Dolorem Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Tours, Centre-Val-de-Loire
Country France
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death Metal, Black, Thrash, Grind
Founding Date 2013
Online Shopping Yes

Online Presence

Official Shop


Name Country Genre Status
Abyssal Ascendant France death Current
Creeping Fear France death Current
Dawohl France brutal, death Current
Huronian Italy black, death, melodic Current
Kåabalh France death Current
Nephren-Ka France brutal, death Current
Serement Greece black, death Current
Slave One France death Current
Storm upon the Masses Belgium brutal, death Current
Towering France death Current
Depravity Poland black, death, technical Past
Disinterred Belgium death Past
Mercyless France death, thrash Past
Misgivings France death Past
Mourning Soul Italy black Past
Torturerama Belgium death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abyssal Ascendant Chronicles of the Doomed Worlds - Part I: Enlightenment from Beyond Full-length CD 2015
Abyssal Ascendant Chronicles of the Doomed Worlds - Part I: Enlightenment from Beyond Full-length Digital 2015
Abyssal Ascendant Chronicles of the Doomed Worlds - Part II. Deacons of Abhorrence Full-length CD 2020
Abyssal Ascendant Chronicles of the Doomed Worlds - Part II. Deacons of Abhorrence Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Creeping Fear Onward to Apocalypse Full-length CD 2017
Creeping Fear Onward to Apocalypse Full-length Digital 2017
Creeping Fear Hategod Triumph Full-length CD 2021
Creeping Fear Hategod Triumph Full-length Digital 2021
Creeping Fear Hategod Triumph Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Dawohl Leviathan Full-length CD 2022
Dawohl Leviathan Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Dawohl Leviathan Full-length Digital 2022
Disinterred Incantation EP CD 2014
Huronian As Cold as a Stranger Sunset Full-length Digital 2021
Huronian As Cold as a Stranger Sunset Full-length CD 2021
Kåabalh Kåabalh Full-length CD 2018
Kåabalh Kåabalh Full-length Digital 2018
Mercyless Unholy Chapters (the Merciless Years) Compilation Digital 2023
Mercyless Unholy Chapters (the Merciless Years) Compilation CD 2023
Misgivings Misgivings Full-length CD 2022
Misgivings Misgivings Full-length Digital 2022
Mourning Soul Ego Death - Ritual I Full-length CD 2016
Mourning Soul Ego Death - Ritual I Full-length Digital 2016
Nephren-Ka La grande guerre de l'épice Full-length CD 2017
Nephren-Ka La grande guerre de l'épice Full-length Digital 2017
Nephren-Ka From Agony to Transcendence Full-length CD 2021
Nephren-Ka From Agony to Transcendence Full-length Digital 2021
Nephren-Ka From Agony to Transcendence Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Serement Abhorrent Invocations Full-length CD 2024
Serement Abhorrent Invocations Full-length Digital 2024
Serement Stench of Torment Single Digital 2024
Serement Forging the Darkness Single Digital 2024
Slave One Disclosed Dioptric Principles Full-length CD 2016
Slave One Disclosed Dioptric Principles Full-length Digital 2016
Slave One Cold Obscurantist Light EP Digital 2014
Slave One An Abstract and Metaphysical Approach to Deceit EP CD 2017
Slave One An Abstract and Metaphysical Approach to Deceit EP Digital 2017
Slave One Omega Disciples Full-length CD 2020
Slave One Omega Disciples Full-length Digital 2020
Slave One Disclosed Dioptric Principles Full-length Digital 2022
Storm upon the Masses The Ones Who Came Back Full-length CD 2018
Storm upon the Masses The Ones Who Came Back Full-length Digital 2018
Torturerama It Begins at Birth EP CD 2014
Torturerama It Begins at Birth EP Digital 2014
Towering Promo 2018 Demo Digital 2018
Towering Obscuring Manifestation Full-length CD 2019
Towering Obscuring Manifestation Full-length Digital 2019
Towering Promo 2018 Demo CD 2018
Towering Obscuring Manifestation Full-length CD 2019