Thanatology Productions

JSON | Metal Archives


Address 31, St Haidian, Haidian District, Beijing
Country China
Phone Number 0086-010-51455900
Status active
Founding Date October 1st, 2012

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Arcanegoat China doom, heavy Current
Blood of Life China thrash Current
Cadaverist United States death Current
Chemical Assault China thrash Current
Extreme Rot China brutal, death Current
Fathomless Misery United Kingdom atmospheric, black Current
Foken Rotten Noise Chile death, grind, hardcore Current
Mortal Ways Brazil death Current
Odium Umbrae Mexico black Current
Ofiuco Chile thrash Current
Opposite Devotion Mexico black Current
Pistilos Opium Chile death Current
Seventh Army China black, industrial Current
Slaves of the Prison China melodic, progressive, technical, death Current
China black, raw Past
Acherozu China black, thrash Past
Anikiller Peru thrash Past
Antihvmano International black, death Past
Apes of God El Salvador death, thrash Past
Astarot Mexico black Past
Awaken the Night Italy speed, thrash Past
Black Lord Mexico black Past
Blazar Spain death, doom, sludge Past
Bloodsabbath Sweden black, death Past
Cathartic Mexico death Past
Cerberus Attack Brazil thrash Past
Curse Colombia thrash Past
Dekapited Chile thrash Past
Demoniac Chile black, thrash Past
Demonification Singapore black, death, thrash Past
Demonslaught 666 China black, speed Past
Deranged Chile thrash Past
Despised Brazil death, grind, hardcore Past
Destroyer Attack Ecuador thrash, black, death Past
Disastrous Philippines brutal, death Past
Evil Madness Chile black, thrash Past
Exekution Spain thrash Past
Final Six Poland death, grind, hardcore Past
God's Funeral Spain death, doom Past
Guerra Total Colombia speed, death, thrash, black Past
Habitante Chile death, doom, melodic Past
Hellthrasher Peru black, speed, thrash Past
Hostile Faith Chile death, thrash Past
Ignominia Chile death Past
Iron Bones Chile heavy, speed Past
Keeptor Brazil thrash Past
Kilthrash Chile thrash Past
Lord Frimost Ecuador black Past
Mandingazo Chile death Past
Memorain Greece groove, speed, thrash Past
Morkhgrat Philippines black Past
Nails of the Cross Chile death Past
Naked Incise China death, grind, hardcore Past
Natum Abortus Sweden black Past
Neckbreaker Chile thrash Past
Nekromio Chile death Past
Nuclear Fire Chile thrash Past
Ordure Philippines black, raw Past
Pathogen Philippines death Past
Pervertrador Mexico death Past
Psicorragia Peru death, doom Past
Pulverized Chile death Past
Pus Vomit Philippines brutal, death, slam Past
Reinkaos Chile black, death Past
Retaliador Brazil thrash Past
Ripper Colombia speed, thrash Past
Sacrodeath Chile death, thrash Past
Sempiternal Chile death Past
Sentencia Chile death, thrash Past
Sign of Evil Chile black, speed Past
Sins of the Damned Chile black, speed Past
Spell Colombia black Past
Stinky Short Shorts Philippines crossover, thrash Past
Suffering Poland black Past
Tenebrosidad Chile black, thrash Past
This-Is-Hell Mexico death Past
Thrashgresion Colombia thrash Past
Toxemia Philippines death, grind, hardcore Past
Troma Tumor China brutal, death, technical Past
Verdugo Chile death, thrash Past
War Eternal Brazil death Past
Летальный Исход Russia death, thrash Past
败血症 China brutal, death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Uncharted Demo Cassette 2016
Acherozu Uncrowned King Full-length CD 2015
Acherozu Uncrowned King Full-length Digital 2015
Acherozu Uncrowned King Full-length CD 2017
Anikiller Colmena 666 Full-length CD 2022
Anikiller Colmena 666 Full-length Digital 2022
Antihvmano Impregnated Demon Eyes Gazing Upon a Catholic Rosary Failure Demo Digital 2023
Apes of God En el recinto de la tempestad Full-length Cassette 2022
Apes of God En el recinto de la tempestad Full-length Digital 2022
Arcanegoat De Profundis Full-length CD 2013
Arcanegoat De Profundis Full-length Cassette 2017
Arcanegoat De Profundis Full-length Digital 2013
Astarot Life of Despair / Silhouettes Reflecting in the Nightsky Compilation CD 2014
Astarot Life of Despair / Silhouettes Reflecting in the Nightsky Compilation Digital 2014
Awaken the Night The Watchers EP Cassette 2023
Awaken the Night The Watchers EP Digital 2023
Black Lord Blood​,​ Pride and Victory EP CD 2023
Blazar Blazar / God's Funeral Split Cassette 2018
God's Funeral Blazar / God's Funeral Split Cassette 2018
Blood of Life Reign over Horror Full-length CD 2016
Blood of Life Reign over Horror Full-length Digital 2016
Bloodsabbath Antihvmano / Bloodsabbath Split Digital 2023
Antihvmano Antihvmano / Bloodsabbath Split Digital 2023
Bloodsabbath Antihvmano / Bloodsabbath Split Cassette 2023
Antihvmano Antihvmano / Bloodsabbath Split Cassette 2023
Cadaverist Centrophlebomyia Anthropophaga EP CD 2014
Cathartic Ceremonial Resurrection EP Digital 2021
Cathartic Ceremonial Resurrection EP CD 2021
Cerberus Attack From East with Hate Full-length Cassette 2017
Cerberus Attack From East with Hate Full-length Digital 2017
Cerberus Attack Abyss of Lost Souls Full-length Cassette 2023
Chemical Assault Noodles Killer EP CD 2018
Curse Raise the Evil Full-length CD 2023
Dekapited Contra iglesia y estado EP Cassette 2015
Dekapited Sin misericordia EP CD 2017
Demoniac The Unacceptable Truth Demo Cassette 2015
Demonification Sacred Altars Tri As Necro Compilation Cassette 2018
Demonification Sacred Altars Tri As Necro Compilation Digital 2018
Demonslaught 666 Witchstorm / Morbid Vendetta Single Cassette 2023
Demonslaught 666 Witchstorm / Morbid Vendetta Single Digital 2023
Deranged Through the Dark Past Compilation CD 2017
Deranged Through the Dark Past Compilation Digital 2017
Despised Scorched Earth Full-length CD 2023
Despised Scorched Earth Full-length Digital 2023
Destroyer Attack Diabolical Ectoplasm EP Cassette 2015
Disastrous Slavery of Disgusting Torture Full-length Digital 2022
Disastrous Slavery of Disgusting Torture Full-length Cassette 2022
Evil Madness Bastards Get Rotten Full-length CD 2015
Evil Madness Bastards Get Rotten Full-length Digital 2015
Exekution The Worst Is Yet to Come Full-length CD 2018
Extreme Rot Obscure Suffering EP CD 2014
Fathomless Misery Descent of Slow Suffering Full-length CD 2015
Final Six Religious Psychosis Full-length CD 2015
Foken Rotten Noise Wastedlands Full-length CD 2013
Foken Rotten Noise The Finest Shit EP CD 2015
Foken Rotten Noise The Finest Shit EP Cassette 2015
God's Funeral El Cristo de las trincheras Demo CD 2018
Guerra Total Cosmic Horror Anthology Vol. 2 Compilation CD 2024
Guerra Total Cosmic Horror Anthology Vol. 2 Compilation Digital 2024
Habitante Condena fúnebre Full-length Digital 2022
Habitante Condena fúnebre Full-length CD 2022
Hellthrasher En tinieblas Full-length Digital 2020
Hellthrasher En tinieblas Full-length CD 2020
Hostile Faith Mortal Signs... To Death EP CD 2019
Ignominia Ars Moriendi Full-length CD 2017
Iron Bones Black Worship EP Digital 2019
Iron Bones Black Worship EP CD 2019
Iron Bones Electric Sacrifice Full-length CD 2020
Iron Bones Electric Sacrifice Full-length Digital 2020
Iron Bones Till the Hammer... Full-length Cassette 2023
Iron Bones Till the Hammer... Full-length Digital 2023
Keeptor Robots of Death EP Cassette 2022
Kilthrash Kiltro + Demolición Compilation Digital 2023
Kilthrash Kiltro + Demolición Compilation Cassette 2023
Lord Frimost Dark Age of Intolerance Demo Cassette 2023
Mandingazo Death Metal Punishment Compilation CD 2014
Mandingazo Death Metal Punishment Compilation Cassette 2014
Mandingazo Death Metal Punishment Compilation Digital 2014
Memorain Zero Hour Full-length CD 2014
Morkhgrat Chants of Death Compilation Cassette 2023
Mortal Ways Mortal Ways Full-length CD 2020
Mortal Ways Mortal Ways Full-length Digital 2020
Mortal Ways Enslavement Pandemic EP Digital 2021
Mortal Ways Enslavement Pandemic EP CD 2021
Nails of the Cross Ciclo de la muerte Full-length CD 2023
Naked Incise 赤裸雕刻 Full-length CD 2012
Naked Incise Naked Incise Full-length Digital 2012
Natum Abortus Hymns of Sadistic Divine Compilation Cassette 2021
Neckbreaker Too Big to Fail EP CD 2018
Neckbreaker Too Big to Fail EP Digital 2018
Nekromio Aghori Baba Sadhu Demo Cassette 2019
Nekromio Aghori Baba Sadhu Demo Digital 2019
Nuclear Fire Peligro de extinción EP Cassette 2023
Nuclear Fire Peligro de extinción EP Digital 2023
Odium Umbrae The Astral Unholy Ones / The True Dark Ceremony Compilation CD 2024
Odium Umbrae The Astral Unholy Ones / The True Dark Ceremony Compilation Digital 2024
Ofiuco Reino de esclavos EP Cassette 2019
Ofiuco Deseos de aniquilación Full-length Digital 2019
Ofiuco Deseos de aniquilación Full-length CD 2019
Ofiuco Reino de esclavos EP Digital 2019
Opposite Devotion Hesperus Phosphorus Full-length Digital 2021
Opposite Devotion Hesperus Phosphorus Full-length CD 2021
Ordure Bathed in Vitriol Demo Digital 2020
Ordure Bathed in Vitriol Demo Cassette 2020
Pathogen Moribund Manifesto Full-length Digital 2023
Pathogen Moribund Manifesto Full-length CD 2023
Pervertrador Necropolis Full-length Cassette 2024
Pervertrador Necropolis Full-length Digital 2024
Pistilos Opium Híbrido EP Cassette 2019
Pistilos Opium Híbrido EP Digital 2019
Psicorragia Madremuerte Full-length Cassette 2019
Pulverized Monuments of Misanthropy Full-length Cassette 2018
Pus Vomit Degrade the Worthless Full-length Digital 2021
Pus Vomit Degrade the Worthless Full-length Cassette 2021
Reinkaos Reign of Cruelty EP Cassette 2023
Reinkaos Reign of Cruelty EP Digital 2023
Retaliador Insane Thrash Full-length Cassette 2016
Retaliador Insane Thrash Full-length Digital 2016
Ripper Speed and Violence EP Cassette 2019
Ripper Speed and Violence EP Digital 2018
Sacrodeath Camino a la tortura EP Digital 2022
Sacrodeath Camino a la tortura EP CD 2022
Sacrodeath Engendro del caos Full-length CD 2023
Sempiternal Legiones del sepulcro Demo Digital 2020
Sempiternal Legiones del sepulcro Demo CD 2020
Sentencia Tronos de maldad Full-length CD 2024
Seventh Army Artificial God Full-length Digital 2016
Seventh Army Artificial God Full-length CD 2016
Sign of Evil Psychodelic Horror Demo Digital 2020
Sign of Evil Psychodelic Horror Demo Cassette 2020
Sins of the Damned Chronicles of Disgrace Compilation CD 2017
Slaves of the Prison Deathward Full-length CD 2017
Slaves of the Prison Singularity EP CD 2019
Slaves of the Prison Singularity EP Digital 2019
Slaves of the Prison Deathward Full-length Digital 2017
Spell Spell Full-length Cassette 2024
Stinky Short Shorts Skate Junkies Full-length Cassette 2023
Stinky Short Shorts Skate Junkies Full-length Digital 2023
Suffering Chaosatanas EP Cassette 2020
Suffering Chaosatanas EP Digital 2020
Tenebrosidad La última palabra será de Satanás EP Digital 2021
Tenebrosidad La última palabra será de Satanás EP CD 2021
Tenebrosidad Cruel juego de la conciencia Full-length CD 2022
This-Is-Hell Ecos del tiempo Full-length Digital 2022
This-Is-Hell Ecos del tiempo Full-length CD 2022
Thrashgresion Morbida Realidad Full-length CD 2022
Thrashgresion Morbida Realidad Full-length Digital 2022
Toxemia Invocation of Misanthropy EP Cassette 2022
Toxemia Invocation of Misanthropy EP Digital 2022
Troma Tumor Troma Tumor Full-length CD 2015
Troma Tumor Troma Tumor Full-length CD 2015
Troma Tumor Troma Tumor Full-length Digital 2015
Troma Tumor The Chaos God EP CD 2016
Troma Tumor The Genesis Full-length CD 2017
Troma Tumor The Genesis Full-length Digital 2017
Troma Tumor The Genesis Full-length Cassette 2018
Troma Tumor The Chaos God EP Cassette 2016
Verdugo Decay Demo Cassette 2023
War Eternal War Eternal EP Digital 2019
War Eternal War Eternal EP CD 2019
Летальный Исход Избыточная смертность Full-length Cassette 2023
败血症 Septicaemia Compilation CD 2014
败血症 404 EP Cassette 2015
败血症 Septicaemia Compilation Cassette 2018