Dark Descent Records

JSON | Metal Archives


Address P.O. Box 18056, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80935
Country United States
Status active
Styles And Specialties Death, Black, Doom
Founding Date 2009
Online Shopping Yes
Sublabels Unspeakable Axe Records

Online Presence

Myspace http://myspace.com/darkdescentrecords
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/darkdescentrecords/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/darkdescentrecords?feature=watch
EU Store https://ddmsuo.eu/
Bandcamp http://darkdescentrecords.bandcamp.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DarkDescentRecords
Twitter https://twitter.com/DarkDescentRec
Store http://www.darkdescentrecords.com/store/


Name Country Genre Status
Adversarial Canada black, death Current
Ageless Summoning United Kingdom death Current
Ascendency Denmark black, death Current
Begrime Exemious Canada black, death Current
Berator United States black, death Current
Bestia Arcana United States black, death Current
Blaspherian United States death Current
Burial Invocation Türkiye death Current
Castrator United States death Current
Coffin Texts United States death Current
Corpsessed Finland death Current
Craven Idol United Kingdom black, thrash Current
Crypt Sermon United States doom, epic Current
Demoncy United States black Current
Desolate Shrine Finland death Current
Devouring Star Finland black Current
Divine Eve United States death, doom, grind, hardcore Current
Ellorsith Canada black, death Current
Engulfed Türkiye death Current
Gorephilia Finland death Current
Gravehill United States black, death, thrash Current
Hacavitz Mexico death, black Current
Had Denmark death Current
Har Israel black, death Current
Human Corpse Abuse United States death, grind, hardcore Current
Invincible Force Chile black, death, thrash Current
Krypts Finland death, doom Current
Lantern Finland black, death Current
Lie in Ruins Finland death Current
Living Decay United States death Current
Lvcifyre United Kingdom black, death Current
Mannveira Iceland black Current
Morpheus Descends United States death Current
Necrovorous Greece death Current
Nexion United Kingdom black Current
Nox Formulae Greece black Current
Oath of Cruelty United States death, thrash Current
Phobocosm Canada death Current
Proscription Finland black, death Current
Ruinous United States death Current
San la Muerte Australia death Current
Sempiternal Dusk United States death Current
Sepulchral Curse Finland black, death Current
Sovereign Norway death, thrash Current
Spectral Voice United States death, doom Current
Strychnos Denmark black, death Current
Sulphurous Denmark death Current
Thantifaxath Canada avant-garde, black Current
Thevetat United States death Current
Tyranny Finland doom, funeral Current
Úlfúð Iceland black, death Current
Uncanny Sweden death Current
Vanhelgd Sweden death Current
Abhoth Sweden death Past
Abjvration France death, doom Past
Absu United States death, black, thrash Past
Abyss Canada crust, death Past
Abyssal United Kingdom black, death, doom Past
Anatomia Japan death, doom Past
Anguish Sweden doom Past
Anhedonist United States death, doom Past
Ascended Dead United States death Past
Ataraxy Spain death Past
Atomicide Chile death, thrash Past
Auroch Canada thrash, black, death Past
Backyard Mortuary Australia death Past
Below Sweden doom, epic Past
Beyond Hell United States death Past
Binah United Kingdom death Past
Blood Incantation United States death Past
Cabal United States death, thrash Past
Chaotian Denmark death Past
Chthe'ilist Canada death Past
Cianide United States death, doom Past
Crimson Relic United States death, doom Past
Cryptborn Finland death Past
Cygnus Canada doom, sludge Past
Darkified Sweden black, death Past
Dead Void Denmark death, doom Past
Death Strike United States death Past
Decapitation Sweden death Past
Deceased United States death, heavy, thrash Past
Decomposed United Kingdom death, doom Past
Decrepitaph United States death Past
Deiquisitor Denmark death Past
Demonic Rage Chile death Past
Depravity Finland death Past
Diabolical Messiah Chile death Past
Diocletian New Zealand black, death Past
Dire Omen Canada black, death Past
Early Death Germany death, thrash Past
Embrace of Thorns Greece black, death Past
Emptiness Belgium black, death, post-metal, post-punk Past
Ensnared Sweden death Past
Entrails Sweden death Past
Eternal Solstice Netherlands death Past
Excommunion United States brutal, black, death Past
Faceless Burial Australia black, death Past
Father Befouled United States death Past
Fulmination Sweden death Past
Funeralopolis Switzerland death, doom Past
Funerus United States death Past
Garroted United States black, death Past
Genocide Shrines Sri Lanka black, death Past
Ghoulgotha United States death, doom Past
Goreaphobia United States death Past
Grave Miasma United Kingdom black, death Past
Grave Ritual United States death Past
Hazael Poland doom, gothic, death Past
Heresiarch New Zealand black, death Past
Holy Terror United States speed, thrash Past
Horrendous United States progressive, death Past
House of Atreus United States death, melodic Past
Hyperdontia International death Past
Ilsa United States crust, death, doom Past
Imprecation United States death Past
Insanity United States death, thrash Past
Interment Sweden death Past
Jim Jones and the Kool-Ade Kids United States crossover, doom, thrash Past
Kever Israel death Past
Kraków Norway stoner Past
Maimed United States death, doom Past
Malicious Finland death Past
Malignant Altar United States death Past
Malthusian Ireland black, death Past
Mandatory Germany death Past
Maveth Finland black, death Past
Megatomb International black, death Past
Miasmal Sweden death Past
Mitochondrion Canada black, death Past
Morbo Italy death Past
Morgion United States death, doom Past
Morgue United States death Past
Mortal Wound United States death Past
Mortuary Drape Italy black, death Past
Necrophile Japan death, thrash Past
NME United States black, crossover, thrash Past
Nuclearhammer Canada black, death Past
Obliteration Norway death Past
Oblong Box United States death, heavy, thrash Past
Obscure Infinity Germany melodic, death Past
Paroxsihzem Canada black, death Past
Pentacle Netherlands death Past
Phrenelith Denmark death Past
Profanal Italy death Past
Qrixkuor United Kingdom death Past
Reliquary Canada doom, drone, funeral Past
Reverence to Paroxysm Mexico death Past
Ripper Chile death, thrash Past
Ritual Necromancy United States death Past
Sarcasm Sweden black, melodic, death Past
Septage Denmark death, grind, hardcore Past
Serpents Athirst Sri Lanka black Past
Sheidim Spain black, death Past
Sinistrous Diabolus New Zealand death, doom Past
Skeletal Remains United States death Past
Solstice United Kingdom doom, epic, heavy Past
Suppression Chile death Past
Swallowed Finland black, death, doom Past
Temple Nightside Australia black, death Past
The Chasm Mexico death Past
The Lord Diabolus Finland black, death Past
The Wakedead Gathering United States death Past
Third Storm Sweden black Past
Timeghoul United States death Past
Torso Finland death Past
Toxaemia Sweden death Past
Trepanation New Zealand black, death, grind, hardcore Past
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Chile death Past
Unconsecrated Spain death Past
Undead Creep Italy death Past
Undergang Denmark death Past
Utumno Sweden death Past
Vacuous United Kingdom death Past
Vassafor New Zealand black, death Past
Vastum United States death Past
Vircolac Ireland death Past
Vorum Åland Islands death Past
Weregoat United States black, death Past
Witchrist New Zealand black, death, doom Past
Wodensthrone United Kingdom atmospheric, black, pagan Past
Wombbath Sweden death Past
Xenomorph United States death Past


Band Name Type Catalog Format Year
Abhoth The Tide Compilation CD 2012
Abjvration The Unquenchable Pyre EP CD 2016
Absu The Temples of Offal Compilation CD 2015
Abyss The Reins of Horror Demo Cassette 2012
Abyssal Sepulchorporeal / Amore Split Digital 2023
Ellorsith Sepulchorporeal / Amore Split Digital 2023
Abyssal Sepulchorporeal / Amore Split 12" vinyl 2023
Ellorsith Sepulchorporeal / Amore Split 12" vinyl 2023
Abyssal Sepulchorporeal / Amore Split 12" vinyl 2023
Ellorsith Sepulchorporeal / Amore Split 12" vinyl 2023
Abyssal Sepulchorporeal / Amore Split CD 2023
Ellorsith Sepulchorporeal / Amore Split CD 2023
Adversarial All Idols Fall Before the Hammer Full-length CD 2010
Adversarial Prophetic Plain of Abyssal Revelation EP CD 2011
Adversarial Prophetic Plain of Abyssal Revelation EP 12" vinyl 2011
Adversarial Death, Endless Nothing and the Black Knife of Nihilism Full-length CD 2015
Adversarial Death, Endless Nothing and the Black Knife of Nihilism Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Adversarial Prophetic Plain of Abyssal Revelation EP 12" vinyl 2011
Adversarial Prophetic Plain of Abyssal Revelation EP 12" vinyl 2011
Adversarial All Idols Fall Before the Hammer Full-length Digital 2010
Adversarial Death, Endless Nothing and the Black Knife of Nihilism Full-length Digital 2015
Adversarial Prophetic Plain of Abyssal Revelation EP Digital 2011
Adversarial Solitude with the Eternal... Full-length CD 2024
Adversarial Solitude with the Eternal... Full-length Cassette 2024
Adversarial Solitude with the Eternal... Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Adversarial Solitude with the Eternal... Full-length Digital 2024
Ageless Summoning Corrupting the Entempled Plane Full-length CD 2023
Ageless Summoning Corrupting the Entempled Plane Full-length Cassette 2023
Ageless Summoning Corrupting the Entempled Plane Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Ageless Summoning Corrupting the Entempled Plane Full-length Digital 2023
Anatomia Decomposing Serenades Split 7" vinyl 2011
Burial Invocation Decomposing Serenades Split 7" vinyl 2011
Anatomia Anatomia / Living Decay Split 7" vinyl 2013
Living Decay Anatomia / Living Decay Split 7" vinyl 2013
Anatomia Decomposing Serenades Split 7" vinyl 2012
Burial Invocation Decomposing Serenades Split 7" vinyl 2012
Anatomia Corporeal Torment Full-length CD 2021
Anatomia Corporeal Torment Full-length Cassette 2021
Anatomia Anatomia / Undergang Split CD 2022
Undergang Anatomia / Undergang Split CD 2022
Anguish Through the Archdemon's Head Full-length CD 2012
Anguish Anguish / Below Split 7" vinyl 2013
Below Anguish / Below Split 7" vinyl 2013
Anguish Through the Archdemon's Head Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2012
Anguish Dawn of Doom Demo Cassette 2010
Anguish Mountain Full-length CD 2014
Anguish Mountain Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Anguish Mountain Full-length Digital 2014
Anhedonist Netherwards Full-length CD 2012
Anhedonist Abject Darkness / Ineffable Winds Split 7" vinyl 2020
Spectral Voice Abject Darkness / Ineffable Winds Split 7" vinyl 2020
Anhedonist Abject Darkness / Ineffable Winds Split Digital 2020
Spectral Voice Abject Darkness / Ineffable Winds Split Digital 2020
Ascended Dead Abhorrent Manifestation Full-length Digital 2017
Ascended Dead Abhorrent Manifestation Full-length CD 2017
Ascended Dead Abhorrent Manifestation Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Ascended Dead Abhorrent Manifestation Full-length Vinyl 2019
Ascendency A Manifest of Imperious Destiny EP CD 2023
Ataraxy Where All Hope Fades Full-length CD 2018
Ataraxy Where All Hope Fades Full-length Digital 2018
Ataraxy Where All Hope Fades Full-length Cassette 2018
Ataraxy Revelations of the Ethereal Full-length CD 2020
Ataraxy The Last Mirror Full-length CD 2022
Atomicide Ascended Dead / Atomicide Split 12" vinyl 2021
Ascended Dead Ascended Dead / Atomicide Split 12" vinyl 2021
Atomicide Ascended Dead / Atomicide Split Digital 2021
Ascended Dead Ascended Dead / Atomicide Split Digital 2021
Atomicide Ascended Dead / Atomicide Split CD 2021
Ascended Dead Ascended Dead / Atomicide Split CD 2021
Atomicide Ascended Dead / Atomicide Split Cassette 2021
Ascended Dead Ascended Dead / Atomicide Split Cassette 2021
Auroch Taman Shud Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Auroch Mute Books Full-length Cassette 2016
Backyard Mortuary Lure of the Occult Full-length CD 2013
Begrime Exemious Impending Funeral of Man Full-length CD 2010
Begrime Exemious Visions of the Scourge Full-length CD 2012
Begrime Exemious Primeval Satellite EP 12" vinyl 2014
Begrime Exemious The Enslavement Conquest Full-length CD 2016
Begrime Exemious Impending Funeral of Man Full-length Digital 2010
Begrime Exemious Visions of the Scourge Full-length Digital 2012
Begrime Exemious Primeval Satellite EP Digital 2014
Begrime Exemious The Enslavement Conquest Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Begrime Exemious Rotting in the Aftermath Full-length CD 2022
Begrime Exemious Rotting in the Aftermath Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Begrime Exemious Rotting in the Aftermath Full-length Cassette 2022
Begrime Exemious Rotting in the Aftermath Full-length Digital 2022
Berator Elysian Inferno EP CD 2022
Berator Elysian Inferno EP Digital 2022
Berator Elysian Inferno EP 12" vinyl 2022
Berator Elysian Inferno EP Cassette 2022
Bestia Arcana Holókauston Full-length CD 2017
Bestia Arcana Holókauston Full-length Digital 2017
Bestia Arcana Holókauston Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Bestia Arcana Holókauston Full-length Cassette 2018
Beyond Hell The Sleeper Awakens Full-length CD 2010
Binah Hallucinating in Resurrecture Full-length CD 2012
Blood Incantation Interdimensional Extinction EP Digital 2015
Blood Incantation Interdimensional Extinction EP CD 2015
Blood Incantation Starspawn Full-length CD 2016
Blood Incantation Starspawn Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Blood Incantation Starspawn Full-length Cassette 2016
Blood Incantation Starspawn Full-length Digital 2016
Blood Incantation Interdimensional Extinction EP 12" vinyl 2015
Blood Incantation Interdimensional Extinction EP Cassette 2016
Blood Incantation Interdimensional Extinction EP 12" vinyl 2017
Blood Incantation Starspawn Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Blood Incantation Hidden History of the Human Race Full-length Digital 2019
Blood Incantation Hidden History of the Human Race Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Blood Incantation Hidden History of the Human Race Full-length CD 2019
Blood Incantation Hidden History of the Human Race Full-length Cassette 2019
Blood Incantation Interdimensional Extinction EP Cassette 2021
Blood Incantation Interdimensional Extinction EP 12" vinyl 2016
Blood Incantation Starspawn Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Blood Incantation Starspawn Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Blood Incantation Starspawn Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Blood Incantation Starspawn Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Blood Incantation Starspawn Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Blood Incantation Interdimensional Extinction EP 12" vinyl 2019
Blood Incantation Interdimensional Extinction EP 12" vinyl 2020
Blood Incantation Hidden History of the Human Race Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Blood Incantation Hidden History of the Human Race Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Blood Incantation Starspawn Full-length Cassette 2018
Blood Incantation Starspawn Full-length CD 2019
Blood Incantation Starspawn Full-length Cassette 2021
Burial Invocation Rituals of the Grotesque EP CD 2010
Burial Invocation Rituals of the Grotesque EP CD 2014
Burial Invocation Rituals of the Grotesque EP Digital 2015
Burial Invocation Abiogenesis Full-length CD 2018
Burial Invocation Abiogenesis Full-length Digital 2018
Cabal Midian Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Castrator Defiled in Oblivion Full-length Digital 2022
Castrator Defiled in Oblivion Full-length CD 2022
Castrator Defiled in Oblivion Full-length Cassette 2022
Castrator Defiled in Oblivion Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Chaotian Festering Excarnation Compilation CD 2020
Chaotian Effigies of Obsolescence Full-length CD 2022
Chthe'ilist Le dernier crépuscule Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2016
Chthe'ilist Le dernier crépuscule Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2018
Cianide A Descent into Hell Full-length CD 2012
Cianide A Descent into Hell Full-length Digital 2018
Coffin Texts The Tomb of Infinite Ritual Full-length CD 2012
Corpsessed The Dagger & the Chalice EP CD 2011
Corpsessed Abysmal Thresholds Full-length CD 2014
Corpsessed Corpsessed EP 7" vinyl 2012
Corpsessed Abysmal Thresholds Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Corpsessed The Dagger & the Chalice EP CD 2013
Corpsessed The Dagger & the Chalice EP Digital 2013
Corpsessed Abysmal Thresholds Full-length Digital 2014
Corpsessed Impetus of Death Full-length CD 2018
Corpsessed Impetus of Death Full-length Digital 2018
Corpsessed Impetus of Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Corpsessed Succumb to Rot Full-length Digital 2022
Corpsessed Succumb to Rot Full-length CD 2022
Corpsessed Succumb to Rot Full-length Cassette 2022
Corpsessed Succumb to Rot Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Corpsessed The Dagger & the Chalice EP Cassette 2011
Corpsessed Impetus of Death Full-length Cassette 2018
Corpsessed Beyond Abysmal Thresholds Full-length Cassette 2022
Craven Idol Towards Eschaton Full-length CD 2013
Craven Idol Towards Eschaton Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Craven Idol The Shackles of Mammon Full-length CD 2017
Craven Idol The Shackles of Mammon Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Craven Idol The Shackles of Mammon Full-length Cassette 2017
Craven Idol The Shackles of Mammon Full-length Digital 2017
Craven Idol Towards Eschaton Full-length Digital 2013
Craven Idol Forked Tongues Full-length CD 2021
Craven Idol Forked Tongues Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Craven Idol Forked Tongues Full-length Digital 2021
Craven Idol Forked Tongues Full-length Cassette 2021
Crimson Relic Purgatory's Reign Full-length CD 2018
Crimson Relic Purgatory's Reign Full-length Digital 2018
Crypt Sermon Demo MMXIII Demo Cassette 2014
Crypt Sermon Out of the Garden Full-length CD 2015
Crypt Sermon Out of the Garden Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Crypt Sermon Out of the Garden Full-length Digital 2015
Crypt Sermon Out of the Garden Full-length Cassette 2016
Crypt Sermon Out of the Garden Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Crypt Sermon The Ruins of Fading Light Full-length CD 2019
Crypt Sermon The Ruins of Fading Light Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2019
Crypt Sermon The Ruins of Fading Light Full-length Digital 2019
Crypt Sermon The Stygian Rose Full-length Digital 2024
Crypt Sermon The Stygian Rose Full-length CD 2024
Crypt Sermon The Stygian Rose Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Crypt Sermon The Stygian Rose Full-length Cassette 2024
Cryptborn In the Grasp of the Starving Dead EP CD 2011
Cygnus Heresy of the Stargazer Demo Cassette 2011
Darkified Cthulhu Riseth - The Complete Works of Darkified Compilation Cassette 2013
Dead Void The Looming Spectre Demo Cassette 2018
Dead Void Volatile Forms Full-length CD 2022
Death Strike Fuckin' Death Full-length CD 2010
Death Strike Fuckin' Death Full-length 2 vinyls 2011
Death Strike Fuckin' Death Full-length Digital 2011
Deceased Cloned (Day of the Robot) Single 7" vinyl 2011
Decomposed Laid to Waste Compilation CD 2021
Deiquisitor Downfall of the Apostates Full-length Digital 2018
Deiquisitor Downfall of the Apostates Full-length CD 2018
Deiquisitor Towards Our Impending Doom Full-length CD 2020
Deiquisitor Humanoid EP CD 2021
Deiquisitor Humanoid EP Digital 2021
Demoncy Black Star Gnosis Full-length CD 2023
Demoncy Black Star Gnosis Full-length Cassette 2023
Demoncy Black Star Gnosis Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Demoncy Black Star Gnosis Full-length Digital 2023
Demonic Rage Father Befouled / Demonic Rage Split 7" vinyl 2011
Father Befouled Father Befouled / Demonic Rage Split 7" vinyl 2011
Depravity Silence of the Centuries Compilation CD 2011
Desolate Shrine The Sanctum of Human Darkness Full-length CD 2012
Desolate Shrine The Sanctum of Human Darkness Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2013
Desolate Shrine The Heart of the Netherworld Full-length CD 2015
Desolate Shrine The Heart of the Netherworld Full-length Digital 2015
Desolate Shrine The Heart of the Netherworld Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2015
Desolate Shrine Deliverance from the Godless Void Full-length CD 2017
Desolate Shrine Deliverance from the Godless Void Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2018
Desolate Shrine Fires of the Dying World Full-length CD 2022
Desolate Shrine Fires of the Dying World Full-length Cassette 2022
Desolate Shrine Fires of the Dying World Full-length Digital 2022
Desolate Shrine Fires of the Dying World Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Devouring Star Antihedron EP Digital 2017
Devouring Star Antihedron EP 12" vinyl 2017
Devouring Star Antihedron EP CD 2017
Devouring Star The Arteries of Heresy Full-length CD 2018
Devouring Star The Arteries of Heresy Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Diabolical Messiah Demonic Weapons Against the Sacred Full-length Digital 2017
Diabolical Messiah Demonic Weapons Against the Sacred Full-length CD 2017
Diocletian Disciples of War Split CD 2012
Weregoat Disciples of War Split CD 2012
Diocletian War of All Against All Full-length Cassette 2013
Diocletian Gesundrian Full-length Cassette 2017
Dire Omen Wresting the Revelation of Futility Full-length CD 2014
Dire Omen Formless Fire Embodied EP 7" vinyl 2018
Early Death The Bleakest Force EP CD 2019
Ellorsith 1959 EP 12" vinyl 2015
Ellorsith Orbhàis EP 12" vinyl 2018
Ellorsith Orbhàis EP Digital 2018
Ellorsith Triumphant Nothingness Compilation CD 2018
Ellorsith Triumphant Nothingness Compilation Digital 2018
Embrace of Thorns A Plague Through the Heavens Split CD 2014
Maveth A Plague Through the Heavens Split CD 2014
Embrace of Thorns A Plague Through the Heavens Split 12" vinyl 2014
Maveth A Plague Through the Heavens Split 12" vinyl 2014
Emptiness Error Full-length CD 2012
Emptiness Nothing but the Whole Full-length CD 2014
Emptiness Nothing but the Whole Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Emptiness Nothing but the Whole Full-length Cassette 2016
Emptiness Nothing but the Whole Full-length Digital 2014
Engulfed Vengeance of the Fallen EP CD 2020
Engulfed Vengeance of the Fallen EP Digital 2020
Engulfed Unearthly Litanies of Despair Full-length CD 2024
Engulfed Unearthly Litanies of Despair Full-length Cassette 2024
Ensnared Dysangelium Full-length CD 2017
Ensnared Dysangelium Full-length Digital 2017
Ensnared Dysangelium Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Ensnared Inimicus Generis Humani Full-length CD 2020
Entrails The Tomb Awaits Full-length CD 2011
Entrails Tales from the Morgue Full-length CD 2016
Eternal Solstice Decrepitaph / Eternal Solstice Split 7" vinyl 2011
Decrepitaph Decrepitaph / Eternal Solstice Split 7" vinyl 2011
Eternal Solstice Remnants of Immortality Full-length CD 2015
Eternal Solstice Remnants of Immortality Full-length Digital 2015
Eternal Solstice Remnants of Immortality Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Eternal Solstice The Wish Is Father to the Thought Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Excommunion Thronosis Full-length CD 2017
Excommunion Thronosis Full-length Digital 2017
Faceless Burial Speciation Full-length Digital 2020
Faceless Burial Speciation Full-length CD 2020
Faceless Burial At the Foothills of Deliration Full-length CD 2022
Father Befouled Revulsion of Seraphic Grace Full-length CD 2012
Father Befouled Revulsion of Seraphic Grace Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Father Befouled Enthroning Desolation: A Collection of Demos, Live, & Rare Tracks Compilation CD 2015
Father Befouled Revulsion of Seraphic Grace Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Father Befouled Desolate Gods Full-length CD 2017
Father Befouled Desolate Gods Full-length Digital 2017
Father Befouled Desolate Gods Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Father Befouled Holy Rotten Blood EP Digital 2019
Father Befouled Desolate Gods Full-length Cassette 2017
Father Befouled Holy Rotten Blood EP CD 2019
Fulmination Humanity's Dirge Compilation 2CD 2013
Funeralopolis ...of Death Demo Cassette 2010
Funerus The Black Death EP 7" vinyl 2015
Funerus Festering Earth Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Garroted In the Court of Nyarlathotep Demo Cassette 2017
Ghoulgotha The Deathmass Cloak Full-length CD 2015
Ghoulgotha To Starve the Cross Full-length Digital 2016
Ghoulgotha To Starve the Cross Full-length CD 2016
Goreaphobia Apocalyptic Necromancy Full-length CD 2011
Goreaphobia Vile Beast of Abomination Compilation 12" vinyl 2015
Gorephilia Ascend to Chaos EP CD 2011
Gorephilia Embodiment of Death Full-length CD 2012
Gorephilia Severed Monolith Full-length CD 2017
Gorephilia Severed Monolith Full-length Digital 2017
Gorephilia In the Eye of Nothing Full-length CD 2020
Grave Miasma Abyss of Wrathful Deities Full-length Digital 2021
Grave Ritual Euphoric Hymns from the Altar of Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2010
Grave Ritual Morbid Throne Full-length CD 2015
Grave Ritual Morbid Throne Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Grave Ritual Morbid Throne Full-length Digital 2015
Gravehill When All Roads Lead to Hell Full-length CD 2011
Gravehill Death Curse Full-length CD 2014
Gravehill Death Curse Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Gravehill Death Curse Full-length Digital 2014
Gravehill When All Roads Lead to Hell Full-length Digital 2012
Gravehill Skullbearer EP Cassette 2016
Gravehill The Unchaste, the Profane, & the Wicked Full-length CD 2018
Gravehill The Unchaste, the Profane, & the Wicked Full-length Digital 2018
Gravehill The Unchaste, the Profane, & the Wicked Full-length Cassette 2018
Hacavitz Darkness Beyond Full-length CD 2015
Hacavitz Darkness Beyond Full-length Digital 2015
Had Had EP CD 2020
Har Cursed Creation Full-length CD 2024
Har Cursed Creation Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Har Cursed Creation Full-length Cassette 2024
Hazael Thor Full-length CD 2014
Heresiarch Hammer of Intransigence EP CD 2011
Heresiarch Death Ordinance Full-length CD 2017
Heresiarch Death Ordinance Full-length Digital 2017
Heresiarch Death Ordinance Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Heresiarch Ruination Single Digital 2017
Heresiarch Hammer of Intransigence EP Digital 2011
Heresiarch Scorn Coalescence Split 12" vinyl 2019
Serpents Athirst Scorn Coalescence Split 12" vinyl 2019
Genocide Shrines Scorn Coalescence Split 12" vinyl 2019
Trepanation Scorn Coalescence Split 12" vinyl 2019
Heresiarch Death Ordinance Full-length Cassette 2017
Holy Terror Guardians of the Netherworld: A Tribute to Keith Deen Compilation CD 2015
Horrendous The Chills Full-length CD 2012
Horrendous Sweet Blasphemies Demo Cassette 2010
Horrendous The Chills Full-length 12" vinyl 2012
Horrendous Sweet Blasphemies Demo CD 2014
Horrendous Sweet Blasphemies Demo 12" vinyl 2014
Horrendous Ecdysis Full-length CD 2014
Horrendous Ecdysis Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Horrendous Ecdysis Full-length Digital 2014
Horrendous The Chills Full-length Digital 2012
Horrendous Ecdysis Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Horrendous Anareta Full-length CD 2015
Horrendous The Chills Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Horrendous Anareta Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Horrendous Anareta Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Horrendous Ecdysis Full-length Cassette 2014
Horrendous The Chills Full-length Cassette 2012
Horrendous Anareta Full-length Cassette 2015
Horrendous Anareta Full-length Digital 2015
Horrendous The Chills Full-length CD 2018
Horrendous Sweet Blasphemies Demo 12" vinyl 2019
Horrendous Sweet Blasphemies Demo Cassette 2010
House of Atreus The Spear and the Ichor That Follows Full-length CD 2015
House of Atreus The Spear and the Ichor That Follows Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
House of Atreus The Spear and the Ichor That Follows Full-length Digital 2015
Human Corpse Abuse Xenoviscerum Full-length Digital 2022
Human Corpse Abuse Xenoviscerum Full-length CD 2023
Human Corpse Abuse Xenoviscerum Full-length Cassette 2023
Human Corpse Abuse Xenoviscerum Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Hyperdontia Nexus of Teeth Full-length Digital 2018
Hyperdontia Nexus of Teeth Full-length CD 2018
Hyperdontia A Vessel Forlorn Compilation CD 2019
Hyperdontia Hideous Entity Full-length Digital 2021
Hyperdontia Hideous Entity Full-length CD 2021
Hyperdontia Deranged EP CD 2023
Hyperdontia Deranged EP Cassette 2023
Hyperdontia Harvest of Malevolence Full-length Digital 2024
Hyperdontia Harvest of Malevolence Full-length CD 2024
Ilsa Tutti il colori del buio Full-length CD 2011
Imprecation Satanae Tenebris Infinita Full-length CD 2013
Imprecation Satanae Tenebris Infinita Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Imprecation Imprecation / Blaspherian Split 7" vinyl 2014
Blaspherian Imprecation / Blaspherian Split 7" vinyl 2014
Imprecation Satanae Tenebris Infinita Full-length Digital 2013
Imprecation Damnatio ad Bestias Full-length CD 2019
Imprecation Damnatio ad Bestias Full-length Digital 2019
Imprecation Damnatio ad Bestias Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Imprecation In Nomine Diaboli Full-length CD 2022
Imprecation In Nomine Diaboli Full-length Digital 2022
Imprecation In Nomine Diaboli Full-length Cassette 2022
Imprecation In Nomine Diaboli Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Imprecation In Nomine Diaboli Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Insanity Visions of Apocalypse Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Interment Scent of the Buried Full-length CD 2016
Invincible Force Satan Rebellion Metal Full-length CD 2015
Invincible Force Satan Rebellion Metal Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Invincible Force Satan Rebellion Metal Full-length Digital 2015
Invincible Force Decomposed Sacramentum Full-length CD 2020
Invincible Force Decomposed Sacramentum Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Invincible Force Decomposed Sacramentum Full-length Digital 2020
Jim Jones and the Kool-Ade Kids Trust Me... Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Jim Jones and the Kool-Ade Kids Trust Me... Full-length Cassette 2023
Jim Jones and the Kool-Ade Kids Trust Me... Full-length CD 2023
Jim Jones and the Kool-Ade Kids Trust Me... Full-length Digital 2023
Kever Eon of Cycling Death EP CD 2014
Kever Primordial Offerings EP CD 2019
Kraków Alive Live album Digital 2017
Krypts Unending Degradation Full-length CD 2013
Krypts Unending Degradation Full-length Cassette 2015
Krypts Remnants of Expansion Full-length CD 2016
Krypts Remnants of Expansion Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Krypts Remnants of Expansion Full-length Cassette 2016
Krypts Remnants of Expansion Full-length Digital 2016
Krypts Cadaver Circulation Full-length Digital 2019
Krypts Cadaver Circulation Full-length CD 2019
Krypts Cadaver Circulation Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Krypts Cadaver Circulation Full-length Cassette 2019
Krypts Descending Era of Putrefaction Compilation CD 2018
Krypts Cadaver Circulation Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Krypts Remnants of Expansion Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Krypts Remnants of Expansion Full-length CD 2019
Lantern Below Full-length CD 2013
Lantern Below Full-length 12" vinyl 2013
Lantern Below Full-length Cassette 2016
Lantern II: Morphosis Full-length Digital 2017
Lantern II: Morphosis Full-length CD 2017
Lantern II: Morphosis Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Lantern Lost Paragraphs EP 7" vinyl 2019
Lantern Lost Paragraphs EP Digital 2019
Lantern Dimensions Full-length Digital 2020
Lantern Dimensions Full-length CD 2020
Lantern Dimensions Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Lantern Below Full-length CD 2014
Lie in Ruins Towards Divine Death Full-length CD 2014
Lie in Ruins Towards Divine Death Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2014
Lie in Ruins Towards Divine Death Full-length Digital 2014
Lie in Ruins Demise EP Digital 2018
Lie in Ruins Demise EP CD 2018
Lie in Ruins Floating in Timeless Streams Full-length Digital 2020
Lie in Ruins Floating in Timeless Streams Full-length CD 2020
Lie in Ruins Floating in Timeless Streams Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Living Decay Filled with Rot / Doomed to Last Compilation Cassette 2011
Lvcifyre Svn Eater Full-length Digital 2014
Lvcifyre Svn Eater Full-length CD 2014
Lvcifyre Svn Eater Full-length Cassette 2015
Lvcifyre Svn Eater Full-length Cassette 2015
Lvcifyre Sacrament EP Digital 2019
Lvcifyre Sacrament EP CD 2019
Lvcifyre Sacrament EP 12" vinyl 2019
Lvcifyre Svn Eater Full-length 12" vinyl 2015
Lvcifyre Svn Eater Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Lvcifyre Svn Eater Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Lvcifyre The Broken Seal Full-length Cassette 2021
Lvcifyre The Broken Seal Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Lvcifyre The Broken Seal Full-length Digital 2021
Lvcifyre The Broken Seal Full-length CD 2021
Lvcifyre The Broken Seal Full-length Digital 2021
Maimed Demo #1 '91 Demo 12" vinyl 2020
Maimed Demo #1 '91 Demo Cassette 2020
Maimed Demo #1 '91 Demo CD 2020
Maimed Demo #1 '91 Demo Digital 2020
Malicious Black Fumes EP CD 2017
Malignant Altar Realms of Exquisite Morbidity Full-length CD 2021
Malignant Altar Realms of Exquisite Morbidity Full-length Digital 2021
Malignant Altar Realms of Exquisite Morbidity Full-length Cassette 2021
Malignant Altar Realms of Exquisite Morbidity Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Malignant Altar Realms of Exquisite Morbidity Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Malignant Altar Retribution of Jealous Gods Demo CD 2022
Malignant Altar Retribution of Jealous Gods Demo Cassette 2022
Malthusian Across Deaths Full-length Digital 2018
Malthusian Across Deaths Full-length CD 2018
Malthusian Across Deaths Full-length CD 2018
Mandatory In Torment Compilation Cassette 2010
Mannveira Ellorsith / Mannveira Split 12" vinyl 2016
Ellorsith Ellorsith / Mannveira Split 12" vinyl 2016
Mannveira Vítahringur Full-length CD 2021
Mannveira Vítahringur Full-length Digital 2021
Mannveira Vítahringur Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Maveth Coils of the Black Earth Full-length CD 2012
Maveth Coils of the Black Earth Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2013
Maveth Coils of the Black Earth Full-length Digital 2012
Megatomb Louder than a Thousand Deaths EP CD 2013
Miasmal Miasmal Full-length CD 2011
Mitochondrion Antinumerology EP 7" vinyl 2013
Mitochondrion Archaeaeon Full-length CD 2011
Mitochondrion Archaeaeon Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2012
Mitochondrion Antinumerology EP Digital 2013
Mitochondrion In Cronian Hour Split 7" vinyl 2016
Auroch In Cronian Hour Split 7" vinyl 2016
Mitochondrion Archaeaeon Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2014
Mitochondrion Archaeaeon Full-length Digital 2011
Morbo Eternal City of the Dead Demo Cassette 2010
Morgion God of Death & Disease Compilation CD 2012
Morgue Eroded Thoughts Full-length CD 2014
Morpheus Descends From Blackened Crypts Boxed set CD 2015
Morpheus Descends From Blackened Crypts EP 7" vinyl 2015
Morpheus Descends Chronicles of the Shadowed Ones EP CD 2023
Morpheus Descends Chronicles of the Shadowed Ones EP 12" vinyl 2023
Morpheus Descends Ritual of Infinity Full-length CD 2023
Morpheus Descends Ritual of Infinity Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Mortal Wound The Anus of the World Full-length CD 2024
Mortuary Drape Secret Sudaria Full-length CD 2011
Mortuary Drape Secret Sudaria Full-length CD 2016
Necrophile Mementos in the Misting Woods Compilation CD 2011
Necrovorous Plains of Decay Full-length CD 2017
Necrovorous Plains of Decay Full-length Digital 2017
Necrovorous Plains of Decay Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Nexion Nexion EP CD 2011
NME Unholy Death Compilation 2CD 2012
Nox Formulae The Hidden Paths to Black Ecstasy Full-length CD 2016
Nox Formulae The Hidden Paths to Black Ecstasy Full-length Digital 2016
Nox Formulae The Hidden Paths to Black Ecstasy Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Nox Formulae Drakon Darshan Satan Full-length CD 2020
Nox Formulae Drakon Darshan Satan Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Nuclearhammer Heretical Serpent Cult Split CD 2011
Begrime Exemious Heretical Serpent Cult Split CD 2011
Oath of Cruelty Summary Execution at Dawn Full-length CD 2019
Oath of Cruelty Summary Execution at Dawn Full-length Digital 2019
Oath of Cruelty Summary Execution at Dawn Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Obliteration Cenotaph Obscure Full-length CD 2018
Obliteration Cenotaph Obscure Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Oblong Box Oblong Box Demo Cassette 2014
Paroxsihzem Paroxsihzem Full-length CD 2012
Pentacle Eternal Solstice / Pentacle Split 2 7" vinyls 2013
Eternal Solstice Eternal Solstice / Pentacle Split 2 7" vinyls 2013
Phobocosm Deprived Full-length Digital 2014
Phobocosm Deprived Full-length CD 2014
Phobocosm Deprived Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Phobocosm Bringer of Drought Full-length CD 2016
Phobocosm Bringer of Drought Full-length Digital 2016
Phobocosm Bringer of Drought Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Phobocosm Everlasting Void EP 7" vinyl 2019
Phobocosm Everlasting Void EP Digital 2019
Phobocosm Foreordained Full-length CD 2023
Phobocosm Foreordained Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Phobocosm Foreordained Full-length Digital 2023
Phrenelith Desolate Endscape Full-length CD 2017
Phrenelith Desolate Endscape Full-length Digital 2017
Profanal United in Death Split 7" vinyl 2011
Obscure Infinity United in Death Split 7" vinyl 2011
Proscription Conduit Full-length Digital 2020
Proscription Conduit Full-length CD 2020
Proscription Conduit Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Proscription Conduit Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Qrixkuor Poison Palinopsia Full-length CD 2021
Qrixkuor Poison Palinopsia Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Qrixkuor Poison Palinopsia Full-length Cassette 2021
Qrixkuor Poison Palinopsia Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Reliquary Nothingness Victory Demo Cassette 2012
Reverence to Paroxysm Lux Morte Full-length CD 2023
Ripper Experiment of Existence Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Ritual Necromancy Oath of the Abyss Full-length CD 2011
Ritual Necromancy Oath of the Abyss Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Ritual Necromancy Void Manifest EP 12" vinyl 2014
Ritual Necromancy Disinterred Horror Full-length CD 2018
Ritual Necromancy Void Manifest EP Digital 2014
Ritual Necromancy Disinterred Horror Full-length Digital 2018
Ritual Necromancy Disinterred Horror Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Ritual Necromancy Disinterred Horror Full-length Cassette 2018
Ruinous Graves of Ceaseless Death Full-length CD 2016
Ruinous Graves of Ceaseless Death Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Ruinous Graves of Ceaseless Death Full-length Digital 2016
San la Muerte Lipreading the Dead EP CD 2013
Sarcasm Burial Dimensions Compilation 2CD 2015
Sarcasm Burial Dimensions Compilation Digital 2015
Sarcasm Burial Dimensions Full-length 12" vinyl 2016
Sarcasm Within the Sphere of Ethereal Minds Full-length CD 2017
Sarcasm Within the Sphere of Ethereal Minds Full-length Digital 2017
Sarcasm Within the Sphere of Ethereal Minds Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Sarcasm Within the Sphere of Ethereal Minds Full-length Cassette 2018
Sempiternal Dusk Sempiternal Dusk Full-length CD 2014
Sempiternal Dusk Sempiternal Dusk Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Sempiternal Dusk Cenotaph of Defectuous Creation Full-length CD 2019
Sempiternal Dusk Cenotaph of Defectuous Creation Full-length Digital 2019
Sempiternal Dusk Cenotaph of Defectuous Creation Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Septage Septisk Eradikasyon EP Digital 2021
Septage Septisk Eradikasyon EP CD 2021
Septage Septic Worship (Intolerant Spree of Infesting Forms) Full-length CD 2024
Sheidim Shrines of the Void Full-length CD 2016
Sinistrous Diabolus Opus One Demo Cassette 2011
Skeletal Remains Devouring Mortality Full-length CD 2018
Skeletal Remains Devouring Mortality Full-length Digital 2018
Skeletal Remains Devouring Mortality Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Skeletal Remains Devouring Mortality Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Skeletal Remains Devouring Mortality Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Skeletal Remains Devouring Mortality Full-length 12" vinyl 2021
Solstice Death's Crown Is Victory EP CD 2016
Solstice White Horse Hill Full-length CD 2018
Solstice White Horse Hill Full-length CD 2018
Solstice White Horse Hill Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Sovereign Altered Realities Full-length Digital 2024
Sovereign Altered Realities Full-length CD 2024
Sovereign Altered Realities Full-length Cassette 2024
Sovereign Altered Realities Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Spectral Voice Necrotic Doom Demo CD 2015
Spectral Voice Necrotic Doom Demo 12" vinyl 2016
Spectral Voice Eroded Corridors of Unbeing Full-length CD 2017
Spectral Voice Eroded Corridors of Unbeing Full-length Cassette 2017
Spectral Voice Eroded Corridors of Unbeing Full-length 12" vinyl 2017
Spectral Voice Eroded Corridors of Unbeing Full-length Digital 2017
Spectral Voice Eroded Corridors of Unbeing Full-length CD 2017
Spectral Voice Eroded Corridors of Unbeing Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Spectral Voice Eroded Corridors of Unbeing Full-length 12" vinyl 2020
Spectral Voice Necrotic Demos Compilation CD 2020
Spectral Voice Necrotic Demos Compilation Digital 2020
Spectral Voice Eroded Corridors of Unbeing Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Spectral Voice Necrotic Doom Demo 12" vinyl 2017
Spectral Voice Sparagmos Full-length CD 2024
Spectral Voice Sparagmos Full-length Digital 2024
Spectral Voice Sparagmos Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Spectral Voice Sparagmos Full-length Cassette 2024
Strychnos A Mother's Curse Full-length Digital 2022
Strychnos A Mother's Curse Full-length CD 2022
Strychnos A Mother's Curse Full-length Cassette 2022
Strychnos A Mother's Curse Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Strychnos Armageddon Patronage Full-length CD 2024
Strychnos Armageddon Patronage Full-length Digital 2024
Strychnos Armageddon Patronage Full-length Cassette 2024
Strychnos Armageddon Patronage Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Sulphurous Dolorous Death Knell Full-length CD 2018
Sulphurous Dolorous Death Knell Full-length Digital 2018
Sulphurous The Black Mouth of Sepulchre Full-length CD 2021
Suppression The Sorrow of Soul Through Flesh Full-length 12" vinyl 2022
Swallowed Lunarterial Full-length CD 2014
Swallowed Lunarterial Full-length Digital 2014
Temple Nightside Condemnation Full-length CD 2013
Temple Nightside Condemnation Full-length Digital 2013
Thantifaxath Thantifaxath EP Cassette 2011
Thantifaxath Sacred White Noise Full-length CD 2014
Thantifaxath Sacred White Noise Full-length 12" vinyl 2014
Thantifaxath Sacred White Noise Full-length Digital 2014
Thantifaxath Thantifaxath EP CD 2014
Thantifaxath Thantifaxath EP Digital 2014
Thantifaxath Void Masquerading as Matter EP CD 2017
Thantifaxath Void Masquerading as Matter EP Digital 2017
Thantifaxath Void Masquerading as Matter EP 12" vinyl 2018
Thantifaxath Hive Mind Narcosis Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Thantifaxath Hive Mind Narcosis Full-length CD 2023
Thantifaxath Hive Mind Narcosis Full-length Cassette 2023
Thantifaxath Hive Mind Narcosis Full-length Digital 2023
The Chasm The Scars of a Lost Reflective Shadow Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
The Lord Diabolus Down There... Demo 12" vinyl 2019
The Wakedead Gathering Tenements of Ephemera Full-length Cassette 2010
Thevetat Disease to Divide Demo CD 2012
Thevetat Desecration of Divine Presence EP 7" vinyl 2015
Third Storm Tarîtîya Me EP CD 2015
Third Storm Tarîtîya Me EP 12" vinyl 2015
Third Storm The Grand Manifestation Full-length CD 2018
Third Storm The Grand Manifestation Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Third Storm The Grand Manifestation Full-length Digital 2018
Third Storm Tarîtîya Me EP Digital 2015
Timeghoul 1992-1994 Discography Compilation CD 2012
Timeghoul 1992-1994 Discography Compilation 2CD 2013
Timeghoul 1992-1994 Discography Compilation 2CD 2019
Torso Demonic Vomiting Demo CD 2019
Toxaemia Buried to Rise: 1990-1991 Discography Compilation 2CD 2010
Tyranny Aeons in Tectonic Interment Full-length CD 2015
Tyranny Aeons in Tectonic Interment Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2015
Tyranny Aeons in Tectonic Interment Full-length Digital 2015
Úlfúð Of Existential Distortion Full-length CD 2023
Úlfúð Of Existential Distortion Full-length Digital 2023
Úlfúð Of Existential Distortion Full-length 12" vinyl 2023
Úlfúð Of Existential Distortion Full-length Cassette 2023
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath Full-length CD 2014
Unaussprechlichen Kulten People of the Monolith Full-length CD 2013
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath Full-length Digital 2014
Unaussprechlichen Kulten Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath Full-length CD 2014
Uncanny The Path of Flesh EP 7" vinyl 2012
Uncanny MCMXCI - MCMXCIV Compilation 2CD 2011
Unconsecrated Slave to the Grave EP 7" vinyl 2010
Undead Creep The Ever-Burning Torch Full-length CD 2011
Undergang Døden læger alle sår Full-length CD 2015
Undergang Døden læger alle sår Full-length Digital 2015
Undergang Misantropologi Full-length CD 2017
Undergang Misantropologi Full-length Digital 2017
Undergang Levende forrådnelse ... Live i USA Live album CD 2018
Undergang Levende forrådnelse ... Live i USA Live album Digital 2018
Undergang Ufrivillig donation af vitale organer EP CD 2019
Undergang Aldrig i livet Full-length CD 2020
Undergang Aldrig i livet Full-length Digital 2020
Undergang Aldrig i livet Full-length Cassette 2020
Undergang Spectral Voice / Undergang Split Digital 2023
Spectral Voice Spectral Voice / Undergang Split Digital 2023
Undergang Spectral Voice / Undergang Split CD 2023
Spectral Voice Spectral Voice / Undergang Split CD 2023
Undergang De syv stadier af ford​æ​rv EP CD 2023
Undergang De syv stadier af ford​æ​rv EP Cassette 2023
Undergang Levende forrådnelse ... Live i USA Live album 12" vinyl 2018
Utumno Across the Horizon EP Cassette 2011
Vacuous Dreams of Dysphoria Full-length CD 2022
Vanhelgd Deimos Sanktuarium Full-length CD 2018
Vanhelgd Deimos Sanktuarium Full-length CD 2018
Vanhelgd Deimos Sanktuarium Full-length 12" vinyl 2018
Vanhelgd Temple of Phobos Full-length CD 2016
Vanhelgd Temple of Phobos Full-length 2 vinyls 2016
Vanhelgd Atropos Doctrina Full-length CD 2024
Vanhelgd Atropos Doctrina Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Vanhelgd Atropos Doctrina Full-length Cassette 2024
Vanhelgd Atropos Doctrina Full-length Digital 2024
Vassafor Elegy of the Archeonaut Compilation CD 2012
Vassafor Elegy of the Archeonaut Compilation 2 12" vinyls 2014
Vastum Vastum / Spectral Voice Split 7" vinyl 2018
Spectral Voice Vastum / Spectral Voice Split 7" vinyl 2018
Vastum Vastum / Spectral Voice Split 7" vinyl 2018
Spectral Voice Vastum / Spectral Voice Split 7" vinyl 2018
Vastum Vastum / Spectral Voice Split Digital 2018
Spectral Voice Vastum / Spectral Voice Split Digital 2018
Vircolac Codex Perfida Demo CD 2015
Vircolac The Cursed Travails of the Demeter EP Digital 2016
Vircolac Masque Full-length Digital 2019
Vircolac Masque Full-length CD 2019
Vircolac Masque Full-length 12" vinyl 2019
Vircolac Masque Full-length Cassette 2019
Vircolac The Cursed Travails of the Demeter EP CD 2016
Vircolac Veneration Full-length 12" vinyl 2024
Vircolac Veneration Full-length CD 2024
Vircolac Veneration Full-length Digital 2024
Vorum Poisoned Void Full-length CD 2013
Weregoat Unholy Exaltation of Fullmoon Perversity EP CD 2012
Witchrist The Grand Tormentor Full-length Cassette 2014
Wodensthrone Curse Full-length 2 12" vinyls 2012
Wombbath Downfall Rising Full-length CD 2015
Xenomorph Empyreal Regimes Full-length CD 2011