr United States black Past
Nihasa Greece black Past
Nocturnal Degrade Italy ambient, black, depressive Past
Norrhem Finland black Past
Northland Poland ambient, black Past
Odour of Death International black Past
Oferwintran United Kingdom black Past
Ohtar Poland black Past
Old Silver Key Ukraine post-rock, shoegaze Past
Orden United States black, punk Past
Order of Darkness United States black Past
Order of the Death's Head France black Past
Order of the Ebon Hand Greece black Past
Order of the White Hand Finland black, pagan Past
Ordo Sanguinis Noctis Poland black Past
Pantheon United States black Past
Pantheon of Blood Finland black Past
Paroxysmal Descent Australia black Past
Passéisme Russia black, melodic Past
Perdition Winds Finland black Past
Phosphore Blanc France black, death Past
Poems of the Elder Germany atmospheric, black Past
Purest Germany black Past
Rattenfänger Ukraine death Past
Rattenkönig Australia black, raw Past
Raven Throne Belarus pagan, atmospheric, black Past
Ravenmoon Sanctuary Poland black Past
Recluse International black, raw Past
Reek of the Unzen Gas Fumes Japan black, grind, hardcore, industrial, noise Past
Regnans Australia black, raw Past
Regnat Infernum Poland ambient, black, thrash, dungeon-synth Past
Revenant Marquis United Kingdom ambient, black, dark, raw Past
Reverorum ib Malacht Sweden ambient, black, dark Past
Rostorchester International black Past
Roudansirppi Finland black Past
Ruho Finland black Past
Sad Greece black Past
Sargnagel Germany black Past
Satanachist Germany black Past
Seges Findere Brazil black, death Past
Selbstmord Poland black Past
Sentier des Morts France black Past
Severe Storm Poland black Past
Sielunvihollinen Finland black Past
Silberbach Germany black Past
Silexater Germany black Past
Slagbjørn Norway black Past
Spectral Knight Poland black, raw Past
Starlit Woods Poland black Past
Sternatis Russia black Past
Stonehaven United States black, folk Past
Strawaz Sweden black Past
Sunchariot United States black Past
Sunwheel Poland black Past
Svärta Sweden black Past
Svartrit Sweden black Past
Svolder Canada black Past
Terror Cross Finland black, punk, thrash Past
Tezcatlipoca Mexico black, folk Past
The Shadow Order Greece black Past
Thor's Hammer Poland black Past
Thorncastle Poland black Past
Through the Spatial Dimensions Russia black Past
Thunderbolt Poland black Past
TOBC Poland atmospheric, black Past
Todeszone Switzerland black Past
Two Runes Finland black Past
Ubermensch International black Past
Vargavinter Germany black Past
Veles Poland black Past
Via Dolorosa Italy black Past
Vingþórr United States ambient, atmospheric, black, dark, death Past
Vöedtæmhtëhactått Ukraine black Past
Vonülfsrëich Finland black Past
Vornat Finland black Past
Warägar Austria black Past
Wewelssburg United States black Past
White Death Finland black Past
White Medal United Kingdom black Past
White Night/Black Forest Russia black Past
Winter Blackness Poland black Past
Winterblut Germany black Past
Wintermoon Finland black Past
Woldzverke International black Past
Wolfblood Australia black Past
Wolves Eyes United Kingdom black Past
Wudeliguhi United States black, depressive Past
Wyrd Finland black, doom, folk Past
Ygg Ukraine black Past
Zervm Italy black Past
Zgard Ukraine black, pagan Past
Zofos Greece black Past
Αχέροντας Greece black Past
Гнёт Russia atmospheric, black Past
М8Л8ТХ Russia black, heavy, rock-against-communism Past
Мор Russia atmospheric, pagan, progressive, black Past
Небокрай Russia black, pagan Past
Святогор Ukraine black, death, folk Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
1389 Hyperborean Battlefields Split CD 2021
Necro Forest Hyperborean Battlefields Split CD 2021
Niedfyr Hyperborean Battlefields Split CD 2021
A.M.S.G. Hostium / Arrogance / Svolder / A.M.S.G. Split 12" vinyl 2017
Svolder Hostium / Arrogance / Svolder / A.M.S.G. Split 12" vinyl 2017
Hostium Hostium / Arrogance / Svolder / A.M.S.G. Split 12" vinyl 2017
Abigail Axis of Evil Split 7" vinyl 2013
Akashah Axis of Evil Split 7" vinyl 2013
Abigail Burning Kamikaze / Eternal Curse Split 7" vinyl 2019
Terror Cross Burning Kamikaze / Eternal Curse Split 7" vinyl 2019
Abstersion Mors Vincit Omnia Demo Cassette 2020
Absurd Life Beyond the Grave: 1992-1994 Compilation 2CD 2010
Absurd Größer als der Tod EP 7" vinyl 2014
Absurd Der fünfzehnjährige Krieg Full-length Digital 2014
Absurd Größer als der Tod EP Cassette 2016
Absurd Raubritter / Grimmige Volksmusik Compilation CD 2008
Absurd Werwolfthron Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Absurd Totenlieder Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Absurd Schwarze Bande Full-length CD 2022
Absurd Schwarze Bande Full-length Cassette 2022
Absurd Schwarze Bande Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Absurd Das Heer aus dem Dunkel EP CD 2023
Absurd Das Heer aus dem Dunkel EP 10" vinyl 2023
Abyssic Hate Eternal Damnation EP CD 1998
Abyssic Hate Suicidal Emotions Full-length CD 2018
Abyssic Hate A Decade of Hate Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2020
Abyssic Hate Suicidal Emotions Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Abyssic Hate A Decade of Hate Compilation CD 2018
Abyssic Hate Welcome to the Anarchy Split 7" vinyl 2022
Absurd Welcome to the Anarchy Split 7" vinyl 2022
Ad Hominem Dictator - A Monument of Glory Full-length CD 2009
Ad Hominem Dictator - A Monument of Glory Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Ad Hominem Dictator - A Monument of Glory Full-length CD 2009
Ad Hominem Antitheist Full-length Cassette 2015
Ad Hominem Dictator - A Monument of Glory Full-length Cassette 2015
Ad Hominem Dictator - A Monument of Glory Full-length CD 2009
Æþelruna A Wolf in Hallowed Places Full-length CD 2008
Aiwīgaz Unðergangaz Forsortnet Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Aiwīgaz Unðergangaz Forsortnet Full-length Cassette 2018
Akashah Taran Full-length CD 2017
Akashah Echoes of the Heathen's Call Split CD 2019
Hadak Ura Echoes of the Heathen's Call Split CD 2019
Ancient Hate Eterna guerra contra Juda Demo CD 2023
Antisemitex Pride of Silesia EP 7" vinyl 2017
Armatus Blutvolk Demo 7" vinyl 2016
Armatus Eternal Flame of Hate Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Àrsaidh Roots Full-length CD 2013
Aryan Art Хармония - Вечност - Вселена Full-length CD 2015
Aryan Art Хармония - Вечност - Вселена Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Aryan Art Хармония - Вечност - Вселена Full-length Cassette 2016
Aryan Blood Stürme aus Stahl EP CD 2018
Aryan Blood Stürme aus Stahl EP 7" vinyl 2020
Aryan Forest Defending the Aryan North Demo Cassette 2017
Aryan Rogue Twelve Dark Green Full-length CD 2022
Aske Down the Gates EP CD 2019
Aske Pact of the Black Goat Split CD 2019
Gnosis Occultus Pact of the Black Goat Split CD 2019
Askival Eternity Full-length CD 2009
Atra Mors Kvlt The Lance of Adversity and Death Full-length CD 2021
Aufnorden America Septentrionalis Full-length CD 2024
Austral Wolf Cold Southern Blood Full-length CD 2022
Azelisassath Evil Manifestations Against Mankind Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Bannerwar Anthems of Blood & Soil EP 7" vinyl 2017
Barad Dûr Dunkelheit Full-length CD 1999
Barad Dûr Dunkelheit Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Barad Dûr Land ohne Götter Demo CD 2017
Bekëth Nexëhmü De svarta riterna Demo CD 2014
Bekëth Nexëhmü De urtida krafterna EP 7" vinyl 2014
Bekëth Nexëhmü De dunkla herrarna Full-length Cassette 2015
Bekhira Demo '96 Demo CD 2009
Bekhira Demo '96 Demo 10" vinyl 2017
Bilskirnir Der Wolkenwanderer EP 7" vinyl 2012
Bilskirnir Wotan Redivivus Full-length CD 2013
Bilskirnir Wotan Redivivus Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Bilskirnir In Flames of Purification / Totenheer Compilation CD 2010
Bilskirnir Lost Forever Single CD 2017
Bilskirnir Atavismus des Glaubens Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Bilskirnir In Solitary Silence EP CD 2018
Bilskirnir Totenheer / Dem Feind entgegen Compilation 12" vinyl 2017
Bilskirnir In Solitary Silence EP 12" vinyl 2020
Bilskirnir In Flames of Purification / Totenheer Compilation CD 2010
Bilskirnir Hyperborea EP CD 2022
Bilskirnir Wotan Redivivus Full-length CD 2022
Bilskirnir Hyperborea EP 12" vinyl 2023
Black Altar Suicidal Salvation EP CD 2013
Black Howling O Sangue e a Terra Full-length CD 2015
Blåkulla An Almighty Sacrifice EP CD 2019
Blod Besvimelse Geleit ins Totenreich Compilation CD 2024
Blóðtrú A Brighter Sun Full-length CD 2011
Blóðtrú Sunwolf Full-length CD 2013
Blood of Kingu De Occulta Philosophia Full-length Cassette 2018
Blood Stronghold Vengeance in Sacrificial Blood Compilation CD 2016
Blood Stronghold Vengeance in Sacrificial Blood Compilation 12" vinyl 2018
Bloodwyrd Through the Crimson Portal Full-length CD 2021
Blutaar Auf zur Hermannsschlacht EP CD 2015
Blutaar Wider den Zeitgeist Full-length CD 2016
Blutaar Terror, Tod und Teufel Split CD 2017
Blutkult Terror, Tod und Teufel Split CD 2017
Feuernacht Terror, Tod und Teufel Split CD 2017
Blutkult Die letzten wahren deutschen Ritter Full-length CD 2013
Blutkult Gemeinschaftstonträger Split 7" vinyl 2016
Heidenwut Gemeinschaftstonträger Split 7" vinyl 2016
Briargh Restoration / Κυδοιμος Split CD 2012
Aasgard Restoration / Κυδοιμος Split CD 2012
Brume d'Automne La grande noirceur Full-length CD 2018
Brvma Lvce eterna Full-length CD 2022
Burshtyn Прах відчайдухів Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Burshtyn Безвірник Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Bustum The Return of Hate Full-length CD 2010
Capricornus To Build an Empire... / Der Sieg Wird Unser Sein Split 7" vinyl 2010
Aryan Blood To Build an Empire... / Der Sieg Wird Unser Sein Split 7" vinyl 2010
Capricornus Alone Against All Full-length CD 2022
Capricornus Alone Against All Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Capricornus At Any Cost! Anthology 1995-2005 Compilation 12" vinyl 2022
Caterva Runa Europa nostra Full-length CD 2015
Caverns Sodomize EP Cassette 2016
Château Noir Troubadours of Pestilence Full-length CD 2020
Château Noir Underside of Existence Full-length CD 2023
Circle of Dawn I Demo Cassette 2016
Circle of Dawn Northern Savonian Black Metal Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Circle of Dawn Northern Savonian Black Metal Full-length CD 2017
Circle of Dawn Savonian Supremacy Full-length CD 2020
Circle of Dawn Savonian Supremacy Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Circle of Wolves Black Powder and Ravens Blood Full-length CD 2023
Cirrhus Unimpeachable Madness Full-length CD 2018
Combat Northwind/Aryan Spirit of War Compilation CD 2013
Combat Northwind/Aryan Spirit of War Compilation 12" vinyl 2022
Cripta Oculta Ecos dos Dólmens Esquecidos Full-length CD 2010
Dark Fury Vae Victis! Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Dark Fury Goatmoon / Dark Fury Split 7" vinyl 2017
Goatmoon Goatmoon / Dark Fury Split 7" vinyl 2017
Darkthule Magna Europa est Patria Nostra Split CD 2013
Massenvernichtung Magna Europa est Patria Nostra Split CD 2013
Darkthule Amongst Primordial Ruins Split 7" vinyl 2015
Necrostrigis Amongst Primordial Ruins Split 7" vinyl 2015
Darkthule Amongst Primordial Ruins Split Cassette 2015
Necrostrigis Amongst Primordial Ruins Split Cassette 2015
De la Nostalgie A Wonderful Place Full-length CD 2017
Degesch Degesch Full-length CD 2017
Der Stürmer Der Stürmer / Malsaint / Blutkult Split CD 2017
Blutkult Der Stürmer / Malsaint / Blutkult Split CD 2017
Malsaint Der Stürmer / Malsaint / Blutkult Split CD 2017
Der Stürmer Der Stürmer / Nordwind Split 7" vinyl 2018
Nordwind Der Stürmer / Nordwind Split 7" vinyl 2018
Diaboli Pagan Gods Rise Full-length CD 2022
Diaboli Ancient Worship EP 7" vinyl 2023
Dödfödd Demo 10 Demo CD 2014
Dödfödd Demo 10 Demo 2 12" vinyls 2014
Dødkvlt IV: You Sought the Truth Only to Find Death Full-length CD 2016
Draug In Glorification of Dark Legions EP 12" vinyl 2016
Draug Drift into My Palace of Terror Compilation 12" vinyl 2017
Draug Their Darker Dreams EP 7" vinyl 2018
Draug In Glorification of Dark Legions EP CD 2021
Draug Drift into My Palace of Terror Compilation CD 2021
Draug Luciferian Starlight EP Digital 2024
Draugurz Elbenopfer Full-length Cassette 2019
Draziw Architekten des Teufels' Reich Demo Cassette 2015
Draziw Regnans / Draziw Split Cassette 2016
Regnans Regnans / Draziw Split Cassette 2016
Duch Czerni The Fragments of Wandering Souls Split Cassette 2015
Blood Stronghold The Fragments of Wandering Souls Split Cassette 2015
Edelweiss Behind Our Masks Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Edelweiss White Flower Power Compilation CD 2020
Edelweiss 205 Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Edelweiss White Flower Power / Yeast of the Mind Single 7" vinyl 2020
Ehlder Blodsband Full-length CD 2024
Eisenwinter Monumentales Scheitern Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Eisenwinter Eisenwinter / Vothana Split 10" vinyl 2021
Vothana Eisenwinter / Vothana Split 10" vinyl 2021
Ektoplasma Satanic Propaganda EP 7" vinyl 2014
Eldrig Urlagarne Full-length CD 2012
Encircling Wolves The Trial of Traitors Full-length CD 2018
Eskatologi Undergangens kunst Demo 12" vinyl 2018
Eskatologi Undergangsvisioner Demo 12" vinyl 2018
Eternum Arms of Sacrifice Demo CD 2013
Ethereal Forest Across the Pagan Labyrinth Full-length CD 2015
Evil Ashes of Old Full-length CD 2015
Evil Twilight and Mourning / Where the Sun Was Never Born Compilation CD 2013
Evil Rites of Cleansing EP 7" vinyl 2017
Evil Hammerstorm Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Evil Berserks of the Asgardsrei Split 7" vinyl 2022
Absurd Berserks of the Asgardsrei Split 7" vinyl 2022
Ewiger Wald Von alten Zeiten... Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2018
Ewiger Wald Von alten Zeiten... Full-length Cassette 2020
Ewiges Reich ...nur frei bei Nacht Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Ewigreich Hass und Verderben Demo Cassette 2015
Ewigreich Verachtung Split CD 2016
Warägar Verachtung Split CD 2016
Fanisk Insularum Full-length CD 2013
Fanisk Insularum Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Fidei Defensor Cognoscenti Full-length CD 2011
Filthyland Filthy Land Massacre Full-length CD 2022
Finnwolf Kun viimeinen lehti putoaa Full-length CD 2023
Forest Forest Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Forest Mysticism Mirrors of Glaciated Earth Split 7" vinyl 2020
Krypta Nicestwa Mirrors of Glaciated Earth Split 7" vinyl 2020
Forlor Forces of Hate EP 7" vinyl 2015
Forlor White Death / Forlor Split 7" vinyl 2016
White Death White Death / Forlor Split 7" vinyl 2016
Forlor White Death / Forlor Split 7" vinyl 2016
White Death White Death / Forlor Split 7" vinyl 2016
Forlor Towards the End Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Forlor Towards the End Full-length CD 2018
Forlorn Winds The Day the Wolf Swallowed the Sun Full-length CD 2013
Forlorn Winds Murmurs with the Decapitated Full-length CD 2015
Forlorn Winds Apparitions of the Åsgårdsreien EP CD 2020
Frangar Trincerocrazia Full-length CD 2015
Frangar Bulloni granate bastoni Full-length CD 2015
Frangar Vomini vincere Full-length CD 2020
Frangar Vomini vincere Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Frangar Hail to the Hungarian Revolution Split 7" vinyl 2020
Aktion T4 Hail to the Hungarian Revolution Split 7" vinyl 2020
Frangar All' Armi! Split 7" vinyl 2023
Fulgurous ...into the Dark Skies EP CD 2023
Fullmoon Tyrant The Night of the Tyrant Full-length Digital 2021
Fyrdung Hyperborea Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Fyrdung Hyperborea Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Galdr Galdr Full-length CD 2011
Galdr Ancient Lights from the Stars Full-length CD 2013
Galdr Mörkergång Full-length CD 2015
Galgenberg Blutgrund / Galgenberg Compilation CD 2013
Gjendød Gjendød Demo Cassette 2016
Gjendød Nedstigning Full-length Cassette 2017
Gjendød Nedstigning Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Gjendød Evig svart hat Compilation 12" vinyl 2017
Gjendød Dødsrikets Pinsler Demo Cassette 2017
Gjendød Død manns skygge Demo Cassette 2018
Gjendød Krigsdøger Full-length Cassette 2018
Gjendød Motstand EP 7" vinyl 2020
Gjendød Krigsdøger Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Gjendød Skygger fra dødsriket Compilation 12" vinyl 2020
Gjendød Hevn! Demo Cassette 2023
Gnosis of the Witch Rún af inn auðr EP Cassette 2014
Goathammer Goathammer Demo 12" vinyl 2019
Goatmoon Voitto tai Valhalla Full-length Cassette 2016
Godless North Fimbulvetr Compilation 2CD 2009
Godless North World in Flames EP 7" vinyl 2012
Godless North Godless North / Goatmoon Split 7" vinyl 2013
Goatmoon Godless North / Goatmoon Split 7" vinyl 2013
Godless North Summon the Age of Supremacy Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Grausamkeit Christenschmähung Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Grausamkeit Contagions / Kein N-tkommen Split 7" vinyl 2015
Ruho Contagions / Kein N-tkommen Split 7" vinyl 2015
Grausamkeit Nostalgia - Okkultes Blut Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Grausamkeit Nostalgia - Okkultes Blut Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Grav Omhulda ondskans kretslopp Demo CD 2013
Grav Ohelighetens pulserande ondska EP 7" vinyl 2014
Grav Astrala ödemarker Demo 12" vinyl 2016
Grav Fordærvet djævelskab EP 12" vinyl 2017
Grav Projektioner af död Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Grav Tomb of Agony Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Grav Vånda Compilation 12" vinyl 2017
Grav Projektioner af död Full-length CD 2019
Grav Tomb of Agony Full-length CD 2019
Grav Fordærvet djævelskab EP CD 2019
Grav Vånda Compilation CD 2019
Grav Astrala ödemarker Demo CD 2022
Gravewürm Todesweihe / Gravewürm Split 7" vinyl 2013
Todesweihe Todesweihe / Gravewürm Split 7" vinyl 2013
Grifteskymfning Likpsalm Demo CD 2014
Grifteskymfning Djävulens boning Full-length CD 2014
Grifteskymfning Demo 2008 Demo CD 2014
Grifteskymfning Svart materia Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Grifteskymfning Bedrövelsens härd Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Grifteskymfning Bedrövelsens härd Full-length CD 2020
Grifteskymfning Svart materia Full-length CD 2020
Grifteskymfning Satanic Poltergeist Demo CD 2021
Grifteskymfning Satanic Poltergeist Demo 12" vinyl 2021
Grifteskymfning Malignant Morningstar Full-length CD 2021
Grifteskymfning Malignant Morningstar Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Grifteskymfning Demo 2008 Demo 12" vinyl 2022
Grifteskymfning Djävulens Boning Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Grifteskymfning Demo 2008 Demo 12" vinyl 2022
Griverion Suicidal Wisdom Full-length CD 2022
Hadak Ura Monumental Winter Full-length CD 2019
Hädanfärd Destruktiva reflektioner EP 7" vinyl 2014
Hädanfärd Evil-minded Compilation CD 2013
Hädanfärd Avoghetens besvärtade åkallelser Compilation CD 2014
Hädanfärd Smutsiga sinnen Full-length CD 2014
Hålväg Hålväg Full-length CD 2013
Hamargroll Hamargroll Demo Cassette 2009
Harm Wulf Fortress of the Olden Days / Harm Wulf Split 7" vinyl 2020
Fortress of the Olden Days Fortress of the Olden Days / Harm Wulf Split 7" vinyl 2020
Harvest Forgotten Vampyres of the Melancholic Night Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Hate Forest Those Once Mighty Fallen Split Cassette 2013
Hate Forest Battlefields Full-length Cassette 2018
Hate Forest Those Once Mighty Fallen Split Cassette 2018
Hate Forest Dead but Dreaming Compilation Cassette 2018
Hate Forest Sorrow Full-length Cassette 2018
Hate Forest Nietzscheism Compilation Cassette 2018
Hate Forest Nietzscheism Compilation 4 7" vinyls 2019
Hautakammio Kukaan ei opasta teitä pimeässä Full-length CD 2013
Helgedom Svartkonst Demo 10" vinyl 2016
Helgedom Den mörka skogen af ondo Full-length CD 2016
Helgedom Svartkonst Demo CD 2016
Hellshock Satanic Dead Metal Horror EP CD 2022
Herlequin Introductio in Bestia EP CD 2016
Hiraeth Fatherland Anthems Split CD 2017
Hadak Ura Fatherland Anthems Split CD 2017
Hogawa MMXXII Compilation CD 2022
Holocaustus Luftkrieg Demo 7" vinyl 2020
I Shalt Become Requiem Full-length CD 2008
Infamous Symbols of Scarlet Revenge Split 7" vinyl 2017
Winter Blackness Symbols of Scarlet Revenge Split 7" vinyl 2017
Infamous Winter Ruins in Howling Mist Split CD 2019
Ordo Sanguinis Noctis Winter Ruins in Howling Mist Split CD 2019
Cmentarny Zew Winter Ruins in Howling Mist Split CD 2019
Thorncastle Winter Ruins in Howling Mist Split CD 2019
Infandous The Wolven Age Full-length CD 2018
Irhmgaar Let the Devil Play... Full-length CD 2019
Isrike Hailaz Balwa Full-length CD 2017
Isrike Wille zur Macht Full-length CD 2019
Jarnvidr Närwarelse Full-length Cassette 2015
Jarnvidr Förqwäwd Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Jarnvidr Av germanskt blod Split 12" vinyl 2016
Grafvölluðr Av germanskt blod Split 12" vinyl 2016
Jarnvidr Eeldzloghe EP 12" vinyl 2017
Kaevum Natur Full-length 12" vinyl 2011
Kaevum Kosmos erwache Compilation CD 2013
Kaevum Natur Full-length CD 2013
Kaevum Natur Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Kaevum Fedrelandets alter EP CD 2021
Kaevum Fedrelandets alter EP 12" vinyl 2021
Kaevum Kultur Full-length CD 2023
Kaevum Natur Full-length CD 2020
Kaevum Kosmos erwache Compilation CD 2022
Kaevum Kultur Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Kaevum Kosmos erwache Compilation Vinyl 2022
Kaiadas And the Battles Will Start Again Compilation 12" vinyl 2014
Kaos Sacramentum Avgrundens konst Full-length CD 2014
Kaos Sacramentum Bloodcurse Stigmata Full-length CD 2014
Kaos Sacramentum Scars of Revelation Full-length CD 2014
Kaos Sacramentum Förneka den fysiska lekamen Compilation CD 2014
Kataxu Hunger of Elements Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Kenaz Nord hostile Full-length CD 2020
Krahnholm К​о​н​е​ц т​р​а​г​е​д​и​й Full-length CD 2023
Kriegshetzer Panzer vorwärts Full-length CD 2011
Kristallnacht Warspirit EP CD 1999
Kristallnacht Warspirit EP 12" vinyl 2011
Kristallnacht Warspirit EP CD 2013
Krypta Nicestwa Krypta nicestwa Demo CD 2020
Kuutar Beyond All Light (Remastered) Demo CD 2020
Kvasir's Blood W​.​O​.​T​.​A​.​N. Full-length CD 2018
Lair Black Moldy Brew Full-length CD 2018
Legion of Doom God Is Dead Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
LIK Avgrundspoetens flamma Full-length CD 2020
LIK I svart och sm​ä​rta, i gl​ä​dje och vidskepelse Split Vinyl 2023
Mørkt Tre I svart och sm​ä​rta, i gl​ä​dje och vidskepelse Split Vinyl 2023
Likvann Gammel jord EP 12" vinyl 2015
Lycanthropic Archdaemon Full-length CD 2023
Mactätus Blot Full-length CD 2018
Maeströ Cröque Mört Cuisine & poésie noire / Bourreau de village Compilation CD 2018
Maeströ Cröque Mört Je tuerai votre monde Compilation CD 2024
Maeströ Cröque Mört La mort avant la honte Compilation CD 2024
Malefica Ancient Burial Mounds EP CD 2016
Malefica Sabbath of Darkness Full-length CD 2020
Maléfice Rencontre avec la bête Full-length CD 2017
Maléfices Sous l'égide du dragon blanc Compilation CD 2015
Malicious Storm Forbidden Rites of the Black Arts Full-length CD 2023
Maquahuitl Teocalli of the Sacred War Full-length CD 2017
Maquahuitl At the Altar of Mictlampa Full-length CD 2020
Maquahuitl Teocalli of the Sacred War Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Maquahuitl Con su pistola en la mano EP CD 2021
Maquahuitl Teocalli of the Sacred War Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Maquahuitl Tequitl EP CD 2024
Maquahuitl Awaken Spirit Split CD 2024
Ifernach Awaken Spirit Split CD 2024
Massenhinrichtung Закон зброі (The Order of Force) Full-length CD 2015
Massenhinrichtung Adzinota kruka Split CD 2012
Raven Throne Adzinota kruka Split CD 2012
Massenvernichtung Eine Abrechnung Full-length CD 2015
Menegroth Gazourmah Full-length CD 2009
Menegroth Das rote Werk Full-length CD 2012
Miasma Subversive Throne of Negativity Full-length CD 2020
Miasma Void Dominion Full-length CD 2020
Mind Asylum L'asile de l'esprit Full-length CD 2009
Misery Spell После жизни Full-length CD 2022
Misotheismus Untitled II Demo CD 2021
Mjölnir Hinweg über die Tore der Zeit Full-length CD 1998
Mjölnir Hinweg über die Tore der Zeit Full-length 2CD 2015
Mjölnir Hinweg über die Tore der Zeit Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Mjölnir Magnet Vektor - Akt II: Virtuelle neue sinfonische Black Metal Oper Full-length CD 2017
Mjölnir Walpurgisfeuer Demo 12" vinyl 2020
Mjölnir Grabgesang der Sonne - Midgard, erwache! Full-length CD 2020
Moloch Aspect in Negative Split 7" vinyl 2015
Mutilathymn Aspect in Negative Split 7" vinyl 2015
Monarque Evil Wrath / Monarque Split 7" vinyl 2011
Evil Wrath Evil Wrath / Monarque Split 7" vinyl 2011
Mooncitadel As Nightwind Embraced and the Shadows Caressed Demo Cassette 2016
Mooncitadel Moon Calls to Wander... ...the Winter's Majesty EP 12" vinyl 2018
Mooncitadel Moon Calls to Wander... ...the Winter's Majesty EP CD 2018
Mooncitadel Moon Calls to Wander... ...the Winter's Majesty EP 2 12" vinyls 2018
Mooncitadel Moon Calls to Wander... ...the Winter's Majesty EP Cassette 2020
Mooncitadel Moon Calls to Wander... ...the Winter's Majesty EP 12" vinyl 2020
Moonglare ...as the Hordes Gather Demo CD 2022
Morcolac A Vampiir Is Born Full-length CD 2021
Morcolac Vrykolakas Full-length CD 2022
Morgenstern The Golden Chain EP Cassette 2020
Morgenstern The Golden Chain EP CD 2020
Morke Finsternis Demo Cassette 2022
Morke Blutrausch Demo Cassette 2022
Morke Bavarian Metal Demo Cassette 2022
Morke Return from the Dead EP 10" vinyl 2023
Mørkt Tre Necrofolk EP CD 2019
Mørkt Tre Земля забута богом і людьми Full-length CD 2020
Mørkt Tre Necrofolk EP 10" vinyl 2023
Mørkt Tre Зазирни за обрій Full-length CD 2023
Múspellzheimr Demo I & Demo II Compilation 2CD 2018
Múspellzheimr Ferske Lik / Elde Split 7" vinyl 2020
Gjendød Ferske Lik / Elde Split 7" vinyl 2020
Myrholt Solens soenn og maanens datter Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Myrholt Retterting Full-length 10" vinyl 2020
Nattverd Vi vet gud er en løgner Full-length CD 2017
Nattverd Skuggen EP 12" vinyl 2019
Nazxul Nazxul Demo Cassette 1994
Necrostrigis Sinister Fire's Rituals EP 7" vinyl 2014
Necrostrigis Wilkołaki księżycowego pentagramu Full-length CD 2013
Necrosynthesys Congregation of the Wicked Full-length CD 2022
Nekrokrist SS Strike of the Northern Legions Split CD 2012
Faagrim Strike of the Northern Legions Split CD 2012
Nekrokrist SS I Am the Chaos, the Abyss and the Gloom Split 12" vinyl 2015
Vöedtæmhtëhactått I Am the Chaos, the Abyss and the Gloom Split 12" vinyl 2015
Nekrokrist SS Neljän käärmeen veljeskunta Demo Cassette 2018
Nekrokrist SS Neljän käärmeen veljeskunta Full-length CD 2019
Nekrokrist SS Neljän käärmeen veljeskunta Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Nihasa Vessels ov the Aetheric Void Split 7" vinyl 2013
The Red Angle Vessels ov the Aetheric Void Split 7" vinyl 2013
Nihasa Brahamanda Xul Grimoire Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Nocturnal Degrade Hymn to Eternal November Full-length CD 2010
Nocturnal Werewolf Howl of Frozen Graves Demo Cassette 2016
Nokturne Ahnenerbe Blood Cult / Machtergreifung Split 7" vinyl 2017
Blutkult Ahnenerbe Blood Cult / Machtergreifung Split 7" vinyl 2017
Nokturne Templars of Iron Will Split 10" vinyl 2021
Eisenwinter Templars of Iron Will Split 10" vinyl 2021
Nokturne Templars of Iron Will Split CD 2022
Eisenwinter Templars of Iron Will Split CD 2022
Nokturne Wolf Reich Full-length CD 2024
Nordvrede Monument Viktoria Full-length CD 2013
Nordvrede State of the Art Full-length CD 2013
Nordvrede Confrontation Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Nordvrede Confrontation Full-length CD 2016
Nordvrede Hammerprofeti Full-length CD 2017
Nordvrede Legion Nordvrede Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Nordvrede Hammerprofeti Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Nordvrede Legion Nordvrede Full-length CD 2017
Nordvrede Monument Viktoria Full-length CD 2021
Nordvrede Monument Viktoria Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Nordwind Thy Will Be Done EP CD 2010
Nordwind Wendehorn Full-length CD 2012
Norrhem Voima ja kunnia EP CD 2017
Norrhem Vaienneet voittajat Full-length CD 2018
Norrhem Among the Ruins EP CD 2019
Northland Czernoboh Full-length Cassette 2023
Northland Bielboh - Demo Collection Compilation CD 2022
Northland Bielboh - Demo Collection Compilation Cassette 2023
Noxia Kein Platz / Remnants of the Arcane Split CD 2016
Fremdreich Kein Platz / Remnants of the Arcane Split CD 2016
Noxia The Age of Wisdom Full-length CD 2017
Odour of Death In Search of Eternal Darkness Full-length CD 2017
Oferwintran Demo Demo Cassette 2018
Oferwintran Llyfr Coch Hergest Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Oferwintran Llyfr Coch Hergest Full-length CD 2021
Ohtar Petrified Breath of Hope Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Ohtar When I Cut the Throat Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Ohtar Quotidian Purgatory EP 7" vinyl 2014
Old Silver Key Secrets Untold Split CD 2023
Herbarium Secrets Untold Split CD 2023
Orden Orden Full-length CD 2023
Order of Darkness Vrej Full-length Cassette 2017
Order of Darkness Ruins of Mysticism and Plague EP 12" vinyl 2018
Order of the Death's Head Pogrom Ritual Full-length CD 2014
Order of the Death's Head Hakenkreuz Full-length Cassette 2013
Order of the Death's Head Hakenkreuz Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Order of the Death's Head Soldat inconnu Full-length CD 2015
Order of the Death's Head Sous le signe de Thulé Full-length CD 2016
Order of the Death's Head Soldat Inconnu Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Order of the Death's Head Antisémite / L'odeur des déportés Split 12" vinyl 2017
Elitism Antisémite / L'odeur des déportés Split 12" vinyl 2017
Order of the Death's Head Le sang secret EP 12" vinyl 2018
Order of the Death's Head Sous le signe de Thulé Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Order of the Ebon Hand Behold the Sign of a New Era / Generation of Vipers Split Cassette 2013
Akrotheism Behold the Sign of a New Era / Generation of Vipers Split Cassette 2013
Order of the White Hand Victory Monument of Death Split 12" vinyl 2016
Nordwind Victory Monument of Death Split 12" vinyl 2016
Pantheon Under the Sign of the Hammer Split 7" vinyl 2009
Bilskirnir Under the Sign of the Hammer Split 7" vinyl 2009
Evil Under the Sign of the Hammer Split 7" vinyl 2009
Pantheon Vargrstrike Full-length CD 2008
Pantheon Galdur Vikodlaks Full-length CD 2001
Pantheon Vargrstrike Full-length CD 2008
Pantheon of Blood Pantheon of Blood Demo 7" vinyl 2016
Paroxysmal Descent Lacerae EP CD 2018
Passéisme Austerity Parade Demo Cassette 2019
Perdition Winds Perdition Winds EP CD 2012
Permafrost Spiritual Isolation Full-length CD 2015
Permafrost Spiritual Isolation Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Permafrost I Challenge the Light of God Full-length CD 2018
Phosphore Blanc Xenophobos Full-length CD 2016
Phosphore Blanc M​.​W​.​O. (Modern World Obliterator) Full-length CD 2017
Plaguehurst Communionem Full-length CD 2019
Poems of the Elder Reawakening of Germanic Spirit Full-length CD 2019
Psychagogos Demo Demo Cassette 2019
Purest Renascence Full-length CD 2008
Purest Renascence Full-length CD 2008
Rattenfänger Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum Full-length Cassette 2020
Rattenfänger Geisslerlieder Full-length Cassette 2022
Rattenkönig A Miasma of Befouled Subhumans / Phantasmagorical Holocaust Split 7" vinyl 2020
Wewelssburg A Miasma of Befouled Subhumans / Phantasmagorical Holocaust Split 7" vinyl 2020
Ravenmoon Sanctuary Winter Desolation of Death Full-length CD 2013
Recluse Stillbirth in Bethlehem Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Recluse Stillbirth in Bethlehem Full-length Digital 2018
Recluse The Black Famine Compilation 12" vinyl 2018
Regnat Infernum Silesian Pagan Madness Split CD 2023
Spectral Knight Silesian Pagan Madness Split CD 2023
Ressentiment Decon​(​de​)​struction EP Cassette 2019
Revenant Marquis Pitiless Black Emphasis Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Reverorum ib Malacht Demo 09 Demo CD 2014
Rostorchester Vermessenheit EP 7" vinyl 2014
Rostorchester Die Sonne und der Mond in Ketten Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Roudansirppi II Demo Cassette 2018
Roudansirppi Roudansirppi Demo Cassette 2018
Sacrificia Mortuorum En offrande Full-length CD 2022
Sad Eindig / Sad Split 7" vinyl 2020
Eindig Eindig / Sad Split 7" vinyl 2020
Satanachist Crown of the Black Sun Demo Cassette 2013
Satanachist Crown of the Black Sun Demo CD 2015
Saturnal Ascension Eon Anti-Gnosis Cosmic Full-length CD 2020
Seges Findere Terrorist Warfare Compilation CD 2011
Seges Findere Genocidal Offensive Full-length CD 2012
Selbstmord We Bring Desolation Split 12" vinyl 2012
Antisemitex We Bring Desolation Split 12" vinyl 2012
Selbstmord Dawn of a New Era Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Selbstmord Radical Declaration Full-length CD 2017
Selbstmord Radical Declaration Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Sentier des Morts Beatus Methodivo Full-length CD 2020
Severe Storm Follow the Paths of Darkness... Full-length CD 2010
Sielunvihollinen Syvyydestä Compilation CD 2014
Sielunvihollinen Hautaruhtinas Full-length CD 2015
Sielunvihollinen Tuhontuoja Demo Cassette 2016
Sielunvihollinen Ruhonkantaja Full-length CD 2017
Sielunvihollinen Ruhonkantaja Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Sielunvihollinen Ruhonkantaja Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Sielunvihollinen Tuhontuoja Demo 7" vinyl 2020
Sielunvihollinen Veren äänet EP 12" vinyl 2020
Sielunvihollinen Hautaruhtinas Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Sielunvihollinen Hautaruhtinas Full-length CD 2019
Sielunvihollinen Ruhonkantaja Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Silberbach ...There Will Be Blood Full-length 12" vinyl 2009
Silexater Bleeding Depth EP 7" vinyl 1997
Skaur Gravoel EP CD 2014
Skaur Nordnorsk svartmetall Full-length CD 2013
Skaur Farvel Full-length CD 2015
Skaur Reis te haelvete Full-length CD 2022
Slagbjørn Mørkt og jævlig Full-length CD 2014
Somnolence As Midgard Weeps Full-length CD 2008
Spear of Longinus Rebirth of the Luciferian Light Split 7" vinyl 2013
Satanachist Rebirth of the Luciferian Light Split 7" vinyl 2013
Spear of Longinus The Yoga of National Socialism Full-length CD 2014
Spear of Longinus Black Sun Society Full-length CD 2016
Spear of Longinus Nothing Is Forever, and, Forever Is Nothing Full-length CD 2016
Spear of Longinus Black Sun Society Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Spear of Longinus Nothing Is Forever, and, Forever Is Nothing Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Spear of Longinus Golden Palace 88 Fortune Live album 12" vinyl 2020
Spear of Longinus Domni Satnasi Full-length 3CD 2022
Spear of Longinus Nada Brahma EP 12" vinyl 2023
Spear of Longinus Domni Satnasi Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Spirit of War Eden et holocauste EP CD 2024
Starlit Woods The Darkening Moon's Nightmares Split 7" vinyl 2017
Winter Blackness The Darkening Moon's Nightmares Split 7" vinyl 2017
Sternatis Ramming with Maelstorm of Will Demo 12" vinyl 2018
Stolzblut The Flame Still Burns Demo Cassette 2015
Stolzblut Wolves Eyes / Stolzblut Split CD 2017
Wolves Eyes Wolves Eyes / Stolzblut Split CD 2017
Stolzblut An Ode to Our Forefathers EP CD 2021
Stonehaven Deathcry Along the Don Split CD 2021
Hadak Ura Deathcry Along the Don Split CD 2021
Strawaz Svavelhimmel EP 10" vinyl 2020
Sunchariot Sunchariot / Hadak Ura Split CD 2021
Hadak Ura Sunchariot / Hadak Ura Split CD 2021
Sunwheel Industry of Death Full-length CD 2014
Sunwheel Industry of Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Svärta Invokation Split CD 2015
Elände Invokation Split CD 2015
Svartrit Svarthetens ridå Compilation CD 2015
Tezcatlipoca Yaocuauhtli EP CD 2021
The Shadow Order Darkthule / The Shadow Order / Frostkrieg Split 7" vinyl 2010
Frostkrieg Darkthule / The Shadow Order / Frostkrieg Split 7" vinyl 2010
Darkthule Darkthule / The Shadow Order / Frostkrieg Split 7" vinyl 2010
Thor's Hammer Fidelity Shall Triumph Full-length CD 1997
Thor's Hammer May the Hammer Smash the Cross Full-length CD 2008
Thor's Hammer Fidelity Shall Triumph Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Through the Spatial Dimensions Nothing Is Real Full-length CD 2021
Thunderbolt The Sons of the Darkness Full-length CD 2008
Ticinum A' la porta di cént tùr Full-length CD 2023
TOBC What It's Like to Be Undead Full-length CD 2013
Todesweihe Necronomicon Ex Mortis Compilation CD 2011
Todesweihe The Black Mass EP CD 2012
Todesweihe Secrets from the Past Demo Cassette 2016
Todesweihe Book of the Dead Full-length CD 2017
Todesweihe Rites of Infernal Alchemy EP CD 2019
Todesweihe Todesweihe / Sargnagel Split CD 2021
Sargnagel Todesweihe / Sargnagel Split CD 2021
Todesweihe Todesweihe / Dämonenblut Split 7" vinyl 2023
Dämonenblut Todesweihe / Dämonenblut Split 7" vinyl 2023
Todeszone Night of the Sharpest Blades Demo Cassette 2017
Todeszone Todeszone Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Todeszone Winter Funeral Processions Full-length CD 2020
Todeszone Todeszone Full-length CD 2020
Todeszone Morbid Assaults Full-length CD 2022
Totale Vernichtung Die pechschwarze Artillerie Demo Cassette 2012
Totale Vernichtung Feuerbestattung Full-length CD 2012
Totale Vernichtung Ritualmordlegenden Full-length CD 2014
Totale Vernichtung Die pechschwarze Artillerie Demo 12" vinyl 2015
Totale Vernichtung Die Rückkehr des schwarzen Todes Demo CD 2020
Two Runes Herää Eurooppa! Demo CD 2015
Two Runes Herää Eurooppa! Demo 12" vinyl 2017
Two Runes Herää Eurooppa! Demo 2 12" vinyls 2023
Two Runes Victory Eternal Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Tyranath Swords of Promise / Vinlandic Hate Brigade Split CD 2018
Eternal Strife Swords of Promise / Vinlandic Hate Brigade Split CD 2018
Ubermensch Untermensch EP 7" vinyl 2020
Ungern Steppenwolf Full-length CD 2014
Ungern Shambala Full-length CD 2012
Vampyric Corridors Dawn of the Vampyric Aryan Order Demo CD 2020
Vargavinter Walstatt Demo Cassette 1995
Veles Blood on My Knife Split CD 2016
Legion Blood on My Knife Split CD 2016
Veles Blood on My Knife Split 12" vinyl 2020
Legion Blood on My Knife Split 12" vinyl 2020
Via Dolorosa Tokio · Rom · Berlin Split 12" vinyl 2017
Massenvernichtung Tokio · Rom · Berlin Split 12" vinyl 2017
Reek of the Unzen Gas Fumes Tokio · Rom · Berlin Split 12" vinyl 2017
Via Dolorosa Antartika 1938 Split 7" vinyl 2020
Maléfice Antartika 1938 Split 7" vinyl 2020
Via Dolorosa Tokio · Rom · Berlin Split 12" vinyl 2020
Massenvernichtung Tokio · Rom · Berlin Split 12" vinyl 2020
Reek of the Unzen Gas Fumes Tokio · Rom · Berlin Split 12" vinyl 2020
Via Dolorosa Tokio Rom Berlin Split CD 2021
Massenvernichtung Tokio Rom Berlin Split CD 2021
Reek of the Unzen Gas Fumes Tokio Rom Berlin Split CD 2021
Vicarivs Filii Dei Non Cogitant Sed Tamen Sunt Full-length CD 2014
Vicarivs Filii Dei Intra Ecclesiam Salus Non Est Full-length CD 2020
Vingþórr Master of Ecstasy EP 7" vinyl 2020
Vingþórr Odr EP 7" vinyl 2020
Vinterstille Gottes Fluach Full-length CD 2021
Vltor Odi EP CD 2019
Vöedtæmhtëhactått Without Veils of Righteousness Split 12" vinyl 2015
Maquahuitl Without Veils of Righteousness Split 12" vinyl 2015
Vogelsang Aus den Trümmern empor EP CD 2009
Vonülfsrëich Hyperborëan Hills Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Vonülfsrëich Waiting for the Moon EP 12" vinyl 2017
Vonülfsrëich Spell of Thunder EP CD 2015
Vornat Vornat Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2016
Vothana Không bao giờ nộp / Never to Submit Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Vothana Không bao giờ nộp / Never to Submit Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Vothana Biệt động quân / Commando Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2020
Vothana Chính sách vũ lực tàn bạo Demo 2 12" vinyls 2020
Vothana Vua Quang Trung Demo 2 12" vinyls 2020
Vothana Hành động bây giờ, tương lai đảm bảo / Action Now, Assured Future Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Vothana Hành động bây giờ, tương lai đảm bảo / Action Now, Assured Future Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2021
Vothana Sieben Tage des Feuers / Tối nay chúng ta sẽ đến Split 7" vinyl 2022
Absurd Sieben Tage des Feuers / Tối nay chúng ta sẽ đến Split 7" vinyl 2022
Vothana Sieben Tage des Feuers / Tối nay chúng ta sẽ đến Split 7" vinyl 2022
Absurd Sieben Tage des Feuers / Tối nay chúng ta sẽ đến Split 7" vinyl 2022
Vothana Trò chơi kết thúc / Game Over Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Vothana Biệt động quân / Commando Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2022
Vothana Kỷ niệm ngày mất - Demo VI - ‎ Demo 2 12" vinyls 2023
Vothana Bản tuyên ngôn - Demo V - Demo 2 12" vinyls 2023
Vothana Trò chơi kết thúc / Game Over Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2023
Vothana Biệt động quân / Commando Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2024
Wewelssburg Into the Ritual Chamber EP 12" vinyl 2020
White Death White Death EP 7" vinyl 2014
White Death White Death EP CD 2016
White Medal Yorkshire Steel Demo CD 2013
White Medal Lyke Wake Full-length CD 2016
White Medal Lyke Wake Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
White Night/Black Forest Manifestation of Drunken Fullmoon EP CD 2021
Winter Blackness Freezing Aura of Blackened Depths Full-length CD 2017
Winterblut Der 6. Danach Full-length CD 1999
Wintergewitter Spirit, Cause and Strife EP CD 2016
Wintermoon Herää henkiin vanhat juuret EP 7" vinyl 2017
Wintermoon Herää henkiin vanhat juuret EP Cassette 2018
Woldzverke Dieffuulens krijgzman Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Wolfblood Wolfblood Compilation 12" vinyl 2016
Wolfblood Wolfblood Compilation CD 2016
Wolfspirit Marching Towards the Abyss of Death EP CD 2017
Wolfspirit Marching Towards the Abyss of Death EP 12" vinyl 2020
Wolves Eyes Beneath the Banners of the Elders EP CD 2017
Wolves Eyes Liberation / Rebirth Split CD 2018
Heidentor Liberation / Rebirth Split CD 2018
Wudeliguhi Scriptures of Depression Split CD 2023
Griverion Scriptures of Depression Split CD 2023
Wyrd Death of the Sun Full-length CD 2018
Ygg Ygg Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Ygg Ygg Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Ygg The Last Scald Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Ygg Ygg Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Zervm Nex Cvltvs Full-length CD 2012
Zgard Spirit of Carpathian Sunset (Дух Карпатських сутінків) Full-length CD 2012
Zofos Erevothen Full-length CD 2021
Zofos Erevothen Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Αχέροντας 15 Years Anniversary of Left Hand Path Esoterica Compilation 2CD 2011
Αχέροντας Theosis Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2012
Буревій Concealed Beyond the Space Full-length CD 2015
Гнёт Бремя Full-length CD 2022
М8Л8ТХ Непоколебимая вера Full-length CD 2009
Мор Tod dem Feind EP 7" vinyl 2011
Небокрай Моровая язва EP Cassette 2013
Святогор Energy - Freedom: Force Is Strong Power Is Imperious (Энергия - свобода: Сила сильная, власть властная) Full-length CD 2009