Gate of Horror Productions

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Paul Córdova Vélez, Jirón Mariano de los Santos 224. Urb. Tejadita., Lima 15063, Perú
Country Peru
Status active
Styles And Specialties Heavy, Doom, Power, Thrash, Black, Death Metal

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Abigail Peru black, melodic Current
Aggression Peru thrash Current
Anikiller Peru thrash Current
Blood Empire Colombia black Current
Carcava Peru death Current
Deicidios Peru death, thrash Current
Distruptor Peru death, thrash Current
Dominium Peru heavy Current
Epilepsia Peru thrash Current
Ermita Chile atmospheric, doom, folk Current
Estigma Peru death, thrash Current
Eternal Exhumation Peru death Current
Hellthrasher Peru black, speed, thrash Current
Hombre Viejo Argentina black, thrash Current
Icons of Blasphemy Peru death Current
Infection Peru death Current
Introspection Brazil black, death, melodic Current
Kraken Peru thrash Current
Miserable Peru heavy, thrash Current
Mourners Lament Chile death, doom Current
Naiden Peru hardcore Current
Narkan Peru death, grind, hardcore Current
Obnubilo International avant-garde, black Current
Opresión Colombia thrash Current
Otuq Peru black Current
Postmortem Colombia brutal, death, grind, hardcore Current
RAAM Ecuador hard-rock, heavy Current
Radamanthys Chile death Current
Reaktor Ecuador death, thrash Current
Sourpuz Colombia death, grind, hardcore Current
Stygia Peru death Current
Templo del Averno Peru death Current
A Dead Cold Lament Chile doom, funeral Past
Adkan Chile black Past
Alfa Eridano Akhernar Mexico black, brutal, death Past
Altars of Rebellion Colombia black, melodic Past
Ancient Spheres Costa Rica black Past
Armamento Chile thrash Past
Ass Flavour Brazil death, grind, hardcore Past
Atanab Colombia death, gothic, melodic, black Past
Belzec Peru black Past
Black Fire Peru thrash Past
Black Heaven Peru thrash Past
Black Moon Chile pagan, black Past
Bleed of Hate Peru death, melodic, thrash Past
Cendra Spain black, punk Past
Chaosmonger Switzerland death Past
Coffin Rags Peru black Past
Coldblood Brazil death Past
Cosmosis Peru death, hardcore, thrash Past
Cross Roarr Colombia heavy, punk, speed Past
Dark Manthra Colombia black Past
Destroyer Attack Ecuador thrash, black, death Past
Dominate Colombia black, thrash Past
Endimion Chile death, doom Past
Enygma Peru black, death, thrash Past
Eshtadur Colombia black, death, melodic Past
Evil Whiplash Colombia black, thrash Past
Exacerbación Costa Rica death, grind, hardcore Past
Fatal Death Peru thrash Past
Fervent Hate Peru death, death'n'roll Past
Flagelum Dei Peru black Past
Gangrena Febrosa Brazil brutal, death Past
Guerra Total Colombia speed, death, thrash, black Past
Imperador Belial Brazil black Past
Incinerador Brazil death Past
Juventud Podrida Panama black, crust, punk, thrash Past
King Heavy Chile doom, heavy Past
L.O.D. Peru death Past
Legion Sacra Peru death, melodic, thrash Past
Luciferian Colombia black Past
Lugubria Peru black, gothic Past
M.A.S.A.C.R.E Peru heavy, power, thrash Past
Marchafunebre Chile doom Past
Mortajas Chile doom Past
Motherfog Peru death Past
Necrofobia Ecuador death Past
Necropsya Peru thrash Past
Offensor Peru black, death Past
Perverse Rites Peru black, thrash Past
Pilsen Drinkers Chile thrash Past
Potemtum and Solitude Colombia black Past
Priorato Ecuador black, thrash, death, melodic Past
Psicorragia Peru death, doom Past
Reencarnación Colombia black, thrash, acoustic, experimental, hardcore Past
Rito Profanatorio Peru black, death Past
Ritual Peru death Past
Skull Colombia speed, thrash Past
Storm of Darkness Colombia black Past
The Fallacy Chile gothic Past
The Profane Paraguay death, death'n'roll Past
Thrashtorno Peru thrash Past
Tribulation Chile black, thrash Past
Two Face Sinner Peru black, death Past
Ursus Colombia speed, thrash Past
Vindictive Peru thrash Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
A Dead Cold Lament Shadows ov Myself Full-length CD 2020
Abigail Imperio maldito Full-length CD 2023
Adkan Belsebuta Full-length CD 2018
Aggression Aggression Demo CD 2015
Aggression Metal hasta sangrar Full-length CD 2018
Alfa Eridano Akhernar Aberrant Hate Icon Full-length CD 2007
Altars of Rebellion Capital Phase of Karma Full-length CD 2021
Ancient Spheres Prayers of the Black Flame Full-length CD 2021
Anikiller Ritual de muerte Compilation CD 2023
Armamento Imperio Full-length CD 2020
Ass Flavour Hernia Hurts Demo CD 2007
Atanab Black Magic Full-length CD 2006
Belzec Servant of Stormy Dagger EP CD 2011
Black Fire Burning Aggression Full-length CD 2011
Black Heaven Blast the Mankind Full-length CD 2015
Black Moon The Other Way of Rebellion Full-length CD 2012
Bleed of Hate New Blood... More Victims... Full-length CD 2005
Blood Empire Invoking to the Ancient Pagan Warriors EP CD 2013
Carcava Desenterrando a los muertos Full-length CD 2012
Cendra Sang, suor i alcohol Full-length CD 2013
Cendra Cendra Compilation CD 2014
Chaosmonger For Chaos Shall Reign Full-length CD 2022
Coffin Rags Ascensión omnisciente del éter Full-length CD 2020
Coldblood The Other Gods EP CD 2012
Cosmosis Mitocrasis disolución Split CD 2013
Rito Profanatorio Mitocrasis disolución Split CD 2013
Cross Roarr Philosophy of Death Full-length CD 2022
Dark Manthra Vientos de guerra Full-length CD 2014
Deicidios Putrefacto Full-length CD 2022
Destroyer Attack Ejecución en nombre de su dios Full-length CD 2016
Distruptor Sons of Aberration EP CD 2022
Dominate Opus Infernal - Eternal Path to the Black Sun Full-length CD 2021
Dominate Cálicem Serpente Full-length CD 2020
Dominium Desfase Full-length CD 2021
Endimion Canción desde la voz primera/Palabras vacías Compilation CD 2019
Enygma Piece Alive EP CD 2013
Epilepsia Involution Split CD 2019
Necropsya Involution Split CD 2019
Epilepsia Sin destino EP CD 2021
Epilepsia Human Race Extermination Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Ermita Finis Gloriae Full-length CD 2021
Ermita Presentes carentes Full-length CD 2021
Eshtadur Stay Away from Evil and Get Close to Me Full-length CD 2013
Estigma Resiliencia vivo Live album CD 2022
Eternal Exhumation The Great Conquest Full-length CD 2018
Evil Whiplash Rituals of Punishment Full-length CD 2017
Evil Whiplash Beyond Dimensions Full-length CD 2017
Exacerbación Exacerbación / Dios Hastío / Juventud Podrida ‎ Split 7" vinyl 2015
Juventud Podrida Exacerbación / Dios Hastío / Juventud Podrida ‎ Split 7" vinyl 2015
Fatal Death Muerte al falso poder Full-length CD 2020
Fervent Hate Diablo EP CD 2015
Fervent Hate Diablo EP Digital 2015
Flagelum Dei Destroying Your Beliefs Full-length CD 2008
Gangrena Febrosa Abominaciones quirúrgicas Full-length CD 2007
Guerra Total El cosmicismo y el desamparo existencial de la humanidad en el universo, parte II & III Full-length CD 2021
Hellthrasher En tinieblas Full-length CD 2020
Hombre Viejo Solitario ser Full-length CD 2013
Icons of Blasphemy Toxic Murder EP CD 2021
Imperador Belial Morbid Rites Full-length CD 2014
Incinerador Enterrado Vivo Full-length CD 2013
Infection Acrotomophile Mutilator Full-length CD 2017
Infection Beheaded Children Contest EP CD 2020
Infection Necrokindergarden Full-length CD 2019
Infection The Cryptic Homicides Full-length Digital 2024
Introspection Human Emancipation Full-length CD 2014
King Heavy Horror absoluto EP CD 2021
King Heavy Horror absoluto EP 12" vinyl 2023
Kraken Tales of Terror Full-length CD 2021
L.O.D. Legion of Doom Demo CD 2019
Legion Sacra Semper Eadem Full-length CD 2014
Luciferian I Am Perverse Full-length CD 2013
Lugubria De oscuridad... de soledad Full-length CD 2009
Lugubria Bajo el manto del irredento Full-length CD 2011
M.A.S.A.C.R.E Demoledor Full-length CD 2021
Marchafunebre Veil of Death Full-length CD 2022
Miserable Náusea celebre Full-length CD 2022
Mortajas Mortajas Full-length CD 2021
Motherfog OxMxRx Full-length CD 2020
Mourners Lament Grieving at a Distance EP CD 2022
Naiden Errores Full-length CD 2021
Narkan Larvario Full-length CD 2018
Narkan Infestación Full-length CD 2020
Necrofobia Dios verdugo Full-length CD 2022
Necropsya Slaves of the Magic Demo CD 2007
Obnubilo Nascentes Morimur Full-length CD 2022
Offensor Manifiesto herético Full-length CD 2013
Opresión Furia Metal Full-length CD 2021
Perverse Rites Witchsluthaunt EP CD 2020
Pilsen Drinkers Controlado por el odio EP CD 2018
Postmortem Velando la cabeza Full-length CD 2021
Potemtum and Solitude Good Bye My Love Full-length CD 2020
Priorato Negative Full-length CD 2012
Psicorragia Ruina y muerte... el génesis Compilation CD 2011
Psicorragia Sátira Macabre EP CD 2012
RAAM Rockefeller Loves You All Full-length CD 2016
RAAM Fire of Glory Full-length CD 2022
Radamanthys The War Within Full-length CD 2021
Reaktor Emperadores del sol Full-length CD 2022
Reaktor Emperadores del sol Full-length Digital 2022
Reencarnación Demos: 1987 - 1994 Compilation CD 2018
Ritual Ritual de muerte Full-length CD 2015
Skull Beer, Metal, Spikes Full-length CD 2014
Sourpuz Disaster Tide of Cadavers Full-length CD 2018
Storm of Darkness Anti-Abrahamic Pest Propaganda Full-length CD 2018
Stygia Anthems.... Full-length CD 2010
Templo del Averno Destinado a morir Full-length CD 2022
The Fallacy The Loom Compilation CD 2012
The Profane Unholy Rock n' Roll Full-length CD 2015
Thrashtorno Asesinos del infierno Full-length CD 2010
Tribulation Gathered Are the Legions to Destroy the Light Full-length CD 2020
Two Face Sinner Rage Against Gods and Their Prayers Full-length CD 2010
Ursus Hijos del metal Full-length CD 2008
Vindictive Máquinas de destrucción Full-length CD 2017