Vargheist Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address South Carolina
Country United States
Status active
Styles And Specialties Black Metal, Death Metal, Grindcore
Founding Date 2018
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Ange de la Mort United States black Current
Beyond Deth United States black, thrash Current
Confined Spain death Current
Contagium United States death Current
Deveneror International black Current
Fall of Gnosis United States death, sludge Current
Filtheater United States death Current
Flesh Configuration United States brutal, death Current
Inner Sphere United States death Current
Irksvm United States black Current
Maggot Crown United States death Current
Maha Pralaya United States black, death Current
Marburg United States death, grind, hardcore, technical Current
Mogila Deathcult Serbia death Current
Morgue Walker United States black, death, grind, hardcore Current
Myrkridia United States death Current
Out of the Mouth of Graves United States death, progressive Current
Patient Zero Costa Rica death Current
Psionic Madness United States death, grind, hardcore Current
Pythonissam United States doom, funeral Current
Tryptamyne United States avant-garde, death, technical Current
Uzumaki United States death Current
Void Blight United States black, death Current
Vølus United States black, death, noise Current
Ashed Canada black, brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Conjuration Trance United States black, death, grind, hardcore Past
Corpse Arise United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Debauchery United States death Past
Feral Lord United States black Past
Grave Gnosis United States atmospheric, black Past
Guts Finland death Past
Hateful Transgression United States black, brutal, death Past
Imperathron Chile black, death Past
Ljuska Serbia black Past
Putrefying Cadaverment United States brutal, death Past
Subterranean Birthright United States black Past
Venomous Echoes United States black, death Past
Vicarious Slaughter United States death, doom Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Ange de la Mort Unscrupulous Misattributions Full-length Digital 2019
Ange de la Mort Unscrupulous Misattributions Full-length CD 2019
Ashed Purgatorial Reign Full-length CD 2020
Beyond Deth The Age of Darkness Full-length CD 2019
Beyond Deth Accept Your Fate Full-length CD 2020
Beyond Deth Accept Your Fate Full-length Digital 2020
Beyond Deth The Age of Darkness Full-length Digital 2020
Beyond Deth Accept Your Fate Full-length Cassette 2020
Beyond Deth The Age of Darkness Full-length Cassette 2019
Confined Eternal Fury of the Disillusioned Ones Full-length CD 2023
Conjuration Trance Grimorium Necrophagia Demo Digital 2020
Contagium Chronicles of Carnage Full-length CD 2020
Contagium Chronicles of Carnage Full-length Digital 2020
Corpse Arise Spite and Kill Full-length Digital 2023
Corpse Arise Spite and Kill Full-length CD 2023
Debauchery Cranial Indulgence Demo CD 2023
Debauchery Cranial Indulgence Demo Digital 2022
Deveneror Kenoma Full-length CD 2019
Deveneror Malleus Philosophorum Full-length Digital 2020
Deveneror Malleus Philosophorum Full-length CD 2020
Fall of Gnosis Deathlike Illusion EP CD 2023
Fall of Gnosis Deathlike Illusion EP Digital 2023
Feral Lord Purity of Corruption Full-length CD 2021
Feral Lord Purity of Corruption Full-length Digital 2021
Filtheater Obfuscated EP CD 2021
Flesh Configuration Cursed Resurrection Demo CD 2020
Flesh Configuration Cursed Resurrection Demo Digital 2021
Flesh Configuration Adapt Swarm Planet EP CD 2022
Flesh Configuration Adapt Swarm Planet EP Digital 2022
Grave Gnosis Lux Nigredo Full-length Digital 2021
Grave Gnosis Lux Nigredo Full-length CD 2023
Grave Gnosis Lux Nigredo Full-length CD 2023
Guts Decay Full-length CD 2023
Imperathron Mors Est Veritas EP CD 2022
Inner Sphere Chaos and Warfare Full-length Digital 2019
Inner Sphere Chaos and Warfare Full-length CD 2019
Inner Sphere Outer Reaches Rebellion Full-length Digital 2020
Inner Sphere Imperishable Realm Split CD 2024
Pythonissam Imperishable Realm Split CD 2024
Fall of Gnosis Imperishable Realm Split CD 2024
Inner Sphere Imperishable Realm Split Digital 2024
Pythonissam Imperishable Realm Split Digital 2024
Fall of Gnosis Imperishable Realm Split Digital 2024
Irksvm Moribund Full-length CD 2019
Irksvm Moribund Full-length Digital 2019
Ljuska Thanatanamnesis Full-length CD 2022
Ljuska Thanatanamnesis Full-length Digital 2022
Maggot Crown Suffering to the Conquered EP CD 2019
Maggot Crown Suffering to the Conquered EP Digital 2019
Maggot Crown Cryptic Immoral Secure Full-length CD 2021
Maggot Crown Apparition of Faces Full-length CD 2023
Maha Pralaya Death & Dissolution Full-length Digital 2020
Maha Pralaya Death & Dissolution Full-length CD 2020
Marburg Polemicist EP CD 2019
Morgue Walker Forage the Ash EP Digital 2020
Myrkridia Termination Entity Full-length CD 2020
Myrkridia Termination Entity Full-length Digital 2020
Out of the Mouth of Graves Harbinger Unceremonious Full-length CD 2022
Out of the Mouth of Graves Shrines to Dagon Full-length Digital 2023
Out of the Mouth of Graves Shrines to Dagon Full-length CD 2023
Patient Zero XII Full-length CD 2019
Patient Zero XII Full-length Digital 2019
Psionic Madness Mortality Salience Full-length Digital 2021
Psionic Madness Mortality Salience Full-length CD 2021
Psionic Madness Rotting Dominion Full-length Digital 2022
Psionic Madness Rotting Dominion Full-length CD 2022
Psionic Madness Warhead Crucifix Full-length CD 2023
Psionic Madness Warhead Crucifix Full-length Digital 2023
Putrefying Cadaverment Necrosadistic Defilement EP Digital 2020
Pythonissam Transcending to R'lyeh Full-length CD 2022
Subterranean Birthright The Crippling Truths Compilation Digital 2022
Tryptamyne Tryptamyne EP CD 2019
Uzumaki Spoken in Tongues Full-length CD 2019
Uzumaki Gift of Tongues Full-length Digital None
Uzumaki Spoken in Tongues Full-length Digital 2020
Venomous Echoes Writhing Tomb Amongst the Stars Full-length CD 2023
Vicarious Slaughter Ritual Evisceration EP CD 2024
Void Blight Monolith of Vortex Realms Full-length CD 2024
Void Blight Monolith of Vortex Realms Full-length Digital 2024
Vølus Festering Anti-Cosmic Wound Full-length CD 2020
Vølus Festering Anti-Cosmic Wound Full-length Digital 2020
Vølus The Vermin Speak EP Digital 2021
Vølus Deadstar Illumination EP Digital 2021
Vølus Deadstar Illumination EP Digital 2021
Vølus Deadstar Illumination EP CD 2021
Vølus Thrown to the Abyss Full-length CD 2022
Vølus Thrown to the Abyss Full-length Digital 2022
Vølus Oathsworn Vengeance Full-length CD 2023
Vølus Oathsworn Vengeance Full-length Digital 2023
Vølus Avernus Emissary EP CD 2023
Vølus Avernus Emissary EP Digital 2023