Cianeto Discos

JSON | Metal Archives
Associated: parent, children


Address Cianeto Discos, Rui Barbosa, 905 - São João, Não-Me-Toque, Rio Grande do Sul, CEP: 99470-000
Country Brazil
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death Metal, Black Metal, Grindcore
Founding Date 2005
Online Shopping Yes
Parent Label Cripta Discos
Sublabels DSS Music, OnEye Records

Online Presence



Name Country Genre Status
Antimonument Brazil black, death Current
Aphotic Spectre Brazil doom, funeral Current
Bewitchment Brazil death, thrash Current
Burial Temple Brazil death Current
Carrasco Brazil black, speed, thrash Current
Coffinfeeder Brazil death Current
Enxöfre Brazil black, heavy Current
Escarnium Brazil death Current
Gallo Azhuu Brazil hard-rock, heavy Current
Goaten Brazil heavy Current
Industrial Noise Brazil death, grind, hardcore Current
Korvak Brazil thrash Current
Kvlto Brazil black Current
Lápide Brazil black Current
Lenhador Brazil black Current
Lua de Plutão Brazil doom Current
Mata Borrão Brazil death, grind, hardcore Current
Midnight Necrotomb Brazil black, death Current
Mørtvs Brazil black, death Current
Nekrommander Brazil black, death Current
Requiem's Sathana Brazil black Current
Sangrenta Brazil death, grind, hardcore Current
Abske Fides Brazil black, doom, funeral Past
Abyssal Forest Brazil atmospheric, black Past
Açoite Brazil death, thrash Past
Acrópole Brazil black Past
Affront Brazil death, thrash Past
Agamenon Project Brazil crust, death, grind, hardcore Past
Agathocles Belgium grind, hardcore Past
Agorhy Brazil death, grind, hardcore Past
Álcool Brazil speed Past
Antiklan Brazil doom, sludge Past
Archspire Canada death, technical Past
Arma Brazil black, punk, speed Past
Ataque Violento Brazil thrash Past
Atlantis Brazil heavy Past
Atropina Brazil thrash, death Past
Baga Brazil brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Beton Slovakia d-beat, death Past
BlackSkull Brazil heavy, speed Past
Blast Bitch Argentina death, grind, hardcore Past
Blood Germany death, grind, hardcore Past
Bloody Violence Brazil death, technical Past
Bolor Brazil death, grind, hardcore Past
Borknagar Norway black, folk, progressive, viking Past
Breakburst Brazil heavy, punk, speed Past
Burn the Mankind Brazil death, grind, hardcore, technical Past
Cannibe Italy death, grind, hardcore Past
Cauterization Brazil black, death Past
Charred United States death, thrash Past
Corporate Death Brazil death Past
Dead Sun Sweden death Past
Death by Starvation Brazil black Past
DeathSlaüghter Brazil black, doom, speed, thrash Past
Defleshed Sweden death, thrash Past
Deformity BR Brazil death, grind, hardcore Past
Dekapited Chile thrash Past
Der Weg einer Freiheit Germany black Past
Devastação Sob Terror Brazil grind, hardcore Past
Diabolical Messiah Chile death Past
Drahg Brazil black, punk, raw Past
DyingBreed Brazil death Past
Dysasther Brazil death, thrash Past
Echelon International death Past
Ejecutor Chile death, thrash Past
Endoscopyc Hemorrhage Brazil death Past
Eternal Darkness DCLXVI Brazil black Past
Evilcult Brazil black, speed, thrash Past
Exterminate Brazil brutal, death Past
Extermínio Brazil death Past
Facada Brazil crust, death, grind, hardcore Past
Feretral Brazil black Past
FesterDecay Japan death, grind, hardcore Past
Fleischwald Italy grind, hardcore Past
Força Macabra Finland crossover, crust, thrash Past
Fornicus United States black, death Past
Gaahls Wyrd Norway black, heavy Past
Generichrist United States death, thrash Past
Germ Bomb Sweden crossover, thrash Past
God Dethroned Netherlands black, death Past
Gorempire Brazil death, grind, hardcore Past
Grave Sweden death Past
Gulag Brazil death Past
Guro Brazil death, grind, hardcore Past
Haemorrhage Spain death, grind, hardcore Past
Harpago Brazil heavy, speed Past
Hass Brazil black Past
Hateworks Brazil death Past
Heavy Metal Addicted Brazil black, heavy, speed Past
Heinous United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Hell Poison Brazil black, speed Past
Hellish Grave Brazil black, speed Past
Hellmouth United States crossover Past
Heretic Execution Brazil death Past
Hierarchical Punishment Brazil death, grind, hardcore Past
Incivus Infectus Brazil death Past
Infamous Glory Brazil death Past
Infected Cells Brazil death, thrash Past
Insepsy Brazil death, grind, hardcore Past
Into the Cave Brazil black, death Past
Kombat United States crossover, death Past
Krisiun Brazil death Past
Kurgan Brazil crust, death, punk Past
Lastima Brazil black, grind, hardcore Past
Leprophiliac Spain death Past
Lethal Sense Brazil death Past
Lycanthrophy Czechia grind, hardcore Past
M-19 Brazil thrash Past
Macabra International death Past
MadDög Brazil black, black'n'roll Past
Males Fecundos Brazil grind, hardcore Past
Mass of Shit Brazil death, grind, hardcore Past
Misery Index United States death, grind, hardcore Past
Mithrubick Brazil brutal, death, grind, hardcore Past
Molder United States death, thrash Past
Monstrous Sweden death Past
Mörbidez Brazil black, speed, thrash Past
Movarbru Brazil black Past
Mulla Unknown black, raw Past
Murdeath Brazil speed, thrash Past
Narcolepsia Argentina death Past
Necrophobic Sweden black, death Past
Necroripper Chile death, thrash Past
Nekkrofuneral Brazil black, death Past
Nominon Sweden death Past
Nunslaughter United States death Past
Obscure Relic Brazil black Past
Observer Brazil black, death Past
Ódio Indomável Brazil punk, thrash Past
Ossuário Brazil black, speed Past
Paganizer Sweden death Past
Pessimista Brazil atmospheric, black Past
Pombajira Brazil doom Past
Postmortem Inc Brazil death Past
Power from Hell Brazil speed, thrash, black Past
Primitive Brazil black, thrash Past
Profanatic Lust Brazil black Past
Putrid Tomb United States death Past
Queiron Brazil brutal, death Past
Rancid Flesh Brazil death, grind, hardcore Past
Rektal Tuşe Türkiye grind, hardcore Past
Retaliador Brazil thrash Past
Ripped to Shreds United States death Past
Rotborn Brazil death Past
Rotten Sound Finland grind, hardcore Past
Rottenbroth Brazil death Past
Runemagick Sweden death, doom Past
Scatologic Madness Possession Brazil death, grind, hardcore Past
Scud Israel grind, hardcore Past
Shall Suffer the Eclipse Brazil black Past
Shining Sweden black Past
South Legion Brazil black, death Past
Spiritual Perversity Brazil black, experimental Past
Subcut Brazil grind, hardcore Past
Swords at Hymns Brazil black, death, epic Past
Temple of Void United States death, doom Past
The Skeletal International death Past
Throneum Poland black, death Past
Tjolgtjar United States black'n'roll, psychedelic, black Past
Tombs United States black, post-metal Past
Törment Grave Brazil death, thrash Past
Triturador Brazil death, grind, hardcore Past
Tyranno Brazil death, thrash Past
Unclean Spirit Brazil black Past
Undeath United States death Past
Utu Brazil black, raw Past
Velho Brazil black Past
Verthebral Paraguay death Past
Vulture Brazil death Past
Whipstriker Brazil heavy, speed Past
Witching Altar Brazil doom Past
偏執症者 Sweden d-beat, heavy, punk Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abske Fides Abske Fides Full-length CD 2018
Abske Fides Abske Fides Full-length Digital 2018
Abyssal Forest Além da Grande Vasta Floresta EP Digital 2019
Abyssal Forest Além da Grande Vasta Floresta EP CD 2019
Abyssal Forest Além da Grande Vasta Floresta EP CD 2019
Açoite Açoite Full-length CD 2019
Acrópole Comando do Eterno Ataque Full-length Digital 2021
Affront Angry Voices Full-length CD 2016
Agamenon Project Your Envy Means Nothing! Compilation CD 2013
Agamenon Project Dystopic Nation Compilation Digital 2020
Agamenon Project Dystopic Nation Compilation CD 2020
Agamenon Project Untitled / It's a Bummer Being Alive Split CD 2020
Agamenon Project Untitled / It's a Bummer Being Alive Split Digital 2021
Agathocles Mincer Full-length CD 2023
Agorhy Grindhouse Night - Live Split Digital 2020
Facada Grindhouse Night - Live Split Digital 2020
Baga Grindhouse Night - Live Split Digital 2020
Agorhy Grindhouse Night - Live Split CD 2020
Facada Grindhouse Night - Live Split CD 2020
Baga Grindhouse Night - Live Split CD 2020
Álcool Selvagens da Noite EP CD 2016
Álcool Selvagens da Noite EP Digital 2016
Álcool Alta Velocidade Full-length Digital 2019
Antiklan Under Wetiko (Hymns from Beneath the Veil) Full-length CD 2022
Antimonument Concealment Full-length CD 2021
Antimonument Concealment Full-length Digital 2021
Aphotic Spectre Væneration Full-length CD 2021
Archspire Relentless Mutation Full-length CD 2022
Archspire Bleed the Future Full-length CD 2022
Arma Rock n' Roll Murderers Full-length CD 2016
Ataque Violento Faces do Horror Full-length CD None
Atlantis Hotter than a Burning Church EP CD 2016
Atropina Mallevs Maleficarvm Full-length CD 2014
Atropina Porões das Luxúrias Full-length CD 2016
Atropina Prego em Carne Podre Full-length CD 2021
Atropina Prego em Carne Podre Full-length Digital 2021
Beton Zombie Mustang Safari Full-length CD 2023
Bewitchment Towards Desolation Full-length CD 2017
Bewitchment Towards Desolation Full-length Digital 2017
BlackSkull Corporate Suicide Full-length Digital 2021
BlackSkull Corporate Suicide Full-length CD 2021
Blast Bitch Sociedad manipulada EP Digital 2020
Blood Christbait Full-length CD 2023
Blood O agios pethane Full-length CD 2023
Bloody Violence Obliterate EP CD 2014
Bolor Psicopatia e Crimes Macabros EP CD 2021
Borknagar Borknagar Full-length 2CD 2023
Breakburst Sacrifice Full-length Digital 2021
Breakburst Sacrifice Full-length CD 2020
Burial Temple Mortal Scum Demo Digital 2020
Burial Temple Mortal Scum Demo CD 2020
Burn the Mankind To Beyond Full-length CD 2016
Burn the Mankind Chaos Matter EP Digital 2020
Burn the Mankind Chaos Matter EP CD 2020
Burn the Mankind To Beyond Full-length Digital 2020
Cannibe Post Mortem Self Digestion / Untitled Split CD 2013
Rancid Flesh Post Mortem Self Digestion / Untitled Split CD 2013
Cannibe Post Mortem Self Digestion / Untitled Split CD 2013
Rancid Flesh Post Mortem Self Digestion / Untitled Split CD 2013
Carrasco Armageddon Full-length Digital 2020
Carrasco Armageddon Full-length CD 2020
Carrasco Leviatã Single Digital 2021
Carrasco Tormento Eterno Full-length Digital 2021
Carrasco Tormento Eterno Full-length CD 2021
Cauterization Males Infestus EP CD 2013
Charred Prayers of Malediction Full-length CD 2022
Charred Prayers of Malediction Full-length Digital 2022
Coffinfeeder Enslaved by Ignorance Demo CD 2013
Corporate Death Terminate Existence Full-length Digital 2019
Corporate Death Angels & Worms Full-length CD 2023
Dead Sun Waterlands Full-length Digital 2020
Dead Sun Waterlands Full-length CD 2020
Death by Starvation Death by Starvation Full-length CD 2017
Death by Starvation Death by Starvation Full-length Digital 2017
DeathSlaüghter Resurrection of an Antediluvian Demon EP CD 2018
DeathSlaüghter The Last Great War of Humanity Full-length Digital 2020
DeathSlaüghter The Last Great War of Humanity Full-length CD 2020
DeathSlaüghter Passing Through the Valley of the Sodomites Full-length Digital 2022
DeathSlaüghter Passing Through the Valley of the Sodomites Full-length CD 2022
Defleshed Grind over Matter Full-length CD 2023
Deformity BR Hacked, Boiled, Dismembered, Butchered Compilation Digital 2020
Dekapited Nacidos del odio Full-length CD 2017
Der Weg einer Freiheit Noktvrn Full-length CD 2022
Devastação Sob Terror Devastação Sob Terror Full-length CD 2018
Devastação Sob Terror Devastação Sob Terror Full-length Digital 2018
Diabolical Messiah Satan Tottendemon Victory!!! Full-length CD 2022
Drahg Drahg EP Digital 2020
Drahg Drahg EP CD 2020
DyingBreed Worship No One Full-length Digital 2020
Dysasther The Abyss of Insanity Full-length Digital 2016
Echelon Indulgence over Abstinence Behind the Obsidian Veil Full-length CD 2018
Echelon Indulgence over Abstinence Behind the Obsidian Veil Full-length Digital 2018
Enxöfre Left Hand Path EP CD 2020
Enxöfre Left Hand Path EP Digital 2020
Escarnium Godless Shrine of Decay Compilation CD 2017
Escarnium Godless Shrine of Decay Compilation Digital 2017
Escarnium Excruciating Existence Full-length CD 2020
Escarnium Excruciating Existence Full-length Digital 2020
Escarnium Rex Verminorum EP CD 2020
Escarnium Rex Verminorum EP Digital 2020
Escarnium Interitus Full-length CD 2017
Escarnium Interitus Full-length Digital 2017
Escarnium Through the Depths of the 12th Gate EP CD 2022
Escarnium Dysthymia Full-length CD 2022
Escarnium Ao Vivo na Eslovênia Split CD 2024
Rotborn Ao Vivo na Eslovênia Split CD 2024
Eternal Darkness DCLXVI Master Satan the Emperor of the World Full-length CD 2022
Eternal Darkness DCLXVI Worshipers of the Archangel Lucifer Full-length CD 2022
Evilcult Evil Forces Command EP CD 2018
Evilcult Evil Forces Command EP Digital 2018
Exterminate Ascension EP CD 2012
Exterminate Burn Illusion Full-length Digital 2015
Extermínio Alcatéia Macabra Full-length Digital 2020
Extermínio Alcatéia Macabra Full-length CD 2020
Feretral Cataclysmic Oppositors Vomiting Iconoclastic Diseases Full-length CD 2020
FesterDecay Carcasses Revenge Compilation CD 2023
Fleischwald Global Intoxication + War Machine Compilation CD 2013
Força Macabra Retaliador / Força Macabra Split CD 2022
Retaliador Retaliador / Força Macabra Split CD 2022
Fornicus Sulphuric Omnipotence Full-length CD 2020
Fornicus Sulphuric Omnipotence Full-length Digital 2020
Gaahls Wyrd The Humming Mountain EP CD 2022
Generichrist Insomniac Death Parade Full-length CD 2021
Generichrist Death Swarms...Planet of the damned Compilation CD 2023
Germ Bomb Infected from Birth Full-length Digital 2020
Germ Bomb Infected from Birth Full-length CD 2020
Germ Bomb Sound of Horns Full-length CD 2021
Goaten The Following EP Digital 2020
Goaten The Following EP CD 2020
Goaten Crimson Moonlight EP CD 2021
Goaten Crimson Moonlight EP Digital 2021
Goaten Midnight Conjuring Full-length CD 2023
God Dethroned Bloody Blasphemy Full-length CD 2023
Gorempire ...for Vermins EP CD 2014
Grave Out of Respect for the Dead Full-length CD 2017
Gulag Subservient Consanguinity Full-length Digital 2020
Gulag Subservient Consanguinity Full-length CD 2021
Gulag Mors Omnia Solvit EP CD 2021
Gulag Mors Omnia Solvit EP Digital 2021
Guro Missa Profana Full-length CD 2021
Haemorrhage Emetic Cult Full-length CD 2021
Harpago Paraíso Perdido Full-length Digital 2020
Harpago Paraíso Perdido Full-length CD 2020
Hass Applause Full-length CD 2013
Hass Applause Full-length Digital 2013
Hateworks Years of Hate Compilation CD 2013
Heavy Metal Addicted Criminal Ways Full-length Digital 2021
Heavy Metal Addicted Criminal Ways Full-length CD 2021
Heinous The Basement Full-length CD 2018
Heinous The Basement Full-length Digital 2018
Hell Poison Burn with Me Full-length CD 2020
Hell Poison Burn with Me Full-length Digital 2020
Hellish Grave Hell No Longer Waits Full-length Digital 2019
Hellmouth Destroy Everything, Worship Nothing Full-length CD 2020
Hellmouth Destroy Everything, Worship Nothing Full-length Digital 2020
Heretic Execution Evil and the Obscurity Compilation CD 2018
Heretic Execution Evil and the Obscurity Compilation Digital 2018
Hierarchical Punishment 6 Way - Zombified Humanity Split CD 2012
Mithrubick 6 Way - Zombified Humanity Split CD 2012
Triturador 6 Way - Zombified Humanity Split CD 2012
Rancid Flesh 6 Way - Zombified Humanity Split CD 2012
Mass of Shit 6 Way - Zombified Humanity Split CD 2012
Incivus Infectus Incivus Infectus Demo CD 2013
Industrial Noise Rancid Flesh / Triturador / Industrial Noise Split CD 2011
Triturador Rancid Flesh / Triturador / Industrial Noise Split CD 2011
Rancid Flesh Rancid Flesh / Triturador / Industrial Noise Split CD 2011
Industrial Noise Paradoxo Full-length CD 2021
Industrial Noise Paradoxo Full-length Digital 2021
Infamous Glory Bloodfeast Full-length CD 2013
Infamous Glory An Ancient Sect of Darkness Full-length Digital 2020
Infected Cells Voices from the Hell EP Digital 2020
Into the Cave Insulters of Jesus Christ Full-length CD 2018
Kombat New Dimensions of Pain / Greased Then Released EP CD 2021
Korvak Korvak Full-length Digital 2020
Korvak Korvak Full-length CD 2020
Korvak March to Death Single Digital 2023
Krisiun Ageless Venomous Full-length CD 2016
Kurgan Thirteen Years of Nothingness Compilation Digital 2021
Kurgan Thirteen Years of Nothingness Compilation CD 2021
Kvlto Kvlto Full-length CD 2016
Lápide Manto do Ceifador EP CD 2016
Lastima A Vez da Outra Face... Full-length CD 2016
Lenhador The Fall of the Wood Full-length CD 2013
Leprophiliac Necrosis Full-length CD 2020
Leprophiliac Necrosis Full-length Digital 2020
Lua de Plutão Halloweed EP Digital 2020
Lua de Plutão Halloweed EP CD 2020
Lycanthrophy Lycanthrophy Full-length CD 2019
Lycanthrophy Lycanthrophy Full-length Digital 2019
M-19 Sic Semper Tyrannis Full-length Digital 2019
Macabra Blood-Nurtured Nature Full-length Digital 2018
Macabra Blood-Nurtured Nature Full-length CD 2019
MadDög The Dirty Singles Compilation Digital 2017
Males Fecundos Males Fecundos Full-length Digital 2020
Males Fecundos Males Fecundos Full-length CD 2020
Midnight Necrotomb Before Coffins, Hells and Nightmares EP CD 2021
Midnight Necrotomb Before Coffins, Hells and Nightmares EP Digital 2021
Misery Index Rituals of Power Full-length CD 2019
Molder Vanished Cadavers Full-length Digital 2020
Molder Vanished Cadavers Full-length CD 2020
Molder Engrossed in Decay Full-length CD 2022
Monstrous Dawnsleeper Full-length Digital 2020
Monstrous Dawnsleeper Full-length CD 2020
Mörbidez Sob o Signo de Belial Full-length CD 2020
Mørtvs Goatlord Terrorist Single Digital 2022
Mørtvs Anti-Peace Death Kvlt Full-length CD 2023
Mørtvs Anti-Peace Death Kvlt Full-length Digital 2023
Movarbru Sob o Domínio do Antigo Culto Full-length CD 2020
Movarbru Sob o Domínio do Antigo Culto Full-length Digital 2020
Mulla مَوْلَى Full-length Digital 2020
Murdeath Dragged to Hell Demo CD 2014
Narcolepsia Anomalía cerebral EP Digital 2020
Necrophobic Spawned by Evil EP CD 2023
Necrophobic The Third Antichrist Full-length CD 2023
Necroripper Amulepe Taiñ Weichan Full-length CD 2022
Nekkrofuneral A Epítome da Decadência Humana Split Digital 2021
Nekkrofuneral A Epítome da Decadência Humana Split CD 2022
Nekrommander Vomiting in Heaven EP CD 2023
Nominon Diabolical Bloodshed Full-length Digital 2020
Nominon Diabolical Bloodshed Full-length CD 2020
Nunslaughter Inverted Churches Compilation Digital 2019
Nunslaughter Inverted Churches Compilation CD 2019
Obscure Relic First Black Communion EP Digital 2020
Observer Observer EP CD 2013
Ódio Indomável Garra da Escuridão Full-length Digital 2021
Ódio Indomável Garra da Escuridão Full-length CD 2021
Ossuário Metal Antichrist EP CD 2018
Paganizer Cadaver Casket (On a Gurney to Hell) EP CD 2018
Paganizer Cadaver Casket (On a Gurney to Hell) EP Digital 2018
Paganizer Dead Unburied Full-length Digital 2020
Paganizer Dead Unburied Full-length CD 2020
Pessimista Ocaso EP CD 2023
Pombajira Promo 2019 A.B. Demo CD 2019
Postmortem Inc Within the Carcass EP CD 2014
Power from Hell Brazilian Bestial Attack Split CD 2012
Whipstriker Brazilian Bestial Attack Split CD 2012
Primitive Negro Metal da Morte Full-length CD 2016
Profanatic Lust The Cvlt ov the Old Ones EP CD 2022
Putrid Tomb Putrid Tomb EP CD 2022
Putrid Tomb Consuming the Diseased Demo CD 2021
Putrid Tomb Putrid Tomb EP Digital 2022
Queiron The Shepherd of Tophet Full-length Digital 2018
Rancid Flesh Pathological Zombie Carnage Full-length CD 2012
Rancid Flesh Festering Gore... Repulsive Stench EP Cassette None
Rektal Tuşe Aklen Muaf EP CD 2021
Requiem's Sathana Requiem's Sathana EP CD 2020
Requiem's Sathana Requiem's Sathana EP Digital 2020
Ripped to Shreds 埋葬 Full-length Digital 2021
Ripped to Shreds 埋葬 Full-length CD 2020
Rotborn Genocidal Resolution EP CD 2022
Rotborn On the Perspective of an Imminent Downfall Full-length CD 2022
Rotten Sound Abuse to Suffer Full-length CD 2022
Rottenbroth Visions of Autopsy EP CD 2016
Runemagick Dawn of the End Full-length Digital 2020
Runemagick Dawn of the End Full-length CD 2020
Sangrenta Final Thoughts of a Dying World Split CD 2013
Scatologic Madness Possession Lethal Sense / Scatologic Madness Possession / Endoscopyc Hemorrhage Split CD 2014
Endoscopyc Hemorrhage Lethal Sense / Scatologic Madness Possession / Endoscopyc Hemorrhage Split CD 2014
Lethal Sense Lethal Sense / Scatologic Madness Possession / Endoscopyc Hemorrhage Split CD 2014
Scud Scud Demo Digital 2020
Shall Suffer the Eclipse Shall Suffer the Eclipse Full-length CD 2022
Shining IX: Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Ends Full-length CD 2021
Shining X: Varg utan flock Full-length CD 2021
South Legion From the Spilled Blood Full-length CD 2013
Spiritual Perversity Season of the Witch EP CD 2022
Subcut Grind Years 2004 - 2011 Compilation CD 2014
Swords at Hymns My Freedom... Forgotten in a Gray Dimness EP CD 2013
Temple of Void Of Terror and the Supernatural Full-length CD 2018
Temple of Void Of Terror and the Supernatural Full-length Digital 2018
The Skeletal The Plague Rituals Full-length Digital 2020
The Skeletal The Plague Rituals Full-length CD 2020
Throneum Throneum / Ejecutor Split CD 2021
Ejecutor Throneum / Ejecutor Split CD 2021
Tjolgtjar The New Age Full-length CD 2012
Tombs Under Sullen Skies Full-length CD 2020
Triturador Triturador / Insepsy Split CD 2011
Insepsy Triturador / Insepsy Split CD 2011
Tyranno Hellfire Armageddon Split Digital 2020
Korvak Hellfire Armageddon Split Digital 2020
Törment Grave Hellfire Armageddon Split Digital 2020
Unclean Spirit Unclean Spirit Demo Digital 2021
Unclean Spirit Unclean Spirit Demo CD 2021
Unclean Spirit Neste Sepulcro... Full-length CD 2022
Undeath Lesions of a Different Kind Full-length CD 2022
Undeath It's Time​.​.​.​to Rise from the Grave Full-length CD 2022
Utu Misanthropic Black Metal Compilation Digital 2021
Velho Senhor de Tudo EP Digital None
Verthebral Abysmal Decay Full-length Digital 2020
Verthebral Abysmal Decay Full-length CD 2020
Vulture Abandoned Haunt of Cosmic Hate Full-length CD 2015
Witching Altar Vol. 1 - Goat Demo CD 2013
偏執症者 Out Raising Hell Full-length CD 2020