Selvajaria Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address Grândola, Portugal
Country Portugal
Status active
Founding Date 2022

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Dark Age of Ruin Portugal black Current
Konad Portugal crossover, hardcore, thrash Current
Testemunhas de Jeová Portugal crossover, hardcore, thrash Current
Animalesco, o Método Portugal crust, death, death'n'roll Past
Cães de Guerra Portugal black, speed, thrash Past
Deathlike Stab Brazil crossover, thrash Past
Grey Wolf Brazil heavy Past
Inciter Brazil black, thrash Past
Insecurity Chile thrash Past
Letalis Chile heavy, speed Past
Maze of Terror Peru thrash Past
Portal do Inferno Portugal black, death, doom Past
Vil Garrote Portugal death Past
Vórtize Chile heavy Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Animalesco, o Método Animalesco, o Método Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Animalesco, o Método Animalesco, o Método Full-length Digital 2023
Cães de Guerra Cabras, Cães & Leite de Bode Full-length Digital 2023
Cães de Guerra Cabras, Cães & Leite de Bode Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Dark Age of Ruin False Messiah and the Abstract Full-length CD 2023
Deathlike Stab Knife Murders Full-length CD 2022
Grey Wolf Blood And Steel Compilation 2CD 2022
Grey Wolf Blood And Steel Compilation Digital 2022
Inciter Dark Daggers of Divine Decease Full-length CD 2022
Inciter Dark Daggers of Divine Decease Full-length Digital 2023
Insecurity Intruder of Reality Full-length CD 2023
Konad The Last Day Full-length Digital 2024
Konad The Last Day Full-length CD 2024
Konad The Last Day Full-length Cassette 2024
Letalis Bestia oculta Full-length CD 2023
Maze of Terror Into the Jaws of Terror EP Digital 2023
Maze of Terror Into the Jaws of Terror EP CD 2023
Maze of Terror The Night Where Evil Prevails EP Digital 2023
Maze of Terror The Night Where Evil Prevails EP CD 2023
Portal do Inferno Um Caminho sem Retorno Full-length CD 2022
Portal do Inferno Um Caminho sem Retorno Full-length Digital 2022
Testemunhas de Jeová Reino de Satã Full-length CD 2023
Testemunhas de Jeová Reino de Satã Full-length Digital 2023
Vil Garrote Torturas Macabras Full-length CD 2022
Vil Garrote Torturas Macabras Full-length Digital 2022
Vórtize ¡Tienes que luchar! Full-length CD 2023
Vórtize Desde bajo tierra Full-length CD 2023